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Operating Instructions SOUND & VISION MIXER SVM-1 000 1 ページ 2010年6月2日 水曜日 午後9時48分.
The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the appliance.
3 En Contents CONFIRM ACCES SORIES ........................ ...................... 4 CAUTIONS REGARDING HA NDLING ............................4 Location ...................................... ......................................... ........... 4 Cleaning the Unit .
CONFIRM ACCESSORIES / CAUTIONS REGARDING HANDLING / FEATURES 4 En CONFIRM ACCESSORIES Power cord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Warranty card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FEATURES 5 En Improved design and operability for new club culture Based on the conce p t of c r eating “a design that fascinates,” the boxy-sha p e of pr evious DJ mixe r s has been r estyled towa r d an edgie r and mo r e solid design.
NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF PARTS 6 En NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF PARTS CONNECTION PANEL 1 POWER switch 2 PHONO input connectors RCA ty p e p hono level (MM ca r t r idge) in p ut connecto r s. Do not use f o r in p utting line level signals. 3 DVD/LI NE input connectors RCA ty p e line level audio in p ut connecto r s.
NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF PARTS 7 En 22 MIDI OUT connector DIN ty p e out p ut connecto r . Use to connect to othe r MIDI com p onent. 23 MIDI USB output connector USB-B ty p e out p ut conne cto r . Use to connect to a com p ute r . OPERATION PANEL 1 U SB connector Use to connect a USB memo r y o r keyboa r d.
NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF PARTS 8 En 10 HEADPHONES output switch (MONO SPLI T/STEREO) MONO SPLIT: The sou r ce sound selected with the head p hone CUE button is out p ut to the L channel, while the maste r sound is out p ut to the R channel (only when [ MASTER ] is selected with the head p hone CUE button).
NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF PARTS 9 En 35 Master level indicator (MASTER L, R) These segment indicato r s dis p lay the audio out p ut level f r om L and R channels.
CONNECTIONS 10 En CONNECTIONS Always turn off the power switch an d disconnect the power plug from its ou tlet when making or changing connections. CONNECTING INPUTS Pioneer DJ/VJ DV D player s or DJ .
CONNECTIONS 11 En CONNECTING OUTPUTS Audio master output This unit is fu r nished with balanced out p ut MASTER OUT 1 (su pp o r ting XLR p lu gs), and unba lanced out p ut MASTER OUT 2 (su pp o r ting RCA p lugs). Using th e MASTER ATT. switch, ad just the out p ut level to match the in p ut sensitivity of the p owe r am p lifie r used.
CONNECTIONS 12 En CONNECTING MICROPH ONE AND HEADPHONES Microphone A mic r o p hone with XLR-ty p e o r Ø 6.3 mm p hone-ty p e p lug can be connected to the MIC 1 connecto r on the o p e r ation p anel (u pp e r ) . The MIC 2 jack on the connection p anel ( r ea r ) can be used to connect a mic r o p hone with Ø 6.
BASIC OPERATIONS 13 En BASIC OPERATIONS 1 Set rear panel POWER switc h to [ON]. 2 Set the AUDIO INPUT switch fo r the desir ed channel to match the type of connected component. • When using th e DVD in p ut, set to [ DVD ]. • When using LI NE in p ut, set to [ LINE ].
BASIC OPERATIONS 14 En Selecting Stereo or Monaural When the MONO/STEREO switch is set to [ MONO ], the audio maste r out p ut becomes a monau r al combination of L+R channels. Microphone Input 1 To use a micro phone, set the MI C switch to [ON] or [TALK OVER] .
USING THE VIDEO CONTROL FUNCTIONS 15 En USING THE VIDEO CONTROL FUNCTIONS Touch the LCD sc r een to cont r ol video function s. Su pp o r ts video c r oss fade r functions and video ch annel switch functions. OPERATING THE VIDEO CROSS FADER The video c r oss fade r is used to mani p ulate video images.
USING THE VIDEO CONTROL FUNCTIONS 16 En OPERATING IN THE VIDEO SOLO MODE Setting video solo mode to ON allo ws instantaneous switching to the desi r ed channel’s video. By combining wit h the FADER AV SYNC button ON/O FF, a va r iety of o p e r ations is p oss ible.
USING THE EFFECT FUNCTION 17 En USING THE EFFECT FUNCTION This function a pp lies effects to the selected ch annel’s sound and video. Effects include BEAT effects, which a r e a pp lied in linkage t.
USING THE EFFECT FUNCTION 18 En 1 Touch the [BPM AUTO/TAP] butto n to select the BPM (=Beat Per Minute ) measur ement mode. AUTO: The BPM is auto matically measu r ed f r om th e in p ut music signal. TAP: Ta p th e TAP button wi th you r finge r to manually in p ut the BPM.
USING THE EFFECT FUNCTION 19 En USING TOUCH EFFECTS With TOUCH effects, m any effects can be c r eated by touching the video EFFECT p e r fo r mance monito r . When master monitor is off When master monitor is on 1 Tou ch the effect category but ton [TOUCH].
USING THE EFFECT FUNCTION 20 En 2 Use the effect select buttons to choose a desired i mage. 3 Touch the image to apply changes. 4 Use the CH SELECT dial to select the desired channel. • In the event no in p ut ima ge is pr esent, the visualize r ’s image can be used.
USING THE EFFECT FUNCTION 21 En 7 Tou ch the beat button to choose the multiplication factor of the beat for synchroni zation of the effect. • Select the beat num be r calc ulated f r om the BPM.
USING THE EFFECT FUNCTION 22 En EDITING TEXT 1 Touch the [TEXT EDIT] button. • The TEXT EDIT sc r een a pp ea r s. •T o u c h t h e [ EXIT ] button to r etu r n to the TEXT effect sc r een. 2 Rotate the VIDEO FX PATTERN/TEXT BANK dial to select TEXT BANK and touch the [ TEXT BANK] button to select the t ext you wish to edi t.
USING THE EFFECT FUNCTION 23 En EFFECT LIST BEAT effects (*1) Description of the effect B eat button parameter Parameter 1 (TIME/PARAMETER) Parameter 2 (LEVEL/DEPTH) Description Description 1. DELAY (* 7) AUDIO Re p eat sound will be out p ut once to the beat.
USING THE EFFECT FUNCTION 24 En (*1) When the effect channel dis p lay shows [ CFA ], [ CFB ], o r [ MST ]/[ MASTER ], even if the effect monito r is tu r ned ON, if the select ed channel’s sound is no t out p ut to the maste r out p ut, the effect sound will n ot be hea r d.
USING THE EFFECT FUNCTION 25 En TOUCH effects (*1) Description of the effect Description of the effect when touched Parameter 1 (TIME/PARAMETER) Parameter 2 (LEVEL/DEPTH) Description Description 1. RIPP LE (*2) AUDIO Phasing effect is a pp lied pr o p o r tional to the volume of the in p ut bass sound.
USING THE EFFECT FUNCTION 26 En Description of the effect Description of the effect when touched Parameter 1 (TIME/PARAMETER) Parameter 2 (LEVEL/DEPTH) Description Description 4. DISTORTION (*2) AUDIO (*4) Out p uts a p hase r effect with r eve r be r ation.
USING THE EFFECT FUNCTION 27 En 7. KALEIDO AUDIO Out p uts the in p ut sound as if it we r e being made by a r obot. Touch mo r e towa r d the r ight to inc r ease the p itch. Touc h towa r d the left to lowe r the p itch. – – Rotate the dial clockwise to enhance the effect.
USING THE EFFECT FUNCTION 28 En Description of the effect Description of the effect when touched Parameter 1 (TIME/PARAMETER) Parameter 2 (LEVEL/DEPTH) Description Description 10. TWI ST AUDIO Flange r effect is a pp lied. Move finge r on touch p anel to r ight- left to change effect volume.
USING THE EFFECT FUNCTION 29 En (*1) When the [ HOLD ] button is set to ON, you can r eco r d the t r ack of you r fing e r touching the touch p anel fo r a maximu m of 8 second s. (*2) The effect will not become visible unless the video effect p e r fo r mance mon ito r is touched.
USING THE EFFECT FUNCTION 30 En TEXT eff ects (*1) Video effects a r e de p endant u p on image dis p lay timing, with the r esult that an effect may not a pp ea r pr ecisely as intended when the set time is ve r y sho r t.
USING THE JPEG VIEWER 31 En USING THE JPEG VIEWER JPEG files can be loaded an d dis p layed f r om USB memo r y devices and SD ca r ds. U p to eight JPEG files can be loaded. BEFORE USING THE JPEG VIEWER Inse r t a USB memo r y device o r SD ca r d into this mixe r .
USING THE JPEG VIEWER 32 En Loading JPEG files to the SVM-1000 Use this function to load JPEG files into the JPEG BOX. When effect is ON, this fun ction is not usable. 1 Touch the [JPEG SELECT] butto n in the JPEG play mode screen. The JPEG select mode sc r een will a pp ea r .
USING THE JPEG VIEWER 33 En Operating in FADER MODE Using the JPEG images in th e JPEG BOX, a slide sho w can be c r eated with t r ansitions between images at chosen inte r vals. The channel fade r fo r the assigned channel is used to p e r fo r m the t r ansitions.
THE VIDEO EQUALIZER FUNCTION 34 En THE VIDEO EQUALIZER FUNCTION Rotating the channel e qualize r dial no r mally a pp lies equalize r effects on audio only. Ho weve r , by using the VIDEO EQ functio n, effects can be a pp lied to video as well. SET UP THE VIDEO EQ 1 Hold down the VIDEO EQ button.
FADER START FUNCTION 35 En FADER START FUNCTION By connecti ng the o p tional P ionee r DJ/VJ DV D Playe r o r DJ CD Playe r cont r ol cable, the channel fade r and c r oss fade r can be used to sta r t DVD/CD p layback.
PERFORM UTILITY SETUP 36 En PERFORM UTILITY SETUP When p owe r is tu r ned OFF, all utility setu p values othe r than MIDI CHANNEL and KEYBOARD LANGUAGE r eve r t to thei r default values.
PERFORM UTILITY SETUP 37 En MIDI CODE LIST Category Switch Name Switch Type MIDI Message Commnets MSB LSB CH1 VIDEO TRIM VR Bn 31 dd 0 to 127 AUDIO TRIM VR Bn 01 dd 0 to 127 HI VR Bn 02 dd 0 to 127 MI.
PERFORM UTILITY SETUP 39 En GUI BUTTONS Category Switch Name Switch Type MIDI Message Commnets MSB LSB EFFECT CATEGORY BEAT EFFECT BTN — — — Changing the category inevitably causes an effect program change.
PERFORM UTILITY SETUP 40 En TEXT EFFECT RANDOM BTN 9n 60 dd OFF=0, ON=127 ZOOM BTN 9n 61 dd OFF=0, ON=127 BLOCK BTN 9n 62 dd OFF=0, ON=127 ROTATION BT N 9n 63 dd OFF=0, ON=127 CRUSH BTN 9n 64 dd OFF=0.
PERFORM UTILITY SETUP 41 En PERFORM VIDEO MONITOR SETUP Set the video monit o r out p ut method. Video monitor setup 1 Hold the UTILITY (SET UP) button depressed. This wil l initiate the utility se tu p mode. 2 Tou ch [VIDEO MONITOR]. The video monito r setu p sc r een will be dis p layed.
HARDWARE SETUP 42 En HARDWARE SETUP The ha r dwa r e setu p values a r e pr ese r ved even when p owe r is tu r ned OFF. Initiate hardware setup 1 Turn the POWER switch on while pressing the UTILITY (SET UP) button. • Continue de pr essing the UTIL ITY ( SET UP ) button while the logo ma r k [ PIONEER PRO DJ ] is dis p layed.
HARDWARE SETUP 43 En MASTER OUT SETTINGS 1 T ouch [MASTER O UT]. The MASTER OUT setting sc r een w ill be dis p layed. 2 C hoose settings by touching [ ] or [ ]. 3 Touch [SAVE] to save the settings. The settings will not be im p lemented unless [ SAVE ] is touched.
HARDWARE SETUP 44 En TOUCH PANEL SETTINGS 1 To uch [TOUCH PANEL]. The touch p anel setting sc r een will be dis p layed. 2 Touch either [TOP PANEL] or [BOTTOM PANEL] to select settings. 3 Touch the [+] mark with a pointed object such as a pen. Use a stylus p en o r othe r ty p e p en without a sha rp ti p .
TROUBLESHOOTING 45 En TROUBLESHOOTING Inco rr ect o p e r ations a r e often mistaken fo r t r ou ble and malfunctions. If you think the r e is something w r ong with this com p onent, check the p oint s belo w. Sometimes the t r ouble may o r iginate f r om anothe r com p onent.
TROUBLESHOOTING 46 En Static electricity or other external interference may cause the unit to malfunction. To restore normal operation, turn the power off and then on again. ABOUT THE LCD SCREEN • Some monitors may display so-called “hot pixels” or “dead pixels” (constantly bright pixels or pixels that are permanently off).
SPECIFICATIONS 47 En SPECIFICATIONS 1 Gener al Powe r sou r ce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AC 120 V, 60 Hz Powe r consum p tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 W O p e r ating tem p e r atu r e .
<DRB1421-C> Printed in Malaysia Published by Pioneer Corporation. Copyright © 2007 Pioneer Corporation. All rights reserved. PIONEER CORPORATION 1-1, Shin-ogura, Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa 212-0031, Japan PIONEER ELECTRONICS (USA) INC. P.
デバイスPioneer SVM-1000の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Pioneer SVM-1000をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPioneer SVM-1000の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Pioneer SVM-1000の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Pioneer SVM-1000で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Pioneer SVM-1000を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPioneer SVM-1000の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Pioneer SVM-1000に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPioneer SVM-1000デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。