Radio ShackメーカーCENTRAL 49-2570の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Cat. No. 49-2570 OWNER’S M ANUAL Please read before using this equipme nt. CENTRA L 5000 Moni t ored Wi r el ess Sec uri t y A l a rm Sy st em MOTION DETECTOR ARM AC POWER MONITOR BATTERY LOW ZONES .
2 FEA TURES Radio Sha ck a nd OR CA, th e sec uri ty mon itori ng comp any , ar e indep enden t o f one a no ther. No warranty or guarantee of pe rformance of the ORCA Monitoring Service Agreement is provide d by R ad io Sha ck. © 19 95 Tand y C orpo ratio n.
3 Notes: • In ad dition to the parts prov ided, you ne ed o ne 9V alkaline ba ttery (s uc h as Ra dio Sha ck Ca t . N o . 23-553) to operate the con sole; six AAA alkaline batteries (s u ch as Cat.
4 CONTENT S Glossa r y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 How the S y ste m Wor ks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Set ting Up M o nitor ed S ervice .
5 Care and Main tenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Repl a cing the Con sole’ s Bat tery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Repl a cing the Remote s’ Batteri es .
6 GLOSS ARY Her e a re a few ter m s t hat will b e he l p- ful to know as you read this manual. Arm and Di sarm — Term s for on and off. When you a rm the sy stem, you tu rn on protecti on.
7 HOW THE SY STEM WO RKS After you set u p your account w ith ORCA M onitorin g Serv ices, y o ur sys- tem calls and reports alarms t o O RCA Monitoring Services’ trained staff of se- curity professionals.
8 Place a check m ark next to any settings you wa nt to di scuss with O RCA , and refe r to these settings when you call them to set up service. o House Code Preferred s ettin g : H ouse Co de A Can be any House Code (A -P). Y our system can cont rol all mod- ules set to the s ame house c ode.
9 o Touch -Tone Dia ling Preferred settin g : T ouch- t one dialing Can be set to use rotary dialing if you do not subs cribe to touc h- tone service from your local tele- phone c ompany.
10 PLANNING Y OUR S ECURITY SY STEM Before you set up your sy stem, draw a security plan o f your hom e. This i s es- pecially i mportant i f you install se nsor transmitters to protect several different zones. If you live in an upstairs a partment, the front door mi ght be the be st place to mount a door/window sensor transm it- ter.
11 ASSIGNING SECURIT Y ZO NE S A security zone is an a rea o f protection covered by a single d oor/window se n- sor transmitter, motion detector, or oth- er sensing/t ransmitting d evice. Yo ur security cons ole monitors u p to 16 zones and al erts you if there is a viol a- tion (see “Zone I ndicators”).
12 QUICK I N STALLING/T ESTI NG Y OUR SYSTEM This sec tion describes how t o initialize syste m access ories so the consol e recognizes them and how to t e st the system to make su re it works properly. Perform all the p rocedures in this s ec- tion, then follow the instructions in “Lo- cating a nd Moun ting A ccess ories.
13 Notes: • If you do not have an un us ed jack, use the supplied duplex adap ter . For a baseboa rd jack , plug the adapter into the jack; f o r a wall jack, plug the a dapter into the console. • If you do not have a modul ar phone ja ck, yo u can ei the r upd ate the wiring y o urself or have t he phone c ompany do it fo r you.
14 Notes: • Y ou ca n add any combination of up to ei ght Plug ´n Pow er remote controls. • When you press a button, the BA TTERY in dica tor on the remote c ontrol light s to show the ba ttery is good. INSTALLING TH E HANDHELD REM OTE CONTROL 1.
15 6. Leave t he consol e’ s switc h set to INS T AL L to in stall ot her accesso- ries. 7. Re pl ace th e c omp art men t c ove r . Note: Yo u can inst all eight key chain (Cat. No. 49-2 591) or handhel d remote controls (Cat. No. 49 -2551T). INITIAL IZING THE DOOR/ WI N DOW SENSOR T RANSM ITTERS 1.
16 5. P lace one of the supplie d num- bered s tickers on the sens or transmitter to show its zone num- ber . 6. Leave t he consol e’ s switc h set to INS T AL L to in stall ot her accesso- ries. Repeat these steps f or additional door/ window sensor transm itters.
17 INSTALLING TH E LAMP MODULE When the ala rm trips, lamps connect - ed to lamp modu les flash on and off for the duration of the alarm. After 4 min- utes (or when you disarm th e alarm), the lamps s top flashing and rem ain on.
18 T ESTING THE SYST EM After you complete the quick installa- tion procedu res, follow these s teps to te st th e syste m. Note: To avoid alarming neighbors , tell th em you ar e testin g t he syst em. 1. S et INST ALL/RUN 1/RUN 2 on the console to RUN 2.
19 MOUNTING ACCESS ORIES MOUNTING T HE DOOR/ WINDOW SENSOR T RANSM ITTERS You can install a ny com bination of door/window sensor transmit t e r s (C at. No. 49-2585) and mot ion detectors (Cat. No. 49-2589), in up t o 16 zones . Follow these st eps to m ount ea ch door/window sensor transm itter.
20 • If you mount magnet ic switches on met al doors or frames , ensure that they are no mo re tha n 3 / 16 of an in ch apart. On wooden s urfaces, they can be up to 3 / 8 of an inch apart.
21 MOU NT ING THE MOTI ON DETECTOR Motion detec tors protec t a specif ic area of your home. For exam ple, you might wa nt to pro tect a stereo syst em, jewelry box, or wal l safe. The supplied m otion detect or sees 40 feet with a 90 degree field of view.
22 MAKING A PET ZONE If you have a pet , you c an hel p redu ce the chance the pet will cause a false alarm by b locking the motion detec- tor’s lower zones with the supplied tap e . To use the tape, place it over the low er zones o f the detector’s l ens.
23 OPE RATION ARMING/DI SARMI NG TH E SYSTEM You can arm the system three ways: •S e t INST ALL/ RUN 1/RUN 2 on the console to RUN 1 or RUN 2 and press ARM on the console. •S e t INST ALL/RUN 1/RUN 2 on th e console to RUN 1 or RUN 2 and press ARM A WA Y or ARM HOM E on the handheld rem ote c ontrol.
24 Notes: • The supp lied mot ion det ector (Cat. No. 49-25 89) o nly o perates in the AWAY and MI N mo des. If you wa nt t o use the exit/entry delay feature, you can u se another motion detector (Cat. No. 61-2614) instead of the one sup- pli ed wit h this syst em.
25 USING THE PAN IC ALARM Pr es si ng P ANIC on the handheld re- mo te co n trol, or ARM a nd DISARM at the sam e time on the k eychain remote control, caus es the consol e’s alarm to sound, even if the sy stem is not armed.
26 DURING AN AL ARM When there is a viol ation, the console sounds a siren for 4 m inutes, flashes ARMED , and lights t he indicat or for the affected zone . The system calls ORCA Monitoring Services and advises t hem of the alarm, and flashes l ights con- nected t o lam p modu les .
27 Using SECURITY LIGHT Use the SECURITY LIGHT b ut to n on th e handheld rem ote control or th e con- sole to turn on/o ff a li ght m od ule se t t o the sam e Hous e and Unit Code as you selected wh en you set up the system.
28 T ROUBLESHOOTING If you experience prob lems with your security console or accessories, try correcting the problem as s uggested in this s ection. If you ca nnot correct the problem , contact your local Radio Shack store for assistance. Proble m Sol uti on The s ystem do es not ar m.
29 Proble m Sol uti on You canno t t urn li g hts on or off fro m the LIGHT ON or LIGHT OFF butt ons on the r emote. • Make sur e you set the house and u nit code on t he module( s) to t he same l etter and num ber as you selec ted for the conso l e .
30 Proble m Sol uti on You do no t hear a chime f r om the c onsole when you press ARM to ins ta ll a rem ot e . Chec k i f you can arm the system wh en INST AL L/RUN 1/ RUN 2 on t h e c o nso l e i s se t t o RUN 1 or RUN 2 . If you ca n, the r emote contro l is already install ed and no further a c- ti on is n e ces sa ry .
31 Proble m Sol uti on The red indica tor on the sen- sor t r ansm itte r/motion detec - tor stays on duri n g ins talla t ion . Remove then r ei n st a l l the s ensor tran smitter/ motion de- tect or’s batte ri es. P ress TEST a g ain. The ARM ED indi cator is flash - in g .
32 CARE AND MA INTENANCE Your Radio Shack Wirele ss Home Security System with Emergen cy Phone Di aler is an example of superior design and c raftsmansh ip. The following suggest ions will hel p you care for y our syst em so you ca n enj oy it fo r ye ars.
33 REPLACING THE CONSOLE’ S BATTERY The console’s back up battery allows t h e s ys te m to w or k d u ri n g a po w er o ut - age. A 9-volt alkaline bat tery provides at least 12 h ours of back up.
34 REPLACING THE DO OR/ WI N DOW SENSOR T RANSM ITTERS’ BATTERIES If any of the console’s zo ne indicators flash slowly, the door/ window sens or transmitter or m otion detector for that zone ha s not report ed in during the last 4 hours. This is m ost likely caused by a dead bat tery.
35 FCC CAUT IONS Your syst em has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a re- mote control securit y device i n accor- dance with Pa rt 15 of FCC Rule s , which are d esigned to provi de rea son- able prot ection against interference in a residential in stallation.
RADIO S HACK A Divisi on of T andy Corpor ation Fort Worth, T exa s 76102 8A5 Printed i n H ong Kong RADIO SHACK LIMITED W ARRANTY This secu rity pro duct is w arra nted aga inst man ufac turin g def .
デバイスRadio Shack CENTRAL 49-2570の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Radio Shack CENTRAL 49-2570をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはRadio Shack CENTRAL 49-2570の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Radio Shack CENTRAL 49-2570の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Radio Shack CENTRAL 49-2570で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Radio Shack CENTRAL 49-2570を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はRadio Shack CENTRAL 49-2570の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Radio Shack CENTRAL 49-2570に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちRadio Shack CENTRAL 49-2570デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。