ページ先へ移動 of 45
Aut omatic cof fee machine Автоматическая к офемашина Автоматична кавомашина AM6240/RD AM6240/GA AM6240/DC AM6240/OR Operation man ual with the warrant y c.
W e congr atulate on acquisition of the full-aut omatic Our sson cof fee machine! Поздравляем c приобретением автома тическ ой кофемашины Our sson ! П.
CONTENTS Saf ety instructions P recautions P rohibitions Cautions Safety tips Standard configur ation .
4 INTRODUCTION • Plea se do not c ontac t wit h heat par ts of c offe e machin e to avoid scalding.
5 INTRODUCTION Exc ept cle aning a nd dail y mainten ance fo r cof fee mach ine, if it fai lures, ple ase se nd it to af ter -s ale ser vi ce ce nter auth orized by O urss on for re pair- ing, o r cont act wi th Our sson c ustom er ser vic e for aft er -sa le ser vic es.
6 INTRODUCTION If the cof fee machine is damaged because of the situation that has been w arned abov e, it is not co v ered in the w arr anty! Please keep this manual pr operly f or looking up at any time .
7 Please notice the follo wing tips to a void per sonal injury from electric shock. • Do not o perate t he cof fee mac hine if t he app lianc e or the powe r cord i s damaged.
8 INTRODUCTION Bean cont ainer cover Water tan k lid Wat er ta nk Cof fee gro unds c onta.
9 INTRODUCTION Espresso icon Lon g Cof fee ico n Hot w.
10 FOR FIRS T -TIME USE 1. T ake out the w ater har dness test paper fr om the accessory bag. 2. Put the t esting part in the w ater f or 5 seconds. 3. T ake out the paper from w ater , and observe the color . Then set the w ater har dness number according t o the contrast car d.
11 FOR FIRS T -TIME USE • Do n ot stop water f ilter cl eanin g proc ess, th us ensur ing th e water fil ter is well c leane d and pr e-b rewing, a nd reac hing t he bes t effe ct of fil terin g.
12 FOR FIRS T -TIME USE • Ever y time p owering o n the co ffee m achin e , it w ill autom atica l- ly c omple te heatin g and cl eanin g for one ti me, and the p roc ess can not be st oppe d.
13 FOR FIRS T -TIME USE • Ever y time wh en power ing of f the c offe e machin e, it will automa tically complete cleaning p rocess for one time, and the pro ces s canno t be stop ped. T his ope ratio n is to clea n up the cof fee p ipeli nes and r emove the c offe e groun ds.
14 OPERA TION • Mak ing c offee b y touch i con. • Sin gle tim e set ting of c offe e parame ters. • Defa ult para meters o f beverage c an be se t.
15 OPERA TION • Set t he hot water vo lume whe n maki ng hot water. • Set t he maki ng time o f hot milk w hen mak ing hot mi lk. • Set t he maki ng time o f hot crea m when ma king ho t cream.
16 OPERA TION Whe n makin g hot water , th e hot water volu me can b e adjus ted by rot ating the r otar y but ton. For exam ple, the c urren t volume i s 1 5 0ML , 2 cell s to lef t to red uce to 145ML , and 2 ce lls to ri ght to inc rease t o 1 5 5ML.
17 OPERA TION Cof fee be an: Moder ate roas ting Cup tem perat ure: 55°C Amount o f ground po wder: St rong Brew ing temp eratur e : 93° C .
18 OPERA TION The vo lume of es pres so is sug geste d bet ween 30 t o 50ml. B ecau se of the sma ll volume of e spre sso, ple ase warm t he cof fee cu p before m aking c of fee. Pres s the rot ary b utt on, the gr inder w ill be gin to gri nd.
19 OPERA TION Dur ing mak ing co ffee, you c an adju st the vo lume of c offee b y rotati ng the rotary button. Defau lt volum e of espre sso: 1 50 ML Whe n the sc reen in dicate s as the to p pic ture, it mea ns the lo ng cof fee is read y , p leas e enjoy it .
20 OPERA TION • Plea se use a b igger c up to make c offee l atte. • Wh en maki ng cof fee lat te, steam w ill eru pt from t he spo ut, ple ase be c areful to avo id bei ng sca lded. If the t emper ature is n ot high en ough to m ake steam, th e elec tric r apid heate r begin s to heat.
21 OPERA TION Whe n the sc reen in dicate s as the l eft p ictur e, it begi ns to make cof fee. Dur ing mak ing co ffee, you c an adju st the vo lume of c offee b y rotati ng the rota r y b utton. Defau lt volum e of cof fee: 1 00 ML Whe n the sc reen in dicate s as the l eft p ictur e, it means t he cap pucc ino is rea dy , plea se enjoy i t.
22 OPERA TION Whe n the sc reen in dicate s as the l eft p ictur e, pleas e choo se one of t he four c offe e drink s. T ake esp ress o for exampl e, to make espre sso wi th cof fee b ean powd er .
23 OPERA TION If you wan t to canc el mak ing cof fee af ter fil l in cof fee bea n powder, ple ase co ntinu e makin g cof fee fir st, and t hen pre ss the r otar y but ton to sto p durin g makin g cof fee. Whe n the sc reen in dicate s as the l eft p ictur e, it means t he espr esso i s read y , p leas e enjoy it .
24 PROGRAM SETTING • Th is chap ter will gi ve instr ucti ons on pr ogra m sett ing. • Wh en ensur ing th e cof fee mach ine show s «READY » , pres s the r otar y but ton for t wo se cond s, then yo u can ente r into the pro gram se tti ng menu.
25 PROGRAM SETTING The p roce dure of s etti ng Lon g Coffe e is the s ame as Esp ress o . We will n ot ins truc t it in thi s sect ion any m ore. Whe n the sc reen sh ows as the l eft p ictur e, star t to set up t he vol- ume of h ot water .
26 PROGRAM SETTING Whe n the sc reen sh ows as the l eft p ictur e, star t to set th e volume of cof fee fo r capp ucc ino. By tur ning th e rotar y bu tton, yo u can adj ust the vo lume of c offe e .
27 PROGRAM SETTING Whe n the sc reen sh ows as the l eft p ictur e, star t to set the m ilk foam ma king t ime. By tur ning th e rotar y bu tton, you ca n adjus t the mil k foam mak ing tim e. Whe n the sc reen sh ows as the l eft p ictur e, it indi - cate s cof fee lat te set ting is c ompl eted.
28 PROGRAM SETTING Pres s the rot ary b utt on to con firm th e sett ing. Wh en the s creen show s as the le ft pi cture, i t indic ates hot mi lk set ting is c omp leted. T ou ch th e Hot crea m icon, t urn th e rotar y but ton, a nd cho ose the c ream set ting .
29 PROGRAM SETTING Af ter enter ing th e progr am set ting, t urn the r otar y but ton to «FIL T E R» opt ion. Th en pres s the rot ar y but ton. T ur n the rot ar y but ton to «REPL A CE FIL TER» opti on, and pr ess the rota r y b utton.
30 PROGRAM SETTING • In th e energ y-savi ng mod e, the mac hine nee ds 30 s ec- ond s to warm up a nd then t o make Capp ucci no, Cof fee Lat te, Hot mi lk and Crea m. While fo r norma l mode, ma king abo ve beverage s with out wait ing heat u p.
31 PROGRAM SETTING 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 • In th is prog ram you c an view th e inform ation o n numbe rs of pro duc ed eac h drink s, total dr inks nu mbers , and main tenanc e time s. 1 . T ot al numb ers on p rodu ced dr inks.
32 PROGRAM SETTING • Th is func tion w ill res et all the m enu set ting a nd defau lt bever- age pa rameter s to the fa ctor y set ting s ( except t he lang uage options ) . In addition, th e informa tion options will no t be reset.
33 O THER • Th is chap ter will ins truc t you how to c lean an d maint ain the c offe e machine. • Paying a tten tion to d aily mai ntenan ce of cof fee mac hine, not o nly ens ure the t aste of eac h cup of c offe e, but als o exten d the life of the c offe e machi ne.
O THER • T he dail y usage w ill cau se cal careo us dep osite d in cof fee mac hine. The d epos itin g rate var y with t he loc al water har dness . • Dec alcifiercontain s acidic substances tha t would sti mulate your eyes an d skin, s o you must s tric tly co mply w ith the s ecur ity wa rn - ing s noted by ma nufac turer on t he pack aging.
35 O THER T o s tar t desc aling a nd cle aning fo r the fir st time, pu t a cont ainer, of whi ch the c apaci ty is m ore tha n 1 L , unde r the cof fee s pout . Whe n the sc reen sh ows «READY » , it in dicate s the de scal ing is co mplet- ed. N ow , you can c onti nue to make c offe e .
O THER • Ever y time wh en cle aning c offe e groun ds and wa ste water in th e drip tr ay , pl ease c lean th e drip tr ay and cof fee gr ounds conta iner . • Af ter cle aning d rip tray, pleas e wipe dr y th e 2 piec es of she et- met als at the e nd of the d rip tray, and the n reinst all th e drip tr ay to the c of fee mach ine.
37 O THER • Plea se do not u se water to was h the bea ns con taine r , it w ould cau se the gr inder d amage d. • Plea se use a dr y ra g or a pape r towel to cle an the re sidua ry grease in the bean container .
O THER • Th is chap ter will ins truc t you the i nformat ion sh ows on the s creen a nd the s oluti ons. Causes Solutions If the wa ter drip tr ay is full, a ny function of making bev erage wi ll be ou t of ser vic e.
39 O THER • Th is chap ter will ins truc t you som e error s that may en cou nter and th e solu tions. • If th ere are so me failu res can not be re solve d by the foll owing m ethod s, plea se con tact w ith the O urss on cus tomer s erv ice c enter .
O THER • Plea se save the p ackag ing of the c of fee mach ine for fu ture transportation. • Make su re to empt y water in side th e machi ne before t ransp or- tat ion, oth erw ise, it wil l damag e the mac hine. • Af ter emp tyi ng the water way , plea se wip e the mac hine bo th insi de and o utsi de to dr y .
41 O THER OURSS ON AG expres ses gre at appre ciat ion to you for c hoos ing our p rodu cts. We have do ne ever yt hing po ssib le that t his pro duc t meets yo ur need s, and th e qualit y of th e produ ct pr ovide d is cons istent w ith th e world’s best sta ndar ds.
O THER other than additional equipment recommended OURSSON AG f or use with this product. OUR SSON A G is not responsible f or the quality of the additional equipment (accessories) manufactured b y th.
43 Each product is assigned a unique serial number in the f orm of alpha-numeric number and a bar code is duplicated, which contains the f ollowing inf ormation: the name of the product gr oup, dat e of manufactur e , serial number of the product.
Г ар яча лі нія O URSSON A G (бе зкоштов ні д звінк и зі с тац іона рних теле фоні в ) : 8 80 0 1 00 8 708 Г ор я ча я ли ни я O UR SS O.
デバイスOursson AM6240の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Oursson AM6240をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはOursson AM6240の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Oursson AM6240の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Oursson AM6240で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Oursson AM6240を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はOursson AM6240の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Oursson AM6240に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちOursson AM6240デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。