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Oper ating and Maintaining P80 C onsole Prec or Incorporated 20031 142nd A venue NE P .O . Box 720 2 W oodinville, W A USA 9807 2-4002 P80 OM 301407 - 710 re v K, en March 2013.
Edition Informa tion OPERAT ING AND M AINT AININ G THE P 80 C ONSO LE P/N 30 1407 - 71 0 rev K Copyright © Mar ch 2 01 3 Precor Incorpo rated . All rig hts reserved. Specifications subject to change witho ut noti ce. This document applies to Preva version 3.
Intellectual Proper ty Notice All rig hts, title , and interests in an d to the software of the Preva Business Suite, the accompanying printed materials, any copies of s uch software, and all data collected via t he Preva Business Suite, are exclusively owned by Precor or its supplier s, as the case may be.
Important Sa f ety Instructions Importan t: Save these instr uctions for f uture reference. Read all instructions in the documentation provided with your exercise equipment, including all assembly guides, user guides, and owner ’ s man uals , befo re in sta llat ion of th is de vice.
6 Operating and Mainta ining the P80 Console Make sure all users see a physician for a complete physical examination before they begin any fitne ss program, particularly if they have high blood pr.
Important Safe ty Instructions 7 For AM T an d EFX : Alw ays sta bilize y ou rself by ho ldin g a stationary handle bar while using typ ing or web surfing features. Read, understand, and test the emergency stop procedures befor e use. Keep the po wer co rd or op tional po wer ada pter and p lug away from heat ed surfaces.
8 Operating and Mainta ining the P80 Console Keep equipment away from water and moisture. Avoid dropping anything on or sp illing anything inside the equipment to prevent electric shock or damage to the electronics. When u sing the tr eadmill, always a ttach the safety clip to your clothing before begin ning your workout.
Important Safe ty Instructions 9 Do not set anything on the stationary handrails, handlebars, control console, or cove rs. Place liquids, magazines, and books in the appropriate receptacles. Do not lean on or pull on the console at any time. CAUTI ON: DO NOT remov e the cover , or you may ri sk injury d ue to electric s hock.
10 Operating and Maintainin g the P80 Console Regulatory Notices for the RFID Module When equipped with a con trol console as described in this document, this equipment may include a radio - frequency identification (RFID) module. The RFID module has been certi fied to operate a t temperatures betw een - 20°C and 85°C (- 4°F and 185°F).
Important Safety Instructions 11 Industr y Canad a This device c omplies with RSS - 210 :2007 of the Spectrum Management & Telecomm unications Radio Standards Specification.
12 Operating and Maintaining the P80 Co nsole Regulatory Not ices for Cardiovascular Exercise Equipment The regulatory information in th is section applies to the exercise equipment and its control console.
Important Safe ty Instructions 13 Industr y Canad a This C lass A d igita l app ara tus c ompl ies w ith Ca nad ian ICES - 003. Cet appareil numériqu e de la classe A est conform e à la norme NMB - 003 du Canada.
14 Operating and Maintaining the P80 C onsole Electrical Recom mendations: 12 0 V and 240 V Treadmills Note: This i s a recomm endation only. NEC (Nat ional Electric Code) guide lines or loca l reg ion elec tric c odes mu st be followed.
Important Safe ty Instructions 15 Electrical Recom mendations: All Equip ment Excluding Trea dmills Note: This i s a recomm endation only. NEC (Nat ional Electric Code) guidelines or loca l regio n elect ric co des mus t be followed.
16 Operating and Maintaining the P80 C onsole.
T able of Cont ents Import ant Safety Instr uct ions ................................................... 5 Safety Precaut ions ................................................................................ 5 Hazardous Mater ials and Proper Disposal .
18 Operating and Maintainin g the P80 C onsole Maintena nce ............................................................................ 63 Cleaning the Console and D isplay ................................................. 63 Changing the Belt (Newer Mode l AMT Only) .
Chapter 1 Getting St art ed The P80 c onsole offers admini strators and use rs the abili ty to set defaul t settings tha t meet their speci fic needs. To accompl ish this, the c onsole supp orts settings for different clas ses of users depending on their administrative right s.
20 Operating and Ma intaining the P80 Console Identif ying Parts of the Console The following figure provid es information about the console keys. The number and act ions of the console keys m ay differ slightly depending on the type of equipment. Figure 4 : P80 console keys Table 1.
Getting Started 21 Using the Trea dmill Safety Clip The tread mill is equipp ed with two differe nt stop function s, which behave as follows: If the us er … Th en the treadm ill b elt … And the consol e … Pulls on the la nyar d attac hed to t he saf ety clip and trip s the resta rt swi tch.
22 Operating an d Maintaining the P80 Console If the restar t switc h trips during exercis e, perform the following steps: 1. Reattach the safety clip if nec essary. 2. Press the r estart switc h down until it clicks, r eturning it to its normal position.
Getting Started 23 Treadmill Auto Stop™ (A utomatic Stop) Function Importan t: The defaul t setting for thi s feature is ON. An administrator can turn off thi s feature in the System Settings; however, Precor reco mmends i t remain ON.
24 Operating and Mainta ining the P80 Console.
Chapter 2 Configuring the Sy st em Settings Use the Syste m mode to configure settings in wa ys that benefit your users and your facility. The System menu is visi ble on ly to admin ist rat ors an d reg iste red se rvic e technicians. Changes made to these settings are saved to the fitness eq uipment.
26 Operating an d Maintaining the P80 C onsole 2. While hold ing Pause , press each of the following keys once in the order presented. Referring to the diagr a m below, pr ess: 1 2 3 4 Channel Up Volume Down Volume Up Channel Down Figure 8 : Settings s ecurity c ode 3.
Configuring the System S ettings 27 Table 2. About set tings Setting Access Detail Event L og Admin/Tech: View Provide s a li st of the mos t recent h ardware an d software event s, and e quip men t statu s. Conso le Seria l Numbe r Admi n/Tech: View Store d in the c on sole ’ s memory.
28 Operating and Main taining the P80 C onsole Setting Access Detail Networ k Time Server 3 Only Precor serv ice techn ician s sho uld modif y this setti ng. Machi ne Type Admi n/Tech: View Type of equ ipme nt. Equipme nt Usa ge The Equipment Usage settings p rovide information on indiv idua l us age as we ll as cumulative equipment usage.
Configuring the System S ettings 29 System Setti ngs Use the Syste m Settings to test your equipmen t and set parameters that benefit your users and your facility. The System Settings menu is v isible only to administrator s and registered service technicians.
30 Operating and Main taining the P80 C onsole Connectivity Configuring your audio, video, and netwo rk infrastructure requires expertise. Precor strongly r ecommends that you work with a qualified contra ctor to set up thi s infrastructu re. To view c onnectivity informa tion: 1.
Configuring the System S ettings 31 Display Use the Display settings to personalize language and time zone settings for your facil ity. To view a nd change the D isplay settings: 1. Use the administrator code and password to view th e equipmen t settings.
32 Operating and Maintainin g the P80 C onsole To view T V Setting infor mation: 1. Use the administrator code and password to view th e equipmen t settings. 2. Touch System Setting s , then T V Settings . Channel C onfigurati ons There are two different wa ys to set up the TV channe l configurations for the P80 console.
Configuring the System S ettings 33 To delete a channel from the Channel Guide: 1. On the Channel Guide scre en, touch the listing for the channel you want to delet e. 2. Touch the Delete button that appears ne xt to the listing. 3. When asked “Are you su re?", verify that you want to proceed, then touch Yes .
34 Operating and Mainta ining the P80 C onsole Editing the Export/Import Channel File Note: You will need to scan for channels before you can export the file. If you have not scanned for channe ls, refer to Channel Configurations in the preceding section.
Configuring the System S ettings 35 5. On the System Settings m enu, touch TV Settings , then Export/ Import Channel Na mes . 6. When the box is sele cted, touch Import from USB . Th e updated channel - list. ini f ile is lo aded and th e Cha nne l Guide dis plays the update d channe l names.
36 Operating and Maintain ing the P80 C onsole To modify the Wor kout Li mits setti ngs: 1. Use the administrator code and password to view th e equipmen t settings.
Configuring the System S ettings 37 Manage S ettings Use the Manage Settings feature to save your personalized equipmen t settings to a USB driv e, or to imp ort new software updates fr om a USB drive. Precor recommends that y ou configure the P80 consoles in your facility by sharing settings files.
38 Operating and Mainta ining the P80 C onsole.
Chapter 3 Intr oducing Users t o the P80 Console The P80 console offers cle ar visuals and a touch - scr een layout th at e ncourages program exploration. Multiple preset workouts are designed to help individual users meet their fitness goals, and the cons ole keys and durable motio n controls are responsive and easy t o use.
40 Operating and Mainta ining the P80 Console Changing the Default Language The Welcome screen displays in a default language selected for your regi on. To change the defa ult la nguage before b eginning your workout: 1. On the Welcome screen, t ouch the language icon.
Introduci ng Users to the P80 Console 41 When gripping the sensors, do not grip tightly. Keep a loose, cupping hold. Holdi ng the grips tightly can affe ct the reading. As you work out, your pers piration will help transmit your heart rate signal.
42 Operating and Maintainin g the P80 C onsole Using a Chest Strap Tr ansmitte r WARNING Signals u sed by the c hest str ap transmitte r (or heart ra te strap) may int erfere with pacemakers o r ot her i mplanted devices.
Introduci ng Users to the P80 Console 43 Using Different Screen Views Importan t: Some Preva fe atures are availa ble only to Pre va subscribers. Contact Precor to upd ate your subscription. Use the Views button to c hange the type of informat ion p rovided on the screen at anytime.
44 Operating and Maintain ing the P80 Console Changing Screen V iews The Views icon appears at the bottom right of the wo rkout screen when the Personal Progress panel is visible. Figure 11 : Views icon To vie w this panel: Touch Quick Sta rt . Touch Workouts , select a preset workout, then GO .
Introduci ng Users to the P80 Console 45 Using the Workout Progress Panel Use the Workout Progress panel to customize your workout. This is the fir st panel that displays once you select a workout or touch GO . If you are on the Media panel, there are two ways to return to the Wor kout Progress panel.
46 Operating and Maintain ing the P80 Console Using the Medi a Panel The Now Playing Media panel displays available media sources. Select a media source such as TV or iPod, and then use the audio browsing fea ture to listen to that me d ia w hile you browse Preva Net.
Introducing Us ers to the P80 Console 47 Connecting and Using Your iPod® You can listen to your favo rite music and control y our iPod directly from the console. To connec t your iPod : 1. Insert the iPod into the con nector at the top of the console and place your iPo d securely in the pocket provided.
48 Operating and Mainta ining the P80 Console To open Prev a Net: 1. On the Welcome screen, t ouch Workouts or QuickStar t to begin a workout. Once your workout beg ins, the Preva Net icon a ppea rs at the bottom of your screen. 2. Touch the Preva Net i con.
Chapter 4 Beginning Y our W or k out CAUTION: I f you are using a treadmill, b e sure to attach the security clip to your clothing befor e starting your w orkout. The P80 console offers ma ny different workout options. T he following sections explain the type of workouts avail able and how to get star ted using them.
50 Operating and Mainta ining the P80 Console Starting a Featured Workout The Featured Workout ap pears in a panel on the We lcome Screen. Use Featured Workouts to explore the fitness benefits of preset programs and to add variety to your workout. To begin a Fe atured Workout, touch Go on the Featured Workout panel .
Beginning Y our Workout 51 4. Anytime during a worko ut, you can t ouch Paus e . When touched, the workout pauses and you can choose to Resume or Finish your workout. To continue your workout, touch Resu me . If you choose to finish a w orkout, the Workout Summ ary screen displays your work out status for that session.
52 Operating an d Maintaining the P80 Console Personal Information and Progress Settings Before you begin the fitness tests or the h eart rate program, you are prompted to enter personal information in the Workout Progress panel. This info rmation may include age, weight, or a length of time for that workout session.
Beginning Y our Workout 53 Setting Setting Options Default Value Access Detail Weigh t • Over 310 • 290 - 30 9 • 270 - 28 9 • 250 - 26 9 • 230 - 2 49 • 210 - 2 29 • 190 - 20 9 • 171 - 1 89 • 170 • 150 - 16 9 • 130 - 1 49 • 110 - 1 29 • Under 1 10 170 Admin/Tech: None Enter we igh t as a valu e or a range.
54 Operating and Maintain ing the P80 Console Adjust the motion controls, upward o r downward, to change the incline, speed, or resistance. Figure 17 : Ad just m o tion controls up or down Many pre set workouts will ad just these setti ngs automatic ally to meet the wor kout intensity.
Beginning Y our Workout 55 3. Touch the arrow again t o retract the menu. 4. Repeat with any stat us category to customize your workout status view. Note: A dministrators and registered service technicians can overr ide status setti ngs. Scoring Your Fitness Workout This information helps you interpret your score for the Test Your Fitness workout.
56 Operating and Maintain ing the P80 Console Introducing Preva® Accounts to Your Users Importan t: Some Preva fe atures are availa ble only to Pre va subscribers.
Beginning Y our Workout 57 Creating a Goal Importan t: Some Preva fe atures are availa ble only to Pre va subscribers. Contact Precor to upd ate your subscription. Use the Weekly Goal pane l to create a workout goal. When you set up your goal, you commit to: A target value (distance, duration, or ca lor ie s) for e ach workout.
58 Operating and Maintain ing the P80 Console 5. Enter y our We ight , then to uch Nex t . 6. On the Current Focus panel, touch the button that b est represents your fitness goal. Table 16. Current Focus V alues Curre nt Focus Definition Be Fit Condi tion y our ca rdiova sc ul ar system.
Beginning Y our Workout 59 Table 17. Interpreting the We ekly Progress Panel Number Setting Definition This Week ’ s Progres s Days r emain ing t o reac h your goal.
60 Operating and Mainta ining the P80 Console Week ly Goal Summary Displa ys the port ion of your week ly goa l that y ou hav e alre ady c omple ted bo th as a fractio n and as a perc entag e.
Beginning Y our Workout 61 Preva To kens Once you create a Preva account on a P80 conso le, you can use a Preva token to s ign into that personal account. Contact Precor for more information on P reva tokens. To sign into your personal account, hold your Preva token to the token icon in the uppe r right corner of the console.
62 Operating an d Maintaining the P80 Console.
Chapter 5 Maintenanc e To keep the equipment fun ctioning properly, perform the minor maintenance tasks in t his section at the intervals suggested. Failure to maintain the equipment as described in this section coul d void the Precor Limited Warranty.
64 Operating and Maintain ing the P80 Console To clea n the scr een: The manufacturer recommends diluting one part 91% i sopropyl alcohol solution i n one part water, or using t he 91% isopropyl alcohol solut ion in its original strength. Be sure to follow the solvent manufacturer ’ s precautions and directions when using any solvent.
Oper ating and Maintaining P80 C onsole Prec or Incorporated 20031 142nd A venue NE P .O . Box 720 2 W oodinville, W A USA 9807 2-4002 P80 OM 301407 - 710 re v K, en March 2013.
As sembling and Maintaining TRM 800-Series T r eadmills Prec or Incorporated 20031 142nd A venue NE P .O . Box 720 2 W oodinville, W A USA 9807 2-4002 TRM 800-Series P AG/ OM 300 713-401 rev H W arr a.
Edition Information ASSEMBLING AND MAI NTAINING TRM 800 - SERIES TREADMILLS P/N 300713 - 401 rev J Copyright © October 2012 P recor Incorporated. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. Trademark Note Precor, AMT, EFX, and Pre va are registered trademarks of Precor Incorporated.
Important Sa f ety Instructions Importan t: Save these instruc tions for future ref erence. Read all instructions in the documentation provided with your exercise equipment, including all assembly guides, user guides, and o wner ’ s manuals, before installation of this device.
4 Assembling and Maintaining TRM 800 - Series Treadmills Safety Preca utions Always follow basic safety precautions when using this equipment to reduce the chance of injury, fire, or damage. Other sectio ns in this manual provide more details of safety features.
Important Safety I nstructions 5 Care should be taken when mounting or di smounting the equipment. For Treadmills: Do not use ty ping or web surfing features while walking at speeds that exceed a slow and rel axed leisurely pace . Always stabilize yourself by holding a stationary handle bar while using typing or web surfing features.
6 Assembling and Maintaining TRM 800 - Series Treadmills SPACING— The below minimum spacing recommendations are based on a combination of the ASTM (U.S.) voluntary standar ds and EN (European) regulations as of October 1, 2012, for access, passage around, and emergency dismount: Treadmills— a m inimum of 0.
Important Safety Instructions 7 Maintain the equipment to keep it in good working condition, as described in the Mainte nance section of the owner ’ s manual. Inspect the equipment for incorrect, worn, or loose components, and then correct, replace or tighten prior to use.
8 Assembling and Maintaining TRM 800 - Series Treadmills Educating Users Take time to educate use rs about the Important Safety Instructions found in bot h the User Reference Manual and Product O wner ’ s Manual .
Important Safety Instructions 9 Product Recycling and Disposal This equipment must be recycled or discarded according to ap plicable local and national regulations.
10 Assembling and Maintai ning TRM 800 - Series Treadmills Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) The RFID module conforms to the following national standards defining acceptable limits for radio frequency interference (RFI ).
Important Safety Instructions 11 European Applications CE compliance is claimed to the following directives: 1999/5/EC R&TTE Directive 2006/95/EC LVD Directive 2002/95/EC RoHS D irective Directive compliance has been verified to the following standards: EN 55022 EN 300 330- 1 V1.
12 Assembling and Maintai ning TRM 800 - Series Treadmills Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) This Precor exercise equipment conforms to the following national standards defining acceptable limits for radio frequency interference (RFI).
Important Safety Instructions 13 Treadmill Groundin g Instructions The treadmill must be grounded. If the equipment malfunctions or breaks down, grounding draws off electric current and reduces the ri sk of electric shock. The power cord on the treadmill is equipped with a gr ounding conductor and a three - pin grounding plug.
14 Assembling and Maintaining T RM 800 - Series Treadmills Importan t: An indivi dual bra nch circuit provides a hot condu ctor and neutra l condu ctor to a rece ptacle. T he conduct ors must not be looped, "daisy - chained", or co nnected to any other co nductors .
T able of C ont ents Important Safety Instructions .................................................... 3 Safety Precautions ................................................................................ 4 Safety Code ...............................
16 Assembling and Maintaining T RM 800 - Series Treadmills Maintenance .............................................................................. 49 Daily Cleaning ...................................................................................
Chapter 1 As semblin g the T r eadm ill Importan t: The instructions in t he following p rocedures are described f rom the perspective of a p erson standing directly in front of the equ ipmen t (that is, on the opposit e side of the control con sole from a person using the equipm ent).
18 Assembling and Maint aining TRM 800 - Series Treadmills 5. Remove the shipping fasteners from the front panel using a ¹₄ - inch hex key and a ¹⁄₂ – inch box-end wrench. 6. Remove any tape or wir e ties securing th e console cable to the side of the unit.
Assembling the Treadmil l 19 Hardware Kit (not to scale) The hardware kit shipped wit h this equipment contains the fasteners and other har dware components shown in the following table. Before you begin assembly, make sure that your hardware kit is compl ete.
20 Assembling and Maintaining TRM 800 - Series Treadmills Unpacking the Cables To connect the console to the bas e unit, you may need up t o five cables, as follows: Ethernet (P80 only) Televi.
Assembling the Treadmil l 21 3. Remove the seven screws holding the back cover in place. Snap the back cover loose and set it as ide, along with the seven screws .
22 Assembling and Maintaining TRM 800 - Series Treadmills 5. Remove the Auto Stop cable from the tube on t he right - hand side of the fairing (position 2 in the preceding illustration). Importan t: In the followin g step, make sure that t he end of the data cable with the ferrit e bead is the up per end.
Assembling the Treadmil l 23 2. Place the right - hand upright suppor t into the base frame side bracket. 3. Secure the right - hand upright support to the sid e br acket using four so cket head scre ws, four black washers, an d two locknuts. Partially tighten the fasteners.
24 Assembling and Maintaining TR M 800 - Series Treadmills To install the access ory jack p anel (tread mills with P80 consoles o nly): 1. Remove the two #10 x ¹₂ - inch P hilips - head machine screws securing the bla nk plate at the right front corner of the treadmill, as shown in the following figure.
Assembli ng the Treadmill 25 To thread c ables throug h the fr ame: 1. Feed the cable assembly downward through the left - hand upright support and out through t he opening in the lower end of the support. Drape the remaining cable over the front of the support and tap e it into place if necessary to secure it temporarily.
26 Assembling and Maintaining TR M 800 - Series Treadmills Table 1. Cabl e connectio ns and moun ting points in the treadmill b ase Component Appearance Already Installed Lower conn ection point Base .
Assembling the Treadmil l 27 4. Secure the left - hand upright support to the sid e bracket using four so cket head scre ws, four black washers, an d two locknuts. Partially tighten the fasteners. Figure 11 : Upright sup port attachm ent, left side 5.
28 Assembling and Maintaining TR M 800 - Series Treadmills 8. Secure the fairing assembly using six buttonhead screws and six washers. Pa rtially tighten the fasteners.
Assembling the Treadmil l 29 To comple te assembly of the tread mill bas e: Importan t: Us e your fingers to align and thr ead the four hood fasteners pro perly. Then use a wren ch to tighten t he hood fasteners comp letely as describ ed in the followin g step.
30 Assembling and Maintaining TRM 800 - Series Treadmills Leveling the Unit The treadmill deck must be absolutely level from side to side to keep the belt in alignment and ensure proper operation. If the load is not equally distributed ac ross the tre admill deck, users may feel excessive vibration or observe it at the console.
Assembling the Treadmil l 31 4. Adjust the rear feet as needed. Figure 15 : Leveling f oot adjus tment 5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 until the treadmill is level. 6. If necessary, adjust the rear feet so that the user’s weight is distributed evenly on the treadmill.
32 Assembling and Maintaining TRM 800 - Series Treadmills Breaking in the Equip ment Precor equipment does not require an actual break - in peri od. However, moving components such as belts, gears, and bearings can settle while the equipment is being stored or shipped.
Chapter 2 Ins tallin g the Console To make installation easier, all Precor Experience Series consoles use the same mounting ha rdware and connector locations whenever possible.
34 Assembling and Maintaining TRM 800 - Series Treadmills Threading the Cable Assembly (P80) Earlier in the installation, you threaded the necessary cables thro ugh the frame of the base unit and out the passthrough opening in the console mount.
Installing the Console 35 3. Rest the console on the console mount so that the notch on the bottom of the console ’ s back plate rests on the rectangular hook at the bott om of the console mount, as shown in the following figure. Figure 17 : Console pos itioning on ba se unit 4.
36 Assembling and Maintaining TRM 800 - Series Treadmills Connecting Cables (P80) After the co nsol e has been seated, separate the individual cables out of the end of the cable assembly and attach them to the appropriate circuit connectors inside the con sole.
Installing the Console 37 Table 2. P8 0 internal c able connec tions Cable Connector Ty pe Circuit Connector Location Ethernet (LAN) Eight - co ntact modular, on round black cable TV in F- type coax i.
38 Assembling and Maintaining TRM 800 - Series Treadmills 3. Attach the connector on the ca ble to the connector on the tuner cable and tighten the two connectors securely using two ⁷₁₆ - inch open - end wrenches. Pos ition both connectors above the upper r ight corner of the back plate.
Installing the Console 39 Connecting the Ethernet and Base Unit Data Cables Both the Ethernet and base unit data c ables pass through the cutaway opening at the upper rig ht corner of the b ack plate and connect to nearby modula r jacks in the console.
40 Assembling and Maintaining TRM 800 - Series Treadmills Connecting the Heart Rate Sensor Cable The heart rate sensor ca ble passes through the cutaway opening at the upper left corner of the back plate, then down to the small circuit boa rd at the lower left of the console.
Installing the Console 41 Connecting the Power Cable Route the power cable through the cutaway opening at the upper left corner of the b ack plate. In the n earby opening within the steel console framework, locate the socket that matches the power cable plug and connect the power cable to i t.
42 Assembling and Maintaining TRM 800 - Series Treadmills Completing the Console Instal lation (P80) Before you complete the final installation step s, double -check the connections you have made. Make sure that all cables are fully and securely connected, and that any unneeded cables are tied back properly.
Installing the Console 43 3. Rest the console on the console mount so that the notch on the bottom of the console ’ s back plate rests on the rectang ular hook at the bottom of the console mount, as shown in the following figure. Figure 23 : Conso le position ing on base u nit 4.
44 Assembling and Maintaining TRM 800 - Series Treadmills Connecting Cables (P30 and P10) Importan t: Pass all cables t hrough the semic ircular opening ju st above the console m ount, as show n in the following f igure. Do not attempt to r oute any cables t hrough other openi ngs or through the steel channel ab ove the mount.
Installing the Console 45 After the console has been seated, separate the individual cables out of the end of the cable assembly and attach them to the appropriate circuit connectors inside the con sole. Refer to the following diagram and table to identify the cables and connectors.
46 Assembling and Maintaining TR M 800 - Series Treadmills Table 3. P30 a nd P10 inter nal cable co nnections Cable Connector Ty pe Circuit Connector Location Safety key (treadmills only) Six- conta c.
Installing the Console 47 4. Line up the two small tabs at the bottom of the console ’ s back cover with the slots at the bottom of the console case. Insert the tabs into the slots. 5. Insert the two #8 – 32 x ¹₂ - inch Phillips - head s crews that you removed earlier into the holes at the top edge of the console ’ s back cover.
48 Assembling and Maintaining TRM 800 - Series Treadmills 3. Hold the center column cover in place and attach the two screws you removed with it. Figure 28 : Remo val and rep lacement of t he center c olumn cover Verifying That the He art Rate Display Is Operational To verify that the h eart rate di splay is op erational: 1.
Chapter 3 Maint enanc e To keep the equipment functioning properly, perform the minor maintenance tasks in this section at the intervals shown on the maintenance checklist. Failure to maintain the equipment as described in this section could void the Precor Limited Warranty.
50 Assembling and Maintaining TRM 800 - Series Treadmills Alternatively, you can clean the equipment with Athletix fitness equipment cleaning wipes (for more information, visit www.
Maintenance 51 Weekly Maintena nce Perform the following maintenance tasks every week: 1. Elevate the tread to maximum incline , then turn off the power switch or circ uit breaker and unplug the unit from the wall outlet. 2. Clean the floor under the equipment using a vacuum cleaner or a damp mop.
52 Assembling and Maintaining TRM 800 - Series Treadmills 9. Clean and lubricate the lift motor screw with an approved grease such as SuperLube® wit h Teflon® or Mobil 1® synthetic grease. 10. Check all fasteners for proper tightness and torque. 11.
Maintenance 53 6. Observe the belt from the rear of the treadmill for a few minutes. The belt should remain centered along the running bed. If it drifts off center, adjust it. Refer to Adjusti ng the Runnin g Belt . Importan t: Failure to align the b elt may cause the b elt to tear or fray, wh ich is not cover ed by the Precor Limited Warranty.
54 Assembling and Maintaining TR M 800 - Series Treadmills 2. Use the hex key to tighten the adjusting bolt toward which the belt is shiftin g. Turn the bolt ¹₄ turn clockwise. 3. Recheck the belt position as described under Checking th e Alignme nt of the R unning Bel t .
Maintenance 55 Moving t he Equipment The equipment is very heavy. If you plan to move it t o a new location, obtain the help of an adul t assistant and use proper lifting techniques. If the equipment includes roller wheels on one end, use the wheels to reduce the load on y ourself a nd your assistan t.
56 Assembling and Maintaining TR M 800 - Series Treadmills Long -Term Storage If you do not expect anyone to use the equipment for a long time, perform the following tasks to prepare it for storage: Turn it OF F. If it has a power cord, di sconnect the cord.
Chapter 4 T r eadmi ll Saf ety F ea tur es Before allowing users on Precor equipment, review the in this manual. You should als o teach your patrons how to use the equipment safely, according to the guidelines on . Entering the Safety Co de When the equipment is shipped from the factory, safety code protection is not active.
58 Assembling and Maintaining TRM 800 - Series Treadmills Using the Treadmill Safet y Clip The treadmill is equipped with two different stop functions, which behave as follows: If the user … Then th.
Treadmill Safety F eatures 59 If the res tart switch trips duri ng exercise, p erform the following s teps: 1. Reattach the safety clip if necessary. 2. Press the restart switch down until it clicks, returning it to its normal position. Note: If the restart sw itch trip s, all inf ormation ab out the current workout is deleted.
60 Assembling and Maintaining TRM 800 - Series Treadmills Location The area around the treadmill must remain open, and free of interference from objects such as other equipment, at all times.
62 Assembling and Maintaining TRM 800 - Series Treadmills Options / Accesso ries Many options or acc essories have components t hat are connected interna lly or mounted inside the electronic console. The following guideli nes determine the warranty for these components.
Commercial Cardiovascular Equipm ent Limited Warranty 63 This Limited Warranty shall not apply to: 1. Software ver sion upgrade s. 2. Software defe cts that do no t materially and negatively affe ct the normal p erformance of the product under nor mal conditions of use.
As sembling and Maintaining TRM 800-Series T r eadmills Prec or Incorporated 20031 142nd A venue NE P .O . Box 720 2 W oodinville, W A USA 9807 2-4002 TRM 800-Series P AG/ OM 300 713-401 rev J W arr a.
デバイスPrecor P80の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Precor P80をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPrecor P80の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Precor P80の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Precor P80で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Precor P80を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPrecor P80の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Precor P80に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPrecor P80デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。