Ramsey ElectronicsメーカーPhone Patch Mixer Kit PPM3の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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PPM3 Pag e 1 Ramse y Electr onics Mo del No. PPM3 Ever wis h you coul d br oadc ast on-the- air t ele phone call s lik e the com mer cial r adio stations ? Wel l now y ou can! The P PM3 gives you the .
PPM3 Pag e 2 RAMSEY TRANSMITTER KITS • FM10A, FM2 5B FM Ster eo Transmitt ers • FM100B Pr ofessional FM Stereo Trans mitter • TXE433 or 916 Tr ansm itter & Encoder Modul e • RXD433 or 91 6.
PPM3 Pag e 3 PHONE P A TCH MIXER KIT Ram se y Pub licat io n No. M P P M 3 Pr ice $5. 00 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduct ion ........................................... 4 Theor y of Operati on .............................. 5 Learn As You Bu ild .........
PPM3 Pag e 4 PPM 3 INTRODUCT ION W e’ve all heard thos e a wesom e c all-in pr ogram s on th e radio. You k now, the ones where the h ost l ets th e averag e Joe give his opi nion on-the- air t o all of his liste ners .
PPM3 Pag e 5 PPM 3 CIRCUIT DE SCRIPT ION The PPM 3 is essenti all y a ster eo audi o m ixer, with one st ereo li ne inp ut and two speci alized m ono i nput s, each f eeding into th e ste reo line output. The phone a nd m ic inputs each hav e a pr e-am p stage th at acts as a com plete s ig- nal co nditioner .
PPM3 Pag e 6 The m icrophone pushb utton s witch ( S3) is us ed t o turn on the m ic chann el b y pushing it in, a nd to m ute t he m ic channe l b y leaving it out. The m ic LED is powere d on when the m ic i s on b y using t he other half of the s witch .
PPM3 Pag e 7 the far-end pho ne. So the s olut ion is to use a high amount of com pr ess ion in order to am plif y the far- end, weak er s ignal m uch m ore than the loc al st ronger signal. I n this wa y both s ides of the con versat ion are closer to e ach ot her in signal s tren gth when applie d to t he m ain m ixer.
PPM3 Pag e 8 RA M SEY “L EARN-AS-YOU-BUILD” ASSEMBLY STRA T EGY Be sure to rea d throug h all of the s teps, and chec k the box es as you go t o be sure you d idn't m iss an y im portant steps .
PPM3 Pag e 9 Althou gh we k now tha t you ar e anxious to com plete th e ass em bly of your phone p atch m ixer kit it is best to follo w the ste p-b y-step ins truct ions in this m anual. Tr y to avoid t he urge to jum p ahead insta lling com ponents.
PPM3 Pag e 10 Once this is accom plis hed, the p art can be ins tall ed b y holding i t with tweezers in cont act with the “ tinned” tr ace an d re-he at ing the so lder ( see th e assoc iated diagr am s). Anot her com m only used tec hnique is to g lue the surf ace m ount com ponents to th e printe d circ uit bo ard before s olderin g.
PPM3 Pag e 12 P A RTS SU PPL IED W ITH YOUR PPM 3 KIT Capacitor s 1 2.2nF ceram ic disc c apacit or [m ark ed 222] (C16) 1 5.6nF ceram ic disc c apacit or [m ark ed 562] (C33) 3 10nF cer am ic disc c apacit ors [mark ed 103] (C1 1,C13, C23) 2 High v oltage 10nF c apacito rs [lar ge red c apac itors m ark ed .
PPM3 Pag e 13 2 SSM21 65-1S s urfac e m ount micr ophone am plif ier ICs ( U1,U3) M isce llaneous Components 3 DPDT s witches (S1 ,S2,S 3) 1 1/4” ster eo jac k (J7) 1 Dual RJ11 j ack (J1) 1 2.
PPM3 Pag e 15 PPM 3 PHONE P A T C H M IXER ASSEMBL Y Assem bl y of the PP M3 is eas y but sti ll requ ires som e tim e and pat ienc e. W e will start with the s urf ace mount parts an d get t hem out of the way. As with an y static s ens itive par ts be car eful when i nsta llin g the IC ’s in this k it.
PPM3 Pag e 16 5. In the s am e way insta ll C 20, a 1 0uF elec trol ytic capac it or, again check ing your polar it y before sold erin g. 6. Install C1 9 and C 18, noting that these are a lso 10uF elec trolytic s and the pol arit y is exac tly oppo site to the two parts you jus t insta lled.
PPM3 Pag e 17 25. Install R1 9, 470 ohm s ( y ellow-viol et-bro wn). 26. Install R2 7, 15k ohm s (brown- green- orange) . 27. Install C2 3, 10nF (m arked 103) . 28. Install C2 2, 0.1uF ca pacitor (mark ed 104). 29. Install R2 2, the last 1 5k ohm resistor (br own-gree n-orange).
PPM3 Pag e 18 W e’ll sk ip T 1 for now and c om e back to it later. 46. Install C3 1, 47nF (m arked 473) . 47. Install D2 , 1N 4148 diod e (o range gl ass bod y with a black band). Orient t he blac k band with t he b and m ark ed on the silk s creen and PC board la yout.
PPM3 Pag e 19 save t hem for las t. Ok , that’s not th e reaso n, it jus t m akes sense to do them after all the big, bulk y parts are in . 61. Install C1 0, the b ig 100 0uF electro lytic cap acitor. O k , one last tim e, f or real, m ak e sure you get the posit ive l ead an d the n egativ e lead or iente d corr ectly bef ore s olderin g.
PPM3 Pag e 20 72. Install R1 5, the o ther 10k audio pot. 73. Install R2 , the 10k st ereo audi o pot. Now the L EDs. As you m a y know, LEDs h ave a po larity j ust lik e diodes (the y are diod es, light em itting on es) and m us t be ins talled c orrec tly to wor k.
PPM3 Pag e 21 TEST ING Y OUR PPM 3 Now it’s tim e to see a ll your hard work pay off . Here’s what you’ll need to test an d use your PPM3 • An 8 to 15 vo lt DC po wer supp ly, posi tive tip .
PPM3 Pag e 22 8. Plug your pho ne li ne fr om the wall jac k into the “T elep hone Inp ut” on the bac k of the PPM3. 9. In order to con trol a p hone l ine you n eed to c onnect a phon e to the “T elephone Outp ut” of the PPM3. If you lift th e recei ver on th e phon e you should be able t o hear the dial tone t hrou gh the u nit.
PPM3 Pag e 23 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE If y our P PM3 d oes not work at all, rec hec k the f ollo wing: • corr ect orient ation of VR1 a nd the ICs ( see PC board layout d iagram ) . • You sh ould be able to m ea sur e the vo ltage on the input an d outpu t term inals of voltag e reg ulat or VR1 .
PPM3 Pag e 24 k nown good c ables be tween the ster eo, line leve l sour ce, and PPM3 . T ry switchin g cab les or using a dif fer ent cable if you’re hav ing a udio tro uble. PROBLE M: The m ic rophone d oesn’t work . SOLUT ION: T est the m ic rophone with another unit to be sur e it works on its own.
PPM3 Pag e 25 PPM 3 PHONE PATCH M IXER SPEC IFIC A TIO NS Here are f ew of the com m only reques ted spec ific ation s for the PPM3: J4 Power Inp ut - Input work ing vol tage ran ge: 8 - 15 VDC - Max c urrent draw is between - m A. Miscel laneous I nf ormation - PCB Dim ens ions: 4.
PPM3 Pag e 26.
PPM3 Pag e 27 The Ramsey Kit Warranty Please read c arefully BEFO RE calling or writing in about y our kit. Most problems can be solv ed without cont acting the factory . Notice th at thi s is no t a " fine print" warran ty. W e want you to understa nd your ri ghts an d our s too ! All Ramsey kits w ill w ork if asse mbled p roperly .
PPM3 Pag e 28 PPM 3 REM OTE INT ERFACE KIT Quick Refe renc e Page G uid e Introduct ion ........................................... 4 Theor y of Operati on .............................. 5 Learn As You Bu ild ................................ 8 Parts Placem ent Di agram .
デバイスRamsey Electronics Phone Patch Mixer Kit PPM3の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Ramsey Electronics Phone Patch Mixer Kit PPM3をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはRamsey Electronics Phone Patch Mixer Kit PPM3の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Ramsey Electronics Phone Patch Mixer Kit PPM3の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Ramsey Electronics Phone Patch Mixer Kit PPM3で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Ramsey Electronics Phone Patch Mixer Kit PPM3を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はRamsey Electronics Phone Patch Mixer Kit PPM3の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Ramsey Electronics Phone Patch Mixer Kit PPM3に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちRamsey Electronics Phone Patch Mixer Kit PPM3デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。