RaymarineメーカーPathfinder Radar Scannersの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Pa t h f i n d e r Rada r Scanners Owne r’ s Handbo ok Docum ent number: 81154 _9 Date:September 2006.
5 P athfinder Radar Scanners Owners Handbook Mar ch 2004 Intended Use T he scanner units detai led in this handbook for m part of naviga tional radar systems intended for light marine use .
6 responsibil ity to exer cise com mon prud ence and naviga tional judgements. T his radar unit should not be relied upon as a substitute for such prudence and judgement. Raymarine pr oducts are supp orted by a networ k of Auth orized Servi ce Representatives .
7 Pr eface T hi s handbook describ es the foll owing Rayma rine P a thfinder radar scanner s: 5S 48" 4 kW O pen Array Scanner 7S 72" 4 kW O pen Array Scanner 9S 48" 10 kW Open Array Scanner 11S 72" 10 kW Open Array Scanner T hese scann er units may be connected to any HSB/hsb 2 or C-Seri es display unit.
8 C-Seri es D isp lay Comp atib ilit y T o achieve full co mpatibility w ith a C-Series Display , your Ra ymarine radar scanner may require upgrading. Please refer to the C-Series Display Owner’s Handbook, or contact T echnical Supp ort for details.
Sheet 1 of 2 Certifica te No. RT033 We Raym arin e Limited Ancho rage Park Portsm outh Hampsh ire Engl and P 03 5 TD decl are, under our s ole resp onsibi lity, that the p roducts iden tified in this .
Sheet 2 of 2 Cert ific ate No . RT033 Decl aration o f Conformity – Schedule o f Ancill ary Equipment and Radar Sy stems The fol lowin g units a re comb ined with the 4k W, Op en Arra y Scan ner U nit (transc eiver) li sted on Sh eet 1 to form t he operati onal Rayt heon or Raym arine r adar s ystems gi ven below.
Sheet 1 of 2 Certifica te No. RT035 We Raym arin e Limited Ancho rage Park Portsm outh Hampsh ire Engl and P 03 5 TD decl are, under our s ole resp onsibi lity, that the p roducts iden tified in this .
Sheet 2 of 2 Cert ific ate No . RT035 Decl aration o f Conformity – Schedule o f Ancill ary Equipment and Radar Sy stems The fol lowin g units a re comb ined with the 10 kW, Op en Ar ra y Scan ner Unit (tra nsce iver) listed o n Shee t 1 to form th e ope rationa l Raym arine radar sys tems gi ven b elow.
Sheet 1 of 2 Cer tific ate No. RT040 We Raymarin e Limite d Anch orag e Park Portsm outh Ham pshire Eng land P03 5TD declar e, un der our so le resp onsibili ty, th at th e produc ts iden tified in th.
Sheet 2 of 2 Cer tific ate No. RT040 Declar ation of Conformity – Schedule of Ancillary Equipment The foll owin g Raym arine Display U nits a re comb ined with the Ra ymari ne 4kW , Ope n Arr ay Sc anner Unit (transce iver) l isted o n Shee t 1 to for m the op eratio nal rada r system s.
Sheet 1 of 2 Cer tific ate No. RT041 We R ay marine Limite d Anch orag e Park Portsm outh Ham pshire Eng land P03 5TD declar e, un der our so le resp onsibili ty, th at th e produc ts iden tified in t.
Sheet 2 of 2 Cer tific ate No. RT041 Declar ation of Conformity – Schedule of Ancillary Equipment The foll owin g Raym arine Display U nits a re comb ined with the Ra ymarine 1 0kW , Open Arra y Scan ner Unit (transce iver) l isted o n Shee t 1 to for m the op eratio nal rada r system s.
clxx xv Chapter 2: Overview 2.1 Intr oduction T h is handbo ok provides instructions to assist yo u in the inst allation and set up of the following radar scan ners: 5S 48" 4 kW Open Array Scanne.
clxx xvi CAUTION: Do not use an open array scanner w ith an SL70, SL 70 PLUS or SL70RC PLUS 7" LCD display unit. Failur e to observe this ma y result in permanent dam age to these disp lay units. The 10 kW open a rray scanne r requi re s 24 V or higher; it will no t operate o n 12 V sys tems.
clxxxvi i • The equipment is supp lied from a separate ba ttery from tha t used for eng ine start. V oltage dro ps below 10 V (20 V for 10 kW open array scanners) in the power supply to our prod ucts , and starter motor transien ts , can cause the equipment to reset.
clxxxv iii 2.3 Selecting the scanner uni t site T his section provides information that affects the possible locatio ns of the scanner , and its position relative to the display unit and to the power supply . T he dim ensions of the each scanne r unit are shown in the following diag rams .
clxxxi x • Radar operat es at the line -of-sight, so a high mount ing position gives bet - ter lo ng rang e pe rf orm anc e. • Surroundin g large o bjects, in the sam e horizont al pla ne , c an inte rfere with the radar signa l and ca use blind a reas or sha dow sectors a nd false targets on the radar screen (see be low).
cxc Centre of rotation Centre of rotation 48" - 1306 mm (51.4 in), 72" - 1928 mm (75.9 in) 100 mm (4 in) 427 mm (16.8 in) 296 mm (11.65 in) 406 mm (16 in) D4572-4 Weight Pedestal: 24 kg (53.0 lb) 48" Open Array: 6 kg (13.2 lb) 72" Open Array: 9.
cxci • Access: T h e scanner unit site should be easily accessible to allow mainte- nance to be carried out safely . • Magnetic compass: Mount the scanner uni t at least 1 m away from a mag- netic co mpass .
cxci i • Moun ting Pl atfo rm : The pl atform must be mechani cally secure and capa- ble of supporting the mass and inertia of the open array scanner . T he com- plete unit wei ghs: 48" scanner - 30 kg (66 .2 lb); 72" scanner - 33.4 kg (73.
cxciii Setting the radiation plane T h e scanner unit should be mounted so that the array rotates parallel to the waterlin e . T he radar beam is approximately 25° wide in the vertical direction, providing good target detection during the vessel’ s pitching and rolling.
cxci v 2.4 Cable Re quiremen ts T his section pro vides details o n selecting the appropriate cables for your syste m. P ermi ssible cable l engths depend on the scanner type and the boat’ s power system. Information on inter -unit and power cables is provided for both radome and open array scanners in the following sections .
cxcv CA UTION: The cab le for con nectin g an open arr ay scan ner to a C- ser ies display cannot be extended. Radome inter-unit cable for use with Pathfinder and C Series displays Open array inter-un.
cxcv i Runnin g the cable to the scanne r CAUTION: Do not pull the cable through bulk he ads using a cor d attach ed to the connector . This could damage the connections.
cxcvii Open array scanner cables for P athfinder displays Inter- unit c able T h e P athfi nder display inter -unit cabl es have a connector p lug at one en d for connecting to the displa y unit or extension cabl e; the other end is prep ared ready to fit to the power and signal connectors (see Secti on 2.
cxcv iii 24 V a nd 32 V S ystem s - 10 kW s canners 10 kW open array scanners can use any combination of inter -unit cable up to a maximum leng th of 35 m. However , these systems u se considerable po wer and installation s should be planned to minimize all cable lengths .
cxci x Not e: If th e requ ired ext ensio n resul ts in unaccep tably large di amete r cable s, use tw o or more sm aller ga uge wir es to achieve the requi red cop per wire cross- secti on. For e xample , using tw o pair s of 2 mm 2 is equivalent to using two single 4.
cc T able 2-5: Max. Extension Power Cable Lengths (m), 24 V Systems - 10 kW Scanners Inter- Unit Cabl e(s) Pow er Cable Co re (each cor e) mm 2 : AWG: 1.5 16 2.0 15 2.5 14 4.0 11 5 m Heavy 12.0 16.0 20.0 32.0 10 m Heavy 10.5 14.0 18.0 28.0 15 m Heavy 9.
cci Open array scanner cables for C-series displays A split pedestal cable is required to connect a compatible open array scanner to the display unit and to the power so urce . If you are co nnectin g an existing co mpatible scan ner to a C-Serie s display a pedestal ad aptor cable can be u sed instead of the spl it pedestal c able.
ccii CAUTION: This ra dar is not intended for use on “pos itive” ground vessels. The po wer cabl e Ea rth screen c onnect ions mu st be c onnec ted to the ship’s gr ound. Gr ounding t he r ada r syst em It is impo rtant th at an eff ective RF ground is c onnected to the r adar system.
cci ii 24/32 V ** Isolator Sw itch min. rat ing 15 A 15 A 15 A T hermal Break er rating 8 A 10 A 5 A Fuse value 10 A 15 A 8 A * 10 k W scan ners c annot b e directly conn ected to 12 V **Radom e syst ems cann ot use 3 2V .
ccvi i Chapter 3: Installing the Scanne r 3.1 Open arr ay scanner Installa tion of t he open arr ay scanner should on ly be un dertak en by a competent installer . If you ha ve any di fficulty with the in stallation, please cont act your local Raymarine dealer or distributor .
ccv iii Securing the pedestal to the mounting platform 1. Using the paper t emplate sup plied with the scanner m ounting kit, mark t he flat mounting surface with the holes and drill as indicated on the template . Refer to Secti on 1.2 when selecting the scanner unit site .
ccix Connecting the open array scanner cable CA UTION: Before wiring the scanner unit check that it is secur ely mounted to the platform , then make sure that the inter-unit cable is not connected and po wer is not applied to the display unit. The scanner switch must be in the OFF position.
ccx 5. E nsure the exposed braid is positioned in they p-cli p to provide an earth, then clamp s ecure ly in to po sition. Secure the cable at the entranc e to pedestal ba se using the plastic cable clamp. Hand tighten the cable gland nut. . 6. T he cable i s supplied prep ared and ready to fit to the signal an d power con- nectors .
ccxi CA UTION: If any of the wi res are incorrec tly fitted, the scanner will not function correctl y . 7. F it the 8 -way plu g (supplied in the kit of parts) to the cable as sho wn in the fol- lowing diagram. T he terminal clamps are operated using a screwdriver as shown.
ccxii 8. Con nect the red core(s) to the terminal sock e t mark ed “+”and the black core(s) to the terminal sock et marked “-”. T he terminal clamps are op erated using a screwdr iver as shown i n the inset diagra m. 9. U sing the tie-wrap fitting on the pedestal lid, secure the cable .
ccxiii Fitting the open array to the pedestal CA UTION: The pede stal un it has a cap fitted over t he open array moun ting shaf t to pr otect the pro tuding co-a xial pin. T his cap mu st be left in place until t he open ar r ay is fit ted t o the pede stal.
ccxiv 3.2 System Connect ions CAUTION: The display connector on the scanner cable is a moulded plug that cannot be replac ed. DO NOT remove this m oulde d plug . Do not use an open array scanner w ith an SL70, SL 70 PLUS or SL70RC PLUS 7" LCD display unit.
ccxv T h e open array scan ner has a power switch fitted to the pedestal. T his switch can normally be left ON . However , if the scanner is being serviced or if any personnel are in the vicinity of the open array , the sw itch should be set to OFF .
ccxvi Cable details T he fo llowing diag rams - one for the inter -uni t cable , one for the split pedestal and adaptor c able - illu strate the co nnector pins and cable c ore details .
ccxvii 1 2 3 5 4 7 10 11 86 9 13 12 White Orange Black Green Yellow Shield Violet Blue Grey Video Video RTN Not connected Tx Trigger + Not connected Data I/O + Tx Trigger - - Not connected Data I/O - .
ccxvi ii.
ccxi x.
ccxx i.
ccxxi i.
ccxx iii Chapter 4: P ost Installation Checks and Maintenance Once you have in stalled your radar scanner and di splay unit , and made all the connect ions , you need to chec k your inst allation. Y ou can then set up the radar system, align th e scanner and ch eck the display tim ing.
ccxxi v Chec king tr ansmiss ion WARNING: The radar scanner transmits electr om agnet ic e nergy . En sur e th at the scanner has been installed a ccor ding to the recommendations given i n Chapter 1 , and t hat all pers onnel ar e clear of the s cann er , before switching to transmit mode.
ccxx v 4.2 Mainte nance War n i n g s The display unit and scanner unit c ontain high voltag e . Adjus tments r equir e specialized service pr ocedur es and tools only a vailabl e to qual ified s ervice t echnici ans - ther e ar e no user serv iceable pa rts or adjust ments and the op er ator should n ot attempt to se rvice the equipmen t.
ccx xvi enable you to ensure mi nimum interacti on between di fferent items of equi p- ment, i.e . ensure optimum Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) . • Always report any EMC-related problem to your nearest R aymarine deal er . We us e such information to improve our quality standards .
ccxx vii T echnical Support: Please visit out website at: www .raymarine. com/recreational/su pport where you w ill find a Question s & Answer s databa se , serv ice informati on and e- mail access to the T echnical Support department.
ccx xviii For Pr oduct Repair and Serv ice In the unli kely ev ent your Raymarin e unit shoul d develop a pro blem, please contact your auth orized Rayma rine dealer for assistan ce . Th e dealer is best equipped to handle yo ur servi ce requir ements and c an offer time saving hel p in getting the equipment back into normal operation.
ccxxix If you are uncertain about what item to choose for your Raymarine unit, please contact our Customer Servic es Departmen t prior t o placing yo ur orde r . Worldwide Support Please contact the authorized distributor in the country . A list of worldwide distributors is supplied with your system.
Append ix A: Spe cifica tion 3 Appendix A: Specification 5S and 9S 48" Open Array Scanner Unit Gener al Approvals CE - co nforms t o FCC - con forms to 1995/5/EC, EN6 0945 P art 80 (47C FR) and P art 2 (47CF R) Dimensions P edestal: 427 x 296 x 406 mm (1 6.
4 6.0 - 7 2 1.0 0 740 0.5 - - - Standby M ode Magnetron heater and co ntrol l eft on, al l other servi ces off Duplexer Circ ulato r 9S T ransmitter - 10 kW Input V oltage 16 - 44 V DC (from display unit) P ow er Co nsumpti on 11 W Stan dby 80 W T ypical operation in light winds 95 W M ax.
Append ix A: Spe cifica tion 5 Not e: If the sca nner is b ought for us e with an exi sting display , cont act you r deal er/s ervice agent for the latest display software to ensu re you can us e all the open ar ray sca nner fea- tures . 48" Ant enna Antenn a T ype Slot ted waveguide arr ay Beam Width (no minal) 1.
6 7S and 11S 72" Open Arr ay Scanner Unit Gener al Approvals CE - co nforms t o FCC - con forms to 1995/5/EC, EN609 45 P art 80 (4 7CFR) and P a rt 2 (47CFR) Dimensions P edestal: 427 x 296 x 406 mm (16.8 x 10.5 x 1 6 in) Array: 1 918 mm (75.5 in) length Weight P edestal: 24 kg (53.
Append ix A: Spe cifica tion 7 Standby Mo de Magnet ron heat er and cont rol left on , all oth er services off Dupl exer C irculat or 11S T ransmitter - 10 kW Input Vol tage 20 - 44 V DC ( from display u nit) Power Consumpti on 11 W Sta ndby 80 W T ypical oper ation in light winds 117 W Max.
8 Note: I f the sc anner is b ough t for u se with an existi ng dis play, conta ct you r dealer/s ervic e agent for the l atest di splay softwa re to ensure you can use al l the op en ar ray sca nner fea - tures.
デバイスRaymarine Pathfinder Radar Scannersの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Raymarine Pathfinder Radar Scannersをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはRaymarine Pathfinder Radar Scannersの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Raymarine Pathfinder Radar Scannersの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Raymarine Pathfinder Radar Scannersで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Raymarine Pathfinder Radar Scannersを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はRaymarine Pathfinder Radar Scannersの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Raymarine Pathfinder Radar Scannersに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちRaymarine Pathfinder Radar Scannersデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。