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User Guide.
2 Quick Start Quick Start Charge the battery (page 13). 1 S et up your XMp3 radio (page 21). 2 Activate your XM subscription online or by calling 1 800 XM RADIO 3 (1-800-967-2346) (page 25).
3 T able of Contents Introduction ................. 4 F eatur es ............................... 5 About XM .............................. 6 Safety Instructions ..................... 7 What’ s in the Box? ...................... 12 Charging the Batt er y .
4 Introduction.
5 Introduction Features Th e X Mp3: Re cord W ha t Y ou Love, Li ste n W he n Y ou Want!™ Live o r re cor de d X M conte nt at yo ur fin ge r tips . Spi n th e wh e el to qu ick ly • tun e to you r favo ri te XM ch ann el s. Have to ste p away f or a f ew mi nute s ? Pause an d re p lay up to 30 mi nute s • of X M pro g ra mmi ng .
6 About XM XM is A me ri ca’s numb e r on e sa tell ite r ad io com p any . B ro ad ca s tin g live d ail y f rom s t ud ios i n Washin gto n, D C , N ew Y o rk C it y , Chic a go, th e Cou ntr y Mu.
7 Safety Instructions IMPORTANT! Always r ead and understand all the instructions to avoid injury to yourself and/or damage to your device. XM Sat ellite Radio claims no responsibility for damage fr om data loss due to breakdown, repair or other causes .
8 obj e c t s aw ay fro m th e p ower p lu gs . Stay awar e of yo ur sur ro un din gs w he n enj oy ing yo ur X Mp3 r ad io. I f you ’ re a • pe d es t ria n, ke ep yo ur e yes an d ea rs o p en . I f you ’re driv in g, ke e p your e yes on th e ro ad a nd yo ur h and s on t he w he e l.
9 Pr otect Y our Ears and Y ourself Alw ays fo ll ow tr affi c s af et y dire c tio ns . Do n ot us e ea rb u ds or h ea dp ho ne s • whi le o p er ati ng a b ic ycle, au tom o bil e, o r mo torc ycle. N ot o nl y is it dan ge ro us , it may b e il le ga l.
10 hearing protection. (F or referenc e, a garbage disposal or loud shouting at 3 f eet are about 80 decibels; a food blender or gas la wn blow er at 3 feet ar e around 90 decibels .) Pioneer disclaims all liability f or hearing loss, bodily injury , or propert y damage as a result of use or misuse of this product.
11 recycled. C ontact your local recycler f or details. Nev er dispose of batteries in a fir e or in water as they may explode . T o inser t or remove the ba ttery see page 13 for more inf ormation. Perchl o rate M ate ria l - sp e cia l han dli ng m ay app l y .
12 What’s in the Box? Introduction XMp3 Radio Remote Control Home Stand Battery USB Cable XM Home Antenna AC Power Adapter Also Included: User Guide and Getting the Most From your XM Radio Guide Ear.
13 Charging the Battery Th e b at te r y com es f ro m the f a c to r y wit h a sma ll am ou nt of ch arg e. Cha rg e the b at ter y fo r at le as t 3 ho ur s b e fo re usi ng yo ur X Mp3 ra di o fo r th e fir s t tim e, o r if yo u have not u se d i t fo r seve ra l mo nths .
14 XMp3 Radio Contr ols Introduction Power/Hold Switch Slide down to turn on or off, slide up to lock controls. 30-Minute Replay Pause and replay up to 30 minutes of live XM Record Record a song or a channel - also schedule recording and set channel to auto record.
15 The functions of the controls ma y change depending on what you ’ re doing at the time. In general, r emember that: T urni ng t he w he e l hig hli ght s d iffe re nt ico ns or m oves u p or d own a l is t. Pr ess • the X M b u t t o n to se le c t the hi gh lig hte d ite m.
16 Introduction Additional symbols Live XM My Music Library Auto Recordings Settings Battery Charging Battery Charged (green) Battery Low (red) Hold - controls locked.
17 microSD card is in the device, has been scanned and is safe to be removed (green) Song included on a playlist MP3 or WMA song loaded onto the microSD card that has been added to a playlist TuneSelect set to alert on artist’s name TuneSelect set to alert on song title XM signal strength MicroSD card is being read.
18 Introduction Remote Control Functions 30-Minute Replay Buttons P ause and repla y up to 30 minutes of live XM c ontent. Power Button Record Record a song or channel . Arrow Buttons Navigates menu and channel lists. Options T uneSelec t, book marks, add channel to fav orites, set channel to auto r ecord , and view programs f or channel.
19 MicroSD Memory Card T urn your XMp3 radio off befor e inser ting or removing the micr oSD memor y card (sold separately a t xmradio .com/microSD or at your local r etailer). T o inser t the card press it down un til it clicks into place . T o remov e it, press down and it will eject.
20 Using this Guide Throughout this guide , you will see instruc tions such as Selec t menu → Settings → Change Display → Brightness . This tells y ou to do the f ollowing: Pr ess the 1 menu button. T urn the wheel clockwise until the 2 Settings Icon is highlighted .
21 Setup.
22 Setup for Home or Office Inser t your XMp3 radio into the home stand. 1 Connect the power adapter , audio cable, 2 and XM home antenna. Connect your XMp3 radio to your home or office audio 3 system. antenna line out Setup antenna The XM home antenna plugs into the jack labeled antenna.
23 Place the XM home ant enna in or near 4 a south facing window f or optimal indoor reception. T o optimize signal rec eption, you 5 can mount the XM home antenna outdoors, facing south.
24 While Traveling Y ou can connect the power adapter dir ectly to your XMp3 radio . Setup.
25 Activation.
26 Subscribing to XM Befor e you can listen t o any of XM ’ s more than 170 channels , you must first activate y our XMp3 radio. Make sure your XMp3 radio is rec eiving the XM signal in liv e mode so that you 1 can hear the audio on Channel 1. Make a note of your XM Radio ID .
27 Using Y our XMp3 Radio.
28 Using your XMp3 Radio Live XM NOTE! Be sure t o listen to liv e XM for a t least 8 hours in a 30-day period. This authenticates your XM subscription and ensur es you con tinue to enjoy y our live and recor ded XM progr ams. Selec ting Channels T urn on your XMp3 radio .
29 T urn the wheel to highlight a digit corr esponding to the channel number that y ou 2 want to list en to . Press the XM button t o select that digit. Repeat for all the dig its of that channel number . When you ’ve enter ed a valid channel number , your XMp3 radio will tune to that 3 channel within 2 seconds.
30 Ca tegories XM channels are organiz ed into channel ca tegories, or genr es, such as “Rock , ” “ Jazz, ” or “News . ” T o find a channel by category : Selec t 1 menu → Liv e XM → All C ategories . Y ou ’ll see a list of all the XM categories .
31 Y ou should see a list of your fav or ite channels. T urn the wheel to highlight the 4 desired channel then pr ess the XM button to select it. T o remo ve a channel fr om y our “F av orites ” list: T une to that channel . 1 Selec t 2 options → Remov e F av orite .
32 T o return to live XM select menu → All Channels , or All C at egories, or F av orite Channels. Y ou can also press several times or en ter the channel number using the keypad or from the replay list select Go to Live XM. Y ou won ’t be able to r ecor d a song that is paused or being repla yed .
33 Selec t rec 1 → Schedule Recording or Menu → Liv e XM → Schedule Recording . Use the wheel and 2 XM button to ent er the date , start time, end time, and channel. Selec t 3 OK when done. Y ou can use the same method to edit or delete an existing r ecor ding session.
34 T o designate a specific channel t o be auto-recor ded : T une to that channel . 1 Selec t 2 rec → Set to A uto Recor d . Y ou can designat e up to 5 channels in this manner . T o remov e channels from the aut o-record list, select rec → Remov e Auto Rec .
35 Y ou can view all songs in your library of recorded XM c ontent, or sort by 4 ar tist, categor y , channel name, and so on. Y ou’ll see similar menus when you view your library of MP3/WMA files or audiobooks. As you list en to r ecorded music or audiobooks , try pressing options.
36 Program Guide T o see what will be playing on a particular channel: While listening to liv e XM, select options → V iew Pr ograms . Y ou will see a list of progr ams that will be playing on that channel.
37 Playlists Y ou can creat e one or more custom lists , called playlists. A playlist is simply a collection of recor ded tracks that pla y in a certain order . Creat e a “ morning commute ” pla ylist, a “workout” playlist, a “best of ” playlist, and mor e.
38 T o delet e a playlist: Selec t 1 menu → My Music Library → Recorded XM or menu → My Music Library → MP3s and WMAs . Selec t 2 Playlists . Highlight a playlist name and select 3 options → Delete . T o r emov e songs from a playlist: Selec t 1 menu → My Music Library → Recorded XM or menu → My Music Library → MP3s and WMAs .
39 TuneSelect and GameSelect T uneSelec t finds your fav orite artists or songs and aler ts y ou whenever they ar e being play ed on any XM channel. Y ou can sav e up to 30 songs or ar tists. When you hear one of y our fav orite songs or artists, selec t 1 options → T uneSelect S ong or options → T uneSelect Ar tist .
40 When you ’ re done, press 5 back to exit the screen. GameSelec t aler ts may be set or disabled in a similar manner . TuneSelect alerts you when it finds this artist name. TuneSelect alerts you when it finds this song title. No alerts set for this song title or artist.
41 Info Extras XM b ro ad ca s ts i nf or mat io n suc h as sp or t s sco res a nd s to ck qu ote s . Th is inf o rm atio n c an b e disp laye d at th e b ot tom of yo ur X Mp3 ra di o’s scre en . T o choose a sport or team: Se le c t 1 menu → Settings → Inf o Extras → Spor ts .
42 Choosing a stock is a similar proc ess: Selec t 1 menu → Settings → Info Extras → Stocks . Selec t 2 Add St ocks . T o add the symbol for Sirius XM Satellit e Radio, “SIRI, ” turn the wheel until 3 “S” appears in the first letter position.
43 Using Y our XMp3 Radio with a PC.
44 Th e X M2go Musi c Ma na ge r ru ns on W in d ows- b as e d p er s on al com pu ter s a nd al low s you to: Man ag e you r mus ic: c rea te and c us tom iz e pl aylis t s o f XM re co rdi ngs o r you r p er s on al M P3 • or WM A file s . Sch e dul e re co rdin gs .
45 PCs running Microsoft® W indows® V ista must meet the follo wing requir ements: CPU: 80 0 M Hz o r hi ghe r fo r V is t a H om e; 1 GH z or h igh e r fo r oth er V is t a e di tio ns • Har d.
46 My Music The XM2go Music Manager helps you or ganize rec orded XM c ontent and y our MP3s. V iew yo ur X M re cor din gs , inc lu din g the a r tist n am e, so ng t itl e, th e cha nne l it • was r eco rd e d fr om a nd s on g le ng th .
47 Record XM Schedule Recordings of XM cont ent directly from y our XMp3 radio , or with the XM2go Music Manager . Save tim e by re co rdi ng u p to five cha nn els at t he s am e ti me . • V iew a ll sc he du le d re co rdi ngs , in clu di ng th e du rat io n.
48 Bookmarks Book marks are an easy way t o flag your fa vorite songs while list ening to your XMp3 radio . V iew s on gs yo u have b oo k m ar ked o n you r XM p3 ra dio a nd l ink to N aps te r . com • to pu rchas e th em . Add yo ur mu sic li br ar y to th e XM p3 rad io w it h a st an da rd o r hig h ca p aci t y • mic roSD ca rd .
49 Napster enables you t o purchase and o wn songs you hear d and bookmar ked on your XMp3 radio . Eas y a ccess to a li br ar y of m illi ons o f so n gs . • Add yo ur mu sic li br ar y to th e XM p3 rad io w it h a st an da rd o r hig h ca p aci t y • mic roSD ca rd .
50 My Books V iew t he au tho r s , titl es , an d l en gth o f au dib l e bo o k s saved o n yo ur X Mp3 ra di o. Lin k to • m to se e avai lab l e aud ib le b o o k s.
51 Audib l e is you r so urce f or t he inte r ne t ’ s larg es t s el e c ti o n of p rem ium d igi t al au dio. Cho os e f rom ove r 4 0, 0 0 0 d ow nl oa da bl e au dio b o ok s, i ncl udi ng t he la tes t b es t • se ll er s an d tim e le ss cla ssic s .
52 Info View Inf ormation about your XMp3 radio such as model and radio ID . Pers o nal ize t he na me o f you r XM p3 ra dio. • V iew t he am o unt of X M conte nt s tor a ge us e d /a vail ab le a nd p e r so nal m usic • sto r ag e us ed /availa bl e o n your X M p3 rad io.
53 Updating the XMp3 Radio Firmware Occ asi on all y we ma ke imp rovem e nt s to the X Mp3 r ad io’s firmwa re, w hich i s the s of t w are that m akes yo ur X Mp3 r adi o wo rk .
54 Settings ON.
55 Y ou can manage your XMp3 radio settings by selecting menu → Settings . The list of settings will var y depending on whether you ’ re using y our XMp3 radio in a por table mode, docked into a vehicle cradle , in a home stand, or in a sound sy stem.
56 Edit Alerts If you use T uneSelec t, your XMp3 radio aler ts you when your fa vorite song or artist is playing on any liv e XM channel. Y ou can control how these alerts work . T o turn all alerts on or off : Selec t 1 menu → Settings → Edit Alerts → All Aler ts .
57 Channel Access Direct T une Normally , as you scroll thr ough live XM channels using the wheel , your XMp3 radio displays the channel, artist name, and song title, which allow s you t o preview the inf ormation befor e tuning to that channel . T o hear that channel, you w ould then press the XM butt on.
58 Y ou can always ac cess a skipped channel by entering its channel number directly . Blocking xL Channels A channel logo that contains “ xL ” means that you ma y hear frequen t explicit language on that channel. T o block these channels: Selec t 1 menu → Settings → Channel Acc ess → xL Channels .
59 the volume of other audio sour ces. Selec t 1 menu → Settings → Line Out Level . T urn the wheel to increase or decr ease the audio level . 2 Pr ess the 3 XM button to set that lev el. Do not use the Line - Out Level menu it em as a volume c ontrol; y ou should use the volume contr ol on your home or car ster eo instead .
60 Clock and Sleep Timer Th e ti me is au to mati ca ll y se t usi ng th e XM s ign al . Se le c t • menu → Sett ings → Se t T i me → T i me Z o ne to s e t the p ro p er t im e zon e fo r yo ur l oc at io n. Y our X Mp3 r adi o c an au tom atic al ly a djus t f or D ayli ght S avi ngs T ime.
61 Y ou ’ll see several c onfirmation screens . If you change your mind , simply select 3 No . Alternatively , pr ess back to exit this set of menus and return to normal operation. Memory Usage Selec t menu → Settings → Memor y Usage to view memory status on your XMp3 radio .
62 T roubleshooting.
63 T roubleshooting XMp3 has been designed and built to be trouble-free but if you experience a problem, try this: Che ck th at al l conn e c ti on s are fir m an d s e cure . • Re move i ts b at ter y , wa it at l eas t 30 s e con ds , th en re - ins er t it .
64 If you see this on the scr een: T r y this: Updating XM is updating your XMp3 radio with the latest encryption code. W ait until the update is done. OR Y ou may be tr ying to tune to a channel that is blocked or unavailable . T une to another channel.
65 If this happens: T r y this: XMp3 radio shuts off unexpectedly . Check whether you ’v e set the sleep timer , and set it to “ Off, ” if desired. If you ’ re in a car , check whether “ V ehicle Mode/D elayed P ower Off ” is set, and set it to “Off , ” if desired.
66 If this happens: T r y this: XM Instant T raffic and W eather channels sound differ ent from other channels. Do nothing. These channels use a differ ent audio technology than the other XM channels. Battery level meter does not match the expected charge or playback time.
67 Other Information.
68 Product Registration Visit us a t the follo wing site: http://ww w Register your pr oduc t. W e will keep the details of your purchase on file to 1 help you r efer t o this information in the ev ent of an insuranc e claim such as loss or theft.
69 Product Specifications XMp3 Radio Dimensions 51 mm ( W ) X 92 mm (H) X 15 mm (D) 2 in ( W ) X 3.6 in (H) X 0.6 in (D) W eight 69g without battery / 88g with batter y Storage Capacity Internal: 2GB Removable memory : T ype: microSD™ C ard Size: up t o 8 GB Audio Output 3.
70 Model Numbers XMp3 R adio GEX - XMP3 XMp3 Car Kit CD-XMPCAR1 XMp3 Home Car Kit CD-XMHOME1 XM p3 Antenn a He ad ph o nes CD-XMHEAD 1 XM p3 Leath er C as e C D - X M C A S E1 Remote C ontr ol Dimensions 40 mm ( W ) X 119 mm (H) X 15.4 mm (D) 1.5 in ( W ) X 4.
71 Patent Information It is prohibited to , and you agree that y ou will not, copy , decompile , disassemble, reverse engineer , hack , manipulate, or otherwise access and/or make available an y technology incorporated in r eceiv ers compatible with the XM Sa tellite Radio system.
72 FCC and IC Statement The user is cautioned that changes or modifications not expr essly approv ed by XM Sat ellite Radio Inc. can void the user ’ s authority to operate this devic e. This device has been designed t o operate with the an tenna pro vided in the original packaging.
73 LIMITED WARRANTY W ARR ANTY V ALID ONL Y IN COUNTR Y OF PRODUC T PURCHASE W ARR ANTY Pioneer Electronics (USA ) Inc. (PUSA), and P ioneer Elec tronics of Canada, Inc.
74 PRODUCT W ARRANT Y PERIOD P ortable S atellite Radio ……………………………...… 1 Y ear Par ts & Labor P ortable S atellite Radio Batt er y ……………………… 90 Da y s P .
76 will need to package it carefully and send it, transpor tation prepaid b y a traceable , insured method, to an A uthor ized Ser vice Compan y . P ackage the product using adequate padding material to pr event damage in tr ansit. Include your name, addr ess and telephone number wher e you can be r eached during business hours.
77 PIONEER ELEC TRONICS SER VICE, INC. P .O . BO X 1760 L ONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 90810 1-800-421-1404 http://ww w
GE X - XM P3 Pio n e er E le c tro ni c s S er v ice, I n c . P .O. Box 1 7 6 0 Lo ng B e ac h, C al if o r nia 9 0 8 10 1 80 0 4 2 1 1 40 4 http:/ /ww w .pioneerele XM , X M p3, XM 2go, a nd r e la te d lo g o s ar e tr ad e ma rk s of X M S ate ll it e Ra d io I n c.
デバイスPioneer CD-XMCASE1の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Pioneer CD-XMCASE1をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPioneer CD-XMCASE1の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Pioneer CD-XMCASE1の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Pioneer CD-XMCASE1で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Pioneer CD-XMCASE1を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPioneer CD-XMCASE1の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Pioneer CD-XMCASE1に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPioneer CD-XMCASE1デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。