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USE R GU ID E Calis to ® 8 00 S eries P8 2 0 /P8 2 5 / P8 30 /P8 3 5 Firmware version 1.19.
2 C ont ents C ont ents C ont ents W elcome 3 System Requirements 3 Computer 3 Connecting the Cables 4 Speakerphone and Microphone Basics 5 Speakerphone 5 Microphone 5 Set up your speakerphone 6 Acces.
3 We l co m e Congratulations on purchasi ng your new P lantronics produc t. This use r guide co nta in s i nst ruction s fo r setting u p an d us i ng yo ur C al ist o S pea kerp hon e ( Sp eak erp hone + P A50 M ic rop hone ) Syst em. The Calisto comes in several models: • The P820 model conne ct s to mobile ph ones and P C sof t phones .
4 Conne c ting the C ables * * Landline on P830 & P83 5 only.
Speakerphone Microphone 5 S pea k erpho ne and Mic rophone Bas ics 1 Analog landline teleph one por t (P830 & P835 mo dels only); P820 & P82 5 have a stan dard Kenington recept acle.
6 Set u p yo ur s pea k er p ho ne Acc ess ories The follow ing optional acces sor ies are s old sep arately : • PA50 Microphone clip: Enjoy freedo m of movem ent and exceptional tr ansmit qualit y for the ultimate speaker phone e xper ience (include d with P 825 & P835).
7 Mobile phone setup ( optional): When you connect your Calisto to a mobile phone that supports Bluetooth, call audio from that phone is automatically routed to your Calisto. T o connect to a mobile phone, do the following: 1 On the Mobile Phone setup screen, make sure Ye s is highlighted, and press OK .
8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 T alk/End: Pres s to dial a number you ente red, to ans wer an incoming call, or to en d a call. Th e key is green wh en you have an incoming call , red whe n you are on a call. 2 Mute: P ress to mu te the current ly ac tive call .
9 Screen Idle Screen Notifications When you ar e not on a call, t he scre en displays eith er the Plant ronics l ogo or s ome or all of the following infor mation , depen ding on the connec ted pho n.
10 Outgoing Line Outgoing phone line indicators When you make an ou tgoing call, t he call is made by default using th e last line you s elec ted on the Dial s creen (se e Make a Call on page 11). T o cho os e a differ ent line, simply highlight th e line of your choice on the D ial scre en.
11 Y ou r Ca li sto l ets you u se fea tu res su ch a s an swe rin g cal ls from a l l you r co nne cted p hone l i nes, answ eri ng a sec on d inc omin g ca ll, o r ma king a second outgo ing call. Make a Call IMPORT ANT : The Dia l menu m ay show “ P C Unavail able” even if Calisto 800 i s connec ted to the PC.
12 Switch Between Calls Press Con trol Up or Down to highlight the c all you want to make ac tive . The o ther call is automatically pu t on hold . NOTE: If you use a C alisto mode l P830 or P8 35 with a landli ne, se e Special Feat ures for Using Y our Calisto P8 30 with a Landlin e on pag e 1 3 for more informat ion on call s witching .
13 If you are on a call and are prompte d to navigate a phon e tree o r enter a pass word , simply enter the number s using the dialpad . Or pres s Options (right sof tkey) > Enter digits , and e nter the number s on the dialpad. T his work s with m obile, ho me landline, and s oft phone calls .
14 BACK OPTIONS Call Log 1 (123) 456-7890 US CELLULAR MOM JOHNSON M HOME The Call Lo g lists all incoming , outgo ing, and miss ed calls for all phon e lines connec ted to your Calisto. If th e caller name is k nown , the nam e is shown; oth er wis e, the ph one numbe r is shown .
15 Y ou c an en te r na mes an d nu mbe rs as fa vori tes so y ou ca n ea si ly d ia l them ri gh t on y our C al ist o. F or ea ch f avo rit e, you c an en te r mu lti pl e pho ne nu mbers a nd l abe l them a s hom e (H) , work (W ), mob il e (M ) , or oth er ( O ).
16 • Press Save (left s of tkey) t wice. Create a F avorite from a Call Log Entry BACK Options Call Details Add to Favorites Sort List Delete this record Delete all records 1 Highlight a Call Log entr y and pres s Options (right sof tkey) > Add to Favorites .
17 T o enter a + symbol: Press and hold 0. T o insert a 1-second pause in the numbers you are entering: Select Insert a Pause onscreen. Inserting a pause allows you to add/edit passcodes/passwords to phone numbers so that the entire string automatically gets dialed.
18 18 Delete a F avorite 1 Press Menu (right sof tkey) > Favorites . 2 S elec t the f avori te and press Options (right s of tkey) > Delete Favorite .
19 Y ou c an ac cess voi ce ma il f ro m you r Ca li sto f or bo th y our a n alo g la nd li ne (P8 30 & P8 3 5 model s only ) and y ou r softph one, i f the so ftphone a pp li cat ion suppo r t s t his f eat ure . T o use yo ur Calisto to access analog landline vo icemail, you ne ed to enter your landline voicemail access numbe r .
20 Y ou c an ro ute c al l au di o fro m an y conne cted p hone ( mobi le, so ftphone, o r home l an dl i ne ) to a c onnecte d hea dset. Supported Headset Types Headset Type Jack Type Insert Jack Into: Microphone Used On: Corded Headphones/ Earbuds Single 3.
21 BACK Call Options Change Audio Device Enter digits NOTE: If you have a Pla ntronic s PA5 0 wireless mic , it app ears o n the Aud io Dev ices screen as Speakerpho ne + Wireless Mi c . • If you p lug in a wired heads et /he adphones / earbud, t he call audio automati cally routes to t he at tached d evice .
22 The Cal isto P A 5 0 is a wi reless mi c for u s e with th e Cal isto 80 0 series of mu lti-devi ce s pea ke rpho nes. The wir eles s mic i s a n ac ce ssory that p rovi des unpa ralleled freedom of movement and exception al transmit qu ality for the ult im at e spe ak erp hone ex perie nc e.
23 The wire less mi c can also be placed flat o n a table for fle xible small group conferencing . It provide s full 360- degr ee microph one cover age .
24 Wireless Mic Usage Initial Setting Answer Call From... Which mic Active? How can I tell How do I change active mics? How do I know the audio changed? Audio to ‘Speaker phone’ Base (push selection button on the base) Base LED on front of base is lit when call answered.
25 Light Indicators • Charging : Single white flash af ter dock ing th e wirele ss mic to the C alisto. NOTE: The first ti me you ch arge your w ireless m ic, yo u may see t he lig ht glow red qu ick ly before flashing red. • Low B at ter y : Double r ed flash ever y 30 seconds .
26 Y ou c an pa i r you r Ca li s to wi th up t o two mobi le phones a nd two wi rel ess Blu etoo th devi c es, either d u rin g in iti al set up ( see Set Up Y ou r Ca li sto o n page 6 ) or fr om th e Setting s men u ( see Blu etoot h Setu p on p age 3 0 ).
Reconnect a mobile phone and/ or Bluetooth headset to your Calisto NOTE: Only one mobile phone and one Bluetooth headset can be connected to your Calisto at a time . When you come back in your office, there are several ways to reconnect your Mobile and/ or BT headset to Calisto.
28 Use th e Setting s men u to c u stom i ze y ou r Cal i sto a nd ma ke i t work be st for you. Basic Setup Basic se tup includes r inger volume an d tone, s creen br ightne ss , date and time for mat, and other set tings. Set the Ringer V olume 1 Press Menu (right sof t key) > Se t tings > B asic Setup > Ringer V olume .
29 Set the Country The countr y set t ings affe ct s how yo ur Calisto suppor ts lo cal and internat ional Caller ID information. 1 Press Menu (right sof t key) > Se t tings > B asic Setup > Countr y . 2 Selec t a country. 3 Press Save ( lef t sof tkey).
30 Bluetooth Setup Pair with a Mob ile Phone or B luetoo th Heads et Use Blueto oth Se tup to pair your Calisto wi th a new m obile phone or B luetoo th heads et . 1 Press Menu (right sof t key) > Se t tings > Bluetooth Set up . 2 Select Mobile Phone or Heads et (or Wireless Mic ).
31 It i s hi gh ly rec ommend ed th at yo u in sta ll P la ntr oni cs S poke s soft war e ava il ab le f or the C al ist o 8 00 syst em. Thou gh y ou r Ca li sto 8 0 0 syste m wi ll opera te wi thou t the software run ni ng, it w il l l im it the s ystem ’ s ca pab i lit ies.
32 As signing a Defaul t Sof tphon e has the following b enefit s : • Infor ms Calisto 800 where to s end th e digits diale d on the keypad; t his is especially use ful if more than on e sof tpho ne is act ive on th e sam e computer . • Enable s Spokes s of t ware to capture C all Log data for incoming and ou tgoing calls .
Avaya IP Agent Avaya IP Softphone Avaya o ne-X Communicato r Avaya o ne-X Agent Cisco IP Communicator Cisco CUCIMOC Cisco CUPC Cisco CUCIConnect Microsoft Lync 4.
34 Plantronics Control Panel Plantronic s Control P anel prov ides s tatus and configura tion informat ion and optio ns for Plantronic s dev ices and suppor ted applications . It als o provid es link s to Plantroni cs us er guides and corp orate cont act infor mation .
35 Plantronics Update Manager All required s of t ware and firmw are for the C alisto 800 Serie s can be rem otely updated w hen updates are available .
36 T r oub leshooting - G eneral I have my headset and mobile connected; how do I connect them both to Calisto 800? Automatic Reconnect: • IfaV oyagerPro+orV oyagerProUCisused,gotothe“Bluetooth”menuin Calisto and select “Connect Both”.
37 The Tx or Rx audio quality on my Calisto sounds muffled or distorted? • IftheCalistounitisusedbyseveralpeopleatthesametime,usersshouldbe positioned either in front or the back of the unit for optimal microphone pick-up.
38 The follow ing items per tain specific ally to issues re lated to the Calis to 800 Serie s with Spoke s sof t war e and suppor ted applica tions : Skype does not work with Spokes software Open Skype and select: T ools>Options>Advanced •Select“Manageotherprograms’accesstoSkype”.
NEED MO RE H ELP? plant support Plantronics, Inc. 345 Encinal Santa Cruz, CA 95060 United States T el: 800-544-4660 © 2011 Plantronics, Inc. All rights reserved. Plantronics, the logo design, P A50 and Calisto are trademarks or registered trademarks of Plantronics, Inc.
デバイスPlantronics 83956-03の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Plantronics 83956-03をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPlantronics 83956-03の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Plantronics 83956-03の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Plantronics 83956-03で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Plantronics 83956-03を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPlantronics 83956-03の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Plantronics 83956-03に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPlantronics 83956-03デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。