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Operating Instructions Digital Cordless Phone Model No. KX-TGD210 KX-TGD212 KX-TGD213 Digital Cordless Answering System R Model shown is KX-TGD210. Model No. KX-TGD220 KX-TGD222 KX-TGD223 KX-TGD224 KX-TGD225 KX-TG443SK KX-TG444SK Before initial use, see “Getting Started” on page 10.
Introduction Model composition .......................................3 Accessory information ..................................3 Important Information For your safety .............................................6 Important safety instructions ......
Mode l co mpos itio n n KX-T GD21 0 se ries n KX-T GD22 0 se ries R Mode l sho wn i s KX -TG D212. R Mode l sho wn i s KX -TG D222. Seri es Mode l No .
No. Supp lied han dset qty . 1 un it *1 2 uni ts *2 3 uni ts *3 4 uni ts *4 5 uni ts *5 Acce ssory ite m/ Or de r nu mber Acce ssory qu anti ty D Rech argea ble batt erie s/ HH R- 4DPA 2 4 6 8 10 E Ha.
Addi tiona l/re plac emen t ac cesso ries Plea se c ontac t y our n eare st P anas onic dea ler for sale s in form atio n (p age 51 ). Acce ssory ite m Orde r nu mber Rech argea ble b a tt erie s HHR- 4DPA *1 R T o o rder , pl ease visi t http ://w ww.
For your saf ety To p reve nt s evere inj ury and loss of life / prop erty, rea d t his s ecti on c aref ully bef ore usin g th e pro duct to ensu re p rope r an d sa fe oper ation of your pro duct . WARN ING Powe r con nect ion R Us e only the powe r so urce mar ked on t he prod uct.
R This pro duct is u nabl e to mak e ca lls when : – the hand set batt eries nee d re char ging or have fai led. – ther e is a p ower fail ure. Batt ery R W e r ecom mend usin g th e ba tter ies note d on p age 5. US E ON LY rech argea ble Ni-M H ba tteri es AAA ( R03) siz e.
R If t he r ecep tion for a b ase unit loc atio n is n ot sati sfac tory , mo ve t he ba se unit to anot her locat ion for bett er r ecep tion . Envi ronme nt R K e ep the pro duct away fr om el ect rical noi se gene ratin g de vice s, s uch as f luor esce nt lamp s and mot ors.
Spec ific atio ns R St an dard : DECT 6.0 (Di gita l En hanc ed Cord less Tele comm unic atio ns 6 .0) R Freq uenc y ra nge: 1.92 GHz to 1.93 GHz R RF t rans miss ion powe r: 115 mW ( max. ) R Powe r so urce : 120 V AC , 60 Hz R Powe r co nsum ptio n: Base uni t *1 : Stan dby: App rox.
Sett ing up Conn ectio ns n B a se u nit Conn ect the AC a dapt or t o th e un it b y pr es sing the plug fir mly. Fast en t he c ord by h ookin g it . Conn ect the AC a dapt or t o th e po wer o u tl et. Conn ect the tele phone lin e co rd t o th e u n it , th en t o th e si ngle -line te lepho ne j ack (RJ1 1C) u ntil you hea r a clic k.
Batt ery c harg ing Char ge f or ab out 7 ho urs. R Conf irm “ Cha rgin g ” is d ispl ayed ( 1 ). R Wh en the bat teri es a re f ully cha rged, “ Ful ly ch arge d ” is disp layed . 1 Note when set ting up Note for conn ecti ons R Th e AC a dapt or m ust remai n co nnec ted at all time s.
Cont rols Hand set A B A D K L I A C H B E F G J Belt cli p ho le Spea ker M N (T ALK) Dial key pad ( * : TON E) M Z N (SP- PHON E: S peak erph one) Micr opho ne Rece iver Disp lay M OFF N M FLA SH N M CALL WAI T N M INT ERCO M N Char ge c onta cts n Cont rol type Sof t ke ys T he hand set feat ures 2 s oft keys .
M LOC ATOR N R Y ou can locat e a misp lace d ha ndse t by p ressi ng M LO CATO R N . MjN / M kN VOL. : (V olu me u p/do wn) M A NS WER ON/O FF N A NSW ER O N/OF F in dica tor M N (P LAY/ STOP ) M ess.
4 Ente r th e cu rrent ho ur an d mi nute ( 12- hour cloc k fo rmat ) by sel ecti ng 2 digi ts f or e ach. Exam ple: 9:3 0 09 3 0 5 * : S elec t “ A M ” or “ PM ” . 6 M SAV E N a M OF F N Note : R When Eng lish is selec ted as the displ ay lang uage, 12- hour clo ck f orma t is use d.
Maki ng c alls 1 Li ft the han dset and dial the pho ne numb er. R To c orre ct a dig it, pres s M CLEA R N . 2 M N 3 Wh en you fin ish talki ng, pres s M OF F N o r plac e th e han dset on the base uni t or char ger. Usin g the spe aker phon e 1 Di al the phon e nu mber and pre ss M Z N .
Usef ul f eatu res duri ng a ca ll Hold 1 Pr es s M M ENU N dur ing an o utsi de c all. 2 M b N : “ Ho ld ” a M SELE CT N 3 To r elea se ho ld, pres s M N . No te : R Afte r ho ldin g fo r 10 minu tes, th e ca ll i s disc onnec ted. Mute 1 Pr es s M M UTE N dur ing a ca ll.
M b N : Sele ct th e des ired unit . a M S ELEC T N 2 Wait for the pag ed p arty to answ er. R If t he p aged par ty d oes not answ er, pres s M N to r etur n to the out side c all . 3 To c ompl ete the tran sfer : Pres s M O FF N . To e stab lish a c onfe renc e ca ll: M MEN U N a M b N : “ Con f.
Phon eboo k Yo u can add 100 names (16 cha ract ers max. ) and phone numbers (24 dig its max. ) to the phon ebook , and as sign eac h ph onebo ok entry to t he d esir ed g roup.
4 M b N : “ S a ve C ID ” a M SELE CT N 5 M b N : “ Ph oneb ook ” a M SEL ECT N 6 Cont inue from ste p 3, “Ed itin g en trie s”, page 19. Grou ps Gr ou ps c an he lp you f ind entr ies in t he phon ebook quickly and eas ily. You can chan ge t he n ames of group s as sign ed f or phon ebook entries (“F rien ds”, “Fa mily ”, e tc.
2 M b N : “ P h oneb ook ” a M SEL ECT N 3 M b N : Sel ect the desi red entr y. 4 Pres s M C ALL N to dial the num ber. Note : R When sto ring a callin g ca rd a cces s nu mber and your PIN in t he phone book as one phon ebook entry, pres s M D N (Pau se) to a dd paus es af ter the numb er a nd P IN a s nece ssary (page 15 ).
Menu lis t To a cces s th e fe atur es, ther e ar e 2 metho ds. n Scro llin g th roug h th e displa y me nus 1 M MEN U N 2 Pres s M C N or M D N to sel ect the desi red main menu. a M S ELECT N 3 Pres s M C N or M D N to sel ect the desi red item fro m th e ne xt s ub-m enus .
Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings Code Sett ings Ri ng count *2 2 -7 rin gs <4 r ings> Toll save r #211 33 Reco rding time * 2 1 min < 3 m in > Gree ting only *3 #305 34 Remo te co de *2 < 111 > # 306 32 Scre en ca ll < O n > Off #310 33 Answ er on *2 – – # 327 30 Answ er of f * 2 – – # 328 30 Main men u: “ V .
Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings C ode Set da te & tim e Date and time *2 – # 1 01 13 Alar m Once D a il y < Off > #720 25 Time a dj ustment * 2, *4 < Call er I D aut o > M anu al #.
Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings C ode Set tel l ine Set d ial mode *2 P ulse < To n e > #120 14 Set flash time *2 , *8 900 ms < 70 0 ms > 600 ms 400 ms 300 ms 250 ms 200 ms 160 ms 110 ms.
*8 The flas h ti me d epend s on you r te leph one exch ange or host PBX . Co ntac t yo ur P BX su pp lier if neces sary . Th e se ttin g sh ould sta y at “ 700 ms ” un less pre ssin g M FLAS H N f ails to pick up the wait ing c all. *9 Gene rally , the li ne m ode sett ing shou ld n ot b e ch ange d.
Call blo ck Th is feature allows the unit to reject call s when: – the unit rec eives a call from a p hone numb er st ored in the call blo ck l ist as unwa nted (“Storin g un want ed c alle rs”, page 26). – the unit rec eives a call with out phon e numb er (“ Blocking inc omin g ca lls that hav e no p hone number”, pag e 26) .
with out phone number feat ure is t urne d on . To t urn the feat ure off: M E RASE N a M C N a M S AVE N a M OFF N Othe r pr ogra mmin g Chan ging the hand set n ame Ea ch han dset can be g iven a c usto mize d name (“B ob”, “Kitchen ”, e tc.
Usin g Ca ller ID serv ice Im po rtan t: R This uni t is Cal ler I D compat ible . To use Call er I D fe atur es, you m ust subs crib e to a Call er I D ser vice. Co ntac t yo ur s ervi ce prov ider/ telephon e co mpan y fo r de tail s. Call er ID feature s Wh en an outs ide call is being rec eive d, t he call er i nform ation is dis play ed.
Note : R If t he e ntry has alr eady been viewed or answ ered, “ ” is dis play ed. Edit ing a caller’ s pho ne numbe r Yo u can edit a p hone number i n th e ca ller lis t by r emovi ng its a rea code and /or the long dist ance code “1” . 1 M C N CID 2 M b N : Sel ect the desi red entr y.
Answ erin g sy stem Avai labl e fo r: K X -T GD22 0 se ries (p age 3) The answ ering system can answ er a nd r ecor d ca ll s fo r yo u wh en yo u are un avai labl e to answ er t he ph one.
Rese tting to a pr e-re cord ed gr eeting me ss age If y ou w ant to u se a pre -rec orded greetin g mess age o nce you reco rd y our own gree ting mess age, you need to eras e yo ur o wn gree ting message. 1 M MEN U N#3 04 2 M YES N a M OFF N Play ing b ack the greet ing me ss age 1 M MEN U N#3 03 2 To e xit, pre ss M OFF N .
Key Op erat ion *6 Res et t o a pre- recor ded gr ee ting message *1 If p ress ed w ithi n th e fi rst 5 se cond s of a me ss age, the prev ious mes sage is play ed.
Remo te co mmands You can press dial ke ys t o ac cess certain answ ering system func tion s wi thou t wa itin g fo r the voic e gui dance to pro mpt you.
R To u se t his unit ’s a nswer ing syst em r athe r t han the voi ce m ail s ervice p rovi ded by your serv ice prov ider /tel ephon e compan y, plea se co ntact yo ur s ervi ce p rovi der/ tele phone company to deac tiva te y our voic e mai l servic e.
Voic e ma il s ervi ce Vo ic e ma il is an auto mati c an swer ing serv ice offe red by y our servi ce provi der/ tele phon e comp any. Aft er y ou s ubsc ribe to this ser vice , your ser vice provide.
Note : R If t he h ands et s till ind icat e th ere are n ew mess ages even aft er y ou h ave list ened to all new messa ges, tur n it off by pres sing and holdi ng # un til the hand set beep s. Wall mou ntin g No te : R Make sure that th e wa ll a nd t he f ixin g meth od a re st rong eno ugh to s uppo rt t he weig ht o f th e un it.
Fit the slot s of the uni t on to t he co rr espon ding wal l ph one plate tabs for ( 3 ) an d ( 4 ) re spec tive ly. 3 12 3 4 4 To r emove the wal l mo unti ng ad aptor Wh il e pu shing down th e re leas e le vers ( A ), remo ve t he ad aptor ( B ). A B A Char ger Dr iv e th e scr ews ( 1 ) (n ot s uppl ied) into the wa ll .
Erro r me ssag es Disp lay mess age Ca use/ solu tion Base no p ower o r N o l ink. Re-conne ct ba se AC a dapto r. R The hand set has l ost comm unic atio n wi th t he b ase u nit . Mo ve c loser to the base uni t an d tr y ag ain. R Unpl ug t he ba se unit’ s AC ada ptor to rese t th e un it.
Trou bles hoot ing If y ou s till hav e di ffic ultie s after foll owin g th e in stru ctio ns i n th is s ecti on, disc onnect t he b ase unit ’s AC a dapt or, then rec onnec t the ba se u nit’ s AC ada ptor . Re move the bat teri es f rom the hand set, and then inse rt the b atte ries int o th e ha ndse t ag ain.
Prob lem Ca use/ solu tion I fu lly char ged the batt eries , but – s till fla shes , – is disp layed , or – t he oper ating time se ems to be s hort er. R Clea n th e bat tery end s ( , ) and t he c harg e co ntac ts with a d ry c loth and charge a gain .
Call er ID /Talking Cal ler ID Prob lem Ca use/ solu tion Call er in formatio n is not di sp layed . R You must sub scrib e to Cal ler ID s ervi ce. Cont act your serv ice p rovider/ tele phon e co mpany for det ails .
Prob lem Ca use/ solu tion The 2nd calle r’s info rmat ion is no t disp layed during an o utsi de call . R In o rder to use Calle r ID, ca ll w aiti ng, or C all Wait ing Call er I D ( CWID ), y ou m ust firs t co ntac t yo ur s ervi ce prov ider/ telephon e co mpan y an d su bscr ibe to t he d esir ed serv ice.
Liqu id da mage Prob lem Ca use/ solu tion Liqu id or other f orm of m oist ure ha s ente red t he hands et/b ase unit . R Disc onnec t the AC ada ptor and tel epho ne l ine cord from the base unit . Remove the bat teri es f rom the hand set and leav e to dry for at l east 3 d ays.
FCC and othe r in form atio n This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules and the requirements adopted by the ACT A. On the bottom of this equipment is a label that contains, among other information, a product identifier in the format US:ACJ----------.
manufacturer about the availability of Hearing Aids which provide adequate shielding to RF energy commonly emitted by digital devices. WHEN PROGRAMMING EMERGENCY NUMBERS AND(OR) MAKING TEST CALLS TO EMERGENCY NUMBERS: 1) Remain on the line and briefly explain to the dispatcher the reason for the call.
Compliance with TIA-1083 standard: T elephone handsets identified with this logo have reduced noise and interference when used with T -Coil equipped hearing aids and cochlear implants. T Compatible with Hearing Aid T-Coil TIA-1083 46 For assi stan ce, plea se v isit htt p:// www.
Guía Ráp ida Espa ñola Para obt ener ayu da, visi te h ttp: //ww naso nic. com/help (so lo e n inglés ) 47 Guía Rápida Española TGD2xx_(en_en)_1209_ver.
48 Para obt ener ayu da, visi te h ttp: //ww naso nic. com/help (so lo e n inglés ) Guía Rápida Española TGD2xx_(en_en)_1209_ver.040.pdf 48 2013/12/09 10:59:21.
Para obt ener ayu da, visi te h ttp: //ww naso nic. com/help (so lo e n inglés ) 49 Guía Rápida Española TGD2xx_(en_en)_1209_ver.040.pdf 49 2013/12/09 10:59:21.
50 Para obt ener ayu da, visi te h ttp: //ww naso nic. com/help (so lo e n inglés ) Guía Rápida Española TGD2xx_(en_en)_1209_ver.040.pdf 50 2013/12/09 10:59:21.
Cust omer ser vice s Customer Services Directory (United States and Puerto Rico) Obtain Product Information and Operatin g Assistance; locate your near est Dealer or Service Center; purchase Parts and Accessories; or ma ke Customer Service and Literatur e requests by vis iting our W eb Site at: http://www .
Warr anty (Fo r Un ited Sta tes and Puer to R ico) Limited Warranty Coverage If your product does not work properly because of a defect in materials or workmanship, Panasonic Corporation of North Amer.
Limited W arranty Limits And Exclusions This Limited W arranty ONL Y COVERS failures due to defects in materials or workmanship, and DOES NOT COVER normal wear and tear or cosmetic damage.
Index # 3- wa y con ference: 16 A Addi tion al ha ndset: 27 Alar m: 25 Answ ering calls: 15 Answ ering system Call scre ening: 33 Eras ing messa ges: 31 , 32 , 33 Gree ting mess age: 30 Gree ting only.
55 Notes TGD2xx_(en_en)_1209_ver.040.pdf 55 2013/12/09 10:59:21.
1 Reconnect AC adaptor to the base unit. 2 Check if telephone line cord is connected. 3 Use rechargeable Ni-MH batteries. (Alkaline/Manganese/Ni-Cd batteries CANNOT be used.) 4 Read troubleshooting page in the Operating Instructions . If your product is not working properly .
デバイスPanasonic KX-TGD222の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Panasonic KX-TGD222をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPanasonic KX-TGD222の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Panasonic KX-TGD222の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Panasonic KX-TGD222で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Panasonic KX-TGD222を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPanasonic KX-TGD222の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Panasonic KX-TGD222に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPanasonic KX-TGD222デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。