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ST6002 SmartPilot Contr oller Operating Guide Document referenc e: 81269 -1 Date: December 20 05 81269_1.book Page i Wednesday , November 9, 2005 2:35 PM.
Autohelm, HSB (High Speed Bus), SailPilot, SeaT alk and SportPilot are regist ered trademarks of Ray marine Ltd. Raymarine, AST (Advanc ed Steering T echnology), AutoA dapt, AutoLearn, AutoRelease, AutoSeastate , AutoT ack, AutoT rim, F astT rim, GyroPlus, R ayGyro , RayPilot and WindT rim are trademarks of Raymarine Ltd.
i Important Information About the documen tation pr ovided Welcome to Raymarine SmartPilot. T he autopil ot system that w ill steer your boat to a heading automatically , accurately , reliably and comfortably .
ii ST6002 SmartPilot Control ler Operating Guide Y our Raymarine SmartPil ot will add a new dimension to you r boating enjoymen t. However , it is the skipper’ s responsibility to ensure the safety .
Important Information iii Handbook informatio n T o the best of our knowl edge , the info rmation in this handboo k was c orrect when it went to press .
iv ST6002 SmartPilot Control ler Operating Guide 81269_1.book Page iv Wednesday, November 9, 2005 2:35 PM.
v Contents Important Information ................... ................... ................... ................... .................... . i About the do cumentation p rovided .......................... ................... ................... ........ i W a rranty .
vi ST6002 SmartPilot Controller Operating Guide Chap ter 2: Adva nced Operation ..... ................... ................... ............. ................... .... 1 3 2.1 How do I follow a rou te set on a Chartplotter? ................. ............
vii Chapter 3: Fault Fi nding & Maintenance .............. ................... ................... ........... 27 3.1 F a ult finding ........... ............. ................... ................... ................... .................. 27 SmartPilot ala rm messages .
viii ST6002 SmartPilot Control ler Operating Guide 81269_1.book Page viii Wednesday, November 9, 2005 2:35 PM.
1 Chapter 1: SmartPilot Oper ation 1.1 Intr oduction T he SmartPilot controller is a SeaT alk® compatible autopilot control unit. It is designed as the m ain c o ntroller f or the SmartPilot system. T he SmartPilot controller operates in the following modes: • Stan dby: Sm artPilot of f .
2 ST6002 SmartPilot Control ler Operating Guide : Extended systems Y ou can connect the SmartPilot controll er to other Raymarine SeaT alk equipment so it can sen d and receive SeaT alk da ta: • it can use waypoint in formation fro m a SeaT alk na vigation inst rument to pro- vide track control.
Chapter 1: SmartPi lot Operation 3 When the power supply is switched off , the SmartPilot controller buttons have no effect. Not es: (1) Each time power to t he SmartPilot controll er is switched on, the contr ol- ler is initia lly in the on condition.
4 ST6002 SmartPilot Control ler Operating Guide What does the display tell me? T he SmartP ilot display screen prov ides the following information: T he bar graph at the bottom of the screen indicates the current position of the rudder , as measured by the rudder position sensor .
Chapter 1: SmartPi lot Operation 5 How do I return to hand steering? Pres s standby to disengage the SmartPilot: •i n ST AND BY mode, yo u have manual control of t he boat and the display shows the boat’ s current compass heading.
6 ST6002 SmartPilot Control ler Operating Guide Can I dodge an obstacle and then resume course? T o avoid an obst acle when yo ur boat is und er autopilot co ntrol, you ca n dodge the obstacle and then resume you r previous course . 1. Select a course change in the approp riat e direction.
Chapter 1: SmartPi lot Operation 7 Not e: You will lose these tempo r ary changes to response level whenever the system is pow ered off . You can ma ke perma nent ad justme nts in Use r Calibr ation (See page 24). This determ ines th e defaul t power-u p respons e level.
8 ST6002 SmartPilot Control ler Operating Guide • Response Level 2: AutoSeastate off (Minimum deadband) T his setting provides tighter course k eeping but will lead to increased power consumpt ion and drive unit activity .
Chapter 1: SmartPi lot Operation 9 1.5 Usin g the Smart Pilot with sa il boats Using the SmartPilot to automatically tack (Auto- Ta c k ) CAUTION: Allow time for course changes When ma king major cou rse change s , th e trim on the boat ma y change substantia lly .
10 ST6002 SmartPilot Control ler Operating Guide With gybe inhibit of f: • you can perform a n AutoT ack into or away fro m the wind. Note: Gybe inhibit is switched on as a de fault bu t can be disabled in User Cali bration (see page 34).
Chapter 1: SmartPi lot Operation 11 2. Press the disp bu tton to cycle through the possible illuminatio n settings: LAMP 3 (the brightest setting) , LAMP 2, LAMP 1, OFF , LAMP 1, LAMP 2, LAMP 3 and so on: • as you change the setting, the illumination on any other SeaT alk instru- ments or c ontrol units will also change.
12 ST6002 SmartPilot Control ler Operating Guide 81269_1.book Page 12 Wednesday , November 9, 20 05 2:35 PM.
13 Chapter 2: Advanced Oper ation 2.1 Ho w do I follow a r oute set on a C hartplott er? CAUTION: Safe ty in T rack mo de T rack mode provid es accurate track keep ing even in co mplex navigational situations.
14 ST6002 SmartPilot Control ler Operating Guide 3. If it is safe for the boat to turn onto the new course, press the track button: • the SmartP ilot will turn the boat ont o the new c ourse . • the display w ill show the heading required to ach ieve the required track.
Chapter 2: Adv anced Operation 15 Tidal stream compensation Under most conditions , the SmartPilot will hold the selected tr ack to within ±0.05 nm (300 ft) or be tter . It tak e s account of the boat’s speed when computing cou rse changes to ensure optimum performance .
16 ST6002 SmartPilot Control ler Operating Guide What happens when I arrive at a waypoint? As the boat arrives at the target waypoi nt the chartplotter will select the next target w aypoint and transmit this to the SmartPilot.
Chapter 2: Adv anced Operation 17 WARNING: Ensur e navigation safety Skipping a w aypoint will take you straight to the next waypoint. Check yo ur naviga tion befo re maki ng the turn .
18 ST6002 SmartPilot Control ler Operating Guide 2.2 Using Wind V ane mode – sail boats Note: You can only select Wind Van e mode if the SmartPilot is receivi ng suitable SeaTalk or NMEA win d directi on informa tion.
Chapter 2: Adv anced Operation 19 • if the SmartPilot does not enter Wind Va n e mode , it is not receiving wind data - check the instrument and connections 3. In Wind Vane mode , the SmartPilot will then adjust the boat’s heading to maintain th e lock ed wind angle .
20 ST6002 SmartPilot Control ler Operating Guide What is a Wind Shift warning? If the autopilot detects a wind shift of more than 15° it will sound the wind shift warning and display the WIND SHIF T message: • T o cancel the warning, and retain the ex isting wind angle and new hea ding, press standby and auto together .
Chapter 2: Adv anced Operation 21 Operating hints for Wind V ane mode • Always trim your sails caref ully to minim ize the amount of standing helm. • Reef the h eadsail and mainsai l a little early rather than too late .
22 ST6002 SmartPilot Control ler Operating Guide Can I display Waypoint names? If waypoint s have been given names , the Sm artPilot contro ller will display them on the Cross T rack Error ( XTE ), Be.
Chapter 2: Adv anced Operation 23 How do I access User Calibration settings? Y ou can only acce ss the calibration mode from Standby mode: 1. With the SmartPilot in Sta ndby mode , press and hold th e standby bu tton for 2 seconds. T he display will change to show DISPLA Y CAL .
24 ST6002 SmartPilot Control ler Operating Guide Wind selection (SAILBOA T only) T his screen d etermines whether the bo at steers to apparent or true wind in Wi nd Va n e m o d e. WindT rim (SAILBO A T only) WindT rim controls how quickl y the SmartPilot responds t o changes in the wind d i r e c t i o n .
Chapter 2: Adv anced Operation 25 Non-G SmartPilot sy stems Screen T ext Options RESPONSE 1 AutoSeastate on (Automatic deadban d). T he SmartPilot will g radually ignore repetit ive boat move- ments and only rea ct to true vari ations in co urse. T his pro- vid es the be st comp romise betwee n power consump tion and cour se k ee ping accu racy .
26 ST6002 SmartPilot Control ler Operating Guide 81269_1.book Page 26 Wednesday , November 9, 20 05 2:35 PM.
27 Chapter 3: F ault Finding & Maintenance All Raymari ne products are de signed to provide m any years of trou ble-free operation. We also put them through comprehensive testing and quality assurance p rocedures before shipping.
28 ST6002 SmartPilot Control ler Operating Guide Sma rtPi lot al arm mes sage s When the SmartPilot detects a fault or failure on the system, it will activate one of the alarm messages listed in the following table .
Chapter 3: F ault F inding & Ma intenance 29 ALARM MESSAGE POSSIBLE CA USE and SOLUTION AUTO REL EASE P o ssible faul t with ru dder pos ition senso r – check connection s . OR Stern (I /O) dri ves only – you have tak e n manual control of steeri ng with AutoRelease on.
30 ST6002 SmartPilot Control ler Operating Guide 3.2 Gener al maintenance Routine checks CAUTION: Do not d ismantle Sm artPilot products The SmartPilot computer and controller should be serviced only by auth orized Ra ymarine se rvice tec hnicians . Thes e produ cts do not contain any user s erviceable parts.
Chapter 3: F ault F inding & Ma intenance 31 EMC advice • When powered up, all electrical equipment produces electromagn etic fields . T hese c an cause adjace nt pieces of electrical e quipment to interact with one another , with a conse quent adverse effect on operatio n.
32 ST6002 SmartPilot Control ler Operating Guide Hel p us to help yo u When requesting serv ice , please quo te the followi ng product informatio n: •E q u i p m e n t t y p e .
Chapter 3: F ault F inding & Ma intenance 33 Product detail s table F or future reference , you m ay wa nt to use this table to record serial and softw are information for your SmartPilot: Serial Number Softwar e Vers ion SmartPilot Cont roller SmartPilot Comp u ter Hours Used hours 81269_1.
34 ST6002 SmartPilot Control ler Operating Guide 81269_1.book Page 34 Wednesday , November 9, 20 05 2:35 PM.
35 Specifications ST6002 control unit SmartPi lot computer functi ons Nominal supply voltage: 12 V DC via SeaT alk Oper ating v oltage range: 10 V to 15 V DC Current consum ption (in St andby mode ) 6.
36 ST6002 SmartPilot Control ler Operating Guide Glossary Ter m Meaning AST Advanced Stee ring T echn ology (AS T) is Raymarin e’s un ique advanced steering algorit hm. It us es inputs fr om a wide varie ty of sensor s to tune th e autopil ot’ s operatio n to provi de superi or contro l of the boa t in any condi tion.
Glossary 37 NMEA T he NMEA (National Maritime Electronics Assoc iat ion) protocol is an i n terna- tionally accepted ser ial communication interface standard fo r sharing data betwee n electr onic equ ipment. Raymarine products can shar e inform ation with non- SeaT alk eq uipment using the NMEA 0183 prot ocol.
38 ST6002 SmartPilot Control ler Operating Guide 81269_1.book Page 38 Wednesday , November 9, 20 05 2:35 PM.
39 Index A Alarms , 28 AU TO R E LE A S E , 29 CURRENT LIMIT , 29 DRIV E ST OPPED , 29 LARGE XTE , 14 LOW BA TT , 29 LRN F A IL , 29 MOB , 22 MO T POW S WAPPED , 29 NEXT WPT , 17 NO D A T A , 29 NO P .
40 ST6002 SmartPilot Control ler Operating Guide O Off course warning Descript ion , 8 P Performance adj ustment , 6 non-G systems , 7 S1G, S2G and S3G s ystems , 7 Pow e r s t ee r , 6 Pre ventin g g.
Raymarine World Wide W arranty I Raymarine W orld Wide W arra nty Raymarine Inc. APPLI CABLE T O PROD UCTS SOLD THROUGH O FFICIAL RA YMARINE INC . DEAL ERS , DIST RIBUT ORS AND BOA T BUILDE RS WIT HIN TH E AMERI CAS A ND CARI BBEAN. Limi ted warran ty Subject to the ter ms , conditio ns and limitations set fort h in this U .
II Upon the expiratio n of the On Boa rd W arran ty P eriod, you are still eligi ble to receive stan d ard warranty service for the remaining term of the Warranty P erio d, but will not be eligible for continue d On Boa rd Warranty Service.
IV 3.2 In cases wh ere the customer is req uesting a warranty se rvice and a Ra ymarine certified installer has not installed the produc t; i.e . Produ ct warranty , the affected product must be returned to the customer’s local Raymarine appro ved service agent o r direct to Ray mari ne wit h: 3.
Raymarine World Wide W arranty V 4.10 If repai rs are necessary under the warranty , the affected pr oduct must be forward ed to a Raymarine faci lity or a Raymarine approved service agen t, at the owner’s exp en se .
VI Purchased from Purcha se date Dealer address Installed by Installation date Commiss ioned by Commiss ioning d ate Owners na me Mailing addr ess Raymarine Service Centers North and South America Ray.
デバイスRaymarine ST6002の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Raymarine ST6002をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはRaymarine ST6002の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Raymarine ST6002の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Raymarine ST6002で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Raymarine ST6002を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はRaymarine ST6002の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Raymarine ST6002に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちRaymarine ST6002デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。