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10/100/1000Mbps Managed Stackable S w itch SGSW-4802 User ’ s Manual.
Trademarks Cop y right PLANE T T echnolog y Corp. 2003. Contents subject to revision w ithout prior notice. PLANE T is a registered trade m ar k o f PLANE T T echnolog y Corp.
T A BLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introductio n ........................................................................................................................................ .1 1.1 Chec k lis t .........................................................
3.21 Save & Reboo t ............................................................................................................................ . 34 3.21.1 Sav e ....................................................................................
1 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Checklist Check the contents of y our package for follo w ing parts: l SGS W -4802. l User's m anual CD. l Po w er cord. l 19 ” rac k m ounting k it.
2 w Internal po w er suppl y w Auto MDI/ MDI-X on each port w Net w or k m anage m ent con f iguration: − W eb-based m anage m ent − Console and T elnet Con f iguration − SNMP net w or k m anage m ent − IEEE 802.1Q T agging VLAN (32 VLAN Groups) − Port T run k ing supported − IEEE 802.
3 VLAN IEEE 802.1Q VLAN, up to 32 VLANs supported QoS IEEE 802.1p QoS support w ith 2 priorit y queue using W FQ ( W eighted Fair Queuing) IGMP Multicast Filtering Passive snooping on IGMP Quer y /Rep.
4 2. H A RDW A RE DESCRIPTION T his product series provide three di ff erent running speed – 10Mbps, 100Mbps, and 1000Mbps in the sa m e s w itch and auto m aticall y distinguish the speed o f inco m ing connection. T his section describes the hard w are f eatures o f SGS W -4802.
5 2.2 Rear Panel T he rear panel o f the S w itch indicates an AC inlet po w er soc k et, w hich accepts input po w er f ro m 100 to 240VAC, 50-60H z . 1 0 0 - 240 V AC 5 0 / 60Hz SGS W -4802 S w itch rear panel Po w er Notice: 1. T he device is a po w er-required device, it m eans, it w ill not w or k till it is po w ered.
6 m inal progra m m a y be a good choice. It can be accessed f ro m the Start m enu. Clic k S T AR T , then Progra m s, Accessories and then H y per T er m inal. MS-DOS based ter m inal progra m such as PC-PLUS, PROCOMM, can also m a k e the connection w ith the device built-in so f t w are.
7 T o setup the IP address, please use “ s y s set ip ” co mm and in the f ollo w ing f or m at: s y s set ip <IP Address> <Subnet M ask> <Default Gateway> For exa m ple, to con f igure the s w itch w ith the f ollo w ing IP settings: IP Address: 192.
8 3. WEB-B A SED M A N A GE M ENT 3.1 Configuration As w ell as the m enu-driven s y ste m con f iguration progra m , the agent m odule provides an e m bedded H TT P W eb agent. T his agent can be accessed b y an y co m puter on the net w or k that using a standard W eb bro w ser (Internet Explorer 5.
9 3.2 Web Pages T o access the W eb-bro w ser inter f ace y ou m ust f irst enter the pass w ord. T he de f ault pass w ord is "ad m in" Y ou w ill see the f ollo w ing screen co m es out on.
10 Figure 3-3: T he Port Con f ig W eb Page Choose Port Y ou can choose a port either b y clic k ing on the picture or b y selecting it at the “ Choose Port ” f ield.
11 dresses. It should be noted that i f the cpu port (i.e. the s w itch port connected to the m anage m ent w or k station) is disabled, w ithout doubt, the co mm unication lin k bet w een user and the s w itch w ill not proceed f urther. It is reco mm ended to locate the lin k y our PC used be f ore disable the port state.
12 3.5 Trunk config T he SGS W -4802 provides 2 trun k groups and m axi m u m up to 4-ports per trun k . Port T run k ing is the abilit y to group together several s w itch ports to increase the band w idth bet w een the m anage m ent s w itch and other s w itch.
13 3.6 A d v anced Configuration T he available options in “ Advanced m enu ” are: S T P Con f ig T he Spanning T ree Setup Screen IGMP Con f ig T he IGMP Setup Screen Stac k Con f ig T he Stac k .
14 3.7.1 S T P Port T his f unction allo w s assigning Path Cost value and Priorit y level on each port o f SGS W -4802. Please re f er to the detail description o f Path Cost and Priorit y and setup procedures sho w n as belo w . Description of Parameters Bridge Port T his option sho w s the port o f the bridge that connects to the root bridge.
15 3.7.2 S T P Bridge T his f unction provides to have a clearer vie w in Spanning T ree para m eters o f SGS W -4802. T he S T P Bridge screen in Figure 3-7 appears.
16 Setup Procedures Step 1: Select Spanning T ree state option, either to enable or disable it. Step 2: Set Root Priorit y f ro m 0 s – 65535 s , and Hello T i m e f ro m 1 s – 10 s . Step 3: Ke y in the For w ard Dela y T i m e, Maxi m u m Age and Hello T i m e.
17 T he Internet Group Manage m ent Protocol (IGMP v1.0) is used b y IP hosts to report their host group m e m berships to an y i mm ediatel y neighboring m ulticast routers. IGMP is an as y mm etric protocol and is speci f ied here f ro m the point o f vie w o f a host, rather than a m ulticast router.
18 Figure 3-9: T he Stac k W eb Page A f ter enable the stac k f unction and the f ollo w ing screen in Figure 3-10 appears. Figure 3-10: T he Stac k enable W eb pag e Step 4: Enter into w eb inter f ace o f another SGS W -series S w itches (ex: 192.168.
19 Figure 3-11: T he Stac k m e m ber list W eb page ! NO T E Please note w hen choose “ Master ” f ro m “ Stac k ing State ” . It allo w s user to assign this S w itch as Master device in this stac k group. T hen the rest o f the S w itches should be slave device.
20 Figure 3-12: T he Stac k m e m ber list W eb page 3.10 SNMP T he m anage m ent s w itch provides Si m ple Net w or k Manage m ent Protocol (SNMP) over the UDP/IP transport protocol as de f ined in RFC 1517 f or net w or k m anage m ent applications.
21 Figure 3-13: T he SNMP W eb Page 3.11 RMON Statistics T his f unction allo w s use to vie w all port ’ s RMON Statistics. T he RMON Statistics screen in Figure 3-14 appears.
22 3.12 Port Securit y O f all 50 ports, so m e o f the end nodes m a y need to assign to the speci f ic port. In order to f ul f ill this act, MAC Address should be added to that particular port. T his is to ban other users f ro m using the static port.
23 Figure 3-16: Port Securit y W eb Page 3.12.2 Delete M A C A ddress I f y ou w ant to delete MAC Addresses, si m pl y f ollo w the procedures sho w n belo w : For deleting indi v idual M A C A ddress Step 1: Select a MAC Address and clin k on “ Del → ” button.
24 3.13 Mirror Port 3.13.1 Using Mirror Port to Monitor T raffic T his f unction allo w s y ou to set up a ‘ m irror ’ port o f an y speci f ied port(s) or VLAN, such that y ou can m onitor the tra ff ics o f the m onitored port(s) or VLAN w ithout intervening the m .
25 3.14 A ging Control Aging Control is f or the aging o f address entries in the s w itch ’ s f or w arding table. I f the aging control is enabled, a learned address entr y (not included the static entr y ) w ill be re m oved f ro m the f or w arding table i f there is no update w ithin a pre-deter m ined period (1 ~ 128 x 5 seconds).
26 Figure 3-19: T he Host search W eb Page 3.15.1 Host Searching Procedures Step 1: Enter the IP Address o f the host. Step 2: Clic k on “ Search ” button.
27 3.15.2 M A C A ddress Search T his f eature helps to loo k f or the particular MAC Address stated in the f ield, w hich provides a use f ul w a y w hile con f iguring the VLAN. T he s y ste m w ill search through the device f or the port ’ s o w nership o f that particular PC.
28 3.16 S y stem Tools T he available options in “ S y ste m T ools ” are: S y ste m Con f ig T he S y ste m Con f iguration Screen S y ste m In f or m ation T he S y ste m In f or m ation Screen .
29 Upon m a k ing a m end m ents on this page, the screen w ill appear a m essage, “ Reboot the s w itch? ” Clic k on the ‘ Y es ’ button to ta k e e ff ect on the changes. Clic k on “ Logon ” button again i f y ou still need to access to the m anage m ent s w itch w eb page.
30 3.19 Change Pass w ord T his option allo w s y ou to a m end the current pass w ord. T he screen in Figure 3-23 appears. Figure 3-23: T he change pass w ord screen Changing pass w ord procedure Step 1: T y pe in y our current pass w ord. Step 2: Enter y our ne w pass w ord.
31 Press “ return ” button and re-enter the pass w ord correctl y . 3.20 Firm w are Upgrade Y ou can si m pl y do w nload the ne w er version Fir m w are f ro m www m .tw Here, y ou w ill f ind lin k s that allo w s eas y access f or upgrading o f f uture released o f updated f ir m w are.
32 Figure 3-24: T he Fir m w are Upgrade W eb Page T o chec k y our current f ir m w are version, clic k “ Kno w ing the S y ste m In f or m ation ” as m entioned in 3.18 S y ste m In f or m ation. A f ter do w nloading the f ir m w are, saved it into y our hard dis k.
33 Step 3: Clic k “ Y es ” button to restart the device. Step 4: Log on the w eb site a f ter about 60 seconds i f y ou still need to do so m e con f iguration on the m anage m ent s w itch. ! NO T E I f y ou are using the sa m e or older version o f the f ir m w are, the s y ste m w ill pro m pt y ou w hether or not to use the f ir m w are.
34 3.21 Sa v e & Reboot T he Save and Reset Settings allo w y ou to execute the a m end m ents or reset to the de f ault setting o f con f iguration.
35 T he s y ste m w ill then pro m pt y ou to save s w itch.c f g to a destination. Step 3: Select a f older that y ou w ant to save the f ile and clic k “ SAVE ” button to storage. Step 4: A f ter do w nloading process has co m pleted, the f ollo w ing GUI w ill appear.
36 3.21.3 Restore T his option allo w s y ou to restore the old con f iguration f ro m y our bac k up f ile. Step 1: Clic k “ Bro w se ” button and select the f ile that y ou w ant the s y ste m to restore bac k the con- f iguration. Step 2: Clic k “ Restore ” button to start the process.
37 T he s y ste m w ill request y ou to reboot the s w itch. Step 3: Clic k “ Y es ” button to restart the s w itch. Step 4: W ait f or about 60 seconds and the s y ste m w ill auto m aticall y return to the Login W eb page, pro m pting y ou to enter pass w ord again.
38 Step 3: Clic k “ Logon ” button i f y ou w ant to m a k e so m e m ore changes. 3.22 Message Windo w s Displa y S w itch s y ste m m essage. T he Message W indo w in Figure 3-26 appears.
39 3.23 Reboot S w itch T his f unction allo w s user to rebooting the m anage m ent s w itch is required a f ter changes are m ade in the con f iguration or setting. T he screen in Figure 3-27 appears. Figure 3-27: T he Reboot S w itch page Clic k “ Y es ” to reboot the s w itch.
40 Figure 3-28: T he Logout W eb Page ! NO T E I f y ou changed a ne w IP Address f or the m anage m ent s w itch, the s y ste m s w ill NO T auto m aticall y changed to the ne w IP address a f ter y ou clic k on the “ Logon ” button.
41 4. CONSOLE INTERF A CE 4.1 CONNECT TO PC T o con f igure the s y ste m through its console inter f ace, connect a serial cable to a COM port on a PC or noteboo k co m puter and to serial (console) port o f the device.
42 4.2 Logging on to the S w itch T o log on to the S w itch: 1. At the screen pro m pt: Figure 4-2: SGS W -4802 Console Login on Screen Enter the console inter f ace f actor y de f ault console pass w ord ( admin ) or user-de f ined pass w ord i f y ou changed the de f ault pass w ord using the instructions in Section 4.
43 Figure 4-4: SGS W -4802 Console co mm and Screen s y s--S y stem M anagement Commands s y s sho w in f o s y s sho w ip s y s sho w m ac s y s search ip <IP Address> s y s search m ac <MAC.
44 port set disable <port nu m ber> port set f l w <port nu m ber> <on | o ff > port set bc k <port nu m ber> <on | o ff > port set pri <port nu m ber> <-p prior.
45 4.2.1. s y s--S y stem Management Commands T his m enu contains s y ste m para m eters to displa y and con f igure the s w itch to y our net w or k . T he screen in Figure 4-5 appears. Figure 4-5: S y s co mm and Screen s y s sho w info T his co mm and displa y s the s y ste m in f or m ation o f SGS W -4802.
46 s y s sho w ip T his co mm and displa y s the net w or k in f or m ation o f SGS W -4802. T he screen in Figure 4-7 appears. Figure 4-7: Net w or k in f or m ation Screen s y s sho w mac T his co mm and displa y s the MAC address o f SGS W -4802.
47 s y s search ip <IP A ddress> T his co mm and provides to search speci f ic IP address f ro m various Ethernet environ m ent. T he usage is s y s search ip <ddd.
48 s y s search mac < M A C A ddress> T his co mm and provides to search speci f ic MAC address f ro m various Ethernet environ m ent. T he usage is s y s search mac <hh-hh-hh-hh-hh-hh> . Please re f er to the exa m ple in Figure 4-11.
49 s y s set ip <IP A ddress> <Subnet M ask> <Default Gate w a y > T his co mm and allo w s setting the IP address, Subnet Mas k , Gate w a y o f SGS W -4802. A f ter setup co m pleted, the S w itch w ill reboot auto m aticall y .
50 s y s set name "string" T his co mm and allo w s setting the s y ste m na m e o f SGS W -4802. T he screen in Figure 4-14 appears. Figure 4-14: S y ste m na m e setting Screen s y s set contact "string" T his co mm and allo w s setting the s y ste m ad m inistrator na m e o f SGS W -4802.
51 s y s set location "string" T his co mm and allo w s setting the location o f SGS W -4802. T he screen in Figure 4-16 appears. Figure 4-16: S y ste m location setting Screen s y s set pass w ord T his co mm and allo w s setting the pass w ord o f SGS W -4802.
52 s y s set link_info <on|off> T his co mm and is used to report the lin k status o f the ports. Once it is enabled, it w ill pro m pt the port status on the console. Or i f y ou disable it, it w ill not pro m pt the port status an y m ore.
53 s y s reset s y stem T his co mm and w ill reboot the SGS W -4802. T he screen in Figure 4-20 appears. Figure 4-20: S y ste m reset Screen s y s reset config T his co mm and w ill reboot and reset the SGS W -4802 to de f ault m ode.
54 s y s sa v e config T his co mm and w ill save the current con f igure o f SGS W -4802. T he screen in Figure 4-22 appears. Figure 4-22: S y ste m save con f ig Screen.
55 4.2.2 logout T his co mm and w ills logout the SGS W -4802. T he screen in Figure 4-23 appears. Figure 4-23: logout Screen 4.2.3 port--Port Management Commands T his m enu contains s y ste m para m eters to displa y and con f igure the port o f the s w itch.
56 port sho w stat T his co mm and provides to vie w the port status o f each port. T he screen in Figure 4-25 appears. Figure 4-25: Port statistics Screen port sho w mir T his co mm and allo w s vie w ing the port m irror status o f SGS W -4802.
57 port sho w sec <port number> T his co mm and allo w s vie w ing the port securit y status o f each port f ro m SGS W -4802. T he screen in Figure 4-27 appears.
58 port set enable <port number> [-h|-f] [-10|-100|-1000] [- A ] T his co mm and allo w s setting the speed duplex m ode o f each port. T he screen in Figure 4-29 appears. Figure 4-29: Ports set enable Screen port set disable <port number> T his co mm and allo w s disabling each port o f SGS W -4802.
59 port set bck <port number> <on|off> T his co mm and provides disabling / enable Bac k Pressure on each port o f SGS W -4802. T he screen in Figure 4-32 appears.
60 port set mir <port number> [-m mirror_port] T his co mm and allo w s con f iguring the port m irroring f unction o f SGS W -4802. T he port m irroring usage and exa m ple in Figure 4-35 appears.
61 port sec del <port number> < M A C_index> T his co mm and allo w to deleted port securit y Mac address that input on each port o f SGS W -4802. T he usage and exa m ple in Figure 4-37 appears. Figure 4-37: Port securit y Screen 4.
62 v lan sho w T his co mm and displa y s the current con f iguration o f VLAN. T he screen in Figure 4-39 appears. Figure 4-39: VLAN in f or m ation Screen v lan build < v id> <-u untags> <-t tags> <-p priorit y > T his co mm and allo w s creating VLAN group and assigning VLAN tag and untagged.
63 v lan set pri < v id> <-p priorit y > T his co mm and allo w to set VLAN priorit y level. T he screen in Figure 4-42 appears. Figure 4-42: VLAN priorit y Screen 4.2.5 trunk-- T RUNK Management Commands T his m enu contains s y ste m para m eters to displa y and con f igure the trun k o f this s w itch.
64 trunk set <g0|g1> <port1> [port2] [port3] [port4] T hese co mm ands allo w assigning m axi m u m up to 4 ports as trun k port f ro m port 1-24 and port 26-48. T he screen in Figure 4-45 appears. Figure 4-45: T run k group setting Screen 4.
65 Figure 4-47: Disable / enable S T P Screen stp sho w port T his co mm and allo w s vie w ing the S T P status o f each port f ro m SGS W -4802.
66 stp sho w bridge T his co mm and allo w s vie w ing the Bridge Para m eters o f S T P. T he screen in Figure 4-49 appears. Figure 4-49: S T P sho w bridge Screen stp set port <port number> <-c PathCost> T his co mm and allo w s assigning pathcost to each port.
67 stp set port <port number> <-p priorit y > T his co mm and allo w s assigning priorit y to each port. T he available range is 0-255 . Figure 4-51: S T P Priorit y Screen stp set bridge <-p RootPriorit y > T his co mm and allo w s setting the root priorit y o f S T P.
68 Figure 4-54: S T P For w ard Dela y Screen stp set bridge <-a M ax A ge> T his co mm and allo w s to setting the m axi m u m Age o f S T P. T he available range is 6-40 . Figure 4-55: S T P Max Age Screen 4.2.7 snmp--SNMP Management Commands T hese co mm ands allo w con f iguring the SNMP Para m eters.
69 Figure 4-57: SNMP on/o ff Screen snmp sho w communit y T his co mm and allo w s vie w ing the current status and co mm unit y string o f SNMP f unction.
70 4.2.8 stack--S T A CK Management Commands T hese co mm ands allo w con f iguring the Stac k Para m eters. T he screen in Figure 4-60 appears. Figure 4-60: Stac k Screen stack sho w T his co mm and allo w s to vie w ing the current status o f stac k f unction.
71 Figure 4-62: Stac k on Screen ! NO T E Please note w hen choose “ Master ” f ro m “ Stac k ing State ” . It allo w s user to assign this S w itch as Master device in this stac k group. T hen the rest o f the S w itches should be slave device.
72 Figure 4-64: IGMP sho w screen igmp [on [ v er v ersion]|off] T his co mm and allo w s disable (o ff ) or enable (on) the IGMP f unction in version 1 or version 2.
73 5. SWITCH OPER A TION 5.1 A ddress Table T he Managed S w itch is i m ple m ented w ith an address table. T his address table co m posed o f m an y entries. Each entr y is used to store the address in f or m ation o f so m e node in net w or k , including MAC address, port no, etc.
74 6. TROUBLESHOOTING This chapter contains information to help you solve problems. If M anaged S w itch is not functioning properly, make sure the M anaged S w itch w as set up according to instructions in this manual.
75 A PPENDIX A NETWORKING CONNECTION A .1 S w itch ‘ s RJ-45 Pin A ssignments 1000Mbps, 1000Base T Contact MDI MDI-X 1 BI_DA+ BI_DB+ 2 BI_DA- BI_DB- 3 BI_DB+ BI_DA+ 4 BI_DC+ BI_DD+ 5 BI_DC- BI_DD- 6.
76 Figure A-1: Straight- T hrough and Crossover Cable Please m a k e sure y our connected cables are w ith sa m e pin assign m ent and color as above picture be f ore deplo y ing the cables into y our net w or k .
デバイスPlanet SGSW-4802の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Planet SGSW-4802をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPlanet SGSW-4802の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Planet SGSW-4802の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Planet SGSW-4802で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Planet SGSW-4802を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPlanet SGSW-4802の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Planet SGSW-4802に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPlanet SGSW-4802デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。