Promise Technologyメーカー15110の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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VT RAK 15 110 U SER M ANUAL V ersion 1. 1 / SR5 P R O M IS E V T r a k 1 5 2 0 0.
VTrak 15110 User Manual ii Copyright © 2005 Promise T echnology , Inc. All Righ ts Reserved. Copyri ght by Promise T echnology , Inc . (Promise T echnol ogy). No part of this manual may be repro duced or transmi tted in any f orm without the expressed, written permission of Promise T echnology .
iii Content s Chapter 1: Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 About Th is Manua l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
VTrak 15100 User Manual iv Create a Logi cal Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Assign a S CSI Target ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 Log-out o f WebPAM PRO . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents v Connectio n Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4 User Rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4 VTrak Manag ement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
VTrak 15100 User Manual vi Logical Drive LUN S ettings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Logical Drive Alias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 7 Physical Drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents vii I/O Statist ics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 8 Disk Array Ma nageme nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Disk Array A uto Creati on . . . . . . . . . . . .
VTrak 15100 User Manual viii Chapter 7: Technology Backgr ound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 Introductio n to RAID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 Choosing a RA ID Level . . . . . . . . .
1 Chapter 1: Introductio n • About This Manual, p age 1 • Ove rvie w , page 2 • Architec tural Description , page 3 • Features and Benefits , page 3 Thank y ou for purchasin g Promise T echnol ogy’s VT rak ex ternal disk array subsys tem.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 2 Overview VT rak provide s data s torage sol utions for appli cations where high performa nce and dat a protection are requi red. The failure of any si ngle drive will not af fect data inte gri ty or a cc essi bil ity of the data i n a RA ID pr ot ect ed log ic al dri ve.
Chapter 1: Introduction 3 The two standard L VD SCSI interfac e provides com patibility w ith any sys tem that uses a SCSI interface. No vendor unique c ommands are re quired for the oper ation of t he VTrak sub syst em.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 4 Up to 200 MB/sec sust ained bandwid th (over two iSCSI ports) High dat a thoughpu t. Hardware-as sisted XOR engi ne Hi gh-speed par ity calcula tion for par ity type logical d rives.
Chapter 1: Introduction 5 Specificati on s Drive Capacity: 15 SA T A and P A T A disk drives (3.5" x 1 " form factor onl y) External I/O Port s : Dual Ultra 160 SCSI wi th 68-pin VHDCI conne.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 6 Supported Operating Syste ms: Current : 8 A @ 100 V AC; 4 A @ 200 V AC (max. rating with two power cords) Powe r Co nsum pti on: 440 watts Power Su pply: Dual 5 00W , 100–2.
7 Chapter 2: Inst allation • Unp ack the VT rak storag e subsystem ( below) • Mo unt V Trak 151 10 i n a Rac k (pag e 8) • Install Disk Drives (page 9) • V erify th e SCSI HBA Card (p age 15) .
VTrak 15110 User Manual 8 Mount VTr ak 151 10 in a Rack Figure 1. Rackmounted VT rak 151 10 The VT rak 151 10 inst alls directly t o the rack with or w ithout using the supplied mount ing rails .
Chapter 2: Installation 9 If you p lan to use th e mounting rails , follow this procedure to i nstall them : 1. Attach on e end of the ra il to the bac k side o f the rack’ s front post. 2. Repositi on the adj usting screw s as need ed to fit the ra il to the rack p roperly .
VTrak 15110 User Manual 10 Figure 3. VTr ak 151 10 Disk Drive access Import ant Before in stalling a Parallel A T A disk driv e, be sure the ju mpers on the disk drive are set for ma ster operation . Never set a dr ive for slave op eration. Note Y ou can use dis k drives of dif ferent man ufacturers and s izes.
Chapter 2: Installation 11 T o remove a Drive Carrier fro m the VT rak, pull the D rive Carrier Latch Ha ndle and r e move an unused Drive Carrier (see Figure 3). Figure 4. Drive Carrier mounting holes Note th at the Drive C arrier has seve ral mounting holes (ab ove).
VTrak 15110 User Manual 12 Serial A T A Dis k Drives Figure 5. SA T A Disk Drives mou nt at the front of the carrier 1. Carefully la y the drive i nto the drive ca rrier at the f ront, so that the s crew holes on the bo tt om li ne up .
Chapter 2: Installation 13 Parallel A T A Disk Drives In order to use Parallel A T A disk driv es in VT rak, you mu st first inst all a P A T A-to- SA T A adapter avai lable from Promi se T echn o logy. Figure 6. P A T A Disk Drives re quire a P A T A-to-SA T A adapter 1.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 14 Drive Numbering Each dis k drive in VT rak is identifie d by a number us ed for creati ng and managi ng logical drives. VT rak numbers disk drives from left to right. Numbers a stam ped above e ach drive bay f or easy inde ntification.
Chapter 2: Installation 15 V erify the SCSI HBA Card Dat a travels between th e Host PC and the VT rak stora ge system through a SC SI connec tion. Therefore, th e SCSI HBA card is a n essential p art of the Host PC and V Tra k system. The t able below lis ts the mini mum and pre ferred specifica tions for a SCSI HBA card.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 16 Connect the SCSI Cabl es Inst allation of th e VTrak i s very simila r to a standa rd SCSI drive. The SCSI connector accepts the V ery High Density Con nector Interface (VHDCI), 68-pin, Low V oltage Di fferential (L VD) SCSI cab le used on many SCSI devices.
Chapter 2: Installation 17 The VT rak has four 68-pin, VHDCI SC SI connectors and two sep arate SCSI channe ls. These co nnectors are used in one of f ive ways: • Configura tion 1: One VT rak, one H.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 18 Configuration 1: One VT rak, one Host PC , one SCSI HBA card Attac h the SCSI cable to e ither of VT rak’s S CSI channel s. Configuration 2: One VT rak, one Host PC, two SCSI HBA card s Y ou can u se a dual-chan nel SCSI HBA card for this applicati on.
Chapter 2: Installation 19 Configuration 3: One VT rak, two Host PCs, o ne SCSI HBA card in eac h This arran gement allow s you to m a nage th e same VT rak from tw o different H ost PCs.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 20 Configuration 4: T wo VT raks, one Host PC, one SCSI HBA card (dai sy chain) Do the following when daisy-chainin g VTra ks: 1. Use a 68-pin VHDCI cable to attach each VT rak a rray to the SCSI chain. Y ou can c onnect up to ei ght (8) VT raks on the s ame SCSI chain.
Chapter 2: Installation 21 Configuration 5: T wo VT raks, one Host PC, two SCSI HBA card s A Host PC manages two VTraks th rough separa te SCSI connecti ons. An an alter native to daisy chaining, it c an provide incr eased I/O pe rformance. Y ou can u se a dual-chan nel SCSI HBA card for this applicati on.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 22 Connect the Management Cabl es VT rak 151 10 has t wo types of M anagement conn ections: • Manage ment Port connect ion – Enables you to mo nitor the VT rak over yo ur network u sing the Web P AM PRO Sof tware. VT rak supports Ethernet and T elnet protoco ls.
Chapter 2: Installation 23 Macintosh Users If your H ost PC is an Apple Macintos h, you do not hav e the RS-232 se rial port needed to set-up a Ma nagement co nnection.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 24 Plug the power cords into the power connections o n both power supplies. Us e the ret aining bail s to hold the power cords in pl ace and prev ent an acciden tal discon nection. T urn both pow er supplie s on. When the power is switc hed on, the LE D s on the fro nt of the VT rak will light up.
Chapter 2: Installation 25 After a few moments the Power/Activity and Disk S tatus LEDs should dis play green . If the re is no disk drive in the carrier , the Disk S tatus LED wil l display green while the Power/Ac tivity LED will remain d ark.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 26 For a full lis t of C LU capa bili ti es an d fu nct ions , se e Chap te r 5 on pag e 13 3. Set IP Ad dresses and Subnet Mask This pro cedure is required for a network con nection to the VT rak.
Chapter 2: Installation 27 The Man agement Port sett ings display . --------------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ------ Manage ment Po rt IP Addres s: Subne t Mask: Gate way IP Ad dress: 0.0.0 .0 T elnet: disab led TFTP Server IP Addr ess: 0.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 28 5. T ype the new I P addr ess and pr ess Enter . The CLU confirms the new manageme nt port IP address . 6. Press Enter to return to th e Management Po rt menu. 7. Repeat st eps 3 tho ugh 6 to set the Su bnet mask and Gateway I P address 8.
Chapter 2: Installation 29 Set Up T elnet Connection A T elnet co nnection al lows you to ac cess VT rak’s CLU over the network. This allow s RAID managem ent over a grea ter distance from the VT rak its elf. This p rocedure is req uired for a Ho st PC that does not hav e an availabl e RS-232 serial p o rt.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 30 Make a T elnet Connection The T elnet feature on VT rak must be enabled. Se e “Enable T elnet on VT rak” on page 29 . HyperT erminal (Windows) or Minicom (Linux) 1. Launch the HyperT erminal o r Minicom a pplication. 2. Open a term inal window ,type a nam e and cli ck OK (above, left).
Chapter 2: Installation 31 8. T ype a p assword ( pas s w o rd is the defa ult) and press Ente r . The CLU screen opens. See Chap ter 5 (page 133) for informati on about how to use t he CLU. Command Line (Windows) or T erminal Icon (Linux) 1. Go to the W indows co mmand line or c lick the Linux terminal icon .
VTrak 15110 User Manual 32 3. T ype a lowe r-case letter O , space, th e VTra k’s IP addres s, space, 2 300. Exampl e: o 2300 4. Pres s Enter . The teln et login screen appears. 5. In the T elnet L ogin, type a user name ( ad ministrator i s the default ) and press Enter .
Chapter 2: Installation 33 Install W ebP AM PRO Software Web -Based Promise Array Manageme nt—Professional (W ebP AM PRO) soft ware provide s a browser-ba sed graphic user in terface used to monitor and manage VTrak and its log ical drives. Bec ause it works over your netw ork, it can monitor and control mul tiple VT raks.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 34 CIMOM Agent VT rak ship s from the fact ory with a CIMOM age nt installed . . Figure 7. W ebP AM PRO on a netw ork Desktop PC with Internet browser Laptop PC with Intern et .
Chapter 2: Installation 35 Internet B rowser T ypically an In ternet browser c o mes with your operatin g system. Web P AM PRO does no t include a browser . For com puters that will remotely mo nitor and manage the RAID, the Internet Browser is the only software requi red.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 36 2. Insert the s o ftware CD i nto your CD-ROM driv e. 3. In the CD w indow , doubl e-click on the we bpam...bin icon to begin i nstallati on (right). 4. When the Run or Display ? dialog box appears, cl ick Run in T ermi nal .
Chapter 2: Installation 37 Inst allation Under All Supported Operating S ystems, continued In the fo llowing exam ples, the Win dows inst all screens are shown. Linux and Mac O S X inst all screens have a slig htly differe nt appearance but the infor m ation, c hoices and actions requ ired are exactly the same.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 38 3. When the SSL S ecurity Options screen appears (above), you c an check External Sec urity . An explanation follows. External SSL Se curity – Applies s ecurity to all c onnections in volving the Internet o r outside your compa ny firewall.
Chapter 2: Installation 39 4. When the U tility Server Info rmation screen appears (below), ty pe the requ est ed net work add res ses. Y ou mus t type the co rrect inform ation for Email Se rver and Email Se nder or the ins tallation will not proceed.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 40 5. When the Choose Install Fold er screen ap pears (below), m ake you r select ion of a folde r for the We bP AM PRO applic ations you are installi ng. The defa ult folder is C:W ebP AM . If you want a differen t folder , type its locatio n and click th e Choose.
Chapter 2: Installation 41 • If yo u need to make changes, cl ick the Previ ous button to ret urn to the Inst all Folder screen. • If yo u are satisfied with the propos ed instal lation, click the Insta ll button. 7. When the Insta ll Complete s creen appears (a bove), the ins tallation pro cess is fini shed.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 42.
43 Chapter 3: Setu p • VT rak Setup w i th W ebP AM PRO (below) • VT rak Setup with the CLU (page 57) After i nstallation , the next ste p is to configur e VTrak. Y ou can do this with Web P AM PRO or t he Command L ine Utility (CLU), whichever yo u prefer .
VTrak 15110 User Manual 44 Secure Connect ion • Web P AM PRO uses a secure HTTP connec tion . . . . . . . . . . .https:// • Enter t he PC/Serv er ’s IP address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 • Enter the P ort number . . . . . . .
Chapter 3: Setup 45 Aft er sign-in , the WebP AM PRO ope ning screen ap pears. The firs t time you l og in to We bP AM PRO, there wil l be no Subs ystems (VTra k s) or Use rs in the sy stem. Prom ise recommend s that you c reate the Subs ystem(s) first, the n add the Use r(s).
VTrak 15110 User Manual 46 Add a Subsystem (VT rak) 1. Click on Adm i nistrato r T ools icon to display the menu . 2. Click o n the Subsystem Management icon. 3. Click the Ad d Subsystem t ab (above). 4. In the IP Addre ss field, type i n the VT rak’ s Managemen t Port IP address.
Chapter 3: Setup 47 Service Management – SNMP , T elnet and C IM serv ices Cont roll ers – RAI D Man agem ent on VTrak Enclosu res – Power sup plies, cooling , cache battery , circuit cards Disk.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 48 Create a Disk Arr ay A disk a rray is a colle ction of phy s ical dri ves in a RAID. L ogical driv es are made from disk ar rays. T o acces s the Di sk Arr ay tab: 1. Click o n the Subsystem icon in T ree V iew . 2. Clic k on t he VTrak ic on.
Chapter 3: Setup 49 Automatic Option The Di sk Array Automati c Creation opti on enables you to create a ne w disk array follow ing a defau lt set of p arameters.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 50 T o create a new disk array: 1. Check th e boxes to s elect any one or combinati on of the foll owing: • Redun dancy – The array will rema in available i f a physica l d.
Chapter 3: Setup 51 •O t h e r 4. Click th e Update button . Or chec k the Automatic Update box and u pdates will occ ur automaticall y . The foll owing p arameters displ ay: • Disk Array s – Th.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 52 1. Enter a name for the disk array in the field pro vided. 2. Check th e box to enab le initializat ion, if desire d. If yo u check ed the initia lization box, s elect the type o f initializ ation from the dropd own menu. • Quick – Erases the reserve sectors o f the physical drives being ad ded to the di sk array .
Chapter 3: Setup 53 9. If you a c cept the se parame ters, proceed to the next step . If you d o NOT accept these parame ters, review an d modify your sel ections in the p revious step s. 10. When you a re done, cl ick the Submit bu tton. The new disk array app ears in the Di sk Array List on the Informatio n tab.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 54 Create a Logical Dri ve When you cr eate a disk array (see page 48), you a utomaticall y create o ne logical driv e also. If the initial l ogical driv e used less than the full capac ity of the di sk array , you c an create add itional logi cal drive s from the sa me disk array .
Chapter 3: Setup 55 In order to use this log i cal driv e to read and write data, you must p artition and format it using the Hos t PC’s opera ting system. Assign a SCSI T arget ID The term T arget ID re fers to the SCSI addre s s of the two channels on the RAID subsys tem.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 56 Log-out of WebP AM PRO There are two ways to log out of We bP AM PRO: • Close your browser wi ndow • Click L ogout on the W ebP AM PRO banner (be low) Aft er logging out, y ou must ente r your userna me and pass word to log in again.
Chapter 3: Setup 57 VT rak Setup with the CLU Set up with the CLU consists of the following steps: 1. CLU Connection (below). 2. Crea te a Log ical Dri ve • Automati cally (p age 58) • Manual ly (page 5 9) 3. Assign a SCSI T arget ID (page 63). 4.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 58 Create a Disk Arr ay The foll owing proc edures prov ide the basic steps neede d to create a disk array and a lo gical drive to get your VT rak runni ng quickly . Y ou c an create your disk array auto matically or manual ly .
Chapter 3: Setup 59 SMAR T chec k: enabled In itial izatio n: fu ll Create L ogical Drive now(y/n)?> y 4. If you agr ee wi th t he s peci fic ati ons , pres s Y a nd E nter. If you dis agr ee, pr ess N an d Ent er . Then s ele ct Create Ne w Disk Arra y (below ) and input your o wn settings.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 60 *1 Maxtor 5A250J0 251 GB *3 WDC WD2000JB-00FUA0 200 GB *4 WDC WD2000JB-00FUA0 200 GB *7 ST380013AS 80 GB *9 WDC WD1200JD-00FYB0 120 GB 11 ST380013AS 80 GB 12 WDC WD1200JD-00FYB0 120 GB 15 Maxtor 6Y080M0 82 GB 4 Phys ical D rives h ave been selec ted.
Chapter 3: Setup 61 Create Disk Array now(y/n)?> y 7. Review the list. If you agree with the list, press Y and Enter . If yo u disagree with the l ist, press N and Enter , then selec t Create New Disk Array again. If you c licked Y , the new disk array appears.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 62 Create a Logical Dri ve A logi cal dri ve is an en ti ty ma de f rom a di s k arra y th at yo ur PC ’s ope rati ng system recognize s as a single d isk drive. 1. From the Disk Array Manag ement menu, press 4 and Enter to access the Disk Array Properties.
Chapter 3: Setup 63 Assign a SC SI T arget ID The term Ta r g e t I D refe rs to the SCSI addres s of the two chann els on the RAID subsy s tem. A SC SI bus has an In itiator , such as the SCSI card in side the Ho st PC, and at least one T arget, s uch as the Controller and Logical Driv es inside the RAID sub system.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 64 ---------- ----------- ----------- ----- 20 Select the SCSI channel( 1-2) Press R to return after finished> Exit the CLU Close the terminal em ulation windo w to exit the C LU.
65 Chapter 4: Ma nagement with We bP AM PRO This ch apter describes using Web P AM to mo nitor and manage your RAID system . This chapter i s divided into sections f or major WebP AM compone nts as shown above.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 66 See p age 189 for mo re informatio n about field-repl aceable co mponents. See p age 234 for a d iscussion of critical and of fline log ical drives.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 67 The VT rak spi ns up the disk drives sequen tially in order to equalize p ower draw during s tart-up. Af ter a few moment s the Power/Activ ity and Disk S tatus LEDs should display green. See for a discussion o f rebuilding and failed disk drives.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 68 Log-in/Log-out Log-in to WebP AM PRO 1. Launch your Brow ser . 2. In the Browser address field, type in the IP address of the PC or Server where you install ed WebP AM PRO, a s explai ned below . Do n ot type the VT rak’s IP address.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 69 3. When the op ening screen appe ars, type your use rname in the Logi n ID field and you r password in the Password fi eld.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 70 Aft er sign-in , the WebP AM PRO ope ning screen ap pears. Figure 3. WebP AM PRO Opening Screen If you s etup your VT rak usin g WebP AM PRO (se e Chapter 3) you will have one Subsys tem, the Adminis trator as the o nly User and one logical drive.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 71 Subsystem Management Add a Subsystem (VT rak) 1. Click on Adm i nistrato r T ools icon to display the menu . 2. Click o n the Subsystem Management icon. 3. Click the Ad d Subsystem t ab (above). 4. In the IP Addre ss field, type i n the VT rak’ s Managemen t Port IP address.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 72 1. Click th e Subsys tem Managemen t icon under Adm inistration T ools . This windo w displays a li st of Subsystem s (VT raks) con figured to this W ebP AM inst allation. 2. Click o n the hypertext l ink to see an i ndividual Su bsystem.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 73 Acces s a Subsystem ( VT rak) The W ebP AM PRO CIMOM Ag ent resides on t he VTr ak and send s the monitor ing data to the Utility Server an d on to the Br owser . In T ree Vie w , a newly created Subsystem l ooks like this : Each Sub system (VT rak) is i dentified by a n icon a nd its IP Address.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 74 Subsystem Manageme nt Window T o acce ss th e Mana gem ent Windo w fo r an i ndiv idu al Su bsys tem ( VTrak), cl ick on the Su bsystem i c on in T ree V iew . The res ult is a dif ferent window than click ing the Subsyst em Management icon describe d above.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 75 T o save the L og File: 1. From on the Events t ab dropdown m enu, select Sav e Logfile . 2. In the Save E vent box, type a file name for th e Logfile. The nam e can cont ain up to 40 ch aracters, let ter and numbers o nly , no space s.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 76 Delete a Subsys tem 1. Click th e Subsystem Mana gement icon under Adm inistrative T ools . The Host L ist appears. 2. Click on th e Delete Subsystem tab. 3. Click the Se lect for Deletion box of the Subsy s tem you want to delete.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 77 User Management Add a User 1. Log into W ebP AM as the Admin istrator . 2. In T ree Vi ew , click on Use r Management. In the rig ht frame, you w ill see a list of the current Users. 3. Clic k the Crea te tab. 4.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 78 7. When yo u are finishe d making your selections, cl ick the Submit button. • If you checked th e Assign Emai l Notificatio n box, you w ill be transfe rred to the Sel ect Events p age (see Ev ent Not ification, below).
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 79 The ima ge above was shortened to fit into the avai lable sp ace. T o save time and effo rt, check Critica l Events, All Event s, or the compone nt- specif ic boxes. T he t able below li sts all events a nd their meanin gs.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 80 Illegal Se condary Iden tify A target r eceived a s econd Identify message with a diff erent LU N. Message Parity Error Detected possible p arity error in mes sage between initiator a nd target. Bus Rebo ot The VT rak sys tem has re booted.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 81 Logical D rive Migratio n Comp leted A logical drive finish ed exp ansion and /or change of RAI D level Logical D rive Migratio n S topped A logical drive exp a nsion a nd/or change of RAID level hal ted before co mpletion.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 82 See Cha p ter 7: T roubles hooting for instru ctions on wha t to do when any of th ese messa ges appears. Logical Dr ive Percent Comp leted A progress report on logical drive operation s taking plac e. Enclosure Event Notifica tion All event s related to th e enclosure.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 83 Delete a User 1. Log into W ebP AM as the Admin istrator . 2. Click th e User Man agement icon unde r Administrator T ools. 3. Click the De lete tab. 4. Click th e box of the User you want to del ete. 5. Clic k the Delete User(s) button.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 84 The Mod ify/View User s creen appears (b elow). 3. In th e Mod ify /View U ser s cre en, spec ify your Subs yste m Man age ment Right s, Email addre s s and Ev ent Notification . See the Pe rmissions t able below . Y ou can also set the se permissions from the Subsystem U s er Right s screen.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 85 Change Pass word Each U s er ca n change his/h er password . If the User has email alert no tification, he/she can also ch ange the ema il address and selection o f events. 1. Log into W ebP AM under your User Name.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 86 Setup Ema il Alert Notification Web P AM can a lert you to th e problems a nd processes h appening to your RAID through e mail mess ages. Y ou setup Ema il Notifica tion for each Subsystem (VT rak) and ea ch User indiv i dually .
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 87 4. Select the a lert event s you want rep o rted via email. T o save time and effort , check Critica l Event s, All Events, or the co mponent-specif ic boxes. See p age 79 for a li st of event s and their me anings.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 88 3. Set the W eb server p arameters: 4. Clic k the Submit button w hen yo u are done. If yo u change the WebP AM PRO securi ty settings, restart the T omcat service for the new p arameters to t ake ef fect. See Rest art T omcat Service ( Windows) (page 91 ).
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 89 3. Set the Email parameters: 4. Clic k the Submit button w hen yo u are done. Firmware Up date This t ab is used to update the firmware on VT rak subsystems . See Firmware Update on page 190 for instructio ns on how to u pdate VT rak’s fir mware.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 90 3. Enter the nam e of the firmware u pgrade *.img file in the Selec t Firmware field. 4. Check th e boxes besid e the subsyste ms whose firm ware you want to update.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 91 Refresh Time This t ab sets the refresh interv al for the Event F rame. 1. Click the So ftware Mana gement icon unde r Administration T ools. 2. Click th e Refresh T ime t ab. 3. Enter the r efresh interval i n seconds.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 92 Promise T echnol ogy provides a default certific ate for the se rver as well as for internal data commu nication. However , it is always better to install you r own certific ate for the web server . And, if possibl e, verify certifi cate by certifi c ate authority like V erisign or Thwate.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 93 T o save the L og File: 1. Log in as t he Administrator . 2. Click o n the Subsystem icon. 3. Click o n the Events t ab. 4. From on the Events t ab dropdown m enu, select Sav e Logfile . 5. In the Save E vent box, type a file name for th e Logfile.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 94 Connection S tatus The Subs ystem–Conne ction S tatus t ab verifies th e network conn ection betwee n the serv er running the W ebP AM PRO Utili ty Server and t he VT rak subsystem.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 95 VT rak Managem ent Lock Operations The VT rak–Loc k Operation s t a b displ ays lock st atus and en ables you to lo ck or unlock a subsystem controller .
VTrak 15110 User Manual 96 • Logica l Drive Heal th – Logical dri ves under this c ontroller . • Physic al Drive Hea l th – Phys ical drives un der this control ler . • Enclosu re Healt h – T emperature, vo ltage, battery condi tion. Functio nal indicates normal operation .
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 97 Y ou c an also perform a PDM manuall y under Disk Array Background Activ ity . SCSI Manage ment The SCSI Management–In formation tab lists the SCSI Channels fo r this subsy s tem. SC SI Management ap plies to VT rak 8100, 12100 and 151 10.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 98 Y ou c an specify add itional SCSI TIDs as needed. 7. In the right column, select th e LUN for the Console . 8. Repeat st eps 1 and 2 f or SCSI Channel 2. 9. Clic k the Submit button w hen yo u are done. TID Settings The SCSI Ma nagement–TID Set tings tab ena bles you add SCSI T arget IDs.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 99 S tat istics The SCSI Management –S tati stics t ab displays a tally o f Input/Output op erations and am ount of data tr ansa cti ons . Thes e fi gur es a re for inf orma tio nal purp oses only . 1. Click the Su bsystem icon.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 100 4. Click on th e Port1 link or the Settings t ab. Settings The Ne twork Managem ent–Settin gs tab en ables you to ma ke network se ttings for VT rak's Manage ment Port. T o ma ke se ttin gs: 1. Click the Su bsystem icon.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 101 2. Clic k on t he VTrak ic on. 3. Click o n the Service Ma nagement icon. 4. T o access SNMP setting s, click the SNMP t ab or SNMP link. 5. T o access T elnet settings, clic k the T elnet t ab or T elnet li nk.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 102 Te l n e t The Servi ce Managem ent–T elnet tab lets you ena ble and dis able T elnet servic e. Y ou can u se T elnet to run the VTrak Command Line Utility over a net work connec tion. T o enable T elnet: 1. Click the Su bsystem icon.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 103 T o set an alias for thi s controlle r or to set VT rak's date and tim e, click the Settings tab. T o access t he Controller–Inform ation tab : 1. Click the Su bsystem icon. 2. Clic k on t he VTrak ic on.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 104 1. Click the Su bsystem icon. 2. Clic k on t he VTrak ic on. 3. Click o n the Controller s icon. 4. Clic k on t he Co ntro lle r ic on. 5. Clic k on t he Set ti ngs tab. 6. Enter an alia s in the fiel d. 7. Clic k the Submit button w hen yo u are done.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 105 3. Clic k on t he Enc los ure s icon . Encl osu re The Encl osure–Informa tion tab l ists det ailed informa tion on the s tatus of t he enclos ure for this su bsystem. In the d iagram, the ic ons of func tional comp onents are show n in green.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 106 2. Clic k on t he VTrak ic on. 3. Clic k on t he Enc los ure s icon . 4. Clic k on t he Enc los ure i con. 5. Clic k on t he F RU V PD tab. Batter y The Encl osure–Battery tab reports on the condi tion of VT rak's cache backup battery .
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 107 2. Clic k on t he VTrak ic on. 3. Clic k on t he Enc los ure s icon . 4. Clic k on t he Enc los ure i con. 5. Click o n the Buzz er tab. 6. Click th e dropdown me nu on the Buzz er t ab and select Se ttings. The bu zzer set ti ngs tab a ppe ars .
VTrak 15110 User Manual 108 Physica l Drive I nform ation • Slot No – Thi s is the Contr oller channel ID number to wh ich this physica l drive is attache d. If you hav e a drive o n a channel but it does n ot appear in Web P AM, there is a bad conne ction.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 109 5. Clic k on t he Phy sic al D riv es icon . 6. Clic k on t he Phy sic al D riv e ic on. Enclosure Fr ont View The Encl osure Front V iew shows th e enclosure location of the p hysical drive . Physica l Drive I nform ation • Physical D rive Model – The drive manuf acturer's identi fication.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 110 • Serial Num ber – This is the manufa cturer's serial number for this disk drive. This fea ture allows y ou to obtain t he number for w arranty or support purpose s without removi ng it from the enc losure. • Read / W rite Count s – A record of the number of input/o utput transactio ns.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 111 Create a Disk Arr ay A disk a rray is a colle ction of phy s ical dri ves in a RAID. L ogical driv es are made from disk ar rays. T o acces s the Di sk Arr ay tab: 1. Click o n the Subsystem icon in T ree V iew .
VTrak 15110 User Manual 112 Automatic Option The Di sk Array Automati c Creation opti on enables you to create a ne w disk array follow ing a defau lt set of p arameters. O ne logical drive will b e made aut omatically when you c reat e th e dis k arr ay .
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 113 T o create a new disk array: 1. Check th e boxes to s elect any one or combinati on of the foll owing: • Redundancy – The array wil l remain av ailable if.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 114 •O t h e r 4. Clic k the Update button. Or chec k the Automatic Update box and u pdates will occ ur automaticall y . The foll owing p arameters displ ay: • Disk Arra ys.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 115 T o create a new disk array: 1. Enter a name for the disk array in the field pro vided. 2. Check th e box to enab le initializat ion, if desire d. If yo u check ed the initia lization box, s elect the type o f initializ ation from the dropd own menu.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 116 9. If you a c cept the se parame ters, proceed to the next step . If you d o NOT accept these parame ters, review an d modify your sel ections in the p revious step s. 10. When you a re done, cl ick the Submit bu tton. The new disk array app ears in the Di sk Array List on the Informatio n tab.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 117 The sel ected disk array disappears fro m the Disk Array L ist on the Inf ormation tab. Disk Array Inf ormation The Di sk Array–Informat ion tab gi ves a descrip tion and report s the st atus of the physic al drives and logical drives that belong t o this disk arra y .
VTrak 15110 User Manual 118 • Number of Logi cal Drives – The nu mber of logic al drives that be long to this disk arra y . • Supported RAID Le vel – The RAID lev el of this disk array . • Physic al D rives in the Di sk Array • Slot No. – Thi s is the slo t number of a physical d rive that be longs to th is dis k arra y .
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 119 • Critical – Th is conditio n arises as the result of a ph ysical drive failure. A Critic al logical driv e will still functio n and your data is still ava ilable. However , the logi cal drive ha s lost redun dancy (fault tol erance).
VTrak 15110 User Manual 120 Create Logical Drive When yo u create a di sk array , you automa tically cre ate one logical drive also. If the init ial logical drive used less t han the full cap acity of the disk array , you can create a dditional lo gical drives fro m the sa me disk arra y .
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 121 Delete Logical Drive The Di sk Array–Delet e LD tab ena bles you to del ete a logica l drive unde r this disk arra y . T o del ete a l ogi cal d rive: 1. Click o n the Subsystem icon in T ree V iew . 2. Clic k on t he VTrak ic on.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 122 an array is called " expansi on". Because m igration and expansio n are close ly related, the Migration feature handl es both. Note t hat the availabl e target RAID l evels d epend on the n umber physica l drives in the current array a nd the num ber of free physi cal drives.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 123 The Sche duler Information window appe ars. 7. Click the ra dio button to select the time interval (minut e, hour , day , week, month ). 8. Make yo ur s etti ngs. • For min ute and hour intervals , specify the time pe riod (30 to 59 minutes, 1 to 23 h ours).
VTrak 15110 User Manual 124 • Alias – A u s er-speci fied name fo r the logical dri ve. If the log ical drive wa s created at the same t ime as its disk array , it will have the sa me alias.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 125 2. Clic k on t he VTrak ic on. 3. Click on the Di sk Arr ays ic on. 4. Click on the Di sk Arra y icon . 5. Click o n the Logical Drives icon.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 126 • Offline – This co ndi tio n aris es as th e res ult of a s econ d ph ysic al d riv e failure. An Offlin e logical d rive is not acc essable but so me or all of y our dat a may remain intact. Y ou must determine the c ause of the p roblem and corre ct it.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 127 Logical Drive Alias The Logi cal Drive –Settings tab enables you to specify an alias for an i ndividual logica l drive. T o spec ify an ali as: 1. Click o n the Subsystem icon in T ree V iew . 2. Clic k on t he VTrak ic on.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 128 The Dedica te d hot sp are drive opti on requires y ou to designate an unassigned disk drive as the hot spare for a specif ic disk array . This acti on is describ ed under Create, below . Sp are Drive Li st T o see a l i st of the current dedic ated hot spa re drives: 1.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 129 The Cre ate S pare Dr ives page d isplays. 5. From the first dropdown menu, selec t the disk array to whic h the spar e drive will be as sign ed. 6. From the second drop down menu, select an u nassigned phy sical drive as the sp are drive.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 130 Logical Drive Summary Logical Drive List The Logi cal Drive Sum mary is a li st of all logic al drives in th e VTra k enclosure. This fun ction list s all of the lo gical drive s togethe r , without the ne ed to naviga te through m ultiple dis k arrays .
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 131 • Critical – This con dition arises as the result of a physical dri ve failure. A Critic al logical d rive will sti ll function and your d ata is st ill availab le. Howeve r , the logica l drive has lost redundan cy (fault toleran ce).
VTrak 15110 User Manual 132 • Operationa l St atus – The ope rating condit ion of a logical drive. • OK / Funct ional – Th is is the norm al s tate of a lo gica l dr ive . When a logica l drive is OK / Functional, i t is ready for immedia te use.
133 Chapter 5: Manag ement w ith the CL U VT rak Status Indi cators Even tho ugh the Comma nd Line Utili ty offers comprehens ive monitoring of VT rak, the L ED indicators on the VT rak unit provide impor tant st atus informati on. When the power is switc hed on, the LE D s on the fro nt of the VT rak will light up.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 134 . See p age 189for mo re information about field-repl aceable compo nents. See p age 234 for a d iscussion of critical and of fline log ical drives. Dri ve Statu s Indi cat ors Ther e ar e two LEDs on ea ch Dr ive Carr ier.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 135 The VT rak spi ns up the disk drives sequen tially in order to equalize p ower draw during s tart-up. Af ter a few mom ents the LE Ds will display as des cribed in the ta ble below . See p age 234 for a discussion of rebuilding and failed disk dri ves.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 136 Audible Alarm VT rak’s audible alar m (buzzer) has th ree sound p atterns: • Beep. Beep. Beep. – In dicates that a logica l drive is rebui lding • Beep-b eep, beep-beep, b eep-beep. – In dicates tha t a logical d rive is c ritical • Beep-b eep-beep.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 137 CLU Connection There are two connectio ns methods for the CLU: • Serial – Requires a null modem ca ble (included w ith VT rak) to connec t the seria l por ts on the Host PC an d VTrak • T elnet – Req uires a network connection be tween the Hos t PC and VTrak’ s Manage ment Port.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 138 There are nine functio nal groups i n the CLU: Subsystem Management – Allows you v i ew control ler informatio n, change param eters, monitor t he enclosure, up date the firmware a nd reboot the VTrak .
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 139 Maintena nce – Enable or di sable the Main tenance Activit y Monitor and Media Patrol; m igrate Logical D rives; manua lly rebuild, sy nchronize, run PDM and Redun dancy Check on Logical D rives. Event V iewer – Vi ew the event l og.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 140 How to use the CLU All direc tions begin at the CLU Main Menu. From that point, the ke ystrokes are listed to take y ou to the appro p riate submenu. Depending on your VT rak model, some functions requ ire you to specify a Po rt, Disk Array or Logical Drive by it s ID number .
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 141 Auto Re buildi ng: On Hot Spare P olic y: Glob al Pri ority: High(RBL D), High(SYNC), High(Migra tion), High(RC) , High(PDM) ------------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- -------- Disk A rray 1 Pro perties 1.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 142 11 ST380013AS 80 GB 12 WDC WD1200JD-00FYB0 120 GB Enter Physical Drive ID to select. Press R to continue after you hav e finished sele cting Phys ical Dri ve. Yo u r i n p u t ? > r 8. Pres s R to finish y our selection a nd press Enter .
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 143 A Auto Rebui lding, Disk Array – M ain Menu, 3 Ente r , 4 Enter Auto S tart, PDM – Main M enu, 3 Enter B Back Pla ne Box – M ain Menu, 1 Enter , 1 Enter , .
VTrak 15110 User Manual 144 Name – Main Menu, 3 Enter , 4 Enter Properties , Modify – Main Men u, 3 Enter , 4 Enter PDM Auto S tart – Mai n Menu, 3 Enter PDM, manu al – Main Menu , 7 Enter Pri.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 145 Name – Main Menu, 4 Enter SCSI LUN – Mai n Menu, 4 Ent er Logica l Drives, Di splay – Main M enu, 4 Enter LUN RAID Console – Main Menu, 6 Enter Logica l .
VTrak 15110 User Manual 146 Write Ca che – Main Me nu, 2 Ent er Physic al Drives, Displa y – Main Menu, 2 Enter Ping, Ma nagement Port – Main Menu, 5 Enter Power Su pply – M ain Menu, 1 Enter .
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 147 Subsys tem Managemen t – Main Me nu Synchro nize Disk Array – Main Menu, 7 Enter T T elnet – M ain Menu , 5 Enter Password – Main Menu, 5 Enter , 2 Enter.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 148 Controller Man agement 1. From the Main me nu, press 1 and Ent er , then 1 and Enter agai n to acce ss Control ler Managemen t.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 149 Contro l ler Label: alias Date: 1-17-2005 Tim e: 1:15:04 --------------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ------ Modify Co ntroller Par a meters 1. Contr oller Label 2. Date a nd Tim e R.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 150 WAR N IN G R eboot VT rak 15110 n ow(y/n)?> y Please confirm again, re b oot VT ra k 15110 now(y/n)? > y 2. Pres s Y and Enter to co nfirm. 3. Pres s Y and Enter to co nfirm again. The VT rak will reboot. Y ou can watch the progress in t he T erminal window .
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 151 Enclosure Management From the Main menu, pres s 1 and Ente r then 2 and En ter to access Enc losure Manage ment. Select the compone nt whose perform ance you wan t to check. Fan S peed From the Enclosure Mana gement menu , press 1 and Enter to ac cess Fan S peed.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 152 5. Pres s Y and Enter to co nfirm your choice. If yo u disabl ed the buzze r , repeat the s ame procedure e nable it agai n.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 153 ***************Bat tery************** Battery Information: V oltage: 4.13 volts Capacity: 3841 mAH T emperature: 29 Celsius (84 F ahrenheit) Press Enter key to return A battery is supplied with VT rak to power th e cache in the event of a po w er failure.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 154 Physical Dri ve Management The term Physical Drive refer s to a Hard Disk Drive, as co mpared to a Logical Drive that is made up of one or more phys ical or di sk drives. This manual us es the term s physical dri ve and disk dri ve interchan geably .
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 155 If you k now a disk dr ive is good but VT rak shows an Error , wipe th e drive’s reserve sector . From the Phy sical Drive Management me nu, press 7 a nd Enter .
VTrak 15110 User Manual 156 Wipe Out Boot Sector When a d isk drive i s bootable, i t contain s a boot sector . In so me cases, a boot sector i s undesireable when the d i sk driv e is used in a logical driv e. This featu re erases the boot sec tor from the disk drive.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 157 Blink LED This fun ction causes the Disk S ta tus LED for the s pecified disk driv e to blink (right). This ac tion helps you quickl y identify the dis k drive you are working on. 1. Pres s 5 an d Enter to acce ss B link LE D.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 158 4. Pres s Enter to return to the Physical Drive Man agement me nu. 5. Pres s 6 an d Enter to a gain access Di agnostics. The r esul ts of th e test are dis play ed.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 159 ID Name Read Count Read TRANS Write Count Writ e TRAN S --------------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------- -------.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 160 Disk Array Management From the M ain Menu, pre ss 3 and Enter to a c cess D isk Arra y Management. T his are de als with disk arra ys an d lo gica l dri ves t hat you c reat e, i n con tras t to physic al drives wh ich are covered under a sep arate menu.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 161 • RC x% – Red undancy Check . The logica l drive is che cking dat a to verify tha t redundan cy or parity m atch. Unlike Synchro nizing, no correctio ns are made. The logi cal drive i s available • MP x% – Media Pa trol.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 162 SMAR T chec k: enabled In itial izatio n: fu ll Create L ogical Drive now(y/n)?> y 4. If you agr ee wi th t he s peci fic ati ons , pres s Y and Enter . If you dis agr ee, pres s N an d Enter . Then sele ct Crea te New Disk Array (below ) and input your o wn settings.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 163 *3 WDC WD2000JB-00FUA0 200 GB *4 WDC WD2000JB-00FUA0 200 GB *7 ST380013AS 80 GB *9 WDC WD1200JD-00FYB0 120 GB 11 ST380013AS 80 GB 12 WDC WD1200JD-00FYB0 120 GB 4 Phys ical D rives h ave been selec ted. Enter Physical Drive ids and/or id ranges separ ated by commas.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 164 7. Review the list. If you agr ee with the lis t, press Y and Enter . If you disa gree with the l ist, press N and Enter , then select Create New Disk Array a gain.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 165 2. Delete Logical Drive 3. Cac he Policy 4. Retry Count 5. Enab le/Disable SMART 6. Name 7. P r i o r i t y 8. Hot Spare 9.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 166 Disk Array #1 Mappin g: --------------- --------- | LD #1 | Free | | 100 GB | 257 GB | --------------- ---------- 6. Pres s R and Enter twice to return to the Main men u. In order to use this lo gical dri ve to read an d write d ata, you mus t partition and format i t using the Hos t PC’s ope rating system.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 167 1. From the Disk Array Ma nagement menu, press 4 and Ente r to access th e Disk Array Properties. 2. Pres s 3 an d Enter to acce ss Cac he Po licy . 3. Pres s Y and Enter to co nfirm. The new policy d isplays. 4.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 168 • Redun dancy Check •P D M A high pri ority means more sy stem resources are allocated to the Rebuild, Synchro nize, Migrate, R edundancy Chec k and PDM fun ction and less to routine read/wr ite activity . As a res ult, the functio n in progress go es faster but the disk array t akes longer fo r reads and write s.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 169 11 ST380013AS 80 GB 12 WDC WD1200JD-00FYB0 120 GB Enter Physical Drive ID to select. Press R to continue after you hav e finished sele cting Phys ical Dri ve. Yo u r i n p u t ? > 9 3. If you chan ge to a Dedic ated hot spare drive, type the ID number o f one availa ble physic al drive and press Enter .
VTrak 15110 User Manual 170 This ac tion antici pates and pre vents a disk drive fai lure and resulti ng Critical S tat us. The logical drive is availab le at all tim es. T o perform PDM manu ally , see pag e 185. 1. Pres s 5 an d Enter to acc ess the PDM Auto S tart Option.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 171 9. T ype an erro r number and press Enter . 10. Pr ess Enter to return to the PDM Threshold submenu..
VTrak 15110 User Manual 172 Logical Drive M anagement Logica l drives are created under the Disk Array Man agment, Disk Array Propert ies func tion. This functi on enables you can speci fy names and m ake SCSI as signments t o existing l ogical driv es.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 173 Network Management From the Main Menu, pres s 5 and Ente r to access Network Ma nagement. The Networ k Management menu dis plays with the facto ry default sett ings show n above i t. Network Par ame ters: DH CP: En ab led T elnet: Enabled TFTP Se rver IP Addres s: 192.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 174 Gatew ay IP Addr ess: 10.0 .0.3 --------------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----- Management P ort 1. DHCP 2. Man ageme nt Port IP 3. Subnet Mask 4. Gat eway R. R eturn to Previous Menu Please enter your me nu choice> 1 2.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 175 2. Timeout 3. Chan ge U ser Name 4. Change Password 5. Reset to Defau l t Settings R. R eturn to Previous Menu 2. Pres s 1 an d Enter to a ccess enable/ disable T elnet. Enable T elnet(y /n)?> y 3. T ype Y and E nter confirm.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 176 2. T ype the ne w password and press Enter . 3. T ype the ne w password and press Enter again to confirm. Passw ord changed successf ully Pres s Ente r key t o re tur n 4. Pres s Enter to return to the T elnet Set tings menu.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 177 Curr ent SNMP System Infor mation: Name: S onoma Location : Promise Contact person : sales Read only com muni ty: public IP addre sses of t rap sinks : #1: --------------- ----------- ---------- SNMP Se ttings 1.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 178 T ra p Only Community 1. Pres s 5 and Enter to access the SNMP trap only com munity settin g. Enter the trap only community> Engineerin g 2. T ype the ne w trap only commun ity and pres s Enter . Y ou ret urn to the SNMP Settin gs menu.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 179 2. T ype the IP a ddress of th e network node you which to con tact and press Enter . Number of p ing packets(1-30)?> 5 3. T ype the nu mber of ping packet s you w ith to send an d press Enter . --- 192.168.10.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 180 SCSI Manage ment • Chann el TID (below) • RAID Co nsole LUN (p age 181) From the Main Menu, pres s 6 and Ente r to access SCSI Man agement.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 181 TIDs f or SCSI channel 1 changed Press Enter key to return ***************Mod ify SCSI Channel T ID************** SCS I C hanne l # TIDs ---------- ----------- -.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 182 Maintenance Menu (Disk Array Operati on s) From the Main Menu, pres s 6 and Ente r to access the Maintenanc e menu: Maintenance activity Monitor: R unning ID Name RAID SBS .
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 183 Maintenanc e Activi ty Monitor The Mai ntenance Act ivity Monitor d isplays the progress of various dis k array operatio ns on the CLU sc reen approximatel y every 15 seconds, as shown below .
VTrak 15110 User Manual 184 8 ST3160023AS159 GB *9 ST3160023AS159 GB 2 Physical Drives have been s elected. Enter Physical Drive ids and/o r id ranges separated by com mas. For example: 1,5 ,8-15 . Press R to continue afte r you have finished selecting P hysical Drives .
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 185 Available free Physi cal D rive(s): 1 2 7 Choose the free Phy sical D rive for reb uildi ng> 2 Rebuild Disk Array 1 on Physical Drive 2 now(y/n)?> y 3. Choose th e ID number of a free physical drive to rebuild your logica l drive and p ress Enter .
VTrak 15110 User Manual 186 **************PDM for Disk Array************** Id Disk Array Name Mode Size ------------------------------------ --------------------------- 1 Daniels RAID5 237 GB PDM for Log ical Drive s tarted Pres s Ente r key t o re tur n 6.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 187 If the logical drive was Functiona l when the Re dundancy Ch eck began, you can p ause and re sume the Redu ndancy Chec k process wi th this same functio n. If the Ma intenance Ac tivity Monitor is enabled, yo u can watch the Redun dancy Check pro gress on you r monitor .
VTrak 15110 User Manual 188 Event V iewer Use th is function to r eview all eve nts in th e event queue. Th is information is especi ally help ful for troubles hooting. The m ost recent 1024 events wi ll display . There is no delete even t function. 1.
189 Chapter 6: Maintenance • Firmwa re Update (p age 190) • Repla ce Power Supply (page 196) • Repla ce Cooling Uni t Fan (page 197) • Repla ce Cache Battery (p age 202) • Replace SEP (page 204 ) • Repla ce RAID Control ler (page 2 05) This Cha pter covers th e maintenance procedures for VT rak.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 190 Firmware Update – WebP AM This is the preferred f irmware update method for mo st application s. This procedu re takes a bout ten min utes. There are al ternative me thods based on the CLU (p age 192) and a serial port co nnection (pa ge 194).
Chapter 6: Maintenance 191 Firmware Image File Y ou mus t obtain th e latest firmware u pdate file from t he Promise T echology websi te and save it to the director y on the TFTP s erver you spec ified above. 1. Point your b rowser to the Promise website (www .
VTrak 15110 User Manual 192 Firmware Update – CLU Use thi s firmware update method over a T elnet c onnection. Thi s procedure take s about 10 minutes. See also the preferred m e thod bas ed on We bP AM PRO ( page 190) a nd the alternati ve method that uses a serial p ort connection (p age 194).
Chapter 6: Maintenance 193 3. T ype the fi le name of th e firmware image file and pres s Enter . The CL U displays the T FTP server IP addres s. 4. Pres s Y and Enter to pro ceed with the firmware update. TFTP Server: , updating started, please w a it.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 194 Firmwa re Update – Se rial Port Use th is firmware updat e method onl y when your Mana gement Port ha s no network c onnection or the RS-232 conn ection is required. This proced ure takes about 30 minutes and ap plies to all VTrak m odels.
Chapter 6: Maintenance 195 5. W atch the termi nal screen for th e following: Scrub DD R, waiting Platform Init Done. + 6. At t he + , press the Ctrl and F keys at the same time. The pr ompt changes to >BSP . 7. At BSP> type load -r -v -b 0x01008000 -m y .
VTrak 15110 User Manual 196 Replace Power Supply The pow er supply and its fan are replaced as on e unit. There a re no indivi dually serviceab le part s. No tools are required for this procedure. T o remove the power supp ly , do the f ollowing: 1. V erify that t he power suppl y LED is ambe r or red.
Chapter 6: Maintenance 197 Replace Cooling Unit Fan The blowe rs (scroll fans) in the cooli ng units are replaced as ind ividual part s. There are two fans in ea ch cooling unit. No tools are required fo r this proc edure. T o replace a fan, do the following: 1.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 198 3. Pull the co oling unit ou t of the VT rak enclos ure. An example o f a VT rak coolin g unit appears below . T o open the cooling unit, do the follow ing: 4. If there i s a battery on the cooling unit, disconne ct the battery connector (above).
Chapter 6: Maintenance 199 5. Loosen the thumbscrew ( above). A ret ainer keep s the thumbs crew in place. 6. Grasp the top and bottom sections of th e cooling u nit with your ha nds as shown above. 7. Hold the l ower section and pull the upper sectio n to the right.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 200 8. Separ ate t he co olin g unit sec tio n t o a cce ss t he blow ers. The upper fan is Fan 1, the lo wer fan is Fan 2. Fr om the LEDs on the coo ling unit (see the diagram on p age 197), you know which fa n to replace. 9. Lift the fan off the mounting pi ns and detac h the electrica l connector .
Chapter 6: Maintenance 201 Be sure y ou set the fa n on the mountin g pins, as sho w n abov e. Be sure th e fans point outward, towards the handle (a bove). 1 1. Place the top s ection of the cooling uni t onto the bott om section and slide the top loc k it in place.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 202 Replace Cache Battery The cac he battery is lo cated in the Cooling Unit 1 (the left on e). The battery is replace d as an indivi dual part. No tools are require d for this proced ure. Note th at the Battery L ED on Cooling U nit 2 is alwa ys dark.
Chapter 6: Maintenance 203 3. Pull the cooling unit out of the VTrak enclosure. 4. Detach th e connector and lift the batte ry out of the b racket (above). 5. Place a new battery int o the br acket and att ach the connec tor . 6. Carefully slide the cool ing unit into the enclosure.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 204 Replace SEP The S torage Enclosure Processor (SEP) manag e s the fan s, audible alarm an d battery , and monitors sy stem voltag es and cooling functions. No too ls are required for this proce dure. T o remove and replace the SEP , do the follow ing: 1.
Chapter 6: Maintenance 205 Replace RAID Controller The RAI D Contro ller monitors a nd manages the logical drives . When this controll er is replaced, all of your logi ca l drive dat a and config urations remain inta ct because this logical dri ve information is stored on the disk drives .
VTrak 15110 User Manual 206.
207 Chapter 7: T echno logy Backg round • Int ro ducti on t o RAI D (b elow ) • Choos ing a RAID Level (page 214 ) • Cho osi ng S t ri pe Blo ck S ize (pag e 217) • Gigaby te Boundary (page 21.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 208 RAID 0 – Striping When a d isk array is s triped, the read and write bloc ks of data a re interleave d betwee n the sectors o f multiple di sk drives. Perfo rmance is incr eased, sinc e the worklo ad is balance d between drive s or “members” t hat form the disk array .
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 209 RAID 1 – Mirroring When a d isk array is m irrored, ide ntical dat a is written to a pair of dis k drives, while reads are perf ormed in para llel. The read s are performe d using elevat or seek an d load balanc ing techn iques where the w orkload is dis tributed in the mos t ef ficient manner .
VTrak 15110 User Manual 210 RAID 3 – Block Striping with Dedicated Parity RAID lev el 3 organiz es data a c ross the disk drives o f the disk array , and stores parit y informatio n on to a disk d rive dedicat ed to this pu rpose.
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 211 RAID 5 – Block Striping with Distributed Parity RAID 5 is s imilar to RAID 3 as des cribed above e xcept that the p arity data is distribu ted across the disk drives al ong with the dat a blocks. In e ach case, the parit y data is stored on a d i ff erent disk than its correspo nding dat a block.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 212 RAID 10 – Mirroring / S triping Mirroring /S triping comb ines both of the RAID 0 and RA ID 1 disk array ty pes. It can inc rease perform ance by readin g and writing data in p arallel whi le protecting data with duplicat ion.
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 213 RAID 50 – S triping of Distributed Parity RAID 50 c ombines both R AID 5 and RAI D 0 features. Dat a is strip ed across disks as in RAID 0, and it u ses distributed p arity as in RAI D 5. RAID 50 provides data reliabil ity , good ove rall performanc e and supports larger vo lume sizes.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 214 Choosing a RAID Level There are several iss ues to consid er when choos ing the RAID Leve l for your VT rak disk a rray . The fol lowing discu s sion s ummarizes so me advantag es, disadv antages and applicat ions for eac h choice.
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 215 RAID 3 Recomm ended Applic ations for RAID 3 • Image Ed iting • Prepress Applications • Any appl ication requ iring high thr oughput RAID 5 Recomm ended App.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 216 RAID 50 Recomm ended Applic ations for RAID 50 • Fil e an d Ap pli cati on s erver s • T ransaction processing • Off ice applica tion with man y users acc essing smal.
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 217 Choosing Stripe Block Size The stri pe block size value can be s et to 4KB, 8KB, 16 KB, 32KB, and 64KB. 64 KB is th e default. This se lection will directly af fect performanc e. There are two issues to consider when select ing the stripe block size.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 218 Hot Spare Drive(s) A hot sp are is a di sk drive that i s connec ted to the disk array system b ut is not assign ed as a member of the disk array .
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 219 Cache Settings There is a data ca che on the VT rak con troller and an other one on each Physical disk drive . A cach e hold s data in vo lat ile memo ry du ring RAI D ma nageme nt and data transfer activ ity .
VTrak 15110 User Manual 220 Dif ferent types of disk arrays use differen t organizatio nal models an d have varying benefits . The followin g outline breaks down the pr operties for each type of RAID s upported by Promi s e produc ts.
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 221 . Ranges of Disk Array Expansion There ar e limitation s to how large yo u can expand a disk array , depending on the size of you r cur rent disk ar ray . The curre nt SCSI and Fibre Channel HBA cards and PC Operating System s support a 10-byte LBA fo rmat.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 222 Y ou c an direct We bP AM PRO o r the CLU to ex pand a disk array beyon d the maxim um exp ansion size . However , when ex pansion is finished, you r disk array will b e the maximum size listed i n the tabl e. If yo u require a disk array l arger than the ma ximum exp ansion siz e: 1.
223 Chapter 8: T rou bleshoo ting • VTrak is Bee pin g (bel ow ) • CLU Repo rts a Problem (below) • Web P AM PRO Rep orts a Problem (p age 224) • LEDs Di splay Amber or Red (page 226) • Even.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 224 In the ex ample above, d isk array “Array2” is critical. See “Critical & Offli ne Disk Arrays” on p age 234. WebP AM PRO Reports a Problem We bP AM aids in t ro.
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting 225 • Displ ays full inform ation on the selected compone nt the Management Window (ab ove) Click these links to see specific troubleshoo ting topics: • “Event N otifi.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 226 LEDs Display Amber or Red Front Panel When the power is switc hed on, the LE D s on the fro nt of the VT rak will light up.
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting 227 See p age 189 for mo re informatio n about field-repl aceable co mponents. See p age 234 for a d iscussion of critical and of fline log ical drives.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 228 Drive S t atus Indicators Ther e ar e two LEDs on ea ch Dr ive Carr ier. They re por t th e pre senc e of pow er and a di sk drive, and t he current con dition of the driv e. Figure 5. VTr ak Drive Carrier LEDs. Under norm a l conditi ons, the Power/Activi ty and Disk S tatus LEDs should dis play green .
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting 229 Back of Enclosure When the FRU S tatus LED on VT rak’s f ront panel shows Amber o r Red, chec k the LE Ds on the b ack of VT rak.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 230 T o check a c omponent’ s instal lation, follo w the sa me procedure as replacing th e compon ent, except that you reinst all the orig inal componen t rather than a n ew one. In most cases , this act ion fixes a bad connec tion and a llows VT rak to dete ct the comp onent.
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting 231 Connect ion Lost Normal re sult of logging out. Also a re sult of poor SCSI/FC cabl e or network c onnection. Disk Notification Disk Down Identif y the dis k drive involv ed. Power down the system, remove and te st the driv e.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 232 Logical D rive Migratio n Comp leted Expans ion or RAID le vel change of logical d rive finished. Normal. Logical D rive Migratio n S topped User abo rted expansi on or RAID level change. Nor mal. Logical D rive Rebuil d St a r t Rebuild begun.
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting 233 Logical D rive Quick Initializ ation S topped User aborted Quic k Initialization. N ormal. Logical Dr ive Percent Comp leted Pro gres s in p erc ent of sync hr oniz ing or re bui ldin g a logical d rive. Normal Enclosure Notification Enclosure Power Down Powe r switched OFF .
VTrak 15110 User Manual 234 Critical & Of fline Disk Arrays A fault-tol erant disk arra y—RAID 1, 3, 5, 10 and 50—goes criti cal when a driv e is remove d or fails. D ue to t he fault toleranc e of the disk array , the d ata is st ill availa ble and onli ne.
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting 235 Wit h a Hot S par e Drive Aft er the dis k array rebuilds it self usin g the hot spa re: 1. Replace the failed drive . 2. Check th e automatic rebu ild and hot s par e policy to be sure your dis k array(s) r ecognize(s) the new drive a s a hot spare .
VTrak 15110 User Manual 236 When a re d circle app ears over a Ho st in T ree View , click o n the Enclos ure icon. Th e Enclosure sc reen will disp lay (below). In this example, a power supply fan has sto pped turning, indicating a f ailure. The Enclosu re Diagram dis plays color an d motion chang es to identi fy a failed fan.
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting 237 Overh eating Overheati ng is a pote ntially serious condition because the ex cessively high tem peratures can lead to di sk dr ive fai lure and cont roll er m alfun cti on.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 238 Power Supplies VT raks are equi pped with redundan t power suppli es. The advant age of dual p ower supplies is that, shoul d one fail, the other will c ontinue powering the subsystem until the fau lty one can be replaced. VT rak is capabl e of operating on a sin gle power supply .
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting 239 Connection Probl ems When yo u install your Promise pro duct followin g the instruc tions in the Qu ick St a r t G u i d e and User Man ual , you shoul d have little trouble getti ng your equipm ent to work t he first ti me.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 240 For VT rak, you must use the C LU to set the Ma nagement Port IP address in order for WebP AM to conne ct with it. Thi s issue is disc ussed further under Network Connections (below). See the V T rak Quick S tart Guide o r Chapter 2 o f the Us er Manual for mo re information on setup an d connections.
241 Chapter 9: Sup port • Frequ ently Asked Questio ns (below) • How to co ntact T e chn ical Su pport (pag e 245) • Limited Warr anty (page 24 8) • Returni ng produc t for repair (p age 249) Frequently Asked Questions What kind of disk drives ca n I use with VT rak? VT rak was d esigned to use Serial A T A disk drive s .
VTrak 15110 User Manual 242 Can I conne ct my VT rak on the sa me SCSI chain with othe r devices? No. Do no t connect other de vices to the SCSI chain with a VT rak. If you want to moni tor your VT rak and run o ther SCSI device s from the same PC, add another SCSI card to the PC.
Chapter 9: Support 243 I can acc ess the VT rak ov er my comp any’ s intranet. But I c an’t access it from an out side Internet connection. How do I make the Internet conne ction work? This con dition is not related to VT rak, but is due to y our firewall and netwo rk conne cti on pro toc ol.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 244 The VT rak has no LCD panel. H ow can I set it up and create disk arrays? There are two ways to set up VT rak and create d isk arrays, usi ng We bP AM PRO, on p age 1 1 1 or the Comma nd Line Utilit y , on pa ge 161.
Chapter 9: Support 245 Contacting T echnical Supp ort Promise T echnical Supp ort provides se veral support option s for Promise users to acces s informa tion and upda tes. We enc ourage you to use one of our e lectronic servic es, which provid e product inf ormation updates for the most efficien t service and sup port.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 246 Europe, Af rica, M iddle East Pacific R im E-mail Support support@ Fax T echnical Support +31 (0) 40 2 56 9463 Attention: T ec hnical Support Phone T echnica l Support +31 (0) 40 235 260 0 8:30-5:00pm The Netherlan ds T ime If you wish to write us for su pport : Promise T echno logy Europe B.
Chapter 9: Support 247 China E-mail Support support-ch ina@promise. com Fax T echnical Support +86-10-8 857-8015 Attention: T ec hnical Support Phone T echni cal Suppo rt +86-10-8 857-8085/8095 9:00-6.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 248 Limited Warranty Promise T echnol ogy , Inc. (“Promi se”) warrants th at for three (3) year s from the time of the delivery of the product to the original end user: a) .
Chapter 9: Support 249 No oth er document, st atement or representatio n may be relied on to vary the terms o f this limited wa rranty . Promise ’s sole res ponsibi lity with resp ect to any produc t is to do one o f the follow ing: a) repla ce the product w ith a confo rming unit of the same or superior produ ct; b) repa ir t he p roduc t.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 250 The techn ician will assist you in dete rmining whether th e product requires rep air . If the pro duct needs repair , the T echnical Support Depa rtment will is sue an RMA (Return Merchandise Au thorization) n umber .
251 Appendix A: Serial Con nector Pinout Below i s the pin out diagram f or the DB-9 serial connec tor on all VT raks. The diag rams represent t he connector as you see it l ooking at the ba ck of the VT rak.
VTrak 15110 User Manual 252.
253 Index A About This Manual 1 Archit ectural Descriptio n of VT rak 3 Aud ible al arm 67, 136, 223 B Beepe r 67 Boot Sec tor, wipe 156 Buzzer 136 C Cache settin gs 219 Certific ations 6 Choose cach .
VTrak 15110 User Manual 254 Status LE D 25 usable in V Trak 241 View parameters 155 Write cache 155 Disk St atus LED 25 E Email A lert Noti fication , set up 86 Enclos ure Problem repo rting 235 Envir.
Ind ex 255 N Network c onnecti ons, prob lems 240 O Operating Sy stems , supported 6 OS support fo r WebPA M PRO 33 Over view 2 Over view of VT rak 2 P Passw ord, chang e 85 PATA di sk drive insta ll .
VTrak 15110 User Manual 256 Telnet Enable 29 Make connec tion 30 Telnet s etting s 174 Terminal Emul ation 25 Terminato r, SCSI 17 TFTP Serv er setti ngs 176 Troubles hootin g 223 U Unpack VTra k 7 Us.
デバイスPromise Technology 15110の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Promise Technology 15110をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPromise Technology 15110の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Promise Technology 15110の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Promise Technology 15110で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Promise Technology 15110を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPromise Technology 15110の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Promise Technology 15110に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPromise Technology 15110デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。