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C2602M-C (3/07) OPERA TION DX4000 Digital V ideo Recorder.
C2602M-C (3/07) 3 Contents Regulatory Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Description .
4 C2602M-C (3/07) Overview of the Main Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Remote Agent Control Buttons . . . . . .
C2602M-C (3/07) 5 List of Figures 1 Connecting Devices to the DX4000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2 Connecting Comput ers Over the Internet.
6 C2602M-C (3/07) 60 Backing Up Video . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 61 Back Up Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C2602M-C (3/07) 7 Regulatory Notices This device compl ies with Part 15 of the FCC Rul es. Operation is subject to the foll owing two conditions: (1) this device may n ot cause harmful interference, and (2 ) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may ca use undesired operat io n.
8 C2602M-C (3/07) Description The DX4000 Se ries digita l video re corder (DVR) i s an entry-le vel, profes sional digita l video reco rder that n ot only repla ces th e traditional VCR and multiplexer combinatio n but also offers the benefits derived from the latest in d igital video processing.
C2602M-C (3/07) 9 Features • 4-channel full duplex dig ital video recorder • 4-channel audio input s with one audio output • MPEG-4 compre ssion • Up to 704 x 480 Recording Reso lution • Up .
10 C2602M-C (3/07) Overview of the Sy stem The DX4000 serves as the c enter of a video surveillance system to whi ch many computers can be connected. Fi gure 1 illustrates th at co mputers can be connected e ither directly to the DX4000 or remotely over a network.
C2602M-C (3/07) 11 DX4000 Controls CONTROLS ON THE FRONT PANEL OF THE DX4000 Figure 3. Front Panel of the DX4000 The button s on the fr ont panel of the unit are used to con trol PTZ an d camera focus, to enter me nus and adjust settings on the DX4000, and to search for and play bac k video.
12 C2602M-C (3/07) V IDEO CONTROL BUTTONS ON TH E FRONT PANEL OF THE DX4000 Figure 4. Control Buttons on the Front Panel Several control button s are located on the front panel of th e DX4000. Use these buttons to navig ate through menus, to cont rol P TZ and focus on cameras, and to search for an d play back video.
C2602M-C (3/07) 13 OPERATING THE DX4000 FR OM THE REMOTE CONTROL Figure 5. Remote Control Operation Instead of co ntrolling the D X4000 with the b uttons on th e front panel o f the unit, you ca n use.
14 C2602M-C (3/07) Before Y ou Begin This manual describes the menu s on the DX4000; how to control PT Z movement and focus cameras; and how to search for , play back, and ba ck up video dir ectly from t he DX4000.
C2602M-C (3/07) 15 T o stop the DX4000 1. Press the p ower button o n the front panel of the D X4000 or on the remote con trol. The unit beeps and displays the Shutdown sc reen. 2. Press the n umbered channe l buttons t o enter your password, an d then press the Enter button.
16 C2602M-C (3/07) Main Window Overview Figure 8. DX4000 Main Window The DX4000 mai n screen pr ovides access to current sy stem informat ion. ì Camera title: Displays the name of th e camera. The camera title is displayed for each cam era that is connected to the DX4000.
C2602M-C (3/07) 17 CHANGING THE DISPLAY MODE The display mode on the DX4000 is preset to display all four ch annels simultaneously . Y ou can change this screen sequencing mod e to display a single, full-screen video pa ne or to sequence between al l four channels on the scree n.
18 C2602M-C (3/07) ADJUSTING MENU SETTINGS Figure 11. Main Menu T o ac cess menus on the DX40 00 press the M enu button on the fron t panel of the unit or on the remot e control, an d then en ter a u ser ID and pass- word. Each menu contains settings related to a different function on the DX4000.
C2602M-C (3/07) 19 RECORD MENU Figure 13. Record Menu Use the Record menu to select the size and quality of recordings , to set up recording schedules, and to set up alar m-based reco rding.
20 C2602M-C (3/07) CAMERA MENU Figure 14. Camera Menu Use the Camera men u to adjust settings on ca meras attached to the DX4000. • Status/T itle Setup: Use this option to review th e status information and to set up the title for each camera. T i tles will appear on the video panes if you enable this op tion on the Display menu.
C2602M-C (3/07) 21 ALARM MENU Figure 16. Alarm Menu Use the Alarm menu to set up alarms and relays for cameras. • Alarm Input Setup: Use this op tion to con nect or discon nect alarms f or any camer a at any time.
22 C2602M-C (3/07) SY STEM MENU Figure 17. Sy stem Menu Use the System menu to change th e system information on the DX4000. • Date/T ime: Use th is option to enter the cu rrent date an d time on the D X4000.
C2602M-C (3/07) 23 CHANGING PASSWORDS The DX4000 p rovides pred efined user s accounts f or an admini strator , manager , and ope rator . These pr edefined us ers all have the same pass- word: 1234. For ad ded security , you should change these passwo rds.
24 C2602M-C (3/07) RESETTING PASSWORDS Passwords for user ac counts can be reset to the facto ry default. T o reset the passwords 1. Exit the DX40 00 if it is r unning, and t hen disconne ct the power ca ble from the b ack of the unit.
C2602M-C (3/07) 25 FACTORY DEFAULT SETTINGS Y ou can rest ore the DX4000 to its original fact ory settings. Rest oring the unit to it s original factory se ttings resets all set tings. It do es not erase any recorded video from t he hard disk drive, nor does it ref ormat the driv e.
26 C2602M-C (3/07) Changing the Screen Layout SCREEN ROTATION MODE T o change the screen rotation mode, pre ss the SCR Mode button on the fron t panel of the DX4000 or on the remot e control until t he mode you prefer is in use . By default, t he DX4000 disp lays four vid eo panes at one time.
C2602M-C (3/07) 27 Controlling Cameras from the DX4000 The instructio ns in this sectio n describe ho w to control camera s with the buttons o n the front pan el of the DX4000.
28 C2602M-C (3/07) W ORKING WITH PRESETS With the DX4000, you can crea te and run p resets. A prese t is a command that perfor ms some operat ion or opens a menu on a ca mera . Presets provide quick acc ess to camera actio ns that would otherw ise requir e many keystrokes.
C2602M-C (3/07) 29 3. Press the do wn arrow button until the one of the follow preset numbers appe ars: • 90 and 91: Se t the oute r limit for manu al stops. Ma ke sure to select different locations for each preset number. • 92 and 93: Set the other out er limit for scan stops.
30 C2602M-C (3/07) 6. When the pattern is programmed, press the PTZ/Focus button until the P attern menu appears on the screen . 7. Press the channe l button numbered 2 (F2 on the remote contro l) to stop recording the pattern . 8. Press the Ret urn button when you ar e done.
C2602M-C (3/07) 31 Figure 29. Status/T itle Setup Menu 4. Select Covert/ PTZ Setup fr om the Camera menu, and th en press the E nter button . The Covert/PTZ Setup menu app ears. Figure 30. Covert/PTZ Setup Menu 5. For each camera, set up th e following se ttings: • Covert: Turn this setting on or off.
32 C2602M-C (3/07) Figure 31. Color Setup Menu 9. Modify the following set tings for eac h camera. • Brightness: Choose a value be tween 0 and 100. Adjust the bright ness controls so th at black content displays as true bla ck on the monitor. • Contrast: Choose a va lue between 0 and 1 00.
C2602M-C (3/07) 33 Figure 33. Audio Recording Setup Menu 3. For each camera, modif y the following settings, and then press the En ter button. • Turn audio recor ding on or off. • Associate an audio cha nnel with a camer a. 4. After thes e settings a re modified, pr ess the Retu rn button un til all menu s are clear ed.
34 C2602M-C (3/07) MODIFYING IMAGE RECORDING SETTINGS Image recording settin gs affect many aspects of working with th e DX4000. H igher resolution images provide more detail in record ed video, which improv es their usefu lness when mo nitoring eve nts.
C2602M-C (3/07) 35 MODIFYING ALARMS AND RELAY S Figure 36. Alarm Menu The DX4000 supp orts one alarm fo r each camera and on e relay for all of the cameras. Alar ms can be normally open or normall y clo sed. When an event occ urs that trig gers these al arms, the DX4 000 responds by recordin g video fo r the affect ed camera.
36 C2602M-C (3/07) Figure 38. Relay Output Setup Menu 3. For each alarm, mo dify the following relay settings: • Select an a larm, and cha nge its relay output to En able or Disab le. • Change the relay mod e to Latche d or Transpar ent. • For lat ched relays , select a dur ation.
C2602M-C (3/07) 37 Creating Recording Schedules By default, the DX40 00 is set up for contin uous recording. Y ou can set up a schedule to record video only at certain t imes or t o record video in response to motion or a larms. SETTING UP A RECORDING SCHEDULE 1.
38 C2602M-C (3/07) 6. If you choose D aily , you should select a start and stop time fo r the recording schedule. Choose th e hour at which the recordi ng should star t and stop based on a 24-h our clock. For example , to start recording at 1:00 in the afterno on, choose 13.
C2602M-C (3/07) 39 SETTING UP MOTION DETECTION RECORDING The DX4000 ca n record vid eo based on mo tion detect ion so long as a recording schedule has been created . Before you se t up motio n detection recording, re fer to Setting Up a Recording Schedule on page 37 for i nstructions on setting up a recording s chedule.
40 C2602M-C (3/07) 3. For each camera, set up motion detection settings as follows: • Motion: Turn it on or off. • Sensitivity: Select a level between 1 and 10, where 10 is the most sensitive. • Region: Select “Partial” or “Entire”. Whe n motion detection is turned o n, the DX4000 detects mo tion on the entire screen by default.
C2602M-C (3/07) 41 Figure 47. Saving Motion Detection Settings 6. Select an op tion as foll ows, and then press the Ent er button. • Select All: Enables motion detection for th e entire screen. • Deselect All: Disables mot ion detection for the en tire screen .
42 C2602M-C (3/07) Figure 49. Alarm Recording Setup Menu 3. For any camer a that is se t up with an al arm, select t he Record field and turn o n recording. 4. Select a start and stop time if you want to limit the recording to less than the full day .
C2602M-C (3/07) 43 Monitoring Live V ideo With the DX4000 you can monito r up to four video channels simu ltaneously . There are three screen modes available: sin gle mode, quad mo de (four channels), and sequencing mode. Sing le mode displays video from a single camera.
44 C2602M-C (3/07) W orking with Recorded V ideo Y ou can sea rch for re corded vi deo by reco rding date or event , play back recorded video, and back up video to a CD-RW drive, DVD -RW drive, or a USB flash memory device.
C2602M-C (3/07) 45 Figure 53. Searching by Date and T ime The screen expands to i nclude a 24-ho ur timeline fo r the selected date. Hour s for which there is recorded video are g ray . Hours for whi ch no video is recorded are blank. Figure 54. T imeline Showing A vailable Recorded Video 4.
46 C2602M-C (3/07) 7. If you choose to sea rch for video by event, an Event View me nu appears (Figure 56). Sele ct a st art time and end time as follow s: • Press the Enter bu tton to select the field, or to accept any cha nges.
C2602M-C (3/07) 47 PLAYING RECORDED VIDEO T o p lay back re corded vide o, you must fi rs t fo llow the instru ct ions above to search for video. When you search f or video by dat e, the DX4000 dis- plays all vi deo on the screen. When y ou play it back , you will p lay back all o f the video si multaneous ly .
48 C2602M-C (3/07) T o back up vid eo The DX4000 su pports back up to three different de vices. All unit s support back ups to a US B flash memo ry device. If you purcha sed a model that contains a CD- RW or DVD-RW drive, you al so can back up vi deo to a blank or refo rmatted disc.
C2602M-C (3/07) 49 10. If ther e is no media in the drive a warning message appe ars. Insert me dia into the drive, and then press the Enter bu tton. Figure 62.
50 C2602M-C (3/07) W orking with the Remote Agent Application ABOUT THE REMOTE AGENT The remote agent appli cation provi des the same functions t hat are availa ble directly from the DX4 000. Use the re mote agent if y ou are away from the un it but you s till want to mo nitor liv e video, sear ch for record ed video, or adjust system s ettings.
C2602M-C (3/07) 51 REMOTE AGENT CONTROL BUTTONS STARTING AND STOPPING THE REMOTE AGENT T o start the remote age nt The DX4000 r emote agent ca n be started in either o f the following ways: • From the Window s Start menu, lo cate and doub le-click the DX4000 remote age nt shortcut.
52 C2602M-C (3/07) CONFIGURING THE REMOTE AGENT Before you can view video recorded on the DX4000 from the remote agent, you must set up a network connection for the DX4000. Y o u may a lso configure optional se ttings for the remote agent. These set tings are described below .
C2602M-C (3/07) 53 name, current d ate, and image resolution. • Screen Switching Interval (Sec): Select the number of sec onds that each channe l should be displa yed before switchi ng to the next channel. This setting is used when th e Screen Mo de is set to Sequencing.
54 C2602M-C (3/07) RECORDING SETTINGS Use the Record tab to configure recording schedules for the DX40 00 along with the size, recording rate, and quality of t he vide o. Y ou can r ecord video based on the time and da te, alarms, or motion detection.
C2602M-C (3/07) 55 • Start: Select the ho ur at which recor ding should star t. The schedul e is based on a 24-h our clock. If you select 0, reco rding will sta rt just after midnight. For example, se lect 23 to begin recording at 11:00 P M, or 2300 hrs.
56 C2602M-C (3/07) 2. Open the DVR Syst em tab, and then click the Record tab. (See Fig ure 68 on page 54.) 3. T urn on timer re cording for e ach camera for which you will set up motion detection. The Motion Det ection sett ings are enab led for each camera as you set up time r recording for them.
C2602M-C (3/07) 57 CAMERA SETTINGS Use the Camera ta b to configure general information fo r each camera. Y ou can create a title, ad just the color quality , turn on covert recording, and enable and configu re PTZ contro ls for each ca mera. Y ou can a lso set the baud rate th at the DX4000 u ses for all came ras.
58 C2602M-C (3/07) AUDIO SETTINGS Use the Audi o tab to conf igure audio channels that are connecte d to cameras. A separate au dio channel is available t o record a u dio for each camera. A sing le channel is av ailable to monit or audio while you are watchin g live video.
C2602M-C (3/07) 59 4. Click the Appl y button to save the change s and continue to other settin gs. If you are finished up dating settings, click the O K button to clo se the screen. ALARM SETTINGS Use the Alarm tab to set up alarms for the DX4000. A sep arate alarm input is available for each camera.
60 C2602M-C (3/07) SY STEM SETTINGS Use the System tab to conf igure genera l system info rmation for th e DX4000. Some information can be review ed on this t ab but not chan ged. Buzzer sound setting s, passwords, disk write mode, and network connec tion and speed can be configured on the ta b.
C2602M-C (3/07) 61 2. Open the DVR Syst em tab, and then click the System tab. 3. Under Buzzer , config ure the follo wing settings : • Alarm Input: Set this to On if you wan t to hear a buzzer sound any time an alarm occurs.
62 C2602M-C (3/07) Figure 76. Network Client Manager Dialog Box 4. Use the follo wing commands: • Disconnect: Select a use r from the list, and then click the Disconn ect button to disconnect a single user . • Disconnect All: Click the Disconnec t All button to disconne ct all users .
C2602M-C (3/07) 63 T o adjust the focus 1. Display live video in single-screen mode on the remot e agent main screen. 2. In single-screen mo de, select a camera by clicking in the channel video pane or b y clicking a camera button at the bottom of the s creen.
64 C2602M-C (3/07) Figure 80. Completing the Setup for a Pattern T o run a pattern 1. In single-sc reen mode d isplay the came ra for whic h you want to run a pattern, and then click the PTZ button on the PTZ contro ls (Figure 7 7). The PTZ buttons expa nd to display controls for pa tterns and presets.
C2602M-C (3/07) 65 Figure 83. PTZ Control Buttons 2. Select the preset number from the Preset list, and then c lick RUN. The camera adjusts itself to the preset position. T o use Preset 95 Preset 95 disp lays the camera me nu for Esprit and Spectra camer as.
66 C2602M-C (3/07) MONITORING LIVE V IDEO FROM THE REMOTE AGENT Y ou can monitor up to four video channels on the remote agent. By def ault, the re mote agent disp lays all four channels.
C2602M-C (3/07) 67 W ORKING WITH RECORDED VI DEO ON THE REMOTE AGENT SEARCHING FOR RECORDED VIDEO NOTE: T o search for re corded video, you must be logged on as an administrator or ma nager . The operator ID d oes not have per mission to search for record ed video.
68 C2602M-C (3/07) T o search by date or time 1. Click the Log butto n . The Search Log screen ap pears. Figure 86. Search Log Screen 2. Select a search rang e, and then click the Search button. Reco rd ings matc hing your sear ch criteria ap pear in the l ist.
C2602M-C (3/07) 69 T o search by event 1. Click the Search Even ts button . Th e Event Viewer screen ap pears. Figure 87. Event Viewer Screen 2. Select an even t, and then cli ck the “Go to T imel ine” button. No te that the Eve nt Viewer screen remain s open on the desk top.
70 C2602M-C (3/07) Figure 88. Remote Agent Backup Screen 2. Select the backup ti me, video source, an d channels that you want to back up, and the n click the OK button. Unl ess you changed the default directory, the video is copied to the hard disk in the d irectory C:Pro gram FilesPel coDX4000.
C2602M-C (3/07) 71 4. T o vi ew the imag e file, open it with any viewer progra m. If you were vi ewing video in Quad mode, t he snapshot will contain al l four videos. T o sa ve a snapshot of a single vide o, switch to Sing le-Screen Mo de before you sa ve it.
72 C2602M-C (3/07) V IEWING VIDEO WITH THE BACKUP PLAYER The DX4000 back up player le ts you review video that has b een backed up to the hard disk , to a CD or DVD, or to a USB flas h memo ry device. Video backed up from t he DX4000 can also be viewed with any media player that support s A VI file s.
C2602M-C (3/07) 73 T o view recorded video with the backup player 1. From the remote agent application, click the Play Backup V ideo button . The backup player appears. Ref er to Figure 90. 2. Click the “Ope n file” button . The followin g screen appe ars.
74 C2602M-C (3/07) About the W eb Client The DX4000 web client pro vides remote acc ess to the D X4000 so tha t you can moni tor live v ideo across th e Internet. T o search f o r or play back recorded video or t o update system settings, you must u se the remote agent or the contr ols on the front panel of the DX4000.
C2602M-C (3/07) 75 2. Click the Connect bu tton . The Login dialog box appears. Figure 94. Web Client Login Dialog Box 3. Enter a dif ferent port n umber only if the port fo r the DX4000 is differe nt from the de fault numbe r . 4. Select a user ID, enter a p assword, and t hen click th e OK button.
76 C2602M-C (3/07).
PRODUCT WARRANTY AND RETURN INFORMA TION WARRANTY Pelco will repair or replace, without char ge, any merchandise proved defective in material or workmanship for a period of one year after the date of shipment.
W orldwide Headquarters 3500 Pelco W ay Clovis, California 93612 USA USA & Canada T el: 800/289-9100 Fax: 800/289-9150 International T el: 1-559/292-1981 Fax: 1-559/348-1120 www .
デバイスPelco DX4000の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Pelco DX4000をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPelco DX4000の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Pelco DX4000の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Pelco DX4000で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Pelco DX4000を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPelco DX4000の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Pelco DX4000に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPelco DX4000デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。