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Owner ’ s Manual 4K V ideo Camera Model N o. HC-X1000 Please r ead these instructio ns care fully befo re using th is prod uct, and save th is manua l for futur e use. SQW0 066 until 2014/9/30 Register online at w ww .p ana sonic.c om/registe r (U.S.
- 2 - ∫ About the record ing metho d for recording mo tion pictu res This uni t can reco rd mot ion pictu res using four different recordi ng method s, inc luding M OV (LPCM) , MP4 (L PCM), MP4 an d A VCHD *1 . ( l 31 , 139 ) *1 A VCHD Progres sive (1080/60p , 1080/ 50p) su pporte d.
- 3 - ∫ About security Be careful about th e possibility of theft or loss of the unit, a nd be careful not to leave the unit unattend ed. P lease no te tha t Panason ic does not accept an y responsibility for the comprom ise, manipula tion, an d loss of informati on cause d by the se even ts.
- 4 - Read th is first ............. .......... ........... .......... .... .2 Prep aration Names a nd Functi ons of Main Pa rts ............ 6 Power su pply... ................ .......... ........... ........ 14 Charging the bat tery .. .......... ..
- 5 - With a PC Using th is unit with a PC .......... ........... ........ 93 What you ca n do with a PC ....... .......... .. 93 Connecting to a PC ........ ........... .......... .. 93 Using this un it as a ca rd reade r ...... ....... 94 Using HD Writer X E 2.
- 6 - 1 USB termina l [USB 3.0 D EVICE] ( l 93 , 108 ) 2 USB termina l [USB 3.0 HOST] ( l 102 ) 3 HDMI connector [HDMI] ( l 89 ) 4 Audio in put te rminals 2 (XLR 3 pin) [AUDIO I NPUT2] ( l 13 , 54 ) 5.
- 7 - 24 T r ipod r eceptacle ( l 13 ) 25 Eyepie ce correc tor lev er ( l 25 ) 26 User 5 b uttons [US ER5]/[ FOCUS ASSIST] ( l 61 ) 27 Focu s au to/M anual/ ¶ switch [FOCUS A /M/ ¶ ] ( l 39 ) 28 Pus.
- 8 - 48 Infrared light ( l 69 , 15 2 ) 49 Recordin g lamp (Fro nt) ( l 15 8 ) 50 Lens c over ( l 11 ) 51 Lens (LEICA DICOM AR) 52 SD Card sl ot cove r ( l 21 ) 53 Access la mp (ca rd 1) ( l 21 ) 54 C.
- 9 - 71 Int ern al mic rophon es 72 Acces sory sh oe 73 Sub zoo m lev er ( l 37 , 151 ) ≥ This le ver fun ctions in t he sam e manner as the zoom lever.
- 10 - ∫ Att aching/de t aching the lens hood (How t o d et a ch t he le ns ho od) While pressing an d hold ing t he le ns hood rel ease butt on, ro tat e the lens hood in the direction of the arrow to detach it. (How to atta ch the lens hoo d) 1 Fit the lens hood into this unit.
- 1 1 - Opening /closin g the lens c over Y ou can o pen/close t he lens c over by sliding th e lens co ver op e n/close lever. ≥ When this u nit is not in u se, c lose the lens cover to protect t he lens . ≥ Do not press the lens cove r hard . This may d amage the le ns or t he le ns cover.
- 12 - ∫ Att aching the Shoulder s trap We r ecom mend th at you att ach th e shou lder s tr ap (suppli ed) be fo re going out of door s to record so as to a void dr opping this unit. ∫ Att aching the front microphone ≥ The mi crophone holder is set u p so that a 21 mm (0.
- 13 - 2 Attach an external microphone (optional) to the microphone hol der , and tighten the micro phone holder sc rews. 3 Connect the external microphone to the AUDIO INPUT1 terminal (XLR 3 pin). ≥ When wiring the microphone cable, use the cable clamper o f this uni t.
- 14 - ∫ About batteries that you can use w ith this u nit (For the U.S.A. and Ca nada) The batte ry that can be used with this uni t is VW-VBD58 /CGA-D54 . (For Are as othe r th an the U.S. A. and Canad a) The batte ry that can be used with this uni t is VW-VBD58 /CGA-D54 s.
- 15 - 1 Connec t the AC cable to t he ba tter y charg er and the AC ou tlet. ≥ Use the A C cable (K 2CA2CA0002 5; supp lied) dedica ted for the bat tery charg er . 2 Insert the battery into the batte ry charger by aligning the arr ows . ≥ We recommen d using Panasonic batter ies ( l 16 ).
- 16 - Charging and recording time ≥ T emper ature: 25 o C (77 o F)/hu midity: 60%RH ≥ When u sing the viewfinde r (time s in paren theses are when us ing t he LCD m onit or) ≥ When [SYST EM FREQ] is s et to [59.
- 17 - ≥ When [SYST EM FREQ] i s set to [50Hz(P AL)] ( l 159 ) ≥ “h” is an abbre viation fo r hour, “min” for min ute an d “s” for s econd. ≥ These ti mes are appro ximations . ≥ The indic ated char ging time is for whe n the batt ery h as be en d i schar ged co mplete ly .
- 18 - Y o u can c heck the rema ining po wer of t he batt ery by l ookin g at the battery ca pacity indicat ion displaye d on this un it's sc reen or b y looking at the s upplied b attery VW-V BD58.
- 19 - Connecting to the AC outlet The unit is in t he standby condition when the AC adaptor is con nected. The primary circuit is always “live” as lon g as the A C adaptor is conne cted to an electrica l outl et. Important: ≥ Use th e su pplied AC ad aptor.
- 20 - The unit can record motion picture s or still pictures t o an SD card. Cards that you can use w ith this unit ∫ About the S peed Class ratings for re cording motion pictures ≥ Depending on [REC M ODE] and [REC FORMA T] ( l 139 ), the requir ed car d di f fers .
- 21 - Inserting/removing an SD c ard Caut ion: Check that th e acc ess lamp has gone of f. 1 Open the SD card slot cover and insert (remove) the SD card into (from) the ca rd slot B . ≥ One SD card can be inserted into each of the card slot 1 and th e card slot 2.
- 22 - Set the power switch to ON while pressing the lock release butt on B t o tur n on the unit. A The status i ndica tor lights on . ≥ T o tur n on the u nit aga in after the [ECO NOMY (B A TT)] o r [ECONOMY ( AC)] is activa ted, se t the power switch to OFF o nce, an d then to ON again.
- 23 - The viewfind er is turne d off and the LCD m onitor is tu rned o n w hen the LCD mon itor is ex tracted . The viewfind er is turne d on wh en the LCD monitor is retracte d. Using the LCD monitor 1 Extract th e LCD monit or i n the direction as indicated in the figure.
- 24 - How to use the touch scr een Y o u can o perate b y directl y touc hing the LCD mo nitor (t ouch scr een) wit h your finger. ∫ T ouch T ouch and re lease th e touch screen to selec t icon or picture .
- 25 - It adju sts brightne ss and color densi ty on the LCD m onitor. 1 Select the menu. ( l 28 ) 2 T ouch the desired setting item. 3 T ouch / to adjust setting s. 4 T ouch [ENT ER]. ≥ T ouch [EXIT] to exit the m enu scree n. Vie wfinder adjustment ≥ These setting s will not affect the images actu ally recorded.
- 26 - The reco rding im ages o r playb ack images o n the vie wfind er can b e sele cte d b etwe en colo r/bl ack and wh ite. Select the menu . ( l 28 ) Recording yourself ≥ Chan ge the mode to Re cordi ng Mo de. ( l 22 ) Rotate the LCD m onitor t owards th e lens sid e.
- 27 - When this un it is turned on, the message [ SET TIME Z ONE AND DA T E/TI ME] may appear. T o ma ke these set tings, sele ct [YES], and fo llow the ins tructio n s from S tep 2-3 of the tim e zone setting proced ure. 1 Select the menu. ( l 28 ) 2 T ouch the date or time to be set, then set the desired value using / .
- 28 - ≥ Y ou ca n sele ct men u items by operat ing the multi-f unction dial . ( l 76 ) 1 Press the ME NU button . 2 T ouch t he t op menu A . 3 T ouch t he subm enu B . ≥ Next (Pr evious) page can b e displa yed by t ouching / . 4 T ouch t he des ired i tem to ent er the s etti ng.
- 29 - ∫ Basic came ra positio ning Normal recordin g ≥ Put you r hand thr ough the grip be lt and hold the uni t with bo th han ds. Recording from a high po sition Low-angle recording ≥ For easier low- ang le r ecordin g, the sub recording start/stop b utton and th e sub zoom lever can b e used.
- 30 - ≥ When rec ording, make sure your f ooting is stable and the re is n o danger of colliding with another perso n or obj ect. ≥ Hold the ey e cup o f the viewfind er as clo se as po ssible to your eye. ≥ Adjust the a ngle of the LCD mon itor acco rding to th e position i n wh ich th e u nit is hel d.
- 31 - ≥ Befo re tur ning on t his u nit, ope n the lens cove r . ( l 11 ) 1 Cha nge the mod e t o Recordi ng Mode . ( l 22 ) ≥ Extract t he LCD m onitor. 2 Press the recording start/ stop button B to st art recording. ≥ Recording will stop when yo u press the recor ding start /stop bu tton again .
- 32 - ≥ When the f ile size of a recorde d scene exceeds on e of the fo llo wing sizes or the re cording time exceeds on e of th e following len gths of time, the sc ene will be divid ed aut omatical ly .
- 33 - ∫ About picture s ize Picture sizes i n which still pictures will be r ecorded d iffer d e pendin g on t he [REC MODE] setting and the [REC FORM A T] s etting ( l 13 9 ). ≥ It is po ssible to record still p ictures while reco rding motion pi ctur es.
- 34 - ≥ is disp layed i n the Manual Mode. ≥ The fol lowing m odes appr opriate for th e condi tion are set just by point ing the unit to what you want to re cord in the Intellige nt Auto Mod e. * When [SLOW SHUTTER] ( l 148 ) is [OFF], L ow Ligh t Mode will no t be enter ed.
- 35 - ≥ If you set the Image Stabilizer to (sett ing canceled) in Manua l Mode and set this unit to Intelligent Auto Mod e, the Image S tabilizer sett ing when this u ni t is re set to M anua l Mode w ill be determin ed by wh ether or not you press t he Optica l Image St a bil izer button.
- 36 - ≥ Some of th e USER b uttons 1 s 6 may n ot be a vailable i n Intell igent Aut o Mode dependi ng on th e registere d USER butto n funct ions. When the following function s are register ed to t he USER buttons, u se them in Ma nual Mo de.
- 37 - It can be zoomed up to 20 k . ≥ (Whe n t he pic t ur e si ze of [RE C FORMA T] ( l 139 ) is 1 920 k 1080 or bel ow) It can zoom up to 40 k w hen the [i.Z oom] is set to [ ON]. ( l 147 ) ≥ Zoom m agnificati on can b e check ed in th e scree n display of Z00 to Z99.
- 38 - ≥ If you take your fi nger off t he zoom l ever dur ing zoom oper atio n, th e operat ion s ound may b e recorded . When return ing the zoom le ver to t he ori ginal p ositio n, mov e it quie tly . ≥ The soun d of th e zoom me chanism b ecomes lo uder t han usual d urin g fa st zoom op eration.
- 39 - Perform fo cus adju stments us ing the focus rin g. If aut o focusin g is difficult due to the c onditions, then use Manua l Focus. ≥ Switch to Man ual Mod e. ( l 34 ) 1 Set the FOCU S A/M/ ¶ swi tch to [M] to enable Manual Focus. ≥ It will switch to MF from AF.
- 40 - ∫ T o emphasize th e outline of im ages Setting [ EVF/LCD DET AIL] to [ON] h elps you ac hieve focus e asier by emph asizing the ou tlines of an ima ge disp layed on the LCD moni tor and vi ewfind er . Y o u can a lso adjust th e emph asis level or change the fre quency .
- 41 - ≥ Switch to Manua l Focus Mode. ( l 34 ) ≥ Register [ FOCUS AS SIST] to a USER bu tton. ( l 61 ) Press the USER button to which [FOCUS ASSIST] is registered or t ouch the appl ica ble U SER but ton ic on .
- 42 - ≥ Y ou can adjust th e magnificat ion fro m 3 k t o 10 k . ≥ The mag nified a rea is d isplayed i n full screen w hen the magnifi cation is set t o a leve l between 5.5 k and 10 k . (Movin g the m agnified a rea) T ouch / / / or s lid e the screen whil e touching it to mov e the ma gnifi e d area .
- 43 - ≥ Focus Assist is canceled in following ca ses: j If you tur n the unit o ff j If you pr ess the T HUMBN AIL butto n j When the setting of [F OCUS ASSIST] ( l 40 ) is ch anged j When EV F/LCD detail is e nabled . ( l 40 ) j When you s et this u nit to Intellige nt Auto Mod e using the iA/MA NU s witch.
- 44 - 4 T ouch [ EXI T] to compl ete the se ttin g. ≥ The focus po sitions of the items yo u have set will be registere d. ≥ The focu s position set tings ar e canceled in the fo llowing cases : j If you tur n the unit o ff j If you pr ess the T HUMBN AIL butto n j If you operate t he zoom ≥ Select th e [FOCUS TRAN SITION] men u.
- 45 - ≥ When using Focus Transition, functi ons registere d to the USER b uttons 1 s 5 do not w ork with the USER butto ns. T o set the Focus Transition time ≥ Switch to Man ual Mod e. ( l 34 ) 1 Select the menu. 2 T ouch the desired setting item.
- 46 - Automa tic Whit e Balance function may n ot reprod uce nat ural colo rs depend ing on the scen es or lighting con ditions. If so, you can adjust t he W hite Balance m a nually . ≥ Use the mu lti-funct ion dial to cha nge the se ttings. ≥ Switch to Man ual Mod e.
- 47 - *1 This mode is used for Auto White Bala nce Mode and Int elligent Aut o Mo de. *2 Y ou can set this m ode with a USER button. *3 O nly di spla yed whe n M anu al Whi te B ala nce Mode is in use. ≥ T o re turn to Auto Whi te Balan ce Mod e, press th e W.
- 48 - When recor ding a scen e that i s too dark (or b ri ght) o r a s cen e in a similar situation, manually adjust the iris and ga in. Iris adjustm ent ≥ Switch to Man ual Mod e. ( l 34 ) 1 Press the I RIS b utton t o swi tch t o Man ual Iri s Mode.
- 49 - ∫ Adjusting bright ness during the Auto Iris Mode ≥ Switch to Man ual Mod e. ( l 34 ) 1 Select the menu. 2 T ouch / to adjust se ttings. 3 T ouch [ EXI T] to compl ete the se ttin g. Utiliz ing the USER button It is con venient to u se followin g functions o f the USER button w hen it is s et to Ir is adjustmen t.
- 50 - ≥ T o return to Auto Gain Mode , press the GAIN button or set this unit to Intelligent Auto M ode using the iA/MANU switch. ≥ If you register [S UPER GAIN] to a USE R butto n, you can set the gain valu e to 27 dB or 30 d B. ( l 50 ) ≥ If the ga in value is increased, t he noise on the scr een inc reases.
- 51 - Adjust th e shutter s peed wh en rec ording fast- moving sub jects. ≥ Use the mu lti-funct ion dial to cha nge the se ttings. ≥ Switch to Man ual Mod e. ( l 34 ) 1 Press the SHUTTER button to switch to Man ual Shutter Mode. 2 Adjust the shutte r speed by rot ating the multi -funct ion dial.
- 52 - ≥ Y ou may see a band of li ght aroun d an o bject tha t is shinin g ve ry b right, or h ighly ref lective. ≥ During normal playbac k, image movem ent may n ot look sm ooth.
- 53 - This uni t can reco rd audi o in 2 ch. It is possibl e to sw itch betwe en buil t-in m icropho ne, extern al m icropho ne, or con nected audio equipmen t for each channe l. ∫ About audio rec o rding methods The aud io recor ding m ethod varies de pending o n the [R EC MOD E] s ett ing.
- 54 - ∫ Using an ex ternal microphone o r audio eq uipment 1 Connec t an extern al mi crophone or au dio equ ipme nt to AUD IO IN PU T1, 2 t er mina ls (XL R 3 pin). ( l 12 ) 2 Use INPUT1 or INP UT2 switches to switch the connec ted aud io in put si gnal.
- 55 - T o remove the e xternal microphone, etc., from the audio input terminals 1, 2 (XLR 3 pin) Remove while pushing on the PU SH section of the audio input term inals 1, 2 (XLR 3 pin). ≥ Set the input sig nal to b uilt-in microp hone by sw itching the CH1, CH2 switches to INT (L) or IN T (R) after removing the ext ernal microphone.
- 56 - ≥ Adjust confirm ing the audio level meter. ALC can reduce au dio noise . For aud io channel 1 , select [ AUDIO A LC CH1]: for au dio chan nel 2, select [AUDIO A LC CH2].
- 57 - Y o u can c hange a counter displa y that in dicates how m uch tim e h as el apsed dur ing re cording or playba ck. Press the C OUNTER butto n to switch the counter display . ≥ The display will be switched in the following order: T ime Code # User Information* # Recording Counter # Off.
- 58 - Setting the T ime Code T ime code will disp lay the recording t ime in hours, minut es, se conds, and fr ames. TC 00:00 :00:00 ( hour : m inute : s econd : f rame [NDF]) TC 00:00 :00.00 (hour : minu te : seco nd . fr ame [DF ]) ≥ The num ber o f frames ( frame count p er seco nd) varies d epend ing on the fra me rate in [REC FORMA T ].
- 59 - ≥ The time code will r eset when the built- in lithium batter y is e xhausted when i t is set to [FREE RUN]. Y o u can s et the initial t ime code. 1 Select the menu. 2 T ouch t he it em to set a nd chan ge with / . ≥ It will be set to 00h00m00s00f when the RESET button is pressed .
- 60 - Setting the Recording Counter Recording Counter will display t he recording time in seconds. 0:00:00 (hou r : min ute : second (Whe n [RE C COUNT ER] is s et to [T OT AL]) ) SCN 0:00 :00 (ho ur : minu te : seco nd (Whe n [REC COUNT ER] is set t o [SCENE])) Select th e counting method during th e recording .
- 61 - Each of the USER button can registe r one function fro m the 24 a vaila ble fun ction s. ≥ There a re six US ER butto ns (USER1 to USE R6) on t he ma in body an d four USER b utton ico ns (USER7 to USER10) displayed on the LCD monitor. Setting the USER but ton 1 Select the menu.
- 62 - Using the USER button T o use the set USER button, press USER1 to USER6 button or touc h the USER7 to US ER10 button icon disp layed wh en you touch th e LCD m onitor.
- 63 - Functions of the USER button ∫ List of USER button function * These functions are not available in Intelligent Auto Mode. ≥ The fol lowing USER button f unction can al so be set from th e men u.
- 64 - ≥ Register “F ocus As sist” to a US ER button . ( l 61 ) Y o u can s et the Focus Assist . ( l 40 ) ≥ Register “Ba cklig ht Compensat ion” to a USER b utton. ( l 61 ) Switches to autom atic iri s control to compe nsate the b acklight.
- 65 - ≥ Register “E VF/LCD de tail” to a USER but ton. ( l 61 ) [EVF/LCD D ET AI L] helps you ach ieve foc us easier by empha sizing t he outli nes of an imag e displaye d on the L CD moni tor or th e view finder. ( l 40 ) ≥ These setting s will not affect the images actu ally recorded.
- 66 - ≥ Register “Histo gram” to a USE R butto n. ( l 61 ) A graph wit h brightness as horizontal axis and nu mber of pixel s at that brightne ss as vertical axis is displaye d. It is p ossible to determi ne the ex posure of the whol e ima ge by looking a t the dist ribution in the graph .
- 67 - ≥ Register “DRS ” to a US ER butto n. ( l 61 ) ≥ Switch to Man ual Mod e. ( l 34 ) Selects the D RS (D ynamic Range Stretche r) func tion. It is po ssible to expand the dynam ic range by compr essing th e v ideo signal level of the highl y illuminated area th at gets washed out with standard recording.
- 68 - Y o u can a pply a v ariety o f effects to the subject y ou touc h. ∫ Setting an Area Mode effec t Y o u can s elect the following menu it ems to set an effect to be applie d when you touch t he subj ec t. ∫ Using Area Mode ≥ Regis ter “Area Mode” t o a U SER b utton.
- 69 - ≥ Area Function is not p ossible in following cases: j In Intelligent Au to Mode j When a re mote c ontrol ( comme rcially-ava ilable) i s connecte d ( l 6 ) ≥ When using Area Mode, even if you turn on Marker by pressing th e ZEBRA button, the luminance display f rame w ill not be displa yed.
- 70 - ≥ Register “L evel G auge” to a USER butt on. ( l 61 ) This functio n displays the horizo ntal/vertical tilt of the un it wit h the e lect ronic leve l. ∫ T o correct the ti lt ≥ The hor izon tal tilt disp lay A and vertical tilt display B appear y ellow when there is a tilt, and appear green when th ere i s almos t no tilt .
- 71 - ≥ Regis ter “B ack groun d” t o a US ER b utto n. ( l 61 ) When [2 SLO TS FUNC.] is set to [ BACKGROUND], you can start/stop bac kgroun d recor ding. ≥ When the r ecordin g destinatio n of motion picture s is set to [S D CARD 1] in [MEDIA SEL ECT] ( l 30 ), [S D CARD 2] will b e used for background r ecording.
- 72 - Color Bar Scree n ≥ T o can cel, pre ss the BA RS button again. ≥ It will be canceled when the unit is turned off. ≥ While the colo r bar is disp layed, a tes t tone will be output fr om the h eadphon e terminal , HDMI terminal a nd aud io outp ut termi nal.
- 73 - ≥ The test tone vo lume differs de pending on the [T EST TONE] s etti ng. ( l 157 ) ≥ Y ou can record colo r bars as motio n pictures, but not as still pictur es. ≥ If you press the BA RS butto n whil e recordin g color b ars as a m o tion p icture, yo u can s top displayin g the color bars.
- 74 - Zebra Zebra displ ay: Parts where whi te saturati on (color satura tion) is lik ely to oc cur (extremely brig htly lit or shiny p arts) are di splayed with diago nal lines (zeb ra pattern A ). Marker display : Displays th e lumi nance l evel of the center of the screen (lumin a nce dis play fr ame B ) in %.
- 75 - Y o u can u se conv enient f unctions just by th e easy operati on of touchin g the s cr een. 1 T ouch t he LCD monitor in the recordi ng screen. ≥ The ope rati on icons are dis playe d. 2 T ouch an operation i c on. ≥ The foll owing f unction is availabl e.
- 76 - Y o u can s elect and se t menu items ( l 28 ), etc. u sing the mu lti-funct ion dial. 1 Rot ate the m ulti- functi on dial on the menu screen, etc., to move the cursor. ≥ The selected item will be displayed in yellow . 2 Push t he mul t i-fu nctio n dial to s et.
- 77 - ≥ The multi-function dial also a llows you to sele ct/set opera tion icon s, thum bnails, etc. ≥ Parts that are finger-tou ch sensitive can be operated with the multi-function dial. ( Excluding some functions) Y o u can s elect the fo llowing fun ctions an d adjust the ir settin g s using the mu lti-function dial.
- 78 - T o c hange t he functi on you adj ust 1 Change settings in adv ance so that you can select mo re than two fun cti ons. ≥ Change se ttings as follo ws: ≥ The on- screen icon for the selected fu nction is displa yed in wh ite.
- 79 - 1 Set this un it to playback mod e. ( l 22 ) 2 T ouch the play mod e select icon A . 3 Select the media C y ou wish to play back. 4 (T o set this unit to M otion Picture Playback Mode ) T ouch t he des ired r ecor ding mode D and recording format E for playback.
- 80 - (T o set this unit to Still Picture Playback Mod e) T ouch t he st ill pictur e F . 5 T ouch the scene or the still picture to be played back. ≥ Next (Pr evious) page can b e displa yed by t ouching / . 6 Select the playback opera tion by touching the operati on icon.
- 81 - ∫ Change the th umbnail display While the thu mbnail is displayed, th e thum bnail display c hanges in the following order if th e zoom lev er o r the sub zoom lever is operated to side o r s ide. * Detailed information o f the sce ne is displaye d when playin g ba ck mot ion pictures.
- 82 - 2 Rot ate the mult i-func tion dial to adj ust the vol ume. 3 Push t he mul t i-fu nctio n dial to finish the adjustment . ≥ Sound will be heard only during normal motion picture playbac k. ≥ If pause pl ay is con tinued for 5 mi nutes, the screen return s to the thumbna ils.
- 83 - Motion picture play back usi ng operation icon For detail s on th e basic pl ayback ope rations, refer to page 79 . Playb ack ope ratio n P layback disp lay Oper ating s tep s Skip play back (to the start o f a scene) During Playb ack T ouch the L CD monitor and slide from right to left (fr om left to rig ht) du ring pl aybac k.
- 84 - Dire ct playb ack During Playb ack T ouch t he direct playbac k b ar A o r slid e it whi le tou chi ng . ≥ The p layback p auses t empor arily an d skip s to the p osition touch ed or s lid to while touchi ng. ≥ Playback will start by releasing your touchi ng or sliding fing er .
- 85 - Creating still picture from motion picture Y o u can save a fr ame of a rec orded motion pictu re as a still p i cture. The picture size with which a still picture will be r ecorded differs depending o n the picture size of [REC FORMA T] with which the motion picture was rec orded.
- 86 - Resuming the previous pla yback If playback of a sce ne was stopp ed half way , th e playba ck can be r esumed fr om whe re it was stopped. If playb ack of a mo tion pictu re is sto pped, appe ars on the thu mb nail vie w of the stoppe d scene.
- 87 - ≥ Scenes r ecorded w ith the f ollowin g [REC F ORMA T ] settin gs are gro uped s eparately on the date list. A rec ording for mat icon will be displayed next to th e dat e. ≥ is displayed after the date in the list by da te for the still pict ures cr eated from the m otion picture .
- 88 - 2 (When [M UL TI] is se lected in S tep 1) T ouch the scene/still picture to b e deleted. ≥ When t ouched, the scene/still picture is selected and the indi ca tion appears on the thumbnail. T ouch the scen e/still picture again to cancel the opera tion.
- 89 - ≥ When [SYST EM FR EQ] is s et to a broa dcastin g syst em diff erent f ro m that of your region , images may no t be played b ack cor rectly .
- 90 - 1 Connec t this unit to a TV . ≥ Check th at the pl ugs are i nserted as far as they go. ≥ Do not use any ot her HDMI cables e xcept the su pplied o ne. ≥ When conn ecting this un it and a TV tha t supports 4K motion pict ures with an HDMI cab le, connect it to an HDMI terminal that supports 4K.
- 91 - ≥ This uni t is not compatible with the VIERA Link. ≥ If you connect thi s unit to the TV when this unit is set to Re c ording Mode, a squeal ing so und *1 may be o utput. Befor e conn ecting this un it, set it t o Playback Mode. *1 The microphone may p ick up th e sound fr om the speake rs, produ cing an a bnorm al soun d.
- 92 - ∫ T o display the on- screen in formation o n the TV When the m enu setting is chan ged, the in format ion displayed on the screen (operati on ico n and Counter d isplay etc.) ca n be dis played/n ot displa yed on the TV . Connecting with a HDMI cable Select the d esired m ethod of HDMI outp ut.
- 93 - What you can do with a PC When you connect thi s unit to a P C, i t reco gniz es this uni t as a card r eader. The connection enables you to acce ss the SD c ard in t his unit f rom the PC . ≥ T o perfor m non-li near editing , copy the data of motion pictur es and still pictures to t he PC you will be using t o edit it.
- 94 - 6 T ouch [PC] on the scre en of this un it. ≥ This u nit is aut omaticall y reco gnized as a n exter nal drive of t he PC. ( l 96 ) ≥ When yo u select an opt ion othe r than [P C], rec onnect the USB ca ble. ≥ When using the battery , the LCD monitor turns off after about 5 seconds .
- 95 - ∫ If using Mac ∫ If using W indows When the u nit is con nected to a PC, it is recogn ized as an exte rna l drive. ≥ Removabl e disk ( Example: ) is disp layed i n [Compu ter]. 1 Double-click the folder that contains the still pictu res. ([DCI M] # [100CDPFQ] etc.
- 96 - Exampl e folde r stru cture o f an SD card : The following data will be recorded. 1 Up to 99 9 still pi ctures in JPE G format ([1 1000001 .JPG] etc.) 2 MOV f ormat mot ion pi ctur e d ata ([1 1000001 .MOV] , etc. ) 3 MP4 form at moti on p ictur e data ([1 1000001 .
- 97 - Using HD W riter XE 2.0 Y o u can copy the motion /still picture data to the HDD of PCs or SD cards. Refer to the ope rating i nstruction s of HD Writer XE 2.0 (PD F file ) for de tails on how to u se it . ≥ It is im possible to writ e data to th is un it from a PC.
- 98 - Y o ur installation o r use o f the Softwar e defined below sha ll be con clusivel y deemed to const itute your accep tance of the terms o f this Agr eement. If you do not acc ept the terms of t his Agree ment, do not ins tall, nor use the Software.
- 99 - Article 9 Wit h regard to MICROSO FT SQL SERVER COMP ACT 3.5 p roduced by Microsoft Corporation (1) Li censee shall use the MIC ROSOFT S QL SERVER C OMP AC T 3.5 only whe n incl uded in the Softwar e, and shall no t use the MICROSOFT SQL SERVER COMP A CT 3.
- 100 - ≥ This software is on ly for Wind ows. ≥ Input i s not suppo rted in langua ges oth er than E nglish, G erman , Fren ch, Simpl ified C hinese and Russian. ≥ Operati on is not guaranteed on Micro soft Windows 7 Enterpri se, Windows 8 En terprise, Windows 8.
- 101 - When inst alling the softw ar e, log on to your com puter as the Ad ministrat or or with a user nam e with equivalent author isation. (If y ou do n ot have authorisa tion to do this , cons ult your ma nage r .) ≥ Before starting the installation, close all applicatio ns that a re ru nning.
- 102 - ≥ In this Owne r ’s Manual, “USB hard disk drive ” is indicated as “ USB HDD”. If you connect a USB HDD (commercially-available) to this un it by usin g a US B Connect ion Cabl e (sup plied with US B ha rd dis k), you can copy m otio n pict ure s a nd still pictures recorde d on this unit to a USB HDD.
- 103 - 1 Connect the AC adaptor (s upplied wi th USB HDD) t o the USB HDD. ≥ If you are using a bus-powered or por table USB HDD, this unit c an supply power to t he USB HDD by USB Connection Cable (supplied with USB HDD). 2 Connect the AC adaptor to this unit.
- 104 - ∫ Point s to check before copying ≥ When using a USB HDD f or the first time, or using a USB HDD tha t h as been used wit h other devic es, firs t run [FORMAT MEDIA]. ≥ Before copying, go to [MEDIA ST A T US] to che ck the a mount of f re e space on the USB HDD.
- 105 - Simple copy 1 Connect this unit to the USB HDD to prep are for copying. ( l 102 ) 2 T ouch [ Simpl e copy ]. ≥ When [Copy selected files] or [Playback fr om Externa l Drive] is se lected, termina te the connection with the USB HDD ( l 106 ), and then p erform th e ope ration of Step 1.
- 106 - Playing bac k the External Driv e ≥ Only moti on pict ure/stil l pictur e that h ave been copied by conn e cting this unit to the USB HDD or copi ed with HD Writer XE 2.
- 107 - ∫ Check before dubbing Chec k t he equi pmen t us ed for dub bing. * Y ou can dub A VCHD scenes and scen es in the recording mode opti on [MP4]. No te that among these scen es, tho se with a record ing form at size o f 4K (38 40 k 21 60) ca nnot be d ubbed.
- 108 - ≥ Y ou cann ot dub scenes in th e recor ding mode option [MOV(LP CM)] or [MP4 (LPCM )]. ≥ When [ SYSTEM FR EQ] is set to a broad casting s ystem different fro m t hat of y our re gion, dubbin g may not be po ssible.
- 109 - 3 T ouch [RECORDE R] on the screen of this unit. ≥ When you s elect an option othe r t han [REC ORDER], re connec t the USB cable. 4 T ouch t he me dia you wish to dub . ≥ When using the battery , the LCD monitor turns off after about 5 seconds .
- 1 10 - ∫ Dubbing using equipment without an SD c ard slot or a USB termin al, or using a v ideo device Y o u can d ub by c onnecting a n A V cable (com mercially- availabl e). ≥ Images are du bbed in stand ard qualit y . ≥ Use the A C adap tor to free you fr om worrying about the ba ttery runn ing down.
- 11 1 - ∫ Use this unit as a wireless LAN device When using equipm ent or com puter syste ms that require m ore reli able sec urity than wir eless LAN devices, ensure th at the approp riate m easures a re taken f or saf ety de signs an d defects for the systems used.
- 1 12 - ∫ This unit is WPS-compat ible WPS (Wi- Fi Protec ted S etup ™ ) is a function th at allows yo u to easily se t up a conn ection w ith a wireless L AN devi ce and ma ke secur ity-relat ed sett ings. ≥ This unit ca nnot be used to conn ect to a public wireless LAN co nn ection.
- 1 13 - Using a smartp hone, y ou can perform r ecord ope ration s from a re mo te locat ion. A When conne cting di rectl y t o a s mart phone B When co nnectin g to a w irele ss access point ≥ Refer to [ Help] in th e “Ima ge App” menu about fun ction of Image App.
- 1 14 - Using NFC, yo u can easily set u p a dire ct connection b etween t h is unit and the smartp hone. ∫ If the devic e is Android (NFC-c ompatible) Use NFC to set up a direct connecti on between this unit and the smartphone. ≥ Procee d to “Usin g rem ote opera tion wi th a dir ect connect ion”.
- 1 15 - Using remote operation with a di rect connection ≥ Set t he NFC fu nction of th e sm art phone to O N. 1 St art up th e sma rtphone appli cation “Image App”. 2 T ouch t he sm artphon e on of this unit. ≥ T ouch the NFC mark while a m essage asking you to touch the NFC ma rk on t he devic e is d isplay ed on the smartp hone screen.
- 1 16 - ≥ If you touch an NFC-compat ible smartph one to this unit , you can register up to five smar tphones. When the n umber exceeds five, r egistrations will be deleted, st arting from the oldest touched one.
- 1 17 - Proceed to Step 6 when you r Wi-Fi connecti on has b een m ade via [Wireless S ettings ] in [W i-Fi Setup] ( l 125 ). 1 Connect the smartphone to a wireless access point. 2 Press the USE R button to wh ich [Wi-Fi] is registered, and turn on th e Wi-Fi functi on.
- 1 18 - About remote operation Smartphon e scree n shots are e xamp le displayed in M otion Picture Reco rding M ode. * Focus Assist prov ides only the expan d functio n durin g remote o perat ion. ≥ The di splayed content diff ers dep ending on Record ing Mod e (Inte lligen t Auto M ode/Ma nual Mode) a nd oth er settin gs.
- 1 19 - * The suppor ted OS ve rsions are c urren t as of Se ptembe r 2014 a nd subje ct to cha nge. ≥ Use the late st version. ≥ Refer to [ Help] in th e “Ima ge App” menu about fun ction of Image App. ≥ The serv ice m ay not be able to be us ed prope rly dep ending on th e type of smartp hone bei ng used.
- 120 - T o use the Wi-F i function , conne ct this unit to a wireless ac ce ss poi nt or sm artpho ne via Wi -Fi. ∫ About the conn ection st atus icon w hen con nected to Wi-Fi Using the Network Ea.
- 121 - 5 Follow t he on- scree n in struc tions of th e smar tphone t o se t up a conne cti on. ≥ When the se ttings is com plete, the s martph one and th is unit are conne cted directl y , allo wing you to use re mote oper ations. ( l 11 5 ) 1 Press the USE R button to wh ich [Wi-Fi] is registered, and turn on th e Wi-Fi functi on.
- 122 - Connecting to a wir eless access point ≥ Register [ Wi-Fi] to a USER bu tton. ( l 61 ) Check if the wireless access point you are using is compatible with WP S j If t he wir eles s acce ss p.
- 123 - ≥ Confirm Encr yption key ( Password) of the sele cted wirel ess acce ss po int if the network authentica tion is encryp ted. 1 Press the USE R button to wh ich [Wi-Fi] is registered, and turn on th e Wi-Fi functi on. 2 Select the menu. ≥ T ouch [OK].
- 124 - Entering text ≥ T ouch the text entry icon in the ce nter of th e screen an d ente r the text. ≥ A maxim um of 32 ch aracte rs can be e ntered.
- 125 - ≥ When [WEP] is selected, pr oceed acco rding to ste p 8. 7 T ouch t he des ired E ncryp t ion m ethod. ≥ If you select [NON E], a mes sage is di splayed after c ompletin g t he c onnec ti on. 8 (When selecting [WEP]/[T KIP]/[AES]) T ouch [ INPUT] , the n ente r th e Passw ord.
- 126 - 1 Press the USE R button to wh ich [Wi-Fi] is registered, and turn on th e Wi-Fi functi on. 2 Select the menu. 3 T ouch [ Change connec tion t ype]. 4 T ouch [ QR code ]. ≥ QR code is display ed on t he scre en of t his unit. 5 St art up th e sma rtphone appli cation “Image App”.
- 127 - ≥ T ransmissi on spee d may decr ease, o r may n ot be usab le depe nding o n the environ ment it is used in . If the Wi-Fi c onnecti on cannot be est ablished ≥ Please r efer to th e oper ating ins tructi on of the devic e in use for details abo ut the setting of th e wireless acce ss point or s martphon e.
- 128 - The Wi-Fi c onnect ion is not p ossibl e be tween this unit an d a smartp hone. (Wirel ess Acc ess Po int Co nnectio n) ≥ Make sure the sma rtphon e is pro perly co nnected to the wireless access p oint by chec king the Wi-Fi settings of the smar tphone.
- 129 - Configure various settin gs necessar y to use the Wi-Fi fu nction. When conn ected to W i-Fi, the se ttings canno t be ch anged. 1 Press the USE R button to wh ich [Wi-Fi] is registered, and turn on th e Wi-Fi functi on. 2 Select the menu. Please r efer to page 120 .
- 130 - T o switch the d isplay order 1 T ouch the access point you want to switch the order . 2 Switc h the order by t ouching or . ≥ T o cha nge th e wireless access po int, dele te one of the registe r ed wireless a ccess points, an d then add one.
- 131 - Y o u can c hange the Wi -Fi set ting bac k to the default condit ion. ≥ Wi-Fi Password are also deleted. Y o u can v iew and change this uni t’s Device na me (SS ID), which i s us ed for operating this u nit as a wireless acces s point. 1 T ouch [INPUT], and en ter the desired Device name (SSID).
- 132 - Refer to page 28 for how to set up the Menu . Camera Setup Settings that are a ssigned to [SCE NE1] in [ CUSTOMIZE SCENE] by default are indicated with underl ined text. ≥ Switch to Man ual Mod e. ( l 34 ) Preferred camer a setting i nformatio n can b e saved to each sce ne file.
- 133 - ≥ This funct ion’s default settin g is [SCENE1]. ≥ It is possible to switch the scene file by touc hing to while displaying the operation icons. ( l 75 ) ≥ It will return to the defau lt set tings when [SCENE] is selected in [INITI AL SET].
- 134 - Finely a djusts co lor tempe rature after Ach W hite Ba lance ad just ment. ≥ Switch to Man ual Mod e. ( l 34 ) 1 T ouch [COL OR TEMP A ch]. 2 T ouch / to adjust setting s of color . 3 T ouch [ EXI T] to compl ete the se ttin g. Finely a djusts co lor tempe rature after Bch W hite Ba lance ad just ment.
- 135 - T one o r contr ast of the imag e is set in accord ance wit h the r ec orde d scenes. ≥ Switch to Man ual Mod e. ( l 34 ) 1 T ouch [G AMMA]. 2 T ouch the desired setting item.
- 136 - Repr ese nts the colo r durin g t he r ecordin g. ≥ Switch to Man ual Mod e. ( l 34 ) 1 T ouch [MA TRIX]. 2 T ouch the desired setting item. 3 T ouch [EXIT] to exit the menu screen. ≥ Switch to Man ual Mod e. ( l 34 ) This make s skin colors appear softer for a more a ttractive ap pe aran ce.
- 137 - ≥ Switch to Man ual Mod e. ( l 34 ) Y o u can s et the leng th of tim e in which the focus will shift dur ing Focus Transition. ( l 45 ) ≥ This funct ion’s default settin g is 2 second s. ≥ Switch to Man ual Mod e. ( l 34 ) Y o u can s tart recor ding and F ocus Transition simul taneously .
- 138 - Y o u can s et an Ar ea Mod e effect. ( l 68 ) ≥ This funct ion’s default settin g is [FOCUS/IRIS]. ≥ Switch to Man ual Mod e. ( l 34 ) Sets the m aximum possible g ain val ue for A uto Gai n Mode. ( l 50 ) ≥ This funct ion’s default settin g is [6dB].
- 139 - Recording Setup All defau lt setti ngs ar e indicate d with u nderline d text. [SD CARD 1] and [SD CA RD 2] can be sele cted separate ly to recor d mo tion pictures or still picture s. ( l 30 ) Switch the rec ording mo de of t he mot ion pictur es to r ecord.
- 140 - ≥ When [SYST EM FREQ] is set to [5 9.94Hz(NTSC) ], displayed f rame ra te s differ from t he actu al ones. * The actual frame rate will be 24.
- 141 - ≥ When [M P4(LPCM) ] in [RE C MODE] is selected * The system freq uency will be se t to 2 4 .00 Hz whe n [C4K/24 p 100 M ] is set. ≥ When [M P4] i n [REC MO DE] is selec ted Recording format System frequ ency sett ing Size (Pictu re si ze) Fram e rate Bit rate (VBR) [C4K/24p 100M] * [59.
- 142 - ≥ When [A VCHD] i n [REC MODE] is selected ∫ About the [REC FORMA T] setting when [SYSTEM FREQ] has been changed If you cha nge the system fre quency when [REC M ODE] is set t o [M OV( LPCM) ], [MP4( LPCM)] o r [MP4], [RE C FORMA T] will be change d to a setting t hat ma tches th e system frequency you have set.
- 143 - Y o u can s et the auto swit ch recor ding, sim ultaneous record ing a nd ba ckground reco rding. ≥ Insert SD ca rds to card slo t 1 a nd card slot 2.
- 144 - How to use backg round recording ≥ Register [BACKGROUND] t o a USER button. ( l 61 ) 1 Press the recording start/stop button to start recording. ≥ A motion picture will start being recorded to th e two SD cards. ( will be displayed in red.
- 145 - ≥ appears on the screen. ≥ After recordin g, the setting o f Interval Re cording is cance led. ≥ Audio ca nnot be r ecorded. ≥ “h” is an abbre viation fo r hour, “min” for min ute an d “s” for s econd. ≥ These ti mes are appro ximations .
- 146 - This allows th e reco rding of an image an d audio to start befor e you press the r ecordin g start/sto p button. AVCHD scenes will be recorded from approximately 3 secon ds before the oper ation, wh ile MOV/MP4 will be re corded from app roximately 4 seconds before the oper ation.
- 147 - ≥ When [INFRARED REC] is set to [ON], this u nit cannot be set to I ntelligent Auto M ode e ven if you slide the iA/MANU switch . ≥ When [INFRAR ED REC] is set to [ON], focus values may not be disp layed co rrectly .
- 148 - Y o u can r ecord br ight pictu res even i n dark pla ces by slo wing t he shu tter speed . Slow Shutte r works in Auto Shu tter M ode. ( l 51 ) ≥ The shutter spe ed will be adjusted to one of the fo llowing valu es according to the am bient brightness.
- 149 - Switches the adjus tment m ethod of the audio reco rding le vel for audio ch annel 1 . ( l 55 ) Switches the adjus tment m ethod of the audio reco rding le vel for audio ch annel 2 . ( l 55 ) ≥ Set [AUDIO LEVEL CH1]/[AUDIO LE VEL CH2] to [MANUA L].
- 150 - Sets the inp ut level of th e externa l microph one conne cted to th e au dio input te rminal 1 (XLR 3 p in). Sets the inp ut level of th e externa l microph one conne cted to th e au dio input te rminal 2 (XLR 3 p in). TC/UB SETUP All defau lt setti ngs ar e indicate d with u nderline d text.
- 151 - Switch s etti ng All defau lt setti ngs ar e indicate d with u nderline d text. Sets the ro tation dire ction an d iris con trol of the iris ring. Sets the functio n to ass ign to th e USER butto ns. ( l 61 ) Enable/disab le of th e sub recor ding start/stop butto n on the h a ndle ca n be swit ched.
- 152 - Y o u can t urn on/off the infrar ed light w hen [INFRA RED REC] ( l 146 ) is set to [ON]. ≥ Switch to Man ual Mod e. ( l 34 ) Y o u can s witch t he type of color ba rs to b e displaye d when you pr ess the BARS butt on. ( l 72 ) [INFRARED LIGHT] [ON]: Turn on the infr ared lig ht.
- 153 - Display setting Different menu items are displayed dependin g on whe ther this u n it is in Rec ording Mode or Play back Mo de. All defau lt setti ngs ar e indicate d with u nderline d text. Switches the di splay of the set USER butt on icons .
- 154 - Y o u can c heck if the im age is le vel while recor ding motion pict ures an d still pictures . The function can also be us ed to estima te the balance of the compos ition. ≥ The gui deline s do no t appear on the images actuall y recorde d.
- 155 - It is po ssible to ch ange the date fo rmat. This functio n displays the horizo ntal/vertical tilt of the un it with the ele ctronic level. ( l 70 ) A graph wit h brightness as horizontal axis and nu mber of pixel s at that brightne ss as vertical axis is displaye d.
- 156 - This make s it easier to view the LCD monitor in brigh t places i ncludin g outd oors. ( l 24 ) It adju sts brightne ss and color densi ty on the LCD m onitor. ( l 25 ) Brightness o f the vie wfinder can be switche d. ( l 25 ) Switche s the m irror function of the LCD m onitor when re cording yourself.
- 157 - A V output setting Different menu items are displayed dependin g on whe ther this u n it is in Rec ording Mode or Play back Mo de. All defau lt setti ngs ar e indicate d with u nderline d text.
- 158 - Switches th e output s etting of ti me code information when th is uni t is conn ected to an other dev ice (HDMI-SDI converter, etc.) with an HDM I cable. Other Functions Different menu items are displayed dependin g on whe ther this u n it is in Rec ording Mode or Play back Mo de.
- 159 - The ri ng LED l ights up blue in R ecording Mode . ≥ When [ 5 SEC.] is set, the rin g LED lig hts up for 5 seconds after the unit is turne d on o r the Record ing Mo de is sw itched. ≥ When [RING L ED (RED)] is se t to [ON] , the ring L ED does not lig ht u p blue duri ng rec ording.
- 160 - T ouc h screen operat ion, start a nd stop of rec ording can be conf irmed with this sound . 2 Beeps fo r 4 tim es When an e rror o ccurs. Ch eck the sentence d isplaye d on the s cree n. ( l 167 ) When a bout 5 mi nutes ha ve passed w ithout a ny oper ation, t his uni t a utomatically t urns off to save battery life .
- 161 - Set the file num ber of the MOV/MP4 and still picture r ecorded n ext to 0001 . ≥ Folder n umber is u pdated and f ile number will s tart from 00 01. ( l 96 ) ≥ T o re set the folder n umber, format the S D card , and then perfo r m [NUMBER RESET].
- 162 - Using the sm artphone app “ Image Ap p”, you ca n transfer clock in fo rmation an d wireless acce ss point in forma tion (S SID and passwor d) betw een a s martph one a nd this unit. ( l 120 ) Y o u can a dd or de lete w ireless a ccess poin ts, or rearra nge th e display order of wireless ac cess points.
- 163 - Vide o Setup All defau lt setti ngs ar e indicate d with u nderline d text. ≥ Press the THUMBNAIL button to switc h this unit to the Playback Mo de. ≥ T ouc h the pl ay mode se lect ic on, and set this unit t o Motio n Pi cture Playb ack Mode.
- 164 - ∫ Recording indi cations Display Indications TC 00:00:00 . 00 1/100 OPEN 150M AF50 D 5X Z00 NOV 15 2014 15:30 0dB PRE-REC AT W ND1/64 WB R 1h20m R 1h20m 1 .
- 165 - ND 1/4, ND 1/16, ND 1/64 ND filter ( l 73 ) 99% Luminanc e level ( l 68 , 74 ) Lumin ance dis play fra me ( l 74 ) Center Marker ( l 154 ) AGC, 0dB Gain va lue ( l 49 ) Auto iris mode ( l 48 ) Backlight Compensatio n ( l 64 ) S potlight ( l 64 ) OPE N, F 2.
- 166 - ∫ Playback i ndications ∫ Indicat ion of con nection t o Wi-F i ∫ Indication o f connection to USB HDD ∫ Indication o f connection to other device s ∫ Confirmato ry indica tions 1 , ; , 5 , , 6 , , 7 , 8 , 9 , : , D , E , ;1 , 2; Display d uring p layback ( l 79 , 83 ) TC 0 0:00:00.
- 167 - Major confirmati on/erro r messa ges to be indica ted on the screen in text. About recovery If fault y managem ent inf ormatio n is foun d, the messages m ay app ear and a repair is p erformed . (Repairing may take time dependi ng on th e erro r .
- 168 - ∫ It is not a malfunction in following cases Others T roublesh ooting The len s, the v iewfin der or LCD mo nitor fog u p. ≥ This is due to condensation. It is no t a b reakdown. Please refe r to page 2 . A clickin g sound is heard when th e unit is sha ken.
- 169 - Indication Proble m Check p oints Functi on displ ay (Rema ining Dis play , Counter Displa y , etc. ) is not dis played . ≥ [CARD & BA TTERY] or [O THER DISPLA Y] of the [DISP SETUP] is [OFF]. ( l 155 ) ≥ Press the COUNT ER button to switch the counte r display .
- 170 - With other p r oduct s Proble m Check p oints Although t his unit is correc tly conn ecte d to a TV , images canno t be seen. The im ages ar e s quee zed horizontally . ≥ Please re ad the operati ng instr uctions of yo ur TV and sel ect the channe l that m atches t he inpu t used f or the connecti on.
- 171 - ∫ If A VCHD scenes do not c hange smoo thly when p layed back on another d evice The imag es may be still for severa l second s at the joins be twee n the sc enes if t he followin g operati ons are perform ed when multi ple scenes have been conti nu o usly played bac k using another unit.
- 172 - Keep this uni t as far away a s possi ble fr om electro magne tic equi pment (su ch as microwav e ove ns, TVs, vi deo gam es etc.) . ≥ If you use this unit on top of or near a TV , the picture s and/or s ound o n this un it may b e disrup ted by electr omag netic wave radiatio n.
- 173 - Do not li ft up this unit b y the handle with the tripod s till attach ed ≥ When the tripod is attached, its weight will als o af fect th e unit’ s han dle, poss ibl y causin g the hand le to br eak an d hurtin g the user. ≥ T o car ry the u nit while the tripod is attached, take hold of the tripod.
- 174 - ≥ If the tem perat ure of the batter y is extreme ly high or extremel y low , chargi ng may tak e time or the b attery m ay not be charge d. ≥ If t he ch arg ing lamp ke ep s flas hi ng, m.
- 175 - ≥ When t he LCD scr een is d irty or condensa tion has occurr ed, plea se wipe i t using a soft cloth such as a len s cloth. ≥ Do not touc h the LCD monitor with your finger nails, o r rub o r press wi th strong force. ≥ It may be come h ard to see or har d to reco gnize the touch when the LCD protect ion sheet i s affixed.
- 176 - ∫ Carefully obse rve copyright laws Whate ver you have r ecorde d and cr eate d can be used for your persona l entertainmen t only . Under cop yright law s, oth er mater ials cannot be use d without obtaining permi ssion from t he hold ers of the copyr ights.
- 177 - ≥ SD cards are only menti oned wit h their main memory size. The stated tim es are the appr oximate recordab le times for con tinuous record ing. ≥ If rec ording for long periods , prepare b atterie s for 3 or 4 tim es the period you wis h to recor d for.
- 178 - ≥ When [RE C MODE] is set to [MP4(L PCM) ] ≥ When [RE C MODE] is set to [MP4] Recordi ng fo rmat System frequ ency setting ( l 15 9) SD card 4 GB 16 GB 64 GB [C4K/2 4p 100 M] [ 59.94Hz(NTSC)]/ [50Hz(PAL )] s 2 0m i n 1h2 0m i n [4K/60 p 150 M] [59.
- 179 - ≥ When [REC MODE] is set to [A VCHD] ≥ SD cards are only mentioned with their main memory size. The st ated number is the approximate number of reco rdable picture s. ≥ Maximum nu mber of record able pic tures t hat c an be di s played is 9999 .
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デバイスPanasonic HC-X1000の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Panasonic HC-X1000をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPanasonic HC-X1000の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Panasonic HC-X1000の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Panasonic HC-X1000で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Panasonic HC-X1000を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPanasonic HC-X1000の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Panasonic HC-X1000に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPanasonic HC-X1000デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。