RazerメーカーDeathAdder Chromaの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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1 | razer Favored by eSports athletes the world o ver, the Raze r Dea thAd der h as esta blished itself gl o bally as the best g a ming mouse. Renowne d for its ergonom ic des ign, s wi ft responsiveness , a nd rock- solid build qua lity, this belove d mouse e mbod ies the a bsol ute best elements a ga mer need to dominate i n any game.
2 | For gamers by gam ers CONTENTS 1. PACKAGE C ONTENTS / SYSTEM REQUI RE MENTS ........................................ 3 2. REGIS TRATION / TECH NICAL SU PPORT ....................................................... 4 3. TECHNICA L SPECIFI CATIO NS .
3 | razer 1. PACKA GE CONT ENTS / SY STEM R EQUIR EMENT S PACKAGE CONT ENTS Razer Dea thAdder C hroma Ergonom ic Ga ming Mo use Quick Start Gu ide SYSTEM REQUIR EMENTS PC or Mac with a free US B 2.0 por t Windows® 8 / Win dows® 7 / Win dows Vist a® / Windows ® XP ( 32-bit) / Mac OS X ( 10.
4 | For gamers by gam ers 2. REGISTR ATION / T ECH NICAL S UPP ORT REGISTRAT ION Sign up now for a Razer Sy napse acco unt to ge t real - time i nformation o n yo ur product’s warra nty s tatus . To learn mo re about R azer Sy napse a nd all its feat ures, visi t www.
5 | razer 3 . TECHNIC AL SPECI FICAT IONS TECHNICAL SPE CIFICATIO NS 100 00 dpi op tical se nsor Ergonomic rig ht-ha nded desig n with text ured rubber s ide gri ps 5 Independen tly progra.
6 | For gamers by gam ers 4 . DEVIC E LAYOUT A. Left mouse butto n B. Right mouse butto n C. Scro ll wheel D. Mouse b utton 5 E. Mo use button 4 F. R azer precisio n 4 g o pt ical sensor G.
7 | razer 5 . INST ALLING YOUR RA ZER DE ATHAD DER CHRO MA Step 1: Connect your R azer device to the USB por t of your computer. Step 2: In stall Razer Sy napse when pro mpted* or download t he installer from www.razerzo ne.com/sy napse . Step 3: Regis ter for a R azer ID o r log in to Synapse w ith an exis ting accou nt.
8 | For gamers by gam ers 6 . CONFIG URING YO UR RAZ ER D EATHADDER CH ROMA Disclaimer: The features l isted here r equire you to log in to Razer S ynapse . These featur es are also subject to change based on the current software version a nd your Operating Syst em.
9 | razer PROFILE A profile is a conve nient wa y of or ganizi ng all yo ur custo m settings and yo u ca n have a n infinite numbe r of profiles a t your disposa l. Any chan ges ma de within eac h tab are automatically save d to t he current profi le and store d into the cloud serve rs .
10 | For gamers b y gamers CUSTOMIZE T AB The C ustomize Tab is where yo u can mo dify the basic functio nalities of your devi ce such as b u tton assignments to s uit your ga ming nee ds. T he c hanges made in this tab are automatica lly save d to your curre nt pr ofile.
11 | raze r BUTTO N ASSIGNMENT M ENU Initially, ea ch of t he mouse b uttons is set to DEFAULT . Ho wever , yo u may c hange t he function of th es e buttons by cl ickin g the desi red b utton to acc ess the Butto n Assignment M enu. Listed belo w are the custo mization o ptions and t heir descr iption s.
12 | For gamers b y gamers Mouse Functio n Thi s option a llows yo u to c hange the mo use b utto ns into o ther mouse f unctions. To choose a mouse function, select MOU SE F UNCTION fro m the Bu tton Ass ignment Me nu and an AS SIGN BUTTO N su bmenu will a ppear.
13 | raze r Sensitivity Sensitivity refers to how fas t the mo use po inter can travel acros s the screen. Whe n y ou select t he S e nsitivity functio n f ro m the d ropdown me nu, a sub -men u will .
14 | For gamers b y gamers Switch Prof ile The S witch Profi le enables you to c hange profiles o n t he f ly an d i mmediatel y loa d all your p reconfigure d s ettings. W hen you selec t S witch Profile fro m the But to n Assignme nt Men u, a s ub- menu will a ppear t hat will a llow yo u to choose which p rofile to use.
15 | raze r Windows Short cut Thi s option ena bles you to a ssign the key into a n Operat ing S ystem s hortcut c om mand. For more i nformatio n please v isit: http://s upport.microso ft.co m/kb/12 6449 . Shortcuts Thi s option ena bles you to a ssign the key into a n Operat ing S ystem s hortcut c om mand.
16 | For gamers b y gamers PERFORM ANCE TAB Th e Pe rf orma nce Ta b allo ws yo u to e nhance t he speed a nd precis ion o f your mouse pointer. S imilar to the C ustom ize Tab, the changes ma de here are a utomatically sav ed to your current profile.
17 | raze r Enable X-Y Sensitivity By default, the X -axis ( horizon tal) a nd Y- a xis (ver tical) use the sa me se nsitivity val ues. However, yo u may set differe nt se nsitivity values to ea ch of t he axes by s electing th e ENABLE X-Y SENSITIVIT Y op tion.
18 | For gamers b y gamers LIGHTING TAB The L ighting Ta b allows you to custom ize the loo k of your gamin g mouse by choos ing from o ver 1 6 million colors fo r the back lig ht or yo u may s elect the S PE CTRUM CYCLING option to al low t he co lors to c hange i ndefinitely.
19 | raze r CALIBRATION TAB The Ca libration Tab a llows you to optimize your Raze r P recision Se nsor to a ny mousin g surface fo r bet ter track ing.
20 | For gamers b y gamers Razer Mouse Mats The Razer D eathAd der is ‘ tuned’ or o ptimized es pecially for Raze r mouse mats. T his means that t he sensor has bee n tes ted e xte nsively to co nfirm that the Razer DeathAdder rea ds and tracks best when paired w ith Ra ze r mouse mats.
21 | raze r Other Mousing Surfaces If you are usi ng a non -Raze r mouse mat or a non -sta ndard mo using s urface, se lec t OTHERS t hen clic k the button to ac ces s the manual cali bratio n submenu.
22 | For gamers b y gamers Thi s sub menu ena bles you to manually a djust the Razer Precisio n Sensor to suit a ny mousing surface. To begin calibratin g th e sensor, cli c k the button. After clicking t he button, R azer Sy napse w i ll be gin tu ning the s e nsor.
23 | raze r Once t he R azer Precisio n Sensor is ready, press a nd hol d the left mo use button the n move the mouse a cross your en tire mo usin g su rface in a zigzag pattern as s hown o n the screen guide. When you have moved through your entire mousi ng surface, release t he left mo use button.
24 | For gamers b y gamers MACROS TAB The Mac ros Tab allo ws you to c reate a seri es of precise keystrokes a nd button presses . Thi s tab also allows you to have num erous macros an d extremely lo ng mac ro commands at your d isposal .
25 | raze r The Mac ro sect ion allo ws yo u to i nput the delay i n-be tween comman ds . I n R ECO RD DELAY the dela y in- betwee n c om mands are registered as how it is entered. T he DEFAULT D ELAY uses a predefi ne d time ( expressed i n sec onds) as t he dela y.
26 | For gamers b y gamers Once you have recor d ed a macro , you m ay edit t he c ommands you have e ntered b y selecting each c om mand o n the macro screen. Each keystroke or b utton press is arranged seq uentially w ith the first com ma nd shown a t the top of the scree n.
27 | raze r Once yo u have pressed the button, a new display windo w will a ppear besid e the list of macro c omma nds. T he dro pdow n menu on t his win dow al lows you to choo se a keystroke or a delay to be added i n befor e or after the hig hlighted macro co mmand.
28 | For gamers b y gamers You may a dd in a new set of mac ro comma nds by c licking the button on the keystroke men u; or in put time delays on t he durat ion fiel d using the delay men u.
29 | raze r 7 . SAFET Y A ND MAINTE NAN CE SAFETY GUIDELI NES In o rder to achie ve maxi mum s afety whil e usin g your Razer D eathA dder Ch roma , we suggest tha t you ado pt the follo wing guide lines: 1. Avoid loo king directly a t the tracking bea m o f yo ur mouse or poi nting the bea m in a nyone else’s e ye.
30 | For gamers b y gamers 3. Keep your feet well supporte d, posture s traight a nd your sho ulders relaxe d. 4. During ga meplay , relax your wrist and keep i t s traight. If yo u do the same tas ks with yo ur han ds re peatedly, tr y not to be nd, e xte nd o r twist you r ha nds fo r lo n g periods.
31 | raze r 8 . LEGALE SE COPYRIGHT A ND INT ELL ECTUAL PROPERT Y INFORMAT ION ©2014 Raze r Inc. Pa tent Pendin g. All Righ ts Reserved. Ra zer, the Razer T riple -Hea ded Snake logo, the Ra zer distress ed word logo and o ther t rademar ks c ontaine d herein are trademarks or registered tra demarks of Raze r Inc.
32 | For gamers b y gamers COSTS OF PR OCUREME NT For th e avoida nce of d oubt, in n o event will R azer be li a ble fo r any c osts of procureme nt u nless it has been a dvised o f the possi bility .
デバイスRazer DeathAdder Chromaの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Razer DeathAdder Chromaをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはRazer DeathAdder Chromaの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Razer DeathAdder Chromaの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Razer DeathAdder Chromaで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Razer DeathAdder Chromaを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はRazer DeathAdder Chromaの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Razer DeathAdder Chromaに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちRazer DeathAdder Chromaデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。