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Cat. No. 42 -4043 OWNER’S MANUAL Please re ad before using thi s equipm ent. Electronic Keyboard MD-1600 42-4043.fm P age 1 Tuesday, Augus t 3, 1999 6:51 A M.
2 We rec ommend y ou wri te your MD - 1600’s s erial number here. The nu mber is on the bottom of th e MD-1600 . Serial Num ber _____ __________ __ THE FCC W ANTS YOU TO KNO W This keyboar d compli es with the lim its for a Cl ass B d igital de vice as s pecifie d in Part 15 of FCC Rules .
3 FEA TURES Your O ptimus MD -1600 Elec tronic K ey- board is a state-of-th e-art mus ical inst ru- ment that offers you a vas t array of sound s, with 2 -way ba ss ref lex speak ers for stun ning sou nd reprodu ction.
4 100 Free Sessions — let you s et the MD-1600 to aut omatical ly play an ac- com panim ent c onsisti ng of a pr erec ord- ed chord prog ressio n with a matchi ng rhyt hm. Synthesizer Function — lets yo u cre- ate up to 32 of your own original tones.
5 CONTENTS Preparation ....... ............. ................... ................... ............. .................... ................... 7 Connectin g Power ................ ............. .................... ................... ............. .....
6 Special Features .............. ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ............ .. 29 Changing K eys ............ ............ .................... ................... .................... ............ .
7 PREPARATION Note: To conn ect a M IDI device , see “Mak ing the MIDI Co nnections” on Page 41. To con nect a sus tain peda l, see “Usi ng a Sustai n Pedal” on Page 3 1.
8 Using AC Power You can power yo ur MD-1600 from standa rd AC power us ing a 12-vol t AC adapter ( not suppl ied) and a Size M Adaptapl ug. Cautions: Y ou mus t use an AC adapt er that suppli es 12 volts and deliv ers at le ast 1.5 amps. Its center tip m ust be set to negative , and its pl ug must cor- rectly fi t th e M D-1 600 ’s DC 12V jack.
9 • Once you s et the volume , do not increa se it . Over ti me, your ears adapt t o the vol ume leve l, so a v ol- ume level that doe s not caus e dis- comf ort migh t sti ll da mage your hearing .
10 OPERATION BASIC O PERA TION 1. Sli de VOLUME to MI N (min imum). Important: T o pr event h eari ng d am- age, alwa ys set the MD- 1600’s vol- ume to MI N before y ou turn it on . 2. T o turn on the MD-1600, press POWER . The POWER ind icator lights a nd the d isplay tur ns on.
11 The tone number and na me appear at the top of the dis play. The mi ddle row shows the chor d sym bol , the tempo in beats per minute, the number of the meas ure playin g and the beat coun t in each measu re. The treble and b ass clefs to the right of th e display show the notes as they play.
12 Notes: • Y ou can select th e next hig hest o r lowest n umbered tone by sim ply pressi ng + or – on the key pad. • The nam es of to ne number s 000– 127 are marked to the right of the MD-160 0’ s display . The names for tone nu mbers 128–1 67 appear in the tab le below .
13 USING THE DRUM PADS The MD-1600 has six drum pads that you ca n use to play per cussion sounds indepe ndent of the keybo ard keys. S im- ply tap on a drum pad to play the per - cussio n soun d currentl y assi gned to it. To change th e drum pad s ounds, use the mix er function to cha nge the to ne assigne d to Channel 10.
14 6. Pl ay both the low a nd high-e nd keys to hear th e selected s plit tone s. To select a different l ow-end tone, e nter the three -digit numb er for the new low - end tone while the SP LIT indica tor is on the d ispla y.
15 2. En ter the number fo r the h igh-end base tone on the key pad. 3. Press SPLIT so the S PLIT indi cator appears . 4. En ter the num ber for the lo w-end base tone . 5. Press SPLIT so the S PLIT indi cator disappea rs. 6. Press LA YER so the LA YER indi ca- tor appea rs.
16 Note: Y ou can s elect th e next high - est or lo west nu mbe red auto- r hyt hm by simpl y press ing + or – on t h e ke y- pad. 3. Set MODE to NORMAL . Th en press ST ART/ST OP to sta rt the selec ted auto-rh ythm. 4. Adju st th e vol u me to th e de sired leve l.
17 To sta rt a rhy thm with an introducti on, sele ct and enter the rhythm, then pr ess INTRO . The in troduction plays, th en the sele cted auto- rhythm a utomati cally starts. Using FILL-IN The FILL-I N feature lets yo u insert a short (1 - to 2-measure) fill-in s egment into a se lecte d auto-rhyt hm.
18 Notes: • After yo u press th e auto acco mpani- ment key s when usin g concert chord or s tandard fi ngering, the MD - 1600 pla ys the same ch ord unti l y ou press ot her accompan iment key s to play a d ifferent chord or you pres s ST ART/ STOP .
19 The numb er of accomp animent key s you pres s determin es the type of chord that play s. This table s hows the type of chord th at plays wh en you pres s one, two, three, or fou r accompan iment key s at the sam e time. The lowest note you play de termines the key o f the chord .
20 Standard Fingering The sta ndard finger ing metho d uses s tandard formations o f 3–4 n otes, and l ets the experienc ed music ian play a wider v ariety o f accompani ment chor ds. You ca n play these 15 cho rd types on your MD-16 00, in a ny key, using t he st andard f ingerin g method.
21 Follow th ese steps to start stand ard fin- gering a uto acco mpaniment. 1. Set MODE to FINGERED . 2. Se lect and e nter an aut o-rhyth m. (See “Se lecting/ Playing an Auto - Rhythm” on Page 15 .) 3. T o sta rt the au to- rhyt hm bef ore your auto a ccompanim ent, pres s ST ART/ STOP or INT RO .
22 Follow these ste ps to use the keyb oard free sess ion feature. 1. Press RHYTHM . 2. Sele ct and enter an aut o-rhyt hm. 3. Press FREE SESSION . The FREE SESSIO N indicator , the a uto- accompa niment tone n ame a nd number , and tempo appear .
23 This char t show s the par ts assi gned to each cha nnel. Notes: • Normall y , ke yboard pl ay is assigned to Channel 1 and th e drum pads ar e assigne d to Channe l 10. Wh en you use auto accompa niment, ea ch part is assign ed to Chann els 7–10.
24 5. T o edit ot her chan nels, pr ess or to return to the channel se lection screen and repe at Steps 2 –4. To exit th e edit m ode, pres s MIXER .
25 Notes: • Y ou can not use tone s 160–1 67 (drum set tones) a s base to nes. • The pres et tone y ou use as the basis f or a user tone is not chang ed. • The tone locati ons 168–199 are not empty (b efore yo u store use r tones there). They initi ally c ontain dup li- cate ve rsions of tone numbers 128– 159.
26 Notes: • A new or re vise d user tone repla ce s the exis ting user t one. • Layer , split, au to accom paniment, demo tune pla y , an d MIDI function s are all d isabled w hile the ke yboard is in the C ustom T one Synthes izer mode.
27 Touch Sensitivity ( TchSense ) (–64 to +6 3) — Con trols chang es in the volu me of th e tone depe nding on ho w hard you strike the keys . Y ou ca n speci fy more v olume fo r stro nger str iking an d less volume fo r lighter striking , or yo u can specif y 00 to set the sa me volume regardles s of how h ard you str ike the keys.
28 • Determin e the most i mportant paramete r . The PCM Set a nd Amp Enve lope Set par ameters are the major fa ctors that deter mine the overall ton e charac teristic . Start out by settin g these two paramete rs to get the ge neral soun d you wan t, and then set the other parameters to add the finis hing touc hes.
29 SPECIAL FEATURES CHANGING KEYS The MD-1 600 automati cally selec ts the key of m iddle C each ti me you turn it on. For ad ded flexi bility as you play , the MD-1600 le ts you change (transpo se) the m u sica l ke y. Follow thes e ste ps to cha nge ke ys .
30 3. With in 5 se conds , pr ess + or – to raise or lowe r the keyboar d's pitch. Each ti me you press th e key , the number o n the d isplay increases or decreases by 1 (cen t). Notes: • The MD-1 600 automat ically resets the tu ning pit ch to th e defa ult val ue of 00 (cents) each tim e you turn off the ke yboard.
31 Setting the Pitch Bend Range You can adj ust the bend range of pitc h control s from 1 to 12 semiton es. Note: The keyboa rd autom atica lly se - lects a bend rang e of 2 semi tones the first t ime you tu rn it o n after connecting power. Each time you turn it on after that, it r ecalls the last selecte d bend range.
32 USING THE MEMORY The MD-1600 lets you record up to two separat e songs in memo ry for l ater play - back. You can use eit her of two meth - ods to recor d a song — real-t ime reco rdin g (you re cord as you pl ay) or step re cord ing (you enter notes and chords one-by-o ne).
33 • T o s tart auto ac companim ent duri ng a recordi ng, press SYNCHRO/END- ING instea d of ST ART/STOP in Step 5. Play th e melody keys to s tart recor ding. When you reac h the point where you want a ccompanim ent to start, p lay a c hord on the accompa- niment k eys.
34 If you mak e a mis take, pres s ST ART/ STOP to stop recording a nd begin aga in from Step 1, or you can edit the con - tents. See “ Editing Memor y Contents” on Page 39. Note: Press af ter you select Track 1 in S tep 3 t o us e the d rum p ads .
35 Notes: • Y ou can u se layer and /or split duri ng memo ry play back. • Y ou can cha nge the rhythm duri ng playbac k. • Pressi ng ST ART/ST OP during the song re sets it fr om the be ginnin g. • Y ou can set the volume a nd pan posit io n o f th e pl ayback tra cks us ing the mixer .
36 • When MODE is set to NORMAL , specify the chor d using th e root keys an d chord- type ke ys. See “Sp ecif yin g Ch ords in th e Norma l Mode.” 7. Us e the number bu ttons to speci fy the length of the chord. Se e “Speci- fying the L ength of a Not e” on Page 36.
37 To enter a rest, press 0 then use num- bers 1 through 9 to specify the le ngth of the rest . Correcting Mist akes Before fi nishing your step recordi ng en- try, you ca n move the entry poi nt back to correct the data you entere d. However, this oper ation delete s all data after the point wher e you ma ke correc tions.
38 5. Press ST ART/STOP to start reco rd- ing. T he conten ts of a ny trac ks already r ecorded st art to pla y . 6. Pl ay on the k eyboard what y ou want to record on the sel ected track .
39 Changing Navigation T rack After yo u record, the display shows th e contents of the last r ecorded or edited track. To di splay a dif ferent track , re- peatedly press TRANSPOSE/TUNE/MIDI until Bend appear s, then press unti l Navi. Tr. appears. The n p re ss + or – until the track you want appear s on the display .
40 Editing T echniques and Display Content s Key Pressu re (Velo city) — Use the keyb oard, numb er butt ons, or + and – to adjust the key pre ssure.
41 USING MIDI Your MD- 1600 incl udes a feat ure called MIDI (Musical Instrumen t Digital Inter- face) — the univer sal stan dar d for send - ing a nd rece iving p erforma nce d ata between electroni c musi cal in stru - ments, r egardless of manufactur er.
42 To sen d MIDI data from y our keybo ard, use a M IDI cable to conne ct the MD- 1600’s MIDI OUT termina l to the o ther device’s MIDI IN term inal. To recei ve MIDI data on you r keyboar d, use a M IDI cable to conne ct the MD- 1600’s MIDI IN term inal to the other de- vice’s MIDI OUT te rminal.
43 Use the Ban k Select settin g to select the MD-1600’ s tone gr oups to be chang ed by the Pr ogram Numbe r message . • Bank 0 — 0 to 127 (General MIDI tones) • Bank 1 — 128 to 15 9 (synth.
44 • This m essage take s more time to process th an other mes sages; when you pr ogram G M Mode On in the seq uencer , leave at l east a 100 msec pau se before the ne xt message . • GM Mode Off ([F0 ][7E][7F][0 9] [02][F7]) — us ed to tur n of f the MD- 1600’s GM mode.
45 Local (Local Control) (De fault: On): s et to on to send d ata simu lta- neously to the k eyboard’s speak ers and as MIDI data . Set to oFF to send data only as MIDI d ata (the speaker s on the keyboard remain silent) . AcompOut (Accom paniment O ut) (Default: Off): set to on to sen d auto accompa niment as MIDI data.
46 NOTES ABOUT THE MIDI IMPLEMENTATION CHART The “MIDI Imple mentation Cha rt” on Page 58 il lust rates the d etails of t he MD- 1600’s M IDI functio n. An O in th e chart means that the MD-1600 has this fea- ture; X mea ns it does not ha ve this fea- ture.
47 All Notes Off — This featur e is a kind of panic bu tton: it stop s the s ounds cu r- rently p laying. The MD-1600 only re- ceives this mess age. Active Sensing — This means the MD- 1600’s s ound turns off in the event the conne ction ca ble to MI DI IN ter minal is acciden tally di sconnected .
48 T ROUBLESHOOTING If the MD-160 0 is not perfor ming as it should, t hese sugg estions m ight help. If you still canno t solve the problem, tak e the keybo ard to you r local Radi oShack s tore for ass is- tance. T roub le Po ssib le Cause Remed y No so und, e ven if k e ys are press ed.
49 CARE AND MAINTENAN CE Your Op tim us MD- 1600 El ectro nic Ke yboar d is an exa mple of supe rior des ign an d craftsm anship. The foll owing sug gestions wi ll help you car e for your MD-1600 so you can enjoy it for years . Keep th e MD-1600 dry. If it gets wet, wipe i t dry imm ediately .
50 SPECIFICATIONS Number of Keys .......... ............. ................... .................... ............. ................... ........ 73 Drum Pads .................. ............. ................... .................... ................... ..
51 Mixer Function Channels .................. ................... ................... ............. .................... ................. 16 Paramet ers ........ ............. ............. Progr am chang e number , volume , expression , pan coar se tuning, f ine tuning , on/off/solo MIDI .
52 APPENDIX NOTE T ABLE 42-4043.fm Page 52 Tuesday, August 3, 1999 6:51 AM.
53 Lege nd: 1. T one number 2. Maximum polyphony 3. Digital Controlled Oscillator 4. Range type 5. Recommended soun d range for General MIDI * Tones without scale * The following shows maximum polyphone for synthesized tones 128 through 159: 141 BASS SLI DE: 24 notes Other tones: 12 notes 42-4043.
54 FREE SESSION CHORD PROGR ESSION CHART 42-4043.fm Page 54 Tuesday, August 3, 1999 6:51 AM.
55 42-4043.fm Page 55 Tuesday, August 3, 1999 6:51 AM.
56 DRUM ASSIGNMENT LIST 42-4043.fm Page 56 Tuesday, August 3, 1999 6:51 AM.
57 STANDARD FINGERING CHORD CHARTS 42-4043.fm Page 57 Tuesday, August 3, 1999 6:51 AM.
58 MIDI IMPLEMENTATION CHAR T Remarks *3 Modulation and af ter touc h for each ch ann el are the same ef fect. *4 Pitch bend sense , fine tune, c oarse tune sen d/receive, and RPN Null receive *5 In a.
59 NOTES 42-4043.fm Page 59 Tuesday, August 3, 1999 6:51 AM.
RadioShack A Division of T andy Corporation Fort Worth, T ex as 76102 08A99 Printed i n Japan Limited O ne-Y ear W arranty This pro duct is warrante d by RadioShack aga inst manufac turing defects in .
デバイスOptimus MD-1600の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Optimus MD-1600をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはOptimus MD-1600の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Optimus MD-1600の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Optimus MD-1600で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Optimus MD-1600を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はOptimus MD-1600の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Optimus MD-1600に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちOptimus MD-1600デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。