Ramsey ElectronicsメーカーURC1の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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URC1 • 1 UNIVERSAL REMOTE CONTROL Ramsey Electronics Model No. URC1 Do you need to turn things on and off through your telephone or HAM radio? Do you need to remo tely access repeaters, your cottage.
URC1 • 2 RA MSEY TRA NSMIT TER KI TS • FM100 Professi onal FM Stereo Transmi tter • FM25 Synthesized Stereo Transmitter • AM 1, AM 2 5 AM Tr an s mi t t e r s • TV6 Television Transmitter RA.
URC1 • 3 URC1 UNIVERSAL REMOTE CONTROL Ramsey Publication No. MURC1 Price $5.00 TABLE OF CONTENTS Intro ductio n to the UR C1 ... .................... . 4 How it w orks ............. ................... ........... 5 Tips a nd No tes ......... .....
URC1 • 4 URC1 REMOTE CONTROL FE AT URES: • Six digit display for long codes • Fast DTMF decoding time for fast automatic phone dialers • Sensitive audio input for faint tones • Tone f eedback f or confirm ation of commands • Accurate decoding, rejects dial tones and normal audio • Small size, runs on 7 to 15 VDC.
URC1 • 5 HOW THE URC1 WORKS: Take a look at the URC1's schematic diagram as we walk through the circuit. As you can see there is not much to the universal remote control, most of the work is internal to the IC' s. The real he art of the circuit is U6 the microcont roller IC.
URC1 • 6 "THE RAMSEY LEARN A S YOU BUILD ASSEMBLY STRATEGY" Take a look at the parts layout d iagram , there is quite a lot to the construction of the URC1. It's easier than it seem s once you get going, and af ter you hav e placed a few of the " landm ark" compon ents.
URC1 • 7 RA MSEY URC1 PART S LIS T: SEMICONDUCTORS 1 7805 5 volt power regulator (VR1) 1 145436 (or MC14543 6) 1 4 pin dip DTMF decod er IC (U5) 1 68 HC705J2 20 pin dip pre-progra mm ed .
URC1 • 8 CONSTRUCTION OF THE URC1: The first thing we will do with this k it is check all of our parts and pieces to make sure we have them all. Use the parts list and y our layout diagram to do this. If there are any differenc es, mak e sure the schem atic agr ees with what you have, an d also be aware of the tolerances parts have in a kit.
URC1 • 9 8. Install U4, the dual digitally controlled potentiometer (marked DS1267). Pay close attention again to the orientat ion of this part. This part as you will notice controls the position of th e wiper on a 1 0K pot, and has very good linearity .
URC1 • 10 20. Install C9, a 470pF ceramic capacitor (marked 470 or 471). 21. Install VR1, the 7805 regulator into the the three holes provided in the board. The metallic portion of the regu lator should face towards the tabbed side of the board.
URC1 • 11 shutting itself down during a po w er down. The y then allo w the battery to take over memory retention of the data in the microcontro l ler. Now here comes the fun! Take y our time on the next stages as they can make or break your kit. Don't be a boz o and rus h assembly to get it done, hook it up, and then destroy it.
URC1 • 12 Locate the main board again and we will finish it up. 40. Install CON2, the thirteen pin c onnector. Insert it in the holes as shown in the diagram, making su re that the leads point to the back of the board. 41. Install CON1, the 34 pin connector using the same procedure as befor e.
URC1 • 13 43. The display board mounts at a right angle to the main board w ith solder pads prov iding both m echanical support an d electrical connect ion between th e t wo boards. The display board is plac ed against the main board so that the solder pads on t he displa y board line up w ith the solder pads on the main board.
URC1 • 14 Congratulations y ou have just finished the entire URC1 kit! Now all that we have to do is som e in itial testing and setup. INITIAL TESTING: To begin our initial tests, we need a few missing pieces to complete the whole remote control system.
URC1 • 15 TROU BLE SHO OTI NG TI PS: PROBLEM: None of the displays light, VR1 regulator gets hot fast. SOLUTION: You likel y have a short ac ross the po wer supply or you have a component placed in the incorrect orienta tion. Check all of y our parts to make sure they correla te with those in the parts layout diagram.
URC1 • 16 PROBLEM: The thing just doesn't w ork! It must be the engineer's fault! SOLUTION: We m ake absolutely sure that our pro ducts work beyond expectations before the kits leave our doors. If y ou can't solve the problem, send in the kit, if it's our fault the fix charge is free.
URC1 • 17 place of the pot presently in a circuit with this method of squelching. Also good in voltage divider net works, and cu rrent controls. Notice other ver sions of these opto-isolato rs can be used to isolate the s witched outputs also .
URC1 • 18 change voltage output levels as well as current ra t ings. Note with la rger currents that you sh o uld provide a he at sink on Q1. To change the maximum voltage output, use the formula: Vout =5*(1 + R2/R1) There are ple nty of ways to use the out puts of the URC1 to control differe nt circuits, devices, and run equipment.
URC1 • 19 Setting up the URC1: These are some general ideas for setting up the URC1 for either a multiple user remote control, or a protected m ode of operation. We will start from very first power up, all the wa y to leaving the URC1 to do it’s stuf f.
URC1 • 20 Charts and Diagrams: Display Conventio ns: Pinouts of CON2: Note: This jack is not used unless you plan on expanding your kit for more control pots and outp uts.
URC1 • 21 This is a table showing the signal available at each pin of CON1, the access number for which the pi n is accessed and changed, the group number for disabling and enab ling, description, name, and range of output. “?” indicates a variable number.
URC1 • 22 URC1 Control Cod es: The codes on the URC1 are very simp le to use as w ell a s comprehe nsive. Codes have been laid out so that the letters on a touch tone phone represent the action that you desire. Note that all codes be gi n with an asterisk.
URC1 • 23 To turn an outp ut off : *0{output se t #}{Out put #}0 or *6{out put set #}{Outpu t #}0 This code replies with a short then long tone to ind i cate “A” for acknow ledge. Note that the last one or ze ro denotes on and off respectfully. Note there is only eight o utput sets (0-7) and eight outputs per set (0-7).
URC1 • 24 W h ere 2 is the command code, 1 is the device code, and 192 is the value. To vary the resistance down: *C{L evel # }* o r *2 {Lev el # }* Press and hold the last asterisk to keep decreasing the resistance. The resistance stops decreasing at a va lue of zer o (near zero ohms) .
URC1 • 25 To set timer1 on for 35 hours 12secon ds, and off fore 10mS: *8101*0012 0035 Hook up some LEDs as shown with se ries resistors to the tim er outputs, and then experiment a bit to see how this me thod works. Have patience as these codes take a little time to get used to.
URC1 • 26 Note that this command can b e dangerous as it clears out everything, passwords as well as output settings. This command w ill onl y work if you’re entered as a master user. The URC1 replies with a short then long tone to indicate “A” for acknow ledge.
URC1 • 27 Password Master/User Date URC # 1234 M 6-5-94 1 Notes and Passwords: Device Name User Mask # Code for Access Notes Lamp 0 *601? ? indicates 1 or 0.
URC1 • 28 Connector considerations : Upon design of this kit we determined that w e would use standard size connector s for inter face. We ended up using connector cab les from PCs to determ ine what sizes you ma y ha ve laying around at h ome, or available at the local electronics store.
URC1 • 30 The Ramsey Kit Warranty Please read carefully BEFORE calling or writing in about your kit. Most problems can be solved with out contacting the factor y . Notice that thi s is not a "fine prin t" warranty. W e w ant you to understan d your rights and o urs to! All Ramsey kits w ill work if asse m ble d properly.
URC1 • 31 URC1 UNIVERSAL REMOTE CON TROL Quick Reference Page Guide Introduction to t he URC1 .................... .................. 4 Par ts list ........... ................... .................... ............. 7 UR C1 Assembl y instru ctions ..
デバイスRamsey Electronics URC1の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Ramsey Electronics URC1をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはRamsey Electronics URC1の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Ramsey Electronics URC1の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Ramsey Electronics URC1で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Ramsey Electronics URC1を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はRamsey Electronics URC1の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Ramsey Electronics URC1に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちRamsey Electronics URC1デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。