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Operating In structions for advanced fe atures Digital Camera Model N o. DMC-LZ40 Please read these i nstructio ns car efully befor e using this product, and sav e this ma nual for future use.
- 2 - Content s Before Use Care of the cam era ...... .... .... .... ..... ...... .... .... .... ..... ...... .... .... ..... .... ...... .... .... ..... .... ...... .... 5 St andard Accessories ........... ............... ................. ..........
- 3 - • Optical Zoom .... .... ...... .... .... ..... .... ...... .... ..... .... .... ...... .... ..... .... .... ...... ..... .... .... .... .. 4 8 • Extra Opti c al Zoom (EZ) ........ .... .... .... .... ....... .... .... .... .... ....... ....
- 4 - • [Qual ity].... .... ..... .... .... ...... .... ..... .... .... ...... ..... .... .... .... ...... ..... .... .... .... ....... .... .... .... .. 75 • [Sensitiv ity ]..... ..... .... .... .... ....... .... .... .... .... ....... .... .... .
- 5 - Before Use Care of the camera Do not subject to strong vibration, shock, or pressure. • The lens, mon itor , or exte rnal ca se may be damage d if used in the fo llowing conditio ns. It may also malf unction or imag e may not be recorded if you: – Drop or hit t he camer a.
- 6 - Before Use St andard Acce ssories Check that all the accessories are supplied before using the camera. • The accessori es and t heir shape will dif fer dep ending o n the country or area wher e the ca mera was purchased. For details on the acces sories, ref er to “Basic Ope rating Ins tructions ”.
- 7 - Before Use Names and Functions of Main Parts 1 Flash (P50) 2 [ ] (Flash open) button (P50) 3 Self-timer indicator (P55) AF Assist Lam p (P85) 4 Lens (P5 , 124) 5 Moni tor (P47 , 110 , 124) 6 Mode dial (P25) 7 [EXPO SURE] b utton (P58) 8[ ( ] (Playback) button (P35) 9 [ME NU/SE T] but ton (P38) 10 Charging lamp (P13) 1 1 [Q.
- 8 - Before Use 14 Speaker • Be carefu l not to cover t he speaker with your finger . Doing so may make so und diff icult to hear . 15 Len s barr el 16 Shoulder strap eyelet (P10) 17 Zoom lever (P4.
- 9 - Prepar ation Att aching the Lens Cap/S houlder Strap • When you turn the camera of f or carry the camera, at tac h the lens ca p to protec t the surf ace of the lens. 1 Pass the string thro ugh the hole at the sh oulder str ap eye let. A : S houlder strap eyelet 2 Pass t he same stri ng through the h ole on the l ens ca p.
- 10 - Prepar ation • We r ecommend att achin g the s houlder str ap when using the camera to p reven t it from dropping. 1 Pass the s houlder s trap thro ugh the hole at the shoulder stra p eyelet. • Atta ch the shoulde r strap with the "LUMIX" lo go f acing ou t.
- 11 - Prepar ation Charging the Bat tery Use th e dedi cated A C ada ptor (supplied ), USB connec tion c able ( suppli ed) an d ba ttery . • The batter y is not char ged when th e camera is shipped . Charge the batte r y befor e use. • Char ge t he ba ttery on ly w hen it is ins erte d in t he cam era.
- 12 - Prepar ation 1 Slide the r eleas e lever i n the dire ction of the arrow and open the car d/batte ry door . • Always u se ge nuine Panaso nic batt erie s.
- 13 - Prepar ation • Charge the ba ttery in ar eas with an amb ient tempe rature, b etween 10 o C and 30 o C (50 o F and 86 o F ) (same as the bat tery temp erature), is recommended .
- 14 - Prepar ation ∫ About the ch arging lamp ∫ Cha rging time When using the A C adaptor (supplied) • The indicated chargi ng time is for whe n the battery ha s been disch arged comple tely . The charging time may vary depending on how the battery has been used.
- 15 - Prepar ation • Do not leave any met al items (s uch as clip s) near the cont act areas of the power plug . Otherwise, a fire and/or electri c shocks may be caused by short-circu iting or the resulting heat genera ted.
- 16 - Prepar ation ∫ Recording still pictures Recording conditions by CIP A st andard • CIP A is an abbrevia tion of [C amera & Imaging Pr oduct s Associa tion]. • T e mperatu re: 23 o C (73.4 o F)/Humid ity: 50%RH when monitor is on. • Using a Panasonic SD Memory Card.
- 17 - Prepar ation ∫ Playback • The opera ting times and nu mber of recordable pictures will differ ac cording to the environment and the operating conditions.
- 18 - Prepar ation Inserting and Removing t he Card (optional) • Che ck that this un it is turn ed off. • We rec ommend us ing a Panason ic card. 1 Slide the r eleas e lever i n the dire ction of the arrow and open the car d/batte ry door .
- 19 - Prepar ation About the Built-in Memory/ the Card • Y ou can copy the record ed picture s to a card. ( P 99) • Memory size: Approx. 80 MB • The access time fo r the b uilt-in memo ry may be longe r than the ac cess time f or a c ard. The following cards, which conform to the SD st andard, can be used with this unit.
- 20 - Prepar ation • During acce ss (image w riting, read ing and d eleting, fo rmatting e tc.), do not t urn this u nit off, remove the ba ttery , card or disconne ct the AC adaptor (supplied). Furthermore, do n ot subject the cam era to vibrati on, imp act or stati c electri city .
- 21 - Prepar ation ∫ About the displ ay of the numb er of recordable pictures an d available recording t ime ∫ Number of recordable pictures • [ i 99999 ] is displaye d if there ar e more than 100, 000 pictur es remaining.
- 22 - Prepar ation Setting Date/Time (Clock Set) • The clock is not set when the camera is shippe d. • Before turni ng on the camera, remove the le ns cap. 1 Press came ra [ON/OFF] button . • If the lang uage selec t screen is not dis played, proceed t o step 4 .
- 23 - Prepar ation Select [Clock Set] on the [Setup] menu and then press [MENU/S ET]. (P38) • The clock can be reset as shown in steps 5 and 6 . • The clock setting is maintai ned for about 120 hours using the built-in clock battery even without the battery .
- 24 - Prepar ation Tip s for taking good pictures When the Jitter a lert [ ] appears, use [S tabilizer] (P86) , a tripod or th e Self-timer (P55) . • Shutter speed will be slower pa rticularly in the followin g cases. Keep the camera still from the moment the sh utter but ton is pres sed until th e picture app ears on the s creen.
- 25 - Basic Selecting the Recording Mode ∫ List of Recording M odes • If you keep rot a ting the mode dial, scre ens may switch sl ower . Switching the mode by rot ating the mode dial. • Rota te the mode dial slo wly to select the des ired mode.
- 26 - Basic T aking pictures using the automa tic function (Intelligent Auto Mode) Recording Mode: The camera will set the m ost appropriate settings to match the subject and the recording conditions so we recommend this m ode for beginners or those who want to leave the s ettings to the camera and take pictures easily .
- 27 - Basic 2 Press th e shutter b utton hal fway to focus. • The focus i ndication A (green) lights when the subjec t is focused . • The AF area B is display ed ar ound the subj ect’ s face by the Fa ce Detect ion fu nction. In o ther case s, it is displ ayed at the point on th e subject which is in focus.
- 28 - Basic When the camera identifies the optimum s cene, the icon of the scene concerned is displayed in blue for 2 se conds, after which its colour c hanges to the usual red. When takin g pictures • [ ¦ ] is set if none of the sce nes are applic able, and th e stand ard sett ings are set .
- 29 - Basic Following menus can be set. • For the setting method of the menu, refe r to P38 . ¢ Avai lable set tings may be dif fer ent f rom other Record ing Modes. Press [ ] to open the flash. • When [ ] is selec ted, [ ], [ ], [ ] or [ ] is set dependin g on the type of subject and brightness .
- 30 - Basic T aking Pictures with Y ou r Favourite Settings (Programm e AE Mode) Recording Mode: The camera automatically sets the shutter speed and the aperture value according to the brightness of the subject. Y ou can t ake pictures with greater freedom by changing various settings in the [Rec] m enu.
- 31 - Basic Focusing Aim the AF area at the subj ect, and then pres s the shutter b utton halfway . • The AF area may be disp layed larger for cert ain zoom magnif ications and in dark places. ∫ About focus range The focus range is displayed when operating the zoom.
- 32 - Basic ∫ When the su bject is not in focus (such as when it is n ot in the centre of the composition of the picture you want to take) 1 Aim the AF area at the subject, and press the shutter button half way to fix the focus and exposure. 2 Press and hold the shutter button half way while moving the camera as you compo se the pict ure.
- 33 - Basic Recording Motion Pictures Appl ica ble m odes : This unit can rec ord motion pict ures in QuickTime Motion JPEG format. A Available re cording time B Elapse d recording t ime • It is recommen ded that you clo se the flash whe n recording mot ion pictures.
- 34 - Basic • Depending on the t ype of the c ard, th e card ac cess indi cation may appear f or a while after recording motion pict ures. This i s not a malfunct ion. • The screen may be bla cked out momentaril y , or the unit may record noise du e to stati c electricit y or electroma gnetic waves e tc.
- 35 - Basic Playing Back 1 Press [ ( ]. ∫ Playing Back Motion Pictu res Press 2 / 1 to select a picture with a Motion Picture icon (such as [ ] ), and then press 3 to play back. C Motion picture icon D Motion picture recording time • Afte r playback start s, the elapsed play back ti me is displayed on the scre en.
- 36 - Basic • When the camer a is turned of f, press and hold [ ( ]. If yo u turn it on this way , the pl ayback s creen will be displayed automa tically . (If too many images are store d in the ca rd, it may t ake a while for the camera to t urn on.
- 37 - Basic Deleting Pictures Once deleted, pictu res cannot be recovered. • Pictures on t he built- in memory or the card t hat are be ing played back wil l be deleted. • Pictures th at are not in the DCF st andar d or thos e that are pr otected c annot be deleted.
- 38 - Basic Setting the Menu The camera comes with menus that allow you t o choose the settings for taking pictures and playing them back jus t as you like and menus that enable y ou to have more fun with the camera and us e it more easily .
- 39 - Basic ∫ Close the menu Press [ ] repeatedly un til the screen returns to the recording/playback screen. • In re cording mode, the menu sc reen can al so be exited by pres sing the s hutter but ton hal fway .
- 40 - Basic By using the Quick Men u, some of the m enu settings can be easily found. • The feat ures that can be adjusted using Quick M enu are det ermined by th e mode or a displ ay style the camera is in. Using the Q uick Menu 1 Press [Q.M ENU] when record ing.
- 41 - Basic About the Setup Menu For details o n how to select the [Setup] menu settings, refer to P38 . • [Clock Set] , [Econo my] and [Au to Review] are import ant item s. Check their se ttings be fore using them. • In Intelli gent Aut o Mode, only [Online Manua l], [Clo ck Set], [W orld T ime], [Beep], [Lang uage] can be set.
- 42 - Basic • Some subjec ts may appe ar dif ferently from actu ality on the monitor . However , this does not af fect the record ed pictures. • When [Monit or Luminanc e] is set t o [High Angle] , [B rightness] and [Con trast · Saturati on] cannot be adj usted.
- 43 - Basic • When the recorded picture an d the histogram do not match each other under the following conditions, the histogram is displayed in orange.
- 44 - Basic • [Auto Pow er Off] is fixed t o [5M IN.] in the fol lowin g case. – Intelligent Auto Mode • [Auto P ower Off] doe s not work in th e followin g cases.
- 45 - Basic • The settin g is fix ed to [2 SEC.] in the fol lowing case. – Intelligent Auto Mode • [Auto R eview] does n o t wo rk when recording mot ion p ictures . • When the [Res et] set ting is selec ted during rec ording, the operati on that resets th e lens is als o performed at the same ti me.
- 46 - Basic • This will wo rk when the A V c able (optional) is c onnected. • Do not tu rn the ca mera off durin g format ting. • If a card has bee n inserted, only the card is formatted . T o format the built-in memory , remov e the car d. • If the ca rd has been for matted on a PC or other equ ipment, fo rmat it on the c amera again .
- 47 - Recording About the Monitor Press [DISP .] to chang e. • During moti on picture pla yback, p anorama pl ayback or a slide show , you can only sele ct “Normal Display ” or “No Display”.
- 48 - Recording Using the Zoom Appl ica ble m odes : Y ou can zoom in to make people and objects appear closer or zoom out to record landscapes in wide angle. ∫ Screen display Example of display when Extra Optical Zoom (EZ), Intelligent Zoom and Digital Z oom are used together .
- 49 - Recording This function work s when any of the picture size s (P74) indicated with is selected. Y ou can zoom in further than you can wit h the Optical Zoom without deteriorating the ima ge quality . Maximum magnification: 105 k (This includes th e optical zoom magnification .
- 50 - Recording T aking Pictures Using the Built-in Flash Appl ica ble m odes : ∫ T o open/close the flash • Be careful not to catch a finger when closing a flash bulb. • Be sure to clos e the fla sh when not in use. • The flas h setting is fixed to [ Œ ] whi le the fla sh is closed.
- 51 - Recording 2 Press 3 / 4 to s elect the se tting and then press [M ENU/SET]. ¢ 1 This can be set only when Intelligent Auto Mode is set. The icon chan ges dependi ng on the type of subjec t and brigh tness. ¢ 2 The flash is activated twice. The subject should no t move until the seco nd flash is activ ated.
- 52 - Recording ∫ A vailable Flash Settings in Recording Mode The available flash settings depend on the Recording Mode. ( ± : Available, —: Not available, ¥ : Scene M ode initial setting) ¢ [ ] is displayed. • When [ ] is selec ted, [ ], [ ], [ ] or [ ] is set dependin g on the type of subject and brightness .
- 53 - Recording ∫ The available flash range (approximation) ∫ Shutter speed for each flash set ting • In Intelli gent Aut o Mode, shut ter speed changes depend ing on the id entified s cene. • In Scene Mode , shutt er speed will be dif ferent from the above ta ble.
- 54 - Recording T aking Close-up Pictures ([AF M acro]/[Macro Zoom]) Appl ica ble m odes : This mode allows you to take close-up pictures of a subject , e.g. when taking pictures of flowers. 1 Press 4 [ # ]. 2 Press 3 / 4 to s elect the ite m and then p ress [MENU/SET].
- 55 - Recording T aking Pictures with the Self-time r Appl ica ble m odes : 1 Press 2 [ ë ]. 2 Press 3 / 4 to s elect the se tting and then press [M ENU/SET].
- 56 - Recording Compensating th e Exposure Appl ica ble m odes : Use this function when you cannot achieve appr opriat e exposure d ue to the difference in brightness between the subject and the background. 1 Press 3 [ È ] to displa y [Expos ure Comp.
- 57 - Recording T aking Pictures Using Auto Brack et Appl ica ble m odes : In this mode, 3 pic tures are automatically r e corded in the selected exposure compensation range each time the shutter button is pressed. With Auto Brack et d 1E V • If you turn of f the camera, Auto Bracket will be cancelled.
- 58 - Recording T aking Pictures by Specifying the Aperture/ Shutter Speed (Manual Exposure Mode) Recording Mode: Determine the expos ure by manually s etting the aperture value and the shutter speed. A long exposure, up to 15 secon ds is possi ble. 1 Set the mod e dial to [ ].
- 59 - Recording T aking panorama pictures (Panorama Shot Mod e) Recording Mode: Pictures are recorded continuously while moving the camera horizontally or vertically , and are combined to m ake a single panorama p icture. This mode allows you to add any of 13 types of effects before recording.
- 60 - Recording 6 Press th e shutter b utton fully and rec ord a pictu re while mo ving the camera in a small circle in the direction selecte d in S tep 2 . 7 Press th e shutter b utton onc e again to en d the pic ture re cording. • Recording can also be ended b y keeping the camera still while r ecording.
- 61 - Recording • The zoom posit ion is fixe d to Wide. • [S tabilizer] is fixed to [OFF]. • The focus , White Balanc e, and expo sure are fix ed at the opt imum values f or the fir st picture.
- 62 - Recording T aking pictures that match the sc ene being recorded (Scene Mode) Recording Mode: Y ou can select any of 13 types of Scene Modes according to the subject and scene. 1 Set the mod e dial to [ ]. 2 Press 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 to selec t the Scen e Mode and then press [MENU/SET].
- 63 - Recording When taking pictures of people outdoors during the daytime, this mode enables the texture of their skin to appear even softer than w ith Portrait Mode.
- 64 - Recording This allows you to take vivid pictures of the nightscape. • We recomme nd using a tripo d and the Se lf-timer fo r tak ing pictur es. • Shutter spee d may slo w down up to 8 secon ds. • The shutte r may remain clos ed (max. abo ut 8 sec.
- 65 - Recording This takes pictures of a baby wi th a healthy complexion. It is possible to set di fferent birthdays for [Baby1] and [ Baby2]. Y ou can display those during playback. ∫ Birthday setting 1 Press 3 / 4 to select [Age] and then press [MENU/SET].
- 66 - Recording This mode allows you to take vivid pic tures of a starry sk y or a dark subject. ∫ Setting the shutter speed Select a shu tter speed of [15 sec.], [30 sec. ] or [60 sec.]. • Press the sh utter but ton ful ly to displa y the count down scree n.
- 67 - Recording T aking pictures of Scenery (Scenery Mode) Recording Mode: This allows you to take pictures of a wide lands cape. Set the mode dial to [ ].
- 68 - Recording T aking Pictures with different ima ge effect s (Creative Control Mode) Recording Mode: This mode allows you to add any of 15 types of effects before recording. Y ou can set the effects to add by selecting example im ages and checking them on the s creen.
- 69 - Recording For details o n how to select the “Creative Control Mode” settings, refer to P68 . ¢ These pic tures are e xamples to sh ow the e ffec t. This effect emphasises the colour t o make a pop art picture. This effect gives a faded image.
- 70 - Recording This effect adds a dark and relaxing feel t o the overall image and enhances bright parts. This effect creates a sepia image. This effect gi ves a higher contrast to create an impressive black and white picture. This effect gi ves your photo a dramatic contrast look.
- 71 - Recording This effect produces the optimum brightness for b oth dark and b right part s. This effect gi ves your photo a dramatic colour look. This effect reduces peripheral brightness to give th e impression of a t oy camera.
- 72 - Recording This effect blurs peripheral ar eas to give the im pression of a diorama. This effect blurs the overall image t o produce a s oft feel. [Miniature Ef fect] Items that can be set Directi on of the b lur Horizont al/V ertical • Press 2 / 1 to select th e direct ion of the blur , and press [MENU/S ET].
- 73 - Recording This effect transforms pin-points of light into a star effect. This effect l eaves one selected colour to emphasise impressivenes s. [St ar Filter] • Display of the recording scre en will be delayed mor e than usual and the screen will look as if frames are drop ping.
- 74 - Recording Using the [Rec] Menu For det ails on [ Rec] menu s etting s, r efer t o P38 . Appl ica ble m odes : Set the number of pixels. The higher the numbers of pixels, the finer the detail of the pictures will appear even when they are printed onto large sheets.
- 75 - Recording Appl ica ble m odes : Set the compression rate at which the pictures are to be stored. • The settin g is fix ed to [ › ] in the following cases.
- 76 - Recording Appl ica ble m odes : This allows the Sensitivity to light (ISO sensitiv ity) to be set. Setting to a higher figure enables pictures to be taken even in dark places wi thout the resulting pictures coming out dark. • For th e focus r ange of flash when [A UTO] is set , refer to P53 .
- 77 - Recording Appl ica ble m odes : In sunlight, under incandescent light s or in othe r such conditions where the colour of whit e takes on a reddish or bluish tinge, this item adjusts to the colour of white wh ich is closest to what is seen by the eye i n ac cordance with the light source.
- 78 - Recording ∫ Auto White Balance Depending on the conditions prevailing when pictures are taken, the pictures ma y take on a reddish or bluish tinge. Furthermore, when a mult iple number of light so urces are being used or there is nothing with a colour close to white, Auto White Balance may not function properly .
- 79 - Recording Y ou can finely adjust t he White Balance when you cannot acquire the desired hue by setting the White Balance. • Fine adjus tment is poss ible only when t he White Bal ance is set to [ V ]/[ Ð ]/[ î ]/[ Ñ ]/[ Ò ]. 1 Select the White Balance to finely adjust and then press [DISP .
- 80 - Recording Appl ica ble m odes : This allows the focusing method that suits t he positions and number of the subject s to be selected. ¢ [ Ø ] will be used du ring motion picture record ing. • The settin g is fix ed to [ Ø ] in the following cases.
- 81 - Recording ∫ About [ š ] ([Face Detection] ) The following AF area frames are dis played when the camera detects the face s. Y ellow: When the shutter button is pressed halfway , the f rame turns green when the camera is focused. White : Displayed when more than one face is detected.
- 82 - Recording ∫ Setting up [ ] ([AF T racking]) Align the sub ject with the AF tracking frame, an d then press 4 to lock onto the subject. A AF tr acking frame • AF area will be displayed in ye llow when a subje ct is recognised, a nd focus will automaticall y ad just cont inuously followin g the s ubject ’s mov ement ( Dynamic tracki ng).
- 83 - Recording Appl ica ble m odes : Contrast and expos ure will be adjusted a utoma tically when there is a big di fference in brightness between the background and subject, to bring the i mage close to real life. Setti ngs: [ON]/ [OFF] • Compensati on ef fect may not be achieved dependin g on the condit ions.
- 84 - Recording Appl ica ble m odes : Pictures are t aken continuous ly wh ile the shutter button is pressed. ¢ The number of Burst recordi ng pictures are limite d by the picture -ta king condi tions and the type and/or st atus of the card used.
- 85 - Recording • Depending on th e operati ng conditions, it may t ake time to t ake t he nex t picture if you repe at the recording of pic tures. • It may t ake tim e to save pictur es t aken in Burst Mo de on the card. If you ta ke pictures continuously w hile saving, the m aximum numbe r of recorda ble pictures decre ases.
- 86 - Recording Appl ica ble m odes : When Red-Eye Reduction ([ ], [ ]) is selected, Red-Eye Removal is performed whenever the flash is used. The camera automatic ally detects red-eye and corrects the picture. Setti ngs: [ON]/ [OFF] • This function works only when the camera detect s a face.
- 87 - Recording Appl ica ble m odes : Y ou can t ake a picture with date and time of recording. • Date information for pi ctures recorded with the [Date Stamp] set cannot be deleted. • When prin ting pictures with [Date Stamp] at a shop or with a printer , the date will be pri nted on top of th e other if you choose to print with the date.
- 88 - Recording Using the [Motion Picture] Menu For details on [Motion Picture] menu setti ngs, refer to P38 . • The [Motion Pict ure] menu is not displayed in the following cases. – [Soft Focus]/[S tar Filter] (Creative Contro l Mode) Appl ica ble m odes : This sets up the pictu re quality of motion pictures.
- 89 - Playback/Editing V arious methods of play back Y ou can play back the recorded pictures in various methods. 1 Press [ ( ]. 2 Press [MENU/SET]. 3 Press 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 to selec t [Playbac k Mode], an d then press [MENU/SET]. 4 Press 3 / 4 to s elect item, and then press [MENU/SET].
- 90 - Playback/Editing Y ou can play back the pictures you have t aken in sequence at specified intervals. This playback method is recomm ended when you hav e connected the c amera to a TV set to view the pictures you have taken. 2 Press 3 to select [S t art] an d then press [M ENU/SET].
- 91 - Playback/Editing ∫ Changing the slide show settings Y ou can change the settings for Slide S how Playback by selecting [Effect] or [Setup] on the slide show menu screen. [Effect] Screen effects can be added to picture transitions. [ON]/[OF F] • When playing ba ck a pan orama pictur e, the [Ef fect] setting is dis abled.
- 92 - Playback/Editing This mode allows you to search images by Scene M ode or other catego ries (such as [Soft Skin], [S ports] or [Night Scenery]) and sort the pictures into each of the categories. Y ou can then play back the pictures in each category .
- 93 - Playback/Editing Y ou can search for images by recorded date. • The recording date of the pic ture sele cted in the pla yback scree n becomes the dat e select ed when the calend ar screen is fir st displaye d. • Y ou can displ ay the cale ndar between J anuary 2000 and December 2099 .
- 94 - Playback/Editing Having Fun with Recorde d Pictures ([ Creative Retouch]) Y ou can add your desired effect s to the pictures that you have t a ken. • The processed pictu res are newly gen erated, s o be sure that yo u have enough space in the built-in memory or on the card.
- 95 - Playback/Editing Using the [Playb ack] Menu For details o n [Playback] menu settings, refer to P38 . Y ou can perform actions like cropping recorded pict ures, as well as set up t he protection of recorded images, et c. • With [Cre ative Re touch], [Re size] or [Cropp ing], a new e dited pic ture is created.
- 96 - Playback/Editing T o allow easy posting to web pages, attachment to email etc., picture size (number of pixels) is reduced. 1 Select [Resize] on the [Pla yback] menu. 2 Press 3 / 4 to s elect [SINGLE] or [MUL TI] and then press [MENU/SET]. • Y ou c an set up to 50 p ictur es at one t ime in [MUL TI].
- 97 - Playback/Editing Y ou can enlarge and then clip the important part of t he recorded picture. 1 Select [Croppin g] on the [Playback] m enu. 2 Press 2 / 1 to s elect the pic ture, and then pres s [MENU/SET]. 3 Use the zoom l ever and press 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 to select the p art s to be cropped .
- 98 - Playback/Editing Y ou can set protecti on for pictures you do not want to be deleted by mistake. 1 Select [Protec t] on the [P layback ] menu. 2 Press 3 / 4 to s elect [SINGLE] or [MUL TI] and then press [MENU/SET]. ∫ Cancelling all th e [Protect] settings 1 Select [Protect] on the [ Playback] menu.
- 99 - Playback/Editing Y ou can copy the data of the pictures you hav e taken from the built -in memory to a card or from a card to the buil t-in memory . 1 Select [Copy] on the [Playback] me nu. 2 Press 3 / 4 to s elect the co py desti nation an d then pre ss [MENU/SET ].
- 100 - Conn ecting to ot her equipm ent Playing Back P ictures on a TV Screen Pictures recorded with this unit can be played back on a TV screen. Preparations: Set the [TV Aspect] . (P46) T urn this unit and t he TV off . 1 Connect the cam era and a TV .
- 101 - Conn ecting to ot her equipm ent The recorded still pictures can be played bac k on a TV wit h an SD M emory Card slot. • Dependi ng on the TV model , picture s may not be displa yed on the fu ll screen. • The fil e format o f the mot ion pictu res that can be played bac k di ffer s dependin g on t he TV mode l.
- 102 - Conn ecting to ot her equipm ent Saving still pictures an d motion pictures on your PC Y ou can transfer the pict ures in the came ra to a PC by connecting the camera and the P C. • Some PCs can read dire ctly from the card removed from the camera .
- 103 - Conn ecting to ot her equipm ent 1 Connect the com puter and camera w ith the U SB connect ion cable (supplied). • Please tu rn this unit on and your PC before co nnecting . • Check the d irections of the connect ors, and plug them s traight i n or unpl ug them st raight out .
- 104 - Conn ecting to ot her equipm ent ∫ About the folder structure of the camera The content (folder structure) of the built-in memory of the camera/the card is displayed on a PC as follows : • A new folder is created when pic tures are taken in the f ollowing si tuati ons.
- 105 - Conn ecting to ot her equipm ent Printing the Pict ures If you connect t he camera to a printer supporting PictBridge, you can s elect the pictures to be printed out and inst ruct that printing be started on the camera’s monitor . • Some printers can print dir ectly fr om the card remov ed from the camera.
- 106 - Conn ecting to ot her equipm ent 1 Press 3 . 2 Press 3 / 4 to s elect an ite m and then pre ss [MENU/SET]. 3 Press 3 to selec t [Print st art] and then pres s [MENU/SET]. • If the prin t check scre en has app eared, sele ct [Y es], and print the pict ures.
- 107 - Conn ecting to ot her equipm ent Select and set the items both on the screen in step 2 of the “Selecting a single picture and printing it” and in step 3 of the “Se lecti ng multip le pictur e s and pri nting them ” proce dures.
- 108 - Conn ecting to ot her equipm ent • Paper sizes not supported by the prin ter will not be displayed. [Paper Size] { Settin gs on the print er are prior itise d. [L/ 3.5 qk 5 q ] 89 mm k 127 mm [2L/ 5 qk 7 q ] 127 m m k 178 mm [POSTCARD] 100 m m k 148 mm [16:9] 1 01.
- 109 - Conn ecting to ot her equipm ent • An item canno t be selected if the print er does not support th e page layout. ∫ Lay out pri nting When printing a picture several times on 1 sheet of p aper For example, if you want to print the same picture 4 times on 1 sheet of paper , s et [Page Layout] to [ ä ] and then set [ Num.
- 110 - Other s Screen Display ∫ In re cord ing 1 Recording Mode 2 Recording Quality (P88) Picture S ize (P74) 3 Quality (P75) 4 Flash (P50) 5 Optical Image Stabili ser (P86) Jitter alert (P24) : 6 .
- 111 - Other s ∫ In playback • The informatio n of images recorde d with other dev ices, such as their icons or recording informati on, may not be display ed corr ectly . In ad dition, the functi ons of th e camera may not be av ailable for them.
- 112 - Other s Message Display Confirmation messages or error m essages will be displayed on the scr een in some cas es. The major m essages are des cribed below as exa mples. [This picture is protected] • Delete the pi cture af ter canc elling t he protect se tting.
- 113 - Other s [Memor y Card Err or]/[Th is memory c ard cannot be used] • Use a card compat ible with this unit . (P19) [Insert SD card again]/[T ry another card] • An error has occurred accessin g the card. Insert the card agai n. • Insert a dif ferent card.
- 114 - Other s T roubleshooting First, try out the f ollowing procedures (P1 14 – 122) . • This phenomeno n occurs when charg ing in a locati on where the t emperature is very high or very low .
- 115 - Other s • Is there an y memory remaini ng on the bui lt-in memory or the card? > Delete the p ictures which a re not neces sary to inc rease av ailable spa ce in t he memo ry . (P37) • Y ou may not be able to recor d for a sh ort while af ter turning this unit on whe n using a la rge cap acity car d.
- 116 - Other s • Is the IS O sensit ivity high or the shutt er speed sl ow? (ISO sensit ivity is set t o [AUTO ] when the came ra is shipped . Theref ore, when t aking pict ures indoors etc. nois e will appear .) > Decre ase th e ISO sensit ivi ty .
- 117 - Other s • If the ca mera is moved too sl owly , the ca mera assumes th at camera mot ion was stop ped and end s the still picture recordi ng. • If there is a l ot of camera shake in the recording dire ction while mov ing the camer a, recordin g ends.
- 118 - Other s • Is t he f lash clos ed? > Open the f lash. (P50) • The flas h cannot be used in the following c ases: – When using Au to Brac ket (P57) – Panor ama Shot Mode (P59) – [Ni.
- 119 - Other s • Is the cl ock in the camer a set pro perly? (P22) • When pi ctures e dited using a PC or pictures t aken by ot her eq uipment a re s earched, they may disp lay dates di ffering from th e actual dates on which the pic ture s were taken.
- 120 - Other s • Is the ca mera connec ted to the TV correct ly? > Set t he TV inp ut to Ex terna l Inp ut Mod e. • Depending on the T V model , the pic tures ma y be elong ated horizontal ly or ver tically or t hey may be displayed with t heir edge s cut off .
- 121 - Other s • When using a prin ter with a Crop ping or borde rless printin g functi on, cancel this func tion bef ore printing. (For detail s , refer t o the operating ins tructi ons for the printer .) • When you order phot o stud ios to print pictur es, ask the phot o stud io if the 16 :9 pi ctur es can be printed.
- 122 - Other s • When the bright ness chang es due to zo om or camera moveme nt, etc ., the lens may click and t he picture on the screen may dr astical ly change. However , the picture is not af fected . The soun d is caused by th e automatic adjustmen t of the apert ure.
- 123 - Other s Cautions for Use Keep this un it as far away as possible from electromagnetic equipment (such as microwave ovens, TVs, video games etc.). • If you use t his unit on t op of or near a T V , the pi ct ures a nd/or soun d on this unit may be disrupte d by electroma gnetic wave radi ation.
- 124 - Other s Before cleaning th e camera, remove the battery o r disconnect the power plug from the outlet. Then wipe the camera with a dry , sof t cloth. • When the c amera is s oiled b adly , it can be c leaned b y wiping t he dirt of f with a wrung wet cloth , and then wit h a d ry clo th.
- 125 - Other s The battery is a rechargeable lithium ion battery . If the surrounding temperature is too high or too low , the oper atin g time of th e batt ery ma y bec ome sho rter . Always remove the battery af ter use. • Place the remov ed battery in a plastic bag, and store or carry away from met allic objects (clip s, etc.
- 126 - Other s Do not leave the card where the temperature is hig h, where electromagnetic w aves or st atic electricity are easily generated or exposed to di rect sunlight. Do not bend or dr op the car d. • The card may be dama ged or the reco rded conte nt may be damage d or delete d.
- 127 - Other s • S tore t he battery in a cool and dry place with a relat ively st able temp eratur e: [Recommen ded temp er ature : 15 o C to 25 o C (59 o F to 77 o F), Recommend ed humid ity: 40%RH to 60% RH] • Always remove t he battery and the card from the camera .
• SDXC Logo is a tra demark of SD-3C, LLC. • QuickT ime and the QuickT ime logo are tradema rks or registered tr ademarks of Apple In c., use d under licens e therefro m. • iPhoto, Mac and Mac OS are trade marks of Ap ple Inc., regi stere d in the U.
デバイスPanasonic DMC-LZ40の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Panasonic DMC-LZ40をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPanasonic DMC-LZ40の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Panasonic DMC-LZ40の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Panasonic DMC-LZ40で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Panasonic DMC-LZ40を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPanasonic DMC-LZ40の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Panasonic DMC-LZ40に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPanasonic DMC-LZ40デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。