Promise TechnologyメーカーEX4650の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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S UPER T RAK EX4650, EX8650, EX8654, EX8658, EX16650 U SER M ANUAL V ersi on 2.0 SR2.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual ii Copyright © 2008 Promise T echnolo gy , I nc. All Righ ts Res erved. Copyri ght by Promis e T echnology , Inc. (Pro mise T echnol ogy). No p art of this manual may be re produced or t ransmitte d in any f orm without the expressed, written permission of Promise T echno logy .
Notices iii Radio Frequency Inte rfere n ce S t a te ment This equ ipment has be en tested an d found to co mply with the limits fo r a Class B digit al devic e, pursua nt to Part 15 of the FC C Rules. The se limit s are d esigned t o provi de re asona ble pr otec tion a gains t harm ful i nterf erenc e in a r eside ntia l inst allation.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual iv.
v Content s Chapter 1: Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 About Th is Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Product Ove rview . . . . . . . . . . . .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual vi Chapter 3: Install in g Drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 9 Driver Install ation Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Windows . . . . . . .
Contents vii Chapter 3: Install in g Drivers , cont . VMware ESX S erver 3.0.2, 3. 5.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 8 New OS Insta llation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Existing System .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual viii Chapter 4: Super Bu ild™ Utility, cont. Working wi th Time Sync . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Setting th e Time Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents ix Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO, cont . Managing Software Ser vices, cont . Restarting the To mcat Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Setting u p Email Servic e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual x Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO, cont . Managing the Controll er, cont. Silenc ing the Buzzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Making Buz zer Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents xi Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO, cont . Managing Logical Dr ives, cont. Running Re dundancy Che ck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .170 Viewing the Logical D rive Check Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 Managing Spare Drives .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual xii Chapter 7: Technology Backgr ound, cont. Choosing Stri pe Block Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 Choosing Se ctor Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents xiii What to Lo ok For . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 Critical & Offl ine Logical Drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263 Finding th e Failed Drive i n SuperBuild . . . . .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual xiv.
1 Chapter 1: Introductio n • About This Manual , below • Product O verview (p age 2) • Web P AM PRO Mana gement Sof tware (pag e 3) Thank y ou for purcha sing one of Pro mise T echnology ’s Supe rT rak EX4650, EX8650, EX8 654, EX8658, or EX16650 S AS / SA T A RAID Co ntroller card.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 2 Product Over view SuperT rak EX4650, EX8650, EX8 654, EX8658 , and EX16650 a re SAS and SA T A RAID Controller cards. When use d with Web P AM PRO softwar e, the SuperT rak RAID Controll ers offer a feature-ric h, secure an d versatile enterprise- wide RAI D solution .
Chapter 1: Introduction 3 WebP AM PRO Management Software The W eb-Based Promise Array M anagement—Pro fessional ( WebP AM PR O) soft ware of fers local and remot e manageme nt and monito ring of all SuperT rak logica l drives that exist an ywhere on a network.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 4 Browser Support On the Host PC whe re you inst all the Su perT rak controlle r and W ebP AM PRO, you mu st have o ne of the f ollowing b rowsers: • Internet Ex plor.
Chapter 1: Introduction 5 Support s onlin e logical dri ve exp ansion Add disk drives to the array w ithout af fecting dat a availabili ty . Support s onlin e logical dri ve migra tion Change RAID l evel without a ffect ing data availa bility .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 6 Specificati ons • Port Cou nts an d Connecto rs EX4650: 4 internal, o ne SFF-8087 EX8650: 8 internal, t wo SFF-8087 EX8654: 4 internal, o ne SFF-8087; 4 external, o.
7 Chapter 2: Inst allation • Unpa cking th e Sup erT ra k, below • Ins tallin g the S uperTrak C ard (pag e 9) • Choos ing the Phys ical Drive s (page 17 ) • Creatin g a Logical Drive (p age 1.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 8 Wa r n i ng Before ins talling th e SuperT rak EX Controller c ard into a n existing sys tem, backu p any impor tant o r use ful d ata.
Chapter 2: Installation 9 Installi ng the Sup erT rak Card The SuperT rak EX Controll er card fit s into any a vailable PCI-Ex press x8 sl ot. Y ou can als o plug the Su perTr ak card in to a PCI-Express x16 slot. 1. Remove the cover of yo ur s ystem.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 10 Figure 1. SuperT rak EX4650 card Figure 2. SuperT rak EX8650 card BBU module conn ector SuperSwa p connector Acti vity and Fault L ED Pins Ch1-4 Globa l and Aggregat.
Chapter 2: Installation 11 Figure 3. SuperT rak EX8654 card Figure 4. SuperT rak EX8658 card BBU module connec tor SuperSwa p connector Activity and Fault LED Pins SAS Ports: Ch1-4 Aggregate LED Pins .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 12 Figure 5. SuperT rak EX1665 0 card 6. Att ach the o ther end of the SAS multi-la ne cable to a SAS port on you r enclos ure’s ba ckplane or t o your SAS expa nder . For more information, see the user manual fo r your enclos ure or SAS exp ander .
Chapter 2: Installation 13 For SuperT rak EX8654 an d EX8658, note that only the interior SAS Po rts have in dividual LED pins. Figure 7. Indivi dual LED pins, EX166 50 Figure 8. Global a nd Aggregate LED pins, EX4650 and EX8650 Figure 9. Global a nd Aggregate LED pins, EX8654 and EX8658 Figure 10.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 14 Connecting SuperT rak to a SuperS wap Enclos ure If you are us ing P romis e Super Swap e nclos ures : 1. Att ach SAS fano ut cables to the SAS ports of the SuperT rak card. 2. Co nnect the othe r ends of the SAS fanout cabl es to the Supe rSwap enclos ure.
Chapter 2: Installation 15 SAS Connections and ID Numbers The t able belo w correlates the ranges o f Enclosu re IDs and Ph ysical D rive IDs, that app ear in the W ebP AM PRO in terface as a result of t he data connection s you make .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 16 In W ebP AM PRO, the Host PC appe ars as Enclosure 1. The drive s on Port Ch1-4 a re number ed 1 to 4. The d rives on Port Ch5-8 are numbered 129 to 132. This sc enario al so applies if you use Pro mise SuperSw ap encl osures.
Chapter 2: Installation 17 Choosing the Physical Dr ives The SuperT rak EX Controller card suppor ts SAS and 1.5-Gb/s or 3.0-Gb/s SA T A physic al drive s. For optima l performan ce, inst all phys ical driv es of the same model and capa city . The t able abov e shows th e number of d rives require d for each RAID leve l.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 18 Creating a Logical Drive Y ou can use th e Supe rBuil d™ Conf igur ation U tili ty to cr eate a logic al driv e wit h the at tached phy sical drive s.
Chapter 2: Installation 19 3. Pres s the a rrow ke ys to h ighli ght Disk Array Mana gement and p ress Enter . The Di sk Array Mana gement scre en appears. 4. High light Create Disk Array and press Ente r . The Cre ate Disk Array screen ap pears. Use th is screen to select the physica l drives for y our disk array .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 20 7. High light Return to Pre vious Menu an d press En ter. The Mai n Menu appe ars. 8. High light Logical Drive Man agement and pre ss Enter . The L ogical Dri ve Manag ement scree n appears . 9. High light Cre ate Lo gical Driv e and press Enter .
Chapter 2: Installation 21 1 1. Highl ight Next S tep and press Enter . The Cre ate Logical Drive S tep 2/2 scree n appears . 12. T o cha nge the RAID Le vel, hig hlight RAID Le vel and p ress Enter . In the po pup menu , highlight y our choic e of RAID Lev el and press Enter .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 22 17. T o cha nge the W rite Cache Po licy , highli ght Write Cache P olicy and press Enter . Highl ight your cho ice of Write T hrough or Write Ba ck and press Enter . 18. T o chan ge th e Read C ache Po licy , high light Read Cache Policy and press Enter .
Chapter 2: Installation 23 Installi ng the C LI The Com mand Line Interfa ce (CLI) provide s rapid setup of dis k arrays and logic al drives. Y ou ca n also m anage your Sup erT rak system using the CLI. Inst alling onto Windows T o inst all the CLI onto your Win dows PC o r server: 1.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 24 5. In the Lice nse Agreemen t dialog b ox, choose the I accep t... option, then click t he Next button. Figure 13. License Ag reement dialo g box.
Chapter 2: Installation 25 6. In the Choos e Destinati on Location dialog bo x, you can: • Accept t he default insta llation fo lder (recomm ended) • S pecify a dif ferent insta llation fold er (advanc ed users) When yo u agree with the proposed insta llation fo lder , click the Next button .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 26 7. In the Ready to Install dialog b ox, click the Inst all button t o continu e. Figure 15. Ready to In stall dialog box.
Chapter 2: Installation 27 8. In the Instal l Complete dialo g box, click the Fin ish button to exit th e insta ller . Figure 16. Install Complete dia log box With the Register Y our Prod uct Online box checked, your browse r will open and go directly to the Promise produc t registration w ebsite.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 28 Inst alling onto Linux For Linu x PCs, Promi se offers two dif ferent binary files: • WebP AM PRO and CLI – Inst alls ei ther or both W ebP AM PRO a nd the CLI .
Chapter 2: Installation 29 5. In the Introdu ction di alog box, click t he Next button to proce ed with inst allation. Figure 17. Introduc tion dialo g box.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 30 6. In the Lice nse Agreemen t dialog b ox, choose the I accep t... option, then click t he Next button. Figure 18. License Ag reement dialo g box.
Chapter 2: Installation 31 7. W hen the Choo se Inst all Fold er dialog box appears, y ou can: • Accept t he default insta llation fo lder (recomm ended) • S pecify a dif ferent insta llation fold er (advanc ed users) When yo u agree with the proposed insta llation fo lder , click the Next button .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 32 8. In the Pre-Ins tallation Summary dialog box, c lick the In stal l button to continu e. Figure 20. Pre-Installation Summa ry dialog box.
Chapter 2: Installation 33 9. In the Inst all Comp lete dialog box, click the Next button to c ontinue. Figure 21. Install Com pete dialog box.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 34 10. I n the Re gister On-line dialo g box, cl ick th e Done but ton to exit th e inst aller Figure 22. Register On-line dia log box With the Re giste r Y our Prod uct On -line box ch ecked, your brow ser wi ll ope n and go direc tly to the Promise prod uct regist ration website .
Chapter 2: Installation 35 Inst alling the CLI onto FreeBSD PCs run ning FreeBSD do not suppor t WebP AM PRO, therefo re they ca nnot use the W ebP AM PRO inst aller . Those sy stems use a binary file to in stall th e CLI in a termina l window . Choose th e x64 bi nary file for a 64-bit OS or th e x86 binary file for a 32-bit OS.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 36 Inst alling the CLI ont o VMware The VMw are virtuali zation plat from doe s not support WebP AM PRO, therefor e they ca nnot use the WebP AM PRO inst aller . Those sys tems use a b inary fil e to inst all the CLI in a termi nal window .
Chapter 2: Installation 37 Installing W ebP AM PRO Web -Based Prom ise Array Man agement—Pro fessional (W ebP AM PRO) soft ware prov ides a brow ser-based gra phic use r interface used to mon itor and manage Promise RAID product s and their l ogical d rives.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 38 • Windows Server 2003 SP1, SP2; R2 (32 or 64 bit) • Window s XP Professional SP2, SP3 (32 o r 64 bit) • Red Hat En terpr ise Li nux 4.
Chapter 2: Installation 39 Go to o ne of the fo llowing pro cedures: • “Inst alling W ebP AM PRO onto Windo ws” on p age 39. • “Inst alling W ebP AM PRO onto Linux ” on page 47. Inst alling W ebP AM PRO onto Windows T o instal l WebP AM PRO onto your Windows-ba sed PC or se rver: 1.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 40 5. In the Lice nse Agreemen t dialog b ox, choose the I accep t... option, then click t he Next button. Figure 24. License Ag reement dialo g box.
Chapter 2: Installation 41 6. In the Setup T ype dial og box, cho ose the op tion you pref er: • T ypical – Install s the Agen t, Server , and CLI. Rec ommended for most use rs. • Custom – Ena bles yo u to choos e which c omponent s to inst all.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 42 7. O ptional. If you chose the Custom option, the Sele ct Features dialog box appears . Choose an y combinat ion of thre e options: • Agent Feature – The Agent is required on the Host PC (where the SuperT rak card is i nstalled) and for In-b and mana gement of subsys tems.
Chapter 2: Installation 43 8. In the Choos e Destinati on Location dialog bo x, you can: • Accept t he default insta llation fo lder . Recommended for most u sers. • S pecify a dif ferent installa tion fold er . Option al for adv anced users. When yo u agree with the proposed insta llation fo lder , click the Next button .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 44 9. In the W ebP AM PRO Server d ialog box , check the box to sele ct SSL secur ity . External SSL Se curity – Applies security to all con nections in volving the Internet o r outs ide your com pany firewall. Security options are invisibl e to autho rized use rs.
Chapter 2: Installation 45 10. I n the Re ady to Instal l dial og box, cl ick the Inst all butt on to continu e. Figure 29. Ready to In stall dialog box.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 46 1 1. In the Inst all Comple te dialog box, cli ck the Finish bu tton to e xit the ins talle r . Figure 30. Install Complete dia log box With the Register Y our Prod uct Online box checked, your browse r will open and go direc tly to the Promise prod uct regist ration website .
Chapter 2: Installation 47 Inst alling W ebP AM PRO onto Linux T o instal l WebP AM PRO onto your Linux-based PC or server : 1. Bo ot the PC or s erver , log in as root , and launch t he Linux GUI. If the c omputer is already ru nning, exit all prog rams.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 48 6. In the Lice nse Agreemen t dialog b ox, choose the I accep t... option, then click t he Next button. Figure 32. License Ag reement dialo g box.
Chapter 2: Installation 49 7. In th e Choose Instal l Prod uct di alog b ox, cho ose an y combi nati on of thr ee opti ons: • WebP AM PRO Utility Server – One Serv er must be i nstalled on the net.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 50 8. W hen the Choo se Inst all Fold er dialog box appears, y ou can: • Accept t he default insta llation fo lder . Recommended for most u sers. • S pecify a dif ferent installa tion fold er . Option al for adv anced users.
Chapter 2: Installation 51 9. In the SSL Security Optio ns dialog box, c heck the b ox to sel ect SSL sec urity . External SSL Se curity – Applies security to all con nections in volving the Internet o r outs ide your com pany firewall. Security options are invisibl e to autho rized use rs.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 52 10. In the Pre-Inst allation Summary dia log box, cli ck the Inst all bu tton to continu e. Figure 36. Pre-Installation Summa ry dialog box.
Chapter 2: Installation 53 1 1. In the Install Complete d ialog box, c lick the Next but ton to contin ue. Figure 37. Install Com pete dialog box.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 54 12. I n the Re gister On-line dialo g box, cl ick th e Done but ton to exit th e inst aller Figure 38. Register On-line dia log box With the Re giste r Y our Prod uct On -line box ch ecked, your brow ser wi ll ope n and go direc tly to the Promise prod uct regist ration website .
Chapter 2: Installation 55 Logging into WebP AM PRO Y ou c an log int o WebP AM PRO in either of t wo ways: • Logging in at the Host PC (p age 55) • Logging in over t he Network (p age 55) Logging.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 56 T ogether , your ent ry looks li ke this: http s://192.16 8.10.228:8 443/promise Login Screen When the opening screen appea rs: 1. T ype admini strator in the User Name field. 2. T ype p assword in the Pas sword field.
Chapter 2: Installation 57 Set t ing up W ebP AM PRO The firs t time you us e WebP AM PRO, y ou must add the Host PC so t hat Web P AM PRO will recog nize it. Y ou only need to perform thi s procedure o nce. T o add the Host PC: 1. In the T ree, c lick Su bsystem/Host M anageme nt.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 58 Figure 41. Add Subsystem / Host tab 4. Clic k the Submit button. The new ly added ho st appear s in the T ree, on the l eft side o f the WebP AM PRO screen. This co mpletes t he Web P AM PRO instal lation an d initial setu p.
59 Chapter 3: Inst alling Drivers Follow ing are in stallati on proced ures for the Sup erT rak drivers for Windows , Linux, and FreeBSD in cluded o n the soft ware CD. Downlo ad the late st drivers fro m the Promise Su pport Webs ite . The sof tware CD also includ es sourc e code files for compili ng your o wn Linux driv ers.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 60 . Driver Insta llation Media Windows If yo ur Windows PC d oes not have a floppy d rive, copy th e driver file to a CD or a USB sti ck, whichever y our PC suppo rts. T o prepa re a driver diskette, CD , or USB stic k for Window s: 1.
Chapter 3: Installing Drivers 61 Linux and FreeBSD For BSD, start wi th a disk ette. For Linu x, choos e the mediu m that work s for you r syste m. If yo ur Linux PC does not hav e a floppy dr ive, copy the driver fi le to a CD or a USB sti ck, whichever y our PC suppo rts.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 62 Windows Server 2008 New OS Inst allation The foll owing det ails the in stall ation of the Su perT rak EX Series RAID Control ler drivers while ins tallin g Windows Server 2008. 1. S tart the insta llation: Boot from the CD-ROM.
Chapter 3: Installing Drivers 63 Exist ing S ystem Aft er installi ng the SuperT rak EX Serie s RAID Controller ca rd and rebooti ng your system, W indows Server 2 008 setup w ill show a “Fo und New Ha rdware” dialog box . 1. C hoose the L ocate and in stall dr iver sof tware option and cli ck the Next button.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 64 Windows V ista New OS Inst allation The foll owing det ails the in stall ation of the Su perT rak EX Series RAID Control ler driv ers while i nstallin g Windows Vist a. 1. S tart the insta llation: Boot from the CD-ROM.
Chapter 3: Installing Drivers 65 Exist ing S ystem Aft er installi ng the SuperT rak EX Serie s RAID Controller ca rd and rebooti ng your system , Windows V ista setup will show a “Fo und New Ha rdware” dialo g box. 1. C hoose the L ocate and inst all driver sof tware option an d cli ck the Next button.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 66 Windows Server 2003 New OS Inst allation The foll owing det ails the in stall ation of the Su perT rak EX Series RAID Control ler drivers while ins tallin g Windows Server 2003. 1. S tart t he ins tallat ion: • Floppy Ins tall: Boot the com puter with the Windows Server 2003 inst allation dis kettes.
Chapter 3: Installing Drivers 67 Exist ing S ystem Aft er installi ng the SuperT rak EX Serie s RAID Controller ca rd and rebooti ng your system, W indows Server 2 003 setup w ill show a “Fo und New Ha rdware” dialog box . Under W indow s 2003 , “RAI D Cont roller ” will be disp layed .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 68 Windows XP New OS Inst allation The foll owing det ails the in stall ation of the Su perT rak EX Series RAID Control ler drivers while ins tallin g Windows XP . 1. S tart t he ins tallat ion: • Floppy Ins tall: Boot the compu ter with the Windows XP inst allation dis kettes.
Chapter 3: Installing Drivers 69 Exist ing S ystem Aft er installi ng the SuperT rak EX Serie s RAID Controller ca rd and rebooti ng your system, W indows XP setup will show a “Found New Ha rdware” dial og box. 1. In sert the SuperT rak driver d iskette into the A: drive.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 70 Red Hat Linux Enterprise 4.4, 4. 5 New OS Inst allation 1. S tar t the RedHat L inux Inst allati on by boo ting from the insta ll CD. 2. At the “We lcome to Red Hat Linux. ..” inst allation screen, a prom pt label ed boot: wi ll appear at th e bottom of th e screen.
Chapter 3: Installing Drivers 71 Fedora Core 6 New OS Inst allation 1. S tar t the Fedora C ore Instal lation by bo oting from the insta ll CD. 2. At th e “Welcome to Fe dora 6 ...” i nstalla tion screen, a pro mpt la beled boot: will a ppear at the b ottom of th e screen.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 72 Fedora Core 7, 8 New OS Inst allation 1. S tar t the Fedora C ore Instal lation by bo oting from the insta ll CD. 2. At the “We lcome to Fedora ...” instal lation scree n, highli ght the Inst all or upgra de an exist ing syst em option, then press the T ab k ey for edit op tions.
Chapter 3: Installing Drivers 73 SuSE Open 10.2, 10.3, 10.5, 1 1 New OS Inst allation 1. S tar t the SuSE Linux Installa tion by bo oting from the inst all CD. 2. As the system bo ots, pr ess F6 for the driver disk ette, CD, or USB stic k. 3. C hoose the Ye s option .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 74 SuSE SLES 10 , 10 SP1 New OS Inst allation 1. S tar t the SuSE Linux Installa tion by bo oting from the inst all CD. 2. As the system bo ots, pr ess F5 for the driver disk ette, CD, or USB stic k. 3. C hoose the Ye s option .
Chapter 3: Installing Drivers 75 Miracle Linux 4 New OS Inst allation 1. S tar t the Miracle Li nux Inst allation b y booting from the inst all CD. 2. At the “Asianux ” instal lation s creen, a pro mpt labele d boot: will appe ar at the bottom o f the screen.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 76 FreeBSD 6.1, 6 .2 New OS Inst allation 1. S tart t he Free BSD I nstalla tion by boo ting fr om the install CD. 2. W hen the co nsole menu appears, choose 6. Esc ape to load er prom pt and pres s any ke y exce pt Enter to co nfirm you r choice.
Chapter 3: Installing Drivers 77 5. Af ter thos e commands fi nish, typ e the followin g command and press Ente r . umount /c dr om 6. R emove the USB device. 7. Pre ss Alt+F1, ex it the inst allation , and reboot y our PC. Exist ing S ystem 1. In sert the dr iver diskett e or CD, or att ach the USB s tick.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 78 VMware ESX Serv er 3.0.2 , 3.5.0 New OS Inst allation 1. D ownload t he VMware dri ver ISO imag e from the Prom ise Support W ebsite . 2. Bu rn the VMware dri ver ISO image to a CD. 3. Pl ace the d river CD in the CD-ROM d rive.
Chapter 3: Installing Drivers 79 8. Remove the CD from the CD-ROM. Note: If the driver did no t load af ter the s erver rebooted, try one of the followi ng actions to make the ESX Se rver reconfigu re its har dware settings : • Move th e SuperT rak EX co ntroller to a differe nt slot.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 80.
81 Chapter 4: SuperBuild ™ Utility • SuperT rak BIOS (below) • Access ing the Main Menu (pa ge 84) • Sel ecti ng a Co ntro ller (pa ge 85 ) • V iewing Controll er Information (pag e 86) • .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 82 Figu re 1. Supe rTrak B IOS scr e en If the Sup erBuild BIOS de tects a Critical logical d rive, the BIOS report s the conditi on: Figure 2. SuperTrak BIOS screen, logical driv e critical See “Cha pter 8: T roublesho oting” on p age 257 for inform ation abou t rebuilding a criti cal logica l drive.
Chapter 4: Su perBuild™ Utility 83 If the Sup erT rak BIOS dete cts an O ffline logical drive, the BIOS reports th e conditi on and tempo rarily hal ts the bo oting proc ess of the H ost PC.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 84 Accessing the Main Menu The open ing scre en of the SuperBu ild utili ty is the Ma in Menu. Figure 4. SuperBuild Main Men u The Mai n Menu (abov e) has nine o ptions.
Chapter 4: Su perBuild™ Utility 85 • Miscella neous – SAS d rive LEDs, e nclosure mana gement, and b uzzer setting s Sel e ct i n g a C on troll er The Super Build Conf iguration ut ility sup ports up t o two SuperT rak RAID Control ler cards in stalle d in the sam e Host PC .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 86 V i ewi ng Contro ller Inform ation The Super Build utili ty display s informatio n about the s elected SuperT rak EX controll er . 1. In the Main Menu, highl ight Contr oller Infor mati on and press Enter . The info rmation in cludes: V endor – Promise T echn ology , Inc.
Chapter 4: Su perBuild™ Utility 87 Managing Physical Drives Physic al drive man agement includes the se function s: • V iewing Phys ical Driv es (page 87) • V iewing Phys ical Drive In formation (page 87) • Managi ng Physical Drive Proble ms (p age 88) Vi ewing Physical Drives T o view physi cal dri ves: 1.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 88 3. High light Return to Pre vious Menu an d press En ter . Managing Physical Drive Problems Physic al drives can dev elop problems that make the m unsuitab le for service in a logica l drive.
Chapter 4: Su perBuild™ Utility 89 Managing Disk Arrays Disk array manage ment inc ludes these functions: • V iewing Disk Arrays (pa ge 89) • V iewing Disk Array Informat ion (pa ge 89) • Crea.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 90 Sta tu s – OK is no rmal. C an al so show R ebui lding, Degrad ed, Cr itic al, or Off line. 3. High light Physical Dri ves in the Disk Array and p ress Enter .
Chapter 4: Su perBuild™ Utility 91 Changing Disk Array Settings T o change the name of a disk array: 1. In the Main Menu, highl ight Disk Array Managemen t and pres s Enter . The Di sk Array Mana gement scre en display s. 2. H ighlight th e Disk Array yo u want to c hange and press Enter .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 92 Managing Logi cal Drives Logica l drive managemen t include s these func tions: • V iewing Log ical Drive s (page 92 ) • V iewing Log ical Drive Inf ormation (p .
Chapter 4: Su perBuild™ Utility 93 Logical Driv e Name – Y ou can chan ge this setti ng. Cap acity – Da ta capac ity of t he log ical d rive i n GB RAID Level – Chos en when the logical dri ve was cre ated. Str i p e S iz e – Chose n when the logical d rive was c reated.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 94 • Wr ite Cache Poli cy – Ch oose f rom Wri te Back or Write Through . • Read Cache Polic y – Choose from Read Cache , Read Ahea d , or No Cache . • Axle – RAID 50 and 60 log ical drives onl y . Choose the num ber of axles or ch oose 0 to let the contro ller decide for you.
Chapter 4: Su perBuild™ Utility 95 • T o cancel In itializat ion, press C. The I nitializatio n begins immediatel y . If you set I nitializ ation for m ultiple logica l drives, they will be initial ized se quentially . Y ou can mon itor Initiali zation pr ogress under Background Ac tivity .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 96 The sel ected log ical drive i s removed f rom the li st..
Chapter 4: Su perBuild™ Utility 97 Managing Spare Dri ves S pare driv e managemen t includ es these func tions: • V iewing S p are Drives (pag e 97) • V iewing S p are Drive Information (p age 9.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 98 • Big Enoug h – Same cap acity or greater th an the larges t drive in your array T o create a spare dri ve: 1. In the Main Menu, highl ight Sp are Dr ive Mana gemen t and pres s Enter . The S pare Dr ive Manag ement sc reen displa ys.
Chapter 4: Su perBuild™ Utility 99 4. O ptional. If you chose Dedica ted in st ep 3, pres s the arrow k eys to high light a disk array . Then pres s the sp acebar to select the d isk array . An asteri sk (*) appe ars at the lef t of the selected di sk array .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 100 V iewi ng Backgroun d Activity The Back ground Act ivity functi on enables you to mo nitor backgro und activit ies are ru nning on the SuperT rak RAID c ontroller .
Chapter 4: Su perBuild™ Utility 101 Managing the Event Log The eve nt log tracks event s related to the SuperT rak controller an d includes the follow ing funct ions: • V iewing RAM Event s (page .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 102 • T o see all th e informat ion about an event, hig hlight the event and p ress Enter . Clearing the Event Logs Cleari ng the event l ogs remo ve all of the e vents from both the RAM and NVRA M event l ogs. Note th at the RAM l og clears every time you boot the Host PC.
Chapter 4: Su perBuild™ Utility 103 Working with T ime Sync The T ime Syn c function adds two special features to Supe rT rak. These func tions includ e: • Settin g the T ime Zon e (page 10 3) •.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 104 Using the Miscellaneous Menu The Mis cellaneous menu enabl es three use ful functions on SuperT rak: • Making the SAS Ready LE D Setting (p age 104) • Making th.
Chapter 4: Su perBuild™ Utility 105 When the buzzer s ounds, ta ke the fol lowing ac tions: • Check your disk arrays and lo gical drive s. • Check th e Event Lo g. See page 101. T o silence t he buzzer for the current trigger ev ent, you mus t disabl e it.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 106.
107 Chapter 5: Manag ement with WebP AM PRO • Log ging i nto WebP AM PRO (pag e 107) • Acc essing the I nterf ace (page 1 10 ) • Managi ng Users (page 1 16) • Work ing with Su bsystem/Hos t Ma.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 108 Logging in over the Network Y ou c an log into W ebP AM PRO from any PC with a n etwork connec tion to the Host PC (where the SuperT rak EX Contro ller is inst alled). 1. L aunch yo ur Brow ser . 2. In the Browser address field, ty pe the in formation provid ed below .
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 109 Login Screen When the opening screen appea rs: 1. T ype admini strator in the User Name field. 2. T ype p assword in the Pas sword field. 3. Clic k the Login button. The Us er Name an d Password are c ase sensi tive.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 110 Accessing the Interface Web P AM PRO is brow ser-based R AID managemen t softwa re with a gra phic user int erface.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 111 Ther e are f our maj or parts to the WebP AM P RO inte rfac e: • Heade r (see page 1 1 1) • T ree V iew (see p age 1 1 1) • Manage ment V iew (see p age.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 112 Figure 3. WebP AM PRO Tree V iew The Admi nistrativ e T ools section is dif ferent for th e Administra tor and Supe r Users tha n for other users. The remainder of the T ree is the same for all users . Manage ment Vi ew display s information according to the item you ch oose in T ree Vi ew.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 113 Choosing a Display Language Web P AM PRO disp lays in the following l anguages : T o change the display languag e: 1. Clic k the Language drop down menu in the Head er . 2. H ighlight th e languag e you prefer .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 114 Y ou c an also vie w event s by click ing the Subsy stems icon in T ree Vie w , then clicki ng th e Event t ab in M anagement V i ew . Saving the Event Frame This fun ction sa ves a copy of the ev ents from the Event F rame as a tex t file on the Ho st PC’s hard driv e.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 115 Figure 4. The S tora ge Networ k appears in Tree V iew T o view the S torage Ne twork, clic k Show Storage Network in th e Header . All network ed systems will app ear in T ree View . T o hide the S torage Ne twork, click Hide Storage Network in the Header .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 116 Managing Users User Man agement i ncludes al l function s dealing w ith user account s. Functio ns includ e: • V iewing User Informa tion (page 1 16) • Making U.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 117 Y ou c an also set user privi lege under Sub system/Hos t Managemen t. See “Setting U ser Privilege” o n page 122 and “Setting Us er Rights ” on p age 127. Making Y our Own User Settings T o change yo ur own u ser settings : 1.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 118 8. Clic k the Submit button. Creating a User T o create a user: 1. Log into W ebP AM PRO as the Admini strator or a Super User . 2. Click th e Adminis trative T ools icon. 3. Click th e User Man agement icon . 4. Clic k the Create tab in M anageme nt View .
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 119 2. Click th e Adminis trative T ools icon. 3. Click th e User Man agement icon . 4. Clic k the Delete tab in Manag ement Vi ew . 5. Check th e box to t he left of the use r you want t o delete. 6. Clic k the Submit button.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 120 Wo r king with Subsystem/Host Management Subsys tem/Host Mana gement i ncludes the following functions: • V iewing Subs ystem/Host I nformation (page 120) • Add.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 121 5. Do one of the followi ng action s: • T o create a n in-band co nnection: T ype the Host PC’ s IP add ress into the addre ss field. Choo se thi s optio n for SuperT rak . Note that entries suc h as localhost or the Ho st PC’s network na me do not w ork for this fu nction.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 122 7. In the c onfirmation b ox, type the word confirm in the f ield p rovi ded. 8. Clic k the OK button. Setting User Privilege T o set user privilege: 1. Click th e Administrat ive T ools icon in T ree Vi ew . 2. Click th e Subsys tem/Host Mana gement icon.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 123 Managing Software Servi ces Software Services in clude the following fun ctions: • V iewing Service S tatu s (pag e 123) • Chang ing Web Se rver Setting s.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 124 The range is 1 to 1 440 minutes . 15 minutes is the defau lt. Session T ime Out refe rs to the amoun t of time th e connectio n remains activ e withou t any user interaction . After W ebP AM PRO reaches t he Ti me Out inter val, you mu st log in again and be gin a new s ession.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 125 Setting up Extended SMTP T o make Extende d SMTP setting s: 1. Click th e Adminis trative T ools icon in T ree V iew . 2. Click th e Software Managemen t icon. 3. Clic k the Email tab in Manag ement Vie w . 4.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 126 Changing CIM Client Settings The CIM client is part of the WebP AM PRO Utility Se rver . The Utility Server can be inst alled on any PC on the network . Only one CIM clien t and Utilit y Server inst allation is require d.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 127 Managing the Host The Ho st is desig nated by its IP addre ss:127.0 .0.1. Host fu nctions inc lude: • V iewing Host Informatio n (page 127) • Settin g User Right s (p age 127) • Refreshin g the W ebP AM PRO Screen (p age 127 ) Vi ewing Hos t Informat ion T o view Hos t information, click t he 127.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 128 Managing the Subsystem Subsys tem function s includ e: • V iewing Subsys tem Informat ion (page 128) • Cleari ng S tat istical Dat a (pa ge 129) • Setting a n.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 129 Cleari ng St atisti cal Da t a Use this function to c lear the st atistical data re gisters for the controller , physica l driv es, and lo gical drive s. T o clear statisti cal da ta: 1. In T ree V iew , click the Subsyst em icon.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 130 4. Navigate to the dire ctory where you saved the upgrad e file, the n click the upgrade file, and c lick the Open button . 5. Clic k the Submit button. When t he Fl ash Ima ge S tat us shows Flas h image co mpleted , t he firmware and B IOS have bee n updated.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 131 • Fat al – Non-Recov erable error or f ailure has oc curred Saving the Runtime E vent Log This fun ction saves a copy o f the runtime event log as a text file on the Host PC’s hard drive. T o save the ru ntime event log: 1.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 132 Severit y Definitions Each ev ent is ma rked with a le vel of se verity . • Information – Information only , no actio n is required • Wa rn i n g – User can.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 133 Vi ewing Current Background Activities T o view the current ba ckground ac tivities: 1. Click th e Subsystem ico n in T ree V iew .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 134 4. Highligh t the follo wing PDM trig ger settin gs and type a value into the corresp onding fie ld: • Reassigne d Block Thresh old – 1 to 51 2 blocks • Error Block Thres hold – 1 to 1 024 blocks 5.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 135 3. In the ne xt screen, c lick the St art button. Running PDM Predicti ve Data Migration (PDM) migrat es data from the sus pect physi cal driv e to a sp are disk drive, simi lar to Rebui lding. But unlike Reb uilding, PDM act s be fore the dis k drive fails and you r Logical D rive goes Cr itical.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 136 5. Click th e option butto n for the Recurr ence Pattern you want: •D a i l y •W e e k l y •M o n t h l y 6. Clic k the Next button. 7. For a DAIL Y recurrence patte rn, make the f ollowing s etting: • Choos e a S tart T ime for the activity , ba sed on a 24 -hour clo ck, from the dropd own menus.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 137 10. Fo r Redund ancy Check only: • Choos e the Auto Fix option. This f eature atte mpts to repai r the pro blem when it fi nds an error .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 138 • Physical D rive List – Device numbe r , mode l, type, capac ity , locati on, operat ional st atus, and configuratio n • Disk Array L ist – ID, alias, oper.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 139 Managing the Contr oller The RAI D controlle r is the he art of the RAID storage sy stem. Mana gement of Cont roller s incl udes t he foll owin g func tions :.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 140 Control ler informati on includes : • Control ler ID (1 or 2) • Alias , if assign ed* • V endor • Model • Operati onal S tatus •P o w e r O n T i m e .
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 141 Control ler informati on, conti nued: • SMAR T Polling Interval* • Write Back Cac he Flush Inte rval* • W rite Throu gh Mode • Enclosu re Polling interval* • Adapt ive W riteback Cache* Items m arked with an asterisk (*) are user adju stabl e.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 142 • Choos e a coercion m ethod from th e Coercion M ethod dropdow n menu. The cho ices are: •G B T r u n c a t e • 10GBT runc ate • GRPRou nding • T able Rounding For more information, see “Cap acity Coe rcion” on p age 238.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 143 3. Click th e Controlle r icon. 4. Clic k the Battery tab in Manageme nt Vie w . In norma l operatio n, the oper ational st atus of th e battery sho ws Full y Charged with a Res erve Capac ity of 100%.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 144 4. Clic k the Buzze r tab in Mana gement Vi ew . 5. Clic k the Sound button. The buz zer sound s a continu ous tone. 6. Clic k the Mut e button. The buz zer goes silent bu t remains en abled. Vi ewing Buzzer Information This fun ction refers to the buzze r on the SuperT rak RAID controller c ard.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 145 Managing Enclosures This fun ction of W ebP AM PRO d oes not apply to the SuperT rak RAID control ler card ins talle d in the Host PC , except fo r one item: .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 146 Managing Physical Drives Managi ng Physical Drives de als with th e physical disk drives u nder the SuperT rak RAID controlle r , inc luding the fo llowing fun ctio.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 147 Promise En cl os ures T o locate a p hysical dri ve in the VT rak JBOD enc losure, clic k the Locate PDx button. Th e disk st atus LED wi ll blink fo r one minut e to identif y the carrier hol ding the phy sical drive .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 148 Vi ewing Physica l Drive Information T o view ph ysical drive info rmati on: 1. Click th e Subsystem ico n in T ree V iew . 2. Click th e Enclosu res icon. 3. Click th e Enclosu re icon. 4. Click th e Physic al Drives icon.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 149 2. Click th e Enclosu res icon. 3. Click th e Enclosu re icon. 4. Click th e Physic al Drives ico n. 5. Click a Physical D rive icon. 6. Clic k the Settings ta b in Mana gement Vi ew . 7. T ype an alias in to the Phy sical Drive Al ias fiel d.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 150 Managing Disk Arrays Disk Array Managem ent include s the fol lowing func tions: • V iewing Disk Arrays (pa ge 150) • Locat ing a Disk Arr ay (pag e 150) • Cr.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 151 Promise En cl os ures T o locate a d isk array in a VT rak JBO D enclosur e, click th e Locate DAx butto n. The dis k status LEDs will bl ink for one m inute to i dentify the c arriers holdi ng the phy sical d rives used b y the di sk arra y .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 152 Creating a Disk Array – Automatic C onfiguration The Di sk Array – Auto matic Con figuration option enabl es you to create a new disk a rray following a default s et of p arameters. O ne logical drive will be made automat ically wh en you cr eate the disk array .
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 153 Creating a Disk Array – Express Configur ation The Di sk Array – Exp ress Confi guration op tion enables you to cho ose the param eters for a new disk arra y by spe cifying the character istics you want.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 154 • Logical Driv es – The s lot number of the logical drive(s), thei r RAID level , capaci ty , a nd stri pe size • S p are Drives – T he physi cal drive slot.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 155 Creating a Disk Array – Advanced Configuration The Di sk Array – Adv anced Conf iguration option enabl es you to directly sp ecify all p arameters for a new di sk array . One logical dri ve will be made autom atically when you create the disk array .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 156 This v alue w ill be the data c apacity of th e firs t logica l dri ve in yo ur new disk array . If y ou specify less than disk array' s maximu m cap acity , the remai nder will b e availa ble for add itional logi cal driv es which y ou can cr eate late r .
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 157 Deleting a Disk Array The Di sk Arrays–Del ete tab enables yo u to delete existing d isk arrays. T o delete a disk array: 1. Click th e Subsystem ico n in T ree V iew . 2. Click th e Disk Array s icon. 3. Clic k the Delete tab in Manag ement Vi ew .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 158 availa ble. Howe ver , the logical dri ve has los t redundan cy (fault tole rance). Y ou m ust determin e the cause of the probl em and corre ct it.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 159 Maxim um of 32 cha racters. Use l etters, num bers, one sp ace b etween words, and unde rscore. An alia s is opt ional. 6. T o enable Me dia Patrol s upport, c heck the Me dia Patrol box . 7. T o enable PD M support, c heck the PD M box.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 160 The cho ices are Re ad C ache , Read Ahead , and No Cache . Read Ahea d is the defa ult. See “C hoosing C ache Policy” on page 2 37. 1 1. From the W rite Poli cy dropdow n menu, choose a Write Cache po licy for th is logi cal drive .
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 161 In the c onfirmatio n box, type the word confirm in the field provided . 7. Clic k the OK button. The cho sen logical disappe ars from the L ogical Dri ve List the I nformation tab.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 162 T o set Migrat ion priorit y , see “Making Ba ckground Activity Sett ings” on p age 133. Rebuilding a Di sk Array When yo u rebuild a disk array , y ou are actua lly rebuildi ng the dat a on a repl acemen t phys ical d rive.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 163 Running Media Patrol on a Disk Array Media P atrol chec ks the magn etic media on physica l drives. When it fi nds the specif ied numb er of bad bloc ks, it wil l trigger PDM. See “Making Background Activity Se ttings” on p age 133 and “Runnin g PDM” on pa ge 135.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 164 T ransitioning a Di sk Ar ray T ransitio n is the proces s of replaci ng a revertible s pare drive th at is current ly part of a disk array with an un configured ph ysical d rive or a non-rev ertible spa re. The revertib le spa re drive re turns to it s origina l statu s.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 165 7. Clic k the OK button. 8. After th e T ransition i s complete , move the p hysical dri ves comprisin g the disk a rray to their ne w location s. 9. Clic k the Refr esh button in you r Browser . The dr ives appea r in their n ew locatio ns and disk array st atus disp lays OK.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 166 Managing Logi cal Drives Logica l drives are made f rom disk arra ys. In the Tr ee, you can see a gra phic represen tation of the log ical drives that belo ng to each arra y . Y ou can s ee a summa ry of all l ogical driv es in the subsystem under Log ical Driv e Summary .
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 167 fault tolerance. Wh en a logi cal drive is rebuildi ng, it will function and your dat a is avail able. Howev er , acces s will be slower due to the rebu ilding operatio n. T o create a logical dri ve, see “Cre ating a Logic al Drive” o n page 159.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 168 4. Click th e Logica l Drives icon 5. Click th e Logica l Drive icon. T o specify a n Alias o r set the Read a nd Wri te Policie s, click th e Settings t ab. Logical Driv e St atus See “Logi cal Drive S tatus ” on page 166.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 169 7. Optional. Enter an ali as in the Lo gical Driv e Alias field . Maxim um of 32 cha racters. Use l etters, num bers, one sp ace b etween words, and unde rscore. An alia s is opt ional. 8. From the Read Polic y dropdown menu, ch oose a Rea d Cache po licy .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 170 T o view the progress of th e Initializa tion, click the Background Activity tab . T o set Init ialization p riority , see “M aking Backg round Acti vity Setti ngs” on page 13 3. Y ou c an also st art Initia lization from the Subs ystem icon, Background Activities tab.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 171 2. Click th e Disk Array s icon. 3. Click th e Disk Array icon. 4. Click th e Logica l Drives icon 5. Click th e Logica l Drive icon. 6. Clic k the Check T able tab in Managem ent Vi ew . 7. Click th e option f or the tabl e you want to see.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 172 Managing Spare Dri ves When a ph ysical drive in a dis k array fails a nd a spare drive of ad equate cap acity is ava ilable, th e disk array will begin to rebuild au tomatica lly using t he spa re drive. Se e “Critical & Offline Logical Dr ives” on pa ge 253.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 173 Creati ng a Spare Dri ve T o create a spare dri ve: 1. Click th e Subsystem icon in T ree V iew . 2. Click th e S pa re Drives icon. 3. Clic k the Create tab i n Manageme nt Vie w . 4. Choo se a spar e type , Global or Dedicated .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 174 Deleting Sp are Drive T o delet e a spare d rive: 1. Click th e Subsystem icon in T ree V iew . 2. Click th e S pa re Drives icon. 3. Clic k the Delete tab in Manag ement Vi ew . 4. Check th e box to t he left of the sp are drive y ou want to d elete.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 175 Running Sp are Check S pare Check verifies th e operatio nal statu s of your sp are dr ives. Y ou can also schedu le a S pare Check. See “Schedul ing an Activ ity” on pa ge 135. T o check a spare dri ve: 1.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 176 Working with the Logical Drive Summary The L ogical Dri ve Summary d isplays a list of all logica l drives under the SuperT rak controlle r including l ogical d rives in ex panded or c ascaded enclos ures.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 177 Vi ewing Individual Logical Dri ve Information 1. Click th e Subsystem icon in T ree V iew . 2. Click th e Logica l Drive Sum mary icon. 3. Click th e Logica l Drive icon. The info rmation an d location f or the logi cal drive ap pear in M anagement V iew .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 178.
179 Chapter 6: Manag ement with the CLI • Openin g the CLI on Windows (b elow) • Openin g the CLI on Li nux, FreeBSD, and VMware (p age 180) • T able of Suppo rted Comma nds (page 181) • Not e.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 180 Opening the CLI on Linux, FreeBSD, and VMware T o open the CLI: 1. Open a t ermi nal win dow . 2. Go to the /o pt/Promise/We bP AMPRO/Agent/bin di rectory . 3. T ype ./cliib and press Enter . The CL I runs in the t erminal windo w .
Chapter 6: Managem ent with the CLI 181 T able of Supported C ommands Command Action about Vi ew utility information. array Vi ew or edit ar ray informati on. Create, e dit, or delete a new or existing arr ay . Create, e dit, or delete logical drives in an ex isting a rray .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 182 logdrv Vi ew or edit lo gical drive information and setti ngs. Locat e a logical drive via LED s. migr ate S tart and mon itor di sk arr ay mig ratio n proc ess. mp Vi ew media p atrol st atus and pro gress. S tart, stop, p ause, or r esume m edia patro l.
Chapter 6: Managem ent with the CLI 183 Notes and Conventions Comm ands and options ar e NOT case s ensitiv e. Not al l extende d keys are s upported. However , you can use the ba cksp ace and the lef t and rig ht arrow keys f or command line editing .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 184 List of Supported Command s about Usage about Summary Displ ays utility information . array Usage array [-a <action>] [-d < DaId>] [-c <a rray count .
Chapter 6: Managem ent with the CLI 185 Summary The a rray command is the ma in command for performi ng advanced configura tion and mai ntenance tasks o n disk array s. This co mmand l ists, creates, mod ifies, de letes, an d locates di sk arrays . It also adds an d deletes logical dri ves.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 186 delet ing, locati ng, ac cepti ng, add ing or de leti ng a logi cal drive. O nly one arra y may be sp ecified. -p <PD ID list> S pecifies phys ical drives to be used in an array , with -a add opti on. PD IDs are specif ied indiv idually or separ ated by com ma.
Chapter 6: Managem ent with the CLI 187 decima l places . If not spec ified, all available capac ity is used fo r this logica l drive. S tripe= S pecifies logi cal drive stripe size . Options i nclude 64 KB, 128 KB , 256 KB, 512 KB, a nd 1024 KB. If no t specified , the default 64KB is used.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 188 Examples array -v -c 1 array -a a dd -s "alias =MyArray ,mediap atrol=en able" -p 1,3,5 ~9 -l "raid= 5,cap acity=50gb,s tripe=256kb, sector=1kb".
Chapter 6: Managem ent with the CLI 189 bbm Usage bbm [-a <actio n>] [-p <PdId>] bbm -a cle ar -p <PdId> Summary The bbm comman d displays and clears the Bad Block Map (BBM) fo r all configu red SA T A drives . Options -a <acti on> S pecifies the a ction to perfo rm.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 190 Auto -tran sit ion will start tr ansi tioni ng on a us ed rev erti ble spa re in the fo llowing co ndition: 1. When t he rebuild has compl eted usin g the revertib le spare, and 2. When a n unconf igured driv e is inserte d into the sl ot of the dead drive whic h the was part of t he array .
Chapter 6: Managem ent with the CLI 191 tran sitio nrate = Transi tion rate d eterm ines the r ate a t whic h tra nsiti on wil l run. (low =25, medium=5 0, high=75) low mediu m high syncra te= Synchron ization rate determine s the rate at w hich sync hroniz ation will r un.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 192 buz z -a on buzz -a off Summary The buz z command displays t he status of the buz zer , and enables, disables, turns on or turns of f the buzze r . Options -a <acti on> S pecifies the a ction to perfo rm. list (Defaul t) List the status o f the buzz er .
Chapter 6: Managem ent with the CLI 193 Summary The con fig comm and has tw o options: Aut omatic a nd Express. Automati c configu ration t akes all ava ilable un configured ph ysical d rives to crea te an optim ized disk array foll owing a def ault set o f paramete rs.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 194 Examples config -a auto config -a expr -ry -p y -c n -sy -t dat a -l2 ctrl Usage ctrl [-a < action>] [-i <c trlId>] [-c <c trl count>] [-v ] ctrl .
Chapter 6: Managem ent with the CLI 195 GBT runca te T runcates the driv e to the neares t 1-billi on byte boundary . 10GBT runcate T runcates the drive to the neares t 10-billion byte boundary . GrpRo unding T runcates the d rive usin g an intelli gent algorithm .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 196 disabl e The w rite poli cy of the w riteback lo gical drives are not change d irrespectiv e of the a vailability of BBU or UPS. host cacheflu shing= Su bsystem s only . T o enab le or disa ble host cac he flushing.
Chapter 6: Managem ent with the CLI 197 date Usage date date -a mod [-d <date>] [-t <tim e>] Summary The d ate comman d displa ys the sys tem time and date, and changes these setting s. Options -a <acti on> S pecifies the a ction to perfo rm.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 198 mod Modifie s settin gs. Require s the -s optio n. locate L ocates an en closure by flashing it s LEDs. -e <encl id> Enclosu re ID. The default val ue is 1 if un specifie d. For list action, th e default is for all enclo sures if unsp ecified.
Chapter 6: Managem ent with the CLI 199 event -a clear [-l < location>] Summary The eve nt command displays a nd clears th e RAM an d NVRAM event logs. Options -a <acti on> S p ecif ied the ac tion to perform . list Displ ays the eve nts for the specified location.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 200 Options -t <file t ype> S pecifies the type of file to export . userdb User d atabase f ile. This file type is not applica ble for in- band an d can onl y be exported to a remote h ost. servic ereport Syst em servi ce report file.
Chapter 6: Managem ent with the CLI 201 iscsi Su bsystems o nly . iscsi settings, includi ng node, port, SLP , and iSNS. netisc si Su bsystems onl y . Network settin gs of iSCSI po rts. netmgm t Subs ystems onl y . Network settings of manageme nt ports.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 202 A quick initial ization wr ites to the first and last few m egabytes o f the log ical drive. T ypically , a quick in itialization is com pleted in mo ments . Options -a <acti on> S pecifies the a ction to perfo rm.
Chapter 6: Managem ent with the CLI 203 list (Defaul t) Display s a summar y of one o r more logi cal drive s. mod Ch anges logica l dr ive settin gs. locate L ocates a log ical drive wi thin the e nclosure by flashing drive carri er LED s. -l [<LD ID>] L ogical drive ID.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 204 Summary The mi grat e comma nd expan ds the capacity o f a log ical d rives (onli ne capac ity exp ansion) an d changes l ogical d rive RAID lev els (RAID lev el migrat ion). Options -a <acti on> S pecifies the a ction to perfo rm.
Chapter 6: Managem ent with the CLI 205 Y ou can start, st op, pause , or re sume Me dia Pat rol and monit or its pro gress a nd stat us. Options -a <acti on> S pecifies the a ction to perfo rm. list (Defaul t) Display s the sta tus and pr ogress of Me dia Patrol.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 206 Options -a <acti on> S pecifies the a ction to perfo rm. list (Defaul t) Displays th e active and p aused PD Ms and their stat us. start S tarts a manual PD M. stop S tops a PDM. paus e Pa uses a PDM. resum e Resumes a paus ed PDM.
Chapter 6: Managem ent with the CLI 207 online Fo rces a drive from an Of fline to an Online state. Caution: Do this actio n only in ex treme condit ions. It causes data corr uption in most cases . of fline Forces a dri ve from an Oni ne to an O ffline s tate.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 208 temppol lint=Drive temperatur e polling in terval in se conds. If value is 0, polling is disa bled. For sub systems wit h dual co ntrollers. 15..255 mediu merr orthres hold= Medium err or threshol d. If the thres hold is reac hed, the phy sical d rive i s mark ed as de ad.
Chapter 6: Managem ent with the CLI 209 phydrv -a locate -p 9 phyd rv -a mod -s "writecach e=enable, rlacache =enable" phy drv -a offlin e -p 8 phydrv -a online -p 8 ptiflash Usage ptiflas h.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 210 -p <por t number> Subsystems onl y . S pecifies the port numb er of the TF TP server. If no port numbe r is g iven, the de faul t valu e of 6 9 is us ed. Examples ptiflas h -f fw_multi_2005 1022.img[for SuperT rak controllers] ptiflas h -t -s 192.
Chapter 6: Managem ent with the CLI 211 Examples rc rc -a st art -l3 -n -p rc -a st art -l3 rc -a stop -l 2 rb Usage rb [-a <ac tion>] [-d < DaId>] [-s <SeqNo> ] rb -a st art -d <.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 212 sc Usage sc [-a <acti on>] [-i < S par eId> ] sc -a start [-i <S pareId>] Summary The sc command s tarts a S pare Check and monitors the statu s of a runn ing S pare Ch eck. Options -a <acti on> S pecifies the a ction to perfo rm.
Chapter 6: Managem ent with the CLI 213 Options -a <acti on> S pecifies the a ction to perfo rm. list (Defa ult) D ispla ys a lis t of ho t spare dr ives. add Adds new hot sp are drives . mod Chang es hot spare driv e set tings. del Deletes a hot spare drive.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 214 Summary The sp ath com mand disc overs and changes s ubsystem p aths. Options -a <acti on> Which a ction to perfo rm. list (Defaul t) List s the sub system p aths that ha ve been discov ered. disco ver Di scovers subsyst em pat hs.
Chapter 6: Managem ent with the CLI 215 Options -a <acti on> S pecifies the a ction to perfo rm. list (Defa ult) Dis plays the stati stics . clear Resets th e stati stics count to zero . -t <type> S pecifies th e device type. ctrl Control ler .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 216 Other users must wai t for you to unlo ck the system or for your l ock to ex pire . unloc k Clea rs a subs yste m lock. chkloc k Che cks the status of the lo ck. -s "<opt ion>=<val ue>" S pecifies which subsystem settings to change.
Chapter 6: Managem ent with the CLI 217 Options -a <acti on> S pecifies the a ction to perfo rm. list (Defaul t) Displays t he current background synch ronizatio n activities and thei r status. -l S pecifies the l ogical dr ive ID on w hich back ground synch ronization is running.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 218 T ran siti on is an oper ation to repl ace a r evert ible spare dri ve cur rentl y used i n a disk a rray with an new physica l drive, s o the reve ritible sp are can b e restored to spa re drive s tatus.
219 Chapter 7: T ec hnology Backgrou nd • Int rodu ction t o RAID ( below ) • Choos ing a RAID Le vel (pa ge 232) • Cho osin g S tripe Bloc k Size (page 23 6) • Choos ing Sector Siz e (page 23.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 220 RAID 0 – Stripe When a l ogical d rive is strip ed, the rea d and write b locks of da ta are interleave d betwee n the sectors of multiple physic al drives. Pe rformance is increased, s ince the work load is balance d between drive s or “members” t hat form the logica l drive.
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 221 RAID 1 – Mirror When a l ogical d rive is mirro red, identi cal data is written t o a pai r of phys ical drives, while re ads are perfo rmed in p arallel . The reads are performed using elevato r seek and load balan cing techn iques where the work load is distribu ted in the mos t effic ient manner .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 222 RAID 1E – Enhance d Mirro r RAID 1E offers th e security o f mirrored dat a provided by RAID 1 plus the add ed cap acity of more than two ph ysical drives. It al so of fers overall i ncreased rea d/ write p erformanc e plus the fl exibility o f using an odd number o f physical drives.
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 223 RAID 5 – Block Striping with Distributed Parity RAID 5 organizes block dat a and p arity dat a across the physic al drives. General ly , RAID Leve l 5 tends to exhibit lo wer random write perf ormance due to the heav y workloa d of pa rity recalcu lation for eac h I/O.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 224 RAID 6 – Block and Double Parity S tripe RAID l evel 6 store s dual pa rity dat a is rota ted acros s the physi cal drives along with th e block dat a. A RA ID 6 logical d rive can continue to accept I/O re quests when a ny two phys ical d rives fail.
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 225 RAID 10 – Mirror / S tripe Mirror/S tripe combin es both of the RAID 0 and RAID 1 logical drive typ es. RAID 10 is s imilar thoug h not identic al to RAID 0+1 . It can in crease perfor mance by reading and writi ng data i n paral lel while p rotecting dat a wi th duplicatio n.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 226 RAID 50 – Striped Distributed Parity RAID 5 0 combines bo th RAID 5 a nd RAID 0 fe atures. Dat a is s triped across physic al drives a s in RAID 0, and it us es distribut ed pari ty as in R AID 5. RAID 50 provide s data reliability , g ood overall performanc e, and suppo rts la rger volume sizes.
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 227 RAID 50 Axles When yo u create a RAID 50, y ou must spe cify the num ber of axl es. An axle refers to a single R AID 5 logic al drive t hat is stripe d with other RAID 5 logi cal drives to make RAI D 50.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 228 15 2 7,8 35 , 5 , 5 4 3,4,4,4 5 3,3,3,3,3 16 2 8,8 35 , 5 , 6 4 4,4,4,4 5 3,3,3,3,4 RAID 50 Logic al Drive No. of Drives No.
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 229 RAID 60 – S triping of Double Parity RAID 6 0 combines bo th RAID 6 a nd RAID 0 fe atures. Dat a is s triped across disks as in RAID 0, and it us es double di stributed parity as in RAID 6. RAID 60 provide s data reliability , g ood overall performance a nd support s larger v olume sizes.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 230 RAID 60 Axles When yo u create a RAID 60, y ou must spe cify the num ber of axl es. An axle refers to a single R AID 6 logic al drive t hat is stripe d with other RAID 6 logi cal drives to make RAI D 60.
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 231 18 2 9,9 36 , 6 , 6 4 4,4,5,5 19 2 9,10 36 , 6 , 7 4 4,5,5,5 20 2 10,10 36 , 7 , 7 4 5,5,5,5 5 4,4,4,4,4 RAID 60 Logic al Drive No.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 232 Choosing a RAID Level There are several issues to c onsider wh en choosing the RAID L evel for your logica l drive . The foll owing disc ussion su mmarize s some adv antage s, disadv antage s and app lication s for each c hoice.
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 233 RAID 1E Recom mended Appl ications fo r RAID 1E • Imaging applica tions • Dat abase servers • General fileserver RAID 5 Recom mended app lications fo r RAID.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 234 RAID 6 Recom mended app lications fo r RAID 6: • Accou ntin g/Fi nanci al • Dat abase se rvers • Any a pplication requiring very high avail ability RAID 10 Re.
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 235 RAID 50 Recom mended app lications fo r RAID 50: • File and Application Servers • T ransact ion Processi ng • Off ice appl ications with many users acce ssi.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 236 Choosing Stripe Block Size Y o u set the stri pe block size, also called b lock size , when y ou create a lo gical drive. W ith SuperT rak, th e choices are 64 KB, 128 KB, 2 56 KB, 512 KB , and 1024 KB. 6 4 KB is the defa ult.
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 237 • Linux o perating sys tems with the 2.6 kernel supp ort 64-bit L BA. For these OSes, al ways ch oose the defaul t 512 B sect or size . See “Cre ating a Logic al Drive” o n page 93 and “Creatin g a Logic al Drive” on page 159, and “Creating a Disk Array – Advanc ed Configu ration” on pag e 155.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 238 Read Cache Polic y • Read Cache – The read cache is en abled. • Read Ahead – Th e read cache and the re ad-ahead featu re are e nabled. Read-a head anticip ates t he next read a nd performs i t before th e request is made.
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 239 80.5 GB and the rep lacement dri ve can be 8 0.3, sinc e all are ro unded down to 80 GB. Th is permi ts the sm aller drive t o be used . Without C apaci ty Coercion, the controller will not permit the us e of a replacement physic al drive tha t is slightl y smaller th an the rem aining workin g drive(s ).
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 240 • Revertib le – A re verti ble spare driv e will r eturn t o spare status wh en th e failed d rive is re place with a new drive. Se e “T ransition” on pag e 249. Whenev er possib le, having a hot sp are drive in your RAID s ystem is g ood prote ction agains t physical drive failure .
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 241 RAID 0 A RAID 0 source log ical driv e can migra te to the fo llowing t arget logic al drives: T arget Requir ements RAID 0 A dd ph ysical driv es. RAID 1 2 physical drives only . Only a single-dri ve RAID 0 c an migra te to RAID 1 by adding 1 physica l drive.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 242 RAID 1 A RAID 1 Source logi cal drive ca n migrate to the follow ing T arget logica l drives : RAID 1E A RAID 1E Source logi cal drive can migrate to the follow ing T arget logic al drives: T arget Requir ements RAI D 0 Non e.
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 243 RAID 5 A RAID 5 Source logi cal drive ca n migrate to the follow ing T arget logica l drives : RAID 6 A RAID 6 Source logi cal drive ca n migrate to the follow ing T arget logica l drives : T arget Requir ements RAI D 0 Non e.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 244 RAID 10 A RAID 10 Source log ical driv e can migrat e to the fo llowing T arget lo gical drives : T arget Requir ements RAI D 0 Non e. RAI D 1E Non e. RAID 5 3 physic al drives m inimum, 16 maxi mum. RAID 10 must have l ess than 16 physica l drives .
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 245 RAID 50 A RAID 50 Source log ical driv e can migrat e to the fo llowing T arget lo gical drives : RAID 60 A RAID 60 Source log ical driv e can migrat e to the fo llowing T arget lo gical drives : T arget Requir ements RAI D 0 Non e.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 246 Ranges of Disk Array Exp ansion The Wind ows XP (32-bi t) operating sy stems sup port a 10-byte LBA format. As a result, t hese OSe s can only recognize 4 billion a ddresses.
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 247 At this p oint, you hav e the cho ice of: • For mat t he unpar titio ned/u nfor matt ed capac ity as a second logical drive • Delete the existin g disk array and creat e a new one in the desire d size Delete and Recre ate If yo u require a lo gical dri ve larger than the maxi mum exp ansion s ize: 1.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 248 Media Patrol Media Pa trol is a rout ine maint enance p rocedure that c hecks the magnetic media on ea ch physic al drive. Me dia Patrol c hecks all physical d rives as signed to disk arrays a nd on spa re drives . Media Patrol does not check unco nfigured d rives.
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 249 Because data w ould be lo st if wri tten to a bad s ector , when a bad sector is detecte d, the phy sical drive cre ates a m ap around it. These map s are sav ed in the ba d sect or rema pping table, whic h has a c apacity of 512 reass igned block s and 1024 e rror bl ock s.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 250 • The phy sical drive in channel 4 is a reverti ble sp are drive. The phy sical drive in chann el 2 fails. T he disk array become s degrade d and it s logica l drives go critic al.
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 251 Automatic T ransition At this j uncture, you would repla ce the failed drive in channel 2 w ith a new driv e of the s ame or greater capacity . When the SuperT rak cont roller dete cts the n ew drive in channel 2, it will: • T ransitio n the dat a from the d rive in chan nel 4 to th e drive i n channel 2.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 252 The phy sical drive in chann el 2 fails. T he disk array become s degrade d and it s logica l drives go critic al. The Su perT rak contr oller automa tically reb uilds t he disk array us ing the sp are drive , the physic al drive in c hannel 4 .
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 253 Critical & O f fline Logi cal Drives A fault-tol erant logi cal drive—RA ID 1, 1E, 5, 6 , 10, 50, or 60 —goes critic al wh en a phys ical driv e is removed or fails. Due to the fau lt toleran ce of the logi cal drive, the dat a is still avai lable and onl ine.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 254 • Sends email messa ges, per you r configura tion • Displ ays popup m essages, p er your confi guration (b elow) • Keep s a record in the Even t Log (below ).
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 255 Wit h a Hot S p are Dr ive When a ph ysical drive in a dis k array fails a nd a spare drive of ad equate cap acity is ava ilable, th e disk array will begin to rebuild au tomatica lly using t he spa re drive . Aft er the disk a rray rebuilds itself us ing the s pare dr ive, you mu st replace th e failed d rive.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 256 Aft er a succ essful re build: • The alarm is silent • The l ogical dr ive’s O peration al S ta tus is OK • The re built physi cal driv e S tat us LED disp .
257 Chapter 8: T roublesh ooting • Problem Repo rts from SuperT rak • Buzzer (p age 257) • LEDs (p age 257) •B I O S ( p a g e 2 5 9 ) • Pr oblem s Repor ted in Web P AM P RO (pag e 261) •.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 258 Global LED Display Global LEDs glow i n response to Logical Drive st atus. Direct LED Displa y Direct LEDs, glow a nd blink in response to the Supe rTrak ’s firmw are stat us.
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting 259 BIOS The pr oblem is fi rst reported in the SuperT rak BIOS screen when you b oot your PC or se rver, as shown below . Figure 1.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 260 Figure 2. SuperTrak BIOS screen, logical driv e offlin e If the Sup erT rak BIOS dete cts an O ffline logical drive, the BIOS reports th e conditi on and tempo rarily hal ts the bo oting proc ess of the H ost PC. Choos e a Mana gement appli cation: • Press Ctrl- S to open th e SuperBuild ut ility .
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting 261 Problems Reported in WebP AM PRO Open W ebP AM PRO If W ebP AM PRO i s not running , do the fo llowing ac tions: 1. Open WebP AM PRO. See “Logg ing into W ebP AM PRO” on p age 107 for more infor mation. 2. Click th e Subsystem icon in T ree V iew .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 262 • Keep s a record in the Even t Log (below ).
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting 263 Critical & O f fline Logi cal Drives A fault-tol erant logi cal drive—RA ID 1, 1E, 5, 6 , 10, 50, or 60 —goes critic al wh en a phys ical driv e is removed or fails. Due to the fau lt toleran ce of the logi cal drive, the dat a is still avai lable and onl ine.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 264 Figure 3. Physical Drive M anagement scr een In the ex ample abov e, there is no physic al drive for ID 3. Assumi ng you inst alled a p hysical drive onto Chann el 3 of the SuperT rak controll er , thi s is the fail ed physica l drive.
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting 265 Salva gi n g Physi cal Drives Physic al drives can dev elop problems that make the m unsuitab le for service in a logica l drive.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 266 Rebuilding a Logical Drive The reme dial acti on for a criti cal logical drive is to rebuild it , meaning the data from the failed ph ysical driv e is rebuilt onto a sp are or re placement p hysical drive .
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting 267 4. High light Start Manu al Rebu i ld and pres s Enter . The Man ual Rebuil d screen dis plays. 5. Highligh t the Source Sequence N umber and press Ent er . Then type the ID number o f one of th e physical dri ves you not ed in ste p 3 and press Enter .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 268 Recovering from a Blank Screen Occas ionally , while you are perf orming a RAID manage ment opera tion using W ebP AM PRO, y our browse r screen mig ht go blank. T o recov er fro m a bl ank brow ser s creen , do on e of the follow ing actions : • Press the F5 key .
269 Chapter 9: Sup port • Frequ ently Asked Ques tions (below) • Cont acting T echnical Su pport (pag e 273) • Limited W arranty (p age 276) • Returni ng the Produc t For Repa ir (page 27 8) F.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 270 How can I change the resources that the SuperT rak uses? The Super T rak EX Series Controllers are fully PnP . This means all the resourc es that it uses are giv en to it by th e PnP BIOS on th e motherboard.
Chapter 9: Support 271 I alrea dy have an ar ray on a Promi se FastT rak contro ller . Can I move that array to my new SuperT rak EX Series controller? No. T he Supe rTrak EX Ser ies co ntroll er support s SNIA Disk Data Format (DDF), which is not backward c ompat ible with t he FastT rak c ontroller .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 272 are cate gorized as a SCSI d evice. This allows you to set the boot s equence in your BIOS setup uti lity to bo ot from SCSI fi rst, rather t han IDE. If ther e are multipl e SCSI add-in controllers i n the syste m, then th e boot sequen ce among them will be determine d exclusivel y by thei r PCI slot priority .
Chapter 9: Support 273 Contacting T echnical Support Promise T echni cal Support pr ovides seve ral support op tions for Promise users to acces s informatio n and upda tes. We e ncourage you to use o ne of our e lectronic servic es, which prov ide produ ct informatio n updates for the most effic ient servic e and sup port.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 274 Germany It aly T aiwan E-mail Support e-Support On-Line Fax T echnical Support +49 0 2 31 56 76 48 29 Attn: T echnical Support Phone T echnica l Support +49 0 2 31 .
Chapter 9: Support 275 China E-mail Support e-Support On-Line Fax Support +86 10 8857 8015 Attn: T e chnical Supp ort Phone Suppo rt +86 10 885 7 8085 or 8095 If you wish to write us for su pport: Promise T echno logy China – Beijing Room 1205, T o wer C Webok T ime Center , No.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 276 Limited Warranty Promise T ech nology , Inc. (“Pro mise”) warrant s that t his product, from the time of the de liv ery of t he pro duct to the origin al end us.
Chapter 9: Support 277 Promise DOES NOT WAR RANT that any product is free from errors or th at it will inter face without pro blems with y our comp uter syst em. It is you r responsibi lity to bac k up or ot herwi se save impor tant da ta befor e instal ling any pr oduct and continu e to back up your imp ortant dat a regula rly .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 278 Returning the Pro duct For Repair If yo u suspect a pro duct is n ot working properly , or if you have any questions about y our produc t, contact our T echnical Su.
Chapter 9: Support 279 Y ou are responsibl e for the c ost of insura nce and shi pment of the p roduct to Promise . Note that dama ge incurr ed due to imp roper transport or pac kaging is not cov ered under the Limited W arranty .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 280.
281 Appendix A: Partitio n and Format In order f or your op erating sy stem to rec ognize and work with the physic al drives att ached to yo ur SuperT rak EX Controller card, the driv es must be partitio ned and form atted.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 282 3. Clic k the Next button to st art the W izard. 4. In the fo llowing wind ows, choose Disk 1 to Init ialize. Do no t choose any disks to Co nvert. Click the Finish b utton to Ini tialize the logical dis k. 5. Right-cli ck the Unalloc ated portion of Disk 1 and c hoose New Pa rtition.
Appendix A: P artition and Format 283 6. Clic k the Next button to st art the wi zard. 7. In the following window s, do the following actions. Click Next to move to the next window .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 284 When form atting is complete, your logi cal disk wil l appear a s a hard drive in the Di sk Managem ent window (a bove) and the My Co mputer wind ow (below).
285 Appendix B: Upgrades • Updati ng SuperT rak BIOS a nd Firmware (page 285) • Updati ng WebP AM PRO (page 28 6) Updating SuperTrak BIOS and Firmware Follow this proced ure to upgrade the BIOS and Fi rmware on you r SuperT rak EX4650, EX8 650, EX8654, EX8658, or EX1665 0 Controlle r card.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 286 Updating WebP AM PRO Follow this proced ure to upgrade the We bP AM PRO Sof tware on your PC or server. Downloading the W ebP AM PRO Up date File 1. Go to the Pro mise webs ite http://su pport.promi . 2. Clic k Downloads .
287 Appendix C: Battery Backup Unit The Batter y Backup U nit (BBU) maint ains powe r to the ca che on the Sup erTra k EX Co ntro ller c ard, when a pow er fai lure o ccur s to t he Ho st PC.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 288 Installing the BBU T o instal l the BBU onto yo ur SuperT rak EX Con troller card in the Host PC: 1. Power down your system. 2. Remove the cover of yo ur s ystem. 3. Detach th e SAS multi-lan e cables from th e SuperT rak EX Con troller card.
Appendix C: Battery Backup Unit 289 Figure 2. BBU module connectors o n EX4650. Other mode ls are simila r 8. From the op posite side of the SuperT rak EX Cont roller card, i nsert and sn ug the three screws to secure the Ba ttery Assemb ly . Figure 3.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 290 10. Re place the screw holdin g the SuperT rak EX Cont roller card to the syste m case. 1 1. Attac h the SAS multi-l ane cables to the SuperT rak EX Controller ca rd. 12. Re place the cover of your sys tem. 13. Po wer-up the s ystem and laun ch We bP AM PRO.
291 Appendix D: LED Backplane Con nections • Schemat ic Diagram s (below) • Direct LED Disp lay (pa ge 293) • Agg rega te LED D ispla y (page 29 3) • Global LED Display (page 294) Schemati c Diagrams T o set up LE D configuratio n for your enclosure or PC, make y our backplan e connec tions as sh own below .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 292 Figure 2. SuperTrak fault a nd activity LED con nections For LED status an d behavi or information , see the tables on the follo wing pa ges.
Appendix D: LED Backplane Connections 293 Direct LED Display Direct LEDs, glow a nd blink in response to the Supe rTrak ’s firmw are stat us. For more inform ation, see: • “Managi ng Physical Dr.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 294 Global LED Display Global LEDs glow i n response to Logical Drive st atus. When a G lobal LED glows amb er or red, yo u must diag nose and res olve the logica l drive pro blem in the SuperBuild B IOS or in W ebP AM PRO.
295 Index Numerics 10GBTru ncate 238 2 TB limitati on 237 A About This Manual 1 add host 120 subs ystem 120 Agent, WebPAM PRO 37, 121, 126 airflow, PC or server 8, 268 alias contro ller 141 disk ar ra.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 296 CLI, cont. start 27, 179 Clie nt/Ser ver, We bPAM PRO 121 conne ction, in -band vers us out-of- band 121 contro ller alias 141 informat ion 86, 139 sele ction 85 se.
Ind ex 297 enclosu re informat ion 145 JBOD 14, 16 polling int erval 142 SGPI O 15 SuperS wap 16 third party 146, 150, 167, 176 virtual 15, 146, 150, 167, 176 VTrak 14, 147, 151, 167, 176 error bl ock.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 298 insta lling, cont. CLI FreeBS D 35 Linux 28 VMware 36 Windows 23 Free BSD dr iver 76 Miracl e Linux driver 75 RedHat L inux driv er 70 SuperTr ak EX Contr oller car.
Ind ex 299 logical drive, co nt. status 92, 93, 166 stri pe size 21, 93, 156, 159 synchr onizin g 160, 168 write cach e policy 22, 94, 95, 156, 160, 169 login screen, W ebPAM P RO 56, 109 M maintenan .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 300 Produc t Overview 2 R RAID choosin g a RAI D level 232 introduc tion to 219 VTrak su bsystem 145 RAID leve l logica l drive 93, 155, 159 migrate 161, 240 RAID 0 app.
Ind ex 301 save Event F rame 114 NVRAM ev ent log 132 runtime event log 131 schedul ed activities delete 137 list 135 schedul ing Medi a Patr ol 135 Redundanc y Check 135 Spare Ch eck 135 sect or siz .
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 302 subsys tem, cont . JBOD 14, 16 subsys tem/ho st inform ation 120 super u ser 118 SuperB uild backgroun d activity 100 buzzer 104, 257 cont roller in format ion 86 c.
Ind ex 303 view, cont. schedul ed activities 135 system configurati on 137 view-on ly user 118 virtual enclosur e 15 VMware insta lling CLI 36 drivers 78 VTrak JB OD 14, 16, 147, 151, 167, 176 VTrak R.
SuperTrak EX Series User Manual 304 WebPAM PRO, con t. logica l drive check t able 170 create 159 delete 160 info 166, 167, 177 initia lize 169 loca te 167, 176 Redundanc y Check 170 settings 168 stat.
デバイスPromise Technology EX4650の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Promise Technology EX4650をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPromise Technology EX4650の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Promise Technology EX4650の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Promise Technology EX4650で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Promise Technology EX4650を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPromise Technology EX4650の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Promise Technology EX4650に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPromise Technology EX4650デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。