Radio ShackメーカーBTX-128の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Owner’s M anual Please read before using thi s equipment. BTX-128 2-Chann el 1-Wat t UHF Bus iness Ba nd Transc eiver with CTCSS Page 1 Friday, November 10, 2000 11:04 AM.
2 Contents ˆ Contents FCC Regulations .............. ...... ........... . 5 FCC License Requ ired .................... . 5 FCC Part 90 Rul es ............... ........... . 7 A Quick L ook at Y our T ransceiver .................... .......... 13 Preparation .
3 Features Setti ng a UH F Busi ness Band Frequenc y ............. ................. ....... 2 3 About Qu iet T one .............. ........... .. 28 Operation . ................. ........... ............. 33 Care .......... ........... ...............
4 Features tran sceive r to any UH F busi ness b and frequenc y you hav e a licen se to us e – no crystal s to buy ! Note: Your loc al Radi oShack store m ust send the transc eiver to an au thor ized s er- vice fac ility to program the transceiv er with a frequenc y.
5 FCC Regulations ˆ FCC R egulations FCC LICENSE REQUIRED This trans ceiver is intend ed for use in the operat ion of com merci al a ctivitie s, educ a- tional, philanthro pic, or e cclesia stical in- stit utions, a nd hosp itals, c linics, or medic al as socia tions .
6 FCC Regulations same are a. For more informa tion about getting a licens e, conta ct the PCIA at 800-759- 0300, exten sion 3068 (i n Virgin- ia 703-7 39-0300, e xtension 3068). For other questi ons conce rning the l i- cense a pplicati on, contac t the FCC at 717-337- 1212, o r write: FCC P.
7 FCC Regulations If you do not ha ve a fax mach ine, you ca n call t he Gove rnment Form s Distri buti on Center at 1-8 00-418-FO RM and request that the form and i nstructio ns be ma iled to you. FCC PART 90 RULES You mus t be famil iar with Part 90 of FCC Rules before you opera te your tran sceiv- er.
8 FCC Regulations Overall, Pa rt 90 state s that: • Y ou must have a val id licens e before you us e the transce iver . • As li censee, you are re spons ible for prope r operation of all tran sceive rs operat ing under yo ur license author- ity .
9 FCC Regulations •Y ou m ust alw a ys y ield the operatin g frequenc y to com munic ations th at in vo lv e the saf ety of lif e or proper ty . • Y ou must t ake re asonable precau- tions to pre vent harmful int erference to ot her servi ces operat ing on th e same fr equency .
10 FCC Regulations • During each trans mission or exchan ge of tran smissions , you must i dentify your st ation wit h the call si gn issu ed to yo u by the FCC, or on ce ea c h 15 minut es dur ing p eri- ods of c ontinuou s opera tion.
11 FCC Regulations • reorient or relo cate the recei ving ante nna • increas e the dist ance betwe en the equipm ent and the radio or T V • use outle ts on dif ferent elec trical cir- cuits for the equ ipment and the radi o or TV Consu lt your loc al RadioSh ack store if the pr oblem still exists .
12 FCC Regulations perf orman ce o f th e tra nsc eiver so it no longer m eets the original FCC t ype ac- ceptanc e or w ould c hange t he freque ncy- deter mining method are stri ctly proh ibit- ed.
13 A Quick Look at Your T ransceiver FCC Rules prior to operatin g your tran s- ceiver. It is th e u se r 's re sp ons ib ili ty to se e that this uni t is operating at all times in accordanc e with the FCC Rul es . ˆ A Quick Look at Y our T ran sceiver CHANNEL A/B VOLUME /OFF TX/BA TT EAR/M IC MON PTT 19-1207.
14 Preparation ˆ Prepar ation INSTALLING THE BATTERY PACK The sup plied N i-MH battery pack, whe n fully ch arged, pr ovides po wer to your transceiv er for up to 10 hours. Yo u must install the battery pac k into your tran s- ceiver, then char ge it.
15 Preparation ment co ver in the di rect ion of t he arrows and lift it of f. 2. Plug the batte ry pack’ s connec tor into the co nnect or inside th e battery compar tment. T hen pla ce the battery pack i n the compart ment. Note: The c onnector fits only on e way .
16 Preparation To ensu re maximu m range, o perate th e transce iver with the batte ry pack fully char ged. As the vol tage decre ases, the range decre ases. Caution: The s upplied 12V DC, 20 0 mA battery c harger was des igned spe cifically for you r trans ceiver.
17 Preparation batt ery po wer remai ning. Rech arge the batte ry pack. 3. Unplu g the AC adapter from the AC outlet after the b attery is full y charged . Caution: Alth oug h the battery pa ck i s d e- signed to be ch arged using the supplie d battery c harger for up to a year , do not charg e th e bat ter y pack lo nger than 24 hours at a time.
18 Preparation 2. Press the a ntenna down o ver the jack and turn the antenna’ s base clockwi se u ntil i t lock s into place. 3. T o det ach t he ant enna, turn the antenna ’s bas e counterc lockwis e.
19 Preparation USING THE BELT CLIP The su pplied belt cl ip lets you eas ily at- tach the transc eiver to your be lt. Slide the belt clip onto the tab at the b ack of th e tra nscei ver un til i t cli cks. To re- move the clip , pull u p on its middle tab and slide it down.
20 Preparation This au tomatica lly dis connects the bui lt- in spea ker. Listening Safel y To pr otect your hearing, follow thes e guideli nes wh en you use a n earph one. • Set the v olume to the lowest settin g befor e you begin listenin g. After you begin l isteni ng, adjus t the volu me to a com forta ble l evel.
21 Preparation comfort might still dam age your hearing. T raffic Safety Do not use an e arphone wit h your tran s- ceiver when oper ating a motor veh icle or ridi ng a bicy cle i n or nea r traff i c. Doi ng so can cre ate a tr affic haz ard and c ould be illegal in so me areas .
22 Preparation USING AN EXTERNAL SPEAKER/MICROPHONE An externa l speaker/m icrophon e can make i t easier to use t he transce iver when y ou clip it t o your belt, so you do not have to lift the tra nsceive r to your mouth e ac h ti me yo u tra ns mi t.
23 Preparation trol Sque lch Sys tem) freque ncy and set your tran sceiver to use it. 1. Set your tr ansceiver to a U HF busi- ness band freq uency (s ee “Setti ng a UHF Bus iness Ba nd Freque ncy” on Page 23).
24 Preparation • 464.50 MH z (Brown Dot) • 464.550 MHz (Y ellow Dot) • 467 .76 25 MHz ( J Dot) • 467 .8125 MHz ( K Dot) • 467 .850 M Hz (S ilver Star) • 467.875 MHz (Gol d Star) • 467.900 MHz (Red Star) • 467.925 MHz (Blue St ar) Chann el A is pres et to 464.
25 Preparation Note: Be sure th e battery pac k is connec ted. 3. Hold down PT T and MON , then turn VOLUME/OFF clockwis e to turn on the tran sceiver . Th e transce iver beep s once. 4. Press MON onc e. The t ransceiv er sounds a two-to ne sequen ce.
26 Preparation 6. Choos e a UHF dot freque ncy from the list on Page 24. The n use a po inted obje ct such as a stra ighte ned paper clip to set th e posi - tion of each DIP switch to 1 (up) or 0 ( down ) as in dicat ed in t he follow ing table . Channe l Number Frequency (MHz) DIP Sw it c h S et t i ng 0 = down 1 = up 1 464.
27 Preparation 7. Press MON once. If the DIP switch setting is corre ct, the t ransceiv er sounds a three-tone sequence . If the DIP switc h setting is incorrect, the tran sceive r bee ps once .
28 Preparation the freque ncies li sted on Pag e 24, you can tak e your tran sceive r to an auth o- rize d facilit y to set y our tra nsceive r to a frequenc y you have a l icense t o use.
29 Preparation and cod e. This tone is too low for you to hear, but other tr ansceiv ers can d etect it. Once yo u set a quiet ton e on the tran s- ceiver, it on ly rece ives t hose tra nsmis- sions that incl ude the s ame tone.
30 Preparation 3. Choos e a quiet tone code from the follow ing tabl e, then u se a po inted object such as a stra ightened paper clip t o set th e positi on of ea ch DIP switch to 1 (up) or 0 (down) as ind i- cated i n the follo wing table . Quiet Code Frequenc y (Hz) DIP Switc h Se tti ng 0 = down 1 = up None 000000 1 67.
31 Preparation Quiet Code Frequenc y (Hz) DIP Switc h Se tti ng 0 = down 1 = up 1 1 97.4 00101 1 12 100.0 001 100 13 103.5 001 101 14 107.2 001 1 10 1 5 11 0 . 9 0 0 1111 16 1 14.8 010000 17 1 18.8 010001 18 123.0 010010 19 127.3 01001 1 20 131.8 010100 21 136.
32 Preparation 4. Repla ce the p lastic cov er and th e battery co mpartmen t cover . Then turn VOLUME/OFF clockw ise until it 27 167.9 01 101 1 28 173.8 01 1 100 29 179.9 01 1 101 30 186.2 0 1111 0 31 192.8 0 11111 32 203.5 100000 33 210.7 100001 34 218.
33 Operation clicks to turn on the transceiver . The transceiv er sets the qu iet tone c ode. Note: If th e DIP switch setting is not listed in the tab le on Pages 30–32, no tone is se t.
34 Operation comple tely bloc k the signal s. T rees and hea vy clou d forma tions ha ve a simil ar effe ct, though not as se vere. 1. T urn V OLUM E/O FF clockwise to turn on the tran sceive r . The TX/BA TT indica tor flashe s green about onc e per se cond.
35 Care sounds an aler t tone. Th e TX/BA TT indica tor flas hes green . 4. T o hear ev erything th at happens on the chan nel inc ludin g weak tra nsmi s- sions , pres s MON . 5. T urn VOLUME/OFF fully counter- clockwi se unt il it cl icks to tu rn off the tran sceive r .
36 Specifications ˆ Specific ations Frequency Range .. 461.0375–469.5625 MHz Channels ........................ .............................. 2 Modulation T ype ...................... .. .... .. .. .. ...... FM Power Supply ......... .... .. .... .
37 Specifications Specifications are typical; individual units might vary. Specifications are s ubject to change and improvement without notice. 19-1207.
38 Notes ˆ Notes Page 38 Friday, November 10, 2000 11:04 AM.
39 Notes Limite d One -Y ear W arr a nt y This produ ct is warra nted by Ra dioShack against manufactur- ing defects in mater ial and workmanship unde r normal use for one (1) year from the date of purchase from RadioShack com - pany-own ed stores a nd authorized RadioSh ack franchisees and deal ers.
19-1207 81 10821 10A 11 A 0 0 Printed in China Radi oSha ck Co rp ora tion Fort Worth, Texa s 76102 (continue d) design ; or (c) refund the purchase pri ce. All r e- placed par ts and products, and products on whic h a refund is made, become the property of Rad ioShack.
デバイスRadio Shack BTX-128の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Radio Shack BTX-128をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはRadio Shack BTX-128の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Radio Shack BTX-128の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Radio Shack BTX-128で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Radio Shack BTX-128を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はRadio Shack BTX-128の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Radio Shack BTX-128に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちRadio Shack BTX-128デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。