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Operating In structions Digi tal Camera Model No. DMC-FS5 DMC-FS3 Bef ore con necting, op erating or adjusting th is product , please re ad the instructio ns completely . VQT1M 97 For USA assistance , please call: 1-800-211-P ANA(7262) or , contact us via the web at: http://www .
VQT1 M97 2 Before Use Befor e Use Dear Customer , Thank y ou for c hoosing Pan asonic! Y ou hav e purchased one of the most so phisticated and reliable products on the ma rket today . Used proper ly , we’ r e sure it will bring you and y our f amily years o f enjo yment.
VQT1 M97 4 Before Use -If you see this sym bol- ∫ About the battery pack • Do not heat or expose to flame . • Do not leav e the battery(ies) in an automobil e exposed t o direct sunlight f or a long period of time with doors and wind ows closed.
5 VQT1M97 Befo re Use ∫ About the batte r y cha rger ∫ Care of the camera • Do not str o ngly s hake or b u mp the camera by dr opping it etc. This unit ma y malfunctio n, recording pict ures may no longer be possib le or the lens or the LCD moni tor ma y be damaged.
VQT1 M97 6 Contents Before Use Infor mation for Your Saf ety ...... ........ ......... 2 Quick Gui de .... ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... 8 Standard Access ories .......................... ..... 9 Names of the Components ...... . .....
7 VQT1M97 Using the [RE C] Mode Menu .................. 59 • @ [PICTURE S IZE] .... ........... ........ .... 59 • A [ QUALITY] .......... ......... ........ ........ 60 • ? [ASP ECT RATIO] ..... ...... ........ .... 60 • [INTELLI GENT ISO]...
VQT1 M97 8 Before Use Befor e Use Quick Guide This is an ov er view of ho w to record and play bac k pictures with the camera. For each step, be sure to r ef er t o the pages indicated in brackets . Charge the b attery . (P12) • The b atter y is not ch arged when the camera is shipped .
9 VQT1M97 Befo re Use Standard Accessories Check that all the a ccessories are included before using the camera. 1B a t t e r y P a c k (Indicated as battery in the te xt) 2 Batter y Charger (Indicate.
VQT1 M97 10 Before Use Names of the Compon ents 1 Flash (P39) 2 Lens (P5, 92) 3 Self-timer indicator (P44) AF assist lamp (P67) 4 LCD monitor ( P38, 90) 5 Status indicator (P15, 23, 27) 6 [MEN U/S ET] butto n (P16) 7 [DISPLA Y] button (P38) 8 [Q.
11 VQT1M97 Befo re Use 18 Strap ey elet • Be sure to attac h the strap when using the ca mera to en sure tha t you will not drop it. 19 Lens barrel 20 [A V OUT/DI GIT AL] socket (P83, 85, 8 9) 21 [ DC IN] socket (P83 , 85) • Alw ays use a genu ine Pan asonic AC adaptor (DMW-A C5PP; opt ional).
VQT1 M97 12 Preparation Preparation Charging the Battery • Use the dedicated c harger and battery . • The battery is not charged when th e camera is shipped. Char g e the bat tery before use. • Charge the battery with the charger indoors . • Charge the battery in a t emperature bet ween 10 o C to 35 o C (50 o F to 95 o F).
13 VQT1M97 Preparatio n • When the oper ating time of th e c amer a becomes ext remely short ev en after properly chargi ng the batt er y , the lif e of the batt er y may hav e exp ired. Buy a ne w batt er y . • Do not leave an y metal i tems (such as cli p s) near the c on tact areas of th e powe r plug .
VQT1 M97 14 Preparation Charging time and number of r ec ordabl e pictures w ith the optional batter y pack (DMW-BCE10PP) are the same as abov e. The c harging time will vary slightly depending on the status of the battery and the conditions in the charging en vironm ent.
15 VQT1M97 Preparatio n 1 : Close the c ard/battery door . 2 : Slide the release lever in the directio n of th e arrow. • If the card /battery door cannot be complet ely close d, remove t he card, check its direction and then i nser t it a gain. Note • Remov e the batte r y after use .
VQT1 M97 16 Preparation ¢ The SDHC Memory Card is a memor y card stand ard decided by the SD A s sociation in 20 06 fo r high capa city memory cards more than 2 GB.
17 VQT1M97 Preparatio n Press [MENU/SET]. Pr ess 2 / 1 to sele ct the item s (year , month , day , hour , minute or display se quence), and press 3 / 4 to set. A : Time at the home area B : Time at the tra vel destination (P58) ‚ : Cancel without setting the c loc k .
VQT1 M97 18 Preparation Setting the Menu The camera comes with menus that allo w you to set the settings f or taking pictures and play ing them back just as you like and menus that enable you to hav e m ore fun with the camera and use it more easily .
19 VQT1M97 Preparatio n This section describes ho w to select the nor mal picture mode settings, and the same setting can be used f or the [PLA YBACK] menu and [SETUP] menu as well. Example: Setting [AF MODE] from [ Ø ] to [ š ] in the normal picture mode Setting men u items T urn the camera on.
VQT1 M97 20 Preparation Press [MENU/SET] t o close the me nu. Switc hing to the [SETUP ] menu Press 2 . Press 4 to select the [SETUP] men u icon . Press 1 . • Select a menu item next and set it. Press 3 / 4 to s e lect [AF MO DE]. • Select t he item at the very bottom, and pres s 4 to mov e to the second sc reen.
21 VQT1M97 Preparatio n By using the quick m enu, s ome of the menu settings can be easily found. • Some of the men u items cannot be set b y the modes . • When [DISPLA Y] is pressed while [ST ABILIZER] (P66) is selected, [JITTER, SUBJ . MOVE DEM O .
VQT1 M97 22 Preparation • High angle mode is also c anceled if you turn the camer a off or [PO WER SA VE] is activ ated. • The brightness of t he pictures displa yed on the LCD monitor is increa sed so some subjects may appear di fferent ly from act uality on the LCD monitor .
23 VQT1M97 Preparatio n • Press t he shutter bu t ton ha lfway or turn the camera off and on to canc el [POW ER SA VE]. • [POWE R SA VE] is set t o [5MIN.] in the intelligent auto mo de. • [PO WER SA VE] is fix ed to [2MIN.] when [AUT O LCD OFF] is set to [15S EC.
VQT1 M97 24 Preparation – The birthda y and name sett ings for [B ABY1]/[BA BY2] (P50) and [P ET] (P51) in scene mode . – The numb er of days that ha ve pass ed since the departure date in [TRA VEL D A TE]. (P57) – The [ WORLD TIME] (P58) sett ing.
25 VQT1M97 Preparatio n • Use a batte r y with suff icient battery powe r or the AC adapt or (DMW-A C5PP; optiona l) when forma tting. Do not tur n the ca mera off du ring formatti ng. • If a card has be en inser ted, only th e c ard is f or matte d.
VQT1 M97 26 Preparation Mode switching Selecting the [REC] M ode When the [REC] mode is selected, t he camera can be set to the Intelligent auto mode in which the optimal settings ar e estab lished in.
27 VQT1M97 Basic [REC ] mod e: ñ Basic T aking pictur es using the automatic fun ction ( ñ : Intelligent Auto Mode) The camera will set the m ost appropriate settings to m atch the subject and the recording conditions so we recommend this mode f or beginners or those who want to lea ve the settings to the camera and tak e pictures ea sily .
VQT1 M97 28 Basic ∫ When t aking pictures usi ng the flash (P39) ∫ When t aking pictures using th e zoom (P32) Not e • Be careful no t to move t he camera when yo u press the shutter b utton. • Do not c over the flash o r the AF assist lamp with your fingers or other object s.
29 VQT1M97 Basic In this case, the subject will become dark so this function compensates the bac klight by brightening the whole of the picture . Press 3 . • When the bac klight compens ation function is ac tivated, [ ] appears . Press 3 again to canc el this function.
VQT1 M97 30 Basic [REC] mode: · T aking p ictures with y o ur fa vorite settings ( · : Normal picture mode) Many more menu items can be set and y ou c an take pictures with greater freedom than when you take pictures in the intelligent auto mode (P27).
31 VQT1M97 Basic A Focus indication B AF area (normal) C AF area (when using th e digital z oom or when it is dark) D Aperture val ue E Shutter speed F ISO sensitivity 1 Aim the AF area at the subject, and then press the shutter button h alfway to fix the focus and exposure .
VQT1 M97 32 Basic [REC] mode: ñ·½¾n T aking P ictures with the Zoom Y ou can zoom-in to m ake people and objects appear clos er or zoom-out to record landscapes in wide angle. T o make subjec ts appear ev en clos er [maximum of 7.1 k (DMC-FS5)/ 4.
33 VQT1M97 Basic • When using the zoom func tion, an estimate of the focus range will appear in conjunc tion with the zoom disp lay bar . (Example: 0.3 m (0.99 ft. ) – ¶ ) ¢ 1 The magnif ication l evel diff ers depen ding on [PI CTURE SIZE ] and [ASPEC T RA TIO] se tting.
VQT1 M97 34 Basic ∫ T o return t o Wide using the easy zoom • Zooming retu r ns at high speed as far as Wide . • When the zoom posit ion returns to th e Wide while t he maximum picture siz e is set, the picture size which was changed in the e xtended optic al zoom range no w retu r ns to what it w as originally .
35 VQT1M97 Basic Rotate the z oom le ver towar ds [ L ] (W). 1 screen > 12 screens > 30 screens > Calendar screen display (P72) A Number of the sele cted picture and t he total number of recorded pictures • Rotate the zoom lever towards [ Z ] (T) to ret ur n to the pre vious screen.
VQT1 M97 36 Basic [PLA YBACK] mode: ¸ Deleting Pictures Once deleted, pictu res cannot be recovered. • Delete the pic t ures on the card while the card is inserted in the camer a. Switchi ng the [PLA YBA CK] mode 1 Press [MODE ] during playback. 2 Press 3 / 4 to select the item and then press [MENU/SET].
37 VQT1M97 Basic ∫ When [D ELETE AL L] has been s elected with t he [F A V ORIT E] (P79) sett ing The selection s creen is display ed again. Select [DELETE AL L] or [ ALL DELETE EXCEPT Ü ], press 3 to select [YES] and delete the pict u res. ([ALL D ELETE EXCE PT Ü ] cannot be selected if no pictures ha ve been set as [F A VORITE] .
VQT1 M97 38 Advanced (Reco rding pictures) Advanced (Rec ording pictures) About the LCD Monitor Press [DISPLA Y] to c hange . A LCD monitor B [DISPL A Y] butt on • When the menu s creen appears , the [DISPLA Y] b utton is not activ ated.
39 VQT1M97 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) [REC ] mod e: ñ·½¾ T aking Pictu res using the Built-in Flash Set the fla sh to match the recording. Pr ess 1 [ ‰ ].
VQT1 M97 40 Advanced (Reco rding pictures) ¢ The flash is activ ated twice. The sub j ect sh ou ld not mo ve until the second fl ash is activ ated. ∫ A vailable flash settings by recording mode The avail able flash set tings depend on the r ecording mode.
41 VQT1M97 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) • The flash s etting may cha nge if the recording mode is changed. Set the flash setti ng again if nece ssary . • The fla s h set ting is memorized e ven if the camera is turned off . Howe ve r, th e scene mode fla sh setting is reset to the init ial setting when the scene mod e is changed.
VQT1 M97 42 Advanced (Reco rding pictures) • There will be diff erences in t he a bove s hutter speeds in the scen e modes. – [NIGHT PO RTRAIT]: 1 or 1/8t h of a se c ond to 1/2 000th of a second .
43 VQT1M97 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) [REC ] mod e: ·n T aking Close -up Pictures This mode allows you to take close-up pictures of a s ubject, e.g. when taking pictures of flowers. Y ou can take pictures of a subject as close as 5 cm (0. 17 feet) from the lens by rotating the zoom le ver upmost to Wide ( 1 k ).
VQT1 M97 44 Advanced (Reco rding pictures) [REC] mode: ñ·½¾ T aking P ictures with the Self-timer Not e • When usin g a tripod etc ., setting t he self-timer to 2 seconds is a con venien t wa y to av oid the jitt er caus ed by pre ssing th e shu tter butto n.
45 VQT1M97 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) [REC ] mod e: ·½¾n Compensating the Expos ure Use this function when y ou cannot achiev e appropr iate e xposure due to the diff erenc e in brightness between the subject and the bac kground. Look at the fol lowing examples .
VQT1 M97 46 Advanced (Reco rding pictures) [REC] mode: ·½¾ T aking P ictures using A uto B rac ket In this mode, 3 pictures are aut omatically recorded in the s elected e xpos ure compensation range each time the shutter b utton is pressed. Y ou can select the picture with the desired ex pos ure from the 3 picture s with different e xposures.
47 VQT1M97 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) [REC ] mo de : ½¾ T aking pictur es that match the scene being recorded ( ½¾ : Scene mode) When you select a scene mode t o match the subject and recording situation, the c amera sets the optimal e xposur e and hue t o obtain the desired picture.
VQT1 M97 48 Advanced (Reco rding pictures) ∫ T echn ique for Po r trait mode T o m ake this mode more eff ec tiv e: 1 Rotate the zoom le ver as far as possible to T ele. 2 Move close to the subject to m ake this mode more eff ec tiv e. Not e • ISO sensit ivity is fix ed to [ISO100].
49 VQT1M97 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) This allows you to take pictures of a wide landscape. Note • The f ocus range is 5 m (16. 4 feet) to ¶ . Set here when you w ant to take pictures of sports scenes or other fast-mov ing events. Note • This mode is suit able f or taking pictur es of subjects at di s tan c es of 5 m (16.
VQT1 M97 50 Advanced (Reco rding pictures) This mode allows y ou to take pictures of f oo d with a nat ural hue without being aff ected by the ambient light in restaur an ts etc. Not e Select this when you want to take pict ur es at a wedding reception, an indoor par ty etc.
51 VQT1M97 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) ∫ Birthday/Name setting 1 Press 3 / 4 to select [A GE] or [NAME] and then press 1 . 2 Press 3 / 4 to select [SE T] and then press [MENU/SET ]. 3 Enter t he birthda y or name. Bir thday: 2 / 1 : Se lect the it em s (year/month/da y).
VQT1 M97 52 Advanced (Reco rding pictures) This mode minimizes the jitter of the subjects, and enables you to take pictures of these subjects in dimly lit room s. (Select this fo r high-sensitivity processing. The s ensitivity automatically switches to between [ISO1600] and [ISO 6400].
53 VQT1M97 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) This allows you to take vivid pictur es of a starr y sky or a dark subject. ∫ Setting the shutter speed Select a shutter speed of [15 SEC.], [30 SEC.] or [60 SE C .]. 1 Press 3 / 4 to select the number of seconds an d then press [MENU/SET].
VQT1 M97 54 Advanced (Reco rding pictures) This allows y ou to take e ven more vivid pictures of the blue color of t he sea, sky etc. It also prev ents und er e x posure of people under s trong sunlight. Not e • The initial setting f or [AF MODE] is [ š ].
55 VQT1M97 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) White bal ance fine adjustm ent Y ou can adjust t he hue to match t he water depth and the weather . 1 Press 3 [ È ] three times t o display [WB ADJUST .]. 2 Press 2 / 1 to adjust the white b alance. • If y ou adjust the white balance, [ ] appears on the screen in red or blue.
VQT1 M97 56 Advanced (Reco rding pictures) Pres s 3 / 4 to se lect [P ICTURE MOD E] and t hen pres s 1 . Press 3 / 4 to s elect the item and the n press [MENU/SET].
57 VQT1M97 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) [REC ] mod e: ñ·½¾n Useful Functions at T ravel Destinations For details on the [SETUP ] menu settings, refer to P19.
VQT1 M97 58 Advanced (Reco rding pictures) • The tra vel date sett ing is memorized e ven if the camer a is t ur ned off . • If y ou set a departure date and th en take a pictu re on a date bef ore this departure date , [-] (minus) is di splay ed in orange and the da y of the v acation that you too k the pict ure is not recorded.
59 VQT1M97 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) Note • Return the setting to [ H OME] when t he vacatio n is finished by perf or ming steps 1 , 2 and 3 . • If [HOME] is alread y set, change only the t rave l destination, and use.
VQT1 M97 60 Advanced (Reco rding pictures) ∫ When the aspect ratio is [ W ]. Not e • “EZ” is an abbre viation of “Extended o ptical Zoom”. • A digital picture is made of numerous dots called pixels.
61 VQT1M97 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) Note • The ends of the r ecorded pictures ma y be cut at pr inting so c heck bef ore printing. (P102) For det ails on [R EC] mode men u settings, refer t o P19.
VQT1 M97 62 Advanced (Reco rding pictures) For detai ls on [REC] mode menu settin gs, refer to P19 . In sunlight, under incandescent lights or i n ot her such conditions where the color of whit e take.
63 VQT1M97 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) For det ails on [R EC] mode men u settings, refer t o P19. This allows the f ocusing method that suits t he positions and number of t he subjects to be selected.
VQT1 M97 64 Advanced (Reco rding pictures) – When the subject is other than a human be ing – When the ca mera is sha king – When digital z oom is used About [ ƒ ] • Y ou can fo cus on the subject mor e quickly th an other AF modes .
65 VQT1M97 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) For det ails on [R EC] mode men u settings, refer t o P19. Pictures are taken continuously wh ile the s hutter b utton is press ed.
VQT1 M97 66 Advanced (Reco rding pictures) For detai ls on [REC] mode menu settin gs, refer to P19 . Using these modes, the p ictures can be made shar per or softer , the colors of the pictures can be turned into sepia colors or other color effects c an be achie ved.
67 VQT1M97 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) For det ails on [R EC] mode men u settings, refer t o P19. Illuminating the subject makes it easier f or the camera to focus when recording in lo w light conditions that make f ocusing difficult. Applicable modes: ·½¾n For det ails on [R EC] mode men u settings, refer t o P19.
VQT1 M97 68 Advanced (Playback ) [PLA YBACK] mode: ¸ Advanced (P l ay back) Playing Bac k Pictures in Sequence (Slide Show) Y ou can play back the pictures you hav e taken in synchronisation with music, and you c an do this in sequence while lea ving a fix ed interval bet ween each of the pictures.
69 VQT1M97 Advanced (Playback) ∫ Operatio ns perf ormed during slide show The cursor display ed during playback is t he sam e as 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 . • The menu screen is re s tor ed when [ ‚ ] is pressed.
VQT1 M97 70 Advanced (Playback ) [PLA YBACK] mode: ¸ Selecting Pictures and Playing them Back ([CA TEGOR Y PLA Y]/[F A V ORITE PL A Y]) This mode allows y ou to search images by scene mode or ot her categories (such as [PORTRAIT], [SCENERY] or [NIGHT SCEN ER Y]) an d sor t the pictures into eac h of the categories.
71 VQT1M97 Advanced (Playback) Y ou can play bac k the pictures you ha ve set as [F A VORITE] (P79) (Only when [F A VORITE] is set to [ON] and t her e are pictures which ha ve been set to [F A VORITE]). Slide the [REC]/[PLA YBA CK] selector s witch to [ ( ], an d then press [MODE].
VQT1 M97 72 Advanced (Playback ) [PLA YBACK] mode: ¸ Using the [PLA YB A CK] mode menu Y ou can use v ar ious functions in play back mode to rotate pictures, set protection for them etc. • Wit h [TEXT ST AM P], [RE SIZE], [T RIMM ING] or [AS PECT C ONV .
73 VQT1M97 Advanced (Playback) Y ou can a dd te xt (comm ents) to pictures. Af ter text has been registered, it can be included in prints using [TEXT ST AMP] (P74). (Only alphabetic characters and symbols can be entered.) Select [TITLE EDIT ] on the [PLA YBA CK] mode menu.
VQT1 M97 74 Advanced (Playback ) ∫ Delete the title (for [SINGLE] only) 1 In step 4 when [SI NGLE] (P73) is selected , delete all the texts, select [E XIT], and press [MENU /SET]. 2 Press [ ‚ ]. 3 Press [MENU/SET] to c lo se the menu. Not e • T ext can be scr olled if all of the regi stered te xt does not fit on the scree n.
75 VQT1M97 Advanced (Playback) [A GE] (P51 ) If this is set to [ON], [AGE] is stamped on the pictures. [TRA VEL DA TE] If this is set to [ON], [T RA VEL DA TE] is stamped on the pictures.
VQT1 M97 76 Advanced (Playback ) Press 3 t o select [YES] and then p r ess [MENU/ SET]. Press [ ‚ ] to re turn to the menu scre en. ¢ ¢ The menu screen is automa tically restored when [MUL TI] is selected. • Press [MENU/S ET] to close th e m en u.
77 VQT1M97 Advanced (Pl ayback) Press [MENU/SET]. Pr ess 3 to s elect [YE S] and th en press [ MENU/SE T]. Pr ess [ ‚ ] to return to the menu screen. • Press [MENU/SET] to close the menu. Note • Dependi ng on the cut size , the picture siz e of the trimmed picture ma y become smalle r than that of the original pi cture.
VQT1 M97 78 Advanced (Playback ) Press [ ‚ ] to re turn to the menu scre en. • Press [MENU/S ET] to close th e m en u. Not e • After con verting the asp ect ratio , the picture si ze may be c ome larg er than that of the original pic ture. • Y ou ma y not be able to conv er t pictur es taken o n other eq uipment.
79 VQT1M97 Advanced (Playback) Select [R OT A TE DISP .] on the [PLA YB ACK] m ode menu. (P19) Note • When y ou play bac k pictures on a PC , they can not be displa yed in the rotated di rection unless the OS or software is compatib le with Exif. Exif is a file format f or still pictures which allows recordin g inf ormation etc.
VQT1 M97 80 Advanced (Playback ) Not e • Y ou can set up to 99 9 pictures as f av or ites . • When printing pi c ture s at a pho to printing store, [ALL DELETE EXCEPT Ü ] (P37) i s us eful so only the pictu res you w ant to be printed remain on the card .
81 VQT1M97 Advanced (Playback) 3 Press [MENU/S ET] to close the menu. • Y ou cannot se lect [CANCEL] if not e ven one pictur e has been set fo r DPOF printing. ∫ T o p rint the date After set ting the number of pri nts, set/cancel pr inting with the recording date by pressin g [DISPLA Y].
VQT1 M97 82 Advanced (Playback ) 3 Press [MENU/SET] to c lo se the menu. • If you pre s s [MENU/SET] while canceling prot ection, the canceling will stop halfwa y .
83 VQT1M97 Connecting t o other equipment Connecting to other equipment Connecting to a PC Y ou can ac quire recorded pictures to a PC by connecting the cam era and the PC.
VQT1 M97 84 Connecting to other equipment Using a dra g-and-drop o peration, mo ve the pictures y ou want to acquire or the folder storing those pictur es to an y different f older on the PC. ∫ Disconnecting the USB connection cable safely • Proceed with the hardw are remov al using “Safely Remove Hardware” on the task t ray o f the PC .
85 VQT1M97 Connecting t o other equipment ∫ Connecti on in the PTP mode (Windo ws R XP , Wind ows Vista R and Mac OS X onl y) Set [USB M ODE] to [PictBr idge(PTP)]. Data can now be read only from the card into the PC. • When there are 1000 or more pictures on a card, the pictures ma y not be impor ted in the PTP mode.
VQT1 M97 86 Connecting to other equipment Not e • Do not use any other USB c onnection cabl es except the supplied one. • T urn the came ra off b efore co nnecting or disconnect ing the A C adapt or (optional: DMW-A C5PP) . • Before ins er ting or removing a card, tur n the c amera of f, and disconnect t he USB connection cab l e.
87 VQT1M97 Connecting t o other equipment Select and set the items b oth on the sc reen in step 2 of the “Selecting a single picture and printing it” and in step 3 of the “Selecting multiple pictures and printing them” procedures.
VQT1 M97 88 Connecting to other equipment • Pa per sizes not supported b y the printe r will not b e display ed. • An item cannot be s elected if the printer does not sup por t the page la yout.
89 VQT1M97 Connecting t o other equipment [PLA YBACK] mode: ¸ Playing Bac k Pictures on a TV Screen Preparations: Set the [T V ASPECT]. ( P24) T ur n this unit and the TV of f . 1 Y ello w: to the video in put sock et 2 White: to the audio input sock et A Align the marks , and insert.
VQT1 M97 90 Others Othe rs Screen Display ∫ In re cordin g Recording in no rmal picture mode [ ! ] (I niti al setti ng) 1 Recording mode 2 Flash mode (P39) 3 AF area (P30) 4 Focus (P30) 5 Picture si.
91 VQT1M97 Others ∫ In pla yback 1 Playbac k mod e (P34) 2 Protected pict ure (P81) 3 F avorites (P79) 4 Stamped with te xt indication (P74) 5 Pi ctur e size ( P59 ) Motion picture ic on (P71) 6 Qua.
VQT1 M97 92 Others • Electroma gnetic wa ve rad iation gener ated by microprocessors may adv ersely affect t he camera, disturbing the pictur es and sound .
93 VQT1M97 Others the surr ounding tem perature and hum idity . If the t emperature i s too hi gh or too low , the operating time of the battery will become shor ter . Always remove the battery af ter use. • Store the remo ved batte r y in the batte r y carrying case (supplied ).
VQT1 M97 94 Others • Recorded dat a may be damaged or lost if the c amera breaks do wn due to inap propriate handling. Pana s onic wi ll not be liable f or any damage suff ered due to loss of recorded dat a. • When you use a tripod, m ak e sure the tripod is stab le when this unit is at tached to it.
95 VQT1M97 Others [SOME PICTURES CANNOT BE COPIED]/[COPY COULD NOT BE COMPLETED] • The f ollowing picture s cannot be copied. – When a pictur e with the same name as the pict ure to be copied e xists in the cop y destina tion. (Only when cop ying from a card to the b uilt-in memory .
VQT1 M97 96 Others Functions that c annot be set or will not work under some conditions Due to the camera's specifications , it may not be poss ib le to set some of the functions or some functi ons may not work in som e of the conditions under which the cam era is used.
97 VQT1M97 Others Exposure compensati on (P45) • 5 in [SCENE MODE1]/[SCENE MODE2] [A UTO BRA CK ET] (P46) • ô and 5 in [SCENE MODE1]/[SCENE MODE2] • $ mode [PICTURE S IZE] (P59) • 9 and ô in.
VQT1 M97 98 Others T roubleshooting First, try out the following procedures (P98–103). • The battery is not inserted correc tly . (P14) • The battery is e xhausted. • Is [A UTO LCD OFF] (P23) o f the [ECONOMY ] mode activ e? > Press the shutt er button half way to canc el these modes.
99 VQT1M97 Others > Check th at the expo sure is correctl y compens ated. (P45) > Set auto br acke t (P46), [HI-SPEED BURST] (P52 ) in scen e mode or [BURST] (P65) of the [REC] m ode menu to [OF F]. • The f ocus range v aries depending on the rec ording mode.
VQT1 M97 100 Others • The LCD monitor turns off and the s tatus indicator light s when [A UTO LCD OFF] (P23 ) is sele cted for the [ECON OMY] mo de. [This doe s not ha ppen when using the A C adaptor (DMW -AC5PP; optional) .
101 VQT1M97 Others • Is the [REC] /[PLA YBACK] s elect or switch set to [ ( ]? (P34) • Is there a pi cture on the built -in memor y or the card ? > The pictur es on the b uilt-in memory appear when a card is not inserted. The picture data on the card app ears when a card is inserted.
VQT1 M97 102 Others • Is the ca mera connected to the TV correc tly? > Set the TV inp ut to exte r nal input mode . • Depending on the TV model, the pictures may be e xtended ho r iz ontally or v er tically or they ma y be displa yed with thei r edges cut off.
103 VQT1M97 Others • Is [AF ASSIST LAM P] on the [REC] mode menu set to [ON]? (P67) • The AF assis t lamp does not turn on in bright places . • The surf ace of the camer a may be c ome w arm during use . This does not af fect the pe rformance or qualit y of the camera.
VQT1 M97 104 Others Othe rs Number of R ecor dable Pictures and A vailable Recording Time • The number of recor dable pictures and the av ailable rec ording time are an appro ximation. (These v ar y depending on th e rec ording conditions and the ty pe of card.
105 VQT1M97 Others Aspect ratio Y Pict ure size (9M): (3648 k 2432 ) ¢ 1 (7M) : (326 4 k 2176 ) ¢ 2 (6M ): (307 2 k 2048 ) ¢ 1 (4.5M ): (2560 k 1712) (2.
VQT1 M97 106 Others ∫ A vailable recording time (when recording mo tion pictures) Not e • The number of recor dable pictures and the a vailab le recording time dis playe d on the screen may not de c reas e in order . • This unit does not sup por t recordi ng motion pict ures on MultiMe diaCards.
107 VQT1M97 Others Specifications Digital Camera: Information f or your saf e ty P ower S ource: DC 5.1 V P ower Consumpti on: 1.5 W (When recording) (DMC-F S5) 1.3 W (When recording) (DMC-FS3) 0.8 W (When pla y ing bac k) Camera effectiv e pixels : 10,100,000 pix els (DM C-FS5)/8,100,000 pixels (DMC-FS3) Image sensor: 1/2.
VQT1 M97 108 Others Hi-speed burst Burst speed: Approx. 6 pictures/second (DMC-FS5) Approx. 7 pictures/second (DMC- FS3) (2M (4:3), 2.5M (3:2) or 2M (16:9) is selected as the picture size.) Number of recordable pictures: When using the buil t-in m emory: Approx.
109 VQT1M97 Others Recording file format Still Pi cture: JPEG (based on “Design rule for Camera File syst em”, based on “Exif 2.21” standard)/DPOF corres ponding Motion pi c tu res: “QuickTime Motion JPEG” (motion pictures with audio) Interface Digital: “USB 2.
VQT1 M97 110 Others Othe rs Digital Camera Access o ry System • Ref er to P13 f or information abou t the battery charging ti me and t he number of recordab le pictures . • NOT E: Accessori es and/or mode l nu mbers may v ar y betw een countries. Consu lt your local dealer .
111 VQT1M97 Others Digital Camera Acc essor y Or der Form (For USA Customers ) In CANA D A , please con tact your local Dealer for more information about acce ssories.
VQT1 M97 112 Others Request f or Service Noti ce (For USA Only) Mail this completed form and your Proof of Purchase along with y our unit to: P anasonic Camera and Digital Ser vice Center 1590 T ouhy A ve. Elk Grov e Village , IL 60007 Request f or Ser vice Notice: (USA Only) Please photocopy this f orm when making a request for service notice.
113 VQT1M97 Others Limited W a rranty (For USA Onl y ) P ANASONIC C ONSUMER ELECTRONICS COMP ANY , DIVISION OF P ANASONIC CORPORA TION OF NORTH AMERICA One Panasonic W ay , Secaucus, Ne w Jer sey 07094 P ANASONIC PUERT O RICO , INC. A ve. 65 de Inf ant ería, Km.
VQT1 M97 114 Others Carry-In or Mail-In Service F or Carr y-In or M ail-In Serv ice in the United State s call 1-800-211 -P ANA (7262). F or assistanc e in Puer to Rico c all P anasonic Puerto Rico , Inc.
115 VQT1M97 Others Customer Services Dire ctor y (For USA Only ) As of December 2007 Product Repairs MAIL TO : Centralized Factory Service Center Panasonic Camera and Digital Service Center 15 9 0 Touhy Ave. Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 Please carefully pack and ship, prepaid and insured, to the Elk Grove Village Centralized Factory Service Center.
VQT1 M97 116 Others Othe rs Précautions à prendre (po ur le Canada) • Assurez-v ous d’utilis er un adaptateur se cteur de marque P anasonic (DMW -AC5PP; en o ption). • Assurez-vous d’ut iliser une batterie de marqu e Panason ic (DMW -B CE10PP).
117 VQT1M97 Others • Le puis sant champ magnéti que de haut-parleurs ou de mot eurs peut endommager les données enregi s tré es et dist ordre les images. • Les ondes électromagné tiques émises pa r un microproces seur peuven t nuire à l’a ppareil photo numérique et pe r turber l’ima ge et le son.
Others VQT1 M97 118 Othe rs Index A AC Adaptor ............................. . ........ 83, 85 Access ind ication ....... ......... ........ ......... .. 15 Aerial Photo Mode ................................. 54 AF Assis t Lamp ...... ......... ......
Others 119 VQT1M97 Motion Picture Mode .............................. 55 Multi Play back ..... ........ ......... .......... ........ 35 N Night Portrait Mode ................................ 49 Night Scenery Mode .............................. 49 NO.
Panasonic Consumer Electr onics Company , Division of Panasonic Corporation of North America One P anasonic W ay , Secaucus, NJ 070 9 4 Panasonic Puerto Rico, Inc. A ve. 65 de Infantería, Km. 9 .5, San Gabr iel Industrial P ar k, Carolina, Puer to Rico 00 9 85 Panasonic Canada Inc.
デバイスPanasonic DMCFS3Kの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Panasonic DMCFS3Kをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPanasonic DMCFS3Kの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Panasonic DMCFS3Kの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Panasonic DMCFS3Kで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Panasonic DMCFS3Kを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPanasonic DMCFS3Kの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Panasonic DMCFS3Kに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPanasonic DMCFS3Kデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。