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This unit is Caller ID c omp atible. T o display the caller ’ s phone number , you must s ubscribe to Caller ID service. Charge the batteries for about 7 hours before initial use. Plea se read these operating inst ructi ons b efore us ing the unit an d save th em for future refe rence.
Introd uction 2 Introdu ction Thank you for purchas ing a new Pa nasonic dig it al cordl ess phone. For your fu ture reference Atta ch or kee p origi nal recei pt to ass ist with an y rep air unde r warranty . Note: L In the event of problem s, you s hould co nta ct your eq uipment suppl ier in the first inst anc e.
Feature high lights 3 Feature highli ght s Phoneboo k The ph oneboo k allow s you to make calls w ithout ha ving to dial m anually . Y ou can add 2 00 nam es and p hone n umbers to the phone book, assign each phoneb ook entry to the de sired catego ry , and sea rch for phoneboo k entries by nam e or categ ory .
T ab le of Contents 4 Prep aration Access ory inf ormation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Import ant in formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Control s and dis plays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Connec tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Preparat ion 5 Accessory information Included access ories Additional/ replacement accessori es Genera l W arning: The gra nt of a T e lepermit for any ite m of t erminal e quipment indic ates onl y that T el ecom ha s acce pted that t he item c omplies with m inimum c ondition s for conn ectio n to its network .
Preparati on 6 Impo rt an t in form ati on Gener al L Use onl y the AC adapt or included with this produ ct, not ed on p age 5. L Do not co nnect the AC adap tor to any AC outle t other than a st andard 2 20–240 V AC ou tl et.
Preparat ion 7 Control s and displays Controls Handset A S peaker B Char ge cont act C {j /OK } (Menu/OK ) D {k} (Phone book) E {C} (T alk) F Navigator k ey L {e}{v } : T o sea rch for the desired item i n menus. L{ > } : T o se lect the d esired item or move the cursor to the right.
Preparati on 8 Displays Display icons V arious icons a ppear o n the hand set di splay to ind icate the curren t statu s of th e unit. Connections When the AC adap tor is conn ected, a sh ort beep will be he ard. If i t is not h eard, chec k the c onnectio ns.
Preparat ion 9 Battery inst allation 1 Insert the batteri es negati ve ( T ) termin al first. 2 Close the han dset cover . Note: L Use o nly rech argeabl e batterie s (p age 5) . Battery charge Place th e handset on the base un it for about 7 hours before in itial use .
Preparati on 10 L If the handset is turn ed off , it wil l be tu rned on au tomatica lly whe n it is pl aced on the base unit. Battery life Afte r your Pana sonic ba tteries are fully charg ed, yo u c.
Preparat ion 11 5 Ent er t he cur re nt day , mo nth and year b y selec ting 2 di git s for e ach. Ex amp le: 17 May , 2 005 Press { 1 }{ 7 }{ 0 }{ 5 }{ 0 }{ 5 } . 6 Enter th e current h our and mi nute by selec ting 2 di git s for e ach. L Y ou c an s ele ct “ AM ” , “ PM ” or 24 -hour time e ntry by pressi ng {*} repeat edly .
Making/Answeri ng Calls 12 Making calls 1 Lif t the h andset an d dial the phone numbe r . L T o correc t a digit, press { C/ T } , then enter t he correct numbe r . 2 Press {C} . 3 When f inish ed talk ing, p ress {ih} or place the hands et on the base unit.
Making/Answering Cal ls 13 4 Pre ss {<} or {>} to move the curso r , then e dit the nu mber . L Place the curs or on the nu mber you wish to erase, th en press { C/ T } . L Place the cursor to the rig ht of where you want to i nsert a nu mber , then press the appro priate dial key .
Making/Answeri ng Calls 14 Note: L If your u nit is conne cted to a PBX (priva te branc h exchang e), pressing { R } can all ow you to acce ss cert ain featu res of y our ho st PBX such a s transfer ring an extensio n call. Con sult you r PBX deal er for det ails.
Phonebook 15 Using the phon ebook The ph onebo ok allow s you to make c alls wit hou t havi ng t o dial ma nual ly . Y ou ca n add 200 n ames and phone numbe rs to the phone book, assign e ach phon ebook en try to the desired c ategor y , and sear ch for phone book entri es by na me or c ategory .
Phonebook 16 4 Pre ss the d ial key ( { 0 } to { 9 } ) whi ch con tains the ch ara cte r you a re searchi ng for (p age 37 ). L Press the sa me di al key repea tedly to disp lay the firs t entry corre spond ing to each letter loc ated o n that dia l key .
Phonebook 17 L If y ou do no t wish to o verwrite, select “ Go Back ” . 4 Selec t “ Save ” , th en pre s s {>} . 5 Pre ss {ih} . Makin g a call usi ng a one touch dial k ey 1 Press and hold the desire d one touch dial ke y ( { 1 } to { 9 } ).
Handset Set tings 18 Guide to handset settings For yo ur referenc e, a ch art of all i tems w hich can be custo mised fo r the ha ndset is printed below . L When custo mising t he han dset, the c urrent i tem or se tting i s indica ted by > . Note: L Up to 3 menu items ca n be d isplayed at a ti me.
Handset Sett ings 19 T ime settings Alarm An alarm will sound fo r 3 minut es at the set time once or da ily . Set the date a nd time before hand (p age 10 ). 1 Press {j /OK } . 2 Select “ Handset Setup ” , th en pres s {>} . 3 Select “ Time Settings ” , th en pres s {>} .
Handset Set tings 20 before you ans wer . Y ou may he ar a dial tone o r no one o n the l ine when y ou answe r a cal l. L The p reset mel odies in this p roduct are used with pe rmission of © 200 4 M-ZoNE Co., Lt d. Night mod e Nigh t mo de al lows you t o se lect a bloc k of time during w hich the h andse t will not r ing for out side calls .
Handset Sett ings 21 Selectin g categories to byp ass night mode 1 Pre ss {j /OK } . 2 Selec t “ Handset Setup ” , then press {>} . 3 Selec t “ Ringer Setup ” , then press {>} . 4 Selec t “ N ight Mode ” , then p ress {>} . 5 Selec t “ Select Category ” , then press {>} .
Handset Set tings 22 5 Press {e} or {v} repeat edly to s elect the de sired con trast, then press {>} . 6 Press {ih} . Call option s T urni ng call bar on/of f This fea ture prohibi ts maki ng out side calls . Whe n ca ll ba r is turn ed on , on ly i nte rco m call s and calls to eme rgency numbe rs (p age 26) ca n be mad e.
Handset Sett ings 23 Note: L If keyto nes are turned of f, error tones will not s ound when you enter the wrong PI N or when me mory is full. Resetti ng the handset to it s default settings 1 Press {j /OK } . 2 Select “ Handset Setup ” , th en pres s {>} .
Base Unit Settings 24 Guide to b ase unit settings For yo ur referenc e, a ch art of all i tems w hich can be custo mise d for the ba se unit i s prin ted below . L When customi sing t he base u nit, the current it em or sett ing is in dicat ed by > .
Base Unit Sett ings 25 Ringer setup Ringer volume 1 Press {j /OK } . 2 Select “ Base Unit Setup ” , th en press {>} . 3 Enter “ 0000 ” (defaul t base uni t PIN). L If you changed th e PIN, ente r it (p age 28). 4 Select “ Ringer Setup ” , th en pres s {>} .
Base Unit Settings 26 3 Enter “ 0000 ” (def ault ba se unit PI N). L If you ch anged the PIN, enter it (p age 28). 4 Selec t “ Ringer Setup ” , then press {>} . 5 Selec t “ N ight Mode ” , then p ress {>} . 6 Selec t “ R ing Delay ” , then p ress {>} .
Base Unit Sett ings 27 Selectin g area codes to be delete d automa tically In some situation s, phone numbe rs stored autom atically in the Cal ler ID list (pag e 30) will i nclude area cod es.
Base Unit Settings 28 Other o ptions Changing the base unit PIN (Personal Identificat ion Number) For se curity , the base uni t PIN must be entere d when ch anging ce rtai n settings . The defau lt PIN is “ 0000 ” . Import ant: L If you chan ge the PIN, please ma ke note of yo ur new PIN.
Call er ID S ervi ce 29 Using Caller ID servi ce Import ant: L This unit is Calle r ID comp atibl e. T o use Caller ID feature s (such as displ aying call er phone n umbers), y ou must subscri be to Ca ller ID s ervice. Consult your ser vice provid er for det ails .
Cal ler ID S ervi ce 30 Caller list V iewing the caller li st and calling back Phone numbers o f the l ast 50 dif ferent call ers will be logge d in th e caller list. When the 51 st call i s receiv ed, the oldest c aller inform ation w ill be aut omatical ly era sed.
Call er ID S ervi ce 31 Call minder Call m inder is an auto matic an swering ser vic e offe red by yo ur s erv ice p rov ide r . If you subs cri be to t his ser vice , yo ur ser vice provi der ’s c all mind er system c an answ er call s for you when yo u are un availab le to answer the phon e or wh en your line is busy .
Multi- unit Operation 32 Operating add itional u nit s Additional handset s Up to 6 hands ets ca n be regis tered t o a sing le base u nit. Add itional h andse ts wi ll give you the fre edom to, for exa mple, hav e an int ercom cal l with an other ha ndset w hile a third handset is on an outs ide cal l.
Mult i-u nit O per ati on 33 T o registe r a handset to an additi onal base u nit (manual re gistration) Y ou can re gister a h andset to a base unit manu ally using the fol lowing met hod. 1 Pre ss {j /OK } . 2 Selec t “ Handset Setup ” , then press {>} .
Multi- unit Operation 34 Cancelling a base uni t A han dset can b e regi ste red to a maxi mum of 4 base un its. A hand set can ca ncel a base unit t hat it is r egiste red to. This allo ws the hands et to “forge t” the b ase unit. 1 Press {j /OK } .
Mult i-u nit O per ati on 35 T ransferring calls between handset s, conference c alls Out side c alls can be transfe rred be tween 2 hands ets in th e same radi o cell. 2 h andset s in the s ame radio c ell ca n have a co nferenc e call with an outsi de p arty .
Useful Informati on 36 W all mounti ng Note: L Make s ure the sc rews are se curely fastened to the wall . L Do not pinch the teleph one li ne cord a nd AC ada ptor cord b etween t he bas e unit and the wall. L Use th e following wall temp late to position the screws before dri lling.
Useful In formation 37 A vaila b le char acter entries The di al keys are used to ente r characte rs and numbers. Each di al key h as multi ple chara cters ass igned to it. The availabl e char acter entry modes a re, Alph abet, Nu meric, Greek, Ex tended 1, Extend ed 2, and C yrillic .
Useful Informati on 38 Extende d 1 character t able ( N ) L The fo llowing are used for both up percase a nd lowe rcase : Extende d 2 character t able ( O ) L The fo llowing are used for both up perca.
Useful In formation 39 T roublesho oting If you still ha ve dif ficulties a fte r followi ng the ins tructi ons in th is secti on, dis connec t the AC adapt or and t urn off the ha ndset, the n reconnec t the A C adapto r and turn o n the hand set. Init ial se ttings Problem Ca use & solution w is flashing.
Useful Informati on 40 T elep hone Problem Ca use & solution I cann ot make o r recei ve calls . L The AC ada ptor or tele phone li ne cord is not connec ted. Ch eck the c onnectio ns. L If you are usi ng a BT doub le adaptor to connect th e unit, re move th e adap tor and c onnect t he uni t to t he phone wa ll so cket dire ctly .
Useful In formation 41 While storing an entry in the phoneb ook or assigni ng a one touch dial, the h andse t start s to ring. L A call is being receiv ed. T o answ er the call, pre ss {C} . Prog ra mmin g wi ll b e can cel led. St ar t ag ain . Pressi ng {R} does no t displ ay/dial the last numbe r dialled.
Useful Informati on 42 S pecificatio ns ■ St andard: GAP (Generic Ac cess Profile) ■ Number of channels: 120 D uplex C hannels ■ Frequen cy range: 1.
Index 43 Index A Alarm: 19 Answe ri ng call s: 14 Auto t alk: 14 , 22 B Base u nit Ad dit ional base uni ts: 32 Cancel ling: 34 PIN: 28 Resetting : 28 Selec ting: 33 Se tti ngs : 24 Battery Char ge: 9.
PQQX 14531ZA CC0405FY0 Sales De partm ent: Panaso nic New Zea land Lt d. 350 T e Iri rangi Drive East T ama ki Private Bag 1491 1 Pa nmur e Auckl and NEW ZEALAND Panaso nic Communica tions Zh uhai Co.
デバイスPanasonic KX-TG1810NZの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Panasonic KX-TG1810NZをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPanasonic KX-TG1810NZの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Panasonic KX-TG1810NZの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Panasonic KX-TG1810NZで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Panasonic KX-TG1810NZを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPanasonic KX-TG1810NZの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Panasonic KX-TG1810NZに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPanasonic KX-TG1810NZデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。