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Please read this manual bef ore installing, customizing, or operating the V oice Processing System. Model No. KX-TVS50 KX-TVS80 V oice Pr ocessing System Installation Manual POWER VOICE PROCESSING SYSTEM Thank you f or purchasing a P anasonic V oice Processing System, Model KX-TVS50/KX-TVS80.
Importa nt Inform ation 3 Important Inf ormation SAFETY RE QUIREMENTS • Rea d all th e infor matio n cont ained in thi s manua l . • Fol lo w all produc t warnings , cautions , and instruc tions.
4 Importa nt I nformati on When y ou ship the produc t Carefull y pack and s end it prepai d, adequatel y insure d and prefer ably in th e original ca rton. Attach a p ostage-paid letter , detaili ng the symptom , to the ou tside of the carton. DO NO T send the p roduct to the Exec uti ve or Re gion al Sales of fices.
6 Importa nt I nformati on TELEPHONE COMP ANY AND F .C.C. REQUIREMENTS AND RESPO NSIBI LITI ES Notify The T elephone Co mpany Instal lation must be performed by a qualif ied profes sional in staller .
Importa nt Inform ation 7 • r ender the cust omer's equipmen t incompatibl e with telep hone company communicat ions • r equir e modif ication or a lteratio n of customer termi nal equipment .
8 T a b le of Co n t e n t s T able of Contents 1 V OICE P R OCESSING SYSTEM O VE R VI EW 1.1 WH A T THE VPS CAN AND CA N N O T D O . ........ . ........ . ........ . ........ . ........ . ........ . .... . 14 1.1.1 Why V oice Processing ? ....... . .
T abl e of Co ntent s 9 3 INTEGRA TING THE VPS WI TH P ANASONIC KX-T PHONE SYSTEMS 3.1 GUIDELINES FOR INTEGRA T ION ....................... ........................... ...................... 42 3.1.1 APT/DPT or Inb and Signaling? ............... .....
10 T able of Con tents 4.4.11 T wo-W ay T ransfer into Mailbox........... .................................... ........................... ..... 90 4.4.12 T wo-W ay T ransfer Butt on Assignment .................................... ....................
T abl e of Co ntent s 11 7 SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AND TR OUBLESHOO TING 7.1 INITIALIZING THE SYSTEM ................................ ........................... .................... 132 7.2 UTILITY COMMANDS .................................... ...........
12 T able of Con tents B5.1 Automated Attendan t Parameters ........... .................................... ........................... ... 213 B5.2 Custom Service ....................................... ........................... ..................
1.1 WHAT THE VPS CAN AND CANNOT DO 14 V OICE PR OCESSING SYSTEM O VER VIEW 1.1 WHA T THE VPS CAN AND CAN NO T DO 1.1.1 Wh y V oice Pr ocessing? The VPS handles i ncomi ng and outgoing cal ls . Whe n a cal l co mes in, it answer s, f orw ards to approp riate ext ensions, tak es and stores messages, and notif ies subsc ribers when mes sages are left.
1.1 WHAT THE VPS CAN AND CA NNO T DO V OICE PROCESSING SYSTEM O VER VIEW 15 1.1.3 VPS Limitations The KX-TVS50/80 does not support: UCD funct ions UCD (Uniform Call Distrib utio n) is a servi ce that dis tribu tes call s ev enly among exten sions and r etu rn s to ca ller s to sa y that all ext ensio ns are busy .
1.2 SYSTEM A D MIN ISTR ATION, MANA GEMENT , AND USE 16 V OICE PR OCESSING SYSTEM O VER VIEW 1.2 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TION, MAN A GEM ENT , AND USE 1.2.1 System Administration System Ad ministrati on is accomp lished by the installer and is concer ned with sett ing and changing system paramete rs and dia gnosing syste m problems.
1.3 SYSTE M BASICS V OICE PROCESSING SYSTEM O VER VIEW 17 1.3 SYSTEM B ASICS 1.3.1 Gen eral The KX-TVS50/80 i s initially conf igured with 2 por ts and 2 h (KX-TVS50 ) or 6 h (KX- TVS80) of st orage.
1.3 SYSTEM BASICS 18 V OICE PR OCESSING SYSTEM O VER VIEW System Componen ts A C I n let: Connects t he po wer cable t o an A C outlet dedica ted for t he VPS. P ower I ndicator: Indic ate s s yst em st at us — when fl ash ing, th e syst em is off-line ( not re ady to rec eive cal ls ).
1.3 SYSTE M BASICS V OICE PROCESSING SYSTEM O VER VIEW 19 Note When setti ng the DIP switc h to any positi on (except 0), fi rst disconnec t the station wir e(s) and wait a few minutes , then disconnec t the A C cord from the VPS. Set the DIP swit ch and connect the A C cord t o the VPS, wait appro ximately 3.
1.3 SYSTEM BASICS 20 V OICE PR OCESSING SYSTEM O VER VIEW See 3.1.4 PBX Require ments for Inte grati on. Y ou will f ind the fol lo wing infor mation about each fea ture liste d: • Descript ion • .
1.3 SYSTE M BASICS V OICE PROCESSING SYSTEM O VER VIEW 21 1.3.5 Specifications 1.3. 6 Hardware • 1 (KX-TVS50) o r 2 (KX-TVS80) Fl ash Memory Car d(s). • 1 Optional F lash Memory P osition f or KX-TVS52 car d *1 • 2 T ele phone Inputs ( RJ11C) • 1 RS-232C Connec tor • 1 DI P Switch (4- bit) 1.
1.3 SYSTEM BASICS 22 V OICE PR OCESSING SYSTEM O VER VIEW One port may not support a n Automated Attendan t conf iguration wit h 5 CO lines. The follo wing recommendat ions for Automa ted Attendant ports may hav e to be modif ied for hea vy traf fic.
1.4 DIGIT AL INTEGRA TION V OICE PROCESSING SYSTEM O VER VIEW 23 1.4 DIGIT AL INTEGRA TION 1.4.1 Gen eral There are 2 types of Digi tal Inte gration: APT Inte gration an d DPT Integr ation. APT Inte gration is av ailable when th e KX-TVS50/80 is connected to a KX-T A624.
1.4 DIGIT AL INTEGRA TION 24 V OICE PR OCESSING SYSTEM O VER VIEW TVS50/80). T o communicate betwee n the VPS and the PBX thro ugh DPT Integ ration, the PBX and VPS must be programmed to w ork together .
2.1 SAFETY PRECA UTIONS 26 INST ALLA TION 2.1 SAFETY PRECA UTIONS Please r ead the fo llo wing precau tions befor e installi ng the VPS. 2.1.1 Inst allation The VPS needs to be instal led on the w all. Improper placement of t he system may resul t in malfunct ion, noise , or discolor ation.
2.2 UNP ACKING INST ALLA TION 27 2.2 UNP A CKING Unpack the b ox and check the items bel ow . Ta b l e 5 Main Un it 1 A C Cord 1 Screws (W al l Mountin g) 3 W ashers ( W all Mounting) 3.
2.3 MOUNTING THE VPS ON A WOODEN W ALL 28 INST ALLA TION 2.3 MOUNTING THE VPS ON A W OODEN W ALL The wal l where the VPS is t o be mounted must be ab le to supp ort the weight of the VPS. If scre ws oth er than the on es suppli ed are used, us e the same-si zed diamet er scre ws as th e enclose d ones.
2.4 FRAME GROUND CONNECTION INST ALLA TION 29 2.4 FRAME GR OUND CONNE CTION IMPOR T ANT!!! Connect the frame of the main unit t o the grou nd. 1. Loo sen th e screw . 2. Insert the g rounding wire . 3. T ighten t he scre w . 4. Connect the grounding wire to the gr ound.
2.5 INSTALLA TION STEP S 30 INST ALLA TION 2.5 INST ALLA TION STEPS The follo wing is an o v ervi e w of th e stand ard ins tall ation proces s using APT/ DPT Inte gr atio n. When nece ssary , other sec tions in this manual ha ve been r eferenced fo r more deta iled descrip tions or instructio ns.
2.5 INST ALLA TION STEPS INST ALLA TION 31 4. Perform Quick Set up. (See Secti on 5 CUST OMIZING THE SYSTEM) 5. Check Quick Se tup: • Th e Po wer Indicat or on the V oice Pr ocessor shoul d be solid.
2.6 INSTALLING AN OPTIONAL EXP ANSION MEMORY CARD (KX-TV S5 2) 32 INST ALLA TION 2.6 INST ALLING AN OPTION AL EXP ANSION MEMOR Y CARD (KX-TVS52) *1 2.6.1 General The flas h memory capacity of the KX-TVS50 can be increased f rom 2 h to 4 h if an op tional expa nsion memory car d (KX-TVS52) is inst alled.
2.6 INSTALLING AN OP TIONAL EXP AN SION MEMORY CA RD (KX -TVS52) INST ALLA TION 33 5. Attach the optional e xpansi on memory card firm ly . Secure the sc rew . CA UTION Do not atta c h th e opti onal e x pansio n memory c ar d at the "MASTER" posit ion.
2.7 CON NECTIO NS 34 INST ALLA TION 2.7 CONNECTIONS 2.7.1 Connecting to the PBX The KX-TVS50/80 ca n be connected to up to 2 e xtension port s of the PBX. Use a 4-conductor wire for connection wi th KX-T A624 that uses APT Int egrati on, and for con nection with KX- TD systems tha t use DPT Inte gration.
2.7 CONNECT IONS INST ALLA TION 35 2.7.3 Con nection f or APT Integration Ports 1-2 of the KX-TVS50/80 2.7.4 Con nection f or DPT Integration Ports 1-2 of the KX-TVS50/80 Y G R B Y G R B To KX-TA624 P.
2.7 CON NECTIO NS 36 INST ALLA TION 2.7.5 Connection f or Non-APT/DPT Integration Ports 1-2 of the KX-TVS50/80 G R G R To Extension Ports of Non-APT/DPT Integration PBX PORT 1 PORT 2 PORT 1 Telephone .
2.8 TER MINAL CONN ECTION INST ALLA TION 37 2.8 TERMIN AL CONNECTION 2.8.1 Requirements f or Connecting Programming T erminal The programming termina l must be co nnecte d with a ser ial ca ble wit h an RS-2 32C connect or at the EI A port. This must be a nul l modem c able.
2.8 TERM IN AL CONNECTION 38 INST ALLA TION T able 7 Pin Conf igurati on of the EIA (RS-2 32C) Pin Number Signal Name C ircu it Type EIA CCITT 1 2 FG TXD Frame Ground T r ansmitted Data AA BA 101 103 3 4 RXD RT S Recei ved Data Request T o Send BB CA 104 105 6 DSR Data Set Re ady CC 107 Circuit type (EIA) Signal name Pin no.
2.8 TER MINAL CONN ECTION INST ALLA TION 39 2.8.3 EIA (RS-232C) Signals Frame Groun d (FG) Connects an exte rnal ground t o the unit frame, usuall y the grou nd pin of the A C po wer cord . T ransmitted Data (TXD)—output Con v eys si gnals from t he unit to th e terminal/p rinter .
3.1 GUIDE LINE S F OR INTE GRATION 42 INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH P ANASONIC KX-T PHONE SYSTEMS 3.1 GUIDELINES FOR INTEGRA TION 3.1.1 APT/DPT or Inban d Signaling? There ar e 3 types of inte gratio n av ail able on the KX-TVS50/80 : Inband Signa ling, APT and DPT .
3.1 GUIDELINES FOR INTEGRATION INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH P ANASONIC KX-T PHONE SYSTEMS 43 The VPS must also ha ve ac cess to cert ain PBX featur es. For e xample , if the VPS tak es a message , one way it c an notify th e mailbox o wner is by diali ng the PBX's Mes sage-W aitin g- Lamp-On cod e.
3.1 GUIDE LINE S F OR INTE GRATION 44 INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH P ANASONIC KX-T PHONE SYSTEMS Message W aiting Notification fr om an SL T The PBX e xtensions sh ould light a lamp or r ecei ve stutter dial tone when the Message-W aiting- Lamp-On code i s dialed by the VPS.
3.1 GUIDELINES FOR INTEGRATION INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH P ANASONIC KX-T PHONE SYSTEMS 45 Mailbox. W ithout t his fe at ure , the VPS can not immediately pl ay the gr eet i ng whe n t h e l in e i s busy or t here i s no an swer and al low the ca ller to leave a me ss age .
3.2 PBX P ARAMETERS AND PORT SETTIN GS 46 INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH P ANASONIC KX-T PHONE SYSTEMS 3.2 PBX P ARA METERS AND POR T SE TTINGS 3.2.1 General Guidelines and Def initions Optimal perf ormance of the VPS/PBX system reli es on proper VPS programming.
3.2 PBX P ARAMETER S AN D PORT SE TTIN G S INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH P ANASONIC KX-T PHONE SYSTEMS 47 3.2.4 PBX Interface Parameters Dialing Parameters • PBX T ype: Specif ies the type of PBX which i s connected to t he VPS. • Integrati on Mode: Speci fies the method of in te grati on to be used between the VPS and PBX.
3.2 PBX P ARAMETERS AND PORT SETTIN GS 48 INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH P ANASONIC KX-T PHONE SYSTEMS answer . PBXs diffe r in how the y handle this fu nction.
3.2 PBX P ARAMETER S AN D PORT SE TTIN G S INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH P ANASONIC KX-T PHONE SYSTEMS 49 Digit T ranslation T able Parameters These para meters allo w PBXs that ha ve a f ixe d Foll ow -on ID sequence to be used wi th the KX- TVS50/80.
3.3 CONN E CTIN G THE VPS WITH P ANASONIC KX-T SERIE S PB X s 50 INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH P ANASONIC KX-T PHONE SYSTEMS 3.3 CONNECTING THE VPS WITH P AN ASONIC KX-T SERIES PBXs 3.3.1 KX-TVS50/80 Programming f o r Inband Integration Set paramet ers from the System Administ ration T erminal.
3.3 CONN EC TIN G THE VPS WITH P A NASONIC KX-T SE R IE S PBX s INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH P ANASONIC KX-T PHONE SYSTEMS 51 3.3.2 KX-T1232 11D Softwar e V erif ication and Pr ogramming f or Inband Integration 1.
3.3 CONN E CTIN G THE VPS WITH P ANASONIC KX-T SERIE S PB X s 52 INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH P ANASONIC KX-T PHONE SYSTEMS 5. Enable hunt ing for the VPS e xtension group usin g System Program [08] . 6. Set the h unting typ e for the VPS e xtension group to ci rcular usi ng System Progra m [09].
3.3 CONN EC TIN G THE VPS WITH P A NASONIC KX-T SE R IE S PBX s INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH P ANASONIC KX-T PHONE SYSTEMS 53 connect ed to the KX-TVS50/80. Us e System Progra ms [49] (Day Mode) and [50] (Nig ht Mode). CO Mode — Set the mod e for each appl icable CO to Normal .
3.3 CONN E CTIN G THE VPS WITH P ANASONIC KX-T SERIE S PB X s 54 INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH P ANASONIC KX-T PHONE SYSTEMS 4. Enable hunt ing for the VPS ext ension groups using Syst em Program [100 ]. 5. Set the hunti ng type fo r the VPS e xt ension groups to circu lar usi ng System Pro gram [1 01].
3.3 CONN EC TIN G THE VPS WITH P A NASONIC KX-T SE R IE S PBX s INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH P ANASONIC KX-T PHONE SYSTEMS 55 CA UTION DO NO T create a mailbox i n both VPS for the same extens ion. Each exte nsion can hav e a maximum of 1 mail box in e ither VPS.
3.3 CONN E CTIN G THE VPS WITH P ANASONIC KX-T SERIE S PB X s 56 INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH P ANASONIC KX-T PHONE SYSTEMS Main M enu 2. Choose Stati on fro m the System Data Pr ogr amming Main Menu . System Data Pr ogramming Main Menu 3. Choose S tation Sett ing 1 from th e Station Menu .
3.3 CONN EC TIN G THE VPS WITH P A NASONIC KX-T SE R IE S PBX s INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH P ANASONIC KX-T PHONE SYSTEMS 57 4. Enable XDP port s. Place V oice Mail e xtensions i n Extension Gro up 8. Statio n Setting 1 5. Return to t he System Data P r ogr amming Main Menu .
3.3 CONN E CTIN G THE VPS WITH P ANASONIC KX-T SERIE S PB X s 58 INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH P ANASONIC KX-T PHONE SYSTEMS 7. Choose the Call Hunti ng exte nsion group. Set the last e xtension group to [A] for Automat ed Atte ndan t. Miscel laneous 8. Retu rn to the System Dat a Pr ogramming Mai n Me nu .
3.3 CONN EC TIN G THE VPS WITH P A NASONIC KX-T SE R IE S PBX s INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH P ANASONIC KX-T PHONE SYSTEMS 59 • Befor e choosi ng Batch Pr ogramming , you must open a f ile in the Disk F ile Manage ment M enu (I tem 3 ).
3.3 CONN E CTIN G THE VPS WITH P ANASONIC KX-T SERIE S PB X s 60 INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH P ANASONIC KX-T PHONE SYSTEMS Station Se tting 1 5. Select S A VE(F7) . Return to the System Data Pr ogramming Main Menu . Select System . 6. Choose S ystem (AL T -Y) from the System Data Pr ogramming Mai n Menu .
3.3 CONN EC TIN G THE VPS WITH P A NASONIC KX-T SE R IE S PBX s INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH P ANASONIC KX-T PHONE SYSTEMS 61 7. Choose Miscellaneo us fr om th e System Menu . Syst em Menu 8. Choose the Call Hunting extens ion gr oup . Set the last e xtension gr oup to [ AA ] for Automate d Attendant.
3.3 CONN E CTIN G THE VPS WITH P ANASONIC KX-T SERIE S PB X s 62 INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH P ANASONIC KX-T PHONE SYSTEMS 10. Choose CO-Li ne (AL T -L) from the System Dat a Pr ogr amming Main Menu .
4.1 G UIDELINES FOR DIGIT AL INTEGRATION INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH THE P AN ASONIC KX-T A ANALOG PBX AND KX-TD DIGIT AL PBX 65 Caller ID Cal l Routing* 1 The VPS aut omaticall y sends cal ls from pre-a ssigned Caller ID numbers to the desi red ext ension, mailbox or Custom Service.
4.2 CONNECTIN G THE KX-TVS 50/ 80 W ITH THE P ANASONIC KX- T A624 INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH THE P AN ASONIC KX-T A ANALOG PBX AND KX-TD DIGIT AL PBX 67 Fro m t h e SYS-PGM NO ? sc r een: a) Ente r [130] (for VPS 1 ) or [131] (f or VPS2). b) Press th e NEXT butt on (SP-PHONE).
4.2 CONN ECTING THE KX -TV S5 0/80 WITH THE P ANASONIC KX-TA624 68 INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH THE P ANASONIC KX-T A AN ALOG PBX AND KX-TD DIGIT AL PBX a) If the KX- TVS50/80 is a nswering all incoming call s: CO Mode —Use System Programs [414](Day Mode), [ 415](Night Mode ), [416 ](Lu nch Mod e) to s et this para meter .
4.2 CONN ECTING THE KX -TV S5 0/80 WITH THE P ANASONIC KX-TA624 70 INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH THE P ANASONIC KX-T A AN ALOG PBX AND KX-TD DIGIT AL PBX Scr een output: This messa ge is sh own whe n the dig ita l (AP T ) conn ect io n be tw een the VP S and telephon e system can not be establ ished.
4.2 CONNECTIN G THE KX-TVS 50/ 80 W ITH THE P ANASONIC KX- T A624 INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH THE P AN ASONIC KX-T A ANALOG PBX AND KX-TD DIGIT AL PBX 71 CA UTION When 2 VPSs are connec ted to the KX-T A624, the foll ow ing 2 procedures shou ld be done to mak e the VPSs w ork cor rectly .
4.3 CONN E CTIN G THE KX-TVS50/ 80 WI TH THE P ANASONIC KX-TD 816, KX-TD1 232 AND K X-T D308 72 INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH THE P ANASONIC KX-T A AN ALOG PBX AND KX-TD DIGIT AL PBX 4.3 CONNECTING THE KX-TVS50/80 WITH THE P AN ASONIC KX-TD816, KX-TD1 232 AN D KX- TD308 Note Do not use s ystem programs [ 106] or [602] f or DPT Integr ation.
4.3 CONN ECTING THE KX -TVS50/80 WI TH THE P ANASONIC KX-TD 816, KX -TD1 232 AND KX-T D308 INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH THE P AN ASONIC KX-T A ANALOG PBX AND KX-TD DIGIT AL PBX 73 833-9626) t o order a soft ware upgrade . Fro m t h e SYS-PGM NO ? screen: a) Ente r [116].
4.3 CONN E CTIN G THE KX-TVS50/ 80 WI TH THE P ANASONIC KX-TD 816, KX-TD1 232 AND K X-T D308 74 INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH THE P ANASONIC KX-T A AN ALOG PBX AND KX-TD DIGIT AL PBX Fro m t h e SYS-PGM NO ? scr een: a) Ente r [118]. b) Pre ss th e NEXT b utton (SP-PHONE).
4.3 CONN ECTING THE KX -TVS50/80 WI TH THE P ANASONIC KX-TD 816, KX -TD1 232 AND KX-T D308 INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH THE P AN ASONIC KX-T A ANALOG PBX AND KX-TD DIGIT AL PBX 75 processed after th e Power Indicator stops flash ing.
4.3 CONN E CTIN G THE KX-TVS50/ 80 WI TH THE P ANASONIC KX-TD 816, KX-TD1 232 AND K X-T D308 76 INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH THE P ANASONIC KX-T A AN ALOG PBX AND KX-TD DIGIT AL PBX 11. Start u p completed . a) The Po wer Indi cator light stops blin king when the start-up h as been succes sful.
4.3 CONN ECTING THE KX -TVS50/80 WI TH THE P ANASONIC KX-TD 816, KX -TD1 232 AND KX-T D308 INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH THE P AN ASONIC KX-T A ANALOG PBX AND KX-TD DIGIT AL PBX 77 b) V erify t he Operating and Mai ntenance v ersion bei ng used. This v ersion must be 3.
4.3 CONN E CTIN G THE KX-TVS50/ 80 WI TH THE P ANASONIC KX-TD 816, KX-TD1 232 AND K X-T D308 78 INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH THE P ANASONIC KX-T A AN ALOG PBX AND KX-TD DIGIT AL PBX 3. Choose System from the System Data Pr ogramming Main Menu. System Data Pr ogramming Main Menu 4.
4.3 CONN ECTING THE KX -TVS50/80 WI TH THE P ANASONIC KX-TD 816, KX -TD1 232 AND KX-T D308 INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH THE P AN ASONIC KX-T A ANALOG PBX AND KX-TD DIGIT AL PBX 79 5. Firs t, en ter th e por t numb ers th at wi ll be c onnec ted to the V PS.
4.3 CONN ECTING THE KX -TVS50/80 WI TH THE P ANASONIC KX-TD 816, KX -TD1 232 AND KX-T D308 INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH THE P AN ASONIC KX-T A ANALOG PBX AND KX-TD DIGIT AL PBX 81 ports. • KX-TVS50/80 (2 ports): assign 1 jac k Fro m t h e SYS-PGM NO ? sc r een: a) Ente r [117].
4.3 CONN E CTIN G THE KX-TVS50/ 80 WI TH THE P ANASONIC KX-TD 816, KX-TD1 232 AND K X-T D308 82 INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH THE P ANASONIC KX-T A AN ALOG PBX AND KX-TD DIGIT AL PBX 5. Unplug or po wer down t he KX-TD308. 6. Connect th e jack ass igned in Step 3 to the KX-T VS50/80.
4.3 CONN ECTING THE KX -TVS50/80 WI TH THE P ANASONIC KX-TD 816, KX -TD1 232 AND KX-T D308 INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH THE P AN ASONIC KX-T A ANALOG PBX AND KX-TD DIGIT AL PBX 83 Screen out put: This mess age is sho wn when t he digital (DPT) connection be tween the VPS and telep hone syst em canno t be est ab li she d .
4.3 CONN E CTIN G THE KX-TVS50/ 80 WI TH THE P ANASONIC KX-TD 816, KX-TD1 232 AND K X-T D308 84 INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH THE P ANASONIC KX-T A AN ALOG PBX AND KX-TD DIGIT AL PBX Set th e DIP sw itch to po sit io n 0 afte r init iali za tion is comp le te.
4.4 COMMON DIGIT AL INTEGRATION FEA TURES AND SETUP PR OC EDURES INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH THE P AN ASONIC KX-T A ANALOG PBX AND KX-TD DIGIT AL PBX 87 3. Pres s [92] . Scr een o utput: LCS 4. Pres s STORE . 5. Exit the p rogram mode: F or KX-T A624 Set the MEMO R Y switch to "SET" .
4.4 COMMON DIG IT AL INTEGRATION FEA TURES AND SETUP PR OCEDURES 88 INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH THE P ANASONIC KX-T A AN ALOG PBX AND KX-TD DIGIT AL PBX 4.4.6 Liv e Call Screening Passw ord Assignment T o allo w the Li v e Cal l Scr ee nin g feature to w ork at an ext ens io n, the exte nsi on mu st ha ve th e LCS button li t.
4.4 COMMON DIGIT AL INTEGRATION FEA TURES AND SETUP PR OC EDURES INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH THE P AN ASONIC KX-T A ANALOG PBX AND KX-TD DIGIT AL PBX 89 F or KX-TD series a. W ith the phone on- hook, Press the PR OGRAM bu tt o n . b . Dial [99] . (Dis play changes t o PT -PGM M ode.
4.4 COMMON DIG IT AL INTEGRATION FEA TURES AND SETUP PR OCEDURES 90 INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH THE P ANASONIC KX-T A AN ALOG PBX AND KX-TD DIGIT AL PBX F o r KX- TD se ries Pre ss th e PROGRAM b utton or lift the handset . 7. Repeat th ese steps fo r each tel ephone.
4.4 COMMON DIGIT AL INTEGRATION FEA TURES AND SETUP PR OC EDURES INTEGRA TING THE VPS WITH THE P AN ASONIC KX-T A ANALOG PBX AND KX-TD DIGIT AL PBX 91 4.4.13 V o ice Mail T ransfer Button Assignment This feat ure is use d to tran sfer cal ls directl y to a V oice Mail box.
5.1 ST ARTING UP 94 CUSTOMIZING THE SYSTEM 5.1 ST AR TING UP 5.1.1 Bef ore Pr ogramming 1. Dete rmin e the c ust om er's nee d s. • W ork with the ow ner , manag er , and r eceptionist to b uild the Cus tom Service Gr eeti ngs, and Holiday Gr eetin gs.
5.1 ST ARTING UP CUSTOMIZING THE SYSTEM 95 Depending on your PBX type, some s teps will be ski pped as sho wn bel ow . 5.1.3 Starting the Quick Setup The sequence must be follo wed through t o the end to take ef fect. If you pre ss "", you will ha ve to start ov er .
5.1 ST ARTING UP 96 CUSTOMIZING THE SYSTEM 1. PBX T ype a) Pre ss ENTER. Scr een o utput: b) Sele ct yo ur PB X typ e. T he req uire d st eps ar e di f ferent f or so me m odel s. Go t o th e step indicat ed belo w for tha t type. Note APT Integrat ion with th e KX-T A624 will be a ctivated aut omaticall y by selecti ng "7.
5.1 ST ARTING UP CUSTOMIZING THE SYSTEM 97 2. Extension Number s of VPS Por ts Screen out put: Enter e xtensio n numbers of VPS por ts with 2-digit numbers. Thi s improv es the VPS inte gration wit h the KX-T308 or KX- T616 by allo wing the VPS to discr iminate betw een VPS e xtensions and non-VPS ext ensions.
5.1 ST ARTING UP 98 CUSTOMIZING THE SYSTEM 4. Crea ting Mailboxes T o go to th e next sc reen (S) or t o change the men u (P or N), the c ursor must be in t he MBX column.
5.1 ST ARTING UP CUSTOMIZING THE SYSTEM 99 Note • Mailb ox numbers dis played on t his screen P anasonic KX-T A624 and KX-TD Ser ies System The same nu mbers as the e xtension s of the KX-T A624 and KX-TD se ries system tha t were a u tomati call y trans mitte d to the VPS — Auto C onfigurati on.
5.1 ST ARTING UP 100 CUSTOMIZING THE SYSTEM 5. Port Serv ic e Sett ing Scr een output: Incoming Call Servi ces for all po rts (Da y/Night ) can be def ined by th is set ting. Defa ult v alues for all ports (Day/Night) are "Automat ed Attendant Se rvice (Custo m 1).
5.1 ST ARTING UP CUSTOMIZING THE SYSTEM 101 8. Act ivating the Quick Setup Screen out put: T o act iv ate the Quic k Set up, Press [1] . Th e VPS be gins to change system programming data. Screen out put: Select ing "No" in t he abo ve sc reen cancels all changes made to thi s point.
5.2 PORT SETTING OPTIONS 102 CUSTOMIZING THE SYSTEM 5.2 POR T SETTING OPTIONS Design ea ch system to suit the needs of t he customer . Y ou should be f amiliar with all options for por t ass ignme nt so that custo mers ge t e xact ly what the y need an d e xp ect.
5.2 PORT SETTING OPTIONS CUSTOMIZING THE SYSTEM 103 The top of t he tree should includ e what caller s will hear wh en they a re f irst conne cted to the VPS. Then crea te a branc h for each opt ion. This shoul d be done unti l each calle r option h as been document ed.
5.2 PORT SETTING OPTIONS 104 CUSTOMIZING THE SYSTEM Example for KX-T A624: All sale s telepho nes have been pl aced in e xtension g r oup 3 in system pr ogram [60 0]. Station Hunti ng featur e is disabled i n [100]. Assig n each salesper son's mailbox to a dif f er ent COS in the KX-TVS 50/80 and ass ign th e pa ging gr oup to that COS.
5.2 PORT SETTING OPTIONS CUSTOMIZING THE SYSTEM 105 5.2.3 Custom Service Programming After the tree is com plete, ente r the Sys tem Pr ogramming Cus tom Service Se ttings Menu.
5.2 PORT SETTING OPTIONS 106 CUSTOMIZING THE SYSTEM Enter data into the Custom Se rvice menu; u se the table be low as a gui de. Ta b l e 2 0 Descripti on V alue Range (Defa ult) Description/ Function Prompt Mode 1. System 2. User 1 3. User 2 (Syst em) Specif ies the language t hat the cal ler will hea r when callin g thi s Custo m Ser v ice.
5.2 PORT SETTING OPTIONS CUSTOMIZING THE SYSTEM 107 Keypad A ssi gnme nt O ption s Ta b l e 2 1 Entr y Funct ion a. T ransfer to Mailbo x Sends the caller t o the designa ted mailbox and plays the perso nal greetin g. b . T ran sfer to Ex te nsi on T ransfers the c aller t o the speci fied ext e ns i on .
5.2 PORT SETTING OPTIONS 108 CUSTOMIZING THE SYSTEM 5.2.4 Recording Menus Once you ha ve finis hed entering the parameter s in each menu, the menu messages should be recorde d. Menu messages tell t he caller what options are av ailable and what keys correspo nd to thos e options .
5.2 PORT SETTING OPTIONS CUSTOMIZING THE SYSTEM 109 5.2.7 Mailbox Gr oups This program al lo ws a message t o be deli v ered to se ver al mailboxe s at the same time . The message acti vat es the mess age waiti ng lamps on all of the pro prietary t elephones.
5.2 PORT SETTING OPTIONS 110 CUSTOMIZING THE SYSTEM T o establi sh an extension gr oup: 1. From the System Adm i nist ration T op Men u , T ype [1-5-1 -2-1] . (Program - System Par ameter - System Gro up Assignment - Ex tension Group - Enter). 2. Enter a number that hasn't been ass igned to another mailbox or Exten sion Group List.
5.2 PORT SETTING OPTIONS CUSTOMIZING THE SYSTEM 111 5.2. 10 A uto mated A ttendan t Automate d Attendant se rvice answer s incoming call s and wa its for the caller to input an exte nsion number . The caller is then tr ansferred t o the appropr iate ex tension.
5.3 S ETT ING P O RT S 112 CUSTOMIZING THE SYSTEM 5.3 SETTING POR TS 5.3.1 P ort Service Menu Access th e Port Servic e Menu throug h the foll ow ing sequence: Syst em A d mini strat ion Scr een output: fr om Pr ogr am - P ort S ervice Menu: Ente r the data u sing the ta ble b elow as a gui de.
5.3 SETTI NG POR TS CUSTOMIZING THE SYSTEM 113 Prompt for Rota ry Call ers 1. S ystem 2. User 1 3. User 2 (Syste m) Specif ies in which langu age ro tar y callers hear the v oice prompts whe n the y cannot enter any digit to sel ect a "Prom pt Se lectio n Nu mber" while M ult ilingu al Se lecti on Menu mess age is being p layed.
5.4 A UTOMA TED ATTEND ANT P ARAMETERS 114 CUSTOMIZING THE SYSTEM 5.4 A UT OMA TED A TTEND ANT P ARAMETERS Automated At tendant p arameters in clude: Depa rtment Diali ng, operator p arameters , and altern ate e xtension .
5.4 A UTOMA TED A TTEND ANT P ARAMETERS CUSTOMIZING THE SYSTEM 115 T o light Message W aiting Lamp at Operator 1's extensi on: Assign Mailbox 998 to Operato r 1's ex tension.
5.4 A UTOMA TED ATTEND ANT P ARAMETERS 116 CUSTOMIZING THE SYSTEM No Answer Cove r ag e Mode 1. Caller Select 2. Lea ve Mes sage 3. Disconne ct Message 4. Next Operator (Cal ler Select) Specif ies the treatment of calls when Operator 1 does not a nswer .
5.5 SETTING MA ILB OXES CUSTOMIZING THE SYSTEM 117 5.5 SETTING MAILBO XES 5.5.1 Mailbox Setting Menu Access the Mailbox Setting Menu through t he follo wing s equence: System Administr ation 5.5.2 Entering a Mailbox From Mailbox Sett in g : Enter the dat a using the f ollowing table a s a guide.
5.5 SETT ING MAILBOXES 118 CUSTOMIZING THE SYSTEM From Mailbox Setting : Ente r the data u sing the followi ng tab l e as a g uide . Class of Serv ice No. COS No. 1-62 (1) Used t o defin e a set of s ervices a vailabl e to the su bscriber . 63 and 64 are f ixe d to the Message and Sy stem Managers.
5.5 SETTING MA ILB OXES CUSTOMIZING THE SYSTEM 119 Ta b l e 2 5 Descripti on V alue Range (Def ault) Description/Functio n Dial Number Up to 32 Digi ts of [1-9,0, ,#,P ,T ,M,X] (None) Assigns th e telephone or be eper number to De vice 1, 2 and/or 3.
5.5 SETT ING MAILBOXES 120 CUSTOMIZING THE SYSTEM 5.5.3 Deleting a Mailbox F r om Mailbox Setting Menu: 5.5.4 Passw ord Reset T o rese t a subscriber 's passwo rd, go to the P assword Reset Menu. " Enter the M ailbox Number" appears on the screen .
5.6 TRAIN ING THE SUBSC RIBE R CUSTOMIZING THE SYSTEM 121 5.6 TRAINING THE SUBSCRIBER The System Admi nistrator should e xplain the basic functions of the VPS to all the subscribers.
6.1 ME SSA GE MA NAGER'S MAILBOX (Mailbox 998) 124 FINAL SETUP 6.1 MESSA GE MAN A GER'S MAILBO X (Mailbox 998) The Mess age Manager is r esponsible f or recordin g and updat ing a wide v arie ty of system messages. P lease see Appe ndix D (D6 RECORDING MESSA GES) to see the fu ll array of recordi ng tasks.
6.1 MESS A GE MANA GER'S MA ILBOX (Mailbox 998) FINA L SETUP 125 3. T o change t he compan y greeting, Pr ess [1]. 4. Continue fo llo wing v oice prompts thr ough appropria te menus. Prompts le ad you through the choic es and recordi ng proces s.
6.1 ME SSA GE MA NAGER'S MAILBOX (Mailbox 998) 126 FINAL SETUP 2. T o modify messag es, Pr ess [5]. 3. T o modif y the user pr ompts, Pr e ss [6] . 4. T o change u ser prompt 1, Pr ess [1] ; to ch a nge use r p rom pt 2, Pr ess [2] . 5. T o change s pecif ied prompts , Pre ss [1] ; to chang e all p rom pts, Press [ 2] .
6.2 SETTING UP MA ILB OXES FINA L SETUP 127 6.2 SETTING UP MAILBO XES The following s teps com plete the ba sic i nstal lati on of t he KX -TV S 50/80 syst em. For eac h mailbox on the system, a no- answer , b usy , and afte r hours greet ing should be re corded, as well as the o wner's name and p assword.
6.2 SETT ING UP MAILBOXES 128 FINAL SETUP 2. When the port answers P res s [#6 ] , then t he mailbox number you wish to cha nge. 3. Enter your passwor d (if pro grammed), t hen Pr ess [#] . Y ou ar e now inside the mailbox. 4. F or mailbox management , Press [ 5] .
6.3 BA CKING UP THE SYSTE M FINA L SETUP 129 6.3 B A CKING UP THE SYSTEM 1. Choose the Uti lity Command. T ype [SA VE] , then Pr ess ENTER . See scre en output belo w . fr om System Administ ration T op Menu: KX-TVS50 KX-TVS80 2. To s t a r t Pres s [2] and then ENTER .
6.3 BA CKING UP THE SYSTEM 130 FINAL SETUP 8. Ente r desired f ilename and click "OK". The f ile trans fer screen appears an d shows do wnload prog ress. Do wnload time will v ary depending on the communi cation speed and f ile sizes . "SA VE Completed" wi ll appear on th e screen when the fi le has been sa ved.
7.1 INITIALIZI NG THE SYSTE M 132 SYSTEM MAINTEN ANCE AND TR OUBLESHOOT ING 7.1 INITIALIZING THE SYSTEM Initia lizing the system clears all v oice data exce pt user prompt s and returns all system parame ters to the default setting.
7.1 INITIALI ZING THE SYSTEM SYSTEM MAINTEN ANCE AND TR OUBLESHOOT ING 133 5. When sy stem init ializing i s comple te, the foll o wing displ ay will app ear: Note The ex ecution time f or System Res et/Clear may dif fer each time i t is perfor med because of system c apacity and sy stem programs .
7.2 UTILITY COMMAND S 134 SYSTEM MAINTEN ANCE AND TR OUBLESHOOT ING 7.2 UTILITY COMMANDS In the Ut ility Command Mo de, the Syst em Administrat or can access the functio ns descri bed belo w by ent ering the app ropriate co mmand at the " $" prompt, and Pressi ng RETURN.
7.2 UTILITY COMMANDS SYSTEM MAINTEN ANCE AND TR OUBLESHOOT ING 135 T ype OFLN , then Pr ess RETURN . If no VPS p orts are in use, the VPS wi ll immediat ely suspend th e call pr ogressing se rvice.
7.2 UTILITY COMMAND S 136 SYSTEM MAINTEN ANCE AND TR OUBLESHOOT ING c) T ype t he passw ord ag ain for v erif icatio n. 4. T o clear a password: a) T ype [1 ] or [2 ] . b) Pres s ENTER. Do no t type a pass word on this screen. c) Pr ess ENTER. Do not type a pass word on t his screen.
7.2 UTILITY COMMANDS SYSTEM MAINTEN ANCE AND TR OUBLESHOOT ING 137 printer or data terminal must be c onnected to the VPS at the RS-232C port for the repor ts to be printed o r displayed. 1. T ype PSET , then Pr ess RETURN. 2. Ty p e [ 1 ] to e nable this fu ncti on or Ty p e [ 2 ] to disabl e it.
7.2 UTILITY COMMAND S 138 SYSTEM MAINTEN ANCE AND TR OUBLESHOOT ING Devi ce Error Log Indications Err or Indications at System Startup Example of a terminal display when e rrors are g enerated T able 27 Indic ation Me anin g CPU MEM -GET CPU card so ftware memor y acquisition er ror .
7.2 UTILITY COMMANDS SYSTEM MAINTEN ANCE AND TR OUBLESHOOT ING 139 Error and W arning Ind ications Durin g System Operation 7.2.7 Sa ving the System Data to the Backup D e vice (SA VE) All syste m programming da ta and v oice prompts can be s av ed in sepa rate data f iles.
7.2 UTILITY COMMAND S 140 SYSTEM MAINTEN ANCE AND TR OUBLESHOOT ING se veral mi nutes to SA VE for al l the data selected. When performing thi s ope ration, al ways wai t until t he proces s completi on indicat ion appea rs. W A RNING Nev er sa ve ( back-up) and upload the "Prog ram" without Pa nasonic T echnical supp ort.
7.2 UTILITY COMMANDS SYSTEM MAINTEN ANCE AND TR OUBLESHOOT ING 141 3. Pres s RETURN . 4. Perform a St andard File T ransfer . Set the da ta termin al to the recei ving (Ans wer) mode (Xmodem) an d specify the backup f ilename. The sp ecif ied data wi ll be trans mitted to the data term in al.
7.2 UTILITY COMMAND S 142 SYSTEM MAINTEN ANCE AND TR OUBLESHOOT ING 2. Select t he item to be restored to the flas h memory , then Pr ess RETURN . 3. Pre ss RETURN . When "CCC" appear s, the VPS is rea dy for loadi ng. 4. Set th e dat a t ermin al to t he sen d ing (C a ll) m ode (X mo dem).
7.2 UTILITY COMMANDS SYSTEM MAINTEN ANCE AND TR OUBLESHOOT ING 143 7.2.10 P rogram V ers ion Display (VERS) This command i s used to disp lay the v ersion number s of the flash memor y and main R OM. T ype VERS, then Pr ess RETURN . Note The numbers are examples only .
7.2 UTILITY COMMAND S 144 SYSTEM MAINTEN ANCE AND TR OUBLESHOOT ING Custom [100] : Indi cates that Custom Servic e No. is "1 00." System: Indicat es that "Sys tem" prompt s are acti v e. Access: 9 : Indicat es that thi s Custom Serv ice was accessed 9 t imes by call ers.
7.2 UTILITY COMMANDS SYSTEM MAINTEN ANCE AND TR OUBLESHOOT ING 145 7.2.12 Cu stom Service Menu Access Count Clear (CCLR) Each Custom Ser vice has an access coun ter that cou nts the nu mber of time s the servic e has been acce sse d. This comm and clear s thi s cou nter .
7.2 UTILITY COMMAND S 146 SYSTEM MAINTEN ANCE AND TR OUBLESHOOT ING 2. Ty p e , the message length. 7.2.15 Modif ied Pr ompt List (MPL T) This command i s used to dis play the user pr ompt recordin g status — recorde d, not recorde d, or turne d of f.
7.2 UTILITY COMMANDS SYSTEM MAINTEN ANCE AND TR OUBLESHOOT ING 147 Note The "T otal Number of Regi stered" sho wn at the bottom of t he screen, does not include th e prompts that have been turned off . 7.2.16 Utility C ommand List (HELP) The HELP command dis plays the li st of all a v ailable utility commands.
7.2 UTILITY COMMAND S 148 SYSTEM MAINTEN ANCE AND TR OUBLESHOOT ING 7.2.18 Cir cuit Condition Display (LMON) This command i s used to dis play the circ uit conditi on ev ery 1.5 s. Th e command can be turned of f by ent ering []. The foll owi ng circuit conditions may be displayed.
7.2 UTILITY COMMANDS SYSTEM MAINTEN ANCE AND TR OUBLESHOOT ING 149 Sample disp lay: W ARNI NG "PUTD" is a command origi nal ly us ed when trou bles hoot in g . Do not use thi s co mmand f or any other pur pose. Do not di sconnect the RS- 232C connection whi le the "PUTD" command is enabl ed.
7.3 SYSTEM REPORTS 150 SYSTEM MAINTEN ANCE AND TR OUBLESHOOT ING 7.3 SYSTEM REPOR TS The Sy stem Adminis tra to r is ab le to g enera te 8 Sys tem Re ports to mon it or VP S opera ting status . The report s can be di splayed on a data te rminal or p rinted.
7.3 SYSTEM REPORTS SYSTEM MAINTEN ANCE AND TR OUBLESHOOT ING 151 Note An 'X' displ aye d on the scree n ind ic ate s that the f eature mark ed with the X i s se t t o "YES." 7.3.2 COS (C lass of Service) Assignments This repor t provi des infor mation conc erning all Class of Servi ce numbers.
7.3 SYSTEM REPORTS 152 SYSTEM MAINTEN ANCE AND TR OUBLESHOOT ING Note An "X" displ a ye d on t he screen ind ica te s that the f e atu re mark ed with t he X i s set to "Y es. " 7.3.3 System Service Report The System Ser vice Report pr ovides i nformatio n about the VPS's us able ports.
7.3 SYSTEM REPORTS SYSTEM MAINTEN ANCE AND TR OUBLESHOOT ING 153 KX-TVS50 KX-TVS80 7.3.4 Call Account Report The VPS can store infor mation for up to 64 outgoi ng calling s equences (fo r accounting and billing purposes).
7.3 SYSTEM REPORTS 154 SYSTEM MAINTEN ANCE AND TR OUBLESHOOT ING 7.3.5 P ort Usage Report The Port Us age Report pro vides informat ion about port usage and a llo ws system and por t traf fic to be measured. The report incl udes the accu mulated dur ation times o f incoming and outgoing calling services and the total c onnect ti me for each por t.
7.3 SYSTEM REPORTS SYSTEM MAINTEN ANCE AND TR OUBLESHOOT ING 155 Ty p e [ Y ] (y es) o r [N] (no). If "Y" i s entered, th e system wil l clear th e data. W ait until "Por t Usage Repo rt Data Cleared! !" appears on the screen before proce eding.
7.3 SYSTEM REPORTS 156 SYSTEM MAINTEN ANCE AND TR OUBLESHOOT ING KX-TVS80 Dri ve: Spe cifies t he memory card. "1" is the MASTER memory card (f actory pro vided). "2" is the SLA VE memory c ar d. FR OM: The date and time of th e last clea ring of this report Cpy: Cop y (T ransfer) Del: Del eted Exp: Expired an d Remov ed 7.
7.3 SYSTEM REPORTS SYSTEM MAINTEN ANCE AND TR OUBLESHOOT ING 157 Note Spe cify the rang e or the mail box nu mber . T o ob tain in forma tion on spe cific m ailboxe s from No. 200 to No. 209, T ype [2 0 ] and Press RETURN, or [200] [,] [209] and Press RETURN .
7.3 SYSTEM REPORTS 158 SYSTEM MAINTEN ANCE AND TR OUBLESHOOT ING Ty p e [ Y ] (yes) or [N] (no). If "Y" is ent ered, the syste m will clear the data. W ait unt il "Mailbox Usage Repor t Data Clea red!!" appe ars on the sc reen before p roceeding .
7.3 SYSTEM REPORTS SYSTEM MAINTEN ANCE AND TR OUBLESHOOT ING 159 Ty p e [ Y ] (yes) or [N] (no). If "Y" is en tered, t he system will cle ar the dat a. W ait unti l "Fax Ca ll Report Data Cleared!!" appears on t he screen b efore procee ding.
7.4 TR OUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 160 SYSTEM MAINTEN ANCE AND TR OUBLESHOOT ING 7.4 TR OUBLESHOO TING GUIDE T able 30 PR OBLEM PR OB ABLE CA U SE POSSIBLE SOLUTION Nothing is heard from the VPS when access ing the VPS eve n though APT Integrat ion has been establi shed.
7.4 TR OUB LESHOO TING GUIDE SYSTEM MAINTEN ANCE AND TR OUBLESHOOT ING 161 Unable to mak e reconnecti on when the l ine is bus y. • Improper setting of the b usy signal re connecti on procedure. • Readjust th e bu sy signal reconne cti on procedure to that of the c onnected PBX.
7.5 SP ECIF ICA TIONS 162 SYSTEM MAINTEN ANCE AND TR OUBLESHOOT ING 7.5 SPECIFICA TIONS T able 31 Port: 2 Digit al/Analog port s Dialing Method : DTMF/Puls e (10/20 pps) Flash T ime: 100/300/ 600/900 ms (pro grammable) CPC Detecti on 6.
7.5 SPECIF ICA T IONS SYSTEM MAINTEN ANCE AND TR OUBLESHOOT ING 163 Dimensions ( H W D): 17 3 318 65 mm {6-13 /16" 12-1/2" 2-9/16"} Mass (W eight): Approx.
A1 SYSTEM FEA TURES 166 SYSTEM FEA TURES A1 SYSTEM FEA TURES The V oice Process ing Sys tem has man y feat ures that are a v ailab le to the system administrat or , the syst em manager , and/or syst em subscriber s. The tabl es on the fol low ing pages li st and briefl y describe each k ey VPS syst em feature.
A1 SYSTEM FEA TURES SYSTEM FEA TURES 167 Auto F orwar ding forw ards or co pies messages n ot retrie ved from one mailbox to anothe r , after a specif ied period of time. Thi s service i s only a v ailable to subs cribers. Cl ass of Service programming determi nes the mai lboxes t hat can use t his featur e.
A1 SYSTEM FEA TURES 168 SYSTEM FEA TURES Call Serv ices include a series of bo th incoming and outgoing c all servic es. Incoming Call Servic es - Au to mated Atte ndant S ervi ce, V oice Ma il Ser vice, Inte rview Serv i ce, C ustom Ser vic e. Outgoing Call Ser vi ces - Message W aiting Notif ication, a nd Externa l Message Deli very .
A1 SYSTEM FEA TURES SYSTEM FEA TURES 169 Caller Name Announcemen t- Personal (APT/ DPT Inte gration Only) allo ws subscribers t o assign up to 30 Caller ID numbers and record a caller name for each Caller ID number from th eir telephone.
A1 SYSTEM FEA TURES 170 SYSTEM FEA TURES Calling a Beeper allo ws a sub scriber to be notif ied by a beep er when he has a messa ge(s). I f the bee per has a disp lay , it is possi ble to send to it a c allba ck number . The callback number can be record ed when a ca ller lea v es a message .
A1 SYSTEM FEA TURES SYSTEM FEA TURES 171 Class of Service(COS) Th ere are 6 2 COS lev els for Subscribe rs. COS 63 is for the Messa ge Manager and COS 64 is fo r the Syst em Manager . • See 7.3.2 COS (Class of Serv ice) Assignment s. • See B3 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TIO N - SETTING COS (CLASS OF SER VICE) P ARAMETERS.
A1 SYSTEM FEA TURES 172 SYSTEM FEA TURES Custom Servi ce allo ws cal lers to a ccess sp ecifi c functions by entering numbe rs or symbols t hrough the telephone ke ypad.
A1 SYSTEM FEA TURES SYSTEM FEA TURES 173 Dialing by Name allo ws the caller t o reach the i ntended mailbox/ extensi on (when th e number is not known) by e nteri ng th e first 3 o r 4 lett er s of the mail box o wner's last n ame. The VPS iden tifi es all s ubscribers wi th that letter combinat ion and st ates each name f or the calle r .
A1 SYSTEM FEA TURES 174 SYSTEM FEA TURES Exte nsio n Gro up places several extensi ons in to t he sam e mailbox to share inf ormation usin g an Extension Group List. The Sy stem Administra tor must e stablish th is list. Up t o 20 lists ca n be maintaine d by the VPS with up to 20 entr ies possi ble on each l ist.
A1 SYSTEM FEA TURES SYSTEM FEA TURES 175 Ext ernal Messag e Deli ve ry Servic e al lows a subsc rib er to se n d a me ssag e to se ve ral subscri bers and n on-subscribe rs (inclu ding o utsid e part ies) at the sa me tim e. This feature als o permits the r ecei ver t o reply to the me ssage with out hav ing to specif y the mailbox n umber .
A1 SYSTEM FEA TURES 176 SYSTEM FEA TURES F ax Management allo ws the sys tem to automa tically ro ute an incoming fax signal to a specif ic f ax machine. Up to 2 f ax machines can be assigned usin g this fea ture. Outsi de calle rs can also r each the fax mac hin e via Cust om Se rvi ce se lection, if programme d.
A1 SYSTEM FEA TURES SYSTEM FEA TURES 177 Inband Int egra tion all o ws the PBX, usi ng Inband Integr ation, to send i nform ation to the VPS us in g DT MF tones. I nband inte gration i s character ized as V oice Mail Inte gration an d DTMF T one Integrat ion.
A1 SYSTEM FEA TURES 178 SYSTEM FEA TURES Inte rco m P aging (APT/DPT Inte gratio n Only) permits c allers to pa ge subscr ibers by PBX paging (t here are dif ferent kinds of PBX paging, and these can .
A1 SYSTEM FEA TURES SYSTEM FEA TURES 179 Intervie w Service plays a set of recorded questions when a calle r accesses t he service. Th e caller is pro vided an op portunity t o answer each questi on after it has been as ked. Subscr ibers are ab le to r ecord quest ions direct ly into their o wn In tervi ew Mailb ox.
A1 SYSTEM FEA TURES 180 SYSTEM FEA TURES Li ve Call Screening (APT/DPT Inte gratio n Only) permits t he subscri ber to monito r incoming calls as messages are b eing recorde d. The subscrib er has the option of ans wering cal ls while monito ri ng or allo wing the messag e to be recorde d without inte rruption.
A1 SYSTEM FEA TURES SYSTEM FEA TURES 181 Mailbox is a pl ace where all messages to a s ubscriber are st ored. Se veral mail box options e xist — Subscri ber Mailbox, In tervie w Mailbox, System Manag er's Mailbox, Mes sage Manager' s Mailbox, and Gene ral Deli v ery Mailbox.
A1 SYSTEM FEA TURES 182 SYSTEM FEA TURES Message Reception Mode allo ws incomin g calls to be rec eiv ed by eit her a subscri ber's re gular o r intervie w mailbox.
A1 SYSTEM FEA TURES SYSTEM FEA TURES 183 Message W aiting Notif icati on - De vi ce auto maticall y notif ies the subscrib er that a ne w message h as been re cei ved. Cal ling either a specif ied teleph one or beeper number makes notif ication. The message i s automa tically pl ayed when a tel ephone number is called a nd answered.
A1 SYSTEM FEA TURES 184 SYSTEM FEA TURES Message W aiting Notif icati on - Lamp automatical ly illuminat es the message waiti ng lamp on the su bscriber 's telephone when there ar e unplayed messa ges waiting in the mailbo x. • See "Messag e W aiting Notif ication f rom an SL T" in 3.
A1 SYSTEM FEA TURES SYSTEM FEA TURES 185 No Answer Cov erage Mode speci fies how calls are a nswe r ed o n "Operator 1, 2 or 3" when t hey are n ot answered within th e specif ied "Opera tor No Answer T ime." These options include: Caller Se lect *1 - calle r may lea v e a message or call another e xtensi on.
A1 SYSTEM FEA TURES 186 SYSTEM FEA TURES Personal Greeting for Call er ID (APT/ DPT Inte gratio n Only) permits s ubscribers to r ecord up to 4 pe rsonal greeting s for calls from pre-ass igned Call er ID number s. Each greeti ng supports up to 8 caller ID numbers.
A1 SYSTEM FEA TURES SYSTEM FEA TURES 187 Play System Pr ompt After P ersonal Gre eti ng allows the "G uida n ce for Reco rd ing" mess age to be pla yed f or th e call er afte r th e "Perso nal Greeti ng.
A1 SYSTEM FEA TURES 188 SYSTEM FEA TURES Service Ac cess Commands allo w the c aller t o directly a ccess se veral standard features . (0) to r epeat the Hel p Menu or call the operat or () t o r etur.
A1 SYSTEM FEA TURES SYSTEM FEA TURES 189 T wo-W ay Recording (APT/DPT only) per mits a subs cribe r to r ecord two-way con versa tions into h is/her mailb ox. • See 4. 1 GUIDELINES FOR DIGIT AL INTEGRA TION. • See 4.4.8 Li ve Call Scre ening Password Cont rol .
B1 SYSTEM N A VIGA TION 192 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE B1 SYSTEM NA VIGA TION System Ad ministrati on, which inclu des the se tting and cha nging of syst em parameters, i s performe d using an RS-232C ASCI I or VT termina l. This can be a personal co mputer with emulatio n softw are.
B1 SYSTEM NA VIGATION SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE 193 1. Program 1. Mallbox Setting 2. Class of Service 3. Port Service 4. Service Setting 1. Automated Attendant 2.
B1 SYSTEM N A VIGA TION 194 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE Pr ogramming Menu Structure Diagram 1. Program 1. Mailbox Setting 1. Enter/Edit 2. Delete 3. Password Reset 4. Mailbox Listing 1. Mailbox No Entry 1. Mailbox Setting 2. Notification Setting 1.
B1 SYSTEM NA VIGATION SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE 195 5. System Parameter Setting 1. System Group Assignment 2. Day Service 3. Holiday Setting 4. Daylight Saving Time 5. Prompt Setting 7. Others 1. RS-232C 2. Port Setting for each port 3. PBX Interface Parameter 1.
B2 SYS TEM AD MINISTRATION - M AILBOXES 196 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE B2 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TION - MAILBO XES Up to 30 (TVS50) or 62 (TVS80 ) Subscr iber mail box es can be create d or edite d by follo wing the corr ect sequence of steps .
B2 SYSTE M A DMINIST RA TIO N - MA ILB O XES SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE 197 Ta b l e 3 5 Para meter V alue Range (Def ault) Description/Fun ction The Extens ion of the Owne r 2-5 digit s (None) Used to transfer calls thr ough the VPS to a Su bscriber's mailbox .
B2 SYS TEM AD MINISTRATION - M AILBOXES 198 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE Notif ication Se tting The param eters for the Mess age W aitin g Notif ication - Devi ce featu re are set us ing this procedur e. A maximum of 3 destina tions (De vice 1, 2, 3) can be spec ified per mailbox.
B2 SYSTE M A DMINIST RA TIO N - MA ILB O XES SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE 199 Notif ication Setting - Device 1-3 Ta b l e 3 6 Par amet er V alu e R ang e (Def ault) D escrip tion/Funct ion Dial Number Up to 3 2 digits consist ing of 1-9, 0, , # P , T , M, X (None) Assigns a te lephone or beeper number to De vice 1, 2, or 3.
B2 SYS TEM AD MINISTRATION - M AILBOXES 200 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE Deleti ng a Mailbox When a mai lbox is dele ted, the V oice Pro cessing Syste m erases all messages in the mailbox, remov.
B2 SYSTE M A DMINIST RA TIO N - MA ILB O XES SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE 201 T o disp lay th e li st of al l mai lbox n umbers, fol lo w the menu path as sho wn: System Adminis tration T op Men.
B3 SYST EM AD MINISTRATION - SETTI NG COS (C LASS OF SERVICE) P ARAM ETERS 202 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE B3 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TION - SETTING COS (CLASS OF SE R V ICE) P ARAMETERS The COS - Clas s of Service parameters de fine t he set of services th at are a va ilable to Subscrib ers.
B3 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION - SETTING COS (CLASS OF SERVICE) P ARAMETERS SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE 203 Class of Service Setting COS Nos. 1-62 (fo r Subscri ber s) T o ac c ess C lass of S erv i c e Nu m bers 1- 62 f o r Su bs cri bers, f ollo w the me nu pa t h as shown: System Adminis tration T op Menu - 1 - 2 - COS No.
B3 SYST EM AD MINISTRATION - SETTI NG COS (C LASS OF SERVICE) P ARAM ETERS 204 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE Messag e Retrie val Order 1. LIFO 2. FIFO (LIF O) Specif ies t he order in whi ch messages ar e retrie ve d (played ba ck for list ening).
B3 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION - SETTING COS (CLASS OF SERVICE) P ARAMETERS SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE 205 Direct Mailb ox Access 1. Y es 2. No (Y es) If se t t o "Y es, " a Subs crib e r is a ble to dire c tly e n ter the Subscri ber Service.
B3 SYST EM AD MINISTRATION - SETTI NG COS (C LASS OF SERVICE) P ARAM ETERS 206 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE Authori zation for Message Notifica tion 1. Y es 2. No (No) If set t o "Y es," Subscri bers are abl e to utiliz e the Message W aiting Noti fica tion featur e.
B3 SYST EM AD MINISTRATION - SETTI NG COS (C LASS OF SERVICE) P ARAM ETERS 208 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE COS Nos. 63 & 64 (f or Managers) Only the p arameters list ed belo w can be assi gned for COS number s 63 and 64. COS numb er 64 can not assign th e parame ters rel ating to th e Message W aiting Notif ication fe ature.
B3 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION - SETTING COS (CLASS OF SERVICE) P ARAMETERS SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE 209 Prompt mode 1. System 2. User 1 3. User 2 (User 1) Specif ies th e language used for v oice pr ompts.
B4 SYST EM ADMINI STR ATION - PORT SERVIC E SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE 211 B4 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TION - POR T SER VICE One of 4 inc oming call services can be assigned t o each VPS por t: V oice Mail , Automated Atte ndan t, Int erv iew Se rv ice , or Cu stom Servi ce.
B4 SYS TEM AD MINISTRATION - P ORT S ERVICE 212 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE P ort 1 - Night Mode Note The port as signment proced ure for P ort 2 is the s ame as P ort 1. Incoming Call Serv ice 1. V oice Mail 2. Auto . Attn. 3. Inte rview 4. Custom (Auto.
B5 SY STEM ADMINIST RATION - S ERVICE SETT INGS SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE 213 B5 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TION - SER VICE SETTINGS B5.1 A utomated Attendant Parameters The Automated Attendant Ser vice has 3 main functions : Departme nt or Speed Dial ing, Operator' s Parameter s, and Alterna te Extension.
B5 SYS TEM ADMIN ISTRATION - SERVI CE SETT INGS 214 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE Operator's Parameters - Day Mode - Operator 1 This para meter is used to enable or disable t he Operator Se rvice. It s pecif ies Operat or 1's extensi on an d th e t reat ment of the call s t ran sferre d to th at exte n sion .
B5 SY STEM ADMINIST RATION - S ERVICE SETT INGS SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE 215 Note Extension Cal l F orwardi ng to the VPS can o v erride the op erator ca ll cov erage s ettings depending on the timing parameters of the PBX and VPS.
B5 SYS TEM ADMIN ISTRATION - SERVI CE SETT INGS 216 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE Operator's Parameters - Day Mode - Operator 2 Operator -seeking call s a re recei ved at Ope ra tor 2 when Operator 1 i s b usy or doe s n o t ans w er and Operat or 1's paramet ers are set as follo ws.
B5 SY STEM ADMINIST RATION - S ERVICE SETT INGS SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE 217 Operator's Parameters - Day Mode - Operator 3 Operator -seeki ng calls to Operato r 3, when Operator 2 is busy or una nswered and Operat or 2's para meters are se t as f o llows.
B5 SYS TEM ADMIN ISTRATION - SERVI CE SETT INGS 218 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE Notes An operator -seeking call is alw ays first transfer red to Opera tor 1. The call is then transf erred to Operat or 2 and Operator 3 respectiv ely , depending on syst em programming.
B5 SY STEM ADMINIST RATION - S ERVICE SETT INGS SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE 219 Alter nate E xtension G rou p - Enter The system c an create up t o 32 e xtensions th at use th e same alterna te transfe r sequence. Alternate Extension - Delete The system c an delete e xtensi on numbers fro m the alter nate ex tension group .
B5 SYS TEM ADMIN ISTRATION - SERVI CE SETT INGS 220 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE B5.2 Custom Service Custom Servi ce is one of 4 incoming ca ll service s. By assignin g a functi on to each k ey , a customize d ke y operatio n service can be pro vided to cal lers.
B5 SY STEM ADMINIST RATION - S ERVICE SETT INGS SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE 221 No DTMF Input Oper ation a-f (c) * See K eyp ad Assignment on the next page. Specif ies ho w a call i s treated when ther e is no re sponse to the menu message. No r esponse usu ally indica tes that th e caller is using a ro tary phone.
B5 SYS TEM ADMIN ISTRATION - SERVI CE SETT INGS 222 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE K eypa d Assignment 0-9 , , # a-n ( : d, 0: c Others: None ) Any of th e 14 s er vic es list ed be low (a-n) c an be assigne d to the 0 thr ough 9, and # ke ys on the teleph one ke ypad.
B5 SY STEM ADMINIST RATION - S ERVICE SETT INGS SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE 223 B5.3 Caller ID Call Routing Parameters Up to 120 Call er ID number s can be assi gned to be auto maticall y forwa rded to a desi red destinat ion.
B5 SYS TEM ADMIN ISTRATION - SERVI CE SETT INGS 224 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE Caller ID Call Routing - De lete Permits s pecif ied Calle r ID List number s to be delet ed from the li st. Caller ID Call Routing - L isting Displays all Caller ID Li st numbers.
B6 SYST E M AD MINISTRATION - SYSTEM P ARAM ETER SETTINGS SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE 225 B6 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TION - SYSTEM P ARAMETER SETTINGS B6.1 System Group Assignment System Gr oup Assignment - Mailbox Gr oup This parame ter allo ws a Subscri ber to sen d a message simultaneou sly to se v eral mailbox es.
B6 SYST E M AD MINISTRATION - SYSTEM P ARAM ETER SETT INGS 226 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE Mailbox Gr oup - Delete Permit s specif ied mai lboxes t o be deleted from the list . Mailbox Gr oup - Listing Displays all System Grou p Distrib ution List numbers .
B6 SYST E M AD MINISTRATION - SYSTEM P ARAM ETER SETTINGS SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE 227 Extension Gr oup - E nter Extension Gr oup - Dele te Perm its s pe cified extens ions t o be de leted from th e list . Extension Gr oup - L isting This parame ter displays al l Extension Group List numbers.
B6 SYST E M AD MINISTRATION - SYSTEM P ARAM ETER SETT INGS 228 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE B6.2 Day Service Day Service is a ti mer fu nction that sel ects the des ir ed ca ll handl in g metho d base d upon t ime of day . Port Assi gnment and Oper ator P arameter s can be pro grammed for day and night mode .
B6 SYST E M AD MINISTRATION - SYSTEM P ARAM ETER SETTINGS SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE 229 Holiday Set ting - Enter Holiday Setting - De lete Cancels t he Holiday Servi ce Setting b y specify ing a holiday number (1-20).
B6 SYST E M AD MINISTRATION - SYSTEM P ARAM ETER SETT INGS 230 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE Holiday Setting - Listing Used to di splay all of the speci fied holiday names a nd dates. B6.4 Daylight Sa ving Ti me (DST) Used to adj ust the i nte rna l c loc k of th e VPS to the st ar ti ng a nd en ding date of day li ght sa ving time.
B6 SYST E M AD MINISTRATION - SYSTEM P ARAM ETER SETTINGS SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE 231 B6.5 Pr ompt Setting This sett ing is requi red when Mult ilingual Service is enabled.
B6 SYST E M AD MINISTRATION - SYSTEM P ARAM ETER SETT INGS 232 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE B6.6 System Caller Name Announcement Up to 120 Caller ID numbers can be assi gned to announce pre-r ecorded Caller ID caller name s when e xtension users list en to messages f rom the as signed numbers l eft in thei r mailbox.
B6 SYST E M AD MINISTRATION - SYSTEM P ARAM ETER SETTINGS SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE 233 System Cal ler Name An nouncemen t - Enter System Caller Nam e Announce ment - D elete Perm its s peci fied C al le r ID Li st n um ber s to b e delete d fr om the list.
B6 SYST E M AD MINISTRATION - SYSTEM P ARAM ETER SETT INGS 234 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE B6.7 Other Parameters Other Parame ters - Exten sion Numb ering Plan Used to spe cif y t he exten sion numb e rs of the PB X so th at th e VPS is able to rec ogn i ze th e dialed e xtensi on as va li d.
B6 SYST E M AD MINISTRATION - SYSTEM P ARAM ETER SETTINGS SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE 235 Ta b l e 5 4 Parame ter V alue Range (Def ault) Description/Fun ction Numbering Plan 1-16 2-5 digi ts consist ing of 0-9, X (Numberin g Plan 1:1 XX Numbering Pl an 2-16: None ) Spe cifies the first 1 or 2 digi ts of th e PB X exten si on numbers.
B6 SYST E M AD MINISTRATION - SYSTEM P ARAM ETER SETT INGS 236 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE Other Parame ters - Dialing Parame ter T o select Dial ing P arameter , follow the menu p ath as shown.
B6 SYST E M AD MINISTRATION - SYSTEM P ARAM ETER SETTINGS SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE 237 Other Parameters - Message W ait ing Notif ication The follo wing paramete rs are used t o control the handling of message w aiting not if ication calls .
B6 SYST E M AD MINISTRATION - SYSTEM P ARAM ETER SETT INGS 238 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE Other Parame ters - External Message De livery Used to con trol the han dling of Ex ternal Mes sage Deli v ery calls. Messag e W ait ing Lamp Por ts Port No.
B6 SYST E M AD MINISTRATION - SYSTEM P ARAM ETER SETTINGS SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE 239 T o sel ect the Exte rnal Messa ge Deliv ery , follow the menu path as sho wn: System Adminis tration T.
B6 SYST E M AD MINISTRATION - SYSTEM P ARAM ETER SETT INGS 240 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE Other Parameter s - Call Hold Other Parame ters - Rotary T elephone S ervice F or cal lers who are c a.
B6 SYST E M AD MINISTRATION - SYSTEM P ARAM ETER SETTINGS SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE 241 Other Parameters - Intercom P aging Parameter Intercom P aging is a PBX feature t hat make s it possibl e to page the caller's p arty thr ough telephone speakers .
B6 SYST E M AD MINISTRATION - SYSTEM P ARAM ETER SETT INGS 242 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE T able 60 Paramete r V alue Range (Default) Des cription/Functi on Interc om Pa gi n g Sequence Up to 12 di gits con- sisting o f 0-9, , # and sp ecial codes (FXW ) Specif ies t he intercom pa ging sequence r equired by the PBX.
B6 SYST E M AD MINISTRATION - SYSTEM P ARAM ETER SETTINGS SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE 243 Other Parameters - F ax Management The VPS can be programmed to automaticall y transfer incoming f ax calls t o a fax e xtension . A max im um of 2 fax exten sion s c an be s pecified as the de sti na tion f or the Automa tic Fax T ran sfer .
B6 SYST E M AD MINISTRATION - SYSTEM P ARAM ETER SETT INGS 244 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE Fax No Answer Ti m e 5-60 s (10) Speci fies the length of t ime (in seconds ) the VPS must wait before taking other action whe n there is no answer at eithe r fax exten sio n.
B6 SYST E M AD MINISTRATION - SYSTEM P ARAM ETER SETTINGS SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE 245 Other Parameters - Di sconnect Parameter T o sel ect the Disc onnect P ar ameter , follow t he menu pat.
B7 SYST E M AD MINISTRATION - HARD W ARE SE TTIN G S 246 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE B7 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TION - HARD W ARE SETTINGS F or Sys tem Adminis tration (syste m setu p, mail box setu p, and s yst em diagnos is) an RS-232C terminal must be connect ed to the serial int erface o f the VPS.
B7 SYSTEM ADM INIS TRATION - HARD W ARE SETTINGS SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE 247 B7.2 Port Setting P ort Setting Menu Note The port ass ignment proc edure fo r P ort 2 is th e same as P ort 1.
B7 SYST E M AD MINISTRATION - HARD W ARE SE TTIN G S 248 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE B7.3 PBX Inte rface Parameters Three sep arate paramet ers are used t o program the VPS fo r optimal signal ing and perfor mance with the PBX.
B7 SYSTEM ADM INIS TRATION - HARD W ARE SETTINGS SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE 249 T able 66 PBX T ype Other Manufactur ers KX-T serie s T308/ T616 T1232 T96 T336 TD816/1232/ 308 T A series Inte .
B7 SYST E M AD MINISTRATION - HARD W ARE SE TTIN G S 250 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE *1 When your KX-TD s eries telephon e system is in DPT Integr ation mode.
B7 SYSTEM ADM INIS TRATION - HARD W ARE SETTINGS SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE 251 T o program t he follo wing 10 Par ameters on th e follo w ing page , use the Speci al Commands and Dial Codes l isted belo w . Up to 12 digit s can be set for each parameter .
B7 SYST E M AD MINISTRATION - HARD W ARE SE TTIN G S 252 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE Inband Signal ing Parameters These para mete rs are use d if th e PBX sen ds DTMF tones t o t he VPS t o ind icate th e st at e of a call (b usy , ans wered, disco nnected, etc.
B7 SYSTEM ADM INIS TRATION - HARD W ARE SETTINGS SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE 253 Note Default val ues in the abo ve table var y depending on the se ttings of "PBX type" and "Inba nd Integrati on" (PBX Inte rface P arameters).
B7 SYST E M AD MINISTRATION - HARD W ARE SE TTIN G S 254 SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE The Di git Translat ion T a ble is used t o transl ate t he Follow On ID Sig nal fr om the PBX in to the proper c odes for th e VPS. This tran slation ta ble is onl y ef fecti ve for the inco ming signal .
B7 SYSTEM ADM INIS TRATION - HARD W ARE SETTINGS SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR'S GUIDE 255 Ta b l e 7 2 Parame ter V alue Range (Def ault) D escript ion/Function Ta b l e 1-8 Input digit Up to 8 dig its cons isti n g of 0-9, , #, A-D (None) Do not assi gn more than 1 co de to an incoming sign al.
C1 ACCESSING THE SYSTE M MANA GER'S MA ILB OX 258 SYS TEM MA N A GER'S GU I DE C1 A CCESSING THE SYSTEM MAN A GER'S MAILBO X The System Mana ger's Mailbox must be accessed b efore an y System Manager t ask can be performe d.
C2 SETTING UP MA ILB OXES SYSTEM MANA GER'S GUI DE 259 C2 SETTING UP MAILBO XES The Syst em Manager's pri mary funct ion is to cr eate mailbox es for new Sub scribers and to mainta in system or ganizat ion by del eting unneede d passwords and mailbox es.
C2 SETTIN G UP MA ILBO XES 260 SYS TEM MA N A GER'S GU I DE 6. Pre ss [2] to acc ept the e ntry . 7. As ea c h parame ter is p layed: a) Pre ss [1] to enter the ne w paramete r or [2] to lea ve the parameter unchanged. b) Enter t he pa ramete r a nd Pre ss [1] .
C2 SETTING UP MA ILB OXES SYSTEM MANA GER'S GUI DE 261 2. Pres s [6] for Other Feat ures. 3. Pres s [1] for the Mailbo x Setup. 4. Pres s [3] for reset P asswo r d.
C3 SETTING COS (CLASS OF SER VICE) P ARAMETERS 262 SYS TEM MA N A GER'S GU I DE C3 SETTING COS (CLASS OF SER VICE) P ARAMETERS Class of Service def ines the set of VPS services a v ailable to Subscr ibers. A maximum of 64 Class of Servi ces can be establishe d.
C3 SETTING COS (CLA SS OF SER VICE) P ARAMETERS SYSTEM MANA GER'S GUI DE 263 1. Log in the Main Menu. 2. Pres s [6] for Other Feat ures. 3. Pres s [2] to set the Cl ass of Servic e. 4. Ty p e the Class of Serv ice Number (1-64) . P ersonal Greeting Length New Message Retention Ti m e Sa ved M essage Retention T ime Message Length 5.
C3 SETTING COS (CLASS OF SER VICE) P ARAMETERS 264 SYS TEM MA N A GER'S GU I DE Number of Messages T otal Message Time Message Retrie val Order Message Scanning with Inf ormation Play System Pr ompt after Personal Gr eeting Status Call W aiting on Busy Status 9.
C3 SETTING COS (CLA SS OF SER VICE) P ARAMETERS SYSTEM MANA GER'S GUI DE 265 Message Cancel for Liv e Call S cr een ing Dir ect M ailbox Access Status Intercom P aging Gr oup Number Subscr iber Service Prompt Mode Number of Caller IDs f or Personal Caller Name Announcement 15.
C3 SETTING COS (CLASS OF SER VICE) P ARAMETERS 266 SYS TEM MA N A GER'S GU I DE Play P ersonal Gr eeting f or Caller ID Caller ID Screening Message Notif ication Status 20. a) The cu rrent sett ing is playe d. Press [1 ] to chang e the setti ng (enable or disable).
C3 SETTING COS (CLA SS OF SER VICE) P ARAMETERS SYSTEM MANA GER'S GUI DE 267 External Message Deli very Status A uto Fo rwarding Status 23. a) The current sett ing is p layed.
C4 SETTING THE SYSTEM CLOC K 268 SYS TEM MA N A GER'S GU I DE C4 SETTING THE SYSTEM CLOCK The s y stem clock can be set di rectly from the te leph on e.
C5 CHEC KING SYSTE M USAGE (SYSTEM R EPORTS) SYSTEM MANA GER'S GUI DE 269 C5 CHECKING SYSTEM USA GE (SYSTEM REPOR TS) Eight Sy st em Repor ts can be ge nerated to he lp monitor th e VPS o per at ing status. The re port s are sent from the RS-232C po rt to ei ther a print er or a termin al.
C5 CHEC KING SYSTEM USAGE (SYSTE M R EPO R T S) 270 SYS TEM MA N A GER'S GU I DE to speci fy the mailbox ra nge 101 through 209, enter 101 i n Step 5 and 209 in Step 6. Note Whi le the Syst em A dmini stra tor p rogr ams v ia a c ompu ter , a Sy stem Repo rt wi ll not be generated .
C6 DELIVERIN G MESSAGES SYSTEM MANA GER'S GUI DE 271 C6 DELIVERING MESSA GES There are 2 methods of deli vering mess ages. The distri bution s of each messag e can also be checke d. Delivering Messages to All Mailboxes (Broadcasting Messages) An identi cal message c an be deli ve red to all VPS Subscribers a t the same t ime.
C6 DELIVERI NG MESSA GES 272 SYS TEM MA N A GER'S GU I DE 5. Pre ss [2] to acc ept the number if it is co rrect. Note Add mailbo x numbers by Press ing [2]. Revie w the mailing l ist by Pressing [ 3] and cancel mess age transf er by Pres sing [ ].
C7 CUSTOMIZING THE SYSTE M M ANA GER'S MAILBOX SYSTEM MANA GER'S GUI DE 273 C7 CUST OMIZ ING THE SYSTEM MAN A GER'S MAILBO X In order t o ensure system securi ty , a password must be estab lished consi sting of up to 8 numeric cha racters.
C8 LISTENIN G TO SYSTEM MAN AG ER MESS A GES 274 SYS TEM MA N A GER'S GU I DE C8 LISTENING T O SYSTEM MAN A GER MESSA GES 1. Log in the Main Me nu. 2. The VPS plays the number of ne w messages. Pr ess [1] to li sten to the me ssages. 3. The VPS plays each messa ge wit h the send er i dent i f ied along wit h when the message wa s recorded .
D1 ACCESSING THE MES SAGE MANA GER'S MAIL BOX 276 MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE D1 A CCESSING THE MESSA GE MAN A GER'S MAILBO X The Message Manager's Mailbox must be accessed b efore an y Message Mana ger task ca n be performe d.
D2 MANA GING THE GENERAL DELIVE RY MAILBO X MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 277 D2 MAN A GING THE GENERAL DELIVER Y MAILBO X One of the M essage Manager 's function s is to ch eck the Genera l Deli ver y Mailbox for message s and transf er them to the app ropriate mailbox.
D2 MANA GING THE GENERAL DELIVERY MAILBO X 278 MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 3. The VPS plays the f irst (ne xt/las t) message. Pre ss [7] to transfer t he message. 4. Ty p e the destina tion mailbox number . 5. Pre ss [2] to acc ept the number . 6.
D3 SETTING UP MESS A GE W AITIN G NOTIFICA TION MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 279 D3 SETTING UP MESSA GE W AITING NO TIFICA TION The VPS is able to noti fy the Message Manager that unplayed me ssages are w aiting in t he Message Manage r's Mailbox.
D3 SE TTING UP ME SSAGE W A ITIN G NO TIFICATION 280 MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE • [3] Not Use ( disabled whol e day) Assigning Notif ication Numbers Up to 3 telepho ne or beepe r numbe rs can be set for message notif i ca ti on.
D4 CUSTOMIZING THE MESSAGE MANA GER'S MAILB OX MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 281 D4 CUST OMIZ ING THE MESSA GE MAN A GER'S MAILBO X The Messa ge Manager i s able t o customiz e the Mess age Manage r's Mail box by speci fying t he passw ord and the e xtensio n numbers of Operator 1, 2, and 3.
D4 CUSTOMIZIN G THE MESSAGE MANA GER'S MAILBOX 282 MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 9. Repeat the Ste ps 6-8 to as si gn t he e xten si on fo r t he d ay and night modes for ea ch operato r .
D5 SETTING THE SYSTE M C LOCK MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 283 D5 SETTING THE SYSTEM CLOCK The system c lock can be set directly from the te lephone.
D6 RE COR DING MESS AGES 284 MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE D6 RECORDING MESSA GES The Mess age Manager is r esponsible f or recordin g v arious syst em messages (spe cifi cally: menus, v oice labels , user prompts, and system ca ller names).
D6 RECORDING MESSAGES MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 285 Record ing Menus and V oice L abels 1. Log in the Main Menu. 2. Pres s [5] to modify messages. 3. Select t he desired numbe r to be re corded. • [1] R ecor d the Compa ny Gr eeting . * 1 • [2] R ecor d the Compa ny Name.
D6 RE COR DING MESS AGES 286 MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE Recording User Prompts 1. Log in the Main Me nu. 2. Pre ss [5] to modi fy messages . 3. Pre ss [6] to modify u ser prompts. 4. Pre ss [1] to ch ange Use r Prom pt 1, or [2] to change User Prompt 2.
D6 RECORDING MESSAGES MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 287 b) Enter the pr ompt number fr om which you wa nt to change. (There is a complete list of modif iable pr ompts at th e end of this section.) c) The VPS pla ys the prompt nu mber . d) Pr ess [1] to change the prompt .
D6 RE COR DING MESS AGES 288 MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE Note • Press [2] to accept the current na me. - Return to Step 4. • Press [3] to erase t he current name. - Return to Step 4. 6. Record the name at the tone and Pr ess [1] . 7. The VPS plays the recorded name.
D7 LIST OF MODI FIABLE PR OMPTS MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 289 D7 LIST OF MODIFIABLE PR OMPTS The tabl e b elo w sho ws the modif iable prompts. Recor d prompts as Us er 1 or User 2 . Some of the modif iable p rompts are listed a long with thei r linke d prompt number .
D7 LIST OF MODIFI ABLE PR OMPTS 290 MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 17 at [ 17] [594], [ 17] [304], [ 432], [ 17] [323], [ 17], [197], [25 9] [323], [ 17], [197], [25 8] [158], [ 379], [ 17] [318], [ .
D7 LIST OF MODI FIABLE PR OMPTS MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 291 36 Call trans ferred from th e voi ce proc essi n g syst em [ 36] 37 CALLB A CK NUMBER [ 37] 38 Caller ID (n umber) [ 38], [252] [ 3.
D7 LIST OF MODIFI ABLE PR OMPTS 292 MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 58 Cover ing ext ension not assig ned [ 58] 59 Cover ing e xtension tr ansfer disa bled [ 59] 60 Cover ing ext ension transfe r enab.
D7 LIST OF MODI FIABLE PR OMPTS MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 293 79 Devi ce notif i cation for unr ecei ved message en abled [ 7 9] 80 Devi ce number is (number) [ 80] 81 DIAL TONE [ 81] 82 digits .
D7 LIST OF MODIFI ABLE PR OMPTS 294 MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 107 Ente r 1 for AM, or 2 for PM [107] 108 Ente r a class of service numbe r from 1 to 6 4 [108] 109 Ente r a group numb er from 1 t.
D7 LIST OF MODI FIABLE PR OMPTS MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 295 127 Enter the day , follo wed by the hash sign [127 ] 128 Enter the day , follo wed by the po und sign [128 ] 129 E nter th e delay .
D7 LIST OF MODIFI ABLE PR OMPTS 296 MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 144 Ente r the operator' s extensi on number [144] 145 Ente r the o wner's e xten sion number [145] 146 Ente r the prompt .
D7 LIST OF MODI FIABLE PR OMPTS MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 297 162 Exter nal message deli very di sabled [162] 163 Exter nal message deli very en abled [ 163] 164 F AX messages [824], [16 4] 165 .
D7 LIST OF MODIFI ABLE PR OMPTS 298 MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 192 First telephone numbe r is (telephone numb er) [192] 193 First telephone number is not assi gned [193] 194 FIVE [194] 195 FIVE [.
D7 LIST OF MODI FIABLE PR OMPTS MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 299 208 F or help, pr ess 0 [14 9], [208] [149], [665], [208 ] [717], [706], [679], [ 726], [753], [ 208] [717], [706], [679], [ 753], [.
D7 LIST OF MODI FIABLE PR OMPTS MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 301 254 Group membe r deleted [254] 255 Group n ame erased [255] 256 Group n ame not recorde d [256] 257 Group n umber (numb er) [257] 2.
D7 LIST OF MODIFI ABLE PR OMPTS 302 MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 275 If you w ant me to call back later , press 3 [268], [ 711], [690], [2 75] 276 If you w ould lik e to hold, pre ss 1 [276], [392].
D7 LIST OF MODI FIABLE PR OMPTS MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 303 300 Mess age cancel fo r li ve call screening disable d [300] 301 Mess age cancel fo r li ve call screening enabled [30 1] 302 Mess .
D7 LIST OF MODIFI ABLE PR OMPTS 304 MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 322 Messa ge scanning wit h informat ion is enable d [322] 323 Message s ent on (date) [323] , [ 17], [197], [259] [323], [ 17], [19.
D7 LIST OF MODI FIABLE PR OMPTS MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 305 342 Night mode f irs t opera tor's ex te nsion is not a ssigned [342] 343 Night mode second opera tor's ex tension is (ex .
D7 LIST OF MODIFI ABLE PR OMPTS 306 MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 368 No lett ers ha ve bee n specif ied [368] 369 No messages to ver ify [369] 370 No more mess ages [370] 371 No one spe cifi ed by .
D7 LIST OF MODI FIABLE PR OMPTS MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 307 392 Other wise, press 2 [676], [392] [697], [392] [532], [647], [392 ] [651], [392] [276], [392] [533], [647], [392 ] [654], [392] [.
D7 LIST OF MODIFI ABLE PR OMPTS 308 MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 410 Please call (t elephone numb er) [410] 411 Please enter your call back number [411], [822] , [ 82] [411], [ 822], [ 82], [82 0] .
D7 LIST OF MODI FIABLE PR OMPTS MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 309 430 Quest ion era se d [430] 431 Quest ion number (number) [431] 432 rece i ved on (d ate) [304], [432 ], [ 17] 433 Reco rd caller n.
D7 LIST OF MODIFI ABLE PR OMPTS 310 MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 454 seconds [454] [ 14], [4 54] [407], [ 454] 455 Sele ction Menu [455] 456 Sele ction menu era sed [456] 457 Sele ction menu is (se.
D7 LIST OF MODI FIABLE PR OMPTS MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 311 478 SEVENTY TW O [478] 479 SIX [47 9] 480 SIX [HOUR] [480] 481 SIX [MINUTE] (O WE SIX) [48 1] 482 SIXTEEN [482] 483 SIXTEEN [HOUR] [.
D7 LIST OF MODIFI ABLE PR OMPTS 312 MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 505 Sorr y , there ar e no more mat ching name s [505] [505], [ 756] 506 Sorr y , there i s no space for recordin g [506] 507 Sorr y.
D7 LIST OF MODI FIABLE PR OMPTS MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 313 526 TEN [526] 527 TEN [HOUR] [527] 528 TEN [MINUTE] [528] 529 TENTH [529] 530 Thank y ou [530] 531 Thank y ou for calling [531] 532 .
D7 LIST OF MODI FIABLE PR OMPTS MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 315 579 This d evic e is for sche duled use [579] 580 This d evic e is not to be used [580] 581 This g roup has no member s [581] 582 Th.
D7 LIST OF MODIFI ABLE PR OMPTS 316 MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 603 T o accept, press 2 [732], [ 603], [678], [6 14], [677] [738], [ 603] [647], [ 603] [732], [ 603], [678] [639], [ 603], [733] [6.
D7 LIST OF MODI FIABLE PR OMPTS MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 317 615 T o answ er th e ca ll , pres s 1 Otherwise , press 2 and ha ng up [615] 616 T o assign or edit ma ilboxes , press 1 T o de lete.
D7 LIST OF MODIFI ABLE PR OMPTS 318 MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 629 T o change the depar tment dialin g menu, pres s 3 T o change the cust om service menu, press 4 T o change the v oice la bel, pr.
D7 LIST OF MODI FIABLE PR OMPTS MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 319 638 T o change the rec ipient' s name, pre ss 3 [641], [636], [638 ], [643] 639 T o change the sett ing, press 1 [639], [60 3],.
D7 LIST OF MODIFI ABLE PR OMPTS 320 MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 650 T o clear all mail box usage count s, press 2 [751], [ 650] 651 T o continue holding, pr ess 1 [651], [392] 652 T o customize yo.
D7 LIST OF MODI FIABLE PR OMPTS MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 321 667 T o end record ing, hang up T o cancel your messag e, press , if you ha ve a touch tone p hone [667] 668 T o end record ing, han.
D7 LIST OF MODIFI ABLE PR OMPTS 322 MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 678 T o erase and try aga in, press 3 [732], [603] , [678], [614] , [677] [732], [ 601], [678], [6 77] [732], [ 603], [678] 679 T o .
D7 LIST OF MODI FIABLE PR OMPTS MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 323 688 T o generate sys tem servic e report, press 1 F or flash memory usa ge report man age m ent , pres s 2 F or por t usage repor t .
D7 LIST OF MODIFI ABLE PR OMPTS 324 MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 696 T o let the call er select pr ompt languag e, press 4 [ 759], [760], [761] , [696], [605] 697 T o make this mess age pri v ate, .
D7 LIST OF MODI FIABLE PR OMPTS MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 325 710 T o reach the cov ering e xtension , press 2 [710] 711 T o recei ve the message, press 1 [268], [71 1], [690] [268], [711], [690.
D7 LIST OF MODIFI ABLE PR OMPTS 326 MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 722 T o replay the pre vious mess age infor matio n, pr ess 1 T o play the ne xt message' s infor matio n, pr ess 2 T o play th.
D7 LIST OF MODI FIABLE PR OMPTS MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 327 734 T o rewi nd, press 5 [717], [725], [734 ], [683], [670 ] [717], [724], [706], [ 679], [726], [ 734], [683], [753], [698] [717], .
D7 LIST OF MODIFI ABLE PR OMPTS 328 MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 743 T o set the group di strib ution l ists, press 4 [637], [ 636], [634], [7 43] [637], [ 636], [634], [7 43], [628] 744 T o set up.
D7 LIST OF MODI FIABLE PR OMPTS MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 329 757 T o turn of f the p rompt, press 3 [647], [75 0], [757] [714], [680], [757 ] 758 T o use for sched uling, pre ss 1 T o use con t.
D7 LIST OF MODI FIABLE PR OMPTS MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 331 811 Use ca ll wai ting on b usy signa l enabled [81 1] 812 Us e the hash sign key as a wild car d charact er [137], [81 2] 813 Use t.
D7 LIST OF MODIFI ABLE PR OMPTS 332 MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE [Linked Prompt s List] Subscriber Servic e Rece ive Me ss age 830 ZER O [830] 831 T o change the Compan y greeting, pres s 1. T o change the Company name, press 2. T o change the depar tment dialin g menu, pres s 3.
D7 LIST OF MODI FIABLE PR OMPTS MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE 333 Message Scan Messa ge Deliv ery P ersonal Gr oup Distrib ution List Check Mailbox Dis tribu tion T able 76 [305] Messag e from (name.
D7 LIST OF MODIFI ABLE PR OMPTS 334 MESSA GE MANA G ER'S GUIDE Exter nal Message Deli very Message W aiting Not ifi cation Inter view Mailbox Management F ax Management T able 80 [158] External d.
Glossary 335 Glossary Altern ate Extension Gr oup T ra nsfer s the ca ll comi ng into th e extens ions in th is gro up foll o wi ng the seque nce spe cified by "Alter nate Extensi on T ransfer Sequence". APT Integration Digital I ntegra tion between t he KX-T A624 and the VPS.
336 Glossary Caller ID Call Routing (A v ailable wit h APT/DPT Inte gration only .) The VPS auto maticall y sends calls from pre- assigned Cal ler ID numbers to the de si red e xtensi on, mailbox (Sy st em Grou p Distrib ution List inc luded) or Custom Ser vice.
Glossary 337 Direct Mailbox Access (A va ilable with APT/DPT Inte gration o nly .) A subscriber can enter hi s mailbox dir ectly when he cal ls the VPS from his e xtension. He does not ha ve t o enter an y specia l codes. Bu t his passw ord, if establ ished, must be entered.
338 Glossary Hash Sign Same as Pound Sign. Hash Sig n is used in the Un ited Kingdom. HELP One of the utility comman ds. It list s all util ity commands wi th a brie f descript ion of each. Immediate Rep ly Allo ws the messa ge recei ver t o reply to a message without specifying t he ex tension number of the se nder .
Glossary 339 Ke y p a d All touch- tone ke ys on the telephon e. LCD Liquid cry st al dis p la y Liv e Call Scr eening (A vail a ble w ith AP T/D P T Integr ation onl y . ) The p ropr ieta ry tele p hone works l ike an answering mach ine. The sub scriber ca n hear the calle r through the speaker phone while the message is being reco rded.
340 Glossary Message Retention Time The amount of time the sys tem will stor e a message b efore delet ing the messag e. Message Retr iev al Order The order in which th e subscriber retrie v es message s: Last In Fi rst Out (LIFO) or First In First Out (FIFO).
Glossary 341 Passw ord A number chose n by a subscr iber or a mana ger to prote ct access to the mailbo x. P ersonal Greetings A subscribe r can persona lize his mai lbox to greet callers.
342 Glossary Rotary T elephone A telephon e capable of p ulse dial only . Callers using a rotary telephone wil l be auto matica lly fo rwarde d to th e o pera tor or the Ge n eral D e liv ery Ma ilbo x. SA VE One of the utility commands. I t is used to sa ve VPS data to a personal compu ter .
Glossary 343 System Report Eight Syst em Reports ca n be acquired by the Syst em Administrato r or System Ma nager upon request. TIME One of the ut ility commands. I t is used to conf irm or set the t ime and data of th e VPS. T wo-W ay Recording (A va ilable with APT/DPT Inte gration o nly .
344 Glossary.
Index 345 Index.
Index 346 A Alternate ex tension group 166 APT integration 166 Auto configur atio n 166 Auto forwardi ng 167 Automat e d attendant 167 B Beeper - calling a beeper 17 0 Broadcasting messages 167 Busy c.
Index 347 Q Quick setup 94 , 95 , 147 R Receive message 187 Rot ar y te lephon e servi c e 187 S Service access commands 188 Special feature authorization 188 Specifications 21 , 162 System administra.
Printed in Japan PSQX2100XA KK0300CM2080 Copyright: This manual is cop yrighted by K yushu Matsushita Electric Co ., Ltd. (KME). Under the copyright laws , this manual ma y not be reproduced in any f or m, in whole or par t, without the pr ior written consent of KME and its licensee.
デバイスPanasonic KX-TVS80の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Panasonic KX-TVS80をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPanasonic KX-TVS80の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Panasonic KX-TVS80の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Panasonic KX-TVS80で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Panasonic KX-TVS80を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPanasonic KX-TVS80の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Panasonic KX-TVS80に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPanasonic KX-TVS80デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。