Atlas SoundメーカーXLTEの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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PAGE 1 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l COMMUNITY PROFESSIONAL LOUDSPE AKERS A TRADITION OF EXCELLEN CE AND INNO VATION FOR OVER 30 YEARS Before 1967, most sound reinforcem ent systems were made up of components de signed for use in movie theate rs.
PAGE 2 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l EC STATEMENT OF CONFORMI TY This document confirms that the range of products of Community Professiona l Loudspeakers be aring the CE label.
PAGE 3 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE Comm unit y Pr ofessio nal Lou dspeakers............................................................................................ ......................... 1 EC St ateme nt o f Co nform ity .
PAGE 4 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l COMMUNITY XLT™ AND XLTE™ SERIES OWNER’S MANUAL 1I N T R O D U C T I O N Welcome! You’ve joine d the group of people tha t have chosen high quality Community loudspeaker systems and components for over 30 ye ars.
PAGE 5 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l 2 UNPACKING AND INSPECTION The Community XLT and XLTE loudspeakers ar e inherently rugged and are carefully packed in well-designed cartons.
PAGE 6 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l NOTES: As shipped from the factor y the PASSIVE/BIAMP switch is set for PAS SIVE mode and the HF Level Switch (not shown) is set in the +4 dB ( maximum) position. Subwoofe r input panel layout is differe nt from that shown.
PAGE 7 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l NOTE: As shipped from the factory the PAS SIVE/BIAMP switch is set for PAS S IVE mode and the HF Level Switc h (not shown in this drawing) is set in the +4 dB (maximum) position.
PAGE 8 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l Figure 1: Physical Features NOTE: These are co m posite, gen er alized drawi n g s showing feat ures for bo t h XLT and XLTE pro du cts. Refer to TABLE 1 to deter mine w hich of these features apply to your particular loudspeak er model.
PAGE 9 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l 3P H Y S I C A L F E A T U R E S (See FIG URE 1 ) 3.1 FEATURES MATRIX TABLE 1 lists various features that vary between XLT and XLTE models. Refer to the Features Descri ptions chart in SECTION 3 .
PAGE 10 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l OTHER MOUNTIN G POI N TS GRILLE MOUN TING POI NTS The grille is faste ned t o the e nclo sure with 1-1/2 in. / 38 mm #6 Phillips pan-head sc rews. INPUT PANELS INPUT PANEL For connecting th e power amp lifi er to the loud speak er.
PAGE 11 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l 4 COMMUNITY XLT™ AND XLTE™ SERI E S GE NE RA L DESCRIPTION The XLT loudspeaker systems have features and functions designed primar ily for portable applications. The XLTE systems are suitable for both heavier-duty portable use and for permanent installation.
PAGE 12 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l 4.3.4 Ferrofluid Cooling All XLT and XLTE low frequency drivers and the 46 mid frequency dr iver are specifically designed to be Ferrofluid- cooled. Ferrofluid is a visc ous liquid that is attracte d by magnetic fields.
PAGE 13 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l 4.6.3 Subwoofer Full-Range Output The subwoofers have a FULL-RANGE OUTPUT designed to connect to a full-range loudspeaker.
PAGE 14 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l 4.8. 1 P e rmanent Mo unting Each enclosure has provisions for permanently installing it. XLT: These models have four 5/16-18 thr e aded T-nuts - one each in the top, sides, and bottom. The XLT48 has two mounting points - one on each of the two sides.
PAGE 15 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l 4.8.6 41 Positioning and Horn Rotation The 41 can be positioned in severa l ways. When used as a floor monitor either of the two ba cks may be plac ed on the floor to vary the aiming angle .
PAGE 16 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l 5 SETUP AND O PERATIO N A variety o f topics ar e covered in t hese sections concerni ng the use of t he lou dspeakers. Pl ease read them thoroughly to ensure proper set-up, operation, and the best performance , sound quality, and reliability from your loudspeakers.
PAGE 17 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l MODEL LOUDSP EAKER PROGRAM RATING REC. POWER AMP RANGE POWER AMP LOAD IMPEDANCE 41, 42, 43, a nd 48 500W 420W to 600W 8 Ohm 46 500W 420W to 600W 4 Ohm 47 1000W 830W to 1200W 4 Ohm Table 3: Recommend ed Amplifier Power for Full-Range in PASSIVE Mod e MODEL LF PRO GRAM RATING REC.
PAGE 18 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l specific crossover se ttings for all possible combinations and situa tions. Therefore, if the crossover allows a range of filter adjustme nts, you should experime nt for the best sound.
PAGE 19 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l FIGURE 3: BIAMP Mode Conf igurations.
PAGE 20 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l 6 ELECTRI CAL INS TALLATI ON 6.1 LOUDSPEAKER CABLE To get the maximum pe rformance from your loudspea ker, copper wire and good qua lity connectors must be used .
PAGE 21 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l 6.2.1 Choosing an Input Jack The 1/4 in. connector has been a dopted for use as a loudspe aker connector primarily because of its low cost and ready availability. It has relatively low curre nt handling and low mech anical conta ct force.
PAGE 22 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l in CHAPTER 11, they indicate the load will be be low 3 ohms (exce pt for the 51 models). Be cause this occurs only over a small ra nge of frequencies and beca use of the nature of a udio signals, a 4 Ohm amplifier should be a ble to drive this load with no problems.
PAGE 23 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l 6.4.2 BIAMP Mode Wiri ng (See FIGURE 5) Installing a nd operating loudspeake rs in BIAMP mode requires putting the slide switch on the input pa nel in the BIAMP (up) position. In this mode the LF and HF connections must be made using either of the Neutrik Speakon jacks.
PAGE 24 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l 7 PHYSICA L I NSTALLA TI ON 7.1 FRONT GRILLE The grille is painted using a powder coating process that bonds the paint to the steel. This pre vents the paint from easily chipping and the resulting matte finish reduces reflection of ambient light sources.
PAGE 25 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l 7.3.1 Model 41 Horn Orientatio n The 41 is shipped from the factory for monitor use meaning that when in a horizontal position its HF patter n is 9 0 degree s horiz ontal b y 40 degree s vertic al.
PAGE 26 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l quite strong, these points do NOT ha ve a WLL ( Working Load Limit) rating. For this reason alway s take the following precautions: ALWAYS use at lea st two mounting points on opposite sides of the enclosure .
PAGE 27 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l 7.4.3 Usin g the Community WB1 Moun ting Accessory The WB1 mounting bracket kit consists of two ste el brackets tha t can be attache d to the mounting points for permanent attachment o f the lou dspeaker to architectu ral str uctures.
PAGE 28 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l 7.5. 1 Using the Community E YBLTKIT The Communit y EYBLTKIT has four drop-forg ed, lo ad-rat ed, 3/8 -16 eyebolt s wi th l ocki ng w ashers. They are desi gned for use in the mounting/rigging points on the XL TE loudspeakers.
PAGE 29 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l 8 ACOUSTICA L A DJUSTMENTS Once the loudspeaker has been connected according to your configuration, it is rea dy for acoustical a djustments. This is normally a one- time procedure. Once se t, you should not need to cha nge these ad justments.
PAGE 30 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l WARNING: Before setting gain structure , disconnect the loudspeake r(s) from the a mplifier(s).
PAGE 31 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l 8.3 EQUALIZATION Once volume level bal ances are set, you can then equali ze the loudspeaker , if desir ed, using t he loudspeaker ’s HF Level switch and/or a graphic or parame tric equalize r or tone controls on the mixer.
PAGE 32 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l 9 OPERATING PRE CAUTIONS The following sections deta il certain operating pre cautions for the loudspea ker that will aid in achieving and maintaining its max imum performance and re liability.
PAGE 33 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l When operating a full- range loudspea ker or subwoofer with a lower powe r amplifier and without any sort of electronic limiting prote ction, ensure that the a mplifier’s limits are not ex ceede d.
PAGE 34 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l FIGU RE 12 : Sound Expos ure Limit s 9.4 TESTING AND TEST SIGNALS (Refer to CHAPTER 12 for troubleshooting me thods) To test a full-range .
PAGE 35 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l 10 SERVICING THE LOUDSP EAKER 10.1 ACCESSING THE DRIVERS The drivers (LF, MF, or HF) are accessed by removing the grille (See SECTION 7.1.1) . This is done by removing a ll the screws that hold the grille to the enclosure then carefully pulling the grille out of its recess.
PAGE 36 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l 11 TECHNIC AL SPECIF ICATIONS (No te: S peci fi ca ti o ns subj ect to change witho ut notice) 11.
PAGE 37 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l 11.2 MONITOR SPEAKERS AND SUBWOOFERS 1 Model: 41 48 51 55 Syste m Type 2-Way Monitor wedge and upright PA 2-Way Monitor wedge Trapez oidal.
PAGE 38 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l 12 IN CASE OF DIFFICUL TY Should you have a proble m with your Community loudspeake r, find the symptom and follow the associa ted “What To Do” instructions. Be aware that a pa rticular symptom may ha ve several possible causes.
PAGE 39 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l No bass. (Note: Model 47 has 2 LF dr ivers wir ed in parallel.) Low frequency driver is not functioning. Disconnect the 2 wire s from the amplifier, switch the loudspeaker to BIAMP mode , and, using an ohm meter, me asure the resistance between the wir es.
PAGE 40 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l No high frequencie s. High frequency driver or crossover is malfunctioning. Listen at low level to the high f requency driver. If some sound is heard from this area and it is not distorted, it is probab ly a crossover problem.
PAGE 41 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l 13 WARRANTY INFORMATION AND SERVICE Transferab le Limited Warran t y Commu nity produ cts are gu arantee d to be free fro m defec ts in ma.
PAGE 42 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l Community reserves the right to change the desig n of any product fr om time to time with out notice and wi th no oblig ation to make cor r es ponding ch anges i n p r od ucts prev i ously manuf a ctured.
PAGE 43 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l APPENDIX - XLT41E and XLT48E The XLT41E and XLT48E, in a ddition to being part of the XLTE Se ries, are ava ilable to Community Contra ctors and Distributors as part of Community ’s CPL Loudspeake r Series.
PAGE 44 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l INDEX A Abbrev iated Operating Inst ructions ......................................... 11 Acc essories .............................................................................. 15 Acoustic L evel Precaution s .
PAGE 45 Com m uni ty X L T / X L TE Series Owner ’s Manua l Passive Mode Am plifier ........................................................... 17 Passive Mode Config urations ................................................... 18 Passive Mode Wiring .
© 1999 Community Li g ht & Sound, Inc . 991015Cm 333 East 5 th Stre et, Che ste r, PA 19013-4511 Phone (610) 876- 3400 Fax (610) 874-0190 http://www.
デバイスAtlas Sound XLTEの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Atlas Sound XLTEをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAtlas Sound XLTEの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Atlas Sound XLTEの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Atlas Sound XLTEで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Atlas Sound XLTEを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAtlas Sound XLTEの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Atlas Sound XLTEに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAtlas Sound XLTEデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。