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User’s Manual LGP Series Handheld CCD Scanner 25-ULGPMU01-01 April 2002 Keyboard Wedge Interface USB Interface RS232 Interface 8 Olympic Drive Orangeburg, NY 10962 Tel 845.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Table of Contents PART I CCD Scanning General Information ...................................
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Part I General Information The LGP-6125 Seri es CCD Scanners utilize state-of-the-art im agi ng technology similar to that fou nd in digital cameras, facsimile machines and video camcorders.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Part II Installation and SetUp This section of the manual c ontains i nformation on the physi cal installat ion of the scanne r as well as ce rtain prog ramming opti ons. There is a separate section for each type of interface.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Reset All Defaults – Ke yboard Wedge Interface Our scanners a re shipped wi th factory default set tings that represe nt the sett ings most com monly used by our custom ers. In m ost applications, the scanner will work right out of the box without an y need fo r additional programming.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Keyboard Wedge and USB options With Keyboard: Use this mode in case a key boa rd is connected to the PC wedge Y-cable. The Wedge is only listening in case the computer is booting or the wedge is idle.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Intercharacter Delay for Keyboard Wedge interface The scanner may send data faster tha n the com puter or applica tion program can accept. This is called " keyboard buffer ove rrun" .
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner B.) Installation – RS232 Interface The RS-232 scanner cable is t erminated in with a DB 9 female co nnector. An external power supply ( +5V DC) may be necessar y. There is a power supply jack on the RS-232 connector.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner RS-232C Communication Parameters Handshaking Protocol ZZ Start Program Menu [[ P0 None Q1 % HP04 RTS/CTS +IQ15+ P3 ACK/NAK .
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Data Bits / Stop Bits / Parity L0 7 Data Bits M1 L1 8 Data Bits M2 % L5 1 Stop Bit M6 % L6 2 Stop Bits M7 L3 Even Parity M.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner C.) Installation – USB Interface Plug the scann er into the USB connect or on y our host com puter. PC must be ru nning W indows 98 or highe r or iMac Re v A or higher. The computer will sense the presen ce of th e scan ner and load any required software driv ers au tomatically.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Part III Bar Code Menu Functions Section A Programming the Scanner This manual contains information that allows you to easily change certain pro grammable pa rameters of the scanner. The sca nner i s ready to use - no additional programming is required in most s ituations.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Symbology Selection ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ A0 Read all codes B1 % B3 A2 Code 39 only A3 Codabar only B! A4 IATA only B5 .
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Symbology Selection (continued) ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ J2 UPC+2 only K3 J3 UPC+5 only K! J4 EAN only K5 J5 E.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Symbology Additions If scanner will not be used to read all symbologies (default se ttin g), speed operation by using th is menu to add only the speci fic symbologi es being use d (add only the sym bologies that are re quired).
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Symbology A ddi ti on s (c on ti nued) ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ R4 Enable EAN S5 R5 Enable EAN+2 S6 R6 Enable EAN+5 S7.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Setting the Number of Characters to be Scanned ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ H0 Fixed length OFF all codes I1 % H1 Fixed length ON all codes I2 HK Fixed length ON selected codes IL HL Min.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner UPC-A/E Settings Options f or UPC-A a nd UPC- E bar code s. NOTE : Abbreviations: Xmit = transmit; CD = Check digit; CC = Co un try code ZZ St.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner UPC Settings (co ntinued) Options for UPC-A - The UPC-A sym bology is a fixed leng th symbology encoding 11 data digits, a check d igit and non printable start/stop c haracters. S upported c haracters are n umeric digi ts 1 to 9.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner EAN-13 and EAN-8 Settings ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ 6K EAN-13 transmit CD 7L % 6J EAN-13 do not transmit CD 7K 6I EAN-8.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner EAN-13 and EAN-8 Settings EAN-13 is a fixed le ngth symbol ogy enc oding 12 data digi ts, a check di git and no n printable st art/stop characters. Sup ported characters are num eric digits 0 to 9.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Code 39 Settings ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ C0 Check CD D1 C1 Do not check CD D2 % D0 X mit ST/SP E1 D1 Do not x.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Code 39 Settings (c ontinued) Code 39 is a variable length symbology with an optional check di git ("CD") and printable start/s top ( " ST/SP") charac ters.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Codabar Settings ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ F0 Do not transmit start/stop G1 % F1 Transmit start/stop as ABCD/TN* E G2 F.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Codabar Settings (c ontinued) ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ HA Enable Codabar normal mode only IB % HB Min. data 3 chars. IC HC Min. data 1 char. ID HD Enable space insertion IE HE Disable space insertion IF % HF Min.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Codabar Settings (c ontinued) ABC-Code - The ABC code i s an acronym for Ameri can Blood C ommission.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner 2of5 Settings ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ E0 Transmit CD F1 % E1 Do not transmit CD F2 G0 Do not check CD H1 % G1 Check CD H2 GE Min. data 1 char. HF GF Min.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner 2of5 Settings (continued) Code 2of5 is a variable length symbology with an optional ch eck digit and non printable start and stop character. Supported characters include num eric digits 0 to 9.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner MSI/Plessey Settings ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ 4A Do not check CD 5B 4B Check 1 CD = Mod 10 5C % 4C Check 2 CD's = Mod.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Code 128, EAN 128 Settings ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ JF Enable EAN 128 only KG MO Enable FNC2 concat-enation NP MP Disable .
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner IATA Settings ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ 4H Do not check CD 5I % 4I Check S/N only 5J 4J Check CPN, S/N 5K 4K Check C.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Telepen Settings ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ D2 Numeri c mode E3 % D3 ASCII mode E! Telepen is a variable length symbology with a check dig it an d non printable start/stop cha racters.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Case Conversion ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ YZ No case conversion Z[ % YW Convert to upper case ZX YX Convert to lower case Z.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Setting a Prefix or Suffix A Prefix a nd Suffix c onsistin g of a ma ximum 4 direct input entries each may be in cluded in front and at th e end of the string, respectively. The following steps are u sed to establish a Prefix or Suffix that will be transmitted with the b ar code data.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Prefix Settings (continued) ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ M7 Interleaved 2of5 N8 M8 Code 93 N9 M9 Code 128 N: N0 MSI/Plessey O1.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Suffix Settings ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ GM Matrix 2of5 HN I9 IATA J: L9 Telepen M: N5 MSI/Plessey O6 N6 UPC-A .
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Suffix Settings (continued) ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ O6 Industrial 2of5 P7 O7 Interleaved 2of5 P8 O8 Code 93 P9 O9 .
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Direct Input Keyboard Keys ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ 8J F1 9K 8K F2 9L 8L F3 9M 8M F4 9N 8N F5 9O 8O F6 9P 8P F7 9Q 8Q F8 9R 8R F9 9S 8S F10 9T 8T F11 9U 8U F12 9V 9X Backspace :Y 7H TAB 8I CONTINUED ON NEXT P AGE.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Direct Input Keyboard Keys (continued) ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ 7I Carriage return 8J % 7Q Enter (numeric pad) 8R 7R Enter mak.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Direct Input Keyboard Keys (continued) ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ 7P Page down 8Q 7U Left <Shift> 8V 7W Left <Ctrl> .
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Direct Input Characters ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ 5A <SPACE> 6B 5B ! 6C 5C " 6D 5D # 6E 5E $ 6F 5F % 6G 5G & 6H 5H ' 6I 5I ( 6J 5J ) 6K 5K * 6L 5L + 6M 5M , 6N 5N - 6O CONTINUED ON NEXT P AGE.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Direct Input Charac ters (c ontinued) ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ 5O . 6P 5P / 6Q 6A : 7B 6B ; 7C 6C < 7D 6D = 7E 6E > 7F 6F ? 7G 6G @ 7H 7A [ 8B 7B 8C 7C ] 8D 7D ^ 8E 7E _ 8F CONTINUED ON NEXT P AGE.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Direct Input Charac ters (c ontinued) ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ 7F ` 8G 9T { :U 9U | :V 9V } :W 9W ~ :X CONTINUED ON NEXT P AGE.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Direct Input Charac ters (c ontinued) ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ Q0 0 R1 Q1 1 R2 Q2 2 R3 Q3 3 R! Q4 4 R5 Q5 5 R6 Q6 6 R7 Q7 7 R8 Q8 8 R9 Q9 9 R: 0A A 1B 0B B 1C 0C C 1D CONTINUED ON NEXT P AGE.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Direct Input Charac ters (c ontinued) ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ 0D D 1E 0E E 1F 0F F 1G 0G G 1H 0H H 1I 0I I 1J 0J J 1K 0K K 1L 0L L 1M 0M M 1N 0N N 1O 0O O 1P 0P P 1Q 0Q Q 1R CONTINUED ON NEXT P AGE.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Direct Input Charac ters (c ontinued) ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ 0R R 1S 0S S 1T 0T T 1U 0U U 1V 0V V 1W 0W W 1X 0X X 1Y 0Y Y 1Z 0Z Z 1[ $A a %B $B b %C $C c %D $D d %E $E e %F CONTINUED ON NEXT P AGE.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Direct Input Characters (continued) ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ $F f %G $G g %H $H h %I $I i %J $J j %K $K k %L $L l %M $M m %N $N n %O $O o %P $P p %Q/ $Q q %R $R r %S $S s %T CONTINUED ON NEXT P AGE.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Direct Input Charac ters (c ontinued) ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ $T t %U $U u %V $V v %W $W w %X $X x %Y $Y y %Z .
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Direct Input Control Characters ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ 9G ^@(NULL) :H 1A ^A(SOH) 2B 1B ^B(STX) 2C 1C ^C(ETX) 2D 1D ^.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Direct Input Control Characters (continued) ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ 1N ^N(SO) 2O 1O ^O(SI) 2P 1P ^P(DLE) 2Q 1Q ^Q(DC1) 2R.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Direct Input Control Characters (c ontinued) ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ 9B ^(FS) :C 9C ^](GS) :D 9D ^^(RS) :E 9E ^_(US) :F .
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Read Mode Settin gs ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ S0 Single read T1 S1 Multiple read T2 % S2 Continuous read T3 XA Add-on wait mode disabled YB XB Add-on wait mode 0.25 sec. TC XC Add-on wait mode 0.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Trigger Settings ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ S7 Disable trigger T8 S8 Enable trigger T9 Disable Trigger - This is applicable to readers which have a trigger sw itch. When this option is selected, the reader will stay ON all the time.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Quiet Zone Settings ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ YN No margin check ZO YO Margin check 1/7 normal ZP YP Margin check 2/7 normal ZQ.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Read Time Settings ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ Y0 0 seconds Z1 Y1 1 second Z2 Y2 2 seconds Z3 % Y3 3 seconds Z! Y4 4 seco.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Redundant Decoding Settings ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ X0 No redundancy Y1 X1 Two times redundant Y2 % X2 Three times redundant .
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Buzzer Settings ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ W8 Enable software buzzer X9 % W0 Disable buzzer X1 W1 Single tone buzzer X2 W2 High - low buzzer X3 % W3 Low - high buzzer X! W7 Buzzer duration 50 msec.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Buzzer Settings ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ VZ Buzzer after transmission W[ GD Disable startup buzzer HE GC Enable startup buzzer HD Buzzer Settings - These options determine the buzzer type , tone, duration and loudne ss.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner Good Read LED ZZ Start/End Program Menu [[ T4 Disable indicator U5 T5 Indicator duration 0.
Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01 Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner History of changes to Manual Sept 2002 Corrected programming bar codes for Comp uter Type Selection (keyboard w edge).
デバイスOpticon RS232の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Opticon RS232をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはOpticon RS232の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Opticon RS232の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Opticon RS232で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Opticon RS232を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はOpticon RS232の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Opticon RS232に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちOpticon RS232デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。