Remote TechnologiesメーカーRPC-320の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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RPC-320 USER'S MANUAL REV 2 Page i RPC -320 Copyright 1997, 1999 - Remote Processing C orporation. All rights reserved. However, any part of this document may be reproduc ed with Remote Proce ssing cited as the source. The con tents of this ma nual and the sp ecifications her ein may change without not ice.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ii RPC-320 SECTI ON 1 OVERVIEW DESCRIPTION ................... 1-1 MANUAL ORGANIZATION .......... 1-1 MANUAL CONVENTI ONS ........... 1-1 Symbols and Term inology ......... 1-2 TECHNICA L SUPPORT ............. 1-2 SECTI ON 2 SETUP AND OPERATION INTRODUCTION .
SOFTWARE REVISI ON HISTORY Page iv RPC -320 V1.04 Release for RPC 320 V1.05 BSAVE retur ned a hardware er ror when ver ify was bad. In fact, save was OK. V1.06 LCD grap hic s ha rdware CS an d res et a re reversed. C ompensated in sof tware. V1.07 MTO P was useless in any system, especially a 32 K R AM.
OVERVIEW SECTION 1 Page 1-1 RPC -320 DESCRIPTION The RP C-320 is a n embed ded contr oller with a built in Basic language. Several featur es make it suitable as a stand alone un it: Built in RPBASIC-52 programm ing language sup port s ha rdware usi ng s ing le c omman ds.
OVERVIEW SECTION 1 Page 1-2 RPC -320 Symbols and Term inology NOTE: Text under this heading is helpful inf ormation. It is in ten ded to act as a remi nde r of some operation or interacti on with another devi ce that may not be obvious.
OVERVIEW SECTION 1 Page 1-3 RPC -320 Figure 1-1 System layout.
SETUP AND OPERATION SECTION 2 Page 2-1 RPC-320 Figure 2-1 Connector location and function INTRODUCTION The RPC -320 is ready to program as soon as you connect it to a ter minal or PC a nd apply pow er. This chapter describes what is needed to get a sign- on message and begin program ming.
SETUP AND OPERATION SECTION 2 Page 2-2 RPC-320 FIRST TIME OPERATION Bec ome f amil iar w it h th e lo cat ion s of con nec tors bef ore getting started. See Figure 2-1. RPC -320 jump ers have been set at the fa ctory to op erate the system immediately.
SETUP AND OPERATION SECTION 2 Page 2-3 RPC-320 sending it char acters. The uploa d and dow nload file does not conta in any special c odes; th ey are sim ply ASCII cha racters. Uploading programs is simply a proces s of receiving an ASCII file. Y ou or your progr am simply need to send "LIST " to receive the entire program .
SETUP AND OPERATION SECTION 2 Page 2-4 RPC-320 WHERE TO GO FROM HE RE If you want to do this: Turn to Chapter Save a program 3 Run a prog ram at powe r up o r reset (autorun) 3 Know m ore abo ut seria.
SAVING PROGRAMS SECTION 3 Page 3-1 RPC -320 Figure 3-1 W3 autorun jumper INTRODUCTION Program s are stored in an EPRO M in socket U6. You can store one or mor e program s, depending upon EPROM size. A BASIC program can call another when a 512K byte EPROM is used.
SAVING PROGRAMS SECTION 3 Page 3-2 RPC -320 The time it takes save a program depends upon the len gth and c omple xit y of the progra m and f las h EPROM type. Pr ogramm ing rate is roughly 600 bytes/second. If the program is not succes sfully sa ved to EPROM, an error me ssa ge wi ll app ear.
SAVING PROGRAMS SECTION 3 Page 3-3 RPC -320 29C040 512K [1-3], [2-4] To change the EPRO M in U6, remove the IC and replace it with the new one. Whe n installing a 29C256, pin 1 on t he IC g oes i nto sock et p in 3 . The to p two rows of pins are empty.
SERIAL PORTS SECTION 4 Page 4-1 RPC -320 Figure 4-1 Serial port and jumper loca tions DESCRIPTION The RPC -320 has two serial ports that interface to a printer, terminal, RS-485 network, or other serial devices. This chapter describes their char acteristics and how to use th em.
SERIAL PORTS SECTION 4 Page 4-2 RPC -320 Figure 4-2 Network diagram 400 LINEB 5,0,(LINEB( 5,0) .AND. 251) 500 LINEB 5,0,(LINEB( 5,0) .OR. 4) Jumper W 4 determines if COM 1 receive is RS-232 or RS-422/485. W4[1-2] RS-485 W4[2-3] RS-232 (de fault) COM1 de fau lt is RS- 232 .
SERIAL PORTS SECTION 4 Page 4-3 RPC -320 Figure 4-3 Data packet Two wire RS-485 The RS -48 5 po rt on the RPC-32 0 is set up f or 4 wi re mode. 2- wire mode causes transmitted data to be received. T o use the RPC-320 is this mode, your code should "flush" the received data or otherwise r emove transmitted information.
SERIAL PORTS SECTION 4 Page 4-4 RPC -320 You can access C OM0 and COM 1 buffers in three w ays: 1. INP UT sta tement. This re moves a ll charac ters in the buffer up to the term inator cha racter and puts them into a variabl e. When using the INPUT statement, program execution is susp ended until a < cr> (Enter key) is received.
SERIAL PORTS SECTION 4 Page 4-5 RPC -320 5 RXD In 6 CTS Out 9 Ground 10 +5 *RTS input not in COM0. A seria l cable is ma de by simp ly taking a 10 pin fe male IDC connector and crim ping a 9 wir e ribbon c able to it.
RAM MEMORY SECTION 5 Page 5-1 RPC -320 Figure 5-1 RAM and W1 ju mper location INTRODUCTION 32K, 128K, or 512K of RAM may be battery backed on the RPC-320. RA M size can be changed at an y time. RAM is in socket U5. RAM is backed up when a DS1216DM is install ed.
RAM MEMORY SECTION 5 Page 5-2 RPC -320 Figure 5-2 RPBASIC-52 memory map RESERVED MEMORY Many c ont rol s yst ems u se p roce ss v aria ble s th at a re operator entered. "variables" in this context include numbers, strings, ar rays, recipes, or formulas as applied to your applicat ion.
RAM MEMORY SECTION 5 Page 5-3 RPC -320 510 GOSUB 2000 Retrieve variables This subroutine s tores variables CF, JC, and AC into an array starting in segment 1, address 0.
DIGITAL AND OPTO PORTS SECTION 6 Page 6-1 RPC -320 Fig ure 6- 1 Di gi tal I/O INTRODUCTION Digital I/ O lines ar e used to inter face with op to-module rack s, swi tch es, lo w curre nt LED's, and oth er TTL dev ic es . The R PC-3 20 h as 34 of th es e l in es .
DIGITAL AND OPTO PORTS SECTION 6 Page 6-2 RPC -320 ground through a 10K/100K resisto r packs using ju mper W7. 10K is on digital port A only. Jumper W7 for pull up or down configuration is as follows: W7[1-2] Pull up W7[2-3] Pull down Setting W7 for pull up makes interfacing to switches and "open collector" TTL devices easy .
DIGITAL AND OPTO PORTS SECTION 6 Page 6-3 RPC -320 digital I/O lines 8 bits at a time . T he addr ess for po rt A is 0, B is 1, and C is 2. J3 I/O bank number is 3. Address for lines L0-L7 at P6 is 2 and I/O bank number is 5. LINE # function and statement accesses lines according to the pin number at J3.
DIGITAL AND OPTO PORTS SECTION 6 Page 6-4 RPC -320 Figure 6-2 Inductive load protection Protection diodes m ust be used with inductive loads. Refer to figure 6-2 Do not pa rallel outputs f or higher drive. This could result in damage since outputs will not s hare current equally.
DIGITAL AND OPTO PORTS SECTION 6 Page 6-5 RPC -320 100 CON FIG LIN E 100,13, 1,1, 1 200 D = LINE #(125) 210 F = LINE (1) 220 LINE 105, 1 230 LINE #1 10,1 :REM Tu rn on LED 240 LINE # 110 ,0 :REM Tur n of f LED Line 100 con fig ured the 82C5 5 so port s A an d C are inputs while B is the o utput.
DIGITAL AND OPTO PORTS SECTION 6 Page 6-6 RPC -320 Figure 6- 3 Di gi ta l I/ O connector pin out (vi ewed from top) Table 6-1 Conne ctor pin ou t - J3 Pin # 82C55 Description Opto Channel 19 Port A, l.
DIGITAL AND OPTO PORTS SECTION 6 Page 6-7 RPC -320 COMMANDS The following tables shows the RPBASIC-52 comm ands used for d igi tal I/O. Comm and Function CONFIG LI NE Configu res I/ O por ts COUNT Returns number of pulses at a line. LINE Function retur ns status of an opto module as a 0 or 1.
CALENDAR/CLOCK SECTION 7 Page 7-1 RPC-320 DESCRIPTION An optional DS1216DM calendar/clock module m ay be installed in U5. The DS1216D M also battery backs RAM. The DS1216DM from Remote Processing is a modified version of the Dallas DS1216D. An internal reset line has been cut.
CALENDAR/CLOCK SECTION 7 Page 7-2 RPC-320 Figure 7-1 Calendar/Clock.
DISPLAY PORT SECTION 8 Page 8-1 RPC-320 Figure 8-1 Display interface INTRODUCTION RPBASIC-52 and the RP C-320 interface to a variety of displays: VF (vacuum florescent) character LCD (liquid crystal) character LCD gr aphics Character display sizes range from four lines by 20 characters to four line s by 40 characters.
DISPLAY PORT SECTION 8 Page 8-2 RPC-320 DISPLAY TYPES RPBASIC-52' s software driver is based upon the characteristics of the display family. Compatible VF and LCD disp lay s are s hown b elo w: Manu fact.
KEYPAD PORT SECTION 9 Page 9-1 RPC -320 Figure 9-1 Keypad connector INTRODUCTION 16, 20, or 24 positi on keypads are plugged into keypad port J5. Keys are arra nged in a m atrix for mat. A key is recogn ized whe n a row and a colum n connect. RPBASIC-52 scans and debounces the keypad every 50 ms.
KEYPAD PORT SECTION 9 Page 9-2 RPC -320 The second example uses ON KEYPAD to generate an interrupt every time a key is pressed. 10 ON KEYPAD1000 . . . 500 GOTO 500 1000 PRINT KEYPAD(0) 1100 RETURN Line 10 sets up t he tasker for keypad int errupts to start at line 1000.
ANALOG INPUT SECTION 10 Page 10-1 RPC -320 Fig ure 10- 1 An al og I /O DESCRIPTION The RP C-320 has 8 single ended analog input channels. These channels are used to measure voltages from transducers, 4-20ma current loops, thermistors, etc. Input voltage r ange is 0 to 5 volts or ±2.
ANALOG INPUT SECTION 10 Page 10-2 RPC -320 following tables for differ ential inputs. When channel = odd Pol. - + - + - + - + CH # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 channel 1 3 5 7 When channel = even Pol. + - + - + - + - CH # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 channel 0 2 4 6 When range = 0, the input is ±2.
ANALOG INPUT SECTION 10 Page 10-3 RPC -320 into an array which requires 6 bytes per entry. The second example takes only two byes per entry, can save to extended m emor y, b ut requir es a longer time to get a data point. The pr ogram below take s about 1.
ANALOG INPUT SECTION 10 Page 10-4 RPC -320 The outpu t from the tempe ratur e sensor v aries fr om unit to unit. Self heating effects as well as s upply voltage will change the output.
ANALOG INPUT SECTION 10 Page 10-5 RPC -320 The outpu t voltage fro m the tem peratur e sensor is doubled by jumpering H1[5-7]. While this does not change the range the unit operates at, it does change increase temperature m easurement sensitivity. Data logging on a ti mer tick Some applicati ons require that dat a is read at fi xed intervals.
ANALOG INPUT SECTION 10 Page 10-6 RPC -320 Figure 10-2 Amplifier circuit CONVERTING ANALOG MEASUREMENTS Inputs are converted to "real numbe rs" by perfor ming scaling calculations in the program. The AIN function retu rns v alu es f rom 0 t o 40 95.
ANALOG INPUT SECTION 10 Page 10-7 RPC -320 Voltage outputs from pins 6 and 10 are generated by the RS-232 chip U8. Both of these voltages go through a 100 ohm resistor to H1-10 and H1-6. Pin 10 goes to 0 volts when operating the board in IDLE m odes 1 or 2.
WATCHDOG TIMER SECTION 11 Page 11-1 RPC-320 DESCRIPTION The watchdog timer is used to reset the RPC -320 if the program or CPU "crashes" . The time r is built into t he 80C320 CP U. Timed access requirem ents built int o the CPU make it high ly unlikely an er rant pr ocessor would can cel a wat chd og t imer.
EXTERNAL INTERRUPT SECTION 12 Page 12-1 RPC-320 DESCRIPTION There are tw o sources of interrupts the ONITR statement respond s to: Inter nal and exter nal. Exter nal interr upts are o ff- card . Int erna l i nte rrupt s are from t he c oun ter. External interrupts are used to "w ake-up" the card from any of the IDLE modes.
EXTERNAL INTERRUPT SECTION 12 Page 12-2 RPC-320 Figure 12-1 Optically isolated and TTL interrup ts enable interrup ts..
MULTI-MODE COUNTER SECTION 13 Page 13-1 RPC-320 DESCRIPTION The 24 bit multimode counter is capable of up/down, binary, divide-by-n, and quadrature inputs. C ount frequency is DC to 20 M hz. The R PC-320 uses an LSI Com puter Syste ms LS 7166. Its data sheet is foun d in Appendi x C.
MULTI-MODE COUNTER SECTION 13 Page 13-2 RPC-320 The following program example returns a frequency. In put si gna l i s a t "A I N". 100 LINEB 6,1,32 110 LINEB 6,1,72 : REM enable inputs 120 .
POWER MANAGEMENT SECTION 14 Page 14-1 RPC -320 DESCRIPTION There are thr ee power mana gement modes. Each mode affects th e way RPBASIC operates. T he IDLE command is used to cont rol how the card operates Default mode is full power. All commands, timers, and interrupts function.
POWER MANAGEMENT SECTION 14 Page 14-2 RPC -320 Curr ents are maximum and minimum as specified by the manufacturer. Min-max curr ent ranges "guaranteed" by the device manufact urer have a tremendous range, often by a factor of 10 or m ore. Cur rent abov e is “ty pical” .
TECHNICAL INFORMATI ON SECTION 15 Page 15-1 RPC -320 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS CPU 80C320, 22. 1184 Mhz clock Memory RPBASIC-52, 32K RO M, jumperable for 64K. Type : 27C25 6 Acc ess ti me: 80 ns o r fas ter. Program ming and data is 32K or 128K RAM standard, 512K Op tional.
TECHNICAL INFORMATI ON SECTION 15 Page 15-2 RPC -320 MEMORY AND I/O BANK MAP Memory Description Address RPBA SIC- 52, U4 000 0H - 7FFFH RAM , U 5, 32K 000 00H - 0 7FFFH 128K 000 00H - 1 FFFFH 512K 000.
デバイスRemote Technologies RPC-320の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Remote Technologies RPC-320をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはRemote Technologies RPC-320の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Remote Technologies RPC-320の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Remote Technologies RPC-320で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Remote Technologies RPC-320を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はRemote Technologies RPC-320の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Remote Technologies RPC-320に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちRemote Technologies RPC-320デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。