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RQTX0038-3B Operating Instructions DVD Home Theater Sound System Model No. SC-PT550 SC-PT850 SC-PT850W E GCS GCT GC GS GN Be for e co nn ec ti ng , op er at in g or ad ju st ing t his product, please read the ins tructions com pl et el y . Ple as e ke e p thi s ma nu al fo r fut ur e ref er e nc e.
GETTING ST ARTED ENGLISH ENGLISH 2 RQT8043 RQTX0038 Caution for AC Mains Lead Figure A Figure B Fuse cover 2. Replace the fuse and close or attach the fuse cover . Figure A Fuse (5 ampere) Figure B Fuse (5 ampere) Dear customer Thank you for pur chasing this pr oduct.
GETTING ST ARTED ENGLISH ENGLISH 4 RQT8043 RQTX0038 -If you see this symbol- Information on Disposal for Users of W aste Electrical & Electronic Equipment (private households) This symbol on the products and/or accompanying documents means that used electrical and electronic products should not be mixed with general household waste.
ENGLISH ENGLISH 5 RQT8043 RQTX0038 GETTING ST ARTED Caution for AC Mains Lead ........................................................................................... 2 Safety precautions ............................................................
GETTING ST ARTED ENGLISH ENGLISH 6 RQT8043 RQTX0038 Accessories Plea se c he ck a nd i de nti f y the s up pli ed a cc e ss ori es. 1 R e mot e co nt ro l For Continental Europe (N2QA YB000093) For Southeast Asia, Thailand, the Middle East, South Africa, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait (N2QA YB000094) For Australia and N.
ENGLISH ENGLISH 7 RQT8043 RQTX0038 GETTING ST ARTED 1 FRO NT (L, R) 2 SURROUND (L, R) 3 CENTER 4 SUBWOOFER 5 WIRELESS * 3 SYST EM Do not use a front speaker as a surround speaker or vice versa. V erify the type of speaker with the label on the rear of the front speaker .
GETTING ST ARTED ENGLISH ENGLISH 8 RQT8043 RQTX0038 Placement of speakers (continued) For Southeast Asia, Thailand, the Middle East, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Australia and N.
ENGLISH ENGLISH 9 RQT8043 RQTX0038 GETTING ST ARTED 7 Preventing the speakers from falling • Y ou will need to obtain the appropriate screw eyes to match the walls or pillars to which they are going to be fastened.
GETTING ST ARTED ENGLISH ENGLISH 10 RQT8043 RQTX0038 Speaker installation options Speaker installation options 7 Attaching to a wall Y ou can attach all of the speakers (except subwoofer) to a wall. • The wall or pillar on which the speakers are to be attached should be capable of supporting 10 k per screw .
ENGLISH ENGLISH 11 RQT8043 RQTX0038 GETTING ST ARTED AC IN Wireless system connection The il lus tra ti on sho ws th e wir ele ss sys tem f or SH -FX65.
GETTING ST ARTED ENGLISH ENGLISH 12 RQT8043 RQTX0038 AUX SUB WOOFER 6 Lch SURROUND Lch SURROUND 3 3 Simple setup Making the connections Making the connections Connect the AC mains lead only after all other connections have been made. • Ensure that yo u have the co mpl ete ac ce ss orie s bef ore mak ing t he co nnec ti ons.
ENGLISH ENGLISH 13 RQT8043 RQTX0038 GETTING ST ARTED Connect to the various television terminals. • Do no t co nne c t the u nit t hro ugh a v id eo c a ss et te re c ord er. • Due to c o py gua rd p rote c ti on, th e pic t ure may n ot b e dis pl ayed c or re c tly.
GETTING ST ARTED ENGLISH ENGLISH 14 RQT8043 RQTX0038 The QUICK SETUP screen assists you to make necessary settings. T o display the picture from this main unit, switch on the television and change the television’s input mode which is connected to this main unit (example : VIDEO 1, A V 1, etc.
ENGLISH ENGLISH 15 RQT8043 RQTX0038 GETTING ST ARTED • It may n ot be p os si bl e to pl ay all t he a bove -me nti one d d isc s in s om e ca se s due t o the t y pe o f dis c, th e co nd iti on of t he rec or di ng, th e rec or di ng me tho d, or h ow the fi le s were c rea ted ( page 30, Ti ps f or ma ki ng da ta d is cs ).
GETTING ST ARTED ENGLISH ENGLISH 16 RQT8043 RQTX0038 Overview of controls AC supply indicator [AC IN] Thi s ind ic ato r li ght s wh en th e unit is c onn ec te d to th e AC main s supply .
ENGLISH ENGLISH 17 RQT8043 RQTX0038 GETTING ST ARTED (34, 3 8 ) (33) (33, 35) (33) (33) (34) (20, 34) (33) Remote control Remote control Adj ust t he tel evis ion vo lume (4 0) Sel ec t th e so urc e DVD : DV D / C D (14) FM (3 2) EXT -IN : USB (3 7) , A V 2 (40) , AUX (36) , D-IN (40) , MUSIC P .
DISC OPERA TIONS ENGLISH ENGLISH 18 RQT8043 RQTX0038 8 , PA US E 7 , STO P 3 , PL A Y FL DISPLA Y 5 , ∞ , 2 , 3 , ENTER 1 , ¡ , SLO W / SEARCH DVD CAN CE L 4 , ¢ , 4 , 3 , S KI P Numeric buttons y.
DISC OPERA TIONS ENGLISH ENGLISH 19 RQT8043 RQTX0038 Pause • Pres s [ 3 , PLA Y ] t o res ume p layb ac k. Search (during play) • Play sp ee d in cr eas es u p to 5 st ep s. • Pres s [ 3 , PLA Y ] t o res ume no rma l playback. Stop The p os iti on i s mem ori se d wh ile “ RESUME” is on th e dis pl ay .
DISC OPERA TIONS ENGLISH ENGLISH 20 RQT8043 RQTX0038 Advanced play Displaying current playback condition Basics Details Fun c t i o n s M e nu ( pag e 23 ) Of f ( N o on- sc ree n di spl ay) .
DISC OPERA TIONS ENGLISH ENGLISH 21 RQT8043 RQTX0038 Playing data discs using navigation menus Playing data discs Sel ec ti ng “ Play as Da ta Di sc ” in O ther M enu ( pag e 26 ) wil l be ef f ec ti ve if th e fol low ing f unc t ion s are n ot avai lab le to p lay WM A, M P3, JPEG, MPEG4 or DivX vid eo c on ten ts.
DISC OPERA TIONS ENGLISH ENGLISH 22 RQT8043 RQTX0038 Playing data discs using navigation menus (continued) Playing HighMA T™ discs 1 2 T o select the item.
DISC OPERA TIONS ENGLISH ENGLISH 23 RQT8043 RQTX0038 3 Make the settings. Example: Functions Titl e Chapter Time Audio Subtitle Angle 1/2 3/10 0:24:31 1 English 3 Spanish 1/2 1 English 2 French 3 Span.
DISC OPERA TIONS ENGLISH ENGLISH 24 RQT8043 RQTX0038 Using on-screen menus (continued) Other Settings Play Sp e ed (M ot io n pi c tur e pa r t) T o ch ang e p lay s pe e d – fr om “ x0.6” t o “x1.4” • Pres s [ 3 , PLA Y] t o res ume n or mal p lay ba ck .
DISC OPERA TIONS ENGLISH ENGLISH 25 RQT8043 RQTX0038 Other Settings (continued) 7 Picture Menu (continued) Tr a n s f e r Mode If you h ave ch os en “ xx x p” ( pr og res si ve) o r “1080i ” (.
DISC OPERA TIONS ENGLISH ENGLISH 26 RQT8043 RQTX0038 Using on-screen menus (continued) Other Settings (continued) 7 Display Menu (continued) Manual Zoom T o zo om in a nd o ut m a nua ll y – in 0.01 - un it s tep s fr om “ x1 .00 ” to “ x1 .60 ” – in 0.
DISC OPERA TIONS ENGLISH ENGLISH 27 RQT8043 RQTX0038 Changing the player settings Player settings 7 “Disc” tab Audi o Cho os e th e aud io l an gua ge. • Eng lis h • ( La ng uag e op ti on s) * 1 • Or ig ina l * 2 • Ot he r ✱ ✱ ✱ ✱ * 3 Subtitle Cho os e th e sub ti tl e lan gu age.
DISC OPERA TIONS ENGLISH ENGLISH 28 RQT8043 RQTX0038 QUICK SETUP enables successive settings of the items in the shaded area. Changing the player settings (continued) Player settings (continued) 7 “Video” tab TV As pe ct Choose the setting to suit y our television an d pre fer en ce.
DISC OPERA TIONS ENGLISH ENGLISH 29 RQT8043 RQTX0038 Player settings (continued) 7 “Display” tab Menu Langu age * 6 • En gli sh • Fra nç a is • Es pa ño l • Deu t sc h • Pol sk i • P.
DISC OPERA TIONS ENGLISH ENGLISH 30 RQT8043 RQTX0038 Changing the player settings (continued) Tips for making data discs Tips for making data discs • Whe n the re are m ore t han e igh t gr oup s, th e eig hth g ro up onwa rd s wi ll be d is playe d on o ne ver tic al l ine i n the me nu screen .
DISC OPERA TIONS ENGLISH ENGLISH 31 RQT8043 RQTX0038 About DivX VOD content DivX Vid eo -on -De man d (VOD) c o nten t is e nc r yp ted f or co pyr igh t pr ote ct io n. In ord er t o play D ivX V OD co nte nt on thi s uni t, you fi rs t nee d to r egi ste r the u nit .
OTHER OPERA TIONS ENGLISH 32 RQT8043 RQTX0038 Using the radio Automatic presetting 1 T o select “FM”. OR (ma in un it) (re mote c on tr ol) 2 Press and hold.
OTHER OPERA TIONS ENGLISH 33 RQT8043 RQTX0038 Using sound effects Note • The f ol low in g so und e f fe c ts ma y not b e ava ila b le or h ave no ef fe c t de pe nd in g on t he t yp e of s ou rc e, dis c a s wel l as r ec or di ng for ma t or, when h ead ph on es a re us ed .
OTHER OPERA TIONS ENGLISH 34 RQT8043 RQTX0038 Enjoying karaoke For Southeast Asia, Thailand, the Middle East, South Africa, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait Prep ar ati on 1 Lower the microphone volume to “MIN”. 2 Connect the microphone to the jack. Use a dyn ami c mic ro ph one.
OTHER OPERA TIONS ENGLISH 35 RQT8043 RQTX0038 Enjoying karaoke with other sources Thi s wor ks o nly in U SB mo de. 1 Start play . Refe r to ( page 37) fo r Op ti onal U SB c onne c ti on and operation. 2 T o display the karaoke menu on the television.
OTHER OPERA TIONS ENGLISH 36 RQT8043 RQTX0038 Operating other equipment Optional connection for set top box, cable TV box or video cassette recorder Optional connection for set top box, cable TV box or video cassette recorder For Continental Europe For Southeast Asia, Thailand, the Middle East, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Australia and N.
OTHER OPERA TIONS ENGLISH 37 RQT8043 RQTX0038 The US B co nne c ti vit y e na ble s you to c o nne c t and p lay tra ck s or fi les f rom U SB ma ss s tor age c la ss d evi c es.
OTHER OPERA TIONS ENGLISH 38 RQT8043 RQTX0038 Operating other equipment (continued) Optional USB connection and operation (continued) Optional USB connection and operation (continued) Compatible Devices • D evic es w hic h ar e d efi ne d a s US B mas s st or ag e class: – USB d evi ce s tha t sup p or t b ulk o nly t ran sfe r .
OTHER OPERA TIONS ENGLISH 39 RQT8043 RQTX0038 Using the VIERA Link “HDA VI Control Using the VIERA Link “HDA VI Control TM TM ” ” What is VIERA Link “HDA VI Control”? VIERA Li nk “ HDA V.
OTHER OPERA TIONS ENGLISH 40 RQT8043 RQTX0038 Operating other equipment (continued) Operating the television Operating the television Y o u ca n us e the re mot e co ntr ol to o p era te a Pana son ic televis ion. Aim t he rem ote c on tro l at th e tel evi sio n.
41 RQT8043 RQTX0038 REFERENCE ENGLISH ENGLISH T roubleshooting guide Bef ore re qu es tin g ser vi ce, ma ke the f oll owi ng c he ck s. If yo u are in d ou bt a bo ut s ome of t he c he ck p oi nt s, or if t he so lut ion s ind ic ate d in t he ch ar t d o no t sol ve the p ro bl em, c ons ult yo ur de ale r for i nst ru c tio ns.
REFERENCE 42 RQT8043 RQTX0038 ENGLISH ENGLISH 7 A-B repeat Page Point B is automatically set. • The end of an item becomes point B when it is reached. — 7 Menus The Setup menu cannot be accessed. • Select “DVD/CD” as the source. • Cancel program and random play .
43 RQT8043 RQTX0038 REFERENCE ENGLISH ENGLISH 7 Progressive video Page There is ghosting when progressive or HDMI output is on. • This problem is caused by the editing method or material used on DVD-Video, but should be corrected if you use interlaced output.
REFERENCE 44 RQT8043 RQTX0038 ENGLISH ENGLISH Language code list T roubleshooting guide (continued) 7 T elevision displays Page “” • The operation is prohibited by the unit or disc. — “Cannot play group xx, content xx” “Cannot display group xx, content xx” • Y ou are trying to display an incompatible group or content.
45 RQT8043 RQTX0038 REFERENCE ENGLISH ENGLISH CPPM (Content Protection for Prerecorded Media) A co py pr ote ct ion sy stem u se d for DVD-Aud io fi les. Th is uni t sup p or t s CPPM. Decoder A de co de r res to res t he c od ed a udi o si gna ls on DVDs to nor mal.
REFERENCE 46 RQT8043 RQTX0038 ENGLISH ENGLISH Specifi cations AMPLIFIER SECTION For Continental Europe, Australia and N.Z. RMS Output Power: Dolby Digital Mode Front Ch 125 W per channel (3 ), 1 .
47 RQT8043 RQTX0038 REFERENCE ENGLISH ENGLISH VIDEO SECTION Video system P AL625/50, P AL525/60, NTSC Composite video output Output level 1 Vp-p (75 ) T erminal For Southeast Asia, Thailand, the Middle East, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Australia aand N.
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. Web Site: RQTX0038-3B L0107LE3047 En Maintenance Clean this unit with a soft, dry cloth. – Neve r us e alc oh ol, p ain t thi nne r or b enzin e to c lea n thi s unit. – Be for e usin g c hem ic all y tre ate d cl oth, c a refu lly r ead t he instructions that came with the cloth.
デバイスPanasonic SC-PT850の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Panasonic SC-PT850をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPanasonic SC-PT850の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Panasonic SC-PT850の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Panasonic SC-PT850で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Panasonic SC-PT850を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPanasonic SC-PT850の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Panasonic SC-PT850に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPanasonic SC-PT850デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。