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#>3@/B7<5 <AB@C1B7=<A !71@=E/D3 #D3< =CA36=:2 )A3 #<:G !=23: "= NN-SE782S NN-SE982S For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) contact us via the web at: (U.
-=C@ A/43BG /<2 B63 A/43BG =4 =B63@A /@3 D3@G 7;>=@B/<B We have provided important safety messages in this manual and on your appliance.
!$#&("( '(- "'(&)(#"' V(= @32C 13 B63@7A 9 =40C@ <A3:3 1B@ 71 A6= 19 47@3 7<8C @GB=>3@A =< A=@ 3F>= AC@ 3B=3F 13A A7D3;7 1@= E/ D33< 3@5 G 1.
18. 'C >3 @6 3/ B3 2 7 ?C 72 A Liquids, such as water, coffee, or tea are able to be overheated beyond the boiling point without showing evidence (or signs) of boiling. Visible bubbling is not always present when the container is removed from the microwave oven.
:/AA (@/G 1. # "#( operate the oven without the Roller Ring and the Glass Tray in place. 2. # "#( operate the oven without the Glass Tray fully engaged on the drive hub. Improper cooking or damage to the oven could result.
V !$ &# $ & )' # ( &# ) " " $ ) "& ' ) ( " & ' .
Follow These Safety Precautions When Cooking in Your Oven. !$#&("( $@=>3@ 1==97<5 23>3<2A C>=< B63 >=E3@ B63 B7;3 A3BB7<5 /<.
'' (&- ##" #"("&' # • Cooking containers get hot during microwaving. Heat is transferred from the HOT food to the container and the Glass Tray.
==9E/@3 C723 ( ! ! &#+ * #! !" (' Yes for Sma ll str ips of foil can be mo lded arou nd thi n par ts of Alu min um Foi l Shi eld ing mea t or pou ltr y to pre vent over coo kin g. Arc ing can occ ur onl y if foi l is too clos e to ove n wall or door and dam age to your ove n will resu lt.
#D3< =;>=<3<BA 7/5@/; q FB3@</: 7@ *3<B w <B3@</: 7@ *3<B e ==@ '/43BG =19 'GAB3; r F6/CAB 7@ *3<.
=<B@=: $/<3: 33> '=C<2 When a button is pressed correctly, a beep will be heard. If a pad is pressed and no beep is heard, the unit did not or cannot accept the instruction. When operating, the oven will beep twice between programmed stages.
'3BB7<5 B63 :=19 • P r e s s ( 7 ; 3 @ : = 1 9 t w i c e . Colon flashes. • Set time of day us ing Tim e Dia l. Tim e app ear s in the disp lay wind ow; col on co nti nue s fla shi ng. • Press (7;3@:=19 .
This unique function of your PANASONIC microwave oven allows you to establish the ini- tial non-cooking features of your Oven. This microwave oven has the functions below: # The oven has both imperial and metric weight measurements.
C<1B7=< 3/BC@3A Set LB/KG, LANGUAGE and BEEP by following the steps below: • Plug into a properly grounded electrical outlet. • Press 'B/@B once. • Rot ate th e su r fa ce o f th e “ Ele ctr ost ati c To uch Di al” to choose metric weight measurements (KG).
'3:31B7<5 $=E3@ ==9 (7;3 "# ( ' 1. For mo re tha n one sta ge co ok ing, rep eat st ep s 1 and 2 fo r ea ch st ag e o f co okin g be fo re pre ssi ng 'B/ @B B utto n. Th e ma xi- mu m nu mbe r of sta ges f or co ok in g i s 3.
"#(' #" $#$#&" ()& 1. Pop one bag at a time. 2. Place bag in oven according to manu- facturers’ directions. 3. Start with popcorn at room tempera- ture. 4. Allow popped corn to sit unopened for a few minutes.
This feature allows you to defrost foods such as: meat, poultry and seafood simply by entering the weight. Place food on microwave safe dish. F /;> :3 (=2 34 @=A B >= C<2 A=4 ;3 /B • Press <D3@B3@ (C@0= 34@=AB .
34@=AB7<5 (7>A (316<7?C3 A (continued) & #' ( ( & &# '(" # # ( ! /B$ )& .
'3<A=@ &363/B 3/BC@3 '3<A=@ ==9 3/BC@3 "# ( / AA3 @=: 3A - A dd 3 to 4 ta bl esp oon s of liq uid , co ver wit h li d o r ve nte d pl as tic wra p.
'3<A=@ ==9 6/@B 7 <B A Pl ac e i ns id e a mic ro wave saf e ser vi ng bo wl wit h no cov er. Fol low m an uf ac ture rs’ dir ecti ons f or pr ep ar atio n. Fo ll ow man ufa ct ur er s’ di re ct ions for pr ep ar at ion of pre -co ok ed br ea kf as t sau sa ge .
'3<A=@ ==9 6/@B (continued) 7 <B A Wa sh th or ou ghly , add 1 tb sp . of wa te r pe r 1 / 2 cu p of ve ge ta bl es, a nd co ve r wi th li d or ve nt ed pl as ti c wra p. Do not sal t/bu tte r un til a ft er co ok - in g.
!71@=E/D3 &317>3A #! ( % & 1 tab les poo n but ter or marg ari ne 2 egg s 2 tab les poo ns milk sal t and grou nd bla ck peppe r, if desi red Hea t but ter in a micr owa ve sa fe 9- inc h pie pla te, 20 sec ond s at P10 , or un til melt ed.
(7;3@ 3/BC@3 "#( 1. When each stage finishes, a two-beep signal sounds. At the end of the pro- gram, the oven will beep five times. 2. If the oven door is opened during Stand Time, Kitchen Timer or Delay Time, the time on the display will con- tinue to count down.
Microwave Shortcut s FOO D P OWE R TIM E D IRE CTI ONS (in mins .) ) =A3> /@/B3 @34@ 753 @/B 32 % A3 1 ' 3;= D3E@ />> 3@/< 2>:/ 13.
Microwave Shortcut s (continued) FOO D P OWE R TIM E D IRE CTI ONS (in mins .) ) =1== 90/93 2 Pot ato %7 3@1 33/1 6>=B /B=E7B 6/4=@9 B7;3A .
Fo od Ch ar act eri sti cs Cooki ng T e chn iqu es Bone and Fat =B6 0=<3 /<2 4/B /4431B1==9 7<5 =<3A ;/G 1/CA3 7@@35C :/@ 1==97<5.
Cooking T echniques (continued) Covering A E7B6 1=<D3<B7=</: 1==97<5 ;=7ABC@3 3D/>=@/B3A 2C@7<5 ;71@=E/D3 1==97<5 /AA3@=:3 :72A =@.
/ @ 3/< 2 : 3/ <7 <5 =4 - = C @ !7 1@ =E /D 3# D 3< /03: Do not remove, wipe with a damp cloth. <A 723 =4B63=D3 < Wip e with a damp clo th aft er usi ng. Mild de ter gen t may be used if need ed.
(63A3 B67<5A /@3 <=@;/: The oven causes Some radio and TV interference might occur when you cook interference with with the microwave oven. This interference is similar to the my TV. interference caused by small appliances such as mixers, vacuums, blow dryers, etc.
7 ; 7B 32 +/ @@ /< BG C AB =; 3@ ' 3 @ D7 13 A7 @ 3 1 B =@ G = @) ' / <2 $C 3@ B= &7 1 = =< :G PANASONI.
%C719 C723 B= #>3@/B7=< 3/BC@3 To set :=19 ( * page 10) =E B= #>3@/B3 Press twice. Set time of day. Press once. To set $=E3@ /<2 (7;3 ( * page 13) Press to select Power Level. Set cooking time. Press.
S pecifications ) 3AB >@=132C@3 ( >317471/B7=<A AC0831B B= 16/<53 E7B6=CB <=B713 User ’ s Record )63 A3@7/: <C;03@ =4 B67A.
デバイスPanasonic NN-SE782Sの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Panasonic NN-SE782Sをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPanasonic NN-SE782Sの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Panasonic NN-SE782Sの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Panasonic NN-SE782Sで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Panasonic NN-SE782Sを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPanasonic NN-SE782Sの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Panasonic NN-SE782Sに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPanasonic NN-SE782Sデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。