RicohメーカーRH5RH1A, RH5RH12B, RH5RH13Bの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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NO TICE 1. The products and the product specifications described in this application manual are subject to change or dis- continuation of production without notice for reasons such as improvement. Therefore, before deciding to use the products, please refer to Ricoh sales representatives for the latest information thereon.
OUTLINE ...................................................................................................... 1 FEA TURES .................................................................................................... 1 APPLICA TIONS ...........
TYPICAL APPLICA TIONS ............................................................................ 23 • RH5RH × × 1A ................................................................................................. 23 • RH5RH × × 2B ..........
PWM STEP-UP DC/DC CONVER TER 1 RH5RH × × 1A/ × × 2B/ × × 3B SERIES OUTLINE The RH5RH ×× 1A/ × × 2B/ × × 3B Series are PWM Step-up DC/DC converter ICs by CMOS process.
2 RH5RH × × × × – × × ← Part Number ↑ ↑ ↑ a b c SELECTION GUIDE In RH5RH Series, the output voltage, the driver, and the taping type for the ICs can be selected at the user's request. The selection can be made by designating the part number as shown below : For example, the product with Output Voltage 5.
3 • SOT-89-5 PIN CONFIGURA TION • SOT-89 PIN DESCRIPTION Pin No. × × 1B × × 2B × × 3B 1 1 5 2 2 2 3 — 4 — 3 3 — — 1 1 2 3 (mark side) 1 2 3 (mark side) 5 4 R H5RH Symbol Description V SS Ground Pin OUT Step-up Output Pin, Power Supply (for device itself) Lx Switching Pin (Nch Open Drain) EXT External Tr.
4 R H5RH ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RA TINGS Symbol Item V OUT Output Pin Voltage V LX Lx Pin Voltage V EXT EXT Pin Voltage V CE CE Pin Voltage I LX Lx Pin Output Current I EXT EXT Pin Current P D Power Dissipation Topt Operating Temperature Range Tstg Storage Temperature Range Tsolder Lead Temperature(Soldering) Rating Unit Note +12 V +12 V Note1 – 0.
5 ELECTRICAL CHARA CTERISTICS • RH5RH301A Symbol Item V OUT Output Voltage V IN Input Voltage Vstart Start-up Voltage Vhold Hold-on Voltage I DD 1 S upply Current 1 I DD 2 S upply Current 2 I LX Lx .
6 R H5RH • RH5RH501A V OUT =5.0V Unless otherwise provided, V IN =3V, Vss=0V, I OUT =10mA, Topt=25˚C, and use External Circuit of Typical Application (FIG. 1). (Note 1) Soft-Start Circuit is operated in the following sequence : (1) V IN is applied.
7 R H5RH • RH5RH302B Symbol Item V OUT Output Voltage V IN Input Voltage Vstart Oscillator Start-up Voltage I DD 1 Supply Current 1 I DD 2 Supply Current 2 I EXTH EXT “H” Output Current I EXTL EXT “L” Output Current fosc Oscillator Frequency Maxdty Oscillator Maximum Duty Cycle t start Soft-Start Time Conditions MIN.
8 • RH5RH303B Symbol Item V OUT Output Voltage V IN Input Voltage Vstart Start-up Voltage Vhold Hold-on Voltage η Efficiency I DD 1 S upply Current 1 I DD 2 S upply Current 2 I LX Lx Switching Curr.
9 • RH5RH503B V OUT =5.0V R H5RH Unless otherwise provided, V IN =3V, V SS =0V, I OUT =10mA, Topt=25˚C, and use External Circuit of Typical Application (FIG. 3). (Note 1) Soft-Start Circuit is operated in the following sequence : (1) V IN is applied.
10 OPERA TION OF STEP-UP DC/DC CONVER TER Step-up DC/DC Converter charges energy in the inductor when Lx Transistor (LxTr) is on, and discharges the energy with the addition of the energy from Input Power Source thereto, so that a higher output voltage than the input voltage is obtained.
11 R H5RH When the output current (I OUT ) is relatively small, topen<toff as illustrated in the above diagram. In this case, the energy charged in the inductor during the time period of ton is discharged in its entirely during the time peri - od of toff, so that ILmin becomes zero (ILmin=0).
12 R H5RH Therefore it is necessary that the setting of the input/output conditions and the selection of peripheral compo - nents should be made with ILmax taken into consideration.
13 R H5RH TYPICAL CHARA CTERISTICS 1) Output Voltage vs. Output Current RH5RH301A L=120µH V IN =1.0V 1.5V 2.0V 0 20 40 60 3.1 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 Output Current I OUT (mA) Output Voltage V OUT (V) L = 270µH 1.5V 3.1 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 Output Current I OUT (mA) Output Voltage V OUT (V) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 V IN =1.
14 R H5RH 2) Efficiency vs. Output Current RH5RH301A L=120µH V IN =1.0V 1.5V 2.0V 0 10 20 30 90 80 70 60 50 40 Output Current I OUT (mA) Efficiency η (%) L=270µH 1.5V 2.0V 0 10 20 30 40 90 100 80 70 60 50 40 Output Current I OUT (mA) Efficiency η (%) V IN =1.
15 R H5RH 3) Supply Curret (No Load) vs. Input Voltage 4) Output Current vs.Ripple Voltage RH5RH301A L=120µH 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 50 60 70 40 30 20 10 0 Input Voltage V IN (V) Supply Current I IN (µA) L=270µH 1.
16 5) Start-up/Hold-on Voltage vs. Output Current (Topt=25˚C) R H5RH RH5RH301A L=270µH 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 50 60 70 40 30 20 10 0 Output Current I OUT (mA) Ripple Voltage Vr (mV p-p) 2.0V 3.0V V IN =0.9V L=270µH 1 10 90 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 50 60 70 80 40 30 20 10 0 Output Current I OUT (mA) Ripple Voltage Vr (mV p-p) 2.
17 R H5RH 6) Output Voltage vs.Temperature RH5RH302B L=28µH 0 20 40 60 80 100 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Output Current I OUT (mA) Start-up/Hold-on Voltage Vstart/Vhold (V) Vstart Vhold L=28µH 1.
18 R H5RH 9) Supply Current 1 vs.Temperature RH5RH501A 0.8 1.0 1.2 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 – 20 –40 0 20 40 60 80 T emperature T opt (˚C) Start-up Voltage Vstart(V) –40 – 20 0 20 40 60 80 T emperature T opt (˚C) 0.
19 R H5RH 13) Oscillator Frequency vs. Temperature 14) Oscillator Duty Cycle vs. Temperature RH5RH301A I OUT =10mA V IN =2V L=120µH Oscillator Frequency fosc(kHz) 50 60 70 80 90 100 40 30 20 10 0 –.
20 R H5RH 15) V LX Voltage Limit vs. Temperature RH5RH302B I OUT =10mA V IN =2V L=28µH –40 –20 0 20 40 60 80 T emperature T opt (˚C) Oscillator Duty Cycle Maxdty(%) 70 80 90 100 60 50 I OUT =10m.
21 R H5RH 18) Load Transient Response RH5RH301A I OUT =1mA-30mA V IN =2V L=120µH 0 20 40 60 80 Time t(ms) 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 Output Voltage V OUT (V) 150 180 210 240 120 90 60 30 0 Output Current I OUT (mA) Output Voltage Output Voltage Output Current I OUT =1mA-30mA V IN =3V L=120µH 0 20 40 60 80 Time t(ms) 5.
22 R H5RH 19) Distribution of Output Voltage 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Distribution (%) Output Voltage V OUT (V) 5.18~5.20 5.16~5.18 5.14~5.16 5.12~5.14 5.10~5.12 5.08~5.10 5.06~5.08 5.04~5.06 5.02~5.04 5.00~5.02 4.98~5.00 4.96~4.98 4.94~4.96 4.92~4.94 4.
23 R H5RH TYPICAL APPLICA TIONS V IN Inductor Diode Lx OUT Vss V OUT + Capacitor Components Inductor (L) : 120µH (Sumida Electric Co., Ltd.) Diode (D) : MA721 (Matsushita Electronics Corporation, Schottky Type) Capacitor (C L ) : 22µF (Tantalum Type) FIG.
24 R H5RH V IN Inductor Diode Lx OUT Vss V OUT + Capacitor EXT CE NC Components Inductor (L) : 120µH (Sumida Electric Co., Ltd.) Diode (D) : MA721 (Matsushita Electronics Corporation, Schottky Type) Capacitor (C L ) : 22µF (Tantalum Type) FIG.
25 V IN Inductor Diode Lx OUT Vss V OUT + Capacitor EXT CE NC RH5RH ×× 3B Pull-up resistor Tr CE R H5RH • CE pin Drive Circuit FIG. 5.
26 V IN Inductor Diode OUT Vss V OUT + Capacitor EXT ZD:6.8V RH5RH502B Tr Cb R ZD Rb Starter Circuit (Note) When the Output Current is small or the Output Voltage is unstable,use the Rzd for flowing the bias current through the Zener diode ZD.
27 V IN Trance1:1 Diode OUT Vss V OUT + Capacitor Lx RH5RH ×× 1A Starter Circuit (Note) Use a RH5RH × × 2B,depend on the Output Current. FIG. 8 ZD ST R ST Tr V OUT side V OUT side V IN side V IN side Starter Circuit Starter Circuit ZDst 2.5V ≤ /ZDst ≤ Designation of Output Voltage Rst Input Bias Current of ZDst and Tr.
28 P A CKA GE DIMENSIONS (Unit: mm) T APING SPECIFICA TIONS (Unit: mm) • SOT-89 • SOT-89-5 • SOT-89 • SOT-89-5 R H5RH 4.5±0.1 0.4±0.1 0.4±0.1 1.5±0.1 1.6±0.2 1.5±0.1 ±0. 1 ±0. 1 ±0.1 1.5±0.1 2.5±0.1 0.4 MIN. 4.25MAX. 0.8 ø1.0 1 2 3 0.
29 R H5RH When using these ICs, be sure to take care of the following points : • Set external components as close as possible to the IC and minimize the connection between the components and the IC. In particular, when an external component is connected to OUT Pin, make minimum connection with the capacitor.
RICOH COMPANY, LTD. ELECTRONIC DEVICES DIVISION HEADQUARTERS 13-1, Himemuro-cho, Ikeda City, Osaka 563-8501, JAPAN Phone 81-727-53-1111 Fax 81-727-53-6011 YOKOHAMA OFFICE (International Sales) 3-2-3, Shin-Yokohama, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa 222-8530, JAPAN Phone 81-45-477-1697 Fax 81-45-477-1694·1695 http://www.
デバイスRicoh RH5RH1A, RH5RH12B, RH5RH13Bの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Ricoh RH5RH1A, RH5RH12B, RH5RH13Bをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはRicoh RH5RH1A, RH5RH12B, RH5RH13Bの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Ricoh RH5RH1A, RH5RH12B, RH5RH13Bの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Ricoh RH5RH1A, RH5RH12B, RH5RH13Bで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Ricoh RH5RH1A, RH5RH12B, RH5RH13Bを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はRicoh RH5RH1A, RH5RH12B, RH5RH13Bの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Ricoh RH5RH1A, RH5RH12B, RH5RH13Bに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちRicoh RH5RH1A, RH5RH12B, RH5RH13Bデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。