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QQTG0692 ENGLISH QQTG0692 Se0203S0 SX-KN2400 SX-KN2600(ENGLISH) SX- KN2400 SX- KN2600 KEYBOARD Operating Instructions SX- KN2400 SX- KN2600 KEYBOARD ENGLISH Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. Web Site: Before connecting, operating or adjusting this product, please read these instructions completely.
2 QQTG0692 Caution for AC Mains Lead (For United Kingdom) (For the type as shown in figures A and B) For y our saf ety, pl ease re ad th e follo wing t ext careful ly. This appli ance is supp lied with a m oulded thre e pin main s plug for your saf ety and con venie nce.
3 QQTG0692 THE FOLLOWING A PPLIES ONLY IN THE U.S.A. AND CANADA The lightni ng flash with arrow head symbol , within an e quilater al tri- angle , is intended t o alert the user to the pres ence of un.
4 QQTG0692 01_Caution for AC Mains 4 ページ 2003 年1月27日 月曜日 午後1時 40分.
5 QQTG0692 THE FOLLOWING APPLIES ONLY IN THE U.S.A. Read t hese ope rating instruct ions carefu lly before using the unit . Fol low th e safe ty inst ructions on t he unit and the safet y precaut ions list ed b elow. Keep th ese oper ating instr uction s handy f or futu re re ferenc e.
6 QQTG0692 Cautions for safest use of this unit Installation loca tion 1. A well -ventilat ed place. Take car e not to use this unit in a place whe re it will not re ceive s ufficient v entilation, an d not to permit th e ventil ation hole s to be c overed by cur- tains, or a ny similar m aterials.
7 QQTG0692 Contents Caution s for safest use of this unit ......... ......... ......... .......... ......... ...... ......... .......... ...... 6 Controls and functio ns (KN2400) .. .......... ......... ......... .......... ......... ......... .......
8 QQTG0692 Sequ encer Play ......... ......... ......... ....... ......... ......... .......... ......... ......... .......... ....... 81 Namin g ...... .......... ......... ......... .......... ......... ......... .......... ......... ......... .....
9 QQTG0692 Tone Control ....... ......... ......... .......... ......... ......... .......... ......... ......... .......... ........ 156 Part X Sound Edit ............ ......... .......... ......... ......... .......... ......... ...... ......... ...
14 QQTG0692 Basi c function s Getting started Before you play • The pitch of this i nstrum ent ca n be adj usted for when pla ying with other ins truments. (Refe r to page 15 2.) • Under cert ain condi tions, the f uncti ons and memo ries of th is ins trumen t may b e initia lized when the p ower is turned o n.
15 QQTG0692 Basi c function s Playing • Refer to page 36 for d eta iled infor matio n about sele cting sounds . 1 46 5 123 2 1 2 3 4 DEMO PITCH BEND MAIN VOLUME AUTO SETTING FADE IN OUT TRANSPOSE Ð.
16 QQTG0692 Basi c function s See and listen to the demonstration • If you pr ess and hold the DEMO butt on f or a few secon ds, or i f you pr ess first the DEMO butto n and then the START/STOP button, all demo t unes are demon strat ed in order in a medley pe rfor mance.
17 QQTG0692 Basi c function s Add effects Add bre adth. Add ef fect . Add re verberatio n. • You c an modify t he way i n which the va rious effec ts a re ap plied.
18 QQTG0692 Basi c function s Play back commercial song disks (DI RECT PLAY) (KN2400) • DIRECT PLA Y is possi ble from the followin g disks: * A ll product and compan y names ar e tradema rks or register ed trademar ks of their respectiv e owners. * DISK ORCHES TRA COLLECTION is a trademark of the YAMAHA Cor poration.
19 QQTG0692 Basi c function s Play back SD cards (SD-AUDIO PLAY) (KN2600) 1 46 5 123 2 1 2 3 4 DEMO PITCH BEND MAIN VOLUME AUTO SETTING FADE IN OUT TRANSPOSE Ð + LEFT FILL IN 1 2 INTRO & ENDING 1.
20 QQTG0692 Basi c function s Select the registration for a music style ( MUSIC STYLIS T) 1 46 5 123 2 1 2 3 4 DEMO PITCH BEND MAIN VOLUME AUTO SETTING FADE IN OUT TRANSPOSE Ð + LEFT FILL IN 1 2 INTR.
21 QQTG0692 Basi c function s • You c an als o sear ch for a sty le alphabe tically or by music er a. (Re fer t o page 6 1.) 1 46 5 123 2 1 2 3 4 DEMO PITCH BEND MAIN VOLUME AUTO SETTING FADE IN OUT.
22 QQTG0692 Basi c function s Automatic panel settings (ONE TOUCH PLAY) 1 46 5 123 2 1 2 3 4 DEMO PITCH BEND MAIN VOLUME AUTO SETTING FADE IN OUT TRANSPOSE Ð + LEFT FILL IN 1 2 INTRO & ENDING 1 5.
23 QQTG0692 Basi c function s • In th is exa mple you playe d chords by pres sing the key s for the “ root notes ” (ONE FINGER chord s). Bu t you can als o spec ify the chord by playi ng all the notes in the c hord.
24 QQTG0692 Basi c function s Store your panel settings (PANEL ME MORY) • If you do not wis h to recal l the rhythm , temp o, etc. with the PANEL MEMORY , press and hold t he SET butt on for a few sec onds to s how the PA NEL MEMORY MODE dis play, and selec t NO RMAL.
25 QQTG0692 Basi c function s Record your performance (SEQUE NCER) (Con tinued o n the n ext page ) 1 46 5 123 2 1 2 3 4 DEMO PITCH BEND MAIN VOLUME AUTO SETTING FADE IN OUT TRANSPOSE Ð + LEFT FILL I.
26 QQTG0692 Basi c function s Playing back your recorded performance 1 46 5 123 2 1 2 3 4 DEMO PITCH BEND MAIN VOLUME AUTO SETTING FADE IN OUT TRANSPOSE Ð + LEFT FILL IN 1 2 INTRO & ENDING 1 5 2 .
27 QQTG0692 Basi c function s Save data on an SD card (KN2600) 1 46 5 123 2 1 2 3 4 DEMO PITCH BEND MAIN VOLUME AUTO SETTING FADE IN OUT TRANSPOSE Ð + LEFT FILL IN 1 2 INTRO & ENDING 1 5 2 3 4 BE.
28 QQTG0692 Basi c function s Recall data from an SD card ■ ■ ■ ■ The following data can be saved/loaded: • KN2400: The data can be sav ed in the disk.
29 QQTG0692 Basi c function s Load rhythm data from a Technics pattern disk (COMP OSER LOA D) (KN2400) 1 46 5 123 2 1 2 3 4 DEMO PITCH BEND MAIN VOLUME AUTO SETTING FADE IN OUT TRANSPOSE Ð + LEFT FIL.
30 QQTG0692 About th e displ ay About the displa y A large- size d ispla y, eas y to oper ate wi th exc ellen t readabi lity, is used for displ aying vario us info rmation such as the names of t he selecte d sounds and rhythms etc. and when se tting th e funct ions.
31 QQTG0692 Abo ut the di spoay 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 OTHER PARTS /TR By th e pressi ng th e OTHER PARTS/T R but ton, the scr een sequ entiall y swit ches to t he respec - tive v olume b alance scr eens of the pl ay part , auto accompan iment part, playback part (1 to 8), and pl aybac k part (9 t o 16).
32 QQTG0692 About th e displ ay Setting di spla y When you select an item from t he menu d isplay, the sett ing disp lay fo r the item i s shown. The butt ons to th e right , left a nd/or direc tly belo w the di spla y are us ed to select and ad just th e set - tings .
33 QQTG0692 Abo ut the di spoay HELP You can f ind an ex planati on of ea ch button ’ s functi on on the displa y. 1. Pres s the HEL P bu tton . • The f ollowin g display appears . 2. Use the button s below t he displ ay to s elect a langua ge. 3.
34 QQTG0692 About th e displ ay 4. While pressi ng the SET but ton, specify where you wis h to past e (put) the ite m. • While the SET bu tton i s depre ssed, the dis - play ap pears as s hown bel ow. Use t he but- tons t o the l eft and right of the displ ay to spec ify where y ou wish to paste t he item.
35 QQTG0692 Sound s and effe cts Part I Sounds and effects Overview of sounds and effects The follo wing is an ove rview of the s ound parts of this instru men t.
Part I Sounds and effe c ts 36 QQTG0692 Sound s and effe cts Selecting sounds Selec t the sounds fo r the three p arts y ou can play on the key boar d— RIGHT 1 , RIGHT 2 and LEFT . After fir st select ing a part and a SOUND GROUP , choose the desired so und from t he disp lay.
Part I Sounds and effe c ts 37 QQTG0692 Sound s and effe cts SOUND EXP LORER This i s a conve nient feature for f i nding the sound you want f rom the man y availabl e sound s. 1. In the PART SELECT section, cho ose RIGHT 1 , RIGHT 2 or LEFT . 2. Pres s the SOUND EXPLORER butto n to turn it on.
Part I Sounds and effe c ts 38 QQTG0692 Sound s and effe cts 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 Chan ge th e sound type Use the <Jaz z Drawbars> / <Rock Drawba rs> button to se lect the type of so und. 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 PERCUSS IVE TONE PERCUSS IVE TONE adds a tone with a fast i ni- tial attac k to the d rawbar sound s.
Part I Sounds and effe c ts 39 QQTG0692 Sound s and effe cts Assigning parts to the keyboard The CO NDUCTOR but tons ar e used to a ssign th e parts ( RIGHT 1 , RIGHT 2 , LEFT ) to th e keybo ard in many differe nt way s.
Part I Sounds and effe c ts 40 QQTG0692 Sound s and effe cts SPLIT POINT When t he keybo ard is sp lit into left and righ t sec- tions , the split p oint i s usually C3. 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 Customi zed split point Use the fo llowing procedu re if you wis h to store a split point at a loca tion ot her than C3.
Part I Sounds and effe c ts 41 QQTG0692 Sound s and effe cts Effects SUSTAIN SUSTAIN is the gra dual fa ding o ut of mu sical tones af ter th e key i s releas ed. 1. In the CONDUCTOR or PART SEL ECT sec- tion, turn on the part to w hich this effec t will b e appli ed.
Part I Sounds and effe c ts 42 QQTG0692 Sound s and effe cts MULT I EFF ECT The M ULTI EF FECT works like a studio e ffects proce ssor, pr oviding effects s uch as CHORUS , PHASER, DEL AY and DISTORTI ON. 1. In the CONDUCTOR or PART SEL ECT sec- tion, turn on the part to w hich this effec t will b e appli ed.
Part I Sounds and effe c ts 43 QQTG0692 Sound s and effe cts REVERB REVERB applies a r everbe ratio n effect to the soun d. Pres s the REVERB button t o turn it on. 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 Type and param eter settings 1. Pres s and hold the REVERB button for a few seconds .
Part I Sounds and effe c ts 44 QQTG0692 Sound s and effe cts MIC You ca n add r everb a nd othe r eff ects to sound from a co nnected mi crophon e. • Connect a micr ophone to th is i nstrum ent. (Refe r to page 18 8.) 1. Set the PRO GRAM MENU S button to ON.
Part I Sounds and effe c ts 45 QQTG0692 Sound s and effe cts Controller Use the con trollers (left next t o the keyboard) to chan ge the nuance of the sound whil e you are playing. PITCH BEN D The pit ch of th e instru ment can be con tinu ously changed wit h the PITCH BEND wheel at t he left end of the ke yboard.
Part I Sounds and effe c ts 46 QQTG0692 Sound s and effe cts Transpose The TRANSPOS E butto ns are used to cha nge the key of the entir e inst rument i n se mi-tone steps acro ss an ent ire octav e.
Part I Sounds and effe c ts 47 QQTG0692 Sound s and effe cts Techni-chord TECHNI-C HORD turns y our si ngle not e melodie s into fu ll ch ords and o ffers you a choice of diff erent typ es from a si mple du et which add s one harmo ny note to y our me l ody note, to big band reeds which ad ds four harmo ny notes to your m elody no te.
48 QQTG0692 Play ing th e rhyt hm Part II Playing the rhyth m Overview of rhythm performance An explan atio n follows of th e ter ms re l ated to thi s instr ument ’s rhythm performan ce. Rhythm and accompanimen t pattern Each rh ythm is comprised of not only a DRUMS pattern , but also of acco mpani ment patt erns call ed BAS S and ACCOMP .
Pa rt II Play ing the rhythm 49 QQTG0692 Play ing th e rhyt hm Selecting rhythms Many exciti ng rhyt hms ar e stor ed in t he mem ory of this i nstru ment. F irst select one of the rhythm groups and th en ch oose the de sired rhythm . Select a rh yth m 1.
Pa rt II Play ing the rhythm 50 QQTG0692 Play ing th e rhyt hm Start t he rhythm Ther e are two w ays to sta rt the rhyt hm. 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 Normal st art 1. Select a rhythm . 2. Pres s the STA RT/ STOP butt on to turn it on . • The sel ected rhythm pattern imme diatel y begins to pla y.
Pa rt II Play ing the rhythm 51 QQTG0692 Play ing th e rhyt hm Playing the rhythm Intr o, fi ll-in and endi ng pa tterns fittin g each diffe rent rh ythm p atter n are pe rmanent ly rec orded i n your Keyboa rd, thus all owing a versa tile r hythm pe rformanc e.
Pa rt II Play ing the rhythm 52 QQTG0692 Play ing th e rhyt hm ENDI NG Finis h the rhyt hm performa nce with an ending pattern . 1. Selec t a rhythm and press the START/STOP button . 2. Press the INTRO & ENDING 1 or INTRO & ENDING 2 butt on to t urn it on .
Pa rt II Play ing the rhythm 53 QQTG0692 Play ing th e rhyt hm P la y i n g c hords Choose fr om the 4 ways of playi ng chords. 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 BASIC mode This mo de lets beginn ers spec ify chord s with just one fin ger.
Pa rt II Play ing the rhythm 54 QQTG0692 Play ing th e rhyt hm How to us e the AUTO PL AY CHORD 1. Selec t the desi red rhyt hm and sound(s ), and set the tem po. 2. Pres s the AUTO PLAY CH ORD ’ s OFF/ON button to tur n it on. 3. Pres s the AUTO PLAY CHORD ’ s MODE bu t- ton to turn it on.
Pa rt II Play ing the rhythm 55 QQTG0692 Play ing th e rhyt hm Left Hold This se tting d etermi nes ho w the LEFT part soun ds when the LEFT button in the CONDUC- TOR is on during a perf ormance with th e BASI C or ADVANCED mode. 1. Pres s the MODE butto n to turn it on.
Pa rt II Play ing the rhythm 56 QQTG0692 Play ing th e rhyt hm 4. Use the ROOT butt ons to select t he root note of the chord. Use the TYPE butt ons to sele ct the type of chord . • A typi cal way to f inger t he spe cified c hord (TYP ICAL ) is illu stra ted on a keyb oard dia - gram.
Pa rt II Play ing the rhythm 57 QQTG0692 Play ing th e rhyt hm Fade In/Fade Out Add in terest to your pe rformanc e by st arting a pa rt with a fade-in or endi ng it with a fade- out. • KN2600: does not work for the SD-AUDI O data playback. FADE IN At the begi nning of the son g, the volume of ea ch part rise s slow ly.
Pa rt II Play ing the rhythm 58 QQTG0692 Play ing th e rhyt hm FADE SET Adjust the setting s for the FADE IN an d FADE OUT. 1. Pres s and ho ld the FADE IN or F ADE OUT button for a few seco nds. • The disp lay l ooks si milar to th e foll owing. 2.
Pa rt II Play ing the rhythm 59 QQTG0692 Play ing th e rhyt hm Sound Arranger The SOUND ARRANGER feat ure let s you s elect ot her sou nds fo r the AUTO PLAY CHORD part s of each r hythm. 1. Selec t the rh ythm whose sound you wish to chan ge. • Do not se lect t he MEMORY butt on.
Pa rt II Play ing the rhythm 60 QQTG0692 Play ing th e rhyt hm One Touch Play ONE TOUCH PLAY automat ically s ets a sugges ted co mbinati on of sounds and an appropr iate tempo for your ch osen rhyt hm style. 1. Select a rhy thm patt ern. • Do not se lect t he MEMORY butt on.
Pa rt II Play ing the rhythm 61 QQTG0692 Play ing th e rhyt hm • The AUTO PLAY CHORD and th e SYNCHRO & BREAK turn on, and the so unds, ef fects, volume b alanc es, rhyt hm and tempo etc. whic h are bes t suite d for the select ed musi c style are a utoma ticall y selected .
Pa rt II Play ing the rhythm 62 QQTG0692 Play ing th e rhyt hm Music Style Arranger The MUSIC S TYLE ARRANGER helps you to make profes sional reg istrati on chang es duri ng your pe rfor- manc e.
Pa rt II Play ing the rhythm 63 QQTG0692 Play ing th e rhyt hm How to change the m usic styl e during your p erforman ce While you are playi ng the keyboa rd with the MUSIC STYLE ARR ANGER on, press th e FILL IN 1 or FILL IN 2 button.
Pa rt II Play ing the rhythm 64 QQTG0692 Play ing th e rhyt hm Panel Memory PANEL MEMORY stores all the c urrent panel setti ngs so y ou can reca ll them a t the push of a button.
Pa rt II Play ing the rhythm 65 QQTG0692 Play ing th e rhyt hm Assign a name to t he bank/memor y You can assig n names to the banks and memo - ries. 1.
Pa rt II Play ing the rhythm 66 QQTG0692 Play ing th e rhyt hm PANEL MEMO RY mode You can define whi ch pane l setti ngs are reca lled when the PANEL MEMORY is us ed. 1. Pres s and hol d the SET button for a few sec- onds . • The disp lay c hanges to t he follow ing.
67 QQTG0692 Performa nce Pads Part III Performance Pad s Playing phrases During your perf ormance, you ca n insert a short recor ded phras e or effect sounds by pre ss ing a pad b ut- ton. A diffe rent g roup o f phras es is recorded in each b ank. 1.
Part I II Peformanc e Pads 68 QQTG0692 Performa nce Pads AUTO SETTIN G When th is butt on is se t to on, th e bank automa ti- cally change s accordi ng to t he automa tic s etting functi ons in the ONE T OUC H PL AY , the MU SIC STYLE A RRANGER and t he MUSI C STYL IST .
Part I II Peformanc e Pads 69 QQTG0692 Performa nce Pads S E Q T O PAD COPY 1. Record a phras e in the SEQU ENCE R , or load data fr om a di sk. • Afte r thi s procedur e, ple ase do not cha nge the song number . • For d etails about SEQU ENCE R ope ration, refer to page 73.
Part I II Peformanc e Pads 70 QQTG0692 Performa nce Pads Compile You can assign de sired phra ses from differ en t ban ks in “ Co mpile Bank ” 1 and 2. 1. Pres s the PROGRAM MENUS butt on to tu rn it on. • The disp lay l ooks si milar to th e foll owing.
Part I II Peformanc e Pads 71 QQTG0692 Performa nce Pads Record a phrase “ User Bank ” A, B and C are reserved fo r sto ring your or iginal phrases. • You ca n also copy phrases which are recor ded in the SEQUENCER . 1. Pres s the PROGRAM MENUS butt on to tu rn it on.
Part I II Peformanc e Pads 72 QQTG0692 Performa nce Pads PLAY SETTING Sele ct a p layback mode . 1. On the PAD RECORDING display, press the PLAY SE TTING button. • The disp lay l ooks si milar to th e foll owing. 2. Use the START ∧ an d ∨ bu ttons t o select a playb ack m ode.
73 QQTG0692 Sequen cer Part IV Sequence r Outline of the Sequencer A seque ncer re cords yo ur perf ormance in a simi lar wa y to a tap e recor der. Thi s instr ument’s SEQUENCER allows you to rec ord up t o 10 perfor mances in a variety o f ways.
Part I V Sequencer 74 QQTG0692 Sequen cer SEQUEN CER menu The conf igurat ion of th e SEQUE NCER settin g displ ay is a s follows. 1. Pres s the PROGRAM MENUS butt on to tu rn it on. • The dis play looks simi lar t o the fol lowing . 2. Select SE QUENCER.
Part I V Sequencer 75 QQTG0692 Sequen cer RECORD & EDIT These f uncti ons are re cordin g and edi ting oper ations u sed fo r creati ng a ne w perfor- manc e. REALTIME RECORD (page 78) Record eac h part of your performa nce just as you p lay it on the keyboard .
Part I V Sequencer 76 QQTG0692 Sequen cer Sequencer parts The f ollowin g summary exp lains what is stor ed in e ach SEQUENCER part. • You can use the TRACK ASSIGN function to assign part s to tracks as you wish.
Part I V Sequencer 77 QQTG0692 Sequen cer Easy Record Suppos e you are playi ng the Ke yboard an d you wish t o recor d and play back you r perfor mance to h ear how it sound s. You ca n bypa ss the s et-up procedu res o f the full- scale se quence r and b egin r ecordi ng quickl y and easi ly.
Part I V Sequencer 78 QQTG0692 Sequen cer Realtime Record With REALT IME RECORD, your performanc e is record ed with th e timing exa ctly as you pla yed it on the keyboar d. Use thi s mode to re cord your performa nce in up to 16 tracks and cr eate your ow n orchestra or band.
Part I V Sequencer 79 QQTG0692 Sequen cer 8. Use th e TEMPO/PROGRAM to ad just t he record ing tempo . • The t empo is shown on t he display as q =. • If you wi sh to record t he tempo setti ng and tempo ch anges, store th em in th e contr ol (CTL) part, or use t he step r ecord t o store them i n the rhyt hm (RHY ) part.
Part I V Sequencer 80 QQTG0692 Sequen cer CYCLE R ECORD This mo de allo ws you t o have specifi ed record - ing measu res conti nuously repeated. Thus you can reco rd measur es by adding notes during a ny cycle.
Part I V Sequencer 81 QQTG0692 Sequen cer Sequencer Play Play b ack your re corded perf orm ance. 1. Pres s the SEQUENCER PLAY button t o turn it on. • The disp lay l ooks si milar to th e foll owing. 2. After pre ssing th e SONG button, u se the SONG ∧ and ∨ button s to sel ect a so ng nu m- ber for pl ayback .
Part I V Sequencer 82 QQTG0692 Sequen cer CYCLE P LAY You ca n have sp ecifie d measu res pl ayed back repea tedl y. 1. On the SE QUENCER PLAY display, sp ecify “ PLAY ” for t rack n umbers you wish to have playe d back. 2. Pres s the CYCLE button.
Part I V Sequencer 83 QQTG0692 Sequen cer Namin g Here is th e way to assign a name to yo ur recorded song. 1. On the SEQ MENU di splay use the SONG SELECT ∧ and ∨ but tons to selec t a song. 2. Press t he NAMING b utton. • The disp lay l ooks si milar to th e foll owing.
Part I V Sequencer 84 QQTG0692 Sequen cer Song Select You c an select a d esired so ng from th e list of r ecorde d songs. 1. On the SEQ ME NU display, select RECORD & EDIT . 2. On the RE CORD & EDIT display, select SONG SELECT. • The disp lay l ooks si milar to th e foll owing.
Part I V Sequencer 85 QQTG0692 Sequen cer 6. During playb ack, pr ess the P UNCH IN butt on at the po int you wa nt to begi n reco rding. • Recording begins as so on as the PUNCH IN butto n is p ressed. Be gin pla ying a t this point. • The REC indi cation ch anges to the PUNCH indica tion.
Part I V Sequencer 86 QQTG0692 Sequen cer Step Record STEP RECORD is simply a me thod o f makin g a tune by stori ng the soun ds note -by-no te on the display . Inste ad of p layin g the ke yboard di rect ly as in the REA LTIME RECORD mode, y ou can t ake yo ur time t o input each sin gle note.
Part I V Sequencer 87 QQTG0692 Sequen cer • Any pane l set ting ch anges — for exampl e chan ges in the so und s electio n, but ton ope r- ation , wheel op eratio n, etc. — are recor ded at the curs or posit ion. • When a wh eel o r dial i s ope rated, t he i nput value i s indic ated on th e display.
Part I V Sequencer 88 QQTG0692 Sequen cer Store a ch ord progressio n Store t he chord pr ogressi on for the AUTO PLAY CHORD in the track for the CHORD par t. Then, when the AUTO PLAY CHORD is used during pl ayback, eve n if you do not specify t he chords with your l eft hand, the chords c hange au tomatica lly.
Part I V Sequencer 89 QQTG0692 Sequen cer <Measure 3> (1) While pl aying an Am cho rd, pres s the h key one time . (2) While pl aying a n F chord, pre ss the h key one time. <Measure 4> (1) While playi ng a D7 chord, press the h key one time.
Part I V Sequencer 90 QQTG0692 Sequen cer Stor e a rhyt hm progress i o n Changes i n the rhythm s electio n and temp o, as well as the intro, f ill-i ns and th e endi ng, can be stored by meas ures with the step re cord ing method . 1. On the S EQ MENU display, u se the SONG ∧ and ∨ buttons to selec t th e song numb er.
Part I V Sequencer 91 QQTG0692 Sequen cer Track Assign Each SE QUENCER part is alread y assig ned to a t rack numbe r. However, you can use t he TRACK ASSIGN funct ion to a ssign parts to track s as you wis h. 1. On the SEQ MENU di splay, u se the S ONG SELECT ∧ and ∨ button s to select the s ong number.
Part I V Sequencer 92 QQTG0692 Sequen cer Quantize The QUANT IZE funct ion can corr ect t he timin g of you r perf ormance after i t has been re corded. If t he rhyt hm is slightl y out of s ync or inexact , it will automati cally be corre cted to the speci fied quan tize level.
Part I V Sequencer 93 QQTG0692 Sequen cer Song Clear Eras e the record ed cont ents of al l tracks . 1. On tne SEQ ME NU display, select RECORD & EDIT . 2. On the RECORD & EDIT display, selct SONG CLEAR. • The disp lay l ooks si milar to th e foll owing.
Part I V Sequencer 94 QQTG0692 Sequen cer Note Edit You can ed it perf ormance (NOTE) dat a on a piano r oll disp lay. T his diff ers fro m the norma l STEP RECORD edit proce dure, a nd is a c onveni ent way to che ck the da ta for e ach note. • Data ot her t han NOTE data cannot b e corr ected o r reco rded.
Part I V Sequencer 95 QQTG0692 Sequen cer CYCLE PLAY You can aura lly check the d ata you ar e edit ing by accessi ng the CYCLE PLAY di splay fr om the NOTE EDI T displa y. • If you wis h other tra cks to be pl ayed back, they sh ould b e selecte d befor ehand on t he SEQUENCER PLA Y display.
Part I V Sequencer 96 QQTG0692 Sequen cer Exampl e: 10.2. 48 indi cates a point in measure 10, be at 2, po int 48 (one point i s 1/96 of a quart er note [ q ]). • is shown a t the point where the END co m- mand is store d. 7. Selec t the da ta to edit ( it chang es to a l ong bar).
Part I V Sequencer 97 QQTG0692 Sequen cer Copy and paste the recorded data You ca n cop y and paste specifi c porti ons of the re cor ded data. Select the funct ion 1. On the SEQ MENU di splay, u se the S ONG SELECT ∧ and ∨ buttons to selec t the nu mber of the song.
Part I V Sequencer 98 QQTG0692 Sequen cer TRACK MERGE Merge t he reco rded con tents of t wo tracks (sour ce tracks) and store the mer ged conte nts in a third tra ck (des tinati on track). • When t he TRACK MERGE func tion is e xe- cuted, the data is era sed from the two sour ce trac ks.
Part I V Sequencer 99 QQTG0692 Sequen cer MEASURE ER ASE Eras e the re corded co ntents o f specif ic mea- sures . You can also s pecify which type of data is to be erased . • Note tha t only th e conte nts of the meas ures are er ased , not the mea sures t hemsel ves; th e lengt h of the performance rem ains the sam e.
Part I V Sequencer 100 QQTG0692 Sequen cer MEASURE IN SERT Inser t s pecif ied measur es a t a specif ied point . • The l ength of th e perf ormance accor dingly incr eases by the num ber of inserte d mea- sure s. 1. Speci fy the measur es you wish to copy from the s ourc e track.
Part I V Sequencer 101 QQTG0692 Sequen cer Changing the note position etc. of the recorded data You can chan ge the note pi tch and pos ition etc. of reco rded data. Select the funct ion 1. On the S EQ MENU display, u se the SONG ∧ and ∨ buttons to sele ct th e number of the song .
Part I V Sequencer 102 QQTG0692 Sequen cer VELOCITY CHANGE Modif y the r ecorde d veloci ty in specifi c mea- sures of speci fic tracks . 1. Use the TRACK ∧ and ∨ button s to selec t the trac k you wish to edit. • You cannot select th e track f or the CONTROL, RHYTHM or CHORD part.
Part I V Sequencer 103 QQTG0692 Sequen cer ADVANCE/ DELAY Speed up or delay the s ound product ion of spec - ified perf ormance data. 1. Use the TRACK ∧ and ∨ button s to selec t the trac k you wish to edit. • You cannot select th e track f or the CONTROL, RHYTHM or CHORD part.
104 QQTG0692 Comp oser Part V Compose r Outline of the Composer The COMPOSER enabl es you to creat e your o wn accom panime nt patt erns. A patt ern is compris ed of 8 parts: DRUMS 1 , 2 , BASS and ACCOMP1 – 5 pa rts. Th ese par ts would form the backin g of a son g.
Part V Compos er 105 QQTG0692 Comp oser COMPOSER menu 1. Pres s the PROGRAM MENUS butt on to tu rn it on. • The dis play lo oks s imilar to t he fol lowing . 2. Select COMP OSER. • The dis play lo oks s imilar to t he fol lowing . Three ways to recor d in the COMPOSER Ther e are three ways to crea te and record a rhythm .
Part V Compos er 106 QQTG0692 Comp oser Simple recording method With EASY COMPOSER y ou can easily c reate a unique rhythm patter n by sele cting a diff erent st yle for each pa rt of the rh ythm. 1. On the COMPOSER MENU displa y, sele ct EASY CO MPOSER.
Part V Compos er 107 QQTG0692 Comp oser • To assign a n ame to each VA RIATION, p ress the V ARI bu tton a nd select a number . 3. On the RECORD MEMORY display, press the OK button. • The dis play looks simi lar t o the fol lowing . 4. Press the CLE AR THE ENTIRE PATT ERN button .
Part V Compos er 108 QQTG0692 Comp oser Recording procedure 1. In the START RECORDING area on the dis - play, sele ct the rhyt hm part y ou wa nt to record first. BAS: BA SS AC1– 5: ACCOMP 1 – 5 DR1, 2: D RUMS 1 , 2 • The metrono me sound st arts and the di splay looks simil ar to the follo wing.
Part V Compos er 109 QQTG0692 Comp oser KEY IN CHOR D MODIFY <PA GE 2/2> (except for INTRO, ENDING, DRUMS) : Use the GROUP a nd TYPE ∧ and ∨ but tons to s elect the type of patte rn pro gression. • This set ting is for the s ound tha t is g oing to be record ed from this ti me.
Part V Compos er 110 QQTG0692 Comp oser Part Setting You can make detaile d setti ngs for each par t. 1. On the REALTIME RECORDING display, press th e PART SET TING butt on. • The setting s compris e 3 pages of t he displa y. Use the PAGE butto ns to switch pages.
Part V Compos er 111 QQTG0692 Comp oser Playback 1. In the RHYTHM GROUP section, press t he MEM ORY button . • The di splay loo ks similar t o the fo llowing. 2. Select t he desired mem ory (A/B/C). 3. Use th e VARIATION but tons to s elect a vari a- tion.
Part V Compos er 112 QQTG0692 Comp oser 5. Use the PHRS ∧ and ∨ buttons to specify the actual lengt h of the pr oduced soun d for the desire d legato or stacc ato effe ct. 6. Speci fy th e pitch and v eloci ty of t he no te by playi ng the keybo ard.
Part V Compos er 113 QQTG0692 Comp oser MEASURE COPY Copy rec orded dat a of speci fied meas ures to a speci fied poin t. • On the de stin ation tra ck, the n ew data repl aces th e curren t measure cont ents. 1. Speci fy the measur es you wish to copy from the s ource tr ack (FROM).
Part V Compos er 114 QQTG0692 Comp oser MEASURE DELETE Delete specif ied measur es from al l parts at once. • The l ength of th e perf ormance accor dingly decre ases by t he number of del eted mea - sure s. 1. Use the FIRST MEASURE ∧ and ∨ button s, to speci fy the fi rst measur e to de lete.
Part V Compos er 115 QQTG0692 Comp oser Pattern Copy Use th is functi on to co py a patte rn f rom a rhy thm or from SEQUENC ER data. PATTERN COPY Copy a rhyt hm to the COMPOSER . • You can also cop y a pat tern fr om the MEM ORY . 1. On the COMPOSER MENU displa y, sele ct PATTERN CO PY.
Part V Compos er 116 QQTG0692 Comp oser SEQ TO COMPOSER COPY Data from the SEQUENCER can be co pied to a COMPOSER memory. For ex ample, you can use a r hythm pattern on a song dis k as the aut o- matic accom pani ment f or y our own perfo r mance.
117 QQTG0692 Disk Dr ive (KN2 400) Part VI Disk Drive (KN240 0 ) Outline of the Disk Drive function The Disk Drive enables y ou to s tore reco rded and stored data fr om th is instr ument’ s memorie s on disks , as well as play commerc ial reco rded disks on t his ins trument.
Part V I Disk Drive (KN240 0) 118 QQTG0692 Disk Dr ive (KN2 400) Using commercial song dis k s Not only disks reco rded on th is instr ument, b ut also dat a from co mmercial song disks ca n be read on t his instrume nt.
Part V I Disk Drive (KN240 0) 119 QQTG0692 Disk Dr ive (KN2 400) Outline of the procedure 1. Insert the dis k into t he Disk Drive slot. Pu sh it all th e way in until you hear a click.
Part V I Disk Drive (KN240 0) 120 QQTG0692 Disk Dr ive (KN2 400) Loading data Recall (load) the data from th e disk t o this ins trume nt ’ s memorie s. • Note th at th e load pr ocedure causes any d ata whic h is cur rently stored in the rel evant memo ries to be erased .
Part V I Disk Drive (KN240 0) 121 QQTG0692 Disk Dr ive (KN2 400) 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 SINGLE LOAD You can specif y which da ta to load from a d isk into a spec ific PANEL MEMOR Y , COMPO SER (MEMORY), S OUND MEMORY , EFFECT MEM ORY or SEQUENC ER (when SO NG SAVE was execut ed) me mory.
Part V I Disk Drive (KN240 0) 122 QQTG0692 Disk Dr ive (KN2 400) 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 COMPOSER LOAD Load CO MPO SER data only from a di sk. 1. In the RHYTHM GROUP section, press and hold t he LOAD ( ME MO RY ) button for a fe w seconds . • The display l ooks simila r t o the fo llowing.
Part V I Disk Drive (KN240 0) 123 QQTG0692 Disk Dr ive (KN2 400) 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 The di spla y during pl ayback <Example: SMF> • During playb ack, the button s belo w the displ ay are use d for pla yer func tions suc h as fast for- ward, paus e, etc .
Part V I Disk Drive (KN240 0) 124 QQTG0692 Disk Dr ive (KN2 400) Song Medley Songs save d from the SEQU ENCER to a di sk (dis k data) in the TECHNI CS FORMA T can be played bac k in a me dley. 1. On the DIS K MENU display, se lect SONG MEDL EY from th e displa y.
Part V I Disk Drive (KN240 0) 125 QQTG0692 Disk Dr ive (KN2 400) Saving data The reco rded data and panel s ettings of thi s instrument can be sav ed on a disk.
Part V I Disk Drive (KN240 0) 126 QQTG0692 Disk Dr ive (KN2 400) 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 TECHNICS F ORMAT 1. Use t he butt ons below the di splay to speci fy the file nu mber yo u wish to save to . • The types of dat a that can be saved are shown in a frame on the ri ght side of the displa y.
Part V I Disk Drive (KN240 0) 127 QQTG0692 Disk Dr ive (KN2 400) <SEQUENCER SO NG SAVE> You can specify a single song i n the SEQUENCER to s ave t o the disk . 1. Use the PAGE buttons to access the 3/3 SEQUENCER SON G SAVE dis play. • The disp lay l ooks si milar to th e foll owing.
Part V I Disk Drive (KN240 0) 128 QQTG0692 Disk Dr ive (KN2 400) 7. Use the 1 MEAS URE SPACE butto ns to select ON or OFF. ON: A one -measur e space i s add ed to t he beginn ing of t he fi le.
Part V I Disk Drive (KN240 0) 129 QQTG0692 Disk Dr ive (KN2 400) • Note t hat this procedure clears any data which is cur rently stored o n the dis k. 1. Selec t the type o f format (2DD or 2HD). • Be sure to select th e type whic h is the same as your di sk typ e.
Part V I Disk Drive (KN240 0) 130 QQTG0692 Disk Dr ive (KN2 400) Set the automatic display when a disk is inserted When a di sk is ins erted in th e Disk Dri ve, the di splay automati cally cha nges to a di sk-pro cedure di splay. Follo w thi s proc edure to customi ze the aut omatic di splay.
131 QQTG0692 SD Ca rd ( KN2600) Part VII SD Card (KN2600) Outline of the SD card The dat a generated by t his inst rument can be stored and managed on an SD card in SM F or TECHNI CS format .
Part VI I SD Card (KN2600) 132 QQTG0692 SD Ca rd ( KN2600) 7. When y ou ha ve fin ished s etting the fu nctions , press th e SD butt on to t urn it off.
Part VI I SD Card (K N2600) 133 QQTG0692 SD Ca rd ( KN2600) Loading data Load the data f rom the SD card to this in strumen t’s memo ries. • Note that the load procedur e cau ses any dat a which i s curr ently st ored in the rel evant memo ries to be erased .
Part VI I SD Card (K N2600) 134 QQTG0692 SD Ca rd ( KN2600) 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 ALPHABET Load t he f ile fr om an al phabe tical l ist of all songs saved in TECHNIC S format on the SD card. 1. Use th e ∧ and ∨ butt ons to chan ge the al pha- betica l letter or th e displa y page.
Part VI I SD Card (K N2600) 135 QQTG0692 SD Ca rd ( KN2600) 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 COMPOSER LOAD Load CO MPO SER da ta onl y fr om a ca rd. 1. In the RHYTHM GROUP section, press and hold t he LOAD ( ME MO RY ) button for a fe w seconds . • The disp lay loo ks sim ilar to the foll owin g.
Part VI I SD Card (KN2600) 136 QQTG0692 SD Ca rd ( KN2600) SD-Audio Play Play ba ck audio data o n the SD card saved by a PC, etc. 1. Ins ert th e SD card with the stor ed data to be play ed int o the SD slot. (S ee page 131 .) • Close t he lid sec urely af ter inser ting the card.
Part VI I SD Card (KN2600) 137 QQTG0692 SD Ca rd ( KN2600) SD-Sound Play Play back SMF da ta saved on the SD card (SD-SOUND). • Lyrics o f the SMF with LYRICS fi les can b e als o dis played. 1. Ins ert th e SD card with the stor ed data to be play ed int o the SD slot.
Part VI I SD Card (KN2600) 138 QQTG0692 SD Ca rd ( KN2600) Playlist The i nstrume nt handl es the SD-AUDIO/ SD-SOUND fi les in PLAYLI ST uni ts. Th e expl anatio n of t he PLAYLIS T is a s follows . PLAYLIST typ e Ther e are tw o types o f PLAYLI ST. <DEFAULT P LAYLIST: (Tota l list )> A coll ection of all da ta saved in an SD card .
Part VI I SD Card (KN2600) 139 QQTG0692 SD Ca rd ( KN2600) SD Song Medley Songs saved from the SEQUENCER to an SD card in the TECHNICS FORMAT can be played back in a mel ody. 1. On the SD MENU dis play, se lect SD SONG MEDLEY. • The disp lay l ooks si milar to th e foll owing.
Part VI I SD Card (KN2600) 140 QQTG0692 SD Ca rd ( KN2600) Saving Data The i ntern al data of t his instrum ent can be saved on the SD ca rd. SAVE 1. Inser t an SD card for saving into t he SD slot. (See page 1 31.) 2. Press SD button to tu rn it on. 3.
Part VI I SD Card (KN2600) 141 QQTG0692 SD Ca rd ( KN2600) <SAVE OPTI ON> Speci fy th e kind of data you wish to save to t he SD car d. To maxi mize ef fective use of SD card memory o r to mi nimi ze the save time, select only the t ype of data you wis h to save.
Part VI I SD Card (KN2600) 142 QQTG0692 SD Ca rd ( KN2600) 5. Use the F ROM SONG butt ons to select t he SEQUENCER song number y ou wish to save. • The so ng name t o save from is shown be low the F ROM SONG button. 6. Use the P ANEL HEADER but tons to spe cify ON or OFF.
Part VI I SD Card (KN2600) 143 QQTG0692 SD Ca rd ( KN2600) Create an album of your favorite songs The FAV ORITE SONGS display allows yo u to cre ate an a lbum of your fa vorite songs which are aligned in a desire d order, mak ing it easy to loa d your favorit e song to play ba ck imm ediately.
Part VI I SD Card (KN2600) 144 QQTG0692 SD Ca rd ( KN2600) SD card managemen t Vari ous SD c ard man agemen t proc edures, such as fi le d elete, file copy, card format, and file rename are avail able f rom the SD TOOL S menu. SD TOOL S 1. Inser t th e SD card to m anage into the SD slot .
Part VI I SD Card (KN2600) 145 QQTG0692 SD Ca rd ( KN2600) Set the priority of displays Specif y the des ired pri ority of display s when the LOAD button i s pr es sed on the contr ol panel . SD PREF ERENCE S 1. On the SD MENU display, s elect S D PREF- ERENCES.
146 QQTG0692 Soun d Part VIII Sound Outline of the Sound The SOUND mode is u sed for making fine adjustments to the functions rel ated to sound, such as tone, and tun ing. 1. Pres s the PROGRAM MENUS butt on to tu rn it on. • The dis play lo oks s imilar to t he fol lowing .
Part VII I Sound 147 QQTG0692 Soun d Part Setting Set the va rious s ound a ttributes for each part . S e l e c t i n g an attribute 1. On the SOUND MENU display, se lect PART SETTING. 2. Use the P ART SELECT ∧ an d ∨ butt ons to selec t the part.
Part VII I Sound 148 QQTG0692 Soun d <PAGE 2> REVERB: Use th e REVERB ∧ and ∨ button s to adj ust the depth of the RE VERB (0 to 127) . DIG ITAL E FFE CT: Use the DIG. EFFECT ON/OFF buttons t o set the DIG ITAL EFFEC T to on o r off. CHORUS: Use the CHORUS ON/OF F button to set the CHORUS to on or off .
Part VII I Sound 149 QQTG0692 Soun d <PAGE 4> FILTER R ESONANCE: Use the RESO ∧ and ∨ butt ons to ad just th e amou nt o f resona nce (0 t o 127). ATTACK TIME: Use the ATT ∧ an d ∨ bu ttons to spec ify th e attack time (0 to 127) . DECAY TIME: Use the DEC ∧ and ∨ buttons to sp ecify the decay t ime (0 to 127).
Part VII I Sound 150 QQTG0692 Soun d Mixer Use the MIXER di splay to visua lly adju st the m ajor set tings of eac h part. Use this di splay t o make b road, gener al c hanges t o the sett ings . 1. On the SOUND MENU display, select MIXER. • The MI XER displ ay consi sts of 5 page s.
Part VII I Sound 151 QQTG0692 Soun d EQUALIZER LOW: Sound q uality c orrect ion in th e low rang e. Selec t EQUALIZE R LOW FC; use the buttons below t he dis play to s et the st anda rd fre - quency. Select EQUALIZE R LOW GAIN; use the butt ons b elow the display to set th e rati o of chan ge.
Part VII I Sound 152 QQTG0692 Soun d Master Tunin g This setting is used to fine-tune the pitch of the entire instrument. This is convenien t when t he Keyboard is playe d with othe r instrum ents or with a rec orded pe rforma nce. 1. On the SOUND MENU display, sele ct MASTER TUNI NG.
Part VII I Sound 153 QQTG0692 Soun d 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 ORIGINAL tuning Each i nstrum ent o f each sound has it s own ori gi- nal t uning data. T his s etting affect s the t uning curve that spans t he enti re keyboa rd.
Part VII I Sound 154 QQTG0692 Soun d APC Reverb Setting Alth ough an appropr iate REV ERB i s applied for t he automa tic accom panime nt part s depen ding on t he rhyt hms by def ault, yo u can adj ust th e REVERB lev el f or each p art. 1. On the SOUND MENU di splay, select APC REVERB SE TTING.
155 QQTG0692 Reverb & E ffect Part IX Reverb & Effec t Outline of the Reverb & Effect In the REVERB & EFFECT mode, you can mak e detailed settings related to th is instrument’s effects. 1. Pres s the PROGRAM MENUS butt on to tu rn it on.
Part I X Reverb & Effec t 156 QQTG0692 Reverb & E ffect Tone Control Setting s for the entire ins trument ’ s final output sound quality. 1. On the REVER B & EFFECT di splay, select TONE CONTROL. • The disp lay l ooks si milar to th e foll owing.
157 QQTG0692 Sound Edi t Part X Sound Edi t Outline of the Sound Edit SOUND EDIT enable s you to cre ate you r own ne w sound b y alteri ng one of the this i nstru ment’s p reset soun ds. Your new sou nd can be st ored in on e of the sou nd memory lo cations.
Part X Sound Edit 158 QQTG0692 Sound Edi t • When DRUM KIT sounds a re selec ted an d the SOUND E DIT is ac tivated , the sett ing dis play looks differ ent fr om that for oth er so unds, but the bas ic op eration is the s ame.
Part X Sound Edit 159 QQTG0692 Sound Edi t Tone Edit Modify the se parate tones which comprise the sound. About to nes A sou nd may be made u p of at most f our tone s.
Part X Sound Edit 160 QQTG0692 Sound Edi t PEDAL: The soun d is produc ed only while the SUS - TAIN button is on. CHORD: The so und is e mphasi zed when ch ords ar e play ed (li ke the cu tting s ound of a guit ar, fo r exam ple).
Part X Sound Edit 161 QQTG0692 Sound Edi t VELO CITY LA YER Adjus t these settings to regulat e the to ne output rela tive to t he veloc ity. 1. Use the PAG E button s to view the 3/4 display. • The disp lay l ooks si milar to th e foll owing. 2. Use the butt ons to the left o f the d ispl ay to sel ect a tone (1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th ).
Part X Sound Edit 162 QQTG0692 Sound Edi t Pitch Edit Adjus t the sett ings relat ed to t he pit ch of the so und. KEY SHIFT & DETUNE 1. On the SOUND EDIT menu display, sele ct PITCH. • The disp lay l ooks si milar to th e foll owing. 2. Use the butt ons to the left o f the d ispl ay to sel ect a tone (1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th ).
Part X Sound Edit 163 QQTG0692 Sound Edi t PITCH ENVELOPE TOUCH & KEY FOLLOW Speci fy how the pi tch envelop e change s in rela- tion to note p itch. 1. Use the PAG E button s to view the 4/4 display. 2. Use the b uttons to le ft of t he displ ay to sel ect a tone.
Part X Sound Edit 164 QQTG0692 Sound Edi t 4. Use the CUT OFF ∧ and ∨ bu ttons to se t the freq uency ran ge which is c ut b y the fi lter . 5. Use the RESONANCE ∧ and ∨ but tons to spec ify the reso nance va lue (dB).
Part X Sound Edit 165 QQTG0692 Sound Edi t FILTER ENVELOPE T OUCH & KEY FOLLOW Speci fy how the filter envelo pe (c urve) chan ges rela tive to t ouch or not e pit ch. 1. Use the PAG E button s to view the 4/4 display. • The dis play looks simi lar t o the fol lowing .
Part X Sound Edit 166 QQTG0692 Sound Edi t ENVELOPE Speci fy how th e volu me changes over time, f rom the ti me the key is played to th e time the so und dies o ut. 1. Use the PAG E button s to view the 2/3 display. • The disp lay l ooks si milar to th e foll owing.
Part X Sound Edit 167 QQTG0692 Sound Edi t LFO Edit LFO c an be applied to the pitc h, am plitud e, filte r and/ or pan to produc e a cycl ic modul ation o f the sound. • Twel ve LFO grou ps can be use d. LFO 1. On the SOUND EDIT MEN U display, se lect LFO.
Part X Sound Edit 168 QQTG0692 Sound Edi t Effect Edit These are setti ngs relate d to the vario us eff ects applied t o your e dited sound. EFFECT 1. On the SOUND EDIT menu display, sele ct EFFECT. • The disp lay l ooks si milar to th e foll owing.
Part X Sound Edit 169 QQTG0692 Sound Edi t Controller Edit Speci fy how opera tion o f the cont rolle rs, such a s the w heels , etc. , a ffects the soun d. CONT ROLLER 1. On the SOUND EDIT menu display, sele ct CONTROLLER. • The disp lay l ooks si milar to th e foll owing.
Part X Sound Edit 170 QQTG0692 Sound Edi t 3. Use the button s below t he disp lay to assign a name. • Set t he char acte r input posit ion with the POSI - TION but tons, se lect th e charac ters wit h the alphan umeric bu tton s and repe at name assign ment.
171 QQTG0692 Control Part XI Contro l Outline of Control functions Vari ous sett ings related to the oper ation o f this inst rument a re adjusted with the CONTR OL functions. 1. Pres s the PROGRAM MENUS butt on to tu rn it on. • The dis play looks simi lar t o the fol lowing .
Part XI Control 172 QQTG0692 Control Overall Touch Sensitivity This instrumen t feat ures INIT IAL TOUCH (the volum e, for examp le, cha nges dependin g on how hard the keyboar d is pl ayed). 1. On the CONTROL MENU display, select OVERALL T OUCH SE NSITIVITY .
Part XI Control 173 QQTG0692 Control PANEL MEM ORY 1 to 8: The sp ecifie d PANEL MEMORY numbe r is turn ed on. P. MEM INC.+DEC.: Pres s the switch t o incremen t the PANEL MEM ORY number select ion by one; re lease the s witch t o retur n to the pre vious n umber.
174 QQTG0692 Customize Part XII Customize Outline of Customize functions Many of this in strume nt’s s ett ings ca n b e cust omize d for maxi mum playing conve n ience and ea se. 1. Pres s the PROGRAM MENUS butt on to tu rn it on. • The dis play looks simi lar t o the fol lowing .
Part XI I Customize 175 QQTG0692 Customize Display Time Out Numerou s message d isplays a nd set ting di splays co nvenient ly gui de you t hrough the operat ion ste ps of this in strumen t.
Part XI I Customize 176 QQTG0692 Customize Data Protection Data which you don’t want to chan ge but which is normal ly overwr itten dur ing disk l oad, song change, or the a utomati c setti ng functio ns, e tc. can be protected from accide ntal overwr iti ng.
177 QQTG0692 MIDI Part XIII MID I What is MIDI ? MIDI ( Music al Inst rument Digita l Int erface ) i s the i ntern ational standa rd fo r di gita l commun icati on of elec- tronic m usical ins trument data.
Part XI I I MIDI 178 QQTG0692 MIDI MIDI c hannels Many differen t kinds of performa nce data ar e sent usi ng jus t one MIDI ca ble. This is possib le because MIDI signals ar e sent and rec eived thro ugh 16 di ffere nt “ bas ic channe ls ” (n umbe red 1 to 16 ).
Part XI I I MIDI 179 QQTG0692 MIDI Outline of MIDI functions 1. Pres s the PROGRAM MENUS butt on to tu rn it on. • The disp lay l ooks si milar to th e foll owing. 2. Select M IDI. • The disp lay l ooks si milar to th e foll owing. 3. Select a function.
Part XI I I MIDI 180 QQTG0692 MIDI Part Setting Follow this pro cedure to set the function s which can be set for each part: MIDI CHANNELs, the OCTAVE data to NOTE data duri ng transm ission, and LOCAL CONTROL (whet her or not th e sound gener ator of this in strumen t is active during tr ansmission).
Part XI I I MIDI 181 QQTG0692 MIDI Control Messages Enabl e or disable th e exchange of var ious contro l da ta. 1. On the MIDI MENU display, se lect CONTROL MESSAGES . • The disp lay l ooks si milar to th e foll owing. • The CONTROL MESSAGES display consists of 3 p ages.
Part XI I I MIDI 182 QQTG0692 MIDI Common Setting Set th e functi ons which are common t o all pa rts. 1. On the MIDI MENU display, select COMMON SETTING. • The dis play lo oks s imilar to t he fol lowing . 2. Use ▲ and ▼ button s to s elect th e item .
Part XI I I MIDI 183 QQTG0692 MIDI Mode Setting Initiali ze the settings for when th e NX SOUND or GM LEVEL 2 mode is ON. 1. On the MIDI MENU dis play, se lect MODE SETTING. • The disp lay l ooks si milar to th e foll owing. 2. Selec t the mode. • There are two modes fo r GM LEVEL 2 depend ing on t he parts to use.
Part XI I I MIDI 184 QQTG0692 MIDI DRUM PATTERN OUTPUT ON: Da ta from th e DRUMS part is transmit ted. OFF: Dat a from the DRUMS part is no t trans- mitt ed. AUTO PLAY CHORD OUTPUT ON: The d ata for the ACCOMP and BAS S part s is trans mitted. OFF: The data for the above par ts is not tran s- mitt ed.
Part XI I I MIDI 185 QQTG0692 MIDI 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 Stor ing us er se tting s Afte r you ch ange the MIDI sett ings , you can stor e your cust omized setting s in USER. 1. Adjus t the variou s MIDI set tings. 2. Go to PAGE 4/4 of the MIDI PRE SETS dis- play.
186 QQTG0692 Initialize This Ke yboard h as many s ettable fun ctions and storable me mor ies. How ever, yo u can retur n the sett ings and memor y to the fa ctory- preset status. IN ITIA L 1. Pres s the PROGRAM MENUS butt on to tu rn it on. • The displ ay change s to the foll owin g.
187 QQTG0692 About the performance dat a • The BACK UP da ta will not be erase d even with the passage of ti me. • The back up memory does not func tion fo r the stored conte nts until the power has been on for abou t 10 minute s.
188 QQTG0692 Terminals Back panel t erminals USB This te rminal allows conne ction to a person al comp uter with a USB c able (commer ciall y avail - able ty pe AB ca ble). Used with t he applicat ions on t he includ ed CD- ROM, you ca n record this instrument ’ s audio sound or manage t he instr ument dat a with you r PC.
189 QQTG0692 Symptoms which appear to be signs of trouble The f ollowin g change s in per forman ce may o ccur i n the Techn ics K eyboar d but do no t indica te trou ble. Phenomenon Remedy The buttons, keys, etc. malfunction. • Turn off the PO WER button once, then turn it on again.
190 QQTG0692 Storage is not possible. • The rema ining m emory capacit y of the COMPOSER is 0. Setting the time signature is not possible. • The time signature cannot be changed for a pattern which is currently recorded in the COMPOSER . If you wish to change the time signature, first follow the pro- cedure to clear the memory.
191 QQTG0692 No. Content s 00 The dat a on the disk that you are usin g is for a d ifferen t prod uct. 01 An error has occurr ed while t he disk was load ing. Please try aga in! 02 There is no dis k in the Disk Drive. 03 The fil e that you tr ied to load is empty.
192 QQTG0692 56 AUTO PUNCH recording has been unsucc essful be cause SEQUENCER operat ion was int errupte d before the PUNCH OUT measure was reache d. 58 The song that you h ave trie d to load exceeds t his inst rument ’ s avai labl e memory an d cannot be loaded .
193 QQTG0692 Index A ADVANCED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 AMPLITUDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 APC CONTROL (MIDI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 AUTO PLAY CHORD.
194 QQTG0692 MUSIC STYLE ARRANGER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 MUTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 N NOTE EDIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 NOTE ONLY (MI DI) .
196 QQTG0692 • Design and specifications are subject to change without notice. • The SD logo is a trademark. SD CARD — LOAD, SA VE, FAVORITE SONGS, SD SONG MED LEY, SD-AUD IO PLAY, SD-SOUN D PLA.
197 QQTG0692 (For U.S.A. ) Customer Services Directory Limited Warranty Coverage If your product does not work properly because of a defect in materials or workmanship, Panasonic Consumer Electronics .
198 QQTG0692 MEMO 1 98 ページ 2003年 2月5日 水 曜日 午後3時1 0分.
199 QQTG0692 MEMO 1 99 ページ 2003年 2月5日 水 曜日 午後3時1 0分.
QQTG0692 ENGLISH QQTG0692 Se0203S0 SX-KN2400 SX-KN2600(ENGLISH) SX- KN2400 SX- KN2600 KEYBOARD Operating Instructions SX- KN2400 SX- KN2600 KEYBOARD ENGLISH Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. Web Site: Before connecting, operating or adjusting this product, please read these instructions completely.
デバイスPanasonic SX-KN2600の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Panasonic SX-KN2600をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPanasonic SX-KN2600の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Panasonic SX-KN2600の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Panasonic SX-KN2600で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Panasonic SX-KN2600を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPanasonic SX-KN2600の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Panasonic SX-KN2600に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPanasonic SX-KN2600デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。