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Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. PO Box 288. Osaka 530-8691, J a p a n Colour Video Camera AW-F575E.
MAJOR OPERATING CONTROLS AND THEIR FUNCTIONS CAMERA HEAD AW-F575HE 1. Len s Connector ( 12 -pin) (LENS) Connect the lens cable t o this connector 2. Viewfinder Connector ( 12 -pin) (VIEWFINDER) Connec.
At the normal (NOR) position , the lens is operating with normal lens iris openings Notes: 1 If this switch is used, be sure to return it to the detent NOR position after use. 2 If the camera is aimed at an extremely bright object, such as the sun or a lamp, vertical bars (s mear) may appear in the picture.
23. Total pedestal Level Control (T. PED) This control is used tor adjusting the pedestal leve l of When attempting t o o or more cameras in a itor or oscilloscope for the video signal (luminance) match the pedestal level ot tw system, use a waveform mon precise adjustment.
After solving the problem, press the red button again to recover the circuit CAUTION: Refer serv icing o quallfted servlce person- nel to solve the problem 43. External DC Input Connector (XLR, 4-pin) (EXT DC) This connector accepts the power cable from an external DC source supplying nominal power of 12V.
CAMERA ADAPTOR AW-AD 700 BSE 62. Camera Handle 63. Camera Adaptor Holding Screw / Knob The camera adapt o r can be removed from the camera after loosening two knobs on top of the adapt o r and then pressing the release button unde rn ea t h of the camera wh i le pulling on rear of camera adapt o r 64.
?? 26 p in Stud i o Cable (RCU Cable) WV-CA26U15 WV-CA26U30 WV-CA 2 6U 100 80 . Lens Connector Thi s connector is used to con nect the le ns cable for zoom , focus or se r vo control. 81 . C ontrol connector Th i s connector is used to connect the o ptional Pan/T ilt Control Cable WV-CA 10U25 92.
1.5” ELECTRONIC VIEWFINDER WV-VF42 101. Tal l y Lig h t This light is lit when t he Tally ON/OFF switch (105) is set to O N pos ition and the VTR has been s et to the recording mode w ith the VTR Start/St op Sw i tch . This light i ndicates that record i ng in in progress.
117. R e mot e Control Box (RCB) Ope rati on Switch ( RCB) W hen co nnecting the Remote Control Box to the cam- era without using the Remote Control Box, set this switch to ON position. When the RCB is installed in the RCU, this switch can not operate.
Note: When using the Remote Control Box (RCB) in the Remote Control Unit (RCU), the recording start/stop function is not avallable. 143. I ntercom Level control (INTERCOM LEVEL) Use t his control to adjust the volume level in the head- set c onnected to the Intercom Jack (140) 143.
REMOTE CONTROL UNIT WV-RC550 171. Power Switch (POWER ON/OFF) This switch turns on and off the power of the Remote Control Unit (RCU) 172. Power Indicator This sw it ch lights red whenever the unit is operating.
185. Electronic Shutter Selection Switch ( O F F / 120 / 500 / 1000 / S S / E L C) This switch is operative only when a camera featuring the electronic shutter function is connected with this unit OFF.
5” ELECTRONIC VIEWFINDER WV-VF65B 211. Tally Light This light only works when the camera is “sed in full system operation with the Remote Control Unit (RCU) and Special Effects Generator This light Indicates that recording is in progress 212.
LENS CONTROL KIT WV-LK36 231. Clamper 232. Speed Control (SP, S-F) The maximun zoom speed ca n be adjusted by this Control. 233. Reverse Button (REV) This button is used to reverse the direction controlled by the Zoom Control Switch. Use this button by removing the cap 234.
INSTALLATION 1. Mounting the Camera Adaptor 1-1 Mount the Camera Adaptor on me Camera Head while engaging th e 68-pin connector ~onnector. 1 1- 2 Tighten the two Camera Adaptor Holding Screw/ Knobs flrmly, and make sure the Camera Adaptor is securely f i xed to the camera.
4. Mounting the 1.5 " Electronic Viewfinder 4-1 Unlock the Viewfinder Lock Lever (32) on the Viewf i nder. 4-2 While pulling the Viewfinder Slide Stopper, remove the Viewf in der Mountlng Base (33) by sliding it out from me V i ew fi nder.
7. Mounting of the Betacam Format VTR 7- 1 Mount i ng the optional VTR Adaptor WV-VT16A Mount the VTR Adaptor by connectlng the 68-pi n con- nector on the camera and the VTR Adaptor, and engage the lock mechan i sm of the VTR Adaptor and the camera head.
9. Removing the VTR from the Camera 9-1 Loosen two VTR Mounting Screws on the VTR Handle. 9-2 Wh i le press i n g up on the VTR Release Button , remove the VTR from the camera 10.
SYSTEM CONNECTION CAUTION: Keep the power switches of all units in the OFF position during connections. A. ENG Application 1. Connection with the VTR Connect the VTR cable between the camera and the Panason i c portable colour VTR (The standard VTR cable length is 3 m.
C. Studio Application 1 Connection with the Remote Control Unlt by the 26-pin multi-cable Connect the 26-pin studio cable between the camera and the Remote Control Unit (RCU) 2 Connection with the Rem.
F. VP Multìplex SyStem CONTROL Precaution In gen-lock operatlon in a video power (VP) multiplex system with a single coaxial cable , the camera may become out of syn- chron i zatlon depend i ng on th.
4 . S elect the proper CC filter accord i ng to the colour temperature at the scene , using the F i lter Se l ect i on Wheel (31) whlle referrlng to the Table on page 58 5. Set the black balance a s follows: Set the Auto Wh i te/Auto Black Set Sw i tch (6) to the ABC position momentarily by pressing it down.
( 8 ) Set the black balance as follows: Set the Auto White/Auto Black Set Switch (6) to th,e AWC position momentarily by pressing it down. The lens iris is automatycally closed and the black balance is set aut o matlCally set. When the black balance has been set , the lens iris automat i cally return s t o its pre- vio us po si t i on.
(3) Adjust the horizontal phase of the camera as follows: - Set the switches and controls on the Speclal Effects Generator so that the Spl i t colour bar picture is observed on the program monitor.
- For precise adjustment , the use of a vectorscope is recommended. In th i s case, supply the Progra m Output signa l from the Spec i al Effects G enerator to the vecto rsc ope.
11. Co nfirm the f lange-back ad j ustment on the lens as fo l- I ows . - Aim the camera at a dark ob j ect more than 2m (6 f. ) from the camera. - Zoom in (from w i de-angle to tele) with the Zoom Rl.
SElTING THE BLACK BALANCE 1. B lack Balance Co rrect setting o f th e black balance is required for p roducing correct colours colour, specially in low light situ- a tions . Once the b l ack balance has been correctly set , the se tti ng is ma i ntamed in a s pec i al me mory, for approx i mately 10 years.
3. Filter Selection Wheel Settings -- S elect the filter accordmg lo the l i ght source at the scene. Wheel NO. 3200K 1 4500K 3 6500K 3 4500K 2 7000 -7 500K 3 Set the auto white set Switch (6) on the camera , (127) or (178) on the RCU (in stud i o appl i ca- ti on) to the AWC pos i t i on , momentar i ly by press i ng i t UP .
USER SETTING PROCEDURE Th i s camera is provided with 3 menus : Ma in, Sub S c ena F iles 1, 2 , 3 , U ser A. User B . The level in these menus are prese t at the factory An in i t i al se t ting can .
USER SETTING After se tti ng the scene File Select i on Sw i tch (10) of the ca me ra or (131)/(164) of RCU (RCB) to the USER SET pos i tion , the camera operat i ng condition can be changed by the u ser to the de sire d cond i t i on How to set the User Set Menu 1.
16. NIGHT EYE, LOW / HI (Night Eye Setting) Tha ga i n level of Night Eye mode can be select e d 17. HL CHROMA, OFF/LOW / HI (High Light Chrom a Setting) Th i s is used to add chroma s i gnal to h i ghly saturated colour for expand i ng dynam i c range.
Reset of the setting data To r eset the menus to the condit i on preset at the factory , a reset functlon is pro vi ded w i h th i s camera How to Reset Select me nu to reset.
1. Audio Level Display The aud i o output level from the camera or the playback aud i c level of the 3/4"U -VISI ON or 1/2" S-VHS VT R is displayed by y m inus 0 and +plus 0 letters w it h the ONE -step (One ste p equals to 3dB) Note: By press in g the Check Sw i tch on the camera , th is display is a lso made.
D i splay Pos i t i on of H i gh L i ght Chroma Sw i tch HL CHROMA OFF HL CHROMA ON (LO W position had been set in the No 2 HL CHROMA ON (HIGH pos i t i on had been set in the No 3.
11. Lens Aperture Display The le ns aparture/ iris is ad j usted automat i cally accord i ng to the in com in g light i ntens i ty . The F-num- ber , i.
DAT E/T IME DISPLAY DISPLAY . The date/ti m e is displayed and ca n be recorded togethe r w i th the colour bar s i gnal by sett i ng the Colour Bar/Night Eye / Camera Select i on Sw i tc h to the BAR position.
SPECIFICATIONS Pick-up System : Image Sensor : P ixe ls : Scann i ng Standard: Synchron i z i ng System: Interna l: Externa l (gen- l ock) Input : Subcar rie r Phase for Gen- l ock : Horizontal Phase .
SYST EM A CCESSORIES ENG/EFP kit WV-S550A 1,5" viewfinder WF-VF42........................................................... 1 set Microphone H o l der WV-MH500........................ 1 set Tripod Mounting Adaptor WV-QT700.......................
デバイスPanasonic AW-F575Eの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Panasonic AW-F575Eをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPanasonic AW-F575Eの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Panasonic AW-F575Eの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Panasonic AW-F575Eで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Panasonic AW-F575Eを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPanasonic AW-F575Eの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Panasonic AW-F575Eに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPanasonic AW-F575Eデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。