PelcoメーカーDS NVSの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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OPERA TION/CONFIGURA TION C3663M-B (11/09) DS NVR and DS NVs System Software.
C3663M-B (11/09) 3 Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 C3663M-B (11/09) Recorded Video Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Searching for Recorded Video .
C3663M-B (11/09) 5 List of Illustrations 1 DSAdmin Directory T r ee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 2 Add System Dialog Box .
6 C3663M-B (11/09).
C3663M-B (11/09) 7 Introduction DS NVR and DS NVs are net work video recor ders that use Integr al Digital Sentry ® as the video monitor ing and manageme nt software. DS NVR is an all-inclusive, stand-alone vid eo recorder . DS NVs is a software- o nly solution that can be inst alled on an existing server , a s described in the following sections.
8 C3663M-B (11/09) DS NVS SOFTWARE INSTALLATION DS NVs software ca n be install ed on a computer that meets the f ollowing minimum re quirements: • Industry-standard , Intel ® platform, ser ver - grade moth erboard • Dual-Core Intel Xeon ® Process or (32-input sys tem) or Intel P entium ® 4 3.
C3663M-B (11/09) 9 DIGITAL SENTRY CLIENT/ADMIN SOFTWARE T o install the Digital Sentry client softwa re on a computer , insert the CD and follow the on-scree n instructions. Select either of the following options, or you can sele ct both for a simultaneo us installatio n.
10 C3663M-B (11/09) DSAdmin This section describes D SAdmin, the applicatio n that config ures Digital Sentry software and the DS hardware . The following topi cs are discussed in this section: • Ov.
Figure 2. Add System Dialog Box C3663M-B (11/09) 11 ADDING AND CONFIGURING SERVERS Complete the following steps to ma ke a DS serv er availabl e to your client computer: 1. Click the client direct ory at the top of the tree to display the A vailable Systems director y .
Figure 3. Serial Ports T ab Within General T ab 12 C3663M-B (11/09) CONFIGURING SERIAL PORTS Perform the f ollowing st eps to config ure serial por ts on a VAU: 1. Click the V AU in the directory tree and select the Serial Port s tab. 2. Highlight a COM port and click Add to activate it .
Figure 4. Port Settings T ab for Serial Input Devices C3663M-B (11/09) 13 • Port Settings: Enter th e alarm pane l settings her e, including th e COM port t o which it is connect ed, the baud rate, parity, and stop bits (refer to Figure 4 ).
Figure 6. IP Cameras T ab with List of Connected IP Cameras Figure 7. IP Camera Window for Configuring IP Cameras 14 C3663M-B (11/09) CONFIGURING IP CAMERAS The IP Cameras tab (refe r to Figure 6 ) allows you to co nfigure IP came ras connected to the VAU through the TCP/IP networ k port.
C3663M-B (11/09) 15 • The top of the window displays the location of the camera inp u t automatically selected for the IP ca mera. By default, the fina l inpu t on the final input device (or “boa rd”) is selec ted for the I P camera.
16 C3663M-B (11/09) 2. Enter a un iform naming conventio n (UNC) share name for the stor age location. A valid UNC shar e name begins with two backwa rd slashes and contain s the networ k name of the storage u nit in whic h it is inst alled. 3. Enter a mini mum amount of f ree space (in MB) that you want the storage location t o maintain.
C3663M-B (11/09) 17 ADDING AND CONFIGURING CAMERAS After you add cameras to a system, you can configure them by cli cking the re spective name under any of th e Cameras directories in which th ey are shown. NOTE: If you click a Ca meras director y , any conf iguration chan ges are ap p lied to all cameras in that directory .
Figure 11. Motion T ab for Motion Settings and Masks 18 C3663M-B (11/09) MOTION The Motion tab (r efer to Figure 11 ) allows you to configur e how much moti on is required to trigger mo tion recordin g. It is also used to creat e motion masks, which ignore motion in certain areas of a camera’ s view , and to test your motion set up.
C3663M-B (11/09) 19 Perform the f ollowing st eps to test t he motion reco rding perfor mance of the mas k you create d: 1. Click the “Save an d T es t Mask” button.
Figure 12. On Screen Display T ab for Configuring Video T ext 20 C3663M-B (11/09) ON SCREEN DISPLAY The On Screen Display tab (refer to Figure 12 ) allows you to set the location for d ate, time, an d camera name text in live and recorded vi deo panes.
Figure 13. T ime-Lapse Storage T ab for Scheduling Continuous Recordings C3663M-B (11/09) 21 T IME-LAPSE STORAGE The T ime-la pse Storage tab (ref er to Figure 13 ) allows you to schedule time -lapse reco rding for th e currently selected camera .
Figure 14. Motion Storage T ab for Scheduling Motion Recording 22 C3663M-B (11/09) MOTION STORAGE The Motion Storage tab (refer to Figure 14 ) is similar to the T ime-lapse Storage tab, except th at it allows you to schedule recording only during motion event s that occu r in the sele cted camera ’ s view .
Figure 15. PTZ T ab for Configuring PTZ Cameras, Presets, and T ours C3663M-B (11/09) 23 PTZ The PTZ tab (re fer to Figure 15 ) allows you to configure PT Z cameras for use in the Dig ital Sentry clien t software.
24 C3663M-B (11/09) USER ADMINISTRATION The User Ad ministration directory is used to mana ge users an d assign per missions. Click ing on the di rectory ope ns the Camer a As signments tab, which allows y ou to select the cameras each u ser is allowe d to view.
Figure 17. Change Pa ssword Dialog Box Figure 18. User Rights T ab for Assigning Us er Permissions to Functions C3663M-B (11/09) 25 • “admin account properties” – Account is disabled: When selected, disab les a user a ccount.
26 C3663M-B (11/09) 2. Select the user’ s name in the Users area. 3. Select one or mo re permissi ons in the lef t list, and c lick the right arrow button to place th e permissions i n the right l ist. T o assign all permissions, click the do uble right arrow button.
Figure 19. Camera Assignments T ab for Assigning Camera Permissions C3663M-B (11/09) 27 ASSIGNING CAMERA PERMISSIONS Complete the following steps to assign or change camera permissions f or a user: 1. Select the Camera Assignments tab (refer to Fi gure 19 ).
28 C3663M-B (11/09) MANAGING USERS ACROSS MULTIPLE SYSTEMS Figure 20. Multiple Systems T ab Figure 21. User Details Window for System Administration The Multipl e Systems tab ( refer to Figure 20 ) al.
C3663M-B (11/09) 29 If you selected either button: Enter the user’ s password. If you want th is password to replace the p assword for t his user on syst ems where the user is alr eady configured, sele ct this option. 2. Click Continue. 3. Select the systems where yo u wa nt to copy t he user .
30 C3663M-B (11/09) ADDING AND CONFIGURING ZONES A zone is a user -defined grou p of cameras that are trig gered to record when specific events occu r . For example, you might creat e a Door 3 zone that contains all camer as near Door 3. Then, when th e door is opened, all camera s in the Door 3 zone begi n recording video.
Figure 25. Digital Inputs T ab for Assigning Input Points to Zones Figure 24. Cameras T ab for Assigning Cameras to Zones C3663M-B (11/09) 31 CONFIGURING ZONES T o conf igure a zone, c lick its en try in the Zones directory . This displays the following tabs: • General: Co ntains the configuration information assigned to the zone.
Figure 27. Serial Input T ab for Sending T ext Strings That T rigger Recordings Figure 26. Video Motion T ab for T riggering Cameras in Zone 32 C3663M-B (11/09) • Video Motion: Selects cameras whi ch, when they detect motion , cause the res t of the zone’ s cameras to begin recor ding (refer to Figure 26 ).
Figure 28. Add Email Account(s) Window C3663M-B (11/09) 33 • Email Configuration: Allows you to select e- mail addresses t hat receive mes sages when an alarm event happens in a zone. T o identify and test th e mail server , re fer to the Email Notification on page 35 .
34 C3663M-B (11/09) • Services/MaxAlarmDuration: Limits th e amount of ti me an alarm event is recor ded, if not r eset by an alar m panel. • Services/PacketDelayMS: Sets a de lay , in milliseconds, between packets sent. • Services/PacketSize: Limits th e size, in bytes, of packets sent t o the client .
Figure 31. Email Notification Page C3663M-B (11/09) 35 EMAIL NOTIFICATION The Email Notification page (r efer to Figur e 31 ) all ows you to sel ect e-mail ad dresses that receive messag es whenever a sy stem message is generated .
36 C3663M-B (11/09) Digital Sentry Client Software This section describes the daily operat ion of the Di gital Sentry client software. The following topics are dis cussed in thi s se ction: • Overvi.
C3663M-B (11/09) 37 V IDEO PANE CONFIGURATION The following video pane configuratio n buttons cont rol the displ ay of live vid eo: The 1 × 1 button di splays video from a sing le camera. The 2 × 2 button disp lays video from up to f our cameras. The 3 × 3 button disp lays video from up to n ine cameras.
38 C3663M-B (11/09) DIGITAL PTZ If you have a mouse with a scr oll wheel, you ca n digitally zoom in to a video pane by scrolling th e wheel forward, a nd digitally zoom out by scrolling the wh eel backward. Y ou can also pan and tilt within a zoomed vi deo pane by clicki ng and then draggi ng in the desired direction.
C3663M-B (11/09) 39 COPYING LOCAL CONFIGURA TION INFORMATION TO OTHER COMPUTERS The .INI File Configurat ion tab allows you to loca te the .INI file that contains info rmation about the local configurat ion so y ou can copy it to another cli ent computer .
40 C3663M-B (11/09) CAMERAS T AB The Camera s tab (refer to Figure 35 ) contains a tree diagram of all curren tly connected servers and their came ras. T o see a list of cameras connected t o a server , expan d the server b y clicking its plus bu tton.
Figure 36. Export V ideo Clip Window C3663M-B (11/09) 41 EXPORTING A VIDEO CLIP Digital Sentry allo ws you to export simultaneo us video clips from multiple cameras to any location on the DS system or over a n etwork connection. Comple te the following steps to expo rt a movie: 1.
Figure 37. Event History With Event T ime Lines 42 C3663M-B (11/09) EVENT HISTORY PAGE The Event H istory page (r efer to Figure 37 ) allo ws you to search for and view a log of all ev ents that occ urred duri ng a certain t ime period, and then play back video of events based on the result s of the sear ch.
C3663M-B (11/09) 43 5. In the “For (Days)” box, select the length of your searc h period (the de fault and ma ximum are both se ven). Also sel ect either Client Local Ti m e , S e r v e r Ti m e , o r G M T. 6. In the “From” field , select the first day of the period you want to search.
Figure 38. Recorded Video with T ime Line of All Captured Video 44 C3663M-B (11/09) RECORDED VIDEO PAGE The Recorded V ideo page allows you to view recorded video from up to nine separate cameras or on e predefined camera gr oup.
C3663M-B (11/09) 45 NOTE: T o vi ew video that occurs duri ng the fall-b ack hour when r evert ing to standa rd time from daylight saving time, you must se lect GMT . The following video-type colors can b e displayed on the time l ine: • Event: An alarm event occurred during the 15-minute segment.
Figure 39. Video Search T ab 46 C3663M-B (11/09) SEARCH T AB When you pl ay back reco rded video from the Ev ent History or Recorded Video p age, the Sea rch tab ap pears in pla ce of the Camer as tab (refer to Figure 39 ). The Sear ch tab allows yo u to filter the video so y ou can view imag es of specific i nterest.
C3663M-B (11/09) 47 5. Use the mo use to draw a mask in th e selected video pane. M otion must occu r in the masked area for an image to be displayed du ring the smart search. T o clear a mask, click the Mask Color box and select Cl ear Mask; to reverse the ma sk, select Inverse Mask.
48 C3663M-B (11/09) If you change the infor mat ion in any column, you can immediately a ctivate the changes by clicking Apply New Settings, or you ca n click “Undo Changes in Grid” to return to the settings activat ed when you opened th e manager .
C3663M-B (11/09) 49 VIEWING REPORTS Several useful reports can be viewed from Client Manager . T o view a report, click the Reports button, select a re port type, and select the week for which you want to view the report.
Figure 42. Digital Sentry Messages Window 50 C3663M-B (11/09) VI E WI N G M E S S A G E S The DS system commun icates a varie ty of messages wh ile running. Mes sages are liste d in a pop-up wind ow when they occur , or wh en you first start the application af ter they occu r .
C3663M-B (11/09) 51 ALARM ASSESSMENT If you are assi gned Alarm Acti vity rights in DSAdmin, Digital Se ntry immediately notifies you whenever an al arm event occurs. T he Current Alarms pane in the upper-right corner o f the Digi tal Sentry sc reen automatically displays the time and zone in which the ala rm event occurred.
Figure 44. Example of Window with Record Event and Live Video 52 C3663M-B (11/09) ACKNOWLEDGING ALARMS When one or more alar m notifications appear in the Cu rrent Alarms pane, the fo llowing two buttons a ppear in the Digital Sen try tool bar: This button clears only the alar m se lected in the Curre nt A larms pane.
Figure 45. PTZ Control T ab C3663M-B (11/09) 53 PTZ CONTROL The PTZ tab (refer to Fig ure 45 ) allows yo u to control th e pan/tilt/zoom f unctions of a PT Z-enabled camer a. The PTZ tab is a vailable only wh en the video pane of a PTZ-ena bled camera is selected.
54 C3663M-B (11/09).
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デバイスPelco DS NVSの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Pelco DS NVSをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPelco DS NVSの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Pelco DS NVSの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Pelco DS NVSで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Pelco DS NVSを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPelco DS NVSの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Pelco DS NVSに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPelco DS NVSデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。