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Basic Owner ’ s Manual Dual C amer a Model No. HX-W A30 HX-W A3 HX-W A03 Please rea d these ins tructions carefully bef ore using this pr oduct, and save this manual for fut ure use.
2 VQT 4X05 Safet y Precaut ions Dear Customer , Thank you for choosing Panasonic! Y ou have purchased one of the most sophisticated and reliable products on the market today . Used properly , we’re s ure it will bring you and your family years of enjoyment.
VQT4X0 5 3 THE FOLLOW ING APP LIES ONL Y IN THE U.S.A. THE FOLLOWING AP PLIES ONL Y IN CANADA. FCC Note: This equipmen t has been tested and fo und to comply w ith the limits for a C lass B digital device, pursuant to Pa rt 15 of the FC C Rules.
4 VQT 4X05 THE FOLLOWING AP PLIES ONL Y IN THE U.S.A. AND CANADA. ∫ Concerning the battery AC adaptor This AC ad apt or operates on AC between 100 V and 240 V . But ≥ In the U.S .A. and Canada , t he AC adaptor must be connec t ed to a 120 V AC power supply only .
VQT4X0 5 5 ∫ Product Id entification M arking -If you see this symbol- THE FOLLOWING AP PLIES ONL Y IN THE U.S.A. AND CANADA. Product Location Dual Camera Inner side of LCD monitor Info r m a ti on on D is p osa l in ot her C o un trie s ou tside the European Unio n This symbol is only valid in t he European Union.
6 VQT 4X05 For Chile The Wi-Fi funct ion of this camera must be use d indoors -only . ∫ Cautions for use Keep this unit as fa r away as possible from elec tromagnetic equipment (such a s microwave ovens, TV s, video games etc.
VQT4X0 5 7 ∫ Indemnity a bout recorded content Panason ic does n ot accept an y responsibil ity for damag es directly o r indirect ly due to any type of problems that result in lo ss of recordin g or edited co ntent, and doe s not guarantee any content if rec ording or editing does not wo rk properl y .
8 VQT 4X05 Prep aration (Important) About the W ate rproo f/Dus tproof and Anti-shock Performance of thi s unit. ......... ..... ......... ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ......... ...... 10 Check b efore using u nderw ater ...
VQT4X0 5 9 Basic Reco rding m otion picture s .... ...... ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ . 33 Reco rding s till pi ctures ....... ......... ........ ......... ........ ...... ........ ........ .... 34 Reco rding a udio... ....
10 VQT4X05 This does not gu arantee no destruction , no malfunctio n, or waterproofing in al l conditions. *1 This means t hat this uni t can be used under water for specifi ed time in specified pressure in accord ance with the handling metho d esta blis hed by Pana so nic.
VQT4X05 11 12 rid ges, 6 faces) us ing 5 s ets o f devices, a nd pas sing the 26 or ientat ion drop s within 5 devices. (If failu re occurs duri ng the test, a new set is used to p ass the drop orie ntation test with in a total of 5 devices.) Panasoni c ’ s test met hod is based on the abo ve “MIL-STD 810F Method 5 16.
12 VQT4X05 ≥ Wipe off any sand grai ns or dust on th e speaker or microphon es. Do not use a nee dle or other sh arp obj ect. (Wat erproofing perf or mance may be adver s ely affec t ed) ≥ Foreign.
VQT4X05 13 1 Open the re ar door . 2 Check th at there are no foreig n object s on the inne r side of the rear do or . ≥ If there ar e any foreign objec ts , such as lint, hair , san d, etc., on the surrounding area, water will leak withi n a few seconds causing malfunction .
14 VQT4X05 3 If foreign object s are present, wipe them off with a lint-free cloth. ≥ Be extreme ly carefu l to remove any sa nd etc. that ma y adher e to the si des and corners of the rubber s eal . ≥ Wipe it of f with a dry soft cloth if th ere is any liquid.
VQT4X05 15 ≥ Use this unit un derwater at a depth of down to 10 m (33 feet) with the water temper ature betwee n 0 o C and 35 o C (32 o F and 95 o F).
16 VQT4X05 1 Rinse wi th water w ith the rear doo r closed. ≥ Afte r use at the seaside or und erwat er , s oak the unit in fr esh water pooled in a shallow cont ainer for 10 minutes o r less.
VQT4X05 17 3 Wipe off water drop s on this unit w ith a dry sof t c loth and dry this unit in a shaded area wh ich is well ventilated. ≥ Dry this un it by stan ding it on a dry cl ot h. ≥ If water colle ct s on the microphones or sp eak er of this unit , it may cause lower so und or distor ted sound.
18 VQT4X05 ∫ Wiping m oisture from the unit If there is moist u re insid e the rear door , wipe eve ry crevice compl etely clear o f moisture . (This moist ure is not due to ex pos ure to water) A Moisture he re ∫ About the wa ter draining des ign This unit is des igned so that wat er that entered the ga ps around the zoom butt on et c.
VQT4X05 19 ≥ It may cause in jury to the ski n if you directl y touch the met al pa rts of the unit in pla ces w here tem per ature is ver y low [en vir onment s under 0 o C (32 o F), su ch as ski resor ts or places at high alti tude] for a long period of ti me.
20 VQT4X05 * T o prevent the unit f r om drop ping, be sure to att ach the handstrap . Prepar atio n Accessories Check the ac cessories bef ore using this unit.
VQT4X05 21 ∫ About batteries that you can use with th is unit Inserting/removing the battery ≥ Press the power button to turn off the unit. ( l 30) 1 Open the re ar door . Prepar atio n Power supply The batt er y that can b e us ed with this unit i s VW-VBX09 0.
22 VQT4X05 2 (T o insert the battery pack) Confirm th e orient ation of the termin al markings and insert the battery . A terminal marking s ≥ Confirm that lev er B is locked on to th e battery . ≥ It is pos sibl e to mist aken ly insert t he batt ery up side down, so be sure to che ck th e orie nta t i o n ca refu ll y .
VQT4X05 23 3 Close the rea r door . 1 Close the rear door . 2 Slide the op en/close lev er . 3 Lock the LO CK lever . ≥ Lock se curely t o the poi nt s wh ere the red por tio n C of t he o pen/c lose lever and LOCK lev er are no longer v isible.
24 VQT4X05 Charging the battery The unit is in th e s t andby condit ion when the AC adaptor is connecte d. The primary ci rcuit is always “live” as long as the AC ada pt or is connec ted to an electr ical out let. Important: ≥ The AC adap tor and USB cable are for use with this uni t only .
VQT4X05 25 3 Connect t he USB cable to the u nit. ≥ Connecti ng the USB cable in the wr ong dir ection may cause damage to the USB/ A V connector of the unit. If the conn ec tor has become damaged, it may not op erate corre ctly , inclu ding failure to recogni z e the c able eve n if it has been c onnecte d.
26 VQT4X05 ≥ These times are ap proximations. ≥ The indicated c harging time is for when the battery has bee n disc harged c omple tely . Chargin g tim e and r ecord able t ime va ry depending on the usage conditions such as high/low temperatur e.
VQT4X05 27 The unit can re c ord mot i on pic tures, s till pictur es or audio to an SD card or built-in memor y . T o record to an SD card, read the f ollowing. Cards that you can use w ith this unit Use SD cards conforming to Class 4 or high er of the SD Speed Class Rating f o r moti o n pictu re record in g .
28 VQT4X05 Inserting/removing an SD c a rd When using an SD card not from Pa nas onic, or one previousl y used on other equip ment, for the firs t time on this unit, f ormat the SD card. ( l 40) When the SD card is forma tted, all of the record ed data is deleted.
VQT4X05 29 2 Insert (remove ) the SD card into (from) the card slot. 3 Close the rea r door . ≥ Face the lab el s ide A in the directi on shown in t he illustration and press it straight in as far as it will g o . ≥ Press the center of the SD card and the n pull it strai ght out.
30 VQT4X05 Open the LCD monitor and p ress the pow er button to turn on the un it. The LCD monitor turns on. Prepar atio n T urning the unit on/off T o turn o ff the unit Hold down the power but t on until the LCD monitor goes off . ≥ Pressing the power butt on for a short time sends the un it into S tandby Mode.
VQT4X05 31 If the screen to set t he da te and time a ppears when yo u turn on the unit, skip to st ep 2 and follow the s teps to set the date a nd time. 1 Select the m enu. ( l 38) 2 Select an ite m ([DA TE]/[T IME]/[DISP]) using the SET button and the n tilt the SET button to the right or press th e SET button.
32 VQT4X05 (When [DISP] is selected) Select the date forma t displ ay me thod using the SET button. 4 Press the SET b u tton. 5 Select [SA VE DA TE AND TIME] using the SET bu tton and then pr ess the SET button. 6 (At the time of purchase only) After sett ing [CLOCK SET], notes for underwater use are dis played.
VQT4X05 33 ≥ Motion pictures are recorded to the SD card if one is inserted. If no SD card is i nserted, the mot ion pictures are recorded to the buil t-in memory . 1 Open the L CD monitor . 2 Press the REC/ button to cha nge to recording mode. 3 Press the recording st art/stop butto n to start recording.
34 VQT4X05 ≥ S till pi ctur es are re corded to S D card if one is inser ted. If no SD card is inserte d, the still pictu res are recorded to the built-i n memory . 1 Open the L CD monitor . 2 Press the REC/ button to cha nge to recording mode. 3 (For Auto Focus only) Press the button halfw ay .
VQT4X05 35 ≥ Audio is record ed to the SD card if one is inser ted . If no SD card is inserte d, the audio is record ed to the built -in memo ry . 1 Open the L CD monitor . 2 Press the REC/ button to cha nge to recording mode. 3 Select the m enu. ( l 38) 4 St art recording by p r essing th e recording sta rt/stop button.
36 VQT4X05 1 Press the REC/ button to change to Pla yback Mode. 2 Select the fi le to play back using the SET button and press th e SET button. A The infor mation for the file in t h e yellow fr ame is displayed. ≥ T ilt and hold th e SET button up or down to di s play the next (or prev ious ) page .
VQT4X05 37 3 Play back using the SET button. B Operat ion icon* * If the operat i on icon disa ppe ars, perform a SET butt on ope ration to display it.
38 VQT4X05 1 Press the M ENU button. 2 Tilt the SET button to the lef t. 3 Select t ab A using the SET b utton, and tilt the SET button to the rig ht or press the SET bu tton. 4 Select f rom menu items B using the SET button , and tilt the SET butto n to the right, or press the SET button.
VQT4X05 39 5 Select the s etting content using the SET button and press the SET button to set. ∫ About applica ble mode indicator In the rec ord ing menu, the Recording Mod e that refle ct s the currently displayed s et t ing is di sp layed. C Applicabl e mode indicator : Setting is applied to still picture an d motion pict ure recording.
40 VQT4X05 Language selection Y ou ca n select th e language on the scree n display and the men u s creen. Formatting Please b e awa re that if a mediu m is f ormatt ed, then all t he dat a recorded on the medi um will be era sed and canno t be res tore d.
VQT4X05 41 Press the REC/ button to cha nge to recording mode. ≥ During zoom ope rations, t he zoo m bar is displayed . ≥ i.Zoom and Digita l Zoom can be set in [ZOOM MODE].
42 VQT4X05 Double range zoom [HX-W A3] / [HX-W A03 ] The enlarg ed s ize will be approx imat ely double size (double ran ge zoom). Press a gain to return to normal size. 1 Press the REC/ button to cha nge to recording mode. 2 Press the zo om range button.
VQT4X05 43 Y ou can record fast- moving object s in sports scene , etc. in slow mot i on. 1 Press the REC/ button to cha nge to recording mode. 2 Press the button to switch the r ecordin g mode. ≥ Each time y ou pr ess the button, di splay chang es.
44 VQT4X05 3 (When [SLO W MOTION M ODE] is selected) Select the m enu. ≥ Press the MENU but ton to exit the menu sett i ng. 4 Pres s the record ing st art/stop bu tton to s tart r ec ording . ≥ (When [SLOW MOTION (CONTINUOUS MODE)] i s select ed) If you press t he SET button, the r ec ording mode ( / ) switches .
VQT4X05 45 Y ou ca n add vario us types o f filter ef fect s when re cording moti on pict ures and still pictures. 1 Press the REC/ button to cha nge to recording mode. 2 Select the m enu. ( l 38) ≥ / Y ou ca n al s o di s p l a y the [CREA TIVE CONTROL] menu by pres sing t he button .
46 VQT4X05 The unit can re c ord und erwater at depths of down t o 10 m (33 feet) ( ) /5 m (16 feet ) ( / ). (f or pe r i od s w i th i n 60 minutes) When recording un derwa t er , set [SCENE MODE] to (UNDER WA TER). The color b alance and audio recording will be suitable f or recording underwat er .
VQT4X05 47 By linking wit h Wi -Fi comp a tible devic es, you can u se t he Wi-F i fun c tions of [LINK TO CELL] and [DLNA PLA YBACK] . Before us ing the resp ec tive Wi-Fi function s , chec k an d prepare y our devi ce. T o use the Wi-F i function, co nnect this unit to a wireless ac cess point or smartpho ne vi a Wi-Fi.
48 VQT4X05 If the Wi-Fi connecti on cannot b e established Please ref er to the operati ng ins truction of the device in use for det ails about t he set ting of the wireless acces s point o r smartphone . Problem Ch eck p o int s It cannot connect to the wir eless access p oint.
VQT4X05 49 The Wi-Fi connection is not possible between this unit and a smartphone. (Wireless Access Point Connection) ≥ Make sure the sma rtphone is properly connected t o the wirele s s acces s point by checking th e Wi-Fi settings of the smartp hone.
50 VQT4X05 ∫ Carefully obser ve copy right laws Whatever you have record ed and created can be used for your personal entertainment only. Under copyright la ws, other mater ials cannot be used wit hout obtainin g permiss ion from t he holde rs of the copyri ghts.
VQT4X05 51 This product in c orpor ates the following soft w ar e: (1) the sof tw are deve loped inde pen dent ly by or f or Panasonic Corpora tion , (2) the sof tware owne d by third party and licensed to Panasonic Corpor ation , and/or (3) the open source soft ware.
52 VQT4X05 Dual Camera Inform a tio n fo r you r safe ty Other s S p ecificati ons Power sou rce: DC 5.0 V (When us ing AC adaptor) DC 3.7 V (When us ing battery) Power cons umption: Recording; 4.8 W / 4.1 W Char ging ; 4.8 W / 4.8 W Recording fo rm at: MPEG-4 A VC file fo rmat st and ard (.
VQT4X05 53 Recording m edia: SD Memory Card SDHC Memory Card SDXC Memory Card Refer to the owner’s ma nual (P DF format) f or det ails on SD car ds usab le in this unit. Built-in memory ; Approx. 65 MB Image sens o r: 1/2.33 z 1MO S image sensor T otal; Approx .
54 VQT4X05 / Auto iris F3. 5 to F3.7 Focal length; 6.8 mm to 34.0 mm 35 mm equivalent ; Motion picture ; 38.9 mm to 233.4 mm (Double range z oom W mode, 4:3) 40.0 mm to 240.0 mm (Double range z oom W mode , 16:9) 80.9 mm to 485.4 mm (Double range z oom T m ode, 4:3) 82.
VQT4X05 55 Minimum required illumination: Approx. 2 lx (1/15 wit h Low Light mode in th e Scene mod e) Appr ox. 6 lx (Sce ne m ode o ff 1/30) / Approx. 3 lx (1/15 wit h Low Light mode in th e Scene mod e) Appr ox. 9 lx (Sce ne m ode o ff 1/30) USB/A V connect o r vi d eo output level: 1.
56 VQT4X05 Mass (W eight): Approx. 269 g (Appro x . 0. 594 lbs .) [without batter y (supplied) and an SD card (opt ional)] / Approx. 257 g (Appro x . 0. 567 lbs .) [without batter y (supplied) and an SD card (opt ional)] Mass (Weight) in operation: Approx.
VQT4X05 57 AC adaptor Inform a tio n fo r you r safe ty Crash resistance performance: The test met hod of this unit is in complianc e with “MIL -ST D 810F Method 516. 5-Shock” * . * “MIL -S TD 810F Method 516.5-Sh ock” is the test method standard of the U.
58 VQT4X05 Other s Optional acce ssori es Accessory No. Figure Descriptio n VW-V BX090 * Recharg eable Li thium Ion Batt ery Pack RP-CHEU15 HDMI micro cable * Please refer to pag e 25, con c erni ng th e bat tery charging time and availabl e recording ti me.
VQT4X05 59 Accessory Order Form (For USA and Puerto Ri co Customers) In CANADA, plea se contact yo ur local Panason ic deale r for more informati on on Accessories .
60 VQT4X05 Other s Limited W arranty (ONL Y FOR U. S.A. AND PUER T O RICO) Panasonic Consumer Marketing Company of North America, Division of Panasonic Corporation of North America One Panasonic Way, .
62 VQT4X05 Other s Wa r r a n t y (For Canadian Customers) Panasonic Canada Inc. 5770 Ambler Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L4W 2T3 PANASONIC PRODUCT – LIMITED WARRANTY EXCHANGE PROGRAM Panasonic Canada Inc.
VQT4X05 63 Other s Us efu l Informatio n (Only For Latin American Count ries) Customer Service Customer Service Directory Obtain product information and operative assistant; localize the closer distributor or Service Center; buy spare parts and accessories by our web site to Latin American: http://www .
VQT4X05 1AG6P1P6651--(S) Panasonic Consumer Marketing Company of North America, Division of Panasonic Corporation of North America One Panasonic W ay , Secaucus, NJ 07094 Panasonic Canada Inc.
デバイスPanasonic VQT4XD5の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Panasonic VQT4XD5をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPanasonic VQT4XD5の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Panasonic VQT4XD5の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Panasonic VQT4XD5で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Panasonic VQT4XD5を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPanasonic VQT4XD5の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Panasonic VQT4XD5に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPanasonic VQT4XD5デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。