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Operating Instructions High Definit ion V ideo Camer a Model No. HC-V100 HC-V100M Before us e, please re ad these inst ructions completely . until 2012/1/26 VQT3Y 32.
- 2 - ∫ About the reco rding format for recording motion pictures Y ou can sel ect from either A VCHD or iF rame recording format s to r ecord mot ion pic tures using thi s unit. ( l 43) A VCHD: Y ou can rec ord high d efinition quality images with this for mat.
- 3 - ∫ Cards that you can use with this unit SD Memor y Card, SDHC Memor y Card and SDX C Memo ry Card ≥ 4 GB or more Memory Car ds that do not have the SDHC logo or 48 GB or more Memory Cards that do not ha ve the SDXC l ogo are not based on SD Memory Card Specificati ons.
- 4 - Infor mation for Y our S afety . ......... ........ .... 2 Prep aration Names and F unctions of Main Parts ....... 6 Power su pply ........ ........ ...... ........ ........ ...... . 9 Inserti ng/remo ving th e batte ry..... ........ 9 Charg ing th e batte ry .
- 5 - Copy/Dubbing Copying from Bui lt-in Memory to SD car d [HC- V100M ] .......... ..... ......... ....... 69 Dubbing with a Blu-ray disc recorder , video devi ces, etc. ...... ...... ....... ...... ........ . 71 With a PC What you ca n do with a PC .
- 6 - 1 Spe aker 2 USB te rminal [ ] ( l 71 , 8 3) 3 Intelligent auto/Manual button [iA/MANUAL] ( l 23) 4 Optica l image st abi lizer/De lete button [ O.I.S ./ ] ( l 37, 58) 5 Power button [ ] ( l 15) 6 HDMI mini co nnector [HDMI] ( l 63, 67) 7 A V m ulti connector [A V MUL TI ] ( l 63, 74) ≥ Use the A V multi cable (only t he supplied cable).
- 7 - 13 Menu button [MENU] ( l 28) 14 Mode swi tch ( l 16) 15 Sta tus indicat or ( l 15) 16 Recording start/stop button ( l 20) 17 Cursor button ( l 25, 28, 3 8) ≥ Use the curs or button to select the recordin g functio ns and playback operation s, and to ope rate the menu screen.
- 8 - 21 T r ipod recept a cle ≥ If you att ach a tripod which has a 5.5 mm screw or larger , it may damage this unit . 22 SD card cover ( l 14) 23 Access l amp [ACCESS] ( l 14) 24 Card s lot ( l 14.
- 9 - ∫ About batteries that you can use with th is unit The battery that can be used with this unit is VW-VBK180/VW-VBK360. ≥ The unit has a function for distinguishing b atteries which can be used safely . The dedicated battery (VW-VBK180/VW-VBK360) supports this function.
- 10 - Charging the battery The unit is in the s tandb y conditi on when th e AC adap tor is conn ected. The primar y circuit is always “live” as long as the AC adaptor is connected to an ele ctrical outlet. Important: ≥ Use the supplie d AC adaptor .
- 1 1 - ∫ Connecting to the AC outlet If you turn on the uni t while conne cting with the A C adaptor , you can use t he unit with po wer supplied from the outlet. ∫ T o charge by c onnecting to other devi ce It is possi ble to charge by con necting to oth er device with th e USB cable (supplie d).
- 12 - Charging and recording time ∫ Chargin g/Recordin g time ≥ T emper ature: 25 o C/humid ity: 60%RH ≥ Chargi ng times in p arenthes es are when char ging fro m the USB terminal. ≥ These times are approximatio ns. ≥ The indica ted cha rging time i s for wh en the batter y has been d ischarged completel y .
- 13 - The unit can re cord still pictures or motion pict ures to an SD card or bui lt-in memory . T o record to an SD card, read the fo llowing. Cards that you can use w ith this unit Use SD cards confor ming to Class 4 or hig her of the SD Spee d Class Rating* for motion pi cture recor ding.
- 14 - Inserting/removing an SD c ard Caution: Check tha t the a ccess lamp h as gone of f. 1 Open the SD card cov er and inse rt ( remove ) th e SD c ard into (from) the card slot B . ≥ Face the label sid e C in the direction shown in the ill ustrati on and press it straight in as far as it will go.
- 15 - Y ou can t urn the unit on and off using the power butt on or b y openin g and closing t he L CD monitor . Open the LCD mo nitor and pre ss the power bu tton to turn on the unit. A The sta tus indicato r lights on. The unit is tu rned on when the LCD monit or is opened, and un it is turned off when it i s closed .
- 16 - Change the mode to recording or playback. Operate the mode s witch to ch ange the mod e to or . Prepar atio n Selecting a mod e Recording Mode ( l 20, 22) Playba ck Mode ( l 25, 52).
- 17 - When th e unit is turne d on for the fi rst time, a mes sage asking you to set the date and ti me will appear . Select [YES] an d perfor m St e p s 2 t o 3 bel ow to set t he date and time. ¬ Change the mode to . 1 Select the m enu. ( l 28) 2 Select the d ate or time using 2 / 1 and se t the des ired value us ing 3 / 4 .
- 18 - ∫ Basi c cam era p osit ioni ng 1 Hold the unit wit h both hands. 2 Put your ha nd through th e grip belt . ≥ When record ing, make sure your f ooting is stab le and there is no danger of colliding with another per son or obj ect. ≥ When you are ou tdoors, record pictures wit h the sunlight beh ind you.
- 19 - The card and built-i n memory can be selected se pa rately to record motion pi ctures or still pictures. 1 Change the m ode to . 2 Select the m enu. ( l 28) 3 Select the media for recordin g the motion pictures and the m edia for recording the still pictur es using 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 , and press the ENTER button.
- 20 - ≥ Open the le ns co ver be fore tu rning on the unit . ( l 6) 1 Change the mod e to and open the LCD m onitor . 2 Press the recording sta rt/ stop button to st art recording. A When yo u begin r ecordi ng, ; changes to ¥ . 3 Press the recording sta rt/stop butto n again t o pa use reco rding.
- 21 - ≥ T o change the recordin g format, chan ge the Recordin g Mode. ( l 43) ≥ The images rec orded between pressing t he recording start/st op button t o start rec ording and press ing it again to p ause rec ording beco me one scene.
- 22 - S till picture recorded with size of (1920 k 1080) and an a spect ratio o f 16:9. ≥ Open the le ns co ver be fore tu rning on the unit . ( l 6) 1 Change the m ode to and open the LCD m onitor .
- 23 - The followi ng modes (appropria te for the condi tion ) are set jus t by pointi ng the unit to what you want t o record. ≥ Depending on t he recording cond itions, the unit may not enter t he desired mode . ≥ In the Portrai t, S potlig ht and Low ligh t mode, the fac e will be surrounde d by white frame when detec ted.
- 24 - ∫ Intelligent Aut o Mode When switching to Int elligent Auto Mode, th e Auto White Balance and Aut o Focus operate and automat ically adjus t the colour balan ce and focusing. Dependi ng on the bright ness of the subje ct etc., the aperture and s hutter sp eed are automati cally adjus ted for an optimu m brightness.
- 25 - 1 Change the m ode to . 2 Select the p lay mode select icon A using 3 / 4 / 2 and press th e ENTER button. 3 Select the [VI DEO/PICTURE] you w ish to play back, then press the ENTER button. Select the [M EDIA] and [VIDEO/PIC TURE] you wish to pla y back, then press th e ENTER button.
- 26 - 5 Select the o peration ic on using 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 . A Operation icon ≥ Press the ENTER but ton to display/ not-dis play the operat ion icon. ∫ Change the th umbnail display While the thu mbnail i s display ed, the thumbnai l display changes in the following order if the zoom lever is ope rated to sid e or side.
- 27 - Motion pi cture comp atib ility ≥ This u nit is b ased on A VCHD fo rmat/M PEG-4 A VC file f ormat. A VCHD for mat ≥ Video signal for the A VCHD that can be played back with this unit is 1920 k 1080/ 50i.
- 28 - 1 Press the M ENU button. 2 Press 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 to select t he top menu A , then press the ENTER button. 3 Select the s ubmenu B usi ng 3 / 4 and press 1 or press the ENTER button. 4 Select the d esired ite m using 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 , and press the ENTER button to se t.
- 29 - ≥ The items displayed differ depending on the position or settings of the mode switch. Select the menu. The screen display ca n be changed to [O N] (all info rmation di splayed) or [OFF] (a porti on of informati on display ed). Please ref er to page 65.
- 30 - 5 (Only when s etting the r egion of y our travel dest inatio n) Select your travel destination using 2 / 1 and press the ENTER but ton. ≥ Press 3 to set dayl ight saving ti me. appears and the summer time setting is turned on. The travel destinat ion t ime an d time dif ference from the home region time are set forward by one hour.
- 31 - When about 30 min utes have p assed with out any operat ion while connect ing AC adaptor with this unit, this unit automatically turns off . ≥ This unit will not automatically tu rn off even if the [ECONOMY (AC)] is set to [ON] in following case s: j Using the USB cabl e for PC etc .
- 32 - S tart ing and sto pping of recordin g and unit on /off ca n be confirmed with t his sound. 2 Beep s for 4 times When an error oc curs. Check th e sentenc e displayed on t he screen. ( l 90) This makes it easie r to view the LCD monitor in br ight places inc luding out doors.
- 33 - Set to [Y ES] for changing the menu settin gs back to th e defaul t conditio n. (Only when t he mode is at the position) ≥ Sett ings fo r [MEDIA SELEC T] * , [C LOCK SET] and [LA NGUAGE] wi ll not be ch anged. * For users who ha ve , this menu is not displa yed.
- 34 - The used spac e and re main ing re cord able time of the SD car d can be c heck ed. ≥ When the mode switch is set t o , remaini ng recordab le time for th e selected re cording mode i s displayed. ≥ Press the MENU but ton to clo se the indicat ion.
- 35 - This item is used to star t the unit demo nstrati on. (Only when t he mode is at the position) If [DEMO MODE ] is switched to [O N] and you press the MENU button when there is no SD card insert ed and while th is unit is conne cted to the AC ada ptor , the demonstra tion auto matica lly st art s.
- 36 - ¬ Change the mode to . A Zoom bar ≥ The zoom spee d varies dependi ng on the range ov er which the zoom lever is moved. ≥ Maximum zoom magnif ication can be s et with [ZOOM MODE ]. ( l 43) ∫ About Zoom ba r The zoom bar is disp layed during t he zoom operation .
- 37 - Optical image sta bilizer can stabilize the image with out decreasing the image quality as much. ¬ Change the mode to . ≥ S tabi lization may not be pos sible u nder st rong sha king cond itions.
- 38 - Select the operation icons to add dif ferent effe cts to th e images to be recor ded. ¬ Change the mode to . 1 Press the ENTER bu tton to display the operation ico ns on the s cree n. ≥ The indic ation chan ges each time yo u press 4 of t he cur sor button.
- 39 - When you st art rec ording, the im age/audi o gradually appears . (Fade in) When you p ause reco rding, the image/audi o gradually disappear s. (Fade out ) ≥ The Fade sett ing is cancelled when the recor ding stop s. ∫ T o select the colour fo r Fade in/out ≥ The thumbnails of scenes recorde d using fade in be come black (or white).
- 40 - A more impr essive image can be obt ained by foc using on the obje ct only in close-up and shading off the bac kground. ≥ The unit can f ocus on th e subject at a dist ance of approx. 70 cm . ≥ If you set the T ele Macro function when th e zoom is set to less than 37 k , the zoom is automa tica lly a djust ed t o 37 k .
- 41 - This brightens p art s that are i n shadow and di fficult to see and suppresse s white saturation in bright part s at the same time. Both br ight and dark part s can be recorded clearl y . ≥ If ther e are extremely dark or b right pa rts or the bright ness is insuf fic ient, the ef fec t may not be clea r .
- 42 - ≥ Change the mode to . When you r ecord image s in diff erent si tuations , this mode automatic ally set s optimum sh utter speeds a nd ape rtures. ≥ (Sun set/Lo w ligh t) j The shutt er speed is 1/25 or more. ≥ (Sunset/F ireworks/Scen ery/Night scenery) j Image may get blur ry when close objec t is recorded.
- 43 - Set the maxi mum zoom ratio. ≥ The larger t he digita l zoom magnificat ion, th e more the image qual ity is degraded . Switch th e picture qualit y and recording f ormat of the motion pictures to be recorded. *1 Recording will have higher quality in the orde r of [HA], [HG] and [HX].
- 44 - Detected faces appear wi th f rames. ≥ Up to 15 fra mes are indi cated. L arger faces and faces nea rer to the ce ntre of the s creen tak e preferenc e over others. ∫ Prioritised face framing Prioritis ed face fr aming is displayed as orang e fr ames.
- 45 - Y ou can record br ight pictures even in dark pl aces by slowing the shutter spee d. ≥ Switch to Manual Mode. ( l 48) ≥ The shutt er speed is set to 1/25 or more depe nding on the su rrounding brig htness. ≥ When the shu tter spe ed becomes 1/25, th e screen may be seen as if frames are misse d and aft erimages may appe ar .
- 46 - When record ing, the input level from th e built-i n microphones can be adjuste d. ≥ Switch to Manual Mode. ( l 48) 1 Select the menu. 2 (When [SET r ]/[SET] is selecte d) Press 2 / 1 to adjust. ≥ Adjust the mic rophone input level so th at the last 2 bars of the gain value are n ot red.
- 47 - Selecting t he picture qu ality . Y ou can add a shutte r sound when record ing still pictu res. [QUALITY] : [PI CTU RE] # [Q UALITY] # desired setting : S till pictures with a high picture quality are recorde d. : Priority is given to the number of still pic tures recor ded.
- 48 - ¬ Change the mode to . Press the iA/MANUAL button to switch to Manual Mod e. ≥ appea rs on the scree n. ≥ Press the ENT ER button to display/not -display the manual icon.
- 49 - ≥ T o ret urn to auto s etting, sele ct or p ress the iA/MANUAL button. ∫ T o set the Whi te Balanc e manually 1P r e s s 2 / 1 to select , and fi ll the screen with a whi te subject. 2P r e s s 3 to set. ≥ When the dis play stop s flashing and then ligh ts const antly , the setting is complete.
- 50 - Manual shutter spee d/iris adjustment Shutter Speed: Adjust it when recordin g fast-moving subje cts. Iris: Adjust it when the screen is to o bright or too dark. ≥ Press the iA/ MANUAL button to swit ch to Manual Mode . ( l 48) 1 Select [SHT R] or [IRIS] using the cursor button.
- 51 - Recording with Manual Focus If auto foc using is dif ficult due to the conditions , then use Manua l Focus. ≥ Press the iA/ MANUAL button to swit ch to Manual Mode . ( l 48) 1 Press 4 to switch the manual icon . 2 Select [MF] using the curs or button to change to M anual Focus .
- 52 - Motion picture playback using operation icon For det ails on the basic playback operations , refer to p age 25. Advanced (Playba ck) Playback Operations Playb ack operation Cursor button/ Playbac k display Operati ng st ep s Fast forward/ rewin d playback During Play back Press 1 of the cursor button during playbac k to fast forward.
- 53 - Creating still picture from motion picture A single fra me from the recorded moti on picture can be saved as a sti ll picture. Picture size of the st ill picture to b e created wil l differ dep ending on the recording mod e of the recorded motion picture.
- 54 - Resuming the previous pla yback If playbac k of a scene was st opped halfw ay , the playback can be resumed fr om where it was stoppe d. If playba ck of a mot ion pict ure is st opped, ap pears on the thumbn ail view of the stop ped scene. ≥ The memorised re sume position is cleared if you turn of f the unit or c hange the mod e.
- 55 - Playing bac k motion pictur es/still pictures by dat e The scene s or the still pic tures record ed on the same day can be pla yed back in su ccession . 1 Select the d ate select ic on using the cursor butto n, then press th e ENTER button. 2 Select the p layback date, then p ress the E NTER button.
- 56 - Changing the playback settings and play ing back the slide show 1 Select using the cu rsor button, then press th e ENTER button. 2 (Only when you would like to change the settings) Select the d esired ite m and press the ENTER button. 3 (When [DA TE SETUP] is selected) Select the p layback date, then press th e ENTER button.
- 57 - 4 Select [ST ART] and press the ENTER bu tton. 5 Select the p layback operation. ( l 25) ≥ When the pl ayback is finis hed or sto pped, the scr een to select [REPLA Y], [SELECT AGAIN] or [EXIT] is displayed. Sel ect the des ired item and pre ss the ENTER button.
- 58 - ¬ Change the mode to . ∫ T o delete sc enes or still p ictures from the thumbnail di splay 1 Press the O ptical image sta bilizer/De lete button while the thum bnail view scre en is di splayed. 2 Select [ALL SCENES] o r [SELECT] using the c ursor button, then press th e ENTER button.
- 59 - T o complet e editing Press the MENU but ton. ≥ Y ou can also delet e scenes by press ing the MENU butt on, select ing [EDIT SCENE] # [DEL ETE] # [AL L SCENES ] or [SELEC T]. ≥ Y ou can als o delete s till picture s by pr essing the MENU butto n, selecting [PHOT O SETUP] # [DELE TE] # [ALL SC ENES ] or [SELE CT].
- 60 - Dividing a scene (A VCHD) It is possible to divide an A VCHD scene. Any unwanted parts in the scene can be deleted afte r dividing. ≥ Change the mode to , and s et [VIDEO/PICTURE] of the play m ode selection to [A VCHD]. ( l 25) 1 Select the m enu.
- 61 - Dividing a sce ne to p arti ally delete (iFrame) Divide the iFrame s cene, an d delete unnecess ary par ts. This divide s the recorded scenes in two and de letes the front half or ba ck half. The scene s that were delete d aft er divisi on cannot be reco vered.
- 62 - Protecting scenes/s till pictures Scenes/still picture s can be prot ected so t hat they are not delete d by mistake. (Even if you p rotect some scen es/stil l pictures, formattin g the media wil l delete them. ) ≥ Change the mode to . 1 Select the m enu.
- 63 - ≥ Use the A V multi cab le (supplie d) or HDMI min i cable (op tional) a nd check the o utput settings . ( l 66) ≥ HDMI is t he inter face for digita l devices .
- 64 - ≥ Check th at the plugs are ins erted as f ar as they go. ≥ Always use a gen uine Panasonic HDMI mini cable (RP -CDHM15, RP-CDHM30: optional). ≥ Do not use any ot her A V multi cables except th e supplied one. ≥ When con necting t o the c omponent terminal of the TV , the yellow plug of the A V multi cable is not requi red.
- 65 - ∫ T o watch image s on a regula r TV (4:3) or when both side s of the images do not appea r on the s cree n Change the menu setting to dis play the images cor rectl y .
- 66 - Connecting with a HDMI mini ca ble Select the desired met hod of HDMI outp ut. ≥ [AUTO] determin es the output resolut ion a utomatic ally based on i nformation from the connec ted TV .
- 67 - ¬ Change the mode to . 1 Select the m enu. ≥ If you are not u sing VIE RA L ink, s et to [ OFF]. 2 Connect t his unit to a Pa nasonic TV c omp atible with VIERA Link with a HDMI mini cable.
- 68 - 3 Operate w ith the rem ote control for the TV . 1) Press the button up, down, lef t or right to select a scene or still picture to be played back, and then pre ss th e bu tton in t he ce ntre t o set it. 2) Activat e the o peration icons that ar e dis played o n TV scre en with the re mote co ntrol fo r the TV .
- 69 - Motion picture s or still pi ctures recorded wit h this unit can b e copied from a b uilt-in memor y to an SD card inserted in this unit . ∫ Check th e used sp ace o f the SD ca rd It is possi ble to check the us ed spa ce of the SD card by [ME DIA ST A TUS] ( l 34).
- 70 - When you stop copying halfw ay Press the MENU but ton while copyi ng. ≥ Depending on t he following co nditions, th e time it take s for copying may be longer . j The number of rec orded scenes is large. j The temper ature of th e unit is high.
- 71 - ∫ Check before dubbing Check the equi pment used f or dubbing . * Some equipment may not be compat ible with high-defin ition (A VCHD) picture quality . In such a case, c onnect with th e A V multi cable and dub with st andard pic ture quality .
- 72 - ∫ T o dub using e quipment with a n SD card slot Y ou can d ub by directly i nserting an SD card. ≥ T o copy scenes or still pictures from the built- in memory to an SD card, see page 69. ∫ T o dub using equip ment with a USB terminal Y ou can d ub by connect ing a USB cable.
- 73 - 3 Select the m edia you w ish to dub, th en press the ENTER button. ≥ When using t he battery , the LCD monitor t urns of f aft er about 5 second s. Press t he cursor button t o turn the LCD monit or on. 4 Dub through ope rations on the Blu-ray disc recorder or high- definition (A VCHD) comp atible DVD recorder .
- 74 - ∫ Dubbing using equipment w ithout an SD card slot o r a USB terminal, or using a v ideo dev ice Y ou can dub by connect ing a n A V multi c able. ≥ Images are dubbed in standard quality . ≥ Use the AC adap tor to free y ou from worryin g about the batt ery running down .
- 75 - HD W riter LE 1.1 Y ou can copy the motion /still picture da ta to the HDD of PCs or writ e to media like Bl u-ray discs , DVD discs or SD cards using HD Writer LE 1.1, the software in stalled in the su pplied CD-ROM. Refer to th e operating inst ructions of HD Writer LE 1.
- 76 - ≥ It is p ossible to play ba ck on a P C usin g a ima ge view er stan dard to Window s or com merciall y availabl e image browsing software , and cop y pictures to a PC u sing Wind ows Expl orer . ≥ Please refer to page 87 for deta ils about using a Mac.
- 77 - End User Licens e Agreement Before ope ning the CD-ROM p ackage, please read th e following . Y o u (“Li cens ee”) are gra nte d a licen se fo r the Sof tware defin ed in this End User License Agre ement (“Agree ment”) on conditi on th at you agree t o th e terms and conditi ons of this Agre ement.
- 78 - Arti cle 9 W ith re gard to MIC ROSO FT SQ L SER VER COMP ACT 3.5 produced by Microsof t Corpora tion (1) Lic ensee shal l use t he MICROSOFT SQL SERV ER COMP ACT 3.5 only when included in the Sof tware, and sha ll not u se the M ICRO SOFT S QL SERV ER COM P ACT 3.
- 79 - ≥ Even if the sys tem requiremen ts mention ed in these ope rating instru ctions are ful filled, some PCs canno t be used. ≥ A CD-ROM drive is necessary to install the su pplied softw are application s. (A compatibl e Blu-ray disc/DVD wri ter drive and media are nec essary for writing to a Blu -ray disc/DV D.
- 80 - ≥ Supplied CD-ROM is available for Windows only . ≥ Input is not supported in langu ages other than English, Ge rman, French, Simpli fied Chinese and Russ ian.
- 81 - ∫ Operating e nvironme nt for the c ard reader fu nction (mass storage) ≥ The USB equip ment operate s with the driver installed as stand ard in the OS.
- 82 - When installing the software, log on to your computer as the Administrator or with a user name wi th equiv alent au thorizat ion. (I f you do not h ave aut horizatio n to d o thi s, consult your manager .) ≥ Before st artin g the inst allation, close all appl ications that are runn ing.
- 83 - ≥ Connect t his unit to the PC af ter the soft ware applications are install ed. ≥ Remove the supp lied CD-ROM from your PC. A USB cab le (suppl ied) ≥ Insert t he plugs as f ar as they wi ll go. 1 Connect this u nit to the AC ada ptor . ≥ Use the AC adap tor to free y ou from worryin g about the batt ery running down .
- 84 - ∫ T o disconnec t USB cable safely Sele ct the icon in t ask tra y displaye d on the PC, and th en click [Ej ect Panason ic Camcorder]. ≥ Depending on y our PC’s set tings, this ic on may not be displaye d.
- 85 - About the PC display When the unit is connecte d to a PC, it is recogn ised as an ext ernal driv e. ≥ Removable disk (Ex ample: ) is d isplayed in [Compu ter]. Example fo lder struct ure of an SD card: Example fol der struct ure of built-i n memory : The following dat a will be recorded.
- 86 - ≥ T o use th e softw are, log on as an Ad ministrat or or as user name fo r stan dard user acc ount (only f or Windows 7 /Windows Vist a). The sof tware canno t be used with t he user name for a gues t accou nt. (On the PC) Select [St art] # [All Programs] # [Pana son ic] # [HD Writer LE 1.
- 87 - ≥ HD Writer LE 1. 1 is not availab le for Mac. ≥ iMovie’1 1 supporte d. For deta ils about iMovie’1 1, pleas e contact App le Inc. ∫ Operat ing enviro nment ≥ Even if the sys tem requiremen ts mention ed in these ope rating instru ctions are ful filled, some PCs canno t be used.
- 88 - * o n l y ∫ Recording indi cations Other s Indications A //// Intelligent Auto Mode ( l 23) Manual Mode ( l 48 ) / / ////// / Scene Mo de ( l 42) // Power LCD ( l 32 ) ¥ / ; (Red) Recording .
- 89 - ∫ Playback i ndications ∫ Indication o f connec tion to other device s ∫ Confirmato ry indications C Built-in memor y recording possibl e stat us (still pictur e) * (White) Card rec ordin.
- 90 - Major conf irmation/er ror message s to be indicate d on the screen in t ext. * only Other s Messages PERIODICALL Y MAKE BACK UP OF DA T A IN BUIL T-I N MEMOR Y . * We recomme nd backing up import an t recorded motion pictures and still pictu res periodical ly to a PC, disc et c.
- 91 - About recovery If faulty management inf ormation i s found, the mes sages may appear an d a repai r is performed. (Repa iring may tak e time depending on the error .) ≥ is displaye d when abnormal manage ment informat ion is dete cted when the scen es are di splayed in thumbnai l.
- 92 - ∫ It is not a malfunction in following cases Other s T roubleshoot ing A clicking sound is heard when the un it is shaken . ≥ This is the sou nd of t he lens moving and is not a defect. This sound wil l no longer be heard when the unit is turned on and chan ge the mode to .
- 93 - Indication Problem Check point s Remaining battery indication is not displ ayed properl y . ≥ The remain ing battery c apacit y indication is an approx imation. If the remai ning ba ttery c apacity indica tion is not display ed correct ly , full y charge the bat tery , discharge it and then c harge it again .
- 94 - Playback Problem Check point s Scenes /still pictur es cannot be played back. ≥ Any scenes /still picture s where the thumbnai ls are display ed as cannot be pl ayed back. ≥ Moti on pictures recor ded with other de vices may not be possible t o play back on th is unit.
- 95 - VIERA Link does not work. (Setting on this unit) ≥ Connect with a HDMI min i cable (op tional). ( l 67) ≥ Set [V IERA Link] to [ON ]. ( l 67 ) ≥ T urn the un it off and then back on aga in. (Setting on other devices ) ≥ If the TV input does not switch automa tically , switch the input us ing the TV remote control.
- 96 - ∫ If A VCHD scenes do not change smoo thly The images may be still for several seconds at the joins between the scenes if the foll owing operation s are performe d when multiple sce nes have bee n continuous ly played back us ing another un it.
- 97 - Keep this unit as far away as possible fro m electromagnetic equipment (such as microwave ovens, TVs, video g ames etc.). ≥ If you use t his unit on to p of or near a TV , the pictures and/or sound on this unit may be disrupt ed by electroma gnetic wave radi atio n.
- 98 - Do not use the unit for surveill ance purposes or othe r business uses . ≥ This unit was des igned for con sumer intermitt ent use. It was not intend ed for continu ous use, or for any in dustrial or commercial appli cation result ing in prolong ed use.
- 99 - ≥ Extreme ly high tempera tures or low temperat ures will shorten the life of the battery . ≥ If the batt ery is kept in high-t emperature, high-humidit y , or oily-smoky places, the terminals may rust and cause malfunction s.
- 100 - When the st atu s indicat or is flashi ng at a particul arly fast or slow ra te, the following should b e considered. Flashing with appr ox. 4 second peri od (off for approx. 2 seconds , on for approx. 2 seconds ): ≥ When the bat tery is over discharge d or the temperat ure of the bat tery is too high or low .
- 101 - ≥ When th e LCD mo nitor gets dirt y , wip e it with a soft clot h, su ch as eye glas s cleaner . ≥ In a place with dras tic temperat ure changes, condensa tion may form on the LCD monitor . Wipe it with a soft cloth, such as eye g lass c leaner .
- 102 - ∫ Carefully obser ve copyright laws Recordi ng of pre-recor ded tap es or discs or other pu blished or broadcas t material for purposes other than yo ur own private use ma y infr inge cop yrigh t laws. E ven for the purpose of pri vate use, recording of cert ain mat erial ma y be restrict ed.
- 103 - ≥ SD cards are o nly mentione d with thei r main memory size. The st ated times ar e th e approxima te recordable ti mes for continu ous recording . A Favours imag e quality B Favours recordin g time ≥ If recordi ng for lo ng periods, p repare ba tter ies for 3 or 4 t imes the p eriod you wish to record for .
- 104 - ≥ SD cards are only mentioned with their main memory si ze. The st ated number is the approxima te number of record able pictur es. (When [QUALITY] is set to ) ≥ When [QUALI TY] is set to , the numbe rs of recordabl e pictures are larger than t he numbers shown in t he table ab ove.
Panasonic Corporation Web site:
デバイスPanasonic HC-V100Mの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Panasonic HC-V100Mをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPanasonic HC-V100Mの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Panasonic HC-V100Mの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Panasonic HC-V100Mで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Panasonic HC-V100Mを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPanasonic HC-V100Mの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Panasonic HC-V100Mに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPanasonic HC-V100Mデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。