Parker HannifinメーカーVERSION 1.0の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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ACR-MotionMax Installation Guid e Version 1. 0, April 2004.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 2 User I nformat ion ACR Series products are used to c ontro l electrica l and m echanical components of m otion control s ystem s. You should test your motion s ystem for saf ety under all po tential con ditions.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 3.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 4 Table of Cont ents Chapter 1 Introduction and System Overview ................................................................... 5 ACR-MOTIONMAX Control System Bit Signal Banks......................................
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 5 Chapter 1 Introduction and Sy stem Overview ACR-M OTIONM AX interfaces to the Par ker-Acroloo p Motio n Card with 32bit Signal B anks pro vided on the Motion Card . T he Control syste m commun icates with AcroBasic thro ugh t he Matrix of 5 signal B anks as shown i n the follo wing Chart.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 6 Homing & HandWheel ACR-MOTI ONMAX ac complishe s two specia l machine f unctions Ho ming / Ha ndWheel Ste p Mod e Functions b y calling Subro utines in P rog0.8 k Directl y at assigned add resses , as shown in D iagram.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 7 ACR-MOTIONMAX to AcroBasic System Start up Control Ready B it ( 143 ) … This bit will B e Set =1 when ACR-MOT IONM AX initialize s and is up and running. T his signal tell s the AcroBasic program to start Loopin g as sho wn in figure 1 .
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 8 Control Initialized bit ( 145 )… Tells ACR -MOTIO NMAX that t he machine is i nitialized (Drives Ready) and r eady to Run. Insert your Drive Read y and an y other i nitialization co de in this function (30000 ) to inform ACR -MOTION MAX that in itializatio n is complete a nd the machine is r eady to run.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 9 The Di m DEF (300 ) parameter in the Sys.8k should not b e changed a nd is used i n the AcroB asic file progo.8 k to allow all bit s to called with a Varia ble Na me . No P unctuation is allo wed in t he variable na me and must be p roceed ed with #Define statement as shown.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 10 Print the follo wing 2 File s for Refere nce after ACR-MOT IONM AX has been i nstalled: Reference Files Print the following 2 files for reference : “C:Pro gram FilesPar kerACR-M OTIONM AXDo csDefault Bit Def initions.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 11 Getting Started Set Encode r Resolution s PP U Set Encode r Multipli ers MULT In stall MotionMax Software Install A c roBasic SDK Software Print Referen c e Manua .
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 12 Step 1. Install the Park er-Acroloop SDK (Software Development Kit) Install the P arker-Acrolo op SDK to your P C with the CD shipped with your Co ntroller Card . Important! W hen instal ling the SDK be sure to select the T ype o f Controller you’re usin g.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 13 Step 3. Print Reference Files Print the following 2 files for reference : “ C:Program FilesParkerACR -MOTIONMAXDocsDefault Bit De finitions.xls.” This file is a Co mplete I/O Bit M ap of the ACR- MOTIONM AX Syste m Signal Ban ks .
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 14 Down load Pro gram0 again and tes t. Step 7. Tune Axis Gains Keys: Load E ncoder Parameters i n the AcroVie w watch windo w [Actual Position] Do a Ser ies of moves.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 15 Step 8. Update ACR-MOTIONMAX Parameters with the Curre nt PPU / Gains Settings ACR-MOTI ONMAX u ses the following text file for its pa rameters. “C:Program FilesParkerACR-MOT IONMAXParfi lesParameters.Cfg”. Open this file with Notep ad and edit the follo wing 2 Sectio ns 1).
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 16 Step 9. Configure Homing Functions Homing is ac complished by pro gram0 at ded icated Add ress that ACR-MOTIONM AX will call directl y behind the sce nes. The user s imply i nserts his act ual homin g code into the appro priate Function as follo ws.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 17 157 MOV X 0 : REM SET 0 AS TARGET and Zero Readout 180 SET 170 : REM SET X REFRENCE DONE BIT TO->CNC (!! HOME NOW DONE !!) 185 CLR 144 : SE T 2053 : REM Clear the Homing Active Control bi t 199 GOTO 10000 : REM EXIT PROGRAM 0 Step 10.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 18 Step 11. Edit the Control Initialization Subroutine When Pro gram 1 starts, it lo oks at t he Control Signal bit 1 45 ( Control Initialized) to see if the mac hine has been initia lized. I f this Bit = 0 Progra m 0 will call the Subroutine at Line 3 000 a nd set the bit when it Exits.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 19 Step 12. Edit the M Code Functions ACR-MOTI ONMAX is set up to P rovide 128 User definable MCod es. They are set B y ACR-M OTI ONMAX via the M Code bits Bank of S .
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 20 Step 13. Editing the S Code Function When ACR -MOTION MAX Encou nters a SCo de … Exa mple: S2000 . It will do the following Step s. 1). Check i f the Reque sted Spindle Sp eed is d ifferent fro m the Current Spindle Sp eed.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 21 8430 CLR CTLSStrob e : REM Clear SST ROBE 8440 CLR CTLGearCh gActive : REM Clear t he Gear Change Reque st bit 8990 RETURN.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 22 Step 14. Edit the T Code Function ACR-MOTI ONMAX Ha ndles T ool Co des by loading t he AcroB asic Counter 7 (P6 775) with the Requested T ool number.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 23 9330 SET CTLT Done: REM Set TDo ne 9390 RETURN Step 15. Edit the Emergency Stop Function This Subro utine is called b y the General Handler of Program 1, L ine 10000 & 10012 when the Estop B utton is Pressed.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 24 Step 16. Configure the AcroBasic to ACR-M OTIONMAX User Error Msg. System ACR-M OTIONM AX is Capable of Po sting Error M essage s generated fro m AcroBasic using the following bits o f the Contr ol Signals .
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 25 Step 17. Configure Valid Mcodes List for ACR-MOTIONMAX Mcodes Are Validated in ACR-MOT IONM AX to pr event erroneou s Mcode s from runni ng in a G Cod e Progra m. All Valid Mc odes must be Edited /Set in the P arameters [M Codes] sectio n of t he Parameter s.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 26 Step 18. Configure Key ACR-MOTIONMAX P arameters ACR-MOTI ONMAX u ses a File for all Machi ne Para meters… File name Para meters.Cfg For Initial Star t Up several key para meters Sectio ns need editing. T he Follo wing is a list o f the key parameters need ed to initially get ACR-MOT IONMAX up and runn ing.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 27 [SpindleOp tions] Parameter De script ion Default SpindleEncod erInsta lled=0 Set to 1 if Sp indle Enco der Equ ipped 0 SpindleDAM axVolta ge=9 Max Voltage f or co.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 28 Velocit y=150 Sets Fast Jo g Speeds 150 Stp=1 Set the Sam e as Acc eleration 1 Step 19) Configure the Overrides Note: These Parameters are set from Param eters Sec.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 29 Step 20. Starting ACR-MOTIONMAX for the First Tim e When ACR-MOTIONMAX sta rts it will di splay several messages as follow s: Card not found … this happen s is if no Ser vo Controller is fou nd in the P C, the soft ware will still ru n but motion is no t possible.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 30 Appendix A. A C R-MOTIONM A X Parameters This is the Co mp lete Param eter List fo r reference. [CNC_CONF IG] Description D efault Parameter Password =CNC Used for.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 31 Rem oveRapidRotM ove=0 Set to Rem ove Rapid R otary M oves ( Mak es All Rapids Fee d m oves @ max feed) 0 Axis4Radi usCalcMeth od=1 Sets plan e to Ca lculate 4th a.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 32 SpindleActua lSpeedMu lt=1 Specifies a Ratio of the Analo g Spind le speed feed back to the O n screen Displa y 1 [ToolCh anger] ChangerInsta lled=0 Specifies that.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 33 Stp=10 Don’t chan ge this Va lue 10 [JogSpeeds] Acceleratio n=1 Not Used 1 Decelerati on=1 Not Used 1 Velocit y=100 Sets Norm al Jog Spe eds 100 Stp=1 Don’t ch.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 34 5AxisBack Lash=0 Sets Back lash Com pensation f or the ax is 0 6AxisBack Lash=0 Sets Back lash Com pensation f or the ax is 0 7AxisBack Lash=0 Sets Back lash Com pensation f or the ax is 0 [Gains0] PGAIN=00.0 01 Proportional Gain 0.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 35 PGAIN=00.0 02441406 Proportio nal Gain 0.002 IGAIN=00.000 00000 0 Integral Gain 0.002 ILIMIT=00.00 0000000 I Limit Dela y 0.001 IDELAY=00.0 000000 00 I Dela y 0 DGAIN=00. 00000000 0 Derivative G ain 0 DWIDT H=00.0000000 00 Derivative Gain Band width 0 FFVEL=00.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 36 Aux3Tex t=[M103] Ch ip Conve yer On Aux3Mcode =2023 2023 Aux4Tex t=[M104] Ch ip Conve yer Off Aux4Mcode =2024 2024 Aux5Tex t=User5 Aux5Mcode =0 Aux6Tex t=User6 Aux.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 38 M31=0 DESC31= M32=0 DESC32= M33=0 DESC33= M34=0 DESC34= M35=0 DESC35= M36=0 DESC36= M37=0 DESC37= M38=0 DESC38= M39=0 DESC39= M40=0 DESC40= M41=0 DESC41= M42=0 DES.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 39 M56=0 DESC56= M57=0 DESC57= M58=0 DESC58= M59=0 DESC59= M60=0 DESC60= M61=0 DESC61= M62=0 DESC62= M63=0 DESC63= M64=0 DESC64= M65=0 DESC65= M66=0 DESC66= M67=0 DES.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 40 M81=0 DESC81= M82=0 DESC82= M83=0 DESC83= M84=0 DESC84= M85=0 DESC85= M86=0 DESC86= M87=0 DESC87= M88=0 DESC88= M89=0 DESC89= M90=0 DESC90= M91=0 DESC91= M92=0 DES.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 41 DESC104=C HIP CONVEYER OFF M105=0 DESC105= M106=0 DESC106= M107=0 DESC107= M108=0 DESC108= M109=0 DESC109= M110=0 DESC110= M111=0 DESC111= M112=0 DESC112= M113=0 D.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Ins tallation Guide 42 End of Parameters.
デバイスParker Hannifin VERSION 1.0の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Parker Hannifin VERSION 1.0をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはParker Hannifin VERSION 1.0の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Parker Hannifin VERSION 1.0の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Parker Hannifin VERSION 1.0で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Parker Hannifin VERSION 1.0を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はParker Hannifin VERSION 1.0の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Parker Hannifin VERSION 1.0に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちParker Hannifin VERSION 1.0デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。