Radio Shackメーカー240の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Cat. No . 43- 962A OWNER’S MANUAL Ple ase rea d be for e us in g t hi s eq uip men t. Sy st em 24 0 60-Nu mber Mem ory Caller ID 43- 96 2A. fm P age 1 M ond ay , Au gu st 16, 1 999 3 :33 PM.
2 Warning: To re duc e the r isk of fir e or sh ock ha z ard, do not exp os e th i s prod uct to rain or mo i stur e. RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK. DO NOT OPEN. CAUT IO N : TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT REMOVE COVER OR BACK. NO USER-SERVICEABLE P AR TS INSIDE.
3 FEA T URES The Radio Shack System 240 60-Nu mber Memor y Caller ID is t he lat est i n tele - phone t echn ol ogy. W hen you subsc ribe to Cal ler ID se rvice , the tel ephon e c om- pany send s t he caller ’s nam e, t elephone number , th e date, and the time of the call between t he firs t and second ri ngs.
4 Tril ingual Messages — lets you set the modul e to di splay mes sage s in En- gli sh, F rench, or Sp ani sh. Contra st Control — let s you adjust the di sp lay c ontrast for the bes t vi sibi lit y. This module h as been test ed and foun d to comp ly with all applicab le UL an d FCC standar ds.
5 FCC IN FORMA TION We have des igned your System 240 t o confor m to federa l regul ation s, and you can connect i t to most t elepho ne lines . However, each system (an d each de - vice, such a s a tele phone or ans wering machine) that yo u connect to the t ele- phone li ne draws power from the l ine.
6 Note: You must not connect the module to : • Coin- operat ed system s • Part y-li ne system s • Mos t el ectroni c key tel epho ne syst em s In t he unli kely ev ent th at your module caus es pr oblems o n the te lephone l ine, the tel ephone company can disconnec t your serv ice.
7 This module complies wit h the limit s for a Class B digital device as spec ifi ed in Part 15 of FCC Rules . These limit s provi de reaso nable pr otecti on again st radi o and TV interf eren ce in a re sident ial a rea. Howe ver, y our module mi ght cause TV or radi o interfe rence even when it is oper atin g p roperl y.
8 CONTENTS Ins tal ling B atter ies ..... ... .... ... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... ... .... ..... ... ..... .... ... . 9 Connecti ng to the Phone Line ..... ...... . .... . ..... ..... ...... ... .. . ..... ...... ... .. .
9 IN S TAL L ING BATTE RIES The S ystem 240 is power ed by t hree AAA bat teries. For the longe st operat ion, we recomm end you use al kalin e batt eries (Radio Shack Cat. No . 23-5 55). F oll ow these st eps to inst all the bat teri es. Note: If you are replaci ng th e batter ies, unpl ug t he module fro m the phone lin e.
10 When t he battery l ow indica tor ( ) appear s in the t op left corn er of the di s- play or t he displ ay di ms, r eplace t he batt erie s. Cauti ons: • Onc e you r emove the bat teri es fr om the Cal ler ID mo dule, you have 7 sec- onds to i nstal l new batteri es withou t losi ng saved informat ion.
11 CONNECT ING TO THE PHONE L INE CONNECTING TO A SIN GLE LINE The Cal ler I D mo dul e connec ts t o the phone li ne u si ng a modul ar t el ephone-l ine connect or. I f yo ur phone l in e does not have t his type of jac k, you ca n up dat e t he wiri ng your self using n ecessary adapt ers av ailab le at your l ocal RadioSha ck store.
12 Foll ow the se steps to co nnect the modul e to the phone line. 1. Unplug the p hone’ s cord f rom the phon e l ine j ack and plug t his cord i nto the modul e’s PHONE ja c k. 2. Plug one end of the sup plied modu lar c ord i nto t he m odule’ s WA L L jac k.
13 CONNECTING TO A T WO-LINE, THREE-WAY JACK You can c onnec t the mod ule to a two -line pho ne using a t wo -li ne, three- way jack (Ca t. No. 27 9-4 02). Th e modu le only s hows infor mation about c alls re- ceiv ed on the lin e to whi ch it i s con nect ed.
14 2. Plug the phone’ s cord i nt o the L1 + L2 jack on the adapte r . 3. Plug one end of the sup plied modu lar c ord i nto t he m odule’ s WA L L jac k. 4. Plug the other end of t he m od ular c ord i nto ei ther t he L1 or L2 jack on the adapt er , d epending on which lin e’ s call s you want to monitor .
15 CONNECTING TO AN AN SWERING MACHINE 1. Unplug the answe ring machi ne’ s co rd from t he phone line jack, the n p lug t he cord i nto the module’ s PH ON E j a ck. 2. Pl u g one end of the supp lied p hone co rd in to th e WAL L jack o n the mod- ule.
16 MOUNTING THE M ODULE You ca n place t he module on a des ktop or tabl e, o r mount it on a wa l l. To m ount the Syst em 240 on a wall, you ne ed two wood screws ( not suppl ied). 1. Use the brac ket as a t emplate t o mark the sc rew loca tions , then dr ill t wo holes into the wall .
17 3. Disconne ct the phone l ines from t he System 240 and t hre ad them thr ough the l ower o pening on the br ack et. 4. Reconnect the phone l ines to the Sys- tem 240, the n slide the modu le onto the br acke t, and push th e module down to se cur e it .
18 SETTING THE DISPLAY LANGUAGE The Syst em 240 i s preset to dis play mes- sages in English. To select a la nguage at any time, hol d down bo th review buttons unt il SELECT LANGUAGE appear s, the n rel ease the but tons. ESP FRA ENG ap- pears . To s ele ct Span ish, press DELETE .
19 ADJUSTING T HE DISPLAY CONTRAST Follo w these steps to adjust the displ a y’ s contr ast for t he best vis ibil i ty. 1. Press eit her RE VIEW but ton so – NO CALLS – (or a call re cord) appe ars. Then hold down DELETE . 2. Withi n 6 secon ds, repe ated ly pres s REVIEW to d ecre ase the con trast o r REVIEW to i ncr eas e i t.
20 CALLER I D INFORMATION The m odule automati call y dis plays a ll r eceive d Call er ID infor mation for ev ery inco ming cal l bet ween the firs t and s econd ri ng. As it r eceive s call s, i t s tores the inf ormati on in t he module’ s memor y for lat er reca ll.
21 Note: The displ ay shows u p to 10 digit s of th e phon e number. If t he incomi ng phone numb er i s longer than 10 di gits , th e displa y shows onl y the las t 10 digi ts . Descri ption Display (Engl ish, French, Spanish) Appears th e first ti me you revie w a ca ll’s in for - mation.
22 Appears if the cal l er has elect ed to block Call er I D informat ion. Mess age appea rs f or about 30 sec onds and the cal l indicat or fla shes. ANONY MO US C AL L CONFI DE NTIE L LLAMA DA ANO NI MA Appears if the Cal ler ID in formati on was gar - bled .
23 Appears if there ar e no call rec ords in the sys- tem’ s memory whe n you pr ess a REVI EW ke y . -NO CALLS- -AUCUN APPEL- NO HA Y LLAMADAS Appears when cal l inf ormat ion is no t sent by the t elephon e c ompany. This h appens if you have not subscri bed t o Ca ller I D s ervice o r if you answe r th e call bef ore the seco nd ring.
24 DELETING CALL RECORDS To del ete the disp layed call recor d, qui ck ly press DELE TE twic e . To del ete al l cal l r ecords, hold down DELETE for ab out 6 s econds.
25 CARE AND MAINTENANCE Your Radio Shack Syst em 240 60- Number Memor y Caller ID i s an example of superi or des ign an d cr af tsma nshi p. The f ol lowing suggest ions will help you car e fo r the modu le so you ca n e njoy it f or years . Keep the mod ule dry.
26 Handle the module ge ntly a nd caref ully. D ropp ing it ca n damage the ci rcuit b oard s and c an cause the modul e to wo rk imprope rly. Wipe t he mo dul e with a d am p cl oth o ccas io nally to kee p it look- ing ne w. Do not us e harsh ch emic als, c leanin g solven ts, or str ong deterg ents to cl ean th e module .
27 LIGHTNING This syst em has bui lt-in pro tecti on circ uits to reduce t he risk of damage from surges in phon e and power l ine current . Thes e pr otect ion cir cuits meet or ex - ceed t he FCC requi rements. However , li ghtni ng str iki ng the phone or po wer lines can dam age th e system .
28 NOTES 43-9 62 A.f m Pag e 28 Monday , Au gu st 16 , 199 9 3:33 PM.
29 43-9 62 A.f m Pag e 29 Monday , Au gu st 16 , 199 9 3:33 PM.
30 43-9 62 A.f m Pag e 30 Monday , Au gu st 16 , 199 9 3:33 PM.
31 Lim it ed One-Y ear W arr ant y Thi s product is warrante d by RadioSha ck again st man ufactur ing def ects in mate rial and workmanshi p under normal use for one (1) year from the date of purc hase from R adioShack company- owned stores and author i zed Ra dioShac k franchi sees and de aler s.
RadioSh ack A Div ision of T andy Corpo ration For t Worth, T exas 761 02 4A 7 Pr int ed in Th ai land (Conti nued) parts and produc ts, an d produ cts on w hich a refund is mad e, becom e the prop er t y of RadioShac k. New or r econditio ned part s and produ cts ma y be us ed in the performanc e of war rant y se rvic e.
デバイスRadio Shack 240の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Radio Shack 240をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはRadio Shack 240の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Radio Shack 240の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Radio Shack 240で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Radio Shack 240を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はRadio Shack 240の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Radio Shack 240に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちRadio Shack 240デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。