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Basic Operating Instr uctions High Definition Video Camera 4K Video Camera Model No. HC-V770 Model No. HC-WX970 HC-V777 HC-WX979 HC-V770M HC-WX97 0M HC-V760 HC-VX870 HC-VX878 HC-VX870M Please re ad thes e instructi ons carefu lly befor e using this pro d uct , and save this man ual for futu re use.
2 SQT0658 (E NG) Dear Customer , We would l ike to take this opp ortunity to thank you for purc hasi ng t his P anas onic V id eo Camera. P lease rea d these Operating Instruction s carefully an d keep the m handy fo r future re feren ce. Please note that the actu al controls an d comp onents, menu items, etc.
3 (ENG) SQT0658 ∫ Disposal of Old Equipmen t and Batteries Only for Europ ean Union and countries with recycling systems These symbols on the products, packaging, and/ or accompanying documen ts mean that used electrical and electronic products and batteries must not be mixed with general household waste.
4 SQT0658 (E NG) Do not use this un it near radio tr ansmitt ers or high- voltage line s. ≥ If you record near rad io tran smitt ers or high- voltage li nes, the recorded picture s and/ or sound may be adversel y affected. About con necting t o a PC ≥ Do not use any ot her USB cab les excep t the supplie d one.
5 (ENG) SQT0658 series/ series 4K MP4: This is a re cording fo rmat suitable fo r editing imag es. This form at can reco rd 4K m otion pic tures (384 0 k 2160/2 5p), which de liver a reso lution four time s higher than that of full h igh-definition motion pict ures.
6 SQT0658 (E NG) Scene( s) recorde d as Backu p for T win Came ra ≥ Page s fo r re feren ce a re in dica ted by an arrow, for exampl e: l 00 ≥ Model numbers ar e abbreviate d as fol lows in these ope rating instructio ns: ∫ Inst alling HD Writer A E 5.
7 (ENG) SQT0658 Informa tion for Y our S afety ...... ........... .......... 2 Accesso ries ..... ........... ............... ........... .......... 9 Prep aration Power su pply... ................ .......... ................ ... 10 Inserting/ removing t he batt ery .
8 SQT0658 (E NG) For United Kingdom and I reland customer s ∫ Sales and Su pport Information Custom er Com municatio ns Centre ≥ For custo mers wit hin the UK: 0844 844 3899 ≥ For custo mers wit hin lrel and: 01 289 8333 ≥ Monda y–Fri day 9:00 am – 5: 00 pm (Excluding public holida ys).
9 (ENG) SQT0658 Check the a ccessorie s before u sing this unit. Keep th e accessori es out of reach of childr en to prev ent sw allo wing. Product numbers correct as o f Dec. 2 014. Thes e may b e subject t o ch ange. Some option al accessorie s may not be avai lab le in som e coun trie s.
10 SQT0658 (E NG) ∫ About batteries that you can use with th is unit The ba ttery that can be used wit h thi s unit is VW-VBT 190/VW-V BT 380. ≥ The unit has a fu nction for distin guishing batter ies which can be used sa fely . The dedica ted batt ery ( VW-VBT 190/VW -VBT380 ) suppo rts this fu nction.
11 (ENG) SQT0658 Charging the battery The unit is in the standby condition when the AC adaptor is con nected. The primary circuit is always “live” as lon g as the AC adaptor is connected to an elec trical outlet. Important: ≥ Do not us e the AC ad aptor/DC ca ble with any oth er equipme nt as it is d esign ed onl y for this unit .
12 SQT0658 (E NG) Charging and recording time ∫ Chargin g/Recording t ime ≥ T emp eratu re: 25 o C/humidit y: 60%R H ≥ Chargi ng time s in parenthes es are when cha rging f rom the U SB te rminal. ≥ series Maximum conti nuous reco rdable times and a ctual re cordab le times in par enthe ses are when recording with the Sub Cam era *1 .
13 (ENG) SQT0658 ≥ If there is less than 3 minutes remaining, then will become re d . If the battery discharges, then will flash. Recharge the batt ery or replace it with a ful ly char ged batter y . The unit can record still p ictures or motion pictures to an SD card o r bui lt-in memory .
14 SQT0658 (E NG) Inserting/removing an SD c ard When using an SD car d not from Pan asoni c, or one pr eviou sly use d on othe r equipment, for the first time on this unit, format the SD card. ( l 2 4) When the SD card is formatted , all of the recorded data is delete d.
15 (ENG) SQT0658 series/ series/ series If you try to use t he Wi-Fi function while the inte rnal tem pera ture of this unit is high, a message will be displaye d. When this happen s, the Wi- Fi funct ion is disa bled . ≥ Wait until the tempe rature ha s dropp ed befor e resumi ng use.
16 SQT0658 (E NG) 2 T ouch the r eco rdin g mo de s wi tchin g ic on. ≥ Refer to page 1 6 for touch screen op eration . T o display the recording mode sw itching icon Display of the recor ding mode switching icon will disap pear whe n no tou ch ope ration is perfor med for a spe cific period of time.
17 (ENG) SQT0658 About the T ouch Menu T ou c h ( le ft s i d e )/ ( ri g ht s i de ) o f on the T ouch M enu to s witch the operat ion icons. ≥ It is also possible to sw itch the operation icons by sliding th e T ouch Menu ri ght or le ft while to uching it .
18 SQT0658 (E NG) Y ou c an set yo ur home region in [SET WORL D TIME]. 1 Select the menu. ( l 24) ≥ A messa ge will be displa yed. T ou ch [ENTE R]. 2 T o uch / to select your home region and t ouch [ENTE R]. ≥ When t he clock is not set, the curre nt time i s displayed a s “--:- -”.
19 (ENG) SQT0658 1 T ouch the R ecording Mode but ton icon . 2 T ouch the de sired Re cordin g Mode but ton ic on. ≥ is availabl e only fo r the serie s/ se ries.
20 SQT0658 (E NG) 1 Open the LCD moni tor , and set t his unit t o Moti on Pic ture Rec ording Mode . ( l 15) 2 Press the recording s t art/stop button to st art recordi ng. 3 Press the recording s t art/stop button again to pause recording. ≥ Record ing can al so be starte d/stopped b y touchin g the reco rding b utton icon.
21 (ENG) SQT0658 Using the Sub Camera a nd the M ain Came ra, you can re cord two images simultaneously . (T win Camera ) Use th e Sub Camera to en joy reco rding yourse lf, a f amily mem ber next to you or scen ery dif ferent from t hat s een from the M ain Camera.
22 SQT0658 (E NG) 1 Set this un it to Playback Mod e ( l 15). 2 T o uch the play mode select icon A ( l 17). ≥ Y ou can also set by touching , selecting [VIDEO SETUP] or [PHOTO SET UP] # [MEDIA, V IDEO/PICT URE]. ( l 24) 3 / / / /// Selec t the still p icture C or the recording format of the motion picture D you wish to play back.
23 (ENG) SQT0658 ≥ The reco rding mode ico n B is disp layed in the thumb nail displ ay when t he item is touched . ( , , , , ( R ed) , (R ed ), (Re d ), (Re d ) and ) ≥ The fol lowing ico ns are .
24 SQT0658 (E NG) ≥ T ouch (left side) / (right side) of on the T ouch Menu to disp lay . ( l 17) 1 To u c h . 2 T ouch the t op menu A . 3 T ouch the s ubmenu B . ≥ Next (previous) page is displayed by touching /. 4 T ouch t he desi red item to e nter t he setting.
25 (ENG) SQT0658 This unit o ffers the following Wi -Fi fu nctions wh en used i n com bination with ano ther Wi -Fi compatible device. Before using any of these Wi-Fi funct ions, check the sett ings o f your device an d get it ready for use.
26 SQT0658 (E NG) ∫ Before using [Re mote Ctrl] Inst all the “I mage App” * The supp orted OS version are curr ent as of D ecember 2014 and s u bject to change. ≥ Use the late st version. ≥ Refer to [ Help] in th e “Ima ge App” menu ab out how to operat e.
27 (ENG) SQT0658 Prep arations before using [Remote Ctrl] Check if the smartphone is an Android (NFC-com pati ble), Android (non-NFC- compatible), or iOS device. ≥ If the sma rtphone is NFC-com patible, the NFC ma rk is disp layed when yo u start up “Image A pp”.
28 SQT0658 (E NG) Using [Remote Ctrl] with a direc t connection ≥ Set t he N FC func tion of th e sma rtpho ne to on. 1 St art up the smartpho ne appli cation “Image App”. 2 T ouch the s martphon e on of t his unit . ≥ T ouch the NFC touch area while the NFC mark is displayed on the smar tphone scr een.
29 (ENG) SQT0658 Using [Remote Ctrl] with a wire less acces s point connection Check if the wireless access point you are using is compatible with WP S j If t he w irel ess acces s poi n t is compatib.
30 SQT0658 (E NG) ≥ Confirm Encr yption key ( Password) of the sele cted wireless a cce ss point if the net work authentica tion is encryp ted. 1 Press Wi-Fi butto n on thi s unit. 2 T o uch [Wi-Fi Setup] and select [Set Wireless Access Point]. 3 T ouch the p art with no displa y of a wireles s access point.
31 (ENG) SQT0658 If the Wi-Fi c onnecti on cannot be est ablished ≥ Please r efer to th e oper ating ins truction of the device in use for details about t he setting o f the wireless acce ss point or s martphon e. Pro ble m Check points It canno t con nect to the w ireless access p oint.
32 SQT0658 (E NG) When thi s unit a nd a smart phone are conne cted via Wi-Fi, you ca n disp lay the image tran smitted from th e smar tph one on th is un it’ s S ub Wi ndow and reco rd i t si m ultaneous ly with the Ma in Camera’s im age.
33 (ENG) SQT0658 Please refer to “Operati ng Instru ctions ( PDF form at)” for details. Power Proble m Check points This un it cann ot be tu rned on. This unit does not stay on long enough . Battery r uns do wn q uickly . ≥ Charge the battery ag ain to e nsure it is su fficiently charged .
34 SQT0658 (E NG) 4K Video Ca mera/Hi gh Def initio n Video Came ra Informat ion for your safety Others S pecification s Power s ource: DC 5.0 V ( When u sing AC adaptor) DC 3.6 V ( When u sing batt ery) Power c onsumpt ion: Recording; series 7.6 W series 7.
35 (ENG) SQT0658 Imag e sen sor: series/ series 1/2. 3 ty pe (1 /2.3 z ) 1MOS imag e sensor T otal; 18 910 K Effective pixels; Motion p icture; 829 0 K (16: 9) *2 , 6100 K (1 6:9) *3, 4 S till pictu re; 8290 K (16:9), 62 20 K (4 :3), 7000 K (3 :2) ser ies / 1/2.
36 SQT0658 (E NG) A V connecto r video output l evel: 1.0 Vp-p , 75 h , PAL system HDMI mic ro connecto r video output l evel: series/ series HDMI™ (x.
37 (ENG) SQT0658 series Sub Camer a AC adapt or Informati on for your saf ety ∫ Carefully obse rve copy right laws Recor ding of pre-r ecor ded tape s or dis cs or other pu blished or broa dcast m aterial for purp oses ot her t han yo ur own priva te use may infr inge copyr ight la ws.
38 SQT0658 (E NG) ≥ Android and G oogle Pl ay are tr ademarks o r registe red trad emarks of G oogle I nc. ≥ The Wi-Fi CERTIFIED ™ Logo i s a certification mark of Wi-Fi Allian ce ® . ≥ The Wi- Fi Protect ed Setup ™ Identifi er mark is a certification mark of Wi-Fi Alliance ® .
39 (ENG) SQT0658 Simplified-HC-X970&X870 &V770_EP&EB-SQT06 39 ペ ージ 2015年1 月9日 金曜 日 午後1時42分.
Panasonic Corporation Web site: © Panasonic Corporation 2014 Manufactured by: Panasonic Corporation Kadoma, Osaka, Japan Importer for Europe: Panasonic Marketing Europe GmbH Panasonic Testing Centre Winsbergring 15, 22525 Hamburg, Germany EU SQT0658 F01 15TC 0 Simplified-HC-X970&X870 &V770_EP&EB-SQT06 58_mst.
デバイスPanasonic HC-WX970の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Panasonic HC-WX970をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPanasonic HC-WX970の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Panasonic HC-WX970の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Panasonic HC-WX970で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Panasonic HC-WX970を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPanasonic HC-WX970の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Panasonic HC-WX970に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPanasonic HC-WX970デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。