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Cat. No. 14-1120 OWNER’S MANUAL Pleas e read befor e usi ng th is eq uipme n t. CTR-114 A uto Re ver se V oice-Activ ated Cassette Recor der with T w o-Speed Recor ding 14-1120.
2 FEA TURE S Your Optimus CTR-114 Auto-Reve rse Voice-Activat- ed Casset te Recorder offe rs the greates t conve- nience in recor ding techn ology. You can have recordin g beg in and e nd accordin g to t he so und leve l in a room, wh ich gives you hands -free oper ation while recordin g.
3 Playback Spe ed Control — lets you adjust th e p la y- back s peed of y our tape. Built-in Mic rophone — lets you mak e quality re- cording s without havi ng to use an exter nal micro- phone. External M icrophone J ack — l ets yo u conn ect an optiona l external m icrophon e for unidirec tional re- cording , reducing backgro und noise .
4 Tape Counter — helps yo u quickly fin d a spec ific sectio n on the cassette. It resets wi th the tou ch of a button. Automat ic Level C ontrol — automa tically sets th e correct recordi ng lev el .
5 CONTEN TS Preparation .... ................ ............ ................ ........... 6 Connecti ng P ower ............... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... 6 Using Bat ter y P ow er ................ ................ 6 Using A C P o wer ........... ..
6 PREPARATION CONNECTING P O WER You can power yo ur CTR-114 from: • inter nal batt er ies • A C po w er (with an o ptional A C ad apter) • v ehic le battery powe r (with an op tional DC adapter) Note: Conn ecting an adapter aut omatical ly discon- nects i nternal ba tteries.
7 Cautions: • Us e only fres h batteries of the re quired siz e and recomm ended typ e. • Do no t mix old and new b atte r i es, di fferent types of batteries (standa rd, alkaline , or recharg e- ab le), or re chargeab le batteri es of diff ere nt capaci ties .
8 The CT R-114 has three col ored batte ry indicato rs which show how m uch power is l eft in the batte ries. The batter y indicato rs light w hen you press STOP , PLA Y , RECORD , or . When t he re d ( L ) ba ttery in dicato r lights, repl ace bo th batteries .
9 Important : Thi s product i s capable of using re- chargea ble nicke l-cadmium b atteries. At the end of a nickel cadmiu m battery’ s useful life, i t must be recy- cled or d isposed of properly .
10 • Be sure y ou connect the ada pter t o the c assette recorder bef ore you plug it into the A C outle t, and unp lug the a dapter from the A C o utlet bef ore y ou un plug it from th e cassette recorder . Follow these steps to c onnect th e cass ette recorder to AC power.
11 Using V ehic le Battery P o wer To pow er the recorder fr om your v ehicle’s battery, you nee d a DC ad apter, suc h as Cat. No. 270-1562. Cautions: • Y ou mu st use a DC adapte r that supp lies at least 3 v olts DC p ower and del iv ers at l east 400 mA.
12 Follow these st eps to pow er the ca ssette rec order from yo ur vehicl e’s batte ry. 1. Set the ad apter’ s vo ltage s witc h to 3V . 2. Insert the adapter’ s 3.4 mm oute r diameter/1.3 mm in ner diam eter barre l plug into t he adapt er’ s cord, with the tip s et to negat ive .
13 CONNECTING AN EARPHO NE You can use an optional earphone with a 1 / 8 -in ch (3.5-mm) plug to listen t o a tape in pri vacy. Insert th e earphone ’s plug into the cass ette reco rder’s EAR jack.
14 Listening Saf el y To protec t your hearin g, follo w these guid elines when y ou use an e arphone . • Rota te th e volume t o th e lowest setti ng b efore y ou begin lis tening. Afte r you b egin liste ning, adjust the v olum e to a co mf or tab le le v el.
15 CONNECTING AN EXTERN AL MICROPHONE You can co nnect an external mi crophone (not sup- plied) w ith a 1 / 8 -inch (3.5 -mm) plug to the recorder’ s MIC jack. Conn ecting an exter nal micro phone au to- matica lly disc onnects the built -in microp hone.
16 ATTACHING THE WRIST STRAP Attach th e suppli ed wrist strap to th e CTR-114 to make i t easier to carry and to reduce the risk of acci- dent ally drop ping it. Thread th e strap ’s sm all l oop aro und th e meta l pin o n the corne r of the CTR-1 14.
17 OPERATIO N You can use the recorder to play no rmal bia s, high- bias, a nd metal tapes. H owever, you shou ld only use normal bias (T ype I) tapes for reco rding. I f you r eco rd on me tal or high-bi as tapes , the re corded s ound wil l not er ase prope rly.
18 3. Insert a cassette into the door’ s tape guide s with the cas sette’ s open edge f acing up . 4. Close the door . RECORDING You can re cord usin g the built -in microp hone or an optiona l external microp hone. For the best per for- mance, use any n ormal bi as (Type I) tape u p to 90 minutes long.
19 • If you w ant to record on only one si de of a tape , load th e tape s o the s ide y ou w ant to re cord o n f ace s insid e the ca sset te co mpar tment, set DIRECTION to REV , the n star t the recording. Caution: If you lo ad a cass ette with the erase-p ro- tection tabs brok en off, do no t try to force d own RECORD .
20 3. T o record specific v oic es without ba ckg round interf erenc e, sli de V OICE ZOOM to ON . The CTR- 114 c uts off higher and lo wer f requenc y signal s (bac kgro und noise ) and enha nces the mid- ra nge. 4. Slide REC SP EE D to NORM f or normal reco rding, or to EXT f or extende d record ing (twice the nor- mal rec ording time).
21 5. Set VOX to OUT if y ou wan t to m anual ly start and stop re cord ing. O r , set VOX to IN to use voice - activate d reco rdi n g. At the V O X setting, rec ording beg ins when the recorder pi ck s up sound an d stops a f e w sec- onds af ter the sou nd stops .
22 If VOX is set to OUT , reco rding beg ins immed i- ately . I f VOX is se t to IN , r ecording begins whe n the reco rder pic ks up sound. Note: T o pause rec ording, s lide PAU S E in the directio n of the arro w . T o resume rec ording, slide PA U S E to the other po sition.
23 Notes: • The CTR- 114 records on one s ide of t he t ape , automat ically re v ers es the tape ’ s di rection, records on the re v ers e side of the tape , then auto matica lly stops. • Y ou can use a n earphone (not sup plied) to monitor a recordin g in pr ogress .
24 2. Set the auto re v erse s witc h in the cassette co m- partment to eithe r one-time or contin uous pl a y- back. One-Time Playback : pla ys o ne side of the tape t o its end, th en automa tically re ve rses the tape ’ s pl a ybac k direction , pla ys th e re v erse side of the tape , the n automat ically s tops .
25 3. Press PLA Y . The b utton l oc ks do wn an d th e tape pla ys . Note: Slide REC SPEED to NORM f or tap es that ha ve been prer ecorded on o ther reco rders or recorded with the no r mal record setting o n this reco rder . Or slide REC SPEED to EXT f or tape s that ha v e been rec orded with the exte nded record s etting on this recorder .
26 5. Adjust VO L U M E to t he des ired list ening le v el. 6. T o sto p the tape , press STOP . Note: T o stop play momenta ri ly , slide PA U S E in the direc tion of th e arrow .
27 Using F ast Forwar d and Rewind When th e tape is stopped , press or to re- wind or fast-forward it. To stop the tape, p ress ST OP . Note: The C TR-114 does not aut omatically stop when it reac hes the end of the tap e. To protect the tape after th e tape has ful ly wound to eith er end, press ST OP to release fast-forward o r rewind.
28 You can al so hold do wn or during play- back to help yo u locat e a spec ific po rtion of the ta pe (for ex ampl e, i f y ou ar e l ist ening fo r a par tic ular speech , statem ent or oth er audio cue). While holding it down , you hear the tape at a fas ter speed.
29 T APE TIPS Erasing T apes If you record on a pr eviously rec orded tape, you re- place the old re cording w ith the new one. I f you need to qui ckly erase an en tire tape, you m ight pref er to use a bulk era ser ( avail abl e at y our l ocal Radi oSha ck stor e).
30 If you later de cide to record on a tape side a fter you have re mov ed it s eras e-pr ot ectio n ta b, pl ace a pi ece of stron g plastic tape ov er that si de’s eras e-protec- tion ho le. Be sure you c over onl y the ho le origin ally covered by the e rase-protec tion tab.
31 CARE AND MA IN TENANCE Your Optimus CTR-114 Auto-Reverse Vo ice-Activat- ed Ca sse tte Reco rd er is an ex ampl e of supe ri or de- sign and craftsmans hip. The foll owing su ggestion s will hel p you car e for the ca sset te rec order so you can enj oy it for y ears.
32 Modify ing or tam pering with the recorde r’s interna l compon ents ca n cause a malfu nction and migh t in- validate the recorder’s warranty. If your recorder is not pe rfor min g as it sho uld, t ake i t to yo ur l ocal R a- dioShac k store fo r assista nce.
33 4. Use a cotton s wab dippe d in dena tured alcoho l or tape he ad cleanin g solution to cl ean the record/p la ybac k hea d, p inch roller s, tape g uides , and cap stans . 5. When y ou finish cleaning, pre ss STOP and close the cass ette compa r tment door .
34 SPECIFICATIONS CASSETTE DECK T ap e System .............. 2-trac k, monopho nic cas sette T ape Sp eed ............. ................. .....1 7 / 8 ips (4.8 c m/s) W ow an d Flutter (WRM S) ............... ................ .. 0.2% F re quency Re sponse ( at –3 dB) .
35 GENERAL P ower Output ............... 15 mW/Chan nel at 32 ohms Dimensi ons (HWD) .............. 4 1 / 2 × 3 5 / 8 × 1 1 / 2 Inche s (112.4 × 89.8 × 37.6 mm) W eight (with out battery) ........ ........... ............... 7.2 oz (206 g) Specific ations a re typical ; individ ual units might vary.
Ra dioS hack A Division of T an dy Corporation Fort W orth, T e xas 76102 87-HT 6-906-01 980620 ACK-0-9 8A8N Print ed in Malaysia Limit ed Nine ty-Da y W ar r a nty This product is war rant ed by Ra d.
デバイスPanasonic CTR-114の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Panasonic CTR-114をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPanasonic CTR-114の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Panasonic CTR-114の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Panasonic CTR-114で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Panasonic CTR-114を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPanasonic CTR-114の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Panasonic CTR-114に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPanasonic CTR-114デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。