Radio ShackメーカーPRO-71の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Cat. No. 20-311A OWNER’S MANUAL PRO-71 VHF/UHF/Air Handheld Scanner Please rea d before us ing this equipme nt. Page 1 Friday, February 12, 1999 4:51 PM.
2 1999 Tand y Corporatio n. All Rights Reserved. RadioShack is a registe red tradema rk used by Tandy Corpo ration. FEA TURES Your new Rad ioShack PRO -71 VHF/UHF/Air Han dheld Scan ner lets you i.
3 Your sc anner ca n receive all of the se bands: In addit ion, your scann er is preprogram med with the foll owing weat her service chan nels: This Ow ner’s Manual also incl udes the se ction “A Guide to the A ction Bands,” w hich lets y ou target servic es in your are a by givin g you fre- quency ra nges to se arch.
4 FCC NO TICE Your scann er might cause TV or radio interference even when it is op- erati ng properly. To determine whether your sc anner is ca using the in - terferenc e, turn o ff your scanner. If the interferenc e goes away, y our scanne r is causin g it.
5 This sc anner has been de signed to prevent reception of illegal trans- missio ns. This is done to co mply with th e legal req uirement th at scan- ners be manu fact ured so as to not be easil y modi fiable to pick up those transmis si ons .
6 CONTEN TS Preparation . ................. ................. ................ ................. ................. .. 8 P ow er Sources ............ ................. ................. ................. ............. 8 Install ing Batteries ..........
7 A General Guid e to Scanning .............. ................. ................ ......... 30 Guide to F reque ncies ...................... ................. ................ ......... 30 National W eather F requenc ies .................. ............
8 PREPARATION P OWER SOUR CES You can power yo ur scanner fro m any of thre e sources: • int er na l ba tter i es • standard A C po wer (usin g an optiona l A C adapter) • v eh icle battery pow er (usi ng an optional DC adapter ) INSTALLING BATTERIES Your scan ner requires 4 AA batte ries (not supplied) fo r power.
9 2. Install two batteries in the compartment an d two in the co v er as indicate d by the polarity symbol s (+ and –) marked in side each loca tion. 3. Replac e the co ver . When BATT.Lo flashes and the sc anner b eep s ever y 15 s econds , im- mediate ly replace o r rechar ge all four ba tteries.
10 The PO W ER jack powers the scanner an d disconnec ts the inte rnal bat- teries. You can use this jack to connect an exter nal power sourc e (AC or DC ad apter), regard less of the type of ba tteries yo u install. The CHARGE jack suppli es power to operate the scan ner and also charges the interna l batteries.
11 Cautions: • Y ou must u se an A C adapter that s upplies 9 volts and deliv ers at least 300 mA. Its cente r tip mus t be set to nega tiv e and its pl ug must fit the scanner’ s PO WE R jac k. The reco mmended adapter meets thes e specific ations .
12 4. Plug th e other e nd of th e adapte r into y our v ehicle’ s cigarette - lighter s oc ket. Note: If t he scanner do es not operate prop erly when you us e a DC adapter, un plug the adapt er from the cigarette-lig hter socket and clean the soc ket to remov e ashes and other debri s.
13 CONNECTING THE ANTENNA Follow the se steps to attac h the sup plied fle xible antenna t o the connector on t he top of y ou r sc an - ner. 1. Align the slo ts around t he antenna’ s conn ec- tor with the tabs on th e jack . 2. Press the antenna do wn ov er the jack and rotate th e antenna’ s bas e cloc kwise un til it locks in to pl ace.
14 CONNECTING AN EARPHO NE/ HEADPHONES For priva te listeni ng, you can plug an earphone or mono he adphones (not suppl ied) with a 1 / 8 -inch (3 .5-mm) pl ug (s uc h a s Cat. No. 33 -177 o r 20-210) in to the jack on top of your sc anner. This automatic ally dis - conne cts th e inte rnal spea ke r.
15 CONNECTING AN EXTE NSION SPEAKER In a noisy are a, an optiona l extensio n speaker (s uch as RadioS hack Cat. No. 21 -549) or an ampl ified spea ker (such as RadioShack Cat. No. 21-54 1), positioned in the right place, m ight provide mo re comfort- able lis tening.
16 UNDERSTANDING Y OUR SCAN NER A LOOK AT THE KEYPAD Your sca nner’s key s might se em confu sing at first , but this informat ion should help you understan d each k ey’s fun ction. SCAN — scans t hrough the programm ed channe ls. MANU AL — stops sca nning an d lets you directly enter a c hannel n um- ber.
17 for examp le) sh ows the c hannels that make up a me mory ban k. In ad- dition, th e keypad h as differe nt functi ons in man ual mode, s can mode, and progra m mode. See “Ba nks and Memories ” on Page 19. A LOOK AT THE DISP LA Y The displ ay has sev eral indic ators that s how the sca nner’s cur rent op- erating mode.
18 PRI — app ears when you sele ct the prio rity featur e. L/O — appears wh en you manuall y select a loc ked-out ch annel, or during a se arch hold w he n the fre que nc y is sto r ed in sea r ch sk ip mem - ory. WX — appea rs when you scan the preprogramm ed weather c hannels.
19 BANKS AND MEMO RIES Your sc anner can s tore up to 110 frequen cies . You store each fre quen- cy in eith er a memory ca lled a cha nnel, or a temporary mem ory call ed a monito r memory . This sca nner has 100 chan nels and ten moni tor memor ies.
20 OPERATIO N T UR NING ON THE SCANNER AND SETTING SQUELCH 1. Mak e sure t hat SQUELCH is turned fully counterc lockwi se bef ore y ou turn on the scanne r . 2. T ur n VO L U M E clock wise unti l yo u hear a hi ssing s ound. 3. T ur n SQUE LCH cloc kwise, just unti l the his sing sound stops .
21 4. Press E ( WX ) to store the fr equ enc y . Notes: • If yo u entered an inco rrect freq uency in Step 3, Error appea rs and the s canner beeps three tim es. St ar t again from Ste p 3. • Y our scanner au tomatically rounds the entered frequenc y to the nearest v alid frequen cy .
22 Limit Sear ch A limit search l ets you search fo r active freq uencies between upper and low er limit s that yo u set. -L- app ears durin g a limi t search. When you ar e in th e searc h mode, MON appe ars and th e flashi ng num- ber at the to p of th e dis play in dic ates th e cur ren tly sel ect ed moni tor memory .
23 Notes: • Y ou ca n press ▼ or ▲ whi le -H- appea rs to step through the frequenc ies to ward the upper or l ower limits . • If y ou tune to a sea rch ski p frequ ency , L/O a ppears (see “Se ar ch Sk ip Memo r y” on P a ge 27 ) Direct Sear ch When you listen to a channel , you can s earch up o r down from the dis- played f requenc y.
24 LISTENING TO MONITOR MEMORIES Once y ou have sto red frequen cies into monitor memor ies using a di- rect or l imit se arch, you c an listen to the mon itor memorie s by press ing MANU AL , MON , then the num ber for th e monitor m emory you want to listen to .
25 MANUALLY SELECTING A CHANNEL You can c ontin uousl y mon itor a speci fic c hanne l wit hout s canni ng. Thi s is usefu l if you h ear an eme rgency bro adcast o n a chann el and do n ot want to mis s any details — even thoug h there might be periods of si- lence — o r if yo u want to mo nitor a sp ecific c hannel.
26 SPECIAL F EATURES USING THE K EYLOC K Once yo u program your sc anner, you ca n protect it from ac cidental progra m changes by turning on the k eylock fe ature. In this m ode, the only co ntrols tha t operate are SCAN , MANU AL , KEY LOCK () , VO L - UME , and SQUELC H .
27 T URNING CHANNEL-STORAGE BANKS ON AND OFF You can turn ea ch channel-s torage bank on and off. When you tu rn off a bank , the s canner d oes not scan a ny of the 10 channels in tha t bank. While sc anning, pre ss the numb er key corre sponding to the bank you want to turn on or off.
28 Notes: • If y ou prog ram more than 2 0 skip f requ encie s , each ne w f requen cy repl aces one you sto red ea r lier, star ti ng f rom th e firs t stor ed fr e- quen cy . • Y ou can sel ect a ski pped freque ncy by usin g ▼ or ▲ when the scanne r is holding .
29 LISTENING TO THE WEATHER BAND The FCC (Fed eral Comm unications Commiss ion) has all ocated 11 channel s fo r use by the N at ion al O c ean ic and Atmosph eri c Adm in is tra- tion (NOAA). We have prep rogrammed your sc anner with the sev en frequenc ies most common ly used by NOAA.
30 A GENERAL GUIDE TO SCANNING Recep tion of t he frequen cies co vered by your scanner is main ly “line- of-si ght.” That m eans you usu ally can not hear stations t hat are bey ond the ho rizo n.
31 Bir die Frequenci es Every sc anner has birdie freq uencies . Birdies a re signals created in- side the scanner’s re ceiver. Th ese operatin g frequenc ies might in ter- fere wit h broad casts on the same fre quencies . If you p rogram one of these f requencie s, you hear only n oise on that fr equency.
32 Primary Usage As a genera l rule, most of the radio activ ity is concentra ted on the fol - lowi ng freq uen ci es: VHF Band UHF Band Note: Remote c ont rol stations and mob il e uni ts operate at 5 MHz hi gh - er tha n their as sociated base sta tions an d relay repeat er units.
33 ceives. These freq uencies are subjec t to chang e, and might v ary from area to are a. For a more compl ete li sti ng, ref er to t he “Po lic e Call ” availabl e at your local R adioShack s tore. Abbreviatio ns Service s AIR . . . . . . . . . .
34 10-Meter Amateur Band — ( 28.0––29.7 MHz) 29.000–29.700 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HAM Very High Frequ ency (VHF) — (30 MHz –300 MHz) Low Band — (29.7–50 MHz — in 5 kHz st eps) 29.
35 152.480 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BUS 152.510–152.840 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TELB 152.870–153.020 . .
36 452.0375–453.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IND , T A XI, TRAN T OW , NEWS 453.0125–453.9875 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PUB 454.000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
37 A V O IDING IMAGE FREQUENCIE S You migh t discover one of y our regula r stations o n anothe r frequenc y that is not li sted. It might be wha t is known as a n image frequ ency. For example , you migh t find a serv ice that reg ularly uses a frequency of 431.
38 T ROUBLESHOOTING If yo u have pro blems, here are some suggesti ons wh ich might he lp. If non e of these sugg estions h elp, take your sca nner to your loc al Ra- dioShac k store for as sistanc e. PROBLEM POSSIBLE CA USE REMED Y Scanner i s on b ut will n ot scan.
39 RESETTING THE SCAN NER If the scann er’s displa y does not work pro perly after yo u install bat ter- ies or c onnect it to power, yo u might have to reset t he scanner. Caution: T his procedure c lears al l the info rmation y ou have p ro- grammed into the scan ner.
40 CARE AND MA IN TENANCE You r Radi oSha ck PRO -71 VHF /UH F /Air Hand held S canne r is a n ex- ample of su perior desi gn and crafts manship . The follow ing sugge s- tions w ill he lp you care for yo ur s ca nne r s o y ou can enjoy it f or years.
41 SPECIFIC ATIONS F requency Co ve rage: VHF Lo ..................... ................. ..... 29–50 MHz (in 5.0 kH z steps) 6-Meter Ham . ................. ........... ..... 50–54 MHz (in 5.0 kHz s teps) Aircraft ...................... ......... 108–13 6.
42 Dime nsions (HW D ) ............... ................... 5 3 / 4 × 2 9 / 16 × 1 11 / 16 Inches (147 × 64.5 × 42.5 mm) W eight .......... ................. ................. ................ ................. ......... 7.94 oz (225 g) Specific ation s are ty pical; in divid ual uni ts might v ary.
43 NO TES Page 43 Friday, F ebruary 12, 1 999 4:51 PM.
RadioShack A Division of Tandy Corporation Fort Worth, Texas 76102 UBZZ01294ZZ 02A99 Printed in the Philippines Limited O ne-Y ear W arranty This p roduct is warrante d by RadioS hack against manufact.
デバイスRadio Shack PRO-71の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Radio Shack PRO-71をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはRadio Shack PRO-71の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Radio Shack PRO-71の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Radio Shack PRO-71で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Radio Shack PRO-71を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はRadio Shack PRO-71の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Radio Shack PRO-71に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちRadio Shack PRO-71デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。