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QSDF8204 Digi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual i QSDF8 204 DVR User Manual For H.264-4-c h annel D igital V ideo R ecorder All rig hts reserve d Rev 102208 B.
QSDF8204 Digi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual ii C ONTENT S CHAPTER 1 Introduction ................................................................................. 4 1.1 DVR Intr oductio n ...........................................................
QSDF8204 Digi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual iii CHAPTER 5 Operation with Mouse ............................................................... 48 5.1 Switch C hannel .................................................................................
QSDF8204 D igi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 4 CHAPTER 1 Introduc tion 1.1 DVR I ntroduction This DVR u s es Dual S tream te chnology , and standar d H.
QSDF8204 Digi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 5 PTZ C ONTROL • Support s vario us PTZ pro tocols • S upport s 16 PTZ pr eset s • Support s remot e PTZ control C OMMUNICA T ION PORT FOR PTZ CAM.
QSDF8204 D igi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 6 CHAPTER 2 Panel F unction s Warning : P lease power off the DVR before you conn ect ot her de vic es to it . 2.1 Check A ccessories W hen you receive t he unit, pleas e c heck the acc essor ies and m ake su re you have al l of the par ts .
QSDF8204 Digi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 7 Fig2.1 Front Pa nel Item Nam e Function 1 Digita l button s Input number s or choose camera s 2 +/Menu but ton 1. In crease the v alue in se tup 2. Enter me nu in live mode 3 - /Backup 1. Decreas e the value in setup 2.
QSDF8204 D igi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 8 2.3 Rear P anel Layout subj ect to change, may be slightly dif ferent from yo ur model . The r ear p a nel sketch and in terface buttons are show n below : Items N ames Functions 1 ALARM IN Connect to ext ernal sensor 1 - 4.
QSDF8204 Digi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 9 2.4 Remot e C ontrol Introduction 2.4.1 Us ing Remote Control Notice T o setup Remote C o ntrol : : Pl ea se not e tha t Re mote Con trol is n ot a standard part of thi s DVR. Y our pa cka ge mi ght n ot inc lude it.
QSDF8204 D igi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 10 The func tions of t he buttons on the Remote Control ar e describe d in t he table below : Item s Name s Function s 1 P ower But ton Start shutdow n to stop fir mware runn ing. Do it before power ing off.
QSDF8204 Digi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 11 CHAPTER 3 Basic O pera tion Gui de 3.1 How to St art DVR Notice T o start the DVR : : Before powering on the unit , pleas e ma k e sure t he pow er input matches the loca l power volt age . STEP1 Connect the DVR to AC adapt or and plu g in.
QSDF8204 D igi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 12 3.2 Main Me n u S etting There is a n adminis trator setup in the DVR. The administra tor ha s con trol over all sett ings . The user nam e is "Admin ", and def ault pas sw ord is "1234 56".
QSDF8204 Digi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 13 3.2.1 B asic C onfiguration B as ic C onfigurat ion menu is show n as F ig . 3.4. Fig 3. 5 T ime adjust men t 1. VIDEO FOR MA T T here are two video format s: NTSC and P AL. Please se lect acc ording t o your area, NTS C is used in the US A.
QSDF8204 D igi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 14 5. DVR ID DVR ID consi sts of three n umbers. STEP1 M ove the cur sor to the it em . STEP2 Press " Ente r " key to modif y number s. STEP3 Enter thr ee numbers, and then press " Ente r " key to confirm the modified entr y .
QSDF8204 Digi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 15 STEP2 Enter chan nel nam e . STEP3 Press " Ente r " key to conf irm the op eration . 3. SHO W NAME If select ing " SHOW NAME " , th e camera name will be display ed in live view . If unselect ing " SHOW NAME " , the camer a nam e will not be displa y ed .
QSDF8204 D igi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 16 3. PRERECORD TIME Prerecord t im e refers to the a mount of tim e recorde d from memor y befo re the alarm w as triggered . Ther e ar e two options: 5 seco nds and 10 seco nds . 4. TIM E ST AMP If select ed , r ecord time w ill be displayed on the bo ttom of the s cr ee n at playback 5.
QSDF8204 Digi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 17 STEP7 Press " Ente r " key to conf irm the s etup . O n weekday and holiday , y ou can select whole day or set four periods in a day to re cord. 9. FRAME RA TE SE T UP F rame rate is the num ber of pi ctures re corded each sec ond .
QSDF8204 D igi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 18 1. HOLD TIME Thi s sets the c ontin ued re cord ing time aft er an alarm is tri ggered . There ar e two options : 1 minute a nd 2 minutes. It also determ ines the i nterval between motion detec tion events .
QSDF8204 Digi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 19 Fig 3. 11 D etection A rea S etup S ub -s teps for man ually sel ecting the dete c tion area are desc ribed bel ow: 1. In the Area S etup subme nu, c hoose " CUSTO M " op tion . 2. Press " Enter " key to confir m the operation.
QSDF8204 D igi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 20 1. HOLD TIME Thi s sets the contin ued record ing time aft er an alarm is trigg ered. T here are two options : 1 minute a nd 2 minutes. It also de ter mines th e interv al betw een mo tion de tect ion events .
QSDF8204 Digi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 21 OTHER ALARM Other Alar m submenu is show n in Fig. 3.13 . Other alar m incl udes video loss , disk fu ll and so on. Fig 3. 13 O t her A larm Conf igurati on Ther e are tw o options of alar m outpu t: ALARMO UT1 and BU ZZER.
QSDF8204 D igi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 22 STEP2 In P reset s ubmenu , press " Ente r " button to sw i tch t he p res et p oint needing t o be reset.
QSDF8204 Digi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 23 1. AUTHORI Z AT I O N CHECK If y ou put a checkmar k in " AUTHORI Z AT I O N CHECK " , all users need to input the p asswor d before ent ering t he Main M enu. If you do not check " AUTHORI ZA TION CHECK " , user s can enter the syst em directly w ithout passw ord .
QSDF8204 D igi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 24 6. DELETE USER STEP1 Move the cur s or t o the " DEL " butt on on the screen . STEP2 P ress " Ente r " key to conf irm the operat ion. When a user is de leted, the usern ame and p asswor d will n o longer exist in t he syste m .
QSDF8204 Digi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 25 Thi s is the DVR ’ s I P c onfigur ation . There are three opt ions: ST A TIC, DHCP and PPP oE. If you use t he S tati c IP address opt ion you will need t o acce ss the rout er the DVR is attac hed and get the s etup infor mation.
QSDF8204 D igi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 26 DDNS CONFIGUR A TI ON DDNS C onfiguration sub menu is shown as Fig. 3.22. T he DVR does not currently support any DDNS server s in the USA, support ma y be added i n future firmw are updat es. Fig 3.
QSDF8204 Digi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 27 There are tw o options: FORM A T and CANC EL. 1. Q UICK FORMA T If you chec k this item, you can fo rmat the har d drive quickly .
QSDF8204 D igi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 28 SYSTEM INFO R M AT I O N System infor mation submenu i s show n as Fig . 3.30 . It display s the informati on about t he syste m, such as fi rm ware versio n, device n ame, DVR IP ADDRESS , C lient i nformati on and so on.
QSDF8204 Digi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 29 IMPORT C ONF IGURA T ION & EXPORT CONFIGUR A TION Thi s function is used to he lp users ma nage multi ple DVR s co nveniently . When users need to set up the same p arameters in more tha n one DVR, they can copy o ne DVR ’ s setti ng to all other s wit hout set ting them up one by one .
QSDF8204 D igi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 30 ZOOM STEP4 In PTZ mode , p res s " ZOOM " button. STEP5 P ress " + " and " - " butt on s to zo om in and z oom out . FOCUS STEP1 In PTZ mode , p res s " FOC US " button.
QSDF8204 Digi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 31 2. Search b y Ti m e All record s can be searc hed through this option . S tep s of search i ng by time are below : STEP1 In Calendar submenu, s elect d ate. STEP2 Press " Ente r " key to enter t he Playback subm enu, refe r to F ig .
QSDF8204 D igi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 32 STEP6 C hoose an ev ent record . STEP7 P ress " Enter " key to play back the reco rd STEP8 Press " Stop " button to get b ack to liv e dis pl ay m ode .
QSDF8204 Digi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 33 (7) BACKUP Before to ba c kup, users shou ld se lect BACKUP MEDIA, BACKUP FILE, CHANNEL, S T ART TIME , END TI ME a n d EVENTS . STEP1 Press " BACKUP " button, the backup info r mation of DVR w ill display on the screen ( r efer to Fig.
QSDF8204 D igi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 34 LOCK/UNLOCK Lock subme nu is show n as F ig. 3.43 . Its func tion is to lock or unlock the record. Fig 3. 43 LOCK/UNLOCK Use " E n ter " key to change the st ate . If a record ev ent i s locked, it can not be deleted or covered .
QSDF8204 Digi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 35 CHAPTER 4 Remote Sur v eillance 4.1 A ccessing DVR The system support s remot e surveillance thro ugh a network or Inter net.
QSDF8204 D igi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 36 4.1.2 Accessing D VR O ver the Inter net When access i ng the DVR over the I nternet , in addit ion to the abov e ste ps, you would the n need t o forw ard port 80 on the router the DVR is at tached to, to the I P address of the DVR.
QSDF8204 Digi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 37 Fig 4 .1. 3 4.2 Main I nte rface The function butt on s of the re mote survei llance di s play are shown in Fig .4. 4. Login Software Setup Remote Playback Remote DVR Configuration Remote PTZ Large Picture DVR Record Quad Picture Next Video Channel Snap Picture Camera Audio Fi g 4.
QSDF8204 D igi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 38 4.2.4 Record STEP1 Click " DVR Record " button . STEP2 Select " St art Record " in drop dow n list to record . STEP3 Select " S top Record " in drop dow n list to st op recordin g .
QSDF8204 Digi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 39 Meaning s of the function button s in R emote Play back windo w are show n below : 1. : Play /Pa use . 2. : S top . 3. : Next frame. T his butt on will be valid when play back is pause d. 4. Y ou can adjust the speed for play ing record in the ar ea sh own as Fig 4.
QSDF8204 D igi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 40 4.3.2 Other Functio ns B ACKUP Click butt on to enter the Ba ckup window shown as Fig 4. 8 B ackup . Fig 4. 8 B ackup There are tw o methods of ba ckup: by time and by event . 1. TIME BACKUP STEP1 Select time and re c ord t ype .
QSDF8204 Digi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 41 1. Choose event and pres s " >> " button to go to back up lis t, C lick " >>>> " to choo se all event s.
QSDF8204 D igi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 42 4.4 Remot e DVR C onfiguration Click butt on in M ain Interfac e to ent er the DVR Configura tion inter face shown as F ig 4.12 Remo te DV R Configur ation . Fig 4. 12 Remote DVR Configuration Definition s of button s in Fig 4.
QSDF8204 Digi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 43 Fig 4. 13 Basic Config urati on 1. Vid eo For m at Select video format in the d rop down list . Ther e are tw o video for mat s : PA L and NTSC . 2. T ime Pos iti on Select time po siti on on the DVR display in the drop dow n list.
QSDF8204 D igi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 44 L IVE CONFI GU R A TION 1. C hannel Select the option in t he drop down list t o change the channel of t he camer a . 2. C hannel Hide Select the che ck box to hid e the pi c ture in t he live display mode.
QSDF8204 Digi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 45 1. Parameter S etting Th is s etting is the same as ‘ 3.2.3 R ec ord C onfigura tion ’ of the DVR. If you change it on N etwork Client , th e DVR w ill change along wit h it. 2. Schedule R ecord The defau lt value of S c hedul e R ecord is not active.
QSDF8204 D igi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 46 D ISK MANAGEMENT Displays the inform ation of the hard dis k. FIRMW ARE U P D AT E DVR firmw are can be updated remotely thr ough N et work C li ent softw are . STEP1 Select the path to the updat ing file .
QSDF8204 Digi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 47 1. C hannel Select the channel used by t he PTZ camera . 2. Baud R ate Select the Baud Rate of the PT Z camera . T he default value i s 9600. 3. Protocol The commun ication prot ocol of P TZ camera. 4.
QSDF8204 D igi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 48 CHAPTER 5 Operati on w ith a Mous e 5.1 Swit ch ing Di spla y Channels can be select ed and alter ed using a Mouse .
QSDF8204 Digi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 49 FOCUS Click " FOCUS + " bu tton to focus the S peed Dome f urther aw ay . Click " FOCUS - " button to foc us the S peed Dome close r . ZOOM Click " ZOOM + " and " ZOOM - " buttons to contr ol the S peed Dome zoom ing in and zoomin g out .
QSDF8204 D igi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 50 CHAPTER 6 Mobile Sur veillance T his DVR sup port s mobile surveillan c e by smart phone s and PDAs wi th W inCE or S y m bia n o per ating system s that ar e on 3G netw ork s .
QSDF8204 Digi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 51 STEP4 Click “ Ye s ” to download and ins tall. STEP5 PCam will be opened after inst all ed . STEP6 I nput the server ’ s address, ID, and pas sword resp ectively i n the column s of “ S erver ” , “User”, a nd “Password”.
QSDF8204 D igi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 52 STEP7 Camera 1 is th e defaul t disp lay after lo gin. C han ge the camera in the drop d own menu of “ Chan nel ”. Notice 6.2 B y Smart Phone with Sy mbian Operat in g Sy stem : User name and p assword here are the sam e as that used on the DVR .
QSDF8204 Digi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 53 STEP4 The securit y w indow will pop up after downloa ded and ask if you want to install the package. C lick YE S to inst all. STEP5 A Scam shortc ut icon app ears on the sy st e m men u af ter fi nished .
QSDF8204 D igi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 54 STEP7 Click Op tions --- >S ettings to enter login i nter face. STEP8 I nput the serv er ’ s address, ID and passw ord respe ctively . Then click OK to log in to the D VR . (Se e 4.1.2 Acces sing th e DVR ov er the Internet) STEP9 I t will sh ow the ca mera after acce ss ing su ccessful ly .
QSDF8204 Digi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 55 CHAPTER 7 Freque ntl y A sk ed Questions Q1. Why is the DVR not st art ing af ter con nect ing the power ? a. T he adapter has been d amaged. P lease cha nge the adapter b. The ad apter is not producing eno ugh pow er .
QSDF8204 D igi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 56 Q6. M ouse does not wor k, what coul d be wron g? a. W ait for 5 sec ond s after mouse connected t hen try . b. Not being id entified . Plug/u nplug sev era l time s. c. The mouse is inc omp atible. Please try a dif ferent mous e.
QSDF8204 Digi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 57 ③ Enable a ll the sub options under “ActiveX contr ols and plug - in s” ④ T hen clic k OK to finish setu p . b. Other p lug - ins , firewall s, or anti - virus program s ma y b lock A ctiveX. Pleas e uni nstall or clo se th em.
QSDF8204 D igi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 58 Appendix A S t a ndard s & Specifi cations Model 4 Channel VID EO Input L evel 4 × BNC 1 . 0Vp - p± 10% .
QSDF8204 Digi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 59 Control D evice Front P anel , USB mouse , rem ote contr oller PTZ control Panel, m ouse rem ote contr oller o r internet Appendix B Re cord Ca pa c i t y The follow ing tab le shows the record capa city of gros s four channels recorded in one hour .
QSDF8204 D igi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 60 Q- SEE Product Warranty Thank you for choos ing our pr oducts. All of our pr oducts hav e a conditi onal free w arrant y re pair ser vice for hardw are within 1 2 months starting f rom purchas e date, and a f ree exchange service within on e month (va lid for m anufactur ing def ects ).
QSDF8204 Digi tal V ideo R ecorder U ser Manual 61 Customer Information Card User ’ s Name Comp any Address Post al c ode Phone Number E- ma il Model Number Serial Numb er Purchase D ate Distributor.
デバイスQ-See QSDF8204の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Q-See QSDF8204をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはQ-See QSDF8204の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Q-See QSDF8204の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Q-See QSDF8204で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Q-See QSDF8204を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はQ-See QSDF8204の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Q-See QSDF8204に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちQ-See QSDF8204デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。