Perfectone Net WareメーカーIP 300の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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IP 300 User Manual .
IP 300 User Manual 2 1.Before Ge tting Star ted ................................................ ................................................. 3-6 Product Des cription ...... ..... ...... ........ ..... ........ ..... ........ ..... ..... ....
IP 300 User Manual 3 BEFOR E GETTIN G ST A R TED Product Description IP is abbreviation of In ternet Protocol. An IP phon e is a telephone transporting voice by grouping data package of IP protocol. I P phone can be used on IP Networks from an enterprise-wi de LAN to a city-wide WAN.
IP 300 User Manual 4 Function Keys of IP 300 IP Phone Introdu ction (Normal St ate): Keys Function Local IP With handset hung, press this key to get local IP address of the phone Missed Call With hand.
IP 300 User Manual 5 E.164 dial pl an and customized dial rules 1 00 entries for quick dial 8 0 entries each for missed calls, answered calls a nd dialed calls Adjust able volume for both handset and spea ker V oice prompt St andard and Pr otocol IP 300 IP Phone supports follo wing standard and protocol: IEEE 802.
IP 300 User Manual 6 Pow er: 5 W (max.) Pow er adapter: AC/DC input 230V output 7.5V 0.8A Network interface:2X RJ- 45 Ethernet Connectors Size 198 x 176 x 60 mm (L x W x H).
IP 300 User Manual 7 INST A L LING THE IP PHONE Be for e in st all in g y our IP Ph on e, i t i s u sefu l to k no w w ha t k i nd o f I P a dd re ssin g y ou r LA N o r r out e r i s usi n g.
IP 300 User Manual 8 Jack. Plug t he o ther end of the cable into an app ropriate LAN or DSL/Ca ble router port or a HUB. 3. Power on IP phone: plug the power cor d ada pter into t he Pow er Jack. T h en plug the other end of the pow er cord adapter into the appropriate wall outlet.
IP 300 User Manual 9 CONFI GURING THE IP PHONE This chapter show s you how to configure the IP phone by keypad, web b rowser and telnet. It also t ells y ou the meanings o f the items y ou m ight encounter in the se tting process.
IP 300 User Manual .
IP 300 User Manual Wh a t i f y o u r n e tw o rk i s u s i ng S ta t i c I P Ad d re s s i n g ? Wh e n y o u r LA N se t t i n gs a re u si n g sta ti c IP a ddr ess in g, y ou sh ou ld 1. C h an gin g D HC P to st ati c i n th e IP P h on e Before y ou assign a s tatic IP address, the IP Phone’s DHCP mode m us t be ch ang ed .
IP 300 User Manual 12 b. E nter th e su bn etm ask ad dr ess 1. W hen appe ar s, pre ss “ SP K” then “ Loca l IP” butt on to inp ut the su bn etma s k a ddr ess . 2. Use the di al pa d to ent er the sub ne tmas k ad dre ss. For exa m pl e: 255.
IP 300 User Manual 13 Refer t o above operation; you can reach any menu to m odify an y value. Please refer to following structure illustrations to learn the values of each menu item. As for the meaning o f each item and value, please refer t o W eb Browser Setting chapter .
IP 300 User Manual 14.
IP 300 User Manual 15.
IP 300 User Manual 16 B . Using the Web Browser to configure the IP phone The f ollowing diagram imit ates a simple networ k layout in which t he PC and I P300 connect to the internet through a rou ter . Router (co nnected to Internet on the other s ide) IP address: 192.
IP 300 User Manual 17 Fig1 Http Setti ng Page Net w or k Setting Fig 2 Netwo rk Setting Page iptyp e : Set pho ne get s r elevant netwo rk para meters by selecting co rresponding item from drop dow n list.
IP 300 User Manual 18 st atic ip : Select this item t o authorize users set IP address, subnet m ask and router IP address o f IP phone manually .
IP 300 User Manual 19 IP address o f IP phone here. dns: W i th st atic i p selected in iptype drop down list, please enter I P addre ss of DNS server here. dns 2: W ith static ip selected i n ipt ype drop down list, please en ter IP address of backup DNS server here.
IP 300 User Manual 20 Note W it h Net2phone selected here, please s et ot her nece ssary parameters: c heck use service option, and then fill IP add ress or domain name of designated server into service addr field; then set service port as 6801 ; f ill account and password o f Net2p hone card i nto account and pin fields.
IP 300 User Manual 21 “ dialnum ” from the “ Use dialplan ” list box and put “ 00 ” into “ dial number ”. Auvtech: use Auvtech’s H.323 sy stem. W hen co nnected with Auvtech’s system, please select “ au vtech ” from the “ nat traversal ” list box, select “ account ” fro m the “ local type ” list box.
IP 300 User Manual 22 Thinker: Use Thinker’s H.323 sy stem Suntek: Use Suntek’s H.323 sy stem Sipphone: Free SIP ser vice on in ternet, please v isit www for more infor mat ion. Inphonex: Free SIP service on internet, please v isit www.
IP 300 User Manual 23 “ service id ”. Net2phone: Please pu t the U RI o f the Net2phone server into “ service add r ” The de fault service port is 6801. Leave “ service id ” empty. Net2pho ne usually use the following s ervers: call1.
IP 300 User Manual 24 every “ nat ttl ” seconds to k eep the port mapping on t he NAT device alive. “ nat ttl ” is an integer between 10 and 60, default value is 20. phone number: The local phone number or use rname of this phone, usually is allocated by sy stem.
IP 300 User Manual 25 number is much more in t he bu ffer area and the ti m e-lapse is longer all ordingly Rtp to s: Set t he TOS f ie ld of the IP header of the RTP packets. T he bigge r this value is, the higher priority the packet is. rtp port: RTP port i s the port transferring and receiving voice packets using UDP protocol.
IP 300 User Manual 26 normal: Call out in normal w ay by selecting this item. fast star t : Call out in fasts tart w ay by selecting this item. advanced: Call out in faststart and tunneling way by select ing this it em. It is a recommended way w ith H323 protocol used.
IP 300 User Manual 27 number field, such as 17930; t ype; language indicating num be r, card number and # into account field; fill password and # into pin field. dial number: W ith dialnum s elected in use d ialplan drop down list, please enter the dia l pr efix into this f ield according to r equire ment o f log in server.
IP 300 User Manual 28 Note T o modify the para meters of backup settings, please use T elnet com mands. local prefix: With enable or sw itch selected in innerline dropdown list, please fill the number switching to backup setting 1 here , such as 56.
IP 300 User Manual 29 receiving forwarded calls phone nu mber into fwd number field. fwd always: Forward all calls by checking t his box. Please enter receiving forwarded calls phone n umber into fwd number field. fwd busy: Forward calls if busy by checking t his box.
IP 300 User Manual 30 hand set ou t: Drag the sli der to adjust the volu me o f h andset output. Drag it to the left to reduce the volume; whi le drag it to the right to increase the volume. speaker out: Drag the s lider to adjust the volume of handfr ee output.
IP 300 User Manual 31 W hen debug set as 0[disable], if input ordinary password (default one is 1234), then following p age wi ll pop up afte r clicking .
IP 300 User Manual 32 Note W ith H323 protocol used, i f the phone dose not logi n Gat ekeeper or Gateway ; or w ith SIP p rotocol u sed, t he phone dose not login Ser ver Proxy , you can save IP address of o ther phone into phone nu mber f ield. Fig 3.
IP 300 User Manual 33 C . T elnet Configurati on O n the PC connecting with t he phone or on the same segment with the phone, choose S tart> Run , and then type telnet 192 .168.1.100 into Run field in popuping Run dialog. Or input telnet 192.168.
IP 300 User Manual 34 store Save current settings to designated position load Load designated settings to current position exit Exit from the setting mode w ithout saving the configuration write Exit .
IP 300 User Manual 35 will be displayed: IP 300 V1. 38 settings Password: **** **** P:>get iptype 0[sta tic] ip subnetmask 255.25 5.255.0 router dns 202.106. 196.152 dns2 mac 00-09 -45-65-a3 -e6 protocol 0 [h323] ser vice 1[enable] servicetype 0 [common] serviceaddr 218.
IP 300 User Manual 36 registerport 17 19 signalport 3102 controlport 3 022 account hk016 phonenu mber 6022 fwdpoweroff 0[disable] fwdalways 0[ disable] fwd busy 0[disa ble] fw dnoanswer 0[dis able] ringtype 12[user define] answer 30 password 1234 upgradeaddr [empty] sntpip 210.
IP 300 User Manual 37 router is configured to use DHCP addressing, the IP phone’s LAN parameters will automatically be conf igured as soon as it i s connected to the LAN or router and pow ered up; 2: use PPPo E m ode. Those ADSL and Cable Mode m users please select this i tem f or it is a protocol especially designed f or them.
IP 300 User Manual 38 IP-300 IP phone . set dns XXX.XXX.XXX.XX X With iptype set as 0 , use t his c ommand to set IP address o f DNS server . set dns2 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX With iptype set as 0 , us e this command to set IP of backup DNS server . set mac XX-XX-XX-XX-XX -XX Set MAC addr ess of the IP-300 IP phone.
IP 300 User Manual 39 huaw ei system; 14: use kaiman system; 15: use Ngtel sy stem; 16: use asiainfo syste m; 17: use Lucent s ystem; 18: use Harbour sy stem 19: u se IPN system; 20: use Yay ng system.
IP 300 User Manual 40 protocol used according to requirement of system; 5: use this value with vida p rivate syste m u sed; 6: a ivgr use this value with aivgr private system used. set serviceaddr XXXX According to protocol used, set IP address or domain name of log in server.
IP 300 User Manual 41 value with INNOPATH private system used ; 4: stun. U se this value with SIP protocol used according to requirement of system; 5: use this value with vida private sy stem used; 6: aivgr use this value with aivgr private system used; 7 Eproxy : use Eproxy system.
IP 300 User Manual 42 card; w hile local ty pe is set as 2[ H2355 a ccount], se t pas sword. W ith MGCP protocol us ed, p lease set domain name by this co mm and . W i th Net2phone sy st em used, set password o f Net2phon e card by this command. set registerport XXXX Set register port.
IP 300 User Manual 43 set rtpport XXXX RTP p ort is the port tr ans f erring and receiving voice flow using UDP protocol. XXXX is range d from 1024 through 65535. Jitter size:X Setting RTP date stream anti-buffer siz e. The specific value ranges 0-32.
IP 300 User Manual 44 through 3: 0: disable dial plan; 1: enable dial plan; 2: use dial nu mber; 3: use 179XX service.;4: use hotline function. s et dialnumber XX When set dialplan value set as 2, please u se this command to se t dial number . For exa m ple, with eTalk card u sed, please set it as 00.
IP 300 User Manual 45 set dddprefix XX Set DDD service prefix number when set dialplan value set as 1 or 2 . For example, DDD s ervice prefix number of china is 0; DDD service prefix number o f USA is 1, etc. Pa rameter xxx must be an Arabic numeral and no longer th an 3 characters.
IP 300 User Manual 46 Set whether to use dig itmap. X ranged from 0 to 1: 0: do not use digitmap; 1: use digit map. set fwdnumber XXXX XXX Set receiving forwarded calls phone number. XXXX must be an Arabic numeral and no longer th an 16 characters set fwdpoweroff X Enable/disable forward calls if power off.
IP 300 User Manual 47 set audioframes X Set audio f rames in RTP p ackage. X is Ar abic numerals between 0 and 7. set 6.3k X With G.7231, set IP -300 I P phone to use 6.3K rat e or not. X is ranged from 0 through 1: 0: use 6.3K rate ; 1: use 5.3K rate.
IP 300 User Manual 48 set p assword XXXX Set password of the IP-300 IP phone. XXX must be ASCII characters and no longer than 7 characte rs. set debug X Set open debugging m essage output grade f or special t ool.
IP 300 User Manual 49 Usage: Load the designated settings to the current position. Relevant Usage: load 1 Comm and exit Syntax description: no keyw ord and parameter Usage: Exit from Telnet co mm and wi ndow without saving the configuration.
IP 300 User Manual 50 Usage : the system connects to the FT P server auto to get the correspondi ng file and deal with it. Relevant usage: f tp X X ranged from 0 through 2: X-0: Connect to FT P Ser ver to ge t the file of upd ating p rogram and save i t to the SDRAM of the phone.
IP 300 User Manual 51 USING THE IP PHONE 1. T o p lace a ca ll Call another IP 300 IP p hone under the same Gatekeeper: 1. Handset: Pick up t he handset and l isten for the Internet dial tone. Then dial the phone nu m ber you wish to call and press .
IP 300 User Manual 52 2 . R e c e i v i n g a C al l I P 3 00 r e ce i v es i n c o mi ng c a l l s f ro m o th e r I P P h o n e s u s i ng t h e s a me s er v ic e pl a t fo r m. T h e I P P h o ne w o rk s ju st l i ke a n o r d i n a r y p h on e fo r i n c o mi n g c a l l s .
IP 300 User Manual 53 A ppendix T able IP-300 IP phone digital-charac ter key m ap: Keys Press Once Press T wi ce Press Thrice Press quartic Press quintic 1 1 . , ?/_ !// 2 2 A/a B/b C/c [ 3 3 D/d E/e F/f ] 4 4 G/g H/h I/i * 5 5 J/j K/k L/l 6 6 M/m N/n O/o # 7 7 P/p Q/q R/r S/ s 8 8 T /t U/u V /v 9 9 W/w X/x Y/y Z/z * .
デバイスPerfectone Net Ware IP 300の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Perfectone Net Ware IP 300をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPerfectone Net Ware IP 300の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Perfectone Net Ware IP 300の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Perfectone Net Ware IP 300で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Perfectone Net Ware IP 300を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPerfectone Net Ware IP 300の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Perfectone Net Ware IP 300に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPerfectone Net Ware IP 300デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。