Radio ShackメーカーPRO-89の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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© 2003 RadioShack Cor poration . All Rights Rese rved. Radio Shack and Radio m are tradem arks used by Rad ioShack C orpor ation. OWNER’S MANUAL — Please read b efore usin g this equipm ent. 20-514 A SM © 2003 RadioShack Cor poration .
2 Other fe atures inclu de: Priority Channe l — Designat e a chann el to s can eve ry two second s so you do not miss impo rtant c alls . Weath er Band Key — Scans seven p repro gramm ed we ather frequenc ies to keep yo u informed about cu rre nt weat her con diti ons.
3 Display Bac klight — Makes the scanne r easy to read in low light situati ons. Three Power O ptions —P o w e r the scanner from i nternal batteri es (non-rech argeable batt eries, recharge able .
FCC Noti ce 4 help you ta rget freque ncy ranges i ny o u rs e r v i c ea r e as oy o u c a n searc h for a wide var iety o f tran smissi ons. FCC NOTICE Your sca nner migh t cause T V or radi o inte rfere nce e ven whe n it is operatin g properly . To determine whethe r your sc anner is c ausing the inte rference, tu rn off your scanne r.
Scanni ng Lega lly 5 includ ing police and fire departm ents, amb ulance s ervices, governm ent agencie s, private compan ies, a mateur rad io servic es, military op erations, page r service s, and wirelin e (telepho ne and telegra ph) service provide rs.
Prepara tion 6 so coul d subj ect yo u to lega l pena lties. We en courage re sponsib le, leg al scann er use. PREPARATION I NSTA LL ING B ATTERIES You ca n powe r your scanner with four AA batteries (n ot sup- plied).
Prepa ration 7 When flashes on the di splay and the scanner beep s, or if th e scanne r stops opera ting properly , replace the ba tteries. U SING AC P OWER You can power the scan ner using a 9V, 300-mA AC adapte r and a size B A daptaplug ad apter (neither sup plied).
Prepara tion 8 U SING V EHICLE B ATTERY P OWER You can po wer the sc ann er from a vehicl e’s 12V pow er source (su ch as a cigar ette- ligh ter sock et) usi ng a 9V, 300-mA DC ada pter and a size B Adaptapl ug (neithe r suppli ed). Both are avail able at your local Rad ioShack store.
Prepa ration 9 C HARGING R ECHARGEABLE B ATTERIES Your sca nner has a bu ilt-in charg ing ci rcui t that let s you charge r echargeab le batterie s whil e they are in t he scanne r. To charge r echargeab le batterie s, you need t o use an AC adapt er which s upplies 9V (Rad ioShack Cat.
Prepara tion 10 1. Al ign the slot s around the ante nna’s co nnect or wit h the ta bs on the antenna jac k. 2. Pre ss the antenna dow n over the jack and turn the ante nna’s bas e clo ckwi se unti l it l ocks in to pl ace.
Prepa ration 11 • The antenna should be vert ical for t he bes t perf orman ce. Always use 50 Ohm co axial cab le, such as RG-5 8 or R G-8, to conne ct the bas e-st ation or m obile ante nna. For l eng ths ov er 50 feet , u s eR G - 8l o w - l o s sd i e l e c t r i c coax ial ca ble.
Prepara tion 12 automat icall y disconne cts the inter nal speaker. L ISTENING S AFEL Y To protec t your hea ring, fo llow these gui delin es when you us e an earphone or hea dphone s. • S e tt h ev o l u m et ot h el o w e s t setting bef ore you begin listeni ng.
Understa nding the Scann er 13 so can create a traf fic hazard and could be ill egal in some areas. • If you use an earphone or head phones wi th your scanne r while ri ding a bi cycle, be very ca reful. Do no t listen to a continuou s transmiss ion.
Understa nding th e Scanner 14 the scann er to work for you. You simply det ermin e the type o f commu nication s you want to receiv e, then set the scan ner to scan the m. A frequency is the tun ing loca tion of a station (expre ssed in kHz or M H z ) .
Understa nding the Scann er 15 Key Function CAR S tor e car numbers and frequencies in the scanner ’s channels, add and delete frequencies from car numbers, display car numbers, and listen to the channel where a car number is stored.
Understa nding th e Scanner 16 A L OOK AT THE D ISPLAY Scan ner Status Description Appears when you lock t he keypad. BANK Appears with numbers (1–10) to indicat e the scan bank. Bank numbers with a bar under them show which bank s are turned on f or scanning (see “Understanding Banks” on Page 19).
Understa nding the Scann er 17 SRCH Appears during service bank and direct frequency searches. SCAN Appears when t he scanner scan s channels. MAN Appears whe n you manually select a c hannel. PGM Appears when you program frequencies into the scanner ’s channels.
Understa nding th e Scanner 18 ALErt Appears when the weather alert is on. On Air Appears whe n you set on -air programming mode to program frequencies into your scanner . WirEd Appears when you set w ired programming mode to program frequencies into your scanner .
Underst anding Banks 19 UNDERS TANDING BAN KS C HANNEL S TORAGE B ANKS To make it easie r to identify and select the ch annels you want to listen to , channels a re divi ded into 10 bank s of 2 0 channel s each.
Unde rstanding B anks 20 Auto Racing Group F requency R ange (MHz) Step (kHz ) 1 150.995–151.995 5 152.870–153.725 5 154.490–154.625 5 2 460.000–470.000 12.5 3 851.0375 851.6625 852.0375 852.1875 853.1625 853.2625 853.4875 854.2625 854.2875 854.
Underst anding Banks 21 Fire/Police Group Freq uency Range (MH z) Step (kHz ) 1 33.420–33.980 20 37.020–37.420 20 39.020–39.980 20 42.020–42.940 20 44.620–45.860 40 45.880 – 45.900 – 45.940–46.060 40 46.080–46.500 20 2 153.770–154.
Unde rstanding B anks 22 Air Amateur Radio Marine Frequency R ange (MHz) Step (kHz) 108.000–136.9875 12.5 Group F requency R ange (MHz) Step (kHz ) 1 29.000–29.700 5 2 50.000–54.000 5 3 144.000–148.000 5 4 420.000–450.000 12.5 Channe l Fre que ncy (MH z) 06 156.
Underst anding Banks 23 19 156.9500 20 157.0000/161.6000 21 157.0500 22 157.1000 23 157.1500 24 157.2000/161.8000 25 157.2500/161.8500 26 157.3000/161.9000 27 157.3500/161.9500 28 157.4000/162.0000 64 156.2250 65 156.2750 66 156.3250 67 156.3750 68 156.
Unde rstanding B anks 24 Ô M ONITOR M EMOR IES The sca nner ha s 20 mon itor memori es that yo u can us e to temporar ily store freq uencies while yo u decide whet her to save them into cha nnels. Th is is handy for q uickly sto ring an a ctiv e frequenc y when you are searching through a n enti re band.
Operati on 25 OPERATION T URNING O N THE S CANNER /S ETTING V OLUME AND S QUELCH 1. T urn SQUELCH unti l the indica tor points t o MIN before you turn on the scan ner . 2. T o turn on t he scann er , turn VOLUME cloc kwise unt il you hear a hissing soun d.
Operation 26 want to store a freque ncy , then press PGM . 2. U se the numbe r keys and • to enter the frequ ency (inclu ding the decim al point ) you want to stor e. 3. Pre ss ENT to store the frequenc y into the channel . Ô 4. T o program the next cha nnel in sequenc e, press PGM and repeat S teps 2 and 3.
Operati on 27 that band for a n acti ve freq uency . 3. If necessary , s elect a s earch group from the lis t with “Ser vice Ban ks” on Page 19 then us e the n umber key s to enter the desire d search group . The scanne r searche s for an active frequ ency .
Operation 28 ENT , the chan nel and frequenc y flash twic e, and the scann er sto res the disp layed frequenc y . The scanner th en continu es to search for freq uenci es. Ô 5. T o store the di splayed frequenc y in a monitor memory , press MON/CL .T h e monit or m emory numb er , , and the frequen cy flash twice.
Operati on 29 3. W hen the scanner finds an active freq uency , it stops sear ching and disp lays the freq uency ’s numb er . T o stor e the dis played fre quency i n the lowes t available ch annel, press PGM then ENT .T h e channe l and frequ ency flash twic e, and the sc anner st ores the dis played fre quency .
Operation 30 number , and the freque ncy flash twi ce. Ô 5. T o search for another ac tive freq uency , hol d dow n ▲ or ▼ for about 1 second . U SING M ONITOR M EMOR Y Listening to a Monitor Memory To recall a frequen cy stored in a monit or m emory , pre ss MAN then MON/CL .
Operati on 31 4. Pre ss ENT . The scanne r stores the frequ ency in the select ed cha nnel. 5. T o move a nother monitor memory fre quency t o the nex t channe l, pres s PGM and repeat S teps 2 – 4. S CANNI NG THE S TORED C HANNELS To set t he scanne r to continuo usly scan th rough a ll chann els wit h stored fr equenc ies, sim ply pres s SCAN .
Operation 32 To turn on a chann el-storage ba nk (1 – 10) durin g scanning , press the bank’s num ber key. A bar appears under the ba nk’s numbe r. Ô M ONITORING A S TORED C HANNEL You can contin uousl y monitor a specif ic channe l withou t scannin g.
Operati on 33 000.0000 to indic ate the channe l is cleared. 5. T o clear anoth er chann el, use the num ber key s to ente r that channe l number (1 – 200), then press PGM agai n. Or repeated ly press PGM until the desired ch annel numbe r appears .
Operation 34 To change the cha nnel manual ly, press ▲ or ▼ . To scan throug h the marine bank, hold d own ▲ or ▼ for about 2 secon ds. MAN disappe ars and SCAN and ▲ or ▼ appear. To change the sc anning direc tion, press ▲ or ▼ . To stop scann ing the chan nels, hold d own ▲ or ▼ for about 2 secon ds.
Scanning at the Races 35 WX Alert Your scanne r’s WX alert warns you of ser ious w eath er con diti ons by soundi ng an alarm if a Nationa l Weath er Service broadc aster in your ar ea broa dcast s a weathe r alert tone.
Scanni ng at the R aces 36 You ca n st ore a c ar num ber an d frequenc y in each of th e scan ner’s channe ls, associ ate one or more frequenc ies store d in chan nels with a car numb er, and recall any frequenc ies a ssociat ed with t hat car numb er by simply ente ring the number.
Scanning at the Races 37 number. Y ou can store one car number in each chan nel (for up to 200 car numbers). Ô 1. Pre ss CAR . CAR# and CAr No. appear and ___ flashes . 2. En ter the car number . If the number is one or two digi ts, enter the numbe r then press CAR .
Scanni ng at the R aces 38 4. En ter the fr equency (including the decim al point ) you want to associ ate w ith the dis playe d car number by using the number key s and DELA Y / • . 5. Pre ss ENT to store the frequenc y . The frequenc y is associ ated wit h the car numbe r you e nter ed.
Scanning at the Races 39 2. Hold down PGM then hol d down CAR . The car number flashes . 3. En ter the ca r numbe r by using the num ber key s, then p ress ENT to store th e car n umber . V IEW ING F REQU ENCI ES A SSOCIATE D WITH A C AR N UMBER 1. Pre ss MAN then CAR .
Scanni ng at the R aces 40 S CANNI NG BY C AR N UMBER Once you store car num bers into channe ls, you can set the scanner so it disp lays the car nu mbers you assign ed to the channe ls as it scans t hem. To scan by car number, repeated ly press CAR until BANK and CAR# appear, then pres s SCAN .
Spec ial F eatu res 41 SPECIAL F EATURES D ELAY Many agen cies use a two-wa y radi o system th at has a peri od of several s econds betwee n a query and a r eply. To a void mi ssi ng a repl y, you can pro gram a 2- second de lay into any chan nel or frequenc y.
Special F eatures 42 L OCKING O UT C HANNELS OR F REQUENCIES You can increa se the effect ive scanni ng or search sp eed by lockin g out indivi dual cha nnels or frequenc ies that have a conti nuous t.
Spec ial F eatu res 43 press L/ O/L /O RVW when the scanne r stops on that frequ ency. The scann er locks out the frequenc y then continue s searc hing.
Special F eatures 44 Removing Lock outs From All Frequencies 1. Hold down L/O/L/O R VW for about 2 se conds duri ng a service ba nk or direct searc h. L-r appears. 2. W hile ho lding dow n MON/CL , hold d own L/O/L/O RVW . Flo ALL-CL appe ars. 3. Pre ss ENT .
Spec ial F eatu res 45 turned on, the scanner c hecks the priori ty channel for activity e very 2 secon ds. 1. Pre ss PGM ,t h e n p r e s s PRI/ ALERT . PCH an d 000.000 or the previous ly-stored frequenc y appear . 2. En ter the f requenc y you wan t to enter into the priori ty channe l, then pres s ENT .
Special F eatures 46 continu es this unti l you press any button o r it rec eives a s ignal. on P.-SA appears if power save is o n. oFF P.-SA appea rs if power s ave is off. 1. If the sc anner is on, turn VOLUME coun terclock wise u n t i li tc l i c k st ot u r ni to f f .
Spec ial F eatu res 47 3. W hen oFF tonE or on tonE appear , releas e 2 and ENT . U SING TH E K EY L OCK Once you program your sc anner, you ca n protect i t from acc ident al prog ram ch ange s by tu rnin g on the keyloc k feature. When the keypad is lock ed, the only controls that oper ate a re SCAN , MAN , LIGHT , PGM , VOLUME , and SQUELCH .
Wired/On -Air Pr ogrammin g 48 reset button in side the opening . Ô Initializing the Scanner 1. T urn off the sc anner , then turn it on again . ! 2. Hold down MON/CL .
Wired/On -Air Prog ramming 49 • Channel numbe r (from 1 to 200) • Frequency (any frequenc y the scanne r can r eceive) • Car number (from 0 to 999, includ ing 00, 00 0, 01, a nd 001) • Channel lockout sett ing (ON or OFF) • Chan nel de lay s etti ng (ON o r OFF) Ô U SING W IRED P ROGRAMMING 1.
Wired/On -Air Pr ogrammin g 50 Wired Programming Specifications U SING O N -A IR P ROGRAMMING 1. T urn of f the s canner . 2. W hile pr essin g ENT and 8 , turn on th e scanner . On Air and PGM appear and the scanne r automati cally recei ves 154. 600 MHz in F M mode.
Wired/On -Air Prog ramming 51 T o change the fr equency b ack to the default (154. 600 MHz), hold d own ENT then press CL . 5. W hen the scanner succes sfull y recei ves all d ata, End and FiniSh appear . If the scan ner receiv ed an error while rec eiving dat a, End and d-Err appear .
A Gen eral Guide t o Sca nnin g 52 A GENERAL GUIDE TO S CAN NING Reception of the fre quencies cove red by your sc anner is main ly “line- of-sig ht.” Th at means you usua lly canno t hear stations that are b eyond th e horizon. G UIDE TO F REQU ENCI ES National W eather Frequencies Birdie Frequencies Every sca nner ha s birdie fr e- quencies .
A Gene ral Guid e to Scan ning 53 To find the birdies i n your indivi dual sca nner, b egin by discon necting t he antenn a and moving it away fro m the scanner. Make sure that no other n earby radio or TV sets are turned on near the scann er. Use the search functio n and sea rch every frequenc y range from its lo west freq uency to t he hig hest.
A Gen eral Guide t o Sca nnin g 54 G UIDE TO THE A CTION B ANDS Typical Band Usage (MHz ) Prim ary Us age As a gen eral rule, m ost of th e radio activ ity is concen trated on the fol lowi ng frequ enci es. Ô VHF Band Low Range 29.00–50.00 6-Meter Amateur 50.
A Gene ral Guid e to Scan ning 55 VHF Band UHF Band B AND A LLOCATIO N To help decid e which freque ncy ranges to sca n, use the followi ng listi ng of t he ty pical s ervic es tha t use the frequen cies yo ur scanner receive s. These freq uencies are subjec t to change, and might va ry from area to area.
A Gen eral Guide t o Sca nnin g 56 Abbrev iations Service s AIR Aircra ft BIFC Boise (ID) Interagency Fire Cache BUS Business CAP Ci vi l Air P at ro l CCA Common Car rier CSB Conventional Systems CTS.
A Gene ral Guid e to Scan ning 57 PSB Public Safety PTR Privat e T runked ROAD Road & Highway Maintenance RTV Radio/TV Remote Broadcast Pickup TA X I T a x i S e r v i c e s TELB Mobile T elephone.
A Gen eral Guide t o Sca nnin g 58 HIGH FREQ UENCY (HF) — (3 MH z–30 MH z) 10-Meter Amateur Band (28.0–29.7 MHz ) 2 9 . 0 0 0 – 2 9 . 7 0 0............ H A M VERY HIGH FREQUEN CY (VHF ) — (30 MH Z –3 00 MH Z ) VHF Low Band (29.7– 50 MHz—in 5 kHz steps) 2 9 .
A Gene ral Guid e to Scan ning 59 IND, PUB 4 3 . 7 0 0 – 4 4 . 6 0 0... ........ T R A N 44.6 20–46 .58 0 . . . . . . . POL, P UB 4 6 . 6 0 0 – 4 6 . 9 9 0........ ..G O V T 4 7 . 0 2 0 – 4 7 . 4 0 0........ ...P U B 4 7 . 4 2 0. ....A m e r i c a nR e dC r o s s 47.
A Gen eral Guide t o Sca nnin g 60 1 5 1 . 4 9 0 – 1 5 1 . 9 5 5...... I N D ,B U S 151.985 . . . . . . .. ........... . . . TELM 1 5 2 . 0 0 7 5.. ...... ....... .M E D 152.030 –152.24 0 . . . . . . . . . TELB 152.270 –152.480 . . . . IND, TAXI, BUS 152.
A Gene ral Guid e to Scan ning 61 ROAD 1 5 9 . 4 8 0...... ............ .O I L 1 5 9 . 4 9 5 – 1 6 1 . 5 6 5 .........T R A N 161.580 –162.0 00 . . . . O IL, MARI, RTV 162.012 5–162. 35 . . . GOVT, MIL , USXX 1 6 2 . 4 0 0 – 1 6 2 . 5 5 0.....
A Gen eral Guide t o Sca nnin g 62 Mike s 1 7 0 . 3 5 0 – 1 7 0 . 4 0 0.... G O V T ,M I L 170.425 –170.45 0 . . . . . . . . . BIFC 1 7 0 . 4 7 5... ............. .P U B 170.487 5–173.1 75 . . GOVT, PUB, Wireless Mikes 173.225 –173.5375 . MOV, NEWS, UTIL, MIL 173.
A Gene ral Guid e to Scan ning 63 454.025 –454.975 . ..... . . . . . TELB 455.050 –455.9 25 . . . . . . . . . RTV 4 5 7 . 5 2 5 – 4 5 7 . 6 0 0 ..........B U S 458.025 –458.1 75 . . . . . . . . . MED 460.012 5–460. 6375 . . . . . . FIRE, POL, PUB 460.
A Gen eral Guide t o Sca nnin g 64 Conventional/T runked Syst ems Ba nd — Locally Assig ned 856.012 5–860.987 5 . . . . . . CTSB Trunked System Ba nd — Locally As signed 861.012 5–865.987 5 . . . . . . . TSB Public Sa fety Band — Locally As signed 8 6 6 .
Care 65 127,8 00 (kHz) ÷ 1000 = 127.8 MHz • T o convert MHz to met ers, divide 300 by th e number of megahe rtz: 300 ÷ 50 MHz = 6 m eters CARE Keep the scann er dry; if it gets wet, wip e it dry imm ediately . Use and sto re the sca nner on ly in normal temperatu re environments.
Troubles hooting 66 TROUBLESHOOTING If your scanner is n ot worki ng as it s hould, the se sugges tions mi ght help y ou elimina te the problem. If the scanne r still do es not op erate p roperly, ta ke it to y our local Rad ioSh ack s tore fo r as sista nce.
Specifications 67 SPECIFICATIONS Frequen cy Coverage (MHz): 10 Meter Amat eur Radio .......... ....... ....... .... 29–29.7 (in 5 kHz st eps) VHF Lo ........ ......... ..... ......... ........ ......... ..... .. 29.7 –50 (in 5 k Hz steps) 6 Mete r Amateu r Radio .
Radio Shack Corpo ration Fort Worth, Texas 7610 2 20-514 GE-99D-3489B 01A03 Printed in China A Audi o Output Po wer (10 % THD) ...... ........ ...... ........ 1 90 mW No minal (using bat teries, 240 mW u sing external powe r (DC 9V)) Built- In S peake r .
デバイスRadio Shack PRO-89の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Radio Shack PRO-89をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはRadio Shack PRO-89の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Radio Shack PRO-89の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Radio Shack PRO-89で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Radio Shack PRO-89を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はRadio Shack PRO-89の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Radio Shack PRO-89に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちRadio Shack PRO-89デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。