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Operating Instructions Model No. KX-TG4731 KX-TG4732 KX-TG4733 KX-TG223SK KX-TG4734 KX-TG4784 KX-TG4741 KX-TG4742 KX-TG4743 KX-TG4744 KX-TG234SK KX-TG4745 KX-TG235SK KX-TG4793 KX-TG4753 KX-TG4763 Digital Cordless Answering System Model shown is KX-TG4731.
Introduction Model composition .. .....................................3 Accessory information .. ................................4 Important Information For your safety .. ...........................................7 Important safety instructions .. .
Mode l co mpos itio n n KX-T G473 1 se ries n KX-T G474 1 se ries R M ode l sho wn i s KX -TG 4732. R Mode l sho wn i s KX -TG 4742. n K X-T G475 1 se ries n K X-T G476 1 se ries R M ode l sho wn i s KX -TG 4753. R Mode l sho wn i s KX -TG 4763. Seri es Mode l No .
Seri es Mode l No . Base uni t Hand set Part No. Part No. Quan tity KX-T G475 1 seri es KX-T G475 3 * 1 KX -TG4 731 KX -TGA 470 3 KX-T G476 1 s eri es KX-T G476 3 * 1 KX -TG4 741 KX -TGA 470 3 *1 A ra nge exte nder (KX -TGA 405) is supp lied in t his mode l.
*1 KX- TG47 31/K X-TG 4741 * 2 KX- TG47 32/K X-TG 4742 *3 KX- TG47 33/K X-TG 223S K/KX -TG4 743/ KX-T G475 3/KX -TG4 763/ KX-T G479 3 *4 KX- TG47 34/K X-TG 4744 /KX- TG23 4SK/ KX-T G478 4 *5 KX- TG47 45/K X-TG 235S K *6 The hand set cove r co mes atta ched to the hand set.
Expa nding you r ph one syst em Opti onal hand set feat ure over view Hand set (opt iona l): KX-T GA47 0 You can expan d yo ur p hone sys tem by regi steri ng o ptio nal hand sets (6 max. ) to a sing le b ase u nit. R Opti onal hand sets may be a di ffer ent colo r from tha t of the sup plie d ha ndset s.
For your saf ety T o p reve nt s evere inj ury and loss of life / prop erty, rea d t his s ecti on c aref ully bef ore usin g th e pro duct to ensu re p rope r an d sa fe oper ation of your pro duct . WARN ING Powe r con nect ion R U se only the powe r so urce mar ked on t he prod uct.
– the hand set batt eries nee d re char ging or h ave fai led. – ther e is a p ower fail ure. Batt ery R W e r ecom mend usin g th e ba tter ies note d on p age 5. US E ON LY rech argea ble Ni-M H ba tteri es AAA ( R03) siz e. R Do n ot m ix o ld a nd ne w ba tter ies.
R I f t he r ecep tion for a b ase unit loc atio n is not sati sfac tory , mo ve t he b ase unit to anot her locat ion for bett er r ecep tion . Envi ronme nt R K eep the pro duct away fr om el ect rical noi se gene ratin g de vice s, s uch as f luor esce nt lamp s and mot ors.
Spec ific atio ns R S tan dard : DECT 6.0 (Di gita l En hanc ed Cord less Tele comm unic atio ns 6 .0) R Freq uenc y ra nge: 1.92 GHz to 1.93 GHz R RF t rans miss ion powe r: 115 mW ( max. ) R Powe r so urce : 120 V AC , 60 Hz R Powe r co nsum ptio n: Base uni t: Stan dby: App rox.
Sett ing up Conn ectio ns R U se only the supp lied Pan ason ic A C adap tor PNLV 226. n Base uni t Correct Incorrect T o power outlet Press plug firmly . Hook “Click” T o single-line telephone jack (RJ1 1C) DSL/ADSL filter* “Click” *DSL /ADS L fi lter (no t su pplied) is r equired if y ou have DSL /ADS L se rvic e.
Note whe n se ttin g up Note for connecti ons R T he AC a dapt or m ust remai n connec ted at all time s. ( It i s no rmal for the ada ptor to feel warm duri ng use.) R The AC a dapt or s hould be con nect ed t o a vert icall y orient ed or f loor- mounted AC outl et.
Cont rols Hand set A B A D E I J K L H M B C F G Ring er indic ator M ess age indi cator Spea ker MjN / M kN (VOL .: Volu me up/do wn) M N ( S P-PHONE: Speaker phone) M N (T ALK) Head set jack Dial ke.
M N (P LAY) Mess age indi cator M L OC ATOR N M A NS WER ON/OFF N ANSW ER O N/OFF in dicator n KX -TG4 741/K X-TG4761 series (pag e 3) A B M N O J K C E F D G H I L Char ge c onta cts Spea ker M H OL .
Disp lay Hand set d isplay i tems Item M eani ng With in b ase unit rang e Out of base unit ran ge The line is in u se. R When fla shing : The call is put on h old. R When fla shing rapidly : An inco ming call is now bein g rece ived. Eco mode is on. (page 12) Equa lizer is set .
Note : R W hen Eng lish is selec ted as the disp lay lang uage, 12-hour clock forma t is us ed. When Spa nish is selec ted, 24 -hour clock form at i s us ed. R The date and tim e ma y be inc orrec t after a powe r fa ilure . In th is c ase, set the dat e and time aga in.
Maki ng c alls Usin g the handset 1 L ift the han dset and dial the ph one numb er. R To c orre ct a dig it, pres s M CLEAR N . 2 Pres s M N or M CAL L N . 3 When you fin ish talki ng, pres s M OF F N or plac e th e han dset on the bas e un it o r char ger.
Exam ple: I f you need to dial the li ne ac cess numb er “9 ” when m aking ou tside c alls wit h a PBX: Hand set 1 9 a M P AUSE N 2 Dial the phon e number . a M N Base uni t *1 *1 KX-T G4741/KX -TG4761 series: page 3 1 M SP- PHONE N 2 9 a M PAUSE N 3 Dial the phon e number .
R T he base unit user c an t ake the call by pres sing M SP-PHO NE N . *1 *1 KX-T G4741/KX -TG4761 series: page 3 Base uni t * 1 *1 KX-T G4741/KX -TG4761 series: page 3 1 Pres s M H OLD N du ring an outs ide c all. 2 To r elea se ho ld, pres s M SP- PHONE N .
Hand set / Ba se u nit * 1 *1 KX-T G4741/KX -TG4761 series: page 3 Pres s * (TONE) b efore en tering a ccess numb ers w hich req uire ton e dialin g. Hand set c larity b ooster T his fea ture can impr ove sou nd c larit y when the hand set is u sed i n an are a where there may be i nterf erence.
Shar ed p hone book T he shar ed ph onebook allows y ou to m ake call s wi thout having to dial manu ally. A ny hand set regis tered to the ba se u nit can use the shar ed ph onebook. You ca n ad d nam es and phone numbers to the sha red p honebook , and assig n each p honebook entry t o the desi red g roup.
Chan ging group na mes T he defa ult grou p nam e is “ Group 1 ” to “ Gro up 9 ” . 1 M N a M M ENU N 2 M b N : “ Group ” a M SEL ECT N 3 M b N : Select the desi red grou p. a M SEL ECT N 4 M b N : “ Group name ” a M SELECT N 5 Edit the nam e (1 0 ch arac ters max .
Note : R W hen sto ring a callin g card acce ss n umbe r and your PIN in the phon ebook as one phon ebook entry, press M PAUSE N to add paus es af ter the num ber a nd PIN as nece ssary (page 17 ).
Prog ramm able set ting s Y ou can cust omize the uni t by pr ogram ming the followi ng feat ures using t he h andse t. To a cces s th e fe atur es, ther e ar e 2 metho ds. n Scro llin g throug h the d ispl ay menus 1 M MEN U N 2 Pres s M C N or M D N to select the desi red main menu.
Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings Code Sett ings Ri ng count * 1 2–7: 2 – 7 rings < 4 r ings > 0: T oll save r #211 39 Reco rding time * 1 1 : 1 min 3: < 3 min > 0: G reeting only *2 #.
Main men u: “ Initi al setti ng ” Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings Code Ring er se tting Ring er vo lume ( Han dset) 0–7: Off –7 <6> #160 18 Ring er to ne * 4, * 5, *6 (Han dset) 1–5:.
Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings Code Set tel l ine Set dial mode * 1 1: P ulse 2: < Tone > #120 16 Set flash time * 1 , *9 0: 9 00 ms 1: < 700 ms > 2: 6 00 ms 3: 4 00 ms 4: 3 00 ms 5: 2 .
*7 Turn thi s fe atur e of f if you prefer not to h ear key tones wh ile you are dial ing or p ressing any k eys , in cludi ng confi rmation tones a nd er ror tone s. *8 If y ou subsc ribe to a Ca ller ID serv ice and want to view the cal ler’ s in forma tion af ter lift ing up the hand set to a nswer a call , tu rn o ff t his feat ure.
Spec ial prog ramm ing Alar m A n a larm soun ds at t he s et t ime for 3 minute s once or daily . Alarm can be set for each hand set. Impo rtant: R Set the date and tim e before hand (pag e 15). 1 M MEN U N#7 20 2 M b N : Select the desi red alar m option .
2 E nte r th e de sired name (m ax. 10 char acter s; see the chara cter ta ble, page 21). R If n ot requi red, go to step 3. 3 M SAV E N 4 M b N : Select the desi red sett ing.
Regi ster ing a un it Oper ating additio nal unit s Addi tiona l handse ts U p t o 6 hand sets can be regis tered t o th e base unit . Impo rtant: R See page 6 fo r in forma tion on the ava ilabl e mode l. Regi steri ng a han dset to the b ase unit The supp lied handset and base unit a re pre- regis tered.
Usin g Ca ller ID serv ice I mpo rtant: R This uni t is Cal ler I D compa tible . To us e Call er I D fe atur es, you m ust sub scri be t o a Call er I D ser vice. Co ntact y our serv ice prov ider/ telephon e compan y for de tails. Call er ID feature s W hen an outs ide call is being receive d, the call ers name and phone number are displaye d.
the desi red g roup (pa ge 21). W hen a c all is r ece ived from a calle r assign ed to a grou p, the ring er yo u select ed for that grou p rings after call er i nform ation is display ed. If you sele ct “ Cur rent ringer ” (d efau lt), the uni t us es the ring er t one you s elected on page 26 when call s fr om t his group are rec eived.
Eras ing s elected caller info rmati on 1 M F N CID 2 M b N : Select the desi red entr y. 3 M ERA SE N a M b N : “ Yes ” 4 M SEL ECT N a M OFF N Eras ing a ll calle r inform ation 1 M F N CID 2 M .
Answ erin g sy stem T he answ ering system can ans wer a nd recor d call s fo r yo u wh en yo u are un availabl e to answ er t he ph one. You can also set the uni t to pla y a gree ting mess age b ut not to r ecor d ca ller message s by sele ctin g “ G reeting only ” a s the r ecord ing time set ting (pa ge 39) .
Gree ting mes sage W hen the uni t an swers a call , a gree ting mess age i s played to cal lers. You can use eith er: – your own greeting messag e – a pr e-rec orded gr eeting m essage Reco rding.
– The mess age i ndicator on the handset f las hes slowl y if th e mes sage al ert feat ure is t urne d on (page 39) . 1 To l isten to new mes sages: M PLA Y N *1 or M MEN U N#3 23 To l isten to all mes sages: M MEN U N#3 24 2 When fin ished , press M O FF N .
Impo rtant: R T o p reve nt u naut horiz ed acce ss t o th is prod uct, we recom mend tha t you r egula rly chan ge t he re mote cod e. 1 M MEN U N#3 06 2 Ente r th e de sire d 3-d igit rem ote acc ess code . 3 M SAV E N a M OF F N Deac tivat ing remo te opera tion P res s * in step 2 on “Re mote acc ess cod e”, page 37.
Answ erin g sy stem set ting s Numb er of rings b efore th e unit a nsw ers a call You can chang e the n umber of tim es t he phon e rin gs “ Rin g count ” before the uni t answ ers c alls. Y ou ca n selec t 2 to 7 rin gs, or “ Tol l sav er ” .
Note : R W hil e me ssage alert i s on, b atte ry oper ating time i s sho rtened ( page 12). 40 For assistan ce, plea se visit http:// www.pan asonic.c om/help Answering System TG47xx(en-en)_1118_ver022.
Voic e ma il s ervi ce V oic e ma il is an aut omati c answe ring service offe red by y our servi ce provi der/tele phone comp any. Aft er you s ubscribe to this service , your ser vice provider /telepho ne compa ny’s voic e ma il sy stem ans wers ca lls for you when you are unava ilable t o answer the ph one o r when your line is busy.
List ening to voic e mail m essages The unit let s yo u kn ow t hat you have new voic e ma il me ssages i n the f ollow ing ways : – “ New Voic e Mail ” is dis play ed o n th e hand set if m essag e indica tion ser vice is avai lable .
Inte rcom I nte rcom call s can be made: – betw een hands ets – betw een a han dset and the ba se u nit *1 *1 KX-T G4741/KX -TG4761 series: page 3 Note : R When pag ing u nit(s), the pag ed un it(s) beep s fo r 1 minut e. R If y ou recei ve a n ou tsid e ca ll w hile talking on t he i nter com, you hear 2 tones .
4 T o c omplete the tran sfer: Pres s M O FF N . R The outs ide call is being routed to the dest inat ion u nit. To e stablish a confe rence ca ll: M MEN U N a M b N : “ Conf erenc e ” a M SEL ECT N R To l eave the con feren ce, pre ss M OFF N . The othe r 2 part ies can cont inue the conv ersat ion.
Wall mou ntin g N ote : R Make sure that t he w all and the fixi ng meth od a re st rong eno ugh to suppo rt the weig ht o f th e un it. Base unit 1 T hre ad t he A C ad apto r co rd an d tele phone line co rd throu gh the h ole in the wall moun ting ada ptor in the dir ecti on of t he arrow .
5 M ount the un it o n a wall the n sl ide down to s ecur e in place. AC adaptor cord 83 mm (3 1 / 4 inches) or 102 mm (4 inches) 1 2 W all phone plate 83 mm (3 1 / 4 inches) 102 mm (4 inches) 2 1 To r emove the wal l mounti ng adapt or W hil e pu shing down th e releas e levers ( A ), remo ve t he ad aptor ( B ).
Erro r me ssag es Disp lay mess age Caus e/so luti on Base no p ower o r No l ink. Re-conne ct base AC a dapto r. R T he hand set has l ost com munic ation wi th the base unit . Mo ve c loser to the bas e un it a nd t ry a gain. R Unpl ug t he ba se unit’ s AC ad apto r to res et t he u nit.
Trou bles hoot ing I f y ou still have di fficulti es after followi ng the i nstructi ons in t his sec tion , di scon nect the bas e unit’s AC a dapt or, then rec onnec t the b ase unit ’s A C ad apto r. R emov e th e ba tter ies from the han dset , and then inse rt the batt erie s in to t he h ands et a gain.
Batt ery r echarge Prob lem Cause/ solution The hand set beeps and/or flas hes. R B att ery ch arge i s low. Full y char ge th e batterie s (pag e 11). I fu lly char ged the batt erie s, b ut – sti ll f lash es, – is displaye d, or – the oper ating time s eems to be s hort er.
Call er ID /Talking Caller ID Prob lem Cause/ solution Call er in formatio n is not d isp layed . R You must sub scrib e to Cal ler ID serv ice. Con tact you r serv ice p rovider/ telephon e compan y for de tails.
Prob lem Cause/ solution The 2nd calle r’s info rmation is n ot disp layed during an outsi de call . R In o rder to use Calle r ID, c all wait ing, or Call Waiting Call er I D (CW ID), yo u mu st f irst con tact you r servic e prov ider/ telephon e compan y and su bscribe to the desi red serv ice.
FCC and othe r in form atio n This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules and the requirements adopted by the ACT A. On the bottom of this equipment is a label that contains, among other information, a product identifier in the format US:ACJ----------.
manufacturer about the availability of Hearing Aids which provide adequate shielding to RF energy commonly emitted by digital devices. WHEN PROGRAMMING EMERGENCY NUMBERS AND(OR) MAKING TEST CALLS T O EMERGENCY NUMBERS: 1) Remain on the line and briefly explain to the dispatcher the reason for the call.
Compliance with TIA-1083 standard: T elephone handsets identified with this logo have reduced noise and interference when used with T -Coil equipped hearing aids and cochlear implants. T Compatible with Hearing Aid T-Coil TIA-1083 54 For assistan ce, plea se visit http:// www.
Guía Ráp ida Espa ñola Instalación CARGUE APROXIMADAMENTE DURANTE 7 HORAS Auricular Cargador Unidad base L UTILICE SOLO baterías de Ni-MH tamaño AAA (R03). L NO utilice baterías Alcalinas, de Manganeso o de Ni-Cd. L Compruebe que las polaridades son las correctas ( S , T ).
Sugerenci a s de oper ac ión T eclas de función El auricular inc luye 3 teclas de función. Al oprimir un a tecla de función, puede s eleccionar la función qu e aparece directamente encima de ella en la pantalla. { C } , { MENU } , { REMR. } y otras funciones a dicionales se asignan a las t eclas de función.
Cómo hacer y contestar llamadas (Auricular) Para ajustar el volumen del receptor o del al tavoz Oprima {+} o {-} repetidamente mientras ha bla. Cómo hacer una llam ada usando la lista de rema rcación { REMR. } o { > } REDIAL s { r } : Seleccione el n úmero telefónico deseado.
Preguntas frecuentes Pregunta Causa y solución ¿Por qué aparece _ ? L El auricular está dem asiado lejos de la un idad base. Acérquelo. L El adaptador para corriente de la unidad base no está cone ctado correctamente. Conecte de nuevo el adaptador para corriente a la unidad base.
Cust omer ser vice s Customer Services Directory (United States and Puerto Rico) Obtain Product Information and Operating Assistance; locate your nearest Dealer or Service Center; purchase Parts and Accessories; or make Customer Service and Literature requests by visiting our Web Site at: http://www .
Warr anty (Fo r Un ited Sta tes and Puer to R ico) P ANASONIC CORPORA TION OF NORTH AMERICA One Panasonic W ay , Secaucus, New Jersey 07094 Limited W arranty Coverage If your product does not work pro.
Limited W arranty Limits And Exclusions This Limited W arranty ONL Y COVERS failures due to defects in materials or workmanship, and DOES NOT COVER normal wear and tear or cosmetic damage.
Index # 4 -wa y con ference: 20 A Addi tion al ha ndset: 31 Alar m: 29 Answ ering calls: 18 Answ ering system Call scre ening: 35 Eras ing messa ges: 36 , 37 , 38 Gree ting mess age: 36 Gree ting only.
63 Notes TG47xx(en-en)_1118_ver022.pdf 63 2011/11/18 10:26:19.
1 Reconnect AC adaptor to the base unit. 2 Check if telephone line cord is connected. 3 Use rechargeable Ni-MH batteries. (Alkaline/Manganese/Ni-Cd batteries CANNOT be used.) 4 Read troubleshooting page in the Operating Instructions . If your product is not working properly .
デバイスPanasonic KXTG4741Bの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Panasonic KXTG4741Bをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPanasonic KXTG4741Bの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Panasonic KXTG4741Bの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Panasonic KXTG4741Bで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Panasonic KXTG4741Bを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPanasonic KXTG4741Bの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Panasonic KXTG4741Bに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPanasonic KXTG4741Bデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。