PelcoメーカーDVR5100 Seriesの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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OPERATION C1696M-B (11/08) DVR5100 Series Hybrid V ideo Recorder.
2 C1696M-B (11/08) Contents About the DVR5100 Se ries Hybrid Video Reco rder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 New Product Features .
C1696M-B (11/08) 3 Exporting Video . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Starting an Export .
4 C1696M-B (11/08) List of Illustrations 1 DVR5100 Network Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2 Autologin Dialog Box .
C1696M-B (11/08) 5 List of T ables A New and Enhanced DVR5100 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 B Default User IDs and Passwords .
6 C1696M-B (11/08) Regulatory Notices This device co mplies with Part 15 of the FCC Rul es. Operatio n is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this devic e may n ot cause harmful interference, and (2 ) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may ca use undesired operat io n.
C1696M-B (11/08) 7 About the DVR5100 Series Hybrid V ideo Recorder The DVR510 0 Series is a n embedded, h igh-perfor mance hybrid d igital vide o recorder (DVR), capable of recording u p to 20 cameras a t a combined 600/500 images per secon d (NTSC/P AL) at 4CIF resolutio n.
8 C1696M-B (11/08) achieve long er retention periods, En duraStor reco rds and reta ins real-time vi deo for th e designate d delay period . Alarm or eve n t video is automatically saved at the higher recorded rate. EnduraSto r make s real- time video avai lable when you need it most, wh ile keepin g storag e costs under contro l.
C1696M-B (11/08) 9 Getting Started This manual d escribes how to operate the DVR5100 to vie w and record liv e video, se arch for recor ded video an d mark or lock it f or future use, and to operate or adjust cameras.
10 C1696M-B (11/08) LOGGING ON WITH THE CONTROL PAD T a ble C provi des control pad functio ns at logon if a keyboar d and mous e are not c onnected. T o log on using the control pad: 1. T urn the Jog (inner dial) to select th e user name. 2. Press the blue function bu tton; the on-screen keyboard appears.
C1696M-B (11/08) 11 LOGGING OFF Y ou can log off from the syste m without shutti ng down the unit . This allows the DVR5100 to continu e recording wh ile preventing unauthorized access to the unit. NOTE: Autologin mus t be disable d to log of f from the syst em without shutting do wn the unit.
12 C1696M-B (11/08) Understanding DVR5100 Controls and Menus The DVR5100 is menu-d riven and can be operated using any o f the following options: • USB PC keyboard and mouse: A USB PC keyboard and mouse are n ow provided to configure an d operate the D VR5100, which is t he easiest way t o operate th e unit.
C1696M-B (11/08) 13 • DVR5100 remote client: For advance d programming a nd remote acce ss, use the DVR510 0 remote client applic ation. Refer to the DVR5100 Remote Clien t Operation manu al (C1697M) for more information. APPLICATION MODES Figure 5 illustrates the various ap plication modes (live v iew , menu, PTZ, and playba ck) .
14 C1696M-B (11/08) USB PC KEYBOARD/MOUSE AN D CONTROL PAD FUNCTIONS T a ble D describes the USB PC ke yboard/mouse and t he DVR5100 front panel controls that are availa ble when you view live or re cord ed vide o with no on-s creen menus vi sible.
C1696M-B (11/08) 15 T abl e E describes the keyboard an d front panel controls th at are available when co ntrolling PTZ on a select ed camera, when no on -screen menus are visible. P ress Enter/Sh ift to enter P TZ mode, which i s indica ted by a blue border around the currently selected video pane.
16 C1696M-B (11/08) T a ble G describ es the keybo ard and fron t panel con trols availab le when using the Quick Searc h dialog. Up/down arrow, Page up/down Jog (inner dial) Scrolls through differ ent options in a list or drop-down menu. Backspace Shuttle (outer ring) Backs up one menu level.
C1696M-B (11/08) 17 DISPLAYING AND HIDING THE SYSTEM MENUS Once logged on, press the “M” key [or Menu ] to display o r hide the on-screen menus. Refer to Figure 12 to view the Main menu hi erarchy .
18 C1696M-B (11/08) Returning to a Previous Menu There are three ways t o return to a previous or higher level me nu: T o return to a previous menu , use the Joystick to move to th e on-screen Back icon, and th en press Ente r/Shift .
C1696M-B (11/08) 19 DISPLAYING SYSTEM INFORMATION The System I nformation screen provi des details th at are usef ul for troub leshooting y our unit an d for communi cating with t he Pel co Product Support team. T o open the System Information dialog box: 1.
20 C1696M-B (11/08) SHORTCUT MENUS Some DVR5100 funct ions are availa ble throug h shortcut menus. Right-click in a ny part of th e application wi ndow to acces s the sh ortcut menus for that loc ation. Figure 13 shows a n example of a sho rtcut menu and sub menus.
C1696M-B (11/08) 21 Operating the DVR5100 The USB keyboard and mouse, and the DVR5100 control pad, provide access to most DVR510 0 features and functionality . MONITORING LIVE V IDEO The DVR5100 starts in live video mode. Th e following information de scribes how to work in this mode.
22 C1696M-B (11/08) MOVING THROUGH THE CAMERA SEQUENCE Although a camera is display ed in a specific video pane, you can quickly cycle through the list of c ameras in the se quence. T o sequence through the list of cameras: 1. Select the vi deo pane dis playing the desired camera (r efer to Figur e 15).
C1696M-B (11/08) 23 4. Click Select Camera [or move to Select Camera using the Joystick and press Enter/Shift ]. The Camera List opens (refer to Figure 17). Figure 17. Camera List 5. Select the desired camera and click OK. [O r , navigate to a camera using the J og (inner dial ) an d press Enter /Shift ].
24 C1696M-B (11/08) PTZ Operations REPOSITIONING A CAMERA WITH PTZ CAPABILITIES If you have a camera that supp orts PTZ operations, you can reposit ion the camera with the keyboard [or the Joystick ]. NOTE : With a mouse, you can re position a camera in both live view and PTZ mode (the camera must supp ort PTZ).
C1696M-B (11/08) 25 USING SHORTCUT CONTROLS FOR PTZ OPERATIONS PAN TO ZERO T o pan the camera back to its zero position: 1. Right-click the video pa ne to display the shortcut menu (refer to Figure 19).
26 C1696M-B (11/08) USING PATTERNS, PR ESETS, AND SCANS The DVR5100 al lows you to activate pa tterns, prese ts, and scans a utomatically or manually fro m the DVR5100. Pat terns and pr eset s must be programmed by t he system admi nistrator bef ore they can be executed .
C1696M-B (11/08) 27 Stopping a Pattern T o stop a PTZ pattern usin g a keyboard/mou se, or the DVR5 100 control p ad: 1. Select the video pane that is displaying video from a camera running a PT Z pattern. 2. If the border of the sele cted video pane is green, press Enter [or Ente r/Shift ].
28 C1696M-B (11/08) T o activate a PTZ preset us ing the keyboa rd/mouse, or t he DVR5100 contr ol pad: 1. While in live view mode, select a video pane that is displaying video from a camera with PTZ capabilit ies. 2. From the Mai n menu, click Act ions.
C1696M-B (11/08) 29 Searching for Recorded V ideo The DVR5100 of fers two op tions to sea rch for re corded vide o: • Quick Search: Allows you to search for video by camera, date, and time.
30 C1696M-B (11/08) COMMANDS AND FEATURES The Quick Sear ch dialog box c ontains the f ollowing commands a nd features: T imeline: Units of t ime increase or decrease bet ween months and days, days an d hours, hours an d minutes, or minutes and secon ds.
C1696M-B (11/08) 31 ENHANCED SEARCH Use the Enhance d Search dialog box to search for recorded video based on the following sear ch criteria: • T ime Range: Allows you to enter a time range to search fo r video.
32 C1696M-B (11/08) 6. Select a camera or camera s from the Cameras list (“ All Cameras ,” “ Multiple cameras ,” or individual came ras). If you select “ Multiple cameras ,” press Enter [or Enter/Shi ft ], or select the ellipsis next to Cameras.
C1696M-B (11/08) 33 9. Select a recording result [or turn the Jog (inner dial)] to select a recording], an d then perform any of the following actions: a. Export: Select Export t o export the video to an ex ternal stor age device. For instructio ns about ex porting vide o, refer to Workin g with Cameras on page 42.
34 C1696M-B (11/08) CHANGING THE PLAYBACK SP EED FOR RECORDED V IDEO While playing b ack recorde d video, you ca n play the vi deo at several speeds in ei ther a fast- forward or fa st-reverse di rection. T o change the p layback speed for recorde d video: 1.
C1696M-B (11/08) 35 3. Click in th e timeline a s econd time to i ndicate whe re you want th e locked clip to end. Click Loc k again. [ Or , turn the Jog (i nner dial) to select the end of the locke d clip, and then select Lock.] A message appears in the inf ormation bar displaying the end time an d date.
36 C1696M-B (11/08) MANUALLY RECORDING V IDEO AND AUDIO The DVR5100 al lows you to r ecord video clip s while viewing live video and wit hout setting up a recording schedule. T o record a segment of video manually: 1. Right-click in the video pane , or press the “R” key .
C1696M-B (11/08) 37 Exporting V ideo STARTING AN EXPORT The DVR5100 al lows you to export vide o as QuickTime ® MPEG-4 Files (*.3gp) or Pelco video format (*.
38 C1696M-B (11/08) 6. T o select the video time frame to be exported, perfo rm one of the following actions: • Click and drag the gr ay bar in the timeline [or turn the Jog (inn er dial) ] to adjust the end time. Th e vertical blue bar repr esents the start time and is f ixed.
C1696M-B (11/08) 39 CAPTURING A SNAPSH OT (STILL IMAGE) All snapshots are saved in a default folder labeled “images,” which is cr eated aut omatically on a U SB device. Y ou mu st attach a USB device to the DVR5100 before you capture a snapshot. If a USB device is not attached, an error message appears and the snapshot is not sa ved.
40 C1696M-B (11/08) W orking with Alarms Each time an alarm occurs, the DVR5 100 displays an Alarm Received dialog box, whi ch allows you t o respond i mmediately to th e ev ent or elect to have the alarm even t snoozed for a specified amount of time (r efer to Figure 40).
C1696M-B (11/08) 41 2. Click Snooze . [Or , navigate to Snoo ze and press Enter/Shift , or press the red funct ion button ]. The Alarm Received dialog box is closed and t he snooze actio n is recorded in the syste m log (refer to Figure 42).
42 C1696M-B (11/08) W orking with Cameras This section describes how t o work with cameras a ttached to t he DVR5100. ACCESSING CAMERA MENUS Many settin gs for diff erent cameras can be progra mmed to fit y our specific ne eds. Y ou can d isplay menus an d adjust came ra setti ngs from the DVR5100 if your user role has permissions to do so.
C1696M-B (11/08) 43 6. After yo u have modifie d the camera s ettings, pr ess the red fu nction butt on . The Camera Set tings menu di sappears and t he vide o pane returns t o live view mode (green border) . NOTE: Selecting EXIT will not clea r the Camera Settings menu.
44 C1696M-B (11/08) • To close the ir is, turn the Shuttle (oute r ring) counterclockwise. As an alte rnative, pres s and hold the Minus button to clos e the iris until it reaches its li mit (refer to Figure 47). Figure 47. Close Iris Control 7. Click OK [or pr ess Enter/Shift or the gr een functi on button ] to c lose the Iris dialog bo x.
C1696M-B (11/08) 45 • To focus away from an object, click th e Minus sign [or turn the Shut tle (outer ring) to th e left]. The Minus sign (-) is hi ghlighted by a circle, i ndicating the direct ion of the cha nge (refer t o Figure 50) . As an alter native, pre ss and hold the Minus butt on.
46 C1696M-B (11/08) W orking with Scripts and Relays EXECUTING SCRIPTS A script is lik e a macro, bu t it provides mu ch more power a nd flexibility. Scripts can be used to control most sy stem functions and ma y be combined in almost any order . NOTE: Scripts can be set up only in the re mote client.
C1696M-B (11/08) 47 EXECUTING RELAYS The DVR5100 ca n be used to activate rel ay outputs ma nually , connec ting DVR5100 d evices to ot her external devices. A r elay can b e activated for a predeter mined period o f time (th e dwell time) or can remai n latched until there is an other signal to release the relay .
48 C1696M-B (11/08) ACTIVATING AUXILIARY COMMANDS (WIPER) A DVR5100 command can activate a wiper on cameras eq uipped with this feature. The DVR51 00 ignores the command if a camera does not support it. T o activate the wiper command using the keyb oard/mouse or the control pa d: 1.
C1696M-B (11/08) 49 Appendix A: Front Panel Indicators Figure 55 shows the DVR5100 front panel . Figure 55. DVR5100 Front Panel Indicators T able H lists the DVR5100 front panel con trols and indicators: T able H.
50 C1696M-B (11/08).
The materials used in the manufacture of this document an d it s components are compliant to the requirements of Directive 2002/9 5/EC. This equipment contains elec trical or electronic components tha.
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デバイスPelco DVR5100 Seriesの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Pelco DVR5100 Seriesをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPelco DVR5100 Seriesの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Pelco DVR5100 Seriesの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Pelco DVR5100 Seriesで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Pelco DVR5100 Seriesを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPelco DVR5100 Seriesの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Pelco DVR5100 Seriesに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPelco DVR5100 Seriesデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。