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For USA and Puerto Rico assistance, please call: 1-800-21 1-P ANA(7262) or , contact us via the web at: http://www For Canadian assistance, please call: 1-800-561-5505 or visit us at www Basic Owner ’ s Manual High Definitio n V ideo Camera Model No .
2 VQT4Q73 Dear Customer , Than k you for ch oosing Panasoni c! Y ou have purch ased one o f the m ost sophistic ated an d reli able pro ducts on the market to day . Used prope rly , w e’re sure it will bring you and your family years of enjoyment. Please take time to fill in the inform ation on th e right .
3 VQT4Q 73 THE FOLLOWING APPLIES ON L Y IN THE U.S .A. THE FOLLOWING APPLIES ON L Y IN CANADA. FCC Note: This eq uipmen t has been tested and found to com ply with the limits fo r a Class B digital d evice, pursuant t o Part 1 5 of th e FCC Rule s.
4 VQT4Q73 ∫ Concerning the battery AC adaptor This A C adapt or opera tes on A C betwe en 10 0 V and 240 V . But ≥ In the U.S.A . and Canad a, the AC adapt or must be co nnected to a 120 V AC power sup ply only . ≥ When co nnecting to an AC supply o utside of th e U.
5 VQT4Q 73 ∫ Prod uct Identif icati on Marking Confor ms to UL STD 600 65 Certified to CAN/CSA STD C22.2 No.60065 Confor me à la norm e CAN/CSA C22.
6 VQT4Q73 IMPOR T ANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Read t hese oper ating inst ruct ions car efully bef ore us ing the unit. Follow th e safet y inst ructions on the uni t and the a pplica ble safet y instruct ions listed b elow. Keep these o peratin g instruct ions han dy for futur e refe rence.
7 VQT4Q 73 -If y ou see t his sym bol- ∫ Cautions for use Keep this uni t as far away a s possi ble fr om elect romagne tic eq uipmen t (su ch as micro wave o vens, TVs, vi deo g ames et c.). ≥ If you use thi s unit on top of or near a TV , the picture s and/or s ound o n this un it may b e disrup ted by electr omag netic wave radiatio n.
8 VQT4Q73 ∫ About Condensa tion (When the lens or th e LCD monitor is fogged up) Condensat ion occurs w hen there is a chan ge in temp eratu re or h umidit y , such as when t he uni t is taken from outside or a c old roo m to a warm room. P lease b e careful, a s it may cause th e lens or LCD monitor to becom e soiled, mold y , or dama ged.
9 VQT4Q 73 Accesso ries ..... ........... .......... ........... ............. 10 Prep aration Power su pply... ................ .......... ........... ........ 1 1 Inserting/ removing t he batt ery ............. .. 1 1 Charging the batter y .. ..... .
10 VQT4Q73 Check the a ccessories be fore using this unit. Keep th e accessori es out of reach of childr en to p revent swallow ing. Product numbers correct as of De c.
11 VQT4Q 73 ∫ About batteries that you can use with this unit The ba ttery th at can be used with thi s unit is VW-VBT 190/VW -VBT380 . ≥ The un it ha s a fu nctio n fo r dis tingu ishin g ba tteri es wh ich ca n be us ed sa fely. The dedica ted b attery ( VW-VB T190/V W-VBT 380) s upports this func tion.
12 VQT4Q73 Charging the battery The uni t is in th e st andb y co ndit io n when the AC adap tor i s co nnect ed. The pr imar y cir cui t is alway s “live” as lon g as the A C adap tor is conne cted to an electrica l outlet. Important: ≥ Do not use the AC cable wit h any ot her equi pment as it is design ed only fo r this unit .
13 VQT4Q 73 Charging and recording time ∫ Chargin g/Recording ti me ≥ T em perat ure: 25 o C (77 o F)/humidity: 60%RH ≥ Chargi ng time s in parent heses a re when charging f rom th e USB te rminal. ≥ These ti mes are appro ximations . ≥ The in dicate d char ging tim e is f or whe n the ba ttery h as be en disch arg ed com pletely .
14 VQT4Q73 The unit can r ecord still pictures o r motion pictur es to an SD car d or built-in memor y . T o record to an SD card, read the following. Cards that you can use w ith th is unit Use SD cards conf orming to Cl ass 4 o r high er o f the S D Speed C lass Ra ting for moti on pictur e rec ording .
15 VQT4Q 73 Y ou c an turn th e unit o n and off using the power button or by ope ning an d closing the LCD moni tor . Open the LCD monitor and press the power button to turn on the unit. A The status indica tor lights on. The unit is tu rned on when the LCD monitor is open ed, and unit is tu rned off when it is closed .
16 VQT4Q73 ∫ About the operation icons ///: T o uch when changin g a page or pe rform ing se tti ngs. : T o uch to re turn t o the pre vious scre en. About the T ouch Menu ∫ T o displa y the T ouch M enu T ouch (lef t side)/ (ri ght side) of on the T ouch Menu to switch the o peration icons.
17 VQT4Q 73 The clock i s not set at the time of purchas e. Make su re to set th e clock. 1 Select the m enu. ( l 22) 2 T ouch the date or time to be set, then s et the de sired value using / . A Displa ying th e World Time settin g: [HOME]/ [DEST INA T ION] ≥ The year can be set betw een 2000 and 2 039.
18 VQT4Q73 ∫ Intelligent Aut o Mode The m ode s (appropria te fo r the condition) are se t just by pointing the unit to w ha t you want to rec ord. ∫ T o chang e to the other R ecording M odes 1 T ouch the Rec or di ng Mode button ic on. 2 T ouch th e desire d Recordin g Mode but ton ic on.
19 VQT4Q 73 1 Change the mode to . 2 Open the LCD monitor . 3 Press the recording start/stop button to start r ecording. A Record ing but ton icon B When you be gi n rec ordin g, ; change s to ¥ . 4 Press the recording start/stop button again to pause recording.
20 VQT4Q73 1 Change the mode to . 2 T ouch the play mode select icon A . ≥ Y ou can also set by touchi ng , selecting [VIDEO SETUP] or [PICT . S ETUP] # [MEDIA, VID EO/ PICTURE]. ( l 22) 3 / Select the still picture B or the recording format of the m otion pic ture C y ou wi sh to play back.
21 VQT4Q 73 ≥ The ic on is disp layed in the thu mbnail d isplay w hen the it em for motion picture is touche d. ( , , , and ) ≥ is displayed in th e 1080/60p s cene when [ALL A VCHD] is touched. 4 T ouch the scene or the still pi cture to be played back.
22 VQT4Q73 ≥ T o uch (left sid e)/ (r ight side) of on the T o uch Menu to d isplay . ( l 16) 1 To u c h . 2 T ouch the top m e nu A . 3 T ouch th e submenu B . ≥ Next (p revious) page is d isplayed b y touchin g /. 4 T ouch the desired item to enter the setting.
23 VQT4Q 73 By linkin g with Wi -Fi compati ble devices , you can use th e Wi-Fi fu nctions of [Lin k to Cell] ‚ [DLNA Play] , [Live Cast] and [Home Ca m] . Before using the r espective Wi-Fi fun ctions, ch eck and prepare yo ur device . T o use the W i-Fi fun ction, co nnect thi s unit to a wirele ss access point or smartpho ne via W i-Fi.
24 VQT4Q73 If the Wi-Fi connecti on cannot be est ablished Pro ble m Check po in ts It ca nnot co nnect to the w ireles s access p oint. The wi reless access po int is n ot det ected . (Gener al) ≥ T urn ON the wireles s access point . ≥ Approach t he wirele ss access poin t and reco nnect.
25 VQT4Q 73 Pro ble m Check po in ts The Wi-F i connec tion i s not possibl e betw een this un it and a smartp hone. (Wireles s Acce ss Poin t Conne ction ) ≥ Make s ure the sm artpho ne is pr operly connected to the wi reles s access poi nt by check ing t he Wi-F i settings of the s martphon e.
26 VQT4Q73 ∫ Carefully obser ve copy right laws Whate ver you have r ecorde d and cr eate d can b e us ed f or y our person al ente rt ainme nt only . Under copy right la ws, othe r materia ls cannot be u sed w ithou t ob taining permi ssion from the holder s of the copyr ights.
27 VQT4Q 73 High Definiti on Vi deo Camer a Informat ion for your safety Others S pecifica tions Power sour ce: DC 5.0 V (Whe n using AC ada ptor) DC 3.6 V (Whe n using battery ) Power cons umption: Record ing; 6.7 W Char ging; 7.7 W Motion pictu re recor ding fo rmat: [A VCHD]; A VCHD fo rmat version 2.
28 VQT4Q73 AC ad aptor Informati on for your saf ety Imag e st abiliz er fun ction: Optical (H yb rid Optical Im age S tabilizer , Active Mode (Rotation correction), Optical I mage S tabiliz er Loc k , T ilt cor r e ctio n function ) Creative Control: [Miniatu re Ef fect]/[S ile n t movie]/[8m m movie]/ [Time Lap se Rec] Monito r: 3.
29 VQT4Q 73 *1 Plea se refer to page 13 , concernin g the b attery c harging time and availa ble reco rding time. *2 Set the flash setting to ([OFF ]).
30 VQT4Q73 NOTE: Acces sories a nd/or m odel n umber s may va ry by c ountry . P lease consult your lo cal d ealer. Produc t numb ers c orrect as of De c.
31 VQT4Q 73 Accessory Order Form (For US A and Puerto Rico Customers) In CANADA, plea se contact your loc al Pa nasonic deale r for more information on Accessori es.
32 VQT4Q73 Other s Limited W arranty (ONL Y FOR U.S.A. AND PUERTO RICO) Panasonic Consumer Marketing Company of North America, Division of Panasonic Corporation of North America One Panasonic Way, Sec.
34 VQT4Q73 Other s Wa r r a n t y (For Canadi an Customers) Panasonic Canada Inc. 5770 Ambler Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L4W 2T3 PANASONIC PRODUCT – LIMITED WARRANTY Panasonic Canada Inc.
35 VQT4Q 73 HC-V720&V720M&V710P&PC_ 35 ページ 2 012年12 月7日 金曜日 午 後5時56分.
Panasonic Consumer Marketing Company of North America, Division of Panasonic Corporation of North America One Panasonic W ay , Secaucus, NJ 07094 Panasonic Canada Inc. 5770 Ambler Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, L4W 2T3 © Panasonic Corporation 2012 Printed in Japan VQT4Q73 F1212KK0 ( 2400 ) HC-V720&V720M&V710P&PC_ VQT4Q73_mst.
デバイスPanasonic HC-V720P/PCの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Panasonic HC-V720P/PCをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPanasonic HC-V720P/PCの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Panasonic HC-V720P/PCの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Panasonic HC-V720P/PCで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Panasonic HC-V720P/PCを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPanasonic HC-V720P/PCの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Panasonic HC-V720P/PCに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPanasonic HC-V720P/PCデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。