PanasonicメーカーPV DF2704の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Getting Started TV Op er a ti o n V C R Operation T V / VCR Operation Disc Operation Information T V / D VD / V C R Combination Operating Instructions Mod els No . • In itial Set up and Co nnect ion Proc edure s are on pag e 1 8. PV - DF2 0 04 / PV - D F27 0 4 MUL TI FORMA T PLA YBACK *Ability to play back may depend on recording conditions.
2 Before Us ing For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o On your purc hase of one of the most sophistic ated and reliable pr oducts on the mar k et today .
3 Getting Started T able of Contents Getting Started TV and VCR Operation Disc Operation Information Bef ore Usi ng .................................................................................. 2 Saf et y Preca utio ns ...........................
4 Safet y Precautions For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o This vide o recorder , equipp ed with the H Q (High Q uality) System, is com patible with existing VH S equipment.
5 Getting Started CAUTI ON : L ASER R AD IA TI ON WH EN OPEN. DO NOT ST A RE IN T O BE AM . (Insi de of product) This televisi on receiver provid es display of television clos ed captio ning. This symb ol warns the user t hat uninsulated voltag e within the unit may have suf fic ient magnitude to c ause elect ric shoc k.
6 IMPOR T ANT S AF EG U ARDS AND P RE CAU TI ONS For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o 4 DO NOT BLOCK V ENTIL A TI ON HOLES V ent ilation o penings in t he cabi net release h eat gene rated duri ng operat ion.
7 Getting Started 1 SAFE ANTE NNA AND CAB LE CONNEC TION An o utside ante nna or ca ble system mu st be properly grounded to pro vide some protection agai nst built up st atic cha rges and vo ltage.
8 Informat ion (Unit, Casset te) For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o • In ser t so the po les (+ and - ) matc h those in t he remote control.
9 Getting Started Info r mation (Disc) * A proc ess that allows play on c ompatible equipmen t. Discs that can b e pla yed Disc s that c annot be pl ay ed DVD wit h Region No.
10 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o • T he region nu mber of this p layer is “ 1 ”. • T he player wil l play DVD -Vide o marked w ith labels bearing “ 1 ” or “ AL L ”.
11 Getting Started Loc ation of Control s Remote Control Buttons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 1 OPE N / CLOSE / EJEC T Wh en this b utto n is pres sed in T V / VCR mo de, the t ape is eje cted.
12 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o F ront Vi ew Unit Bu tton s < Mo del P.
13 Getting Started Rear View < Mo del PV- DF270 4 unit show n> 1 A C Pow er Plug Wh en plug ged into a n AC out let, t his unit co nsume s 1 .5 W of ele ctr ic powe r in OFF cond iti on. 2 Optical digital audio output connector Out puts a udio si gnal.
14 Connec tions For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o Antenna Connection Conne ct the ca ble from A n tenna to the V HF/ UHF ter minal on the unit.
15 Getting Started Connec ts VCRs and other per ipheral equipment A V Input t ermina l 1 is used Connecting the “1 , 2” A V Input T erminals • Si milar c onnect ions are ava ilable at th e “1 , 2” AV input te rminal s. • AV Input ter minal 2 is l ocated o n the fro nt of the unit.
16 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o Enjoy the power ful m o vie t heater and hall- lik e soun d a vailable wit h multiple channel audio found on DVD s b y co nnecting an amplif ier and spe ak ers.
17 Getting Started Manuf actured under lic ense from D olb y Labo ratories. “ Dolby , ” “Pr o Logic, ” and the double - D s ymb ol are trademar ks of Dolby Labo rat ories .
18 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o Please make all ca ble or antenna co nnections befo re powering on. Plug the unit p ower cord into an AC wall outlet.
19 TV Op er a ti o n 5 P ress ▲▼ t o selec t “ AUTO SET ,” then press SET . • A fter Ch annel Auto S et is fini shed, Clo ck Auto Set wi ll be per for med. (I f cloc k is set manuall y , Clo ck Auto Set w ill not be pe rf orme d. ) 2 P ress ▲▼ ◄ ► to sel ect “CH .
20 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o SET CLOCK 10/25/2004 MON 11:45AM DST:ON SELECT: SET:SET END :ACTION 4 P ress ▲▼ t o selec t “MA NU AL , ” t hen press SET .
21 TV Op er a ti o n 3 P ress ▲▼ t o selec t “TI ME ZONE AD JUST” and p ress SET t o subtr act or ad d hour (s) a s nece ssar y . 4 Pres s A CTI ON t wic e to exit . (Only w hen Auto Clock is set.) 1 P ress ▲▼ ◄ ► to sel ect “CLOCK .
22 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o Method 1 : Method 3: 1 Pres s A CTI ON for M AIN M ENU. 2 P ress ▲▼ ◄ ► to sel ect “ TV ” , t hen pre ss SET for S ET UP T V screen .
23 TV Op er a ti o n When se lecting CA BLE channels 100 to 125 wit h the NUM BER keys, firs t press the 10 0 ke y , and then enter t he remaining two di gits. Pres s R- T UNE to di splay t he la st cha nnel you were watching. Press M UTE to instantl y mute the sound.
24 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o The foll owing are possible audi o broadcast t ypes and on -screen disp la ys.
25 TV Op er a ti o n ON TIMER 10:00AM CH 05 CANCEL:ADD/DLT SELECT: SET:SET END :PROG SET PROGRAM TIMER PROGRAMMING ON TIMER SLEEP TIMER: 0 SELECT: SET:SET END :PROG This unit c an be set to automatic ally power on in one of 3 mo des (T V , VCR Playback , or Disc.
26 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o Close d Caption i s ... This multi -use system not only all ows the hearing impaire d to enjo y selec ted progr ams, but also allows one to watch prog rams with t he volume muted.
27 TV Op er a ti o n Close d Caption nar ration, if available, is displayed when MU TE button is pre ssed for silence. 1 Pres s A CTI ON to disp lay MA IN MENU . • W hen a disc supp or ting cl osed c aptions i s used, the s ubtitle a nd the cl osed c aption m ay overlap.
28 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o 1 Do st eps 1 - 5 at le ft . 2 P ress ▲▼ to select “ A UDIO MENU . ” 3 Pres s SET to sel ect de sired mode.
29 TV Op er a ti o n Pres s A CTI ON to disp lay MA IN MENU. 1 P ress ▲▼ ◄ ► to select “T V .” 2 Pres s SET to disp lay SET UP TV s cr ee n. 3 P ress ▲▼ to sel ect “SE T UP VIDE O /A UDIO. ” 4 Pres s SET to display . 5 P ress ▲▼ to select “V IDE O ADJUS T .
30 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o 1 Ins er t a tap e. • T he unit power c omes o n automatic ally . 2 Pres s PLA Y to play a t ape.
31 VCR Operation 2 Pres s CH ▲▼ or NU MBER keys to Select C hannel. • For “ LIN E” input , see page 2 2. 3 Pres s SPEED to s elec t reco rding spe ed (se e page 8 ). 4 Pres s REC to st ar t reco rding. • Y ou c annot view an other cha nnel duri ng recording.
32 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o 1 Pres s SEA RCH in Playba ck or Sto p mod e to disp lay INDE X SEA RCH scre en, and t hen pre ss NUMBE R keys to sel ect t he reco rding nu mber.
33 VCR Operation Set to see a rec ording over and over . To t u r n “ O N ” Press PL A Y/ REPE A T on the uni t repeatedly in Play mode to sele ct “R EPEA T ON.” • Pl a yb ack repe ats when t ape end is r eached o r an unre cord ed por tio n longe r than 30 s econ ds is detected.
34 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o 5 Pres s PROG to end t he pro gram . T o Ent er More Pro gram s, pres s ▲▼ to sel ect an d SET to set a b lank pro gram num ber , and t hen rep eat step 4.
35 VCR Operation P DT START STOP CH SPD 1 10 9:00a12:00p 08 SP 2day 11:00a11:30a125 SP 3 12 8:00p 9:30p L1 SLP 4 -- --:-- --:-- -- -- CANCEL:ADD/DLT SELECT: SET:SET EXIT :PROG P DT START STOP CH SPD 1.
36 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o Special V C R F eatures Inser t a tap e in Power off m ode. Power t urns o n, → Play . • Pl a yb ack beg ins if tap e has no rec ord ta b .
37 VCR Operation All o perations are pr ohibited ex ce pt Timer reco rding and tape ejec t. Useful for famili es with small c hildren. Rep eat above w ith or w itho ut ca sset te to turn “OFF . ” • VCR L ock is ca ncele d automati cally af ter ab out 24 hour s if clo ck is set .
38 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o 1 In ser t pre - rec orde d tape. In ser t bla nk tap e wit h record tab. • D ubbing ta pes protec ted wit h Copy Gua rd will have po or qualit y resu lts.
39 T V / VCR Operation V - Ch ip Control F eatures 1 Pres s A CTI ON to disp lay MA IN MENU . A 4 -di git code must be entere d to view a bloc k ed pro gram or change ratin g settings. • S ome renta l movies d o not inclu de V-Ch ip data. • D o not forg et your secr et code.
40 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o 1 P ress ▲▼ t o selec t “US MOVI ES. ” • “ NE XT PAGE” disp lays CAN ADI AN V- Chip set tings me nu.
41 T V / VCR Operation 1 P ress ▲▼ t o selec t “US T V PROG R AMS.” • “ NE XT PAGE” disp lays CAN ADI AN V- Chip set ting me nu. Please refe r to pages 42- 4 3 for more d etails on C anadian ta pes or broadcasts. 3 P ress ▲▼ t o selec t “CHANGE SETTI NGS.
42 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o Canadian English Language Ratings 1 P ress ▲▼ to sel ect “N EX T PAG E . ” 2 Pres s SET to display screen.
43 T V / VCR Operation Canadian F rench L anguage Ratings 9 Rep eatedl y pre ss ▲▼ t o selec t and SET t o set rat ings t o be bl ocked. 1 0 Press A CT ION three times to exit this mode. 1 P ress ▲▼ t o selec t “NE XT P AGE.” 2 Pres s SET to disp lay scre en.
44 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o <Ca na di a n F re n c h Ra ti ng > <.
45 T V / VCR Operation Displa y F eature REC 12:00PM CH 08 0:25 -0:12:34 STEREO SP SAP MONO RATING:PG-13 Press D ISPL A Y to display or remove the overlay . When a f unction but ton is presse d (PL A Y , FF , etc.) or you chang e channels, the unit mode or c hannel number will be displayed.
46 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o 3 Press OPEN /CLOSE. • If a di sc is alrea dy inser ted, go t o step 5. (D ependin g on the disc, p layback may st ar t automatic ally .
47 Disc Operation 1 Pres s FF/SLOW + or RE W/ SLOW- during play . • S earch sp eed, slow at f irs t, incre ases wi th each addit ional pr ess of the b utton u p to 5 levels. 2 Pres s PLA Y t o relea se. 1 P ress SKIP+ | or SK IP- | d uring play . 1 Pres s STILL / P AUSE du ring p lay .
48 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o Some DVD s ha ve more t han one title, e.g. movies . If the disc of fers a tit le menu, you can s elect the desire d title number .
49 Disc Operation Y ou c an change the au dio soundtrac k language, selec ted at Sett ings for DVD Oper ation, to a dif ferent language i f avail able. ( See p age 62 . ) ( This operati on works only w ith discs on which mult iple audio soundtr ack languages are recorde d .
50 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o • W hen clo sed ca ptionin g is used al ong wit h subti tles, t hey may overla p . If s o, turn on e funct ion of f .
51 Disc Operation Y ou c an enlarge specif ic por tions of a pi cture and sele ct the zoom rat io using the ZOOM butto n on the remote during DVD p la ybac k. 1 Pres s ZOOM re peat edly t o chan ge disp lay as fol lows. • Y ou c an enlarg e the cente r por tion of t he imag e to one of 2 magni fic ations.
52 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o • T his unit was des igned fo r playback o nly . DVD - R AM rec ordin g is not pos sible. Y ou c an enjoy playing your pers onally reco rded /edited DVD - R AM disc s on this u nit.
53 Disc Operation Direct Navigator Page1/4 No. Date Length Title SELECT: SET :SET END:TITLE 1 2 3 4 01:00:00 00:30:00 01:30:25 02:00:50 Drama Pana NEWS Tigers vs. Giants Dinosaur 2002/12/24 5:15:41AM 2002/12/25 4:31:49AM 2002/12/25 8:24:25AM 2002/12/25 12:45:00AM 1 Pres s D .
54 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o Disc Operation - Us ing Informat ion Screen- SET SELE CT ▲▼ ◄ ► NUMB E R keys DISPL A Y a.
55 Disc Operation • When appears on t he screen while a but ton is being pres sed, it means that t he co rrespon ding operation is p rohibited by the unit or the dis c. a. TRAC K: Go direc tly to a preset t rack number . c.Pla y mode: When Play mode is s e t (see page s 58 - 59), the mode name is displayed.
56 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o SET SELE CT ▲▼ ◄ ► NUMB E R keys DISP.
57 Disc Operation b.REPE A T MODE : REPE A T M ODE c an be selec ted. 1 Pres s DISPL A Y t wic e in Play or St op mod e to displ a y “On - Scree n Display . ” 2 Pres s SET to en ter . Curso r moves to th e righ t. Cha nge t he ite m by pressing ▲▼ and p ress SE T .
58 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o • U p to 1 5 tra cks can b e progr ammed. • “ ◄ ” or “ ► ” (dep ending on disc) in dicates addit ional PRO GR AM PL A Y scr een.
59 Disc Operation T rac ks are play ed in ran dom order . 1 Pres s A CTI ON in Sto p mode to disp lay MAI N MENU. 2 P ress ▲▼ ◄ ► to sel ect “ D VD. ” 3 Pres s SET to di splay DVD MA IN MENU . 4 P ress ▲▼ t o selec t “PL A Y MO DE.” 5 Pres s SET to di splay PL A Y M ODE screen.
60 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o Some DVD s are recorde d at lower than average volume levels. For thes e D VD s, this unit c an be set so that the average vo lume is increased automati cally .
61 Disc Operation Enjoy a surro und-like ef fect if yo u are using t wo front speakers on ly . Th e effec t is broadened an d sound seems to c ome from vir tual speakers on eit her side if the disc has surro und signals recorde d on it . Pres s VSS in Di sc mode .
62 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o 1 Pres s A CTI ON in Stop m ode to disp lay MAI N MENU . 2 P ress ▲▼ ◄ ► to select “DVD .
63 Disc Operation • Whe n appe ars on t he scree n while a but ton is b eing pre ssed, it m eans that th e cor respo nding ope ration is pr ohibite d b y th e unit or the dis c.
64 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o Selec t the digit al output to be out put from the optic al digital audi o output co nnector of the unit.
65 Disc Operation • When appears on t he screen while a but ton is being pres sed, it means that t he co rrespon ding operation is p rohibited by the unit or the dis c. 8 Pres s A CTI ON to red isplay DVD MA IN MEN U and go to st ep 4 to set up an other i tem.
66 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o 4 Pres s ▲▼ to se lec t “T V MODE .
67 Information These disp la ys will ale rt you to a mis sed operati on or provide fur ther inst ructi ons. W arning and Instruc tion Dis play s OSD CAUTION Page PLE ASE SET C LOCK BY PRES SING ACT ION K EY If you at tempt to set or review a Tim er Reco rding or set the On - Timer and the C lock is not set.
68 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o Check t he following point s once again if you are having t rouble wit h your unit.
69 Information PR OBLEM CORRE CTION Page DV D / CD Play fai ls to star t even when PL A Y is pressed. .. This un it cannot p lay discs ot her than DVD s and CDs . 9 The dis c may be dir ty and r equire cl eaning. 10 Pict ure is distor ted dur ing rapi d advanc e or ra pid rever se.
70 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o Conexión d e la antena Conec te el cable de la antena al te rminal VH F/UH F de la unidad.
71 Information Por favor realic e todas las co ne xione s del cab le o antena antes de conec tar la alimentación. Enchufe el c able de alimentac ión de la unidad en un tomac orr iente de CA . Los ajustes se reali zan automátic amente. Cuando se ter mina al conf iguración, aparecerá la siguiente pantalla.
72 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o Méto do 3: 1 Pres ione ACTIO N para a cce der al MENU PRINC IP AL. 2 Pres ione ▲▼ ◄ ► para seleccionar “T V” , lue go pre sione SE T para acc ede r a la pant alla PRE P AR A R.
73 Information 1 Ins er te una ci nta. • L a aliment ación d e la unidad s e conec ta automátic amente. 2 Pres ione PL A Y para re produ cir un a cinta. • Si l a cinta no t iene mar ca de gra bación, comienza la rep roducción a utomáti ca. a.
74 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o 5 Pres ione PROG p ara ter mina r el programa.
75 Information 3 Pres ione OPEN / CLOSE . • Si ya e stá ins ert ado un disc o, vaya al paso 5. (Dependiendo del disco, la reproducción puede comenzar automátic amente .) 1 Presi one POW ER en el con trol rem oto o en la un idad . 4 Colo que un di sco en la ban deja de discos.
76 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o 1 Presi one STI LL/ P AUSE dura nte la reproducción. • DVD : La un idad ingr esará e n el modo de i magen fij a.
77 Information Direct Navigator Pagina1/5 No. Fecha Longitud Titulo ELEGIR: FIJAR :SET TERMINAR:TITLE 1 2 3 4 01:00:00 00:30:00 01:30:25 02:00:50 Drama Pana NEWS Tigers vs. Giants Dinosaurio 2002/12/24 5:15:41AM 2002/12/25 4:31:49AM 2002/12/25 8:24:25AM 2002/12/25 12:45:00AM 1 Pres ione D.
78 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o Lim it ed Wa rr an t y P ANASONIC CONSUMER EL.
79 Information or failures which result from accidents, misuse, abuse, neglect, mishandling, misapplication, alteration, faulty installation, set-up ad just ments, misadjustment of consumer controls, .
80 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o Angle So me DVD dis cs fe ature sc enes s imult aneo usly sh ot fr om dif fere nt angle s. The A NG LE but ton ca n be used t o vie w the sc ene fr om dif fere nt angle s.
81 Information Speci ficat ions • D esigns an d spec i fi ca ti ons are sub ject to change without no tice. Note Display Pic ture T ub e 20 in ch, me asured d iagon ally pu re fl at Pict ure T ube (.
82 For a ssi sta nce, p lea se ca ll : 1- 80 0- 21 1- PANA (726 2) or, co nta ct us v ia th e web a t: ht tp: / /w w w .p ana son ic.c om /c ont act inf o Inde x A Acc essor ies ................................................. 2 ACTION but ton ......
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Panasonic Consumer Electronics Company , Division of Matsushita Electric Corporation of America One Panasonic W ay Secaucus, New Jersey 07094 Panasonic Sales Company (“PSC”), Division of Matsushita Electric of Puerto Rico, Inc. Ave. 65 de Infantería, Km.
デバイスPanasonic PV DF2704の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Panasonic PV DF2704をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPanasonic PV DF2704の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Panasonic PV DF2704の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Panasonic PV DF2704で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Panasonic PV DF2704を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPanasonic PV DF2704の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Panasonic PV DF2704に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPanasonic PV DF2704デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。