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Cat. No. 16-549/550/632 OWNER’S MANUAL Please read before using this equipme nt. 4-HEAD VHS HQ VC R Mo d el 112 (16-5 49) Mo d el 113 (16-5 50) Mo del 62 (Hi-Fi) (16-632) 16-5 49 .
2 IMPO RT ANT SA F ETY INSTRU CTIONS 1. Re ad inst ruct ions — All the safet y and o per atin g ins tructio ns shou ld b e r ead b ef ore t he ap pli ance is ope r- ated . 2. Reta in Ins truc tions — Th e safet y and op era tin g instruc- ti ons shoul d b e re tain ed fo r fu tur e refe ren ce.
3 14. Li ghtning — For add ed protec tion for t his VCR rec eiver duri n g a li g htnin g sto rm , o r w hen i t i s lef t unat tende d a nd unu sed f or lon g per io ds of tim e, unpl u g it from the w all outlet and d isconn ect the ante nna or cab le s y stem.
4 FEA TURES Your O ptimus M odel 1 12/113/62 4-Head VHS HQ VCR offers som e of the m ost advanced features ava ilable in home video cassette re- corders. Your VCR’s PLL (phase-locked loop ) tuning ensures e xtremely a ccurate t un ing of up to 68 VHF and UHF chann els a nd up to 125 cable channels.
5 Fast-Forw ard /Rew ind with Visu al Search Freeze-Frame /Fram e Advan ce/S low-M otion Automatic Rewind OTHER FE ATURES Multi c h a nn e l Tel e vi s io n S o un d (M TS) (M od - el 62 only) — decodes stereo broadcas t s for listening or rec o rding.
6 CONTENTS Before Y ou Be g in ... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... ... .... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .... 8 Supp li e d Accesso rie s .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .
7 Usin g I n dex Se arch .... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ....... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ....... ..... ..... ... 25 Dire ct Acc ess I n dex Search .. ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ...
8 BEFORE Y O U BEGIN SUPPLI ED ACCESSORIES Be sure to remove these items bef o r e you store the p acking m aterial. • Remote control • 75-ohm coaxial cable Depending u pon your audio/video s ystem set - up, you m ight need add itional cables or a dapt- ers (avail able at you r local RadioShack store).
9 IN STALLATI ON COMMO N CONNECTIONS Refer to the i ll ustrations o n Page 10 (Model 6 2) or 11 (M odel 112 /113) for t hese co nnections. Note: S ome conn ections shown in this section might require addi ti o nal supplies, available from y our loca l RadioShack st ore.
10 MODEL 62 CONNECTIONS Cable Box Model 62 TV Optional TV Antenna In Connection (Optional Camcorder/2nd VCR/DSS System) Stereo Audio/Video Cable Stereo Audio/Video Cable VHF/UHF Splitter/Combiner OUT .
11 M OD EL 1 12/ 1 13 C ONNE C TI ONS Cable Box Models 112/113 TV Optional TV Antenna In Connection (Optional Camcorder/2nd VCR/DSS System) Audio/Video Cable Audio/Video Cable VHF/UHF Splitter/Combine.
12 HOME TH E ATER CONNECTIONS ( MODEL 62 SH OWN) Refer to t his illustration to connect your VCR to a home theater system . Cable Box Model 62 TV/Monitor A/V RECEIVER TV Stereo Audio/Video Cable Stere.
13 CAMCORDER CO NNECTIONS Your Model 62 VCR has jacks on its front pa nel that let you e asily connect a camcorde r or other video source. You can also connec t a camcorder to the AUDIO IN and VIDEO IN ja cks on the b ack panel of your M odel 112 /113 VCR.
14 VCR SET UP SETTI NG THE VCR’S OUTPUT CHANNEL SWITCH If you connected the VCR’s O UT TO TV term i- nal to a TV or another VCR, set 3-CH-4 on the back of t h e V CR to 3 or 4 , whichever is not an active channel in your area.
15 INITIAL SET UP Sett ing th e On-S creen Lan guage/ Channels/Clo ck When you first plug in t h e VCR and t u r n it on, when yo u turn it on after power was inte r rupted for longer than 24 hours, or when you reset the VCR’s memory, t he VCR prompts you t o select a language, then scans f or active chan nels in your are a and st ores them.
16 • If you have n ot connected the VCR to an antenna, c able T V , or o ther signal source through the IN FROM ANT term i- nal, the VCR does not s tore any channel in memory .
17 When th e information is correct and the time reac hes the minute y ou set in S tep 7, press MENU twice. The currently set time appears and the clock starts running.
18 2. Repeatedly press PLA Y or ST OP to high- light SE T UP CHAN NEL , then pr ess FA S T - F . 3. Press FA S T - F agai n to sele c t the broadcast syste m ( TV or CATV ) . 4. Press ST OP to highlight AUTO SET , then press FA ST -F . 5. Press CH s .
19 USING THE VCR REMO TE CONTROL WITH YOUR T V OR CABLE BOX In addition to c ontrolling your V CR, th e remote control can operate the basic functions of your TV and cable b ox. Follow these steps t o p ro- gram the remote control with the c o rrect manu- facturer’s code n umber f or that T V and cable box.
20 2. While holding down TV , enter the code number for your TV using the num ber but- tons Or , while hold ing down CA TV , ent er the code num ber for your cabl e box using the nu mbered bu ttons. Precede a sin g le-digit code num ber with a 0 — fo r example, 01, 02, etc.
21 OPE RATION WA T C H I N G T V Usin g the TV’ s T uner To watch a broadcast using t h e TV’s t u ner, t urn off the VCR, or repeatedly press TV/VCR until VCR disa ppears from t he VCR’s d isplay. Note: If you are usi ng a TV/mon it or con nected to the VCR’s AUDI O/VIDEO OUT jack s, be s ure to set the TV/monitor to the TV mode .
22 VIEWING A VIDEO T APE Load ing a V ide o T ape 1. T urn on the TV and set it to the sam e chan- nel as the VCR’s 3-CH-4 switc h . Note: If you are using a TV/m onitor that i s connected to the VCR’s A UDIO/VIDEO OUT jacks, set the TV/mon itor to the vi deo mode.
23 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS SPECIAL DISPLAYS Blu e Screen D i splay Th e VCR disp lay s a blue scree n on t he TV whe n you s el ect the VC R mod e, play unre - cor ded port ion s of a t ape, or whe n yo u tune to a weak TV s tatio n.
24 Notes: • If you leave the VCR i n the freez e-frame mode for 3 minutes , the VCR stops playing the tape to protect the v ideo heads . • T o re duce or eliminate jitter in the freeze- frame picture, press and hold CH s or CH t until the picture is clear .
25 USING INDEX SEARCH Your VCR has the VHS Index Search Sys t em. Each time you start recording , the VCR auto- matically marks the t ape with an index mark at that location. You can lo cate the recording y ou want to play or skip the recordi ng(s) you do n’t want to watch b y ei ther ent ering the number of index marks or by scannin g.
26 3. Press FA S T- F so ON a ppears. 4. When you finish set ting the repeat play option, p ress MENU twi c e . 5. Press PLA Y t o start repea t playback. REP appears. The VCR repeats playback from the beginning to the end of the tape, or to the first unrecorded portion that is at least 30 se conds long.
27 RECORDING There are four ways to record using your V CR: • Immediate recordi ng — to rec ord a broad- cast as you watch it or record on e program on the VCR whil e you watch another on the T V . • Automatic tim er recording — to record a broadcast at a t ime you set.
28 SELECTI NG T HE SIGNAL TO RECORD You can select the s igna l to record — from the IN F ROM A NT jack or an au dio/video source — in either o f these ways.
29 Note: T o rec ord wit h out a set duration, skip Step 9. 9. Press REC/TIME a gain. The recording length appears on the TV screen. Repeat- edly press REC/TIME to ad v a nce the tim er to t he desired recording length. The recording lengt h advances in 3 0-minute increment s up to 2 hours, t he n in 1-hour increment s up to 4 hours.
30 Set tin g a Timer Note: If you use a T V/monitor that is connected to the VCR’s AUDI O/VIDEO OUT jac ks, se t th e TV/mon itor to the video mode and skip Steps 2 and 3. 1. T urn on the VCR an d the TV . 2. Set the TV to t he same channe l as 3- CH-4 on the back of the V CR.
31 To record a broadcast at a sp ecif ic time and date , repeatedly press PLA Y or ST O P to select the specific da te. Pr ess FA S T - F to store your sel ec tion. 9. Repeatedly press PLA Y or STOP t o sel ect the start ho ur . W hen the correct ho ur appears, pres s FA S T - F .
32 2. T urn on t he VCR and repea t edly pr es s TV/ VCR until VCR appea rs. 3. Press PR OG . The fir st four t imer settings appear . 4. Repeatedly press PLA Y or STOP t o sel ect the setting you want to change , t hen pres s FA S T - F . 5. Follow Steps 8–1 2 unde r “Sett ing a T imer” on Page 3 0 to correct the selected setting.
33 AUDIO-ONLY RECORDING (MODE L 62 ONLY) Because of the superior quality of VHS Hi-Fi audio recordi ngs, y ou m ight want to use y our VCR as an audio-only r ecorder. Y ou can also make live recordings by connecting a pre- amplifier or mixer to the VCR’s AUDIO IN jacks.
34 ADDITIONAL INF ORM A TI ON TROUBL ESHOOTING If you f ollow the instructions i n this m anual an d still ha v e trouble ope rati n g your V CR, look i n this chart for the problem description and its solution. If your VCR still does not work properly, contact your loc al RadioShack store.
35 PROBLEM POSSIBLE SOLUTION No stereo soun d for a stereo recording (M odel 62 only). • Y ou hav e not connected the VCR’s AUDIO OUT jacks t o a ste- reo system or st e reo TV . Connect the j acks to a stereo out put. • T he audio out setting is not correctly set.
36 CARE AND MAI NTENANCE Your Optim us 4-Head V HS HQ V CR is an e xample of sup erior design and c raftsm anship. The fol- lowing suggestions will help you c a re for your VCR so you can enjoy it f o r years. Keep the VCR dry. If it gets wet, wipe it dry imm ediately.
37 Servicin g Y our VCR There are no u s er-serviceabl e parts i nside your VCR. If you enc ounter a problem that you c a n- not correct usi ng this manual and it s trouble- shooting gu ide, take the VCR to your local RadioShack store for assistance.
38 SPECIF I CA TIONS T elevision System ..................... ................ ................... ...................... NTSC Stan dard Color Signal Recor din g Syst em .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .
39 Frequenc y Respon se: Regular A udio SP .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... .. 8 0 Hz –10 k Hz EP ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ...
Ra dioSh ack A Divisi on of T andy Corpor ation Fort Worth, T exa s 76102 5A7 Prin t e d in Ja p an Lim it ed Nine ty-Day W arranty Thi s produ ct i s war r a nted by RadioSha ck against manufac turin.
デバイスOptimus 16-549の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Optimus 16-549をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはOptimus 16-549の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Optimus 16-549の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Optimus 16-549で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Optimus 16-549を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はOptimus 16-549の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Optimus 16-549に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちOptimus 16-549デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。