ページ先へ移動 of 88
Operating Instructions Link-to-Cell Docking Station for iPhone ® Model No. KX-PRL262 Link-to-Cell Docking Station for Smartphone Model No. KX-PRD262 Model shown is KX-PRL262. Before initial use, see “Getting Started” on page 10. Thank you for purchasing a Panasonic product.
Introduction Model composition .......................................3 Accessory information ..................................3 Important Information For your safety .............................................6 Important safety instructions ......
Mode l co mpos itio n Seri es Mode l No . Base uni t Hand set Part No. Part No. Quan tity KX-P RL26 0 s eri es KX-P RL26 2 KX-P RL26 0 KX-P RLA2 0 2 KX-P RD26 0 s eri es KX-P RD26 2 KX-P RD26 0 KX-P RLA2 0 2 Acce ssor y in form atio n Supp lied acce ssor ies No.
Acce ssor y it em Orde r nu mber Key dete ctor KX-T GA20 * 3 *1 Repl aceme nt batt erie s ma y ha ve a dif fere nt c apac ity fro m th at o f th e su ppli ed b atte ries . *2 By i nsta llin g th is u nit, you can ext end the rang e of yo ur p hone sys tem to i nclu de a reas wher e re cept ion was prev ious ly n ot a vail able .
R L igh tnin g is a t rade mark of Appl e In c. R Andr oid is a tra dema rk o f Go ogle Inc . R All othe r tr adem arks ide ntif ied here in a re t he p rope rty of t heir res pect ive owne rs. For assi stan ce, plea se v isit htt p:// www .pan ason ic.
For your saf ety T o p reve nt s ever e in jury and los s of lif e/ prop erty , re ad t his sect ion care full y be fore usin g th e pr oduc t to ens ure prop er a nd s afe oper atio n of you r pr oduc t. WARN ING Powe r co nnec tion R U se only the pow er s ourc e ma rked on the prod uct.
R T his pro duct is unab le t o ma ke c alls whe n: – the hand set batt erie s ne ed r echa rgin g or have fai led. – ther e is a p ower fai lure . Batt ery R W e r ecom mend usi ng t he b atte ries not ed on p age 3 . US E O NLY rech arge able Ni-M H ba tter ies AAA (R03 ) si ze.
R I f t he r ecep tion for a b ase unit loc atio n is not sati sfac tory , mo ve t he b ase unit to anot her loca tion for bet ter rece ptio n. Envi ronm ent R K eep the pro duct awa y fr om e lect rica l no ise gene rati ng d evice s, such as fluo resc ent lamp s an d mo tors .
Spec ific atio ns R S tan dard : DECT 6.0 (Di gita l En hanc ed C ordl ess Tele comm unica tion s 6. 0) Blue toot h wi rele ss t echn olog y 2. 1+ED R R Freq uenc y ra nge: 1.92 GHz to 1.93 GHz (DE CT) 2.40 2 GH z to 2.4 8 GH z (B luet ooth ) R RF t rans miss ion powe r: 115 mW ( max.
Sett ing up Conn ectio ns R I f y ou d o no t co nnec t th e te leph one line cord and use onl y ce llula r li nes, se t th e cell ular line onl y mo de t o u se t his unit mor e conv enien tly (pag e 19) . n Ba se u nit Run the tele phon e li ne c ord ( 1 ) an d AC a dap tor ( 2 ) th roug h th e sl ot o f th e st and.
R W hen the bat teri es a re f ully cha rged , “ Ful ly c harge d ” is disp laye d. 1 Note when set ting up Note for con necti ons R T he AC a dapt or m ust rema in c onne cted at all time s. ( It i s no rmal for the ada ptor to feel warm dur ing use.
Cont rols Hand set A B A B G H I J F K A D E C Spea ker M N (T ALK) Dial key pad ( * : TON E) M Z N ( SP- PHON E: S peak erph one ) Micr opho ne Rece iver Disp lay M O FF N M F LA SH NM CALL WAI T N M.
M N (B luet ooth pai ring ) M N (M ute) Micr opho ne n K X-P RD26 0 se ries : pa ge 3 L J K I H G F E D C B A Char ge c onta cts M N (A nswe r on /off , Me ssag e) indi cato r MZN (Spe aker phon e) i .
n I f y our smar tpho ne’s USB po rt i s lo cate d at t he c ente r of its bot tom pane l You can also run a U SB c able (no t supp lied) th rough th e ca ble slot ( 1 ) an d p lac e yo ur s mart phone on the bas e un it f or char ging. 1 Note : R C ert ain smar tpho nes may not be a ble to b e char ged via USB.
*1 Corr espon ding cel lula r li ne(s ) is (are ) i ndi cate d ne xt t o th e it em. *2 Corr espon ding lin es ( 1, 2: c ellu lar line , L: land line) are ind icat ed next to the item . If all line s ar e tu rned off , no lin e is ind icat ed. CELL ind icat ors o n th e ba se u nit T he CELL ind icat ors show eac h ce llul ar l ine stat us.
Othe r se ttin gs Smar t fun ctio n ke y ( key ) T he Smar t fu ncti on k ey ( key ) is loc ated o n t he b otto m of the han dset and inf orms yo u with its fla shin g to all ow y ou t o ac tiva te the foll owin g fe atur es b y si mply pre ssin g th is k ey.
Link to cell feature Y ou can conn ect your base un it and c ellular phon e us ing Blue toot h wirele ss techn ology, s o that you can make or answer cellular calls usin g yo ur p hone system.
Link to cell setting s Sele cting which u nit rece ives c ell ular calls You can sele ct which unit ri ngs and receive s call s fo r a cell ular lin e.
rang e. Y ou can s et the i nterval. The de fault s ett ing is “ 1 m in ” . Impo rtant: R When you are usi ng a cel lular li ne, the base unit los es its c onnectio n from o ther Blue toot h device s (cellu lar phon e). To auto mati cally re sume the connect ion to cell ular phones, lea ve t he auto connecti on on.
– Blue toot h connec tions fr om cellu lar p hon es a re d iscon nected. If the auto conn ecti on i s tu rned on (page 18) , the cell ular phones are reco nnec ted. – wil l be display ed on th e handse t m ome ntar ily. The handset can be used once is displaye d.
Maki ng cellu lar call s I mpo rtant: R Only 1 c ellular line can be used at a t ime. R Befo re makin g calls, confirm that t he corr espon ding CE LL i ndic ator on the base unit lig hts up ( page 15). 1 Lift the han dset and dial th e phone numb er.
Paus e (f or P BX/lo ng dist ance service u ser s) A pa use is s ometimes require d when m aking call s us ing a PB X or lon g distan ce serv ice. When sto ring a c alling c ard acce ss numb er and/ or P IN in th e phoneb ook, a p ause is also need ed ( page 30).
R A not her hand set user can tak e the c all by p ress ing M N . R T he base uni t user c an take the cal l by pres sing M Z N . Note : R Afte r holdin g for 10 minutes , the c all is disc onnec ted. Mute Hand set 1 P res s M M UTE N du ring a c all.
Hand set e qualizer This fea ture cla rifies t he voice of the person you are talk ing to, producin g a more natu ral- sound ing voic e that is easie r to hea r and unde rsta nd. 1 Pres s M M ENU N wh ile talk ing. 2 M b N : “ Equali zer ” a M SELECT N 3 M b N : Select the des ired setting .
Base uni t 1 D uri ng a n ou tsid e ca ll, pres s M N . R A ll register ed hands ets beep . 2 Wait for the paged p arty to ans wer. R If t he paged party d oes not answer, pres s M N to retu rn t o the ou tside ca ll. 3 To c omplete the tran sfer, pr ess M Z N .
Answ erin g a 2nd c all dur ing a l and line cal l Hand set 1 P res s M M ENU N du ring a l andline call. 2 M b N : “ Hold ” a M SELECT N 3 To a nswer th e 2nd c all: Pres s M C ELL N wh ile the 2nd call is bein g rece ived. 4 To h ang up t he 2nd c all and return to t he 1st call (la ndline c all), pr ess M OFF N , th en pres s M N .
Phon ebook Y ou can stor e up to 3,000 ph onebook entries and assi gn a nam e (1 6 ch aracters max.) a nd up t o 3 phon e number s to eac h (24 d igit s ma x. each ). Y ou can a lso assi gn a lab el to e ach phon e nu mber, and as sign eac h phoneb ook entr y to a group (page 28 ).
2 M b N : Select the desi red ent ry. a M MEN U N R To e dit the number: M b N : “ Edit ” a M SEL ECT N Pres s M E DIT N re peatedly until t he phon e nu mber is show n in the desi red form at.
1 M F N W 2 T o s croll th rough a ll entri es M b N : Select the des ired entry. a M CEL L N To s earch by first c haracter Pres s th e dial k ey ( 0 to 9 , or # ) whic h co ntai ns t he chara cter you are sear ching for (p age 28). M b N : Scroll through the phon ebook i f nece ssary .
3 M b N : Select the des ired group. a M SEL ECT N 4 M b N : “ Yes ” a M S ELECT N 5 M b N : “ Yes ” a M S ELECT N 6 M OFF N Chai n dia l T his fea ture all ows you to dial phone nu mbers in t he phone book whi le you a re on a call.
View ing a n entry/ Making a call n Usin g a cell ular li ne: 1 Pres s an d hold t he desir ed speed dial key ( 1 t o 9 ). 2 M CEL L N R The unit sta rts dial ing when : – only 1 c ellular phone is paired. – a sp ecif ic line is set t o make cell ular calls ( page 20).
Menu list T o a ccess th e featur es, ther e are 2 met hods. n Scro lling th rough t he displ ay menu s 1 M MEN U N (righ t soft key) 2 Pres s M C N , M D N , M E N , o r M F N to sel ect the desired main me nu. a M SELECT N 3 Pres s M C N or M D N to sel ect the des ired ite m from t he next sub-men us.
Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings Code New messa ge aler t *1 Outg oing call – On/O ff On < Off > #338 53 Outg oing call – N oti ficat ion to – Outg oing call – R emo te co de Acti vate .
Main menu: “ B luetoot h ” Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings Code Link to c ell – 1 : A dd new devi ce *5 (for CEL L 1) – 2: A dd new devi ce *5 (for CEL L 2) Conn ect * 1 / Disc onnec t *1 .
Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings Code Sett ings Au to conne ct *1 < 1 m in > 3 mi n 5 mi n 10 m in Off #632 18 Cell area code * 1 – # 633 20 Cell line only m ode *1 On < Off > #157 19 C.
Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings Code Set date & time Date a nd time * 1 – #101 15 Memo alar m – A lar m1–5 Once Dail y Week ly < Off > #720 39 Time a dju stmen t *1, *1 2 < C al l.
Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings Code Disp lay Wal lpaper < Wa llpaper1 > #181 – Cloc k < O n > Off #198 – Disp lay c olor < C ol or1 > Colo r2 #182 – Disp lay m ode * 16 <.
Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings Code Chan ge la nguage Displa y < Eng lish > Espa ñol #110 15 Voic e pro mpt * 1 < E n glish > Espa ñol #112 15 Main menu: “ Play mus ic ” Oper ation Play ing music fr om a Blu etooth d evice.
*15 If y ou have 2 or mor e key de tectors . * 16 You can sele ct to di splay ei ther a sing le i tem or multi ple item s on one screen at a time f or the handset menu lis t, recor ded mess age lis t, p honebook list, c aller li st, and redial list.
9 M b N : Select the des ired snooze setting. a M S AVE N 10 M SE LECT N a M OF F N Note : R Pres s M STOP N to stop t he al arm co mpletely . R When the handset is in u se, the alarm w ill not sound un til the handset is in s tandby mode . R Pres s an y dial k ey, M N , or M SNOOZE N to stop the sound b ut keep the snoo ze func tion activat ed.
Impo rtant: R R eje cted cal ls a re l ogged in the caller list. Stor ing u nwanted callers Stor ing a si ngle phone n umber I mpo rtant: R We r ecommend storing 10 digi ts (incl uding the area cod e). If o nly 7 di gits ar e stored , all numb ers that have th e same l ast 7 d igit s will be blocked.
View ing/e diting/e rasing c all bloc k num bers 1 M MEN U N (righ t soft key) #2 17 2 M b N : “ Block a single number ” or “ Blo ck r ange of numbe rs ” a M SEL ECT N 3 M b N : Select the des ired entry. R To e xit, pre ss M OFF N . 4 To e dit a nu mber: M EDI T N a Ed it t he numbe r.
the same bas e unit. This all ows the han dset to e nd its wireless connect ion with the sy stem . 1 M MEN U N (righ t soft key) #1 31 R All handsets registe red to t he base unit are disp layed .
Usin g Caller ID serv ice I mpo rtant: R This uni t is Cal ler ID c ompatibl e. To u se Call er I D featur es, you must sub scribe to a Call er I D servic e. Conta ct your service prov ider/ telepho ne c ompan y for d etails. Call er ID feature s W hen an outside call is being re ceived, the call er i nformati on is di splayed.
– a sp ecif ic line is set t o make c ellular c all s (p age 20 ). 4 M b N : Select the des ired cellula r ph one. a M SEL ECT N n Us ing the landlin e 1 M C N CID 2 Pres s M C N to se arch fro m th e most r ecent call , or M D N to search from the oldest cal l.
Eras ing a ll calle r inform ation 1 M C N CID 2 M ERA SE N a M b N : “ Yes ” a M SELECT N 3 M OFF N 46 For assistan ce, plea se visi t ht tp://www .
Copy ing phon ebook fr om a c ell ular pho ne (phon ebook tran sfer) You can copy phonebo ok entri es from the pair ed c ellul ar phone s or ot her cell ular pho nes (not pai red) to the unit ’s phone book. A cel lular phon e mu st b e compat ible wit h Blueto oth wire less technol ogy.
– “ T ru nk p refix ” : A t runk pre fix; th e initia l digi t(s) to be diale d in a d omestic call, p rior to t he area code. 1 M MEN U N (righ t soft key) 2 To s tore “ I ntern ational code ” : #117 To s tore “ C ountr y code ” : # 118 To s tore “ T runk prefix ” : # 119 3 Ente r the de sired nu mber.
devi ce a nd t he base unit’s s peaker, but the C ELL ind icat or on th e base u nit may flash. Usin g the handset as a re mote c ont rol Impo rtant: R Only 1 h andset c an be us ed as a remote cont rol at a tim e. R Conf irm in advan ce that your Blu etooth devi ce’s media p layer app is running .
– “ O n( with name ) ” : Th e handse t notif ies you and announce s th e name o f the mess age sende r. – “ Off ” : The h andset does not notify you. Your cellula r phone I n o rder to use the text me ssag e alert feature, you may need to enab le your cellular phone’s Blue toot h notifi cation f eature.
Answ ering sy stem for l and line The answerin g system can ans wer and record call s fo r you wh en you a re unava ilable t o answ er t he phone . You can also set the unit to play a greetin g mess age but not to r ecord ca ller mes sages b y sele ctin g “ Gree ting only ” as the r ecording time set ting (pa ge 56).
1 M M EN U N (righ t soft key) #3 04 2 M YES N a M OF F N Play ing b ack the greeting m ess age 1 M MEN U N (righ t soft key) #3 03 2 To e xit, pre ss M OFF N . List ening to message s W hen new mes sages ha ve been recorded : – “ New mes sage ” is di splayed on the hand set.
*3 To r esume pl ayback: M b N : “ Playba ck ” a M SELECT N *4 You can also erase a s follo ws: M PAU SE N a M b N : “ Erase ” a M SEL ECT N a M b N : “ Ye s ” a M S ELECT N Call ing back (Cal ler ID subsc ribers o nly ) n Usin g a cell ular li ne: 1 Pres s M P AUSE N d uring pl ayback.
4 E nte r the de sired na me (16 c haracter s max. ). a M OK N 5 Ente r the de sired nu mber (24 digits max. ). a M OK N a M SELEC T N a M OFF N Turn ing on/o ff th e new m essag e alert s ett ing 1 M MEN U N (righ t soft key) #3 38 2 M b N : “ On/Off ” a M SE LECT N 3 M b N : Select the des ired setting .
Impo rtant: R T o p revent u nauthori zed acce ss to t his prod uct, we reco mmend th at you r egularly chan ge t he remot e code. 1 M MEN U N (righ t soft key) #3 06 2 Ente r the de sired 3- digit re mote acc ess code . 3 M SAV E N a M O FF N Deac tiva ting remo te oper ation P res s * in step 2 on “R emote ac cess cod e”, page 54.
Answ ering sy stem set tings Call scre ening Hand set / Ba se unit W hil e a caller i s leavin g a mess age, you can list en t o the ca ll throu gh the u nit’s s peaker. To a djust th e speake r volume , press M D N or M C N on the h andset, or pres s M j N or M k N on the base uni t repeat edly.
gree ting -only message asking callers to c all aga in l ater . – If y ou use y our own message, record the gree ting -only message asking callers to call aga in l ater (pa ge 51 ). For assistan ce, plea se visi t ht tp://www .panaso help 57 Answering System for Landline PRL262_PRD262_OI_(en_en)_0109_YA_ver001.
Voic e mail s ervice f or l and line Voic e ma il is an automat ic answe ring ser vice offe red by y our serv ice prov ider/tel ephone comp any. After y ou subsc ribe to thi s servic e, your ser vice .
– “ V oi ce m ail m sg. via phone co . ” is d ispl ayed if mess age indi cation s ervice i s avai lable . 1 M MEN U N (righ t soft key) a a M S EL ECT N R The speakerp hone tur ns on. 2 Foll ow t he pre-r ecorded instruct ions. 3 When fin ished, p ress M OFF N .
Erro r messag es Disp lay mess age Caus e/so lution Ask phone c omp any f or VM a ccess # R Y ou have not stored the voic e mail acce ss numbe r. Stor e the nu mber (p age 58). Base no p ower o r No l ink t o base. Reco nnect main base AC a daptor. R The handset has lost communi cation w ith the bas e unit .
Disp lay mess age Caus e/so lution Requ ires s ubs cript ion to C aller ID. R You must sub scribe t o a Call er ID se rvice. Once you rece ive calle r infor mati on a fter subscri bing to a Caller ID s ervice, this mes sage wil l not be display ed. Use r ech argea ble batt ery.
Prob lem Cause/ solutio n I ca nnot pai r a cell ular pho ne to t he base uni t. R Depe nding on the compati bility o f the c ellul ar phone , you may not be able to pair it to t he b ase unit. Co nfirm th at your cel lular phone suppo rts the hands-f ree prof ile (HF P) spec ific atio n.
Prob lem Cause/ solutio n I ca nnot reg ister a handset to a b ase uni t. R The maximum number o f handse ts (6) is alre ady regi ster ed t o the ba se unit. Cancel unused hands et regi stra tion s fr om the b ase unit (page 42). Batt ery rech arge Prob lem Cause/ solutio n The handset beeps an d/or flas hes.
Prob lem Cause/ solutio n The handset or base unit doe s n ot ring. R The ringer v olume fo r landli ne is tu rned off . Adjus t the ring er v olume (page 35). R The ringer v olume fo r cellul ar line is turne d off. Adjust t he ring er v olume (page 34).
Call er I D/Ta lking Caller ID Prob lem Cause/ solutio n Call er i nfor mati on i s no t d isp layed . R You must sub scribe t o Caller ID serv ice. Co ntact yo ur serv ice provi der/tel ephon e compa ny f or detai ls.
Prob lem Cause/ solutio n The 2nd call er’s inf ormation is n ot displaye d during an outs ide call . R In o rder to use Call er ID, c all wait ing, or Call Wa iting Call er I D (CWID ), you m ust fir st c ontact y our ser vice prov ider/ telepho ne c ompan y and s ubscribe to the desired serv ice.
Prob lem Cause/ solutio n I ca nnot use the han dset as a r emo te c ontr ol when playing musi c fr om your Bluetoot h devi ce t hrough t he base unit’s spea ker. R Conf irm that the Blu etooth d evice s upports the Audi o Vide o Re mote Con trol Pro file (A VRCP) s pecifica tion.
Blue toot h PI N Prob lem Cause/ solutio n I ca nnot rem ember th e PIN. R C han ge t he P IN using the fol lowing m ethod. 1 M MEN U N (rig ht soft key ) #619 2 *700 0 3 Ente r the ne w 4-digi t PIN. a M OK N 4 Ente r the ne w 4-digi t PIN ag ain. a M SAVE N a M OFF N Voic e ma il Prob lem Cause/ solutio n “ V oi ce m ail m sg.
FCC and othe r inform ation This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules and the requirements adopted by the ACT A. On the bottom of this equipment is a label that contains, among other information, a product identifier in the format US:ACJ----------.
manufacturer about the availability of Hearing Aids which provide adequate shielding to RF energy commonly emitted by digital devices. WHEN PROGRAMMING EMERGENCY NUMBERS AND(OR) MAKING TEST CALLS T O EMERGENCY NUMBERS: 1) Remain on the line and briefly explain to the dispatcher the reason for the call.
Compliance with TIA-1083 standard: T elephone handsets identified with this logo have reduced noise and interference when used with T -Coil equipped hearing aids and cochlear implants. T Compatible with Hearing Aid T-Coil TIA-1083 For assistan ce, plea se visi t ht tp://www .
Guía Rápida Española 72 Para obt ener ayu da, visi te http ://www.p anasoni lp (sol o en ing lés) Guía Rápida Española PRL262_PRD262_OI_(en_en)_0109_YA_ver001.
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Cust omer ser vices Customer Services Directory (United States and Puerto Rico) Obtain Product Information and Operating Assistance; locate your nearest Dealer or Service Center; purchase Parts and Accessories; or make Custom er Service and Literatur e requests by vis iting our Web Site at : http://www .
Warr anty (Fo r United States and Pue rto Rico ) Limited Warranty Coverage If your product does not work properly because of a defect in materials or workmanship, Panasonic Corporation of North Americ.
Limited W arranty Limits And Exclusions This Limited W arranty ONL Y COVERS failures due to defects in materials or workmanship, and DOES NOT COVER normal wear and tear or cosmetic damage.
Index # 3 -wa y co nfer ence : 24 A Addi tion al hands et: 42 Alar m: 39 Answ erin g ca lls: 22 Answ erin g sy stem Call scr eenin g: 56 Eras ing messages : 52 , 53 , 55 Gree ting message : 51 Gree ti.
Trou bles hoot ing: 61 T TY: 82 V VM ( Voice ma il): 58 Voic e gu idance l anguage: 15 Voic e ma il: 56 , 58 Volu me Rece iver: 21 Ring er ( Base uni t): 22 , 34 Ring er ( Hands et): 22 , 34 , 35 Spea ker: 21 Spea ker (Bas e unit): 22 86 Index PRL262_PRD262_OI_(en_en)_0109_YA_ver001.
87 Notes PRL262_PRD262_OI_(en_en)_0109_YA_ver001.pdf 87 2014/01/09 11:59:47.
1 Reconnect AC adaptor to the base unit. 2 Check if telephone line cord is connected. 3 Use rechargeable Ni-MH batteries. (Alkaline/Manganese/Ni-Cd batteries CANNOT be used.) 4 Read troubleshooting page in the Operating Instructions . If your product is not working properly .
デバイスPanasonic KX-PRL262の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Panasonic KX-PRL262をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPanasonic KX-PRL262の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Panasonic KX-PRL262の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Panasonic KX-PRL262で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Panasonic KX-PRL262を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPanasonic KX-PRL262の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Panasonic KX-PRL262に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPanasonic KX-PRL262デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。