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User Guid e v3.4.
2 Register your pandigita l novel Qualify to w in a FREE digital photo frame !* ( valid in U SA only ) Register y our FREE 1- year w arranty!** *For detail s, go to our website: www.pandigita **The online signup is for the pur pose of user and produc t registratio n.
3 Table of Contents Package Con tents .................................................................................................... 9 Covers for y our pandig ital novel ................................................................ 9 Device O verview .
4 READER .................................................................................................................. 28 Reader Function Menu .......................................................................................................
5 Select Text ................................ ......................................................................................... 39 Share ................................................... .....................................................
6 Edit Emai l Information ........................................................................................................ 52 Email Inbox .........................................................................................................
7 Disclaimer s ............................................................................................................. 73 License A greement and Terms of Us e ................................................................ . 73 CE Notice ......
8 pandigital novel A conte mporary multi medi a de vice desig ned for str aightforw ard functio nal it y , featur i ng a full col or TF T LCD di splay and conv enient touch - scr een nav igation.
9 Package Contents pandigital novel Power Adapter Tabletop St and USB Cable Stylu s Quick Star t Guide User Guid e (l oaded i n devi ce ) Cover s for your pandigital novel Dress up your pandigital novel and keep it safe at the same t ime.
10 Devic e Ov erview Power Button Usage Turn On : Press and h old the pow er button at le ast 3 second s or unt il the boot up m essage ap pears . Turn Off : Press and h old the pow er button for 3 seconds, and then ta p Power off , and tap OK conf irm the pow er off or Cancel to leave the device o n.
11 Touch - Scre en Na vigati on The touch - scr een allow s for quick, e asy and co nvenient nav igation for all application s . Throughout the User Gui de, you are in structed to u se the fol lowing tou ch navigation methods: Tap = quic k touch an d release your finger o n an item on the screen ( i.
12 Getting Started 1 Charge you r Devic e Plug the p ower adapter into an ele ctrical wall outlet, and t hen connect to your dev ice to fully char ge the b attery befo re use (appr ox. 4 hour s). The batter y does not charge vi a the USB cab le.
13 Connecti ng to Public Wi - Fi Hots pot If you are co nnecting v ia a public W i - Fi hotspot, it may be ne cessary to immediately launch t he browser and provide the hotspot lo gin informa tion prior to having an active int ernet connec tion. Foll ow st eps 1 - 3 ab ove to s elect the hot spot W i - Fi n etwork.
14 Home Screen Wi - Fi connec tion status Battery charge lev el stat us Alarm(s) are activated Current Time Bookstore r ow show s latest book s from Bar nes & Noble (scr ollable) . Tap on media cover to display de scription, synopsis and Buy opt ions.
15 Application Quick Launch Bar Home Displays the Home s creen Reader Display your digita l media for r eading (EPUB , PDF ) My Li brary Stores your digita l media ( eBo oks, eMagaz ines and eNewspapers ) . Web Access the Intern et and ‘surf the w eb’ whenever desired.
16 Overview of Buy ing & Downloading Books to Device Create an a ccount on Bar nes & Noble’ s website: www. Register y our Barnes & Noble acc ount informa tion (email & password) your pandigital novel through Setti ngs>General .
17 Barn es & Nob le B OO KSTO RE The top row of the Home screen displ ays the lates t Barnes & Noble boo ks available for purchase directly from the Barn es & Nob l e on line bookst ore. The first t ime you tur n your pandigital novel on, the Bookst ore row is empty.
18 If you w ant full detail s about a book, includin g Editoria l and Custo mer R eview s , use the Shop B&N feature to sh op on the Bar nes & Noble w ebsite ( pg. 20 ) . After purchasing, us e the Get Books feature to d ownload t hem from your Barnes & N oble online acc ount into y our pandigital novel (pg.
19 Tap Skip if you want to co ntinue sh opping. Aft er you have pur chased all desired public ati ons , tap Updat e Library in My Librar y to up date with n ew publication covers . 7. Tap on a cover with w hite to dow nload the issue. 8. After dow nloading, ta p on the cov er to open it in the Reader .
20 My Librar y Row 2 IMPORTANT : In order to c onnect with y our Barnes & Noble onli ne account, t he Date and T ime must be set correctly according to your locat ion . On the Home screen, the sec ond row of My Libr ar y di splay s the c over s of your downloaded or downloada ble media in your Barnes & Noble online dow nload library.
21 MY LIBRA RY Sele ct My Library f rom the Ap plication Qui ck Launch B ar. If you have not yet set up your Barnes & Noble account on the device, d o so now through Settings> General (pg. 40 ). Funct ion Menu Row 1: Quick launch are a for your l ast read media (non scrollable) .
22 Media Status L abels The media s hown in My Li br ary has statu s labe ls as foll ow s: = P urchased books not yet dow nloaded into your pandigital novel . After dow n load, the book has no label. White Date = eM agazine s or eNew spaper s not y et downloaded into your pandigital novel .
23 download l ibrary into your pandigital novel . Music, Video and Photo file s can be copi ed from a M acintosh c omputer into your pandigital novel as long as they are in a supporte d file format . 1. Tap My L ibrary . 2. T o be sure y ou are view ing the most current medi a in your B arnes & Nobl e account , tap Update .
24 Lend/Ret urn Books There are s ome books tha t Barnes & N oble clas sifies as “ len dable ”, w hich means that t hose book s can be loaned to other s who also ha ve a Barnes & Noble account .
25 8. Tap Lend Book . The book ’s stat us changes to ‘ LENT ’ and remains in a locked state until it is returne d to your ac co unt . If the rec ipient declin es the loan off er, the bo ok will be av ailable in My Library after y ou perfor m an Update to sy nc w ith your Barn es & Noble account again.
26 3. Tap OK to confir m the purch ase . 5. After the purchase is confirme d, the devic e automatical ly syncs w ith your Barnes & N oble online a ccount to up date My Li brary . 6. The book is changed fro m “Returned” to “purc hased” statu s .
27 4. Media is s orted by dat e; if desi red, tap Title or Author to re - sor t your media accor dingly. Quick Open another Bookshel f Tap the bo okshelf name in the upper right of any bookshelf screen to d isplay the list of all bookshelv es, tap the desired book shelf to op en.
28 READE R The Reader appli cat ion is for displaying y our digi tal media ( eB ooks, eMagaz ines, and eNewspa pers ) . eBook support ed for mat s: EPUB , PDF M ethods that can be used to l aunch t he Reader : Tap on a media cover in the Home or any Boo kshelf screen .
29 If unit go es into sl eep mode (pow er saving fe ature), light ly press & r elease the power button quickly to turn sl eep mode off. Rea der Funct ion Menu In the Reader appli cati on, the Rea der F unction M enu can be di splayed by tapping on the top of the screen .
30 4. To delete bookmarks , tap on w hile displaying a bookmarke d page, o r while in the Bo okmarks screen , tap nex t to the desir ed bookmark, tap Delete S elected . Not es As you rea d your media, y ou can qu ickly and ea sily make no tes on pa ges for later r eference.
31 2. Tap Highlight s . 3. Tap on the highlight you want to v iew. 4. To jump t o the page a ssociated w ith a highlight, tap next to the highlight , tap View . Hide a ll Hi ghlights 1. To turn all highlight s off in the currently ope n media fi le , displ ay the top function menu , tap Boo kmarks .
32 2. T ap Word . 3. Enter the de sired tex t, tap GO . All inst ances of th e foun d text a re highl ighted throug hout the docu ment. 4. You can s croll throug h the pag es for all hi ghlighted tex t, tap Cancel Find to return to the original p age you were v iewing.
33 Screen Or ientation - Loc k For optim al viewing w hile reading , t he orientati on of the s creen autom atically rotates fro m vertical to horizon ta l dependin g on how y ou hold the devi ce . When desired, y ou c an lock the scr een in the d esired orie ntation to pr event th e auto - rota tion ( in R eader only ) .
34 Go to a Webs ite 1. Select Web from the Application Q uick Launch B ar to launch the inter net browser. 2. To go to a new web site, ta p Go To , tap in the w eb address entry field at t he top of the screen. 3. E nter the de sired websit e address , tap Go .
35 Refresh Refreshes the screen by re - loading the curre nt web page. Go to Enter a different website URL address. Bookmarks Bookm ark currently displ ayed web page, access list of all bookmarks, or delete bookmarks. New Wi ndow Show s open browser windows.
36 Go To Web site Use Go T o to enter a nd go to a diff erent w eb site URL addre ss. 1. In an open browser w indow, tap Go T o . 2. Tap into t he URL addre ss field t o e nte r the de sired websit e address. 3. Tap Go . Browser Bo okmarks You can b ookmark w eb pages that you v isit and w ant quick access to l ater.
37 Open New W indow 1. I n an open browser w indow, ta p New W indow . 2. The new window opens t o your des ignated Home w ebsit e. 3. T ap Go to and the n enter the new website addres s, tap Go . Swit ch Windows 1. In an open browser w indow, tap New Window .
38 Privac y Set the f ollow ing options per taining to your privacy lev el when v iewing w eb pages: Clear cach e (delete al l cached information fr om visited w eb pages) Cle a r his tory (cl.
39 Select T ext You can sele ct the tex t of a webpage address on the web pa ge you’re v iewing , and then you can paste t he text into web or other applicatio n entry field s. 1. On the br owser w indow, tap to display M enu page 2 , tap Select Text .
40 SETTINGS Setting s>General 1. Select Setti ngs from the App lication Q uick Launch Bar. 2. Tap in the B&N Accoun t and Password fields to ent er your Barnes & Noble account login infor mation. 3. Tap in the Time Zone f ield to s elect the ti me zone for y our loc ation, and the n tap Set Date/Ti me .
41 Sett ings>Net work In order to connect to the Inter net, you must hav e a W i - Fi n etw ork set up on your pandigital novel . If you did not set up a network d uring the init ial setup, do so now. 1. Select Setti ng s from the App lication Qui ck Launch Bar, tap Network .
42 1. Select Setti ngs from the App lication Q uick Launch Bar, tap Network . 2. Tap the ne twork that y ou want to de lete, tap Forget . Sett ings>Ala rm This cl oc k ico n displayed at the top of screens in dicates th at one or m ore alarms have been set a nd are acti ve.
43 Edit A larm 1. In the Alarm screen, tap Edit . 2. Tap the al arm you w ant to edit, make desir ed edits. 3. Tap Save . 4. Tap to return to the Alar m screen. Delete Alarm 1. In the Alarm screen, tap D elete . 2. Tap the al arm you w ant to delete, tap Delete .
44 Wi - Fi Network Setup Th e device automat ically scan s a nd lis t s local Wi - Fi Netw orks found. A indicates sec ure n etworks t hat require login name/ key to con nect 1. Tap the de sired netw ork to whi ch you want to con nect. 2. If secure network, ent er the ne twork Password .
45 Email Setup POP3, SMTP and IMAP a ccou nts are suppo rted. 1. Enter your E mail Address and Password , t ap Next . Thi s is your def ault account un til you add other email addre sses later, and then you can select a different address as t he default a ccount (pg.
46 3. The Musi c List screen is displa yed. 4. W hen Shu ffle is off, selected audio files play in the ord er of selection, or if all are selected , audio file s play i n order listed in the M usic Li s t . T o play audio files in rand om order, tap Shuffle to turn on ( = on ) .
47 2. Tap the Play list that y ou want t o play. 3. The Musi c Play sc reen is di splayed and t he first song begins to play . D elete songs fr om P la ylist 1. In the Mus ic scr een, tap Playlist . 2. Tap the Play list whic h contain s songs you w ant to d elete .
48 Video N avigation B ar W hile you r video is pl aying, ta p anywher e on the video to d isplay t he navigati on bar at the bottom of t he screen . Use the co ntrols to pa use , play , pl ay previou s or next video , and repeat play . U se the volu me button on the top of the device to a djust the v olume.
49 S croll thro ugh multip le pages of pho tos in t he Photo Ga llery by finger slidi ng verticall y from top or bottom o f screen. 1. Select Phot os from the A pplication Quick Laun ch Bar . 2. Select the desired m edia source fr om which yo u want to v iew your phot os.
50 Play Sli deshow You can set photo slide show d ispl ay fun ctio ns throu gh Sett ings > Photos ( pg.40 ) . To play a sl ideshow of all photos, i n the Ph oto Gall ery scr een, tap Select Al l , tap S lidesho w .
51 To import multiple photos , tap Mul ti Select , tap desired ph otos to import, tap Import Selected , tap OK to confirm imp ort. Delete Photos You can o nly delete phot os fro m the interna l memory, not f rom SD car ds. 1. Select Phot os from the A pplication Quick Laun ch Bar.
52 Set up Y ahoo! Pl us Account Your pandigital nov el does not support fre e Yaho o email accounts. Yahoo ! Plu s accounts mu st use the f ollowing dat a when set ting up your email acco unt. Incoming Mail Serv er Settings POP server: plus.pop.
53 2. If you set up only one email acco unt, i t open s im med iate ly . If you set up multiple ac counts, th ey are listed in the Accou nts screen. 3. T ap on the desir ed email acco unt , tap Inbox . Open Ema il Mes sage 1. In the Inbox screen, ta p on an email t o open it.
54 Set Default Ema il Account You must alw ays have on e acco unt designate d as th e default account , so if you have multip le email acc ounts, y ou can select any one as th e default .
55 Add Even t 1. On the C alendar screen, tap on the dat e to which y ou want to add an event. 2. Tap Ad d Event . 3. T ap in each e ntry field t o enter the desired eve nt inform ation , tap Save . 4. Repeat steps 2 - 3 for additional events on t he same dat e.
56 CONTACTS You can cr eate an addr ess book of y our personal contacts, including per sonal note s as desired. Select Contacts fr om the Ap plication Qui ck Launch Bar . Add New Cont acts 1. In the Co nt acts screen, tap A dd Contact . 2. Tap in ea ch entry fie ld to enter your contac t informatio n.
57 FACEBOOK Select Facebook fr om the A pplication Q uick Launch Bar . The browser lau nch es and display s your Facebook login w indow; enter y our login infor mation to lo g into your Facebook a ccount . WEATHER Select Weather fr om the Appli cation Qui ck Launch Bar .
58 Macintosh users must format SD cards using the FAT32 opt ion in order for your pandigital novel to read the card. 1. Insert y our SD card. 2. Select Impo rt SD from the Ap plication Q uick Launch B ar. 3. In the Import M edia window , tap next to the desire d media type( s) you want to import.
59 PC Syst em Requirements Operating sy stem: WINDOWS 2000/ XP /V IS TA /7 MAC OS X USB Port Supported: USB 2.0 port Connec t to Windows PC 1. Connect th e small en d of the USB cable to the pandigital novel mini USB port , and the larger end to an availa ble USB port on your co mputer.
60 3. When the message “Saf e to Remove Har dware” a ppears, you ca n disconnect the USB cab le from y our pandigital no vel and computer . Windows VIST A 1. On the Windows Syste m Tray, click the hardw are removal icon. 2. Click the Safely remove US B mass Storag e device messag e correspon ding with the pand igital novel device driv e.
61 3. T o copy file s int o your pandigital novel , select and drag th e desired f iles into the a ppropria te pre - assign ed folder ba sed on fil e type . eBooks (EPUB, PDF) Separate c over image s files: - must be named th e same as the eB ook files, ( for ex ample, my ebook.
62 Authori ze your pandigital novel for ADE After you a uthorize y our pandigital novel , it appears as a dev ice in ADE (titled PD_NOVEL ). You ca n then copy eBooks fro m your AD E collection to your pandigital novel and vice vers a. 1. Start ADE on your computer.
63 4. T ap nex t to the eBoo ks you want to delete, tap Del ete Selected . 5. Tap Yes to confirm the delet io n. B. Connect the devi ce to your c omputer, an d then use standard file deletion methods us ing W indow s Explorer or MAC Finder windows .
64 If the device ha s a low batt ery charg e, you may not be able t o perform a successful u pdate. It is recom mended that you c onnec t the device to the pow er adapter be fore per form in g the f irm war e upgrade . This opt ion is for Windows PC only at this tim e .
65 Q: M y unit seems to be frozen and is un - responsive. What do I do? A: Reset the d evice by pres sing and h olding the p ower butto n for 10 second s . Q: I have attem pted to perf orm a firm ware update but it consistently fails. A: If the device ha s a low batter y charg e, you may not be able t o perform a successful u pdate.
66 Q: How do I displa y t h e Reader F unction M e nu while readin g? A: Simply tap on th e top of t he screen . Q: How do I display the A pplication Quick Launch Bar while reading? A: Simply tap on th e top of t he screen and th en tap at the bottom of the screen.
67 Q: How do I add audio f iles to my pandig ital novel ? A: You can dow nload audio files fr om your fav orite online music/v ideo store, import au dio files fr om your S D card ( pg. 57 ) , or copy audio file s from your computer ( pg. 58 ) . Q: Can I create a separ ate list o f my favorite songs? A: Y es.
68 eBooks, M agazines, New spapers Q: Wha t t y pes of printed e media files are compatible with my pandigital novel ? A: PDF and EPUB Q: How does the Lend/Return Books feature work? A: Y ou can lend “lend able” book s to your fr iends and f amily that have been purchased fr om Barnes & Noble.
69 Batt ery Man age ment The pandigital novel battery i s not fu lly charge d o ut of the box , so it i s recommende d that you c harge the b attery for at least 4 hour s before you start t o use the device . The rechar geable battery is de signed and man ufactured t o be used a nd recharged frequently .
70 Technical Specifications Product Sp e cs 7 ” Digi t al TF T LCD Displ a y 600x800 pixels Compatible Media Sources Sec ure Di gital™ ( SD ) , MMC Features Disp lay di gital print ed media ( eBoo.
71 Limited Warranty The limited warranty set forth below is g iven by Pandigital wi th respect to the Pa ndigital Novel™ line of products (the “Device” ) purchased and used in the United States of America.
73 be collocated or operat ing in conjunction with an y other antenna or transm itter within a host device, except in accordance w ith FCC multi - transmitter produ ct procedures. Disc la imers Linksys is a registe red trademark or tradem ark of Cisco Systems, I nc.
74 not, and you will not enc ourage, assist or authorize any o ther person to, bypass, modify, defeat o r circumvent secu rity featur es tha t protect th e Digital Content.
76 CE Notice Pandigital hereby decl ares t hat t he essenti al requirem ents set out in the R&TTE Directive 99/5/EC have been fully fulfil l ed on our product with indic ation below: Product Name:.
デバイスPandigital R70F452の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Pandigital R70F452をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPandigital R70F452の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Pandigital R70F452の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Pandigital R70F452で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Pandigital R70F452を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPandigital R70F452の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Pandigital R70F452に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPandigital R70F452デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。