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User Guide V 2. 6.
2 Register your pandigital novel Qualify to win a FREE digital photo f rame!* ( valid in USA onl y ) Register your FRE E 1- year warranty!** *For details, go to our websit e: **The online si gnup is for t he pur pose of user and product regist ration.
3 Table o f Conte nts Package Cont en ts .................................................................................................... 8 Covers for your pandi gital novel ................................................................ 8 De vi ce O ver v i ew .
4 Notes .................................................................................................................................. 29 Add Note ....................................................................................................
5 Turn Wi - Fi Off ..................................................................................................................... 39 Settings>Subscriptions .....................................................................................
6 Set Alarm Volume .............................................................................................................. 50 Shut Off Alarm Alert .................................................................................................
7 pandigital nov el A contemporary multimedia device designe d for straightforwar d functionality, feat ur ing a full color TFT LCD display and convenient touch - screen navigation.
8 Package Contents pandigital novel Power Adapter Tabletop Stand USB Cable Quick Start G uide User Guide (l oade d in d evice) Covers for your pandigi tal novel Dress up your pand igital novel and ke ep it safe at t he same time.
9 Device Overvi ew Power Button Usage Turn On : Slide the power butt on on a nd release. Turn Off : Slide and hold the po wer button for 3 se co nds. Sleep Mode On/Of f ( energy saver ) : S lid e & r ele ase the po wer button quickl y to turn sleep mode on and of f.
10 Touch - Scr een Nav igati on The touch - scr een allows for q uick, easy an d convenient navigation f or all applic ations. Throughout t he User Guide, yo u ar e instruct ed t o use the follo wing .
11 Highlight tex t - T ouch , hold & slide = touch & hold on a word a pprox 2 seconds unti l you hear an aud ible cue, and t hen continue t o press as you sl ide across the te xt , and t hen release to display t h e option window; tap Highlight .
12 4. Calibration The pandigital novel needs an initial cali br at ion to ensur e t he touch scr een responds acc u rately. After some use, if the touch screen seems t o not respond acc urately, use the Calibrate function un der Settings to re- calibrate.
13 Home Screen Status of: Wi - Fi connection Battery charge level Alarms Date & Time Bookstore r ow show s latest books fr o m Bar nes & Noble (scroll able) . Tap on any media t o display descr iption, synopsis an d Buy opt ions. Tap Boo kstore to launch web browser and go t o Barnes & Nobl e’s website.
14 Application Quick Launch Ba r Home Displays the Home scr een Reader Display your d igital media f or reading (P DF, EPUB) My Library S tores your di gital med ia (eBooks, eMaga zines and eNewspaper.
15 Set U p Wi - Fi Network Since many feat ures require a W i - Fi connec t ion, we recomm end you set up your Wi - Fi network no w. 1. Select Settings from t he Application Q uick Launch B ar , tap Network . 2. Turn Wi - F i on by tapping the Wi - Fi is off/ Turn on W i - Fi .
16 SHOP B&N IMPORTANT: In order to connect with your Barnes & Nobl e onl ine accou nt , the Date and Time must be se t correctl y according t o yo ur location. Se lect Shop B& N from the Applic ation Quic k Launch Bar to log o nto the Bar nes & Noble website.
17 Tap on any book cover in the Bookstore row to d isplay that book’ s descr ipt ive information an d synopsis ( ex ample bel ow ) . Tap to displa y ne wly release d books Displa y eM agazines or eN ewspapers Tap Bookstore to launch the bro wser and display the Barnes & Nobl e website.
18 Tap on any Magazine or Newspaper cover in the Bookstore row to display that media’s descr iptive infor m ation and s ynopsis ( example belo w) . If you want full det ails about m edia , includi ng Editori al and Cust om er Reviews, us e the Shop B&N feature to shop on the Barn es & Noble websit e ( pg.
19 Purchase an eMagazi ne or eN ewspape r 1. In the Home screen, t o be sure you are vi ewing the most current medi a on the Barnes & Nobl e website ta p Update above the B ookstore ro w. 2. If desired, t ap eMagazines or eNewspapers to display only that media.
20 3. Tap next to the samp le book you want to buy, ta p Buy Now . The sample b ook is removed from My Library . Use the Get Books feature to do wnloa d your purchas ed book (pg. 21 ) . Subscriptions The second ro w o f My Library on the Home screen dis pla ys your do wnloaded media.
21 Dates on eMagazines an d eNewspapers indicat e publicat io n issue date. Get Books Use the Get Books feature to do wnload the do wnloadable eB ooks, eMagazi nes and eNewspap ers from your B arnes & Noble onl ine account into your pandigital novel .
22 2. In the My Library screen, t ap Get Books . 3. The first t ime, you are prompt ed for your Bar nes & Noble l o gin informat ion. CAUTION : Later if you want to switch t o a different B arnes & Noble acco unt, you can enter the ne w account login informat i on when prompt ed.
23 means that tho se books can be loa n ed to others who also have a Barnes & Noble account . You must be connect ed t o a Wi - Fi net w ork before you can use the Lend/Retur n B ooks functi o n. A number appear i ng with the Len d/Return ic on indicates new activity w it hin this feature.
24 Once you send a loan offer t he book is no lo nger availab le until t he recipie nt returns the boo k or rejects t he offer. You can use Get Books to download the book when the book b ecomes do wnloadable aga in in the futur e . Check for Offers Use this functi on to check for book loan offe rs made to you .
25 3. E nter the desired bo okshelf n ame ( i.e., Shor t Stories , Drama, etc. ) . 4. Tap to create t he ne w b ookshelf . ( Use Manage Bo oks helf to add media t o the new booksh elf. ) Displa y Shelf 1. In the My Library screen, t ap Bookshelves . 2.
26 IMPORTANT: In order to connect with your Barnes & Nobl e onl ine accou nt , t he Date and Tim e m ust be set correct ly accordi n g to your locati on. You must be conn ected to a W i - Fi network befor e yo u can perfor m t h e Check Subscripti ons function.
27 To highlight te xt, t ouch & hold until you hea r the audible cu e, and then sli de your finger across the t ext you want t o highl ight , rele ase and select Highlight from the Reader Optio n s window .
28 Reader Function Men u In the Reader app lication, t he Reader Function M enu is displayed at t he t op of the screen for 3 seconds, and then auto hide s. To re - display t he Reader Function Menu , tap on the top of t he screen (except in top right corner ) .
29 Note s As you read yo ur media, you can qu ickly and easi ly make not es on pages for reference l ater . Add Note 1. On a page, touch & hold on a ny word or touch, hold & sli de across multiple words to open the R e ader options pop - up win do w .
30 2. Tap Highlights . 3. Tap next to the highl ights you want to view, t ap View . 4. To scroll t hrough the select ed highlig hts, tap . 5. To jump to t he page associate d with a highli g ht, t ap V iew Page . 6. To delete t he cu r rently vie wed highlig ht , tap De lete .
31 3. All instance s of the found t e xt are highlig hted through out the docum ent. 4. You can scrol l through the pa ges for all hig hlighted t ext , tap Cancel Find to ret urn to the original p age you were vi e wing.
32 Screen Orien tation - Lock For optimal vi e wing while readin g , t he orientation of t he screen aut omaticall y rotates from ve rtical to horiz ontal depen ding on how you h old your dev ice . When desired, you can lock t he screen in t he desired orie ntation to prev ent the auto - rotation ( i n Reader only ) .
33 2. Tap in the t op URL entry field ; the keypad appe ar s so you can enter the desired web site address . 3. T ap Go to go to the web site address . 4. Finger slide ve rticall y to scr oll the web p age. ZOOM Web P age To zoom in on a web pag e, double - tap on a section you want to vie w larger.
34 Refresh Refreshes the screen by re-loadin g the current web page. Bookmarks Bookmark current ly displayed web page, access list of all bookmarks, or delete bookmarks Windows List of open browser wi.
35 2. If you want to rename the bo okmark, t ap in the Name f ield and enter t he desired name. 3. Tap Save . Go to Bookma rked Web Pag e 1. On the bro wser windo w, tap Menu , t ap Bookmarks . 2. In the Bookmarks window, tap on t he desired w eb page .
36 3. Tap Don e on key pad to initi ate the search. 4. All matchi ng t ext is highl ighted. If you want to scroll thr o ugh multip l e m at ches , tap or .
37 Privacy Setti ngs Set the follo wing options pert aining to your privacy lev el when vie wing web pages: Enable locati o n (allow si t es to request acce ss to your locat ion) Remember for .
38 4. Select your d esired time f or mat: 12HR = 12:00am - 12:00pm (default) 24HR = 12:00 - 24:00 5. Tap in the L an guage field to select des ired langu age. **O nly English avai lable at this tim e. Multiple lan gu ages will be ava i lable wit h future firmw ar e upgrades.
39 Connecting to Public Wi - Fi Hotspot I f you are connect ing via a public W i - Fi hotspot, it may be necessary to immediatel y l aunch the bro wser and provi de the hotsp ot login informat i on prior to having an active inter n et connecti on. 1. Follow ste ps 1 - 5 above to sele ct the hotspot W i - Fi network.
40 2. Tap the desir e d Slideshow Interval to set t he spee d at which the sl i d eshow photos transit ion from one to a nother (def au lt = 5 seconds) . 3. Tap the desir e d Slideshow Transition to set the special effect s as slidesho w photos transit ion from one to a nother (d ef ault = Rando m) .
41 MUS IC These audio f ile formats are supported: MP3, WAV, AAC and OGG Methods that c an be used to add a udio files t o your Music Li st: Import audio f il es from an SD card Save audio file s from email at tachments Download audi o files from onl ine music websites Play Music 1.
42 Use the control panel to pau se /play, pla y previous/ ne xt audio fil e , and use the vol um e control panel to adjust t he vo l ume. You can also use the volu me buttons on t he side of your de vice to adjust the v olume. To return to the Music List screen, tap Menu .
43 VIDE OS The video file f or m at supporte d: MPEG4 Methods that c an be used to add vi deos to t he internal me mory: Import video f il es from an SD card Save video fil es from em ail a t .
44 1. To delete all vi deos, tap Select All , and t hen Delete Selected . 2. To delete selec ted videos, t ap on the d esired video f iles you want to delet e, tap Delete Selected .
45 Next Display next photo lis ted in Photo Gallery Delete (Internal Memory Only) Delete displayed photo Import (SD Card onl y) Import photo into the internal me mory (pg. 46) Play Slideshow You can set photo slid eshow display functions t hrough Settings > Ph otos ( pg.
46 5. Tap to return t o t he Photo Gallery screen. Import Photo s Y ou can import i ndivi dual phot os from your S D card into the internal memor y when desired . 1. Insert your SD card. 2. Select Photos from the Appl i c ation Quick L aunch Bar. 3. Tap SD Card in the Select Me dia Source pop - up window.
47 EMA IL POP3, SMTP, IMAP and Exchange acc ounts are supp orted . Setup Ne w or Add Acco unts You can enter m ul t iple person al email addres ses that you would like to acc ess through your pandigit al novel . 1. Select Email from the Appl ica tion Quick La unch Bar.
48 Email Inbox 1. Select Email from the Appl ica tion Quick La unch Bar . 2. If you set up an em ail accoun t during the init ial setup, it is listed in t he Ema il Accounts screen. If you did not set up an e m ail account dur i ng the initia l setup, or w ould like to set up a new acco unt , tap Settings , tap Add Account .
49 Add Senders to Contacts 1. If you want t o add senders’ e mail address es to your Contacts list, tap ne xt to the desire d email messag es , tap Add to Contacts . 2. T he email address is saved . If you want to add add itional co nt act informat i on ( i.
50 Set Default A ccount One email add ress must be d esi gnated as t he default accou nt, so if you ha ve multiple ema il accounts you can desig nat e any one as th e def ault . 1. Select Email from the Appl ica tion Quick La unch Bar. 2. On the Email Accounts screen, t ap Settin gs .
51 In the Alarm s creen, tap to adjust the volum e of the tone. Shut Off Alarm Alert When a schedule d alarm is act ivated, a pop - up windo w with the alarm information ap pears. Tap on the Ala r m pop - up windo w to stop the alert, tap to close the alert window.
52 Edit Event 1. On the Calendar screen, t ap on the date with the event you want to edi t . 2. In the Edit E vent scr een, tap in entr y fields that you want to ch an ge, tap Save .
53 IMPORT SD C ARD Y ou can quick l y and easil y im port all media f iles of select e d medi a t yp e s from your SD card. 1. Insert your SD card. 2. Open the Appli cation Quick L aunch Bar an d t hen select I mport SD .
54 CONTACTS You can c reate a n address book of your persona l contacts , includin g personal n otes as desired. S elect Contacts from the Appl ication Q uick Launch Bar . Add New C ontacts 1. In the Contacts screen, t ap A dd Contact . 2. In the Add Contact screen, t ap i n e ach entry fiel d to enter t he contact information .
55 GAMES The follo wing pre - loaded gam es are provi de d for your enter tainment : Solitaire * Link Up * To view the Solitair e rules and inst ructions, launch the des ired game , t ap Help . USER GUI DE The full pandigit al novel User Gui de is includ ed as a book in yo ur My Library bookshelf.
56 2. If a message appears adv ising you to insta ll a Driver for your dev ice, simply clic k Cancel . Exampl e of Window s Vista message: In Windo ws Exp l or er , PD_ NOVEL is listed as one of t he dr ives connect ed to your computer.
57 3. When the mes sa ge “Safe to Rem ov e Hardware” a ppears, you can disconnect the USB cable f r om your pandigital no vel and computer . Windows VISTA 1. On the Windo ws S ystem Tray, cl ick the har dware remova l icon. 2. Click the Safely remove USB mass Storage device message correspondin g with the pa ndigital novel devi ce drive.
58 Adobe Digital Editions Adobe Digital Editions (A DE) is sof t ware for vie wing and managin g eBooks and ot her digital cont ent. To use A D E , you need a free Adob e account . You can regist er an account and downlo ad the Install er software at : http:// www.
59 computer to re - act ivate the author ization. If an Adobe eBook has a n expiratio n, it will ex pire on your p andigital novel . If an eBook is r eturned in A DE before it exp ires, the ne xt time.
60 2. Click the Update Version download (i.e., [version#]. zip) for your model, and sa ve t h e file on your co m puter. 3. Copy the [versio n#].zip file onto a SD card. Do NOT unzip the file bef ore copyi ng to the SD car d. 4. Turn your pa ndigital novel off.
61 A: You can downl oad media from Barnes & Noble, im port media fr om your SD card, or copy m edia files fro m your comput er. Q: Can I crea te personal books helves for organizing my media? A: Yes. On the My Library scr een, t ap Bookshe lves ( pg.
62 Q: Can I recei ve books f r o m my friends & f ami ly? A: Yes. Refer to the Lend/ R eturn Books f unction to r et urn books t hat have been lent to you (pg.
63 Q: Can I read books stored o n my SD car d? A: Yes , however, it’s r ecommended t hat you import the bo ok into your pandigital n ove l so it is avail able after you remove the SD c ard. WEB Q: Do I need a Wi - Fi adapte r to connec t to the Inte rnet? A: No.
64 Q: How do I add photo files to my pandigital novel ? A: You can downl oad photo files from your fav or ite online phot o sharing websites, import photo files from your SD card ( pg. 53 ) , or copy photo file s from y our computer ( pg. 55 ). Q: Can I v iew individual phot os as well as slidesho ws? A: Yes.
65 Battery Man agement Th e pandigital novel batter y i s not f ully charge d o ut of the box , so it is recommended t hat you charg e the batter y fo r at least 4 hours before you start to use your device. The recharge a ble batter y is designed and m anufactured t o be used an d r e charged for 500+ complet e charge/disch arge c ycles.
66 Techni cal Specif icat ions Product S pecs 7 ” Digital TFT LCD Display 600x800 pixels outer unit 7.5” x 5.6” White or Black case (depending on m odel) Compatible Media Sources Secure Digital.
67 Limited Warranty The limited warranty set f orth belo w is given by Pandigi t al with resp ect to Pandigit al brand electr oni cs products pu rchased an d u sed in the Unit ed States of America.
68 Some states d o not allow the exc lusion or li mitation of inc identa l or co nsequenti al damages, or al l o w limitatio n on how long an i mplied warranty lasts, so t he above limitations or exclusions m ay not appl y. This warrant y gives you sp ec ific legal r i ghts, and you may have ot her right s, which vary fr om state to st ate.
69 FCC Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipmen t complies with FCC radiat ion expos ur e limits set forth for an uncontrolled e nvironment. This devic e is designed for ha nd - held operat i o n only.
70 Use of Digital Content: Upon your payment of the applica ble fees set b y Barnes & Noble, Barnes & Noble grant s you the non - excl usive right t o keep a permane nt copy of the applica bl .
71 General No Illegal Use and R eservati o n of Rights: Y ou may not use the Device, t he Service or the Digital Co n tent for an y illegal purpos e. You ackno wledge that t he sale of the Device to you does n ot transfer t o you title to or o wnership of any intellect ual proper t y rights of Pandi gital or its su p pliers.
デバイスPandigital V2.6の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Pandigital V2.6をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPandigital V2.6の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Pandigital V2.6の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Pandigital V2.6で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Pandigital V2.6を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPandigital V2.6の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Pandigital V2.6に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPandigital V2.6デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。